The Huron Expositor, 1952-09-26, Page 4'Ji' Cil^,l1 lcissified Aar. 1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates.: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 centa per word. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. Coming Events • Auction Sales GROUP 1 OF THE W.A. OF NORTH- AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - side United Church will hold a Bazaar fects id the Town of Seaforth, on and Home.Baking Sale in the Dublin Pro- Saturday, September 27th, at 1 p.m., on duce Store, Seaforth, on Saturday, Oct. 4, North Main Street: Electric Sinear sew - at 8 p.m, 4420-1 ing machine: bed, springs (Inca dresser; General,Electric stove in perfect condi tion : Beatty washing machine: cherry drop leaf table; 4 chairs; Northern Electric refrigerator, used one year; radio and rec- ord player; 2 single beds and dresser; studio couch; ooceaional chair; gate-leg table; trilight lamp; coffee table; electric lamps; magazine rack and table; stool; 3 -speed record player; television set. aerial WANTED—ARE YOU INTERESTED IN and booster, complete, would be installed A GASOLINE farm agency route? free of charge in vicinity of Seaforth; Excellent opportunity. Apply Box 185, clocks; sealers; garden tools: tool cab - HURON EXPOSITOR. 4420x1 lust; ?=_ H.P. motor; saw and 142 H.P. Leland motor; Plover % H.P. G.E. motor, WANTED TO RENT — 3 OR 4 -ROOM table. Terms --Cash, W MASSEY, Pro- �Y t H Id J ks Auctioneer; E P Wanted WANTED—LARGE SIZE CHILD'S CRIB • in good condition. PHONE 838 r 3, Seaforth. 4420-1 apartment or house, in or near Sea- prte or: aro ae on, uc ioneer; P. forth- F/0. SHEASBY, 161 Broughdale Chesney, Clerk. 4419-2 Ave.; London, Ont. 4418-3 WANTED -3 OR 4-,12.00M SELF-CON- tsined a0-artmeot, furnished. Apply to F/0. ARCHIBALD, c/o Officers' Mess. R.C,A.F. Station, Clinton. 4420x1 Lost and Found LOST—SINGLE STRAND OF PEARLS on Fair Day on way to fair or on grounds. Finder please contact Box 183, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4420x1 For Rent ti For Sale IT'S . TIMOR'S IN MENSAL'', FOR Skirts and Blouseie Nylon blouses as ow as 8.95; wool tweed skirts at 6.95. Fi oR SALE—FIFTY-SIX CHUNKS- Ap- ply LESLIE DOLMAGE. phone 887 .r 23, Seaforth. • '� 4420-1 AUCTION SALE—A CLEARING , AUC - tion Sate of the Effects of the late A. E. Rudd will be held at the home of his son, R. B. Rudd. corner Goderich and Church Streets, Seaforth, on Saturday. October 4th, at 1:30 p.m.: 'Dres3p1 and mirror; hospital bed and springs; single bed size inner spring mattress: metal bed and springs; double bed spring mattress; pillows: odd cushions: walnut tables; end table; plate glass mirror; walnut fernery; pictures; frames: rocking chair: kitchen chairs; walnut side chair; lamps; dressing table and bench; bedroom chair; kitchen stool; ironing board; wash board; step l.+dder; coal stove: electric :•tyyc. nearly new- Astral refrigerator, nearly rew: ice refrigerator; Westinghouse ro•s..tar; ! sew- ine machines, 1 Singer: linoienn; I•im- oges china; miscellaneous dished, eta.. crow FOR RENT — 4 -ROOM APARTMENT, ba—; shoo els : lawn chairs; 'thistle baby unfurnished ; share bath. PHONE 111, stroller, gray, and oilier articles. HAR- Seaforth, after 5:30 p.m, 4420-1 OLD JACKSON, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- ney, Clerk. Personals "QKINNY" GIRLS ! GET LOVELY L curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Poultry FOR SALE -200 SUSSEX - NEW RAMP - shire pullets. laying, Apply ROBERT UPSHALL. Phone 651 r 14, Seaforth. ''I.EAR1NC A'•.•(TION SA„E ..1' FAI:`i, Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Effects, at Lot 4. Concession 12, H.RS., Tuckersmith. 3 miles en_t of Hee- salt on County Road. on Friday. October 3rd, at 1 p.m.: CATTLE -2 Holstein cows. 4 and 5 years old ; 2 whiteface year- ling heifers. IMPLEMENTS—Allis-Ch,i1- mers C tractor, full hydraulic P.L. like new, - Allis-Chalmersow• hydraulic dra uhc Lift n y for C traitor: seuftier for C tractor and puller, complete; Cockshutt cultivator; Bisset roller; McCormick mower; drag harrows; Massey -Harris hinder, tractor hitch; walking plow ; Massey -Harris seed drill ; }lasses -Harris manure spreader • rubber tired wagon : flat hay rack ; Fair- banks -Morse hammer mill, 1 year old ; fan- ning mill with screen. motor driven: set 2000-1b. scales: bag truck ; wheelbarrow; set sleighs; trailer, complete with stock rack : grascl lox ; 3 milk cans and strain- er; 3 milk pails: 3 logging chains: cant hook ; 50 feet belt. like new ; 14.5 feet hay 4420x1 . fork rope; milk cooling tank ; 4 steel pig troughs; set double harness; cutter; 4 sling ropes: 2 steel troughs; root puiper ; 25 -gallon oil drum; stoneboat; milk cart: M, -H. cream separator : range shelter ; Mother Nature brooder: 1 feeder; 2 eight - inch hay rack sills 16 feet long; 1 roll barb wire; grass seed sower; number of bags and sacks: shovels: forks: whiffle - trees; neckyokes: quantity household ef- feets. FARM -70 -acre farm, large bank barn. all cement stabling, drive shed, sgar- ,age; 2 -storey brick house; Hydro through - ;rout buildings-. Farm in good .state of 'cultivation. Terms—Chattels. cash. Prop- erty sold subject to reserve hid: 10'.i down, balance in 30 days. ANGUS ROBERT- SON, Proprietor; Harold Jackson. Auc- tioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. FOR SALE -200 ROCK PULLETS. SIX months old, laying. ANDREW E. CROZIER Phone 667 r 22, Seaforth. 44201 FOR SALE -12.5 NEW HAMPSHIRE crossed Sussex pullets, 6 months old, started to lay. Apply RUSSEL ERRATT, Varna. Phone Hensall, 696 r 21. 4420-1 FOR SALE. — THANKSGIVING . TUR - keys, dressed. oven-ready. Special pric- es for suppers and banquets. Phone BERT SPENCE, 190-M, Mitchell 44204 PIGS FOR SALE -6.1 CHUNKS, 12 weeks old. WALKER HART. Phone, 652 r 12, Seaforth. 4420-1 M1I R'ra, THE a 'JRQN EXPOS OR .......................... News Item* of Hensall and District in Miss Sharon Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Riley, had her tonsils' removed at 'the 'Seaforth Clinic Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne, Walled Lake Mich spent the week FOR SALE—SILVER, RACOON COAT, size 14, in good condition, Apply I For Sale MARGARET BEA.TT:TE, North Main St FOR SALE—COAL OR WOOD STOVE with water frvat. Sell reasonable for FOR SALE — TWO 8 -FOOT GLASS quick sale. CALL 234, Seaforth Oj OR SALE -1200 LIGHT SUSSEX AND Rrd cross -bred pullets 5 months old.: Vaccinated for Newcastle's disease and in- AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND factious bronchitis: S^_. ROY BROS., irr.,lements at Lot '2.5, Concession 14, Londesboro. Phone Blyth, 28 r 6. Township of McKillop, on Highway. one 44202 mile south of Walton, on Wednesday, October 8. at 1:30 p.m.: CA'ITL,E-2 Dur- ham cows, freshened h month, 1 Durham ' heifer, freshened a month: I Durham X Property Foy Sale Holstein cow, due in March; 1 Holstein 1 w.;.t°- , cow due in March; 1 Ayrshire X Here• 1j OR SALE—NEW FIVE -ROOM COT- ford cow, due in February; 1 Holstein X tape with upstairs, built of all season- Jersey, due February; 1 Hereford heifer, ed lumber; not completed inside. Can be rising two; 7 yearlings: 3 spring calves:; moved to any locution. Apply DARRELL 3 calves one month old ; 1 Hereford bull PARKER. Staffa. 4420x1 eligible for registration, rising 2 years. MACHINERY -1950 Ford Tractor with HOUSE FOR SALE -7 -ROOM HOUSE. hydraulic clow (like new) : 1 Frost & 'eneered in Hensall;" three bedrooms; Wood 5 -ft. mower: 1 Massey -Harris hay, stable- Central location. Early posses- loader: 1 Massey -Harris 11 -hoe seed drill:' sipn. FRED G. BONTHRON. 