HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-08-29, Page 8THE HURON WICPOSITOR Ment 'Mr: and Mrs. Egmondville, an the engagement of their _ter, Lola Jean, to Lieeeln 140/44__ne tacit, son. of Mrs. Rohlritscih the late adilton Rohfritsch, anttratdord, the marriage to take *lee early in SeeteMber.' Announcement - Mr, and Mrs. 310011119 Faber, Kipp.en, announce etta engagement of their only- diddedtter, Audrey Marie, to Emer- son Russell Coleman, only son of 118.r. and Mrs Russell Coleman, Sea- ted:It, the marriage to take place Saturday. September 6. Announcement. - Mr. and Mrs. -George Watt, Blyth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their elder daughter, Irma Margaret, to lenssell Lome McBeth, youngest We Specialize in eon of Mr. end Mria„ damea Me- Betk Ingersoll, Me Wedding t9 take place Septeinber 20 at Blame United Church, Hallett townehip. 1111111101111111111111101101111111111111111111 riRE. AUTOMOBILE. CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BON DS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS on their return. OURGLARY AND WINDSTORM , McMillen - O'DriscolL-A wedding 'trip to Vancouver, B.C., where they will make their home, followed ti,e marriageaSaturday ,iiiiarning hi Lady of Mercy Church, Sarnia, Mary O'Driscoll and Flying Officer James Miles McMillan. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Dare Ar- thur James O'Driseoll and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miles McMillan, Seaforth. The double -ring ceremony was per- formed by the Rev. Father Jerome Langan, Windsor, at 9 sem., in a setting of pastel gladioli and can- dlelight. Miss Irene Donohue pre- sided at the organ and accompan- ied John Jones, who sang "Mