HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-10-17, Page 4(• r ssified Ads.I Classihelt Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR a/ALE, WANTED.,__LOST AND FOUND ETC. -PAP Wgrfl: lat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week Oent Mimmuna charge, each insertion.— 25 Centa Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. . Cards a Thanes, In Memoriam Notices, COnthtfr Events -1 cent per word. elihimum. , 50 cents per word. Enquiriee raay be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Elepositor, for 10 cents team. Ten cents additional will be charged if ada in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inaerted free of oharge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on applies/don. • Coming Events TE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE A R E sponsoring euchre and dance parties in the Seaforth Community Centre on the following dates; November 7 and 28. The Proceeds are in aid af welfare work. nANCING AT THE POPULAR ORES- "' tal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, with the Nighthawks, featur- ing Clarence Petrie with the very latest in Western dance tunes, and the best in square dancing- 4423x2 For' Rent TelOR 1tENT-150 ACRES, GOOD FOR cropping or pasture; handy to them. Apply to MRS. ANDREW BUCHANAN, Hensall. 4423-1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM L. ANDERSON • A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ee• against the Estate of William L. An- derson, late of the Tow -meths of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceas- ed, who died on the 19th day of May, 195" are hereby notified to send in full particu- lars of their claime to the undersigned on or before the 24th day of October, 1952, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. 'DATED at Seaforth, this 26th day of September. 1952. MoCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. 4421-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE of Charlotte Maria Cooper, late of the Village of Hensa11.1 in the County of Huron, Widow, Be- ' ceased. eeee , TRADE DT YOUR OLD PIANO AND 1 -'• chesterfield at theMildma F i Help Wanted, TTELP WANTED—HOUSEWARE PAR- "' ties need dealers, men or women, for Part-time work. Box 192, HURON EX- POSITOR.. 4422-2 DOOR -110-D0014 SALESMAN WANT - ed to sell our 225 well-known and guaranteed products including: cosmetics, es, medicines, tea, coffee, etc. Large discount. Splendid vacant territor- ies in your neighborhood. Unlimited in- come for the ambitious person. No risk— very little capital needed. Particulars: J1TO. 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal, 4421-4 Personals "QKINNY" GIRLS I GET LOVELY • " curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs.. new Pete Try famous health and werghtebuilder, flares Tonic Tablets. Introductory, eget- acquainted"' size ONLY 60e. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (le UB BE It Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope veldt price list 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00.Mail-Order Dept. T-73 NOVA-RUBB:ER CO., Box 91, Ha.milton, Ont, Notices pADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS "e of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf lICIAINTING — SPRAY OR BRUSH; Papering, Sunworthy wallpapers. Sign Painting a specialty. ED. (BUCK) LIT- TLE, Hensel'. Phone 196-R, Hensel'. 4421-4 A ratoNTION, FAR.MERS! -.-PROMPT, ee- courteous e011ection of all dead and disabled farm animals. Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Aesociated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd_ 4399-tf NOTICE LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS ee• against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th day of November, A.D. 19.52, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto: having regard only to the claims of which notice shall Wive been given. DATED at elipton, Ontario, this 141h day of October, K.D. 1952, F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 4423-3 Tenders Wanted TWP. of TUCKERSMITH Tender TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR SNOW- plowing- townshig roads in the Town- ship of Teckersmith for the winter of "9-- Ve• n • fefeot plows with he- draulically. operated plow and wing, to be used on 4 -ton or better trucks. Contractor to supply all equipment and labor. Tender to state a flat rate per hour, and tendsrs to close at 8 p.m. on October 20, 19.52. • ;tweeted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily, A UCTION SALE OF FULLY ACCRED- aRed Regien stered' Scotch Shorthocat- tle, at Lot 19, Con. 7, Hay Twee, 33/4 miles west of Heinen. or 2,e east of Zur_ eh, on Wednmday, October 29, at 1:10 4 red bulls of eervierable age; 2 , red bulls. 7 menthe old ; 2 red cows, bred tem.:. to freshen in March;: 2 heifers due tirae of sale; 4 heifers, bred, and due in March; 5 onen heifers. rising 2 years old. All the a eattle are vaccinated. Terms—Cash, ROSS e IC K, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Aim- tioneer. 4423-2 1 rILEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM c Stock. Implements and Household Ef- fects. at Lot No. le, Concession 1, No. 4 ; Highway, one mile south of Brucefield, 5 on Wednesday, October 29, at 1 p.m., the b following: Team of horses: cows: young e eatt/e: pigs; Case S tractor; tractor equip- ment: a full line of farm implements; some household effects. Terms—Cash. No r y urn ture Store. Select from six new pianos, 14 used pianos, /3 beautiful new chesterfield and davenport suites. Free delivery. GODFREY SCHUETT, Mildmay and Mount 'Forest. 4421-3 Auction Sales I A LeCTION SALE—SPONSORED BY THE ee• Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian i Church, in Hensel] Community Arena on Wednesday, October 29, at 8 p.m. Al , articles donated by members of cherch (furniture, clothing, china, etc.); goods in Arena Wednesday afternon. E. W. ELLICYIT, Auctioneer, 4423-2 E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Tuckersmith. 4422-2 TWP. OF USBORNE rrEINDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until 9 p.m.: Monday, October 20, 1952, for snowplowing town- ship roads. Contractor to submit price Per hour, and also deseription of equipmeqt. Ai guarantee of 3300.00 te be furnished by Township. Work to be done day or night, ender direction of Road Superin- tendent, eserve as the farm is sold. A full listing in next week's paper. WILLIAM BURDGE, Proprietor; Edward W. Elliott, Auction- eer; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk, 4423-1 UCTION SALE OF 30 DAIRY BRED eee Cows and Heifers, at Lot No. 131, Con- ceseinn 8, Goderich Township, 1 mile south of Porter's Hill. on Tuesday, October 21. at 1:30 pan., consisting of Holsteins, Jer- seys and Durban's. Some of these cows are fresh and the balance springing. All are from 2 to 4 years o'd. These cattle have been all raised on our own farm; are vaecinated and recently T.B. tested. The milk business is the hest on the farm today, so arranee to attend this sale: 8 ehunks of Pigs. Terms --Cash. A. E. TOWNSHEND & SOH Proprietors: Ed- ward W. Mott, Auctioneer; K. W. Coley- houn. Clerk, 4423-1 LICTION SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- ines in the Town of Sea forth East I' William St., on Monday. October -20, at 1 9-r0. : Leonard 6-16. Frigidaire- dining room suite, table, buffet and 6 h i accepted. Lowest or any tender not necessarily A For further particulars apply to W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, R.R. No. 3, Exeter, Ont. 4422-2 SMALL HOLDING chairs ; dishes; kitchen utensils, and many FOR SALE other articles. Property for sale through the office of M. A. Retd. Terms—Cash C TS : ma- lhogany settee and table; library table; 'number of meal/ tables; 2 -burner rantrette: occasional chairs; kitchen chaireand rock- ers; magazine rack; 2 easy roekere; singls day bed: floor larnps and table lamPs ; dresser and stand: 4 covered bedrosrn THERE IS OFFERED FOR SALE By " tender, a 171e -acre parcel of land on Pivhway No. 4. about one enile north of Clinton (the property occupied by the late Cornelius Hoare). On the property is a house and barn in need of some repairs. There are also approximately 250 fruit tree. It is be- lieved that town water under pressure would be available. This property is exceptionally well lo - 'sated and must be sold to close an Estate. Sealed tenders will be received by F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario marked Hoare Estate Tender," until October 21, 1952. The highest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted. The property mae he inspected any forenoon or in the afternoon by appointment, For further particulars amity to the un- dersigned. F. FINGLAND, Q.C., Clinton. Ontario, F. W. ROGERS, Executor, 252 Cathcart St., London, Ont. 4422-2 TWP. of TUCKEVSMITH Tender TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR THE " construction of a concrete bridge, lile x 58e, at Lot 13, Con. 6-7, Town- ship of Tuckeramith and will be received by the Clerk of the Township of Tucker - muftis ontil 9 p.m., October 20, 1962. Tens ders shall be submitted on blank forms provided by the- Tcrwnship and shall give the unit prices and the total RUM for the work described. Tenders shall be delivered in a (sealed opaque envelope, clearly rnark-; ed TENDER. Tenderera must examine in formation to bidders at the Clerk's Office. Tenders will be aecomPanied by a tided cheque drawn and made payable, to the order Of the Treasurer of the Tisernehip of Tacketernith for 10% of the tender pride. tineeet or anY tender not necessarily Work Must he comPleted bIT Decesithet s5CliftSNZY, , Clerk, •• Tiitinithilt.,of 44224 1 ertHE PROPERTY OCCUPTED BY THE " late James Riley will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday. Octo- ber 2.5, at 12:30 p.m on the ^ ' MRS. CHRIS. 3T/IST (nee. Mrs Stoddart). • Proprietress: Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, 4422-2 AUCTION SALE the corner of John and Jarvis Streets, in the Town of Seafortb. Such Property consists of 6 -roomed frame cottage with three-piem tath, lo - rated on lot approximately 50? Full bariernent with cement floor; well lo- cated on paved ;street - Terms --20% down balance in 30 days. Subject to reserve bid- Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. MoCONNELL & HAYS. Solicitors for Jame t Riley Estate, 4423-2 A UCTION SALE OF PROPER'TY AND -"et Household Effects, in the Village of Hensel]. on Saturday, Oct,ober /8, at 1 p.m.: White all -enamel Beach cook stove; Quebec heater; (2o -op Electric washer (like • new); Astral refrigerator; dinette table and buffet; 5 kitchen chairs; kitchen cab- ' inet; svhite enternel kitchen utility tables Singer sewing machine; 2 -burner hot -plate; day bed; studio couch; 9 -pie e modern walnut dining roozn auite (like new) ; radio: fernery; 3-miece chesterfield suite; pedestals: end -tables; lamps; Iran; toast- er; Goblin vacmirin cleaner vrith attach- ment; (like new); other electrical appli- ances: re matched modern single beds with eprings and inner spring mattresses; mod- ern btown three-quarter bed with prings and inner spring mattresses; 1 bedroom suite, complete; odd dreaser; 3 congoleum tugs and other floor coverings; scatter mats; qUilfs; Sod linende teething and drapee; lawn mower; quantity dishes. in- cluding Bridal Wreath teens; ornaanente• caleraen utenails; erocke: clocks; enirrori:, an d other 'articles. At aarne place at 3:10 Pan., the property will be offered for gale, subject to reserve bid: Seven - room frame house, covered with white :asbestos shinst/es: three -Piece bsth, hot and cold water: also garage. Terms—Chattels, cash.CPY. down; batanne in 30 dere- ednite pesitesaion. nom. JAS. SAN Proprietr_ oft: Moot(' Jackson, Atictierieet; 11. Y. usentoy. Clerk. 4420.-2 Auction Sales A /Krum 811-rr OF la OUSEMICOLO ee• Furnishings in Seaforth, at the Inane of Mn,, J. d. Selater, High' St, On Satur- day, October 25, at 2 o'clock Sieseftere Frigidaire; stadio bed couch; bed, springs and 'mattress, dresuer, dining mope ex- tension table; 5 chairs and arm chair; sideboard; writing desk; Electralux vacuum cleaner (like pew); small kitchen table; abeelee Mirror mega electric—or_ wood Annex stove; tub; boiler; coal scuttle; Pots and pans; ram's; rocking chair: pic- tures; clocks; silver ; dishes; odd dishes: kitchen dishes: floor lump; small radio; heating Pad, and other aroall articles. Terms --Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE JOHN FINLAYSON, Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4423-2 reLEMUNG AUCTION SALE OF FARM se' and Farm Machinery, at Lot 8, Conces- sion 7, Stanley Township, 3 miles south of Varna, on Moudey, October 27, at 1 p.m.: MACIIINE,RY Massey-Flarris binder; Massey-liorris 13 -hoe seed drill; dump rake:. riding plow; wagon ; flat rack; set of harrows; cultivator; 6 tons hay; set of double harness; 2 tables: writing desk; 3 beds; 10 kitchen chairs and some other household effects. PROPERTY—At same tirae and place there will be offered for sale, suleject to a reserve bid, the farm, beihg Lot 8, Concession 7, in the Town- ship of Stanley, upon which there is situ- ate a comfortable house and a good bank barn. TEitaws—totyc down on date of sale; balance in 30 days. Chattels --Cash. ESTATE OE' ADMR, ROBERT FORREST: William Forrest, Executor: Bell & Laugh- ton, Solicitors; Harold Jackson, Auction- eer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk, 4422-3 Fiyst al CONSIGNMAEsh SALE 33 Registered Hereford Cattle Consisting of S Bulls and 25 Females on the herds of J. McGregor, Hen- sall ; H. C. Wright & Son, Croznarty, and Stanley Jackson, Kippen. Monday, October 20, 1952 at 1:30 p.m. Sale to be held at Stanley Jackson's Farm, KiPPen Location of Jaybee Farms -3 miles east and one mile north of Kippen, or five miles south of Seaforth. There will also be offered for sale at the same place 48 Yearling Angus and Hereford Steers averaging about 760 pounds. ERNIE O'NEIL - PERCY WRIGHT, Ringmen W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer. 4422-2 CpLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Machinery and Household Effects, at Lot 7, Concession I, Hay Township, two miles north of Exeter, on No. 4 High- way, on Thursday. October 23, at 1 p.m.: tMPLEMENTS—Massey-Harris 12 -ft. coni - bine (1948) new motor, completely over- hauled in 1952; John Deere baler (nearly new) ; John Deere B tractor, power trol; John Deere tractor spreader; John Deere 7 -foot power mower; International side delivery rake; International 2 -furrow plow on rubber: John Deere 8 -foot disc (new) ; 2 -horse disc; Smeltery grain blow- er with pipes; 6 -section harrows: three - drum steel roller; fanning mill; sales, 600 lbs, capacity; sap pan and buckets, spiles; wheelbarrow; grass seeder: horse scuffier; 2 Ja.mesway oil brooders with pipes, nearly new; Royal Purple coal brooder; colony house•'15 range shelters; feeders; water troughs: snow fence; 40 rods poultry fence; New Woods eleotrie grinder; set heavy harness; collars; Stew- -let electric clippers; sa-ton Ford truck and rack; crosscut saw: Swede sow; large knee; electric fencer; 32 -foot extension ladder; Hudson Commodore with radio, air -foam cushions, Lifeguard tires: 520 Red Sussex pullets, laying; Wingham Clipper stove, water front (like new) ; 2 oak tables; dining room chairs; chester- field suite; 2 bedroom suites; walnut table; 2 bedroom suites; kitchen buffet; single bed; child's steel cot; churn; Mis- sion settee. Terms—Cash. REG KNIGHT, Proprietor; Haro`d Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P, Chesney, Clerk, 4422-2 TeXTENS/VE CLEARING AUC'TION Sale of Farm Stock, High -Powered Machinery, Imp(ements. Feed and Furni. ture W. F. Nairn will sell by public uction on Highway $3, six riles east of Exeter at Farquhar, on Tuesday, October 1, 1e52, corral nc'ng at 10:30, the fol - owing: 1 home: 8 Durham and Holstein ows, milking and bred again; 4 spring elves I Durhams) ; 1 Durham bull. HOGS —3 brood sows; 5 hoes, 150 lbs.; 20 hoats. 9'OWL-100 punets 5 months old; 0 Capons. 9eEea.)-1 bushel alfalfa; lee usheis red clover: 10 bushels sweet dov- r ; 18 tons mixed hay • 15 lns,ls straw; 1 acre turnips. IMPLEMENTS— I. 12-11. self-propelled 27 combine, 10 - ft. mounted swather; Massey -Harris 44 eiesel tractor with shutters and hour in - rhea tor. r • n 1,100 hours; Mall. Pon tractor with mower, 2 -row stuffier 2anel bean pullsr, 2 years old; Avery 2-p10 tractor with seuifier; 11.-11. 3 -furrow plow on rubber, new. ISA narrow bottom; bl. H. G.A. one-way disc: Mall. 10 -ft, doted disc: John Deere 10 -ft. cultivator; lberun international single disc and power M. -H. 7. -ft. No. 5 binder: Internationid 2 row hydraulic seuffier for IL tractor; M. . e rake International rope hay load er : 3 -drum steel roller:" rtsbber tired wag. on and flat rank; 2 -wheeled trailer with ..tock rack; grain blower: Allis-Chalmers 2- fu rrew plow on rubber steel truck wagon and box; 2 sets 3 -section harrows • colony house 16x10: oil brooder, 500 cap- acity, heavy duty double emery; rotary uurrm: small double Emery and air com- pressor: power bench saw; limed vise: Pipe vise; die set for %,,T, Iv, and lee pine: set of sleiehs; dum.p rake: seufiler; 100 feet hay fork rope; 150 feet rope: forks and pulleys: quantity of lumber and 'roo - extension ladder: 2 one -guar. ter horse motors; rotary gear -type water Purne : Pine: el•ctrie fencer; Hall- man jerk; used piping and couplings; Burdisso pinchers; 6 logging chalets; ahovds, forks, saws, wrenches and garage toots; 3 chicken shelters; 1919 Interna- tional KS. 2,,,e -ton truck, complete with 'noist and stork rack. FURNITURE --9- Piece black walnut dining room suite: Wingharn cook stove; Clare Jewel heater; Acme 2 -plate electric stove; radio; Vic- trcea : settee: extension table and 6 chairs; kitchen table and chairs: 1 coniplete en- amel bedroom suite; dressers: stands; small tables ro kers; 2 dozen sealers; etc. No reserve the proprietor is moving to Wineham. Terins—Caeh, day of sale ROY MeLEOD. Proprietor; James Smith and Garnet Hkks, Clerks; W. E. Nairn, . A uctioncer. The Thsimes Road I ns4t4it3...ut are operating the booth ; Hensa. Miss Irma Klpfer, Toronto, spent the week -end holiday at her home here. Miss Elvera Churchill, Toronto, -spent 'Thanksgiving with her sister and brother -In-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. R, Shad -dick. Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Cook and family, Windsor, visited over the weekend with the formei"s mother, Mrs. C. Cook, Miss Hannah Craie;, Mrs. Burke and Miss Luella,Burke, Seaforth, visited Missk.Minnie Reid this week. Mrs. C. M. Hedden was visited over .Thanksgiving by her sons, Lloyd, Trville and Russell, of St. Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. Kaye and Steve, and Rey Redden, St. Catharines, ,visited over the weekend with Mr. Fred Kennings and May. Mr. James Blatchford, who has been visiting his sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Jinks, for the past few weeks,. left Tues- day for his honae in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. 'Stewart Bell spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Bell's broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henderson, in 'Buffalo, N.Y. They also visited relatives in To- ronto on the way home. Miss Kay Bell, iCrumlin, spent Thanksgiving ,with her grandmoth- er, Mrs. Gertrude Keen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ilhaugall were in Toronto Monday attending the fun- eral of the late William J. Bell. For Rent pen.. RENT — COMFORTABLE ROOM " and hoard available, in private home for elderly People. Apply BOX 142, Hen- salL 442311. For Sale SALE—SUNSIILNE BABY CAR- ' Huge;•excellent condition. PHONE 197-R, Seaforth. 4423x1 roe SALE -2 EXTRA GOOD LEICES- ' ter ram lanibs, not registered. Apply DR, J. W. DELL, Hensall. Phone 685 r 6. 4423.2 F°21 SALE—QUANTITY OP DRY MIX- " ed wood, suitable for stove or furnace; also pair girl's Bauer skates, size 6, good as new. APPIY M,AURICE wru-E. Phone 672 r 3, Seaforth_ 4423x1 F°21 SALE—CARROTS, $1.25 BUSHEL: Citrons, 5c and lac; Watermelons, Sc and 10e; Cabbage, 2e Th.; Tulip Bulbs, 61.00 per 100. BASIL PURCELL, Market St. Phone 125-W. 4423x1 pen SALE—WINDOW GLASS; 1 S e• bed: 1 wooden bed with springs; pair coil springs: oilcloth rug; 9 stoves • e Quebec heaters; 2 boilers; Bantam roos- ters. CLARENCE REEVES, Seaforth 4423x1 FOR' SALE — THREE SOWS 'WITFf Pigti '2 sows to farrow this month; 2 K/emscott English Yorkshires, not regis- tered 1 English briar and 1 sow three months old: 1 choice Tam hog, 14 months: 3 butcher sows. ROGER ANDREWS, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 647 r 3. Seaforth. 4423x1 BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cairns and Mr. Tom Cairns visited Sunday at Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Vivian's, Cromarty. Mr. and Mrs. McClung -and BehbY spent the holiday at Watford -with friends. Mr. J. Mt:Ewing, Winnipeg and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McE)wing, Myth, c.alled on Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Dal- rymple ,Sunday. Miss Lou Allen, Hamilton, apent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Allan, Mr. Thornton Mustard, Weston, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec !Mustard, over the holiday. Misses Ina and Ellen Scott visit- ed their brothers, Ross and Bill Scott, ovey, the weekend. 'Mr, and Mrs. Percy McMartin, Toronto, visited with their cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. A, rhapfe and family and Mrs. H. Aikenhead. Mr, and.1Mrs. Stan Neil, Pat and Ronnie, of Glencoe, spent "the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Stackhouse and 'family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray, Brantford, are getting settled in their apart- ment. 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan were vis• ited by Mr. and Mrs. Murray Squire of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. George Griffiths and children, Stratford, were weekend gueVs in the village. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Mrs. R, Detroit, visited with 'Mrs. H. Zapfe. KIPPEN Mrs. "Walker, Peterboro, and Mrs. Brownlee, Oregon, are visit - ng Messrs. Henry and William lv- ison, also .Miss Jean. Mr. and Mrs. ,E)wassack, Strat- ford, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson. Mrs. 'Dinsdale and Miss White- man spent Thanksgiving holiday with Mrs, .Dinsdale's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and M. Eddie Taylor, Stratford. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family, London, visited Thanks- giving Day with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cud more.. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Goderich,and Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Win- throp, visited one day last week th \vdMr. ,and Mrs. Dowson, District Obituaries HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE — WE LATE MRS. HARRY ARNOLD have steered a permit and have im- ported flowering bulbe from the gardens •sf Jac ^e Vroomen. Lisse, Holland, and re reedy to give you the best bulbs at the right price. Darwin Tulips, King M- ired Daffodils and Hyacinths in separate colors. Plant some this Fall d bave your flower beds greet you with a Maze of ',tory in the Springs Open every eveting. RAKER'S GREENHOUSE ,Seaforth. 44195 Fixtures - Furnaces Filters - Fittings flOMPLETE • /BATHROOM FIXTURES-- BATH (4%' or 5?). BASIN, CLOSET, Powder 01(00sete—white or color with chromed fittines. KITCfrEN SINKS white or color—chromed fittings and KIT- CHEN SINK CABiNETS for porcelain en amel dramboard tops or phistic tops. 9 FURNACES --coal and on gravity or air. mnditioning with controls and replacing w FIBERGLASS FILTERS for forced -air fur- naces. FITTINGS and pipe in copper, cast - iron, black and galvanized steel. Lauri- e dry tubs, shower cabinets, electric ranges, refrigerators, pressure systems, oil burn- : erg. FREE CATALOGTJE. Write or visit - our new raodern showrooms. We deliver —you pay no freight. For Sale FOR SALE—QUEBEC HEATER: LARGE file, in good condition. PHONE 1.383,. Seaforth. 4423x1 POR SALE—REFRIGERATOR IN A-1 e• condition; tri -light lamp good as new. Apply to Box 191, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4422-ef port SALE -4J000 PRINCESS ROSE cook etove, and a quantity of wood, JAMES ELLJOTT, Phone 240-W, Sea - forth. 4423-1 FOR SALE—BOY'S BROWN 2-TROUS- er suit, eke 10-12. Can be seen at 3C0iNS CLEANERS. 4423-1 WOOD FOR SALE — REASONABLY Priced. APPle to WILLIAM Mc- PHERSON, R.R. 1, Walto Lot 7, Con, 14, Meleillop Tern. 4423x2 FOR SALE --USED 4 -BURNER GURN- ey range' excellent condition. Apply BOX FURNIINERE STORE, Seaforth. 4422-2 QPRAYED( APPLES FOR SALE -- '-e Small quantity of too (nullity Northern Sps, applea. Apply ROBERT ARCM - BALD. R.R. 4, Seaford', or phone 655 r 16, Seaford'. 4422-4 "FOR SALE --NEW SINGER SEWING Machines', electric and treadle. Re - Pairs to all Makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO, Goderfeh, Phone 1135, 4396-1 OR SALE — nAltowneri SLABS, moatly mettle, 810.00 per load of ap- proximately two cords: mixed wood slab*. $8 per Mad, approximately two cords; de- livered in Seaforth. Let lig figure OU your sawdust requirements. Prompt deliver'', Vat's Runre.. Phone 362, Clinton. 4420-8 S. V. .TOFINSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES, Streetsville, Ontario, 4421-5 Cards Of Thanks THE FAMILY OP THE LATE PETER I• Cerneron wish to thank all those who issisiated in any way during their recent 'bereavement—Doctors Gorwill McM acten and Steer, the Superintendent and Nurses of Scott Memorial Hospital, Mn, James T. Scott, those who sent flowers, loaned cars or helped in the home. 4423-1 WISH To THANK OUR MANY friends and neighbors for their kind - nese and help about the home and those who sent flowers, cards and fruit to the Hoepital, also to thank the nurses and staff of Scott Memorial Hospital and Dr. j4A--1 G°rwill' 423THE CHESNEY FAMILY T' WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS chance to thank the good people of Brussels who helped so willingly M get my .things reedy for the two afternoon ssles. I feel 1 owe all who helped in any way a debt of gratitude I will never be able to reeay. At my age I cannot hope to do an -thing in esturn for such kind - nem, courtesy land deist I feel I should specially mention Charles Davidson and Robert Bosvsnan for acting as Clerk and Treasurer and refused to take pay, also Nies. W. 1.. Speir, Mrs, John Hislop and Mrs. R, J. McLaughlin, for handinee in nice things to eat. I assure all I will rentemlber their kindness until my dying day. JAMES McFADZEAN Births DELANEY—At Scott Memorial 'Hospital, on October 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delaney, R.R. 1. Dublin, a daughter', SARARAS—At Scott Memorise Hospital, on October 12, to Mr. and Mrs. no.. Sararas, Cromarte, a son. Marriages WRIGHT - D NEM — At the Memorial • Chapel of 4Jntennitry United Church. Hamilton, on October. 