1 Massey -Harris manure srreader: 1 Mas - 9420x1 aey-Harris side rate; 1 set of light sleiehs: 4 -sections of diamond harrows: 1 inthrow FOR SALE—MODERN 7 -ROOM FRAME horse disc; 1 galvanized drum, 50 -gals.: 1 house. Owner leaving town. For fur- Massey -Harris cream separator. No. 7, with ther particulars please write Box 178, power attachment; 1 sugar kettle: 1 wheel - HURON EXPOSITOR, 4418.2 barrow; sacks; chains; whiflctr-es: forks; shovels; pails and many other items; 1 set double harness : 1 set single harness: 1 cutting box : 1 fanning mill: 1 farm wag. on. steel tired; several ! unehes of new cedar shingles; 1' Jamesv:ay oil brooder: !.oil drum, 15 -gal. ; 1 good two -wheel trail- er with rack ; 1 C.C.M. man's bicycle; 1 electric pail heater; 1 pair of Stewart electric clippers; 1 gas engine; 1 block and tackle; 1 poathole digger: 1 set rope wire str'tchers. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -• 1 parlor table; 1 kitchen table and chairs: 2 lawn chairs; tables, and other articles, Terms—Cash. MRS, J. A. MAR- , SHALL, and BARRY 'MARSHALL, Pro-, prietors; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. showcases, in good condition, at bar - 4420x1 gain prices. McKINIDSEY'S DRUG STO FOR SALE —.DE LUXE FOLDING R SALE) --40 CHOICE PIGS, SIX baby buggy, excellent condition; safe- ty hand brake. MRS. C. REID. Phone weeks old; 25 Sussex and New Hann' 166, HensalL 44204 pullets, Laying. Apply RILL COLEMAN, Kfppen. Phone 674, r 22,Hensall- FALL DRESSES AT TTIDOR'S 114 HEN- I 44204. salt Taffeta, Nylon, Mix, Crepe, Wools, from 6.95 to 14.95. Sizes 9-26%, FOR SALE PARTS OF 1929 MODEL A Ford and 1931 Chevrolet, now being wrecked. DOUGLAS DALTON, Walton. Phone Brussels 489. 4420x1 FOR SALE—MEDIUM SIZED COAL heater, new condition ; one sawdust burner and a coal oil heater. WILFRED CAMERON, East William St. 4420x1 V FCATTLE FEEDERS -1400 COMMERCIAL OR SALE—WHITE SPROLLER WITH Beef Cattle graded. sorted and divided snow runners and parcel carrier. price into truck and car load lots will be sold $22. Also blue 'evening dress, size 14, at the first auction sale, opened by Hon. $10, and black seal coat, 12-14, $70, Col, T. L. Kennedy, at Wiarton, on Thurs. PHONE 283-J. 4420-1 day, October 2nd, starting at 9:30 a.m„ by GREY -BRUCE LIVE STOCK CO -O4420 -P1- ERATIVE, Wiarton. "RACK -TO -SCHOOL FOR KIDDIES IN plaid dresses from TUDORS in Hen- sall Sizes 7-12, at 2,98. Sanforized, too. p 0R SALE --JUST ARRIVED, HOL- a land Balbs—tlhlips. Daffodils, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Potting Soil, Bulb Fibre, Afri- THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JAMES can Violet Soil- Get your supply early. Rivers wish to thank' Rev. D. Glenn DRYSDALE HARDWARE LIMITED, Hen- Campbell, Box Funeral Home, Scott Mem- sall, 4420-1 oriel Hospital, Dr. Brady, the Nurses at Scott Memorial Hospital and all friends and neighbors who sent cards, flowers or helped in any manner during their recent bereavement. 4420x1 Cards Of Thanks FOR SALE -2 AXLFR, 4 WHEELS 30x 33.. suitable for trailer; also a num- ber of bread pans. good for chicken feed- ers. J. C. CRICH. Phone 34, SeaSorth, 44201 MRS -E. JONES, GODERICH ST: EAST, wishes to express appreciation to all "p0R SALE — OIL SPACE HEATER, her kind neighbors and friends for the -" Fess make used very little; reasonably help and sympathy received after her dear priced for quick sale. Also 5 cords of brother, Harry Grlebrook, so readily an - maple and elm wood. JAMES ELLIOTT. swered the call, "Come unto Me and rest," Phone 249-W, Seaforth. 4420-1 4420x1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1186. 4896-tf Births ARCHIBALD—At Chatham General Hos- pital, on Sept, 19, to Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Archibald. a son, Francis Arneld, A FOR SALE—TRAILER WITH PLANK brother for Mary and Blyth. box. 4 feet by 9 feet: heavily reinforc- HOPPER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ed: tail -light; new axle and wheels, Suit- Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hopper, able for farm hauling, carrying boats, etc,; Seaforth, a son. tires 6.00x16. Apply EMERSON DUST, yMeKNIGRT—Mr, and Mrs. Donald Mc- Seaforth Machine Shop. 9420x1 lKnight (nee Fiances Elgiel announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 25, in Galt General Hospital. NICHOLSON—At Scott. Memorial Hospi- tal, on Sept 23, to Mr, and Mrs, Ross Nicholson, Scaforth, a daughter. STEPHENSON—At Clinton Public Hos- pital.• on Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs - Ralph Stephenson (nee Mona Reid), Varna, a daughter. ' SCHWALM--At the General Hospital, Hamilton, Sunday. Sept, 14, to Mr. aid Mrs. lee Schwalm, Hamilton, a son. SCHWALM — Mr. and Mrs Gordon Schwalm, Hensall, are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Public Hospital, Sunday. Sept. 21, 1952••--a sister for Patsy, Barbara and Charles. VANSTONE--At Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Sunday, Sept. 21, to Mr. 'and Mrs. Alden Vanstone, Hensall, a daugh- ter. port SALE — HARDWOOD SLABS, anostly maple, 610.00 per load of ap- proximately two cords; mixed wood slabs,' $8 per load, approximately two cords, de- livered in Seaforth Let us figure on yodr sawdust requirements. Prompt delivery. FRED HUDIE, Phone 362, Clinton. 4420-6 HOLLAND BULBS FOR SALE — WE have secured a permit and have im- ported flowering bulbs from the gardens of Jac, De Vroomen. Lisse, Holland. and are redy to give you the best bulbs at the right price. Darwin Tulips, King Al- fred Daffodils and Hyacinthe in separate colors. Plant some this Fall and have your flower beds greet you with a blaze of glory in the Spring. Open every evening. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE'. ,Seaforth. 4419x5 HOUSE FOR SALE—S-ROOM FRAME house, Railroad St. Modern conveni- ences: furnace heavy wiring: garden. Ap- ply to C. J. DENNIS, Bo'x 319, Seaforth. 4417x4 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED FOR caretaker of Duff's United Church, Walton. Duties to commence October 1. a e s0- cry n app ca on. All applications to be in by September 30, BERT JOHNSON, Secretary of Board of Stewards, 12,R. 2, Brussels. 4419-2 Notices NOTICE—WASHING MACHINES RE paired. PHONE 851 r 11, Seaforth. 4420x1 CUSTOM, CRUSHING—GRAVEL CRUSH - ed and delivered at any time. EV-' ERETT R. SMITH, Egmondville. Phone 663 r 4, Seaforth. 4419x2 NOTICE—ON AND AFTER THIS DATE I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name. LOUIS BEER - HART, Seaforth. 4419x2 p ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS ▪ of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R, 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS 1 — PROMPT, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals Call collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 236, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co, of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of MARTON SHOLDiCE ALL PERSON'S' HAVING C L A I' M 8 against the Estate of Marion Sholdiee. late of `trip Town' of" Seiifort5. in Die Count's'' of Huron. Widow, deceased. who died on or about the 18th day of July, 1952 are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the' under - Of on or before the 10th day of Octo- ,!