4, Audrey Marie, daughter of Mn. and Mee. Allan Dennis, to Morley B. Wright, son of Mrs, Alex Wright, Seaforth, and the late Mr. Wright- HAZLETT - THOMSON—On Friday, Oct. 10, at 7:30 p.m., in Iferriberereet United Church, Toronto, by Rev. T. W. Hazle- wood, Lois Helen, daughter of Mr. and Mre. D. Lorne Thomson and grand- danghter of Mee John Fisher of Hen- na!). to John Walter, son of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Hazlett, Deaths CAMERON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, Senforth, on October 11, Peter. Cameron, Tuckersmith, in his 90th "year. RELL—en Toronto, on Satueday, October 11 William John Bell, beloved htiaband of Sere% lane Cooper, and dear broth- er of Mis. Thomas Pryde, m his 53rd Fein 1 HENSALL.—Mrs, Harry Arnold, nrom'nent rerident of 11005711 for the past 60 years, died at her home Ihet- e Tuesday, in her 86th year, She was in failing health for tome time, The former Annie Jeanette pe son, she was born in the Ail Craig area, and came to Hens as a bride, where her late husba owned a private banklater chan ed to the Bank of Montreal, whi he managed for years. Mrs. Ar old was a member of Carmel Pre byterian.Church and organized th Arnold Circle Auxiliary, which w named after her. She was also life member of the Women's Mi sienary Society. Surviving is a Water. Miss Stell Robson, Toronto. Public funeral se vices were held from the famil residence. King St., Thursday, 2 p.m., with Rev. J. B. Fox °Mc a t ing. Burial was in Woodlan cemetery, London. LATE MRS. M. HACKNEY b- sa all nd g - eh 8- e 53 a s - a at Admission: $1.50 and 75c Mr. end Mx!.lialetcZurink, Inler ited *ThursdaY1 with Mr. and illirg- Cudniore- and 111111%. Ro'bt. Ilieenseal bad a.s Thankniving DaY Visitors, their two daughters, husbands and fam- ilies; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sehnei- der and Mr. and Mrs. Cornish, Goderich. Mr. and Mm Edgar Schnell, Cam - rose, Alta., are sisating Mrs. Schnell% mother, )Mrs. Robert Mc- Bride. Mr. an.d Mrs. Norman Dickert and Merle spent Thanksgiving DaY with relatives in 'Clifford. Mr. Bob Love, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rosshove. Mr. and 'Mrs. Archie Parsons spent Sunday with the latter's sis- ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and -Mrs. Joseph Carter, near Claude- iboye. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cackstetter and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Homey, Exeter, Sunday. Mrs. l3rightmore, London, is vis- iting her sister and brother -in -lave-, Mr, and Mrs. John ,Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 'Mellis vis- ited relatives in Wroxeter over Thanksgiving Day. CROMARTY Mrs. Dan (McKellar and daugh- ter, Joy Ann, ,Buffale, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hunkins, Belmore, visited ,vvith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris were: Mr. and 'Mrs. H. Jac- obi, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs, Orville Storey and family; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Storey and family, Mr, and rats. john McDougald and family, Kinhurn; Mr. and ,Mrs. John Nor- ris and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don McLeod, Ailsa .Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Davis, Thorndale, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norris.. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Houghton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallace at !Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wilson, St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs, Filmer Chappel. ' Mr, and Mrs. Alf. ROSS and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow and Carol .Ann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray ,Christie. Baby Roberta Houghton has re- turned hcane from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James Howe and Alice visited with friends at Welles- ley. Mr, Lorne Wasnaan, ,Seaforth, vit- ited with !Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wal- ker and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed. !Brooks and Mr. and !Mrs. Gordon Kerslake and daughters, St. Marys, were guests CV.C1/ YOUR • FAVOURITE 8E.VERAGI ROOT BEER WilMilfaraffiffa FOWL SUPPER BRUCEFIELD UNITED CHURCH THURSDAY, OCT. 30th Supper from 5 to 8 p.m. MITCHELL. — Mrs. Margaret Hackney, a well-known resident of this distriot, died shortly after a heart seizure Which she suffered while doing housework at her home on St. David St., Mitchell, Tuesday mornng. She had been in her us- ual health until then. A resident of 'Mitchell for the past three years, Mrs. Hackney was holy' in Ramsey township, Lanark County, on July 6, 1873. She was a daughter of the late Archibald Robinson and his wife, the late Eurhemia Watt Robinson. Mrs. Hackney was the last surviving member of her immediate family. She was married to Alexander Hackney of Hibbert township