�p`?'r '8. after which date the assets will 31b dlntriluted, having rhe and only to ltrivla then reeeltied, 1�MA 7t1 fir $`efferth this 16th eptei'14eiti: 12, ,;�r:.ir ; �r1'1lt' $1! le telSi stg dtitaitte dtc{tli>',: Gr >ItifAitnte,: di' of C LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Stock, IrSp)ements and Household Ef- fects. Thursday. October 9th, at 12 o'clock sharp, at Lot 9. Concession 13, Township of Mullett, 1 mile west of Harlock School, or 6 miles southeast of Blyth: HORSES -- 1 matched team of black mares, 6 and 7 years old. 2800 Itis, : 1 Percheron gelding, 6 years old : 1 driving mare: 1 yearling filly. HEREFORD CA7TLE--16 cows with calves and rehred ; 5 two-year-old heifers, bred; 9 hull calves ranging from 5 to 11 months old ; 6 heifer calveif ; 3 - year -old registered herd sire. This is an exceptionally good herd of Hereford cat- tle from registered stock, POULTRY -25 hens. MACHINERY—Varmalt' A McCor- mick.Deering tractor .in good condition ; 2 - furrow McCormick -Deering plow on rub- ber; 6 -ft. McCormick -Deering tractor disc: 7 -foot M. -H. binder, cut 70 acres ; M. -H. mower: McCormick -Deering side rake; M. - H. hay loader; ,13-clisc grain drill; 1 steel roller; M. -H. manure spreader 2 years old; 4 -section diamond harrows; cultiva- tor; horse disc; walkingplow; soupier; turnip drill ; fawn wagon and box ; rub- ber tired wagon ; 16 -foot hay rack : set of farm sleighs . with flat rack: cutting box: fanning mill; cream separator: cutter; buggy; 2 iron kettles; bench vise; exten- sion ladder; 5 H.P. electric motor with grain grinder and grain roller; pump jack and motor: 1940 Willys Sedan car; forks, shovels, chains, tools and many other articles; - set 'backhand harness; 1 set single harness; 1 set of double driving harness; number horse collars. Full line of Household Effects, house furnishings, including living room, dining room chrome kitchen set, bed room furniture, Finlay kitchen stove, Beatty electric wash- er, Newcombe upright piano and bench: dishes, icitdhen utensils and other house- hold effects. Terms --Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE REECE FERRIS : Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. E. 8. knechtel, Executor; A W. Sillery; Solicitor for Estate. For Sale "''•, WOOD FOR SALE—APPLY TO CECIL LONEY. Phone 832-R, Seaforth, 4416x0 FIOR' SALE—OIL HEATER; CHINA •ea'6inet; small buffet- Will sell cheap. PHONE 79Q -W, Seaforth. 4419x2 Moil SALE—MUSKRAT 99AT, SIZE 12-14, worn one Matron: regular 6867, sale price $200. For furth8r 9artibulara write1111$, > , J. '138OEELY, or phone 4410.8 i9S, Seefo'rth. 44204 USED. CARS FOR SAL • 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SEDAN • 1951 CHEV. DE LUXE SPORTS COUPE • 1950 CHEV. COACH SPECIAL • 1946 FARGO /,-TON PICKUP Also NEW 1952 CHEV. COACH' AND SEDAN' in stock d Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phon& 141 Seaforth ..•WARMER ALL WINTER :•COOLER ALL SUMMER FIBERGLAS BUILDING INSULATION WON'T ROT • WON'T BURN • WON'T SETTLE ' WON'T SUSTAIN VERMIN Put Fiberglas between yaw said tb. weather, Use Fiberglas sanding in- sulation f• keep the hof of Semmes out of your hens* .... and save you fuel bills .wry W ln$svfrom now ow. MADE IN CAMAOA Bali. r Macaulay Sreaferih Builder ' tuipplies hone 9`Phone 787Phone 97 Lumber - Lime - Cement - Tile - Brick • — Draw Winners At Seaforth Fall Fair — 1e4,--•RUDY A:NDERISON, Bruoefleld, No. 723 2nd—ILL HOLMES, Seaforth, No. 2708 3rdestL0VIS DO(NNELLY, Dublin, No. 2800 end at the Scott residence. Mr and Mrs. Harry 'Billiard, of Gore .Bay, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drygilale. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Irwin and lit- tle ittle son, Wlatford, .spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Cross. ' Mrs. Florence Perdue and son, Danny, are visiting in Hamilton and Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McNaughton and 1vlr. and M'rs, Glenn 'Bell, Hen- sall; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Laren, 0-Laren, London, attended the Mo - Naughton •- Handley wedding in 'To- ronto last Saturday. 'Mrs. C. L Jinks, Housall, has) received word that her sister, Mrs. C. Hawley, Virginia, whom she has not seen for 36 years, will arrive in Hensall shortly for a visit and reunion. Mrs. Hawley is the for-. mer Lily Blatchford, daughter of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford, Hensall. Hensall will revert to standard time Sunday, Sept. 28, at 2 a,m. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Munn, held in the Town Hall Wednesday, was largely at- tended. Mr. and 'Mrs. Munn were presented With a purse of money. Disjardine orchestra provided the music for the dance. Announcement Mrs. Minnie Sangster, Hensall, wishes to announce the engage- ment of her youngest daughter, Norma ,Jean, to Herbert Clare Stretton, Lucan, the marriage to take place quietly October 18. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. G. Prance and fam- ily, and Miss 'Kay Hey, Exeter, spent Sunday with their parents in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fletcher. Mr. W. Clark, Centralia, and "Mr, and Mrs. W. Granville, Staffa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wal- ters- Mr. and Mrs. O. Gilfillan and family spent Sunday at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs, H. Armstrong and Jan1ce •Hensll, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. F. Horne and family spent. Sunday with Mr. sand Mrs. W. PJ ick at Zion. Sunday morning. Rev. Rogers will conduct the morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Lena Finkbeiner A Centgnarian, Once Lived Near Crediton Mrs., Lena Finkbeiner observed her 100th birthday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Currey, in Sebewaing, Mich., recently.. The greater part' of her life was spent in Crediton area, where she farm- ed armed with her husband, two and a half miles west of Crediton. She also lived many years in the vil- lage of Crediton. Mrs. Finkbeiner prides herself! on a lifetime of work, but admits her strength is fading and she has not lost her alert sense of humor. She recalls that a former Sebe- .waing minister once predicted she would live to be 100. He was right, "although nobody thought so at the time," she commented witha twin- kle in ' her eye. Affectionately known as "Grandma Finkbeiner," .she bas been a loyal Member of Sebewaing U.B. Church and at, tended services until she was 91. 'She now listens to Il radio sermon each Sunday. She bas a family of eight chil- dren, 18 grandchildren, 24 great- grandchild] en, and one great -great grandchild. Shower For M. Moore Held in Tuckersmith The home of Mrs, David McLean, Tuckersmith, decorated with sea- sona1 'flowers, was the scene of a delightful gathering Monday even- ing, when some 90 friends and neighbors met in honor of Miss Margaret 'Moore, who is to be nine Saturday. The early part of the evening was spent in contests' and com- munity singing. Mrs. Evelyn Lilli- co gave a. reading and Mrs. Eimer Koehler contributed a solo, with Mrs. E. Cameron as accompanist. The bride-to-be was seated in a decorated chair, over which hung a large wedding bell. Mrs. Mae Doig read a humorous set of vers- es of her own composition, and gifts including table lamps, scat-' ter mat, bedspread, bed linens, coffee table, mirror, flatware and an electric tea kettle were present- ed to Miss More. When the wed- ding bell was rung, confetti show- ered the bride. Those assting Mrs. 'McLean were Mrs. Alex Boyes, Mrs, Keith Mac- Lean, Mrs. John McLean, Mrs. Ad - in Forbes, Mrs. Ed. Beyer, Mrs. Victor Lee, and others. C hiselhurst Rally Day To Be Held Sunday Sundny morning Rev. Mr. Moores' of Thames Road, conducted service in Chiseihurst Church. He based his remarks on the text, "On this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it," Ne35 Sunday morning Rev. Rogers will be in charge. The ,rally day program will be carried out at 9:45 a.m. On Sunday, Oct. 5, Chisel'hurst anniversary services will be ob- served afternoon and evening. The guest speaker will be