on Dec. 31, 1902. Mr. Hackney died Feb. 1, 1942. She was an active member of Main Street United Church, Mitchell, and a devoted worker with the Woman's IVIission- ary Soelety of that church, as well as a life member of Roy's United Church WoMoS. !Surviving are four daughters: Olive, Reg.N., a veteran of the Second World War and a worker at the Stratford General Hospital, at home; Mrs. Frank (Ernmalene) Eisler, Logan Twp.; Mrs. George Hazel) Dott, Albany, N.Y.; and rs. Donald (Marjorie) MCKinnon, omanty; also eight grandchildren, sorl, taco brothers and two sis• Cr A ters died earlier. .Remains rested at the Lockhart funeral home, where a service was held Thursday at 2:30 p.m-, fol- lowed by burial in Roy's cemetery, Fultarton. Rev. J. Robert Watt, Main St. United Church, officiated. WINTHROP Miss Isabel Betties, Reg.N., 'Pet erborn, spent a few days at her home. Mr. and Sirs. R: ,Davidson spent the weekend in Stratford . Mr. and iMrs. Don MoC/ure halm moved (to thd -farm *blob they pur- chased from the Reece Perris es- tate, near Harlock. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawley, Mrs. Broadteot and Miss Ethel 'McClure spent a few days in London. Canadian private banks are no longer allowed to Issue bills. 'The Government bank alone has the right. CAVAN UNITED CHURCH, WINTFIROP Anniversary Services SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 11 a.m. and 7:20 p.m. Rev.' S. Scott, B.A. of Blyth, will be the guest speaker THE BLYTH MALE QUARTET - WILL ASSIST THE CHOIR • 0; gT, 104 14'.40b0 Wallace,. • Mr. -and . T4a1.ag. and Rob, erk vieited at x04100041 Mr. :and We, P921.100.040A140, Mn And Foster Bray, Toron- to; gr. and Mrs,' Ray %RA. Wood- ham, and mr. and, Mrs. -Wm. Mar- tin, KiPpen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hamilton. • Mrs. M. Houghton and slater, Mary ,Dalrymple, visited Illiattke- giving Day with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Kemp and family. MT. and Mrs. Lloyd ‘Sorsdahl and daughters have arrived il,iome after a trip to Filmer, Sask. Mrs. Thos, Scott, Mrs. Geo. Wal- lace, Mrs. Ilorton meDnuntild and BAKING SALE Under ausPioeS of St. James' C.W.L. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8th '3 p.m. to 5 p.m. — in — Dublin Produce Store Main St. - Seaforth withimrrree, lanv; 114Fste4.1.i14mw$ eV.r IujItiZ Mr- and' Mr, 'Wank ririTee .Y10$0, ed with Mr. and (Mrs. .truce Hale fear at Satdt Ste, Marie,- 1Mtua taft Clinton, SEAFORTH CAB R. G. wArrin.wmwrit All Passengers Insured 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 580-M, Seaforth DANCE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 11 p.m - 2 a.m. Community Centre Seaforth DESJ A RDI NE ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Seaforth Junior' Farmers Proceeds to Arena Floor Fund seemereenetememeemamsommeosseneeromewieete WhenYouThinkof Lumber THINK OF Seaforth MEM 47 OPEN` EVERY DAY — ALL DAY Except Sunday Used Cars for Sale 1950 PLYMOUTH 4 -DOOR 1949 DODGE 4 -DOOR CUSTOM 1948 DODGE 4 -DOOR CUSTOM 1947 FORD 2 -DOOR 1947 PLYMOUTH TRUCKS 1949 DODGE 3 -TON SPECIAL, with Platform and Rack 1947 FORD 3 -TON CHASSIS and CAB 1950 MERCURY 1 -TON EXPRESS TRACTORS 1 STANDARD D. CASE 2 CASE VA TRACTORS 2 COCKSHUTT 70 MODELS 1 COCKSHUTT 60 Model 1 CASE MODEL L 1 JOHN DEERE MODEL "D" IMPLEMENTS 1 COCKSHUTT 3 -FURROW PLOW on rubber 1 CASE FORAGE HARVEST4R AND BLOWER Rowdiffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth ...'weee"meteemeamomiemtnerineritseeposeeeseee "fted.emmeeeetseemmeenmeenieeeinneeetweeaeseenee,„eeeeeeeneeeee.,,,,,...........i... Prompt Delivery on the New 1952Tontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CFIEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHET. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH— two-tone, loaded with extras 2—'51 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDANS Air Conditioning '51 CFLEV. FLEETLINE -DE LUXE COACIA '51 CHEV. STYLEIANE COACH '51 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH WE HAVE A NUMBER OP '51 CHEV., SEDANS A written guarantee tor MANY OTHER '51 CHEV. POWER OLEDE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE MEETLINE SEDAN '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '49 METEOR SEDAN '42 'PONTIAC FLEE/PUNE COACH '40 CHEV. COA011 '39 CHEV. COACH '48 FOR], '1A -TON 'PICKUP , '48 CHEV. 1 -TON' PICKUP—Price $550 AND COACI•IES, TO CLEAR AT $1850 60 days on all late 'nodal ears-. MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUfRist11,7,S_NI9AuTOQRS PHONE 73..X "The Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING 4