Rev. R. A. Brook, of Bluevale. The W.M•S. thankoffering was ob- served in Hensall United Church last Sunday morning. Rev. Moores, the guest speaker, brought an in- spiring message about the work of.' -the W.M.S. in Labrador and Newfoundland. Mr, Moores, a na- tive of Newfoundland, spent many years there in the ministry, The Mission Band meets next A Smile Or Two "Yes, I got two orders on my first day as a salesman." "Fine! What were they?" • "Get out and stay out." • It was Farmer Brown's first visit to the 'big town. In the window of !the department store he read a sign: Ladies Ready To Wear Clothes." "Gosh!" he said, "it's about Mime." • A sergeant was asking some re- 'cruits wihy wwlflitt was used for the )Tutt of a rifle- "Because it has more resistance," 'volunteered one man. "Wrong!" ''Perhaps it's because it looks) nicer than any other kind," volun- teered another, timidly. "Don't be an ass," snapped the sergeant. "It's simply because it was laid down in Regulations." Brucefield W.M.S. and Baby Band Meeting The regular meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary 'Society Sivas held in the church schoolroom with Mrs. R. Allan, president, nit the chair. Mrs. N. Walker had charge of the worship service. Plans were made to have the 75th anniversary on Tuesday evening, October 21, when all former members will be invited. There will be a' special speaker. The program, 'Look At Africa," was taken by Mrs. N. Walker and Mrs. W. Fotheringham- Members of the Baby Band and their mothers were entertained by the members of the auxiliary. Mrs. W. Moffatt, Baby Band president, had charge of the grad- uation exercises when several chil- dren were welcomed into the Mis- sion Band by the leaders and members- Certificates were pre- sented e graduates. n to the actuale s. Elaine and Irene Taylor sang a duet and Robert Leppington sang a solo. Staffa, spoke on the work of the Federation and: the purpose of or- ganization. A poem was read by Mrs. J. Mc- Naughton, and Mrs. Charles Eyre conducted a contest, Mrs. B. Gam- men Gemmell moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and lunch was served. .Mr. Dave Russell and son, Alex, and Mrs. J. Poole, Sault Ste. Marie, spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor, also Mrs. Robert Edgar and 'son, Varna- ' On Tuesday Mrs. John Gibson, Wroxeter, mother of 'Mrs, Meths, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Andy Gib- son, Wroxeter, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Meliis. Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Wahl, Lis- towel, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford, celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary 'Sunday at the home of Mrs. Taylor's mother, Mrs- Dinsdale, and Miss Whiteman. Their two children, Patricia and Terry, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Big- gins, Stratford, were present Mrs. Amelia Whiteman, Birming- ham, Mich., visited last week -end with her cousins, Mrs. Dinsdale and Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Dowson returned home from Seafortih Hospital mulch im- proved in health. Congratulations are extended to Visitors, 29 Members At Kippen East W.I. Kippen East W.I. met at the hone of Mrs. J. McLellan last Wed- nesday with Mrs. Hugh 'McGregor as co -hostess. Mrs. E. 'Whitehouse presided and the meeting -opened' with the usual exercises- Roll call was reepond'ed to by 29 members, and several visitors were present. The club project for .girls was re- organized with Mrs, W. Bell and Mrs. E. J•arrrott as leaders. The Institute decided to sponsor a booth at Stanley Jackson's sale October 20. Thank -you cards were read from Mrs. R. Gemmell and Mrs, R. Upslhall for treats received. The .motto, "Women's Ri$'ts," was ably given by Mrs .S. Graham. An invitation from Seaforth W.I. to be their guests October 14 at the Community Centre, was accept- ed. Two violin solos by Gerald Smith were enjoyed, ,and current events were read by Mrs. W. Bell. Mrs, Stanley Jackson and 'Mrs. Iv- an Forsyth' sang a duet. The delegates for the convention in Landon were appointed, Mrs. W. Bell and Mrs. W. Caldwell. The guest speaker, Rev. A. H. Daynard, Deaths RIVERS—•In Sestorth, on Priday, Seim, 19, James Rivers, in his 00th 'year. Tag Day Women's Hospital Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will hold a TAG DAY SATURDAY, SEPT. 27 House-to-house "canvass will also Ire Made, (�Y,1 PTMVIIMR. 2or Mr. and Mrs. Tont Silnith (nee 'Agee, Wren), on the gift of a ill/ terse Joan --a sister ft}k 'Michael Nkr• anti' Mrs'. »SiOlvart Beat`iie Painily, Wrnghana, were vptieleend visitors of ,Mrs. `Robert MOSride., the latter returning with. 'them fell' a week. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter spent last week -end in Michigan.. Mr. Priestap, Mitchell, is spend— ing a few .days with her mother. Mrs. Robert Thomson, wso net well. BURNS. UNITED CHURCH OF I-IULLETT AN NINE RSARYT iSUNDAY, SEPT. 28th 11 a.m. & 7:30 pm., Standard Time Guest Speaker—, REV. A. G. EAGLE of Ontario Street United Church,. Clinton. Special Music by C.hoir at Morning' Service. Seaforth Male Quartette' will furnish the music in the evening. $2,000 CASH BINGO Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club in ald of Artificial Ile • CLINTON LIONS ARENA 15 Games - $50.00 Each 1 Special - $100.00 1 Special - $150.00 2 Specials - $500.00 Each Tuesday, September 30 Doors open at 8:00 o'clock Games start at 9:00 p.m., sharp (Standard Time) ADMISSION—$1.00 for 15 Regular Games Extra White Cards, 25c each or 5 for $1.00 Special Cards, 25c each or 5 for $1.00 — REFRESHMENT BOOTH — Used Machine SPECIALS International Corn Binder Case Corn Blower Massey -Harris 3 -Furrow Tractor Plow Several Good Used Tractors ALL FORCED TO CLEAR Make Us An Offer! _, at — Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phone 141 • Seaforth MONSTER BINGO Thursday, October 2, 1952 GODERICH MEMORIAL • ARENA . Doors open 8:00 p.m. • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH I• 4 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $100,00 EACH • 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR 1952 FORD MAINLINE COACH Complete with Air Conditioning, Heater, Undercoating and Lio. ense, ready to drive away. The car game is $1.00 per card. Games starts 9:00 p.m. ADMIS'SI'ON: $1.00 For 15 Regular Games Extra Cards for Regular and Special Games: 25ceach or5for $1.00 Special Car Game $1.00 Sponsored by the Goderich Lions Club in aid of Welfare Work Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 C'fEEEV. DE LUXE .STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CFIE'V. STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHEW. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH— two-tdne, loaded with extras 2—'51 CHEV. DE LUcE STYLELINE SEDANS Air Conditioning '51 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH '51 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH '51 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH '51 CHEV. 'STYLELINE SEDAN —Power Glide '50 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '48 CHEV. COACH '46 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN '40 CHEV, COACH '46 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '39 CHEV. COACH '48 CHEV. 1 -TON PICKUP—Price $554 WE HAVE A NUMBER OF '51 CjlEV,, SED'AN'S AND COACHES, TO CLEAR AT $1850 A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model ears. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSn FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS -PHONE 73-X htThe (Home of Bitter Used Cara' jouftioramor0, .0,06010.0.00 OPEN EVERY EVENING J i •Ay;� 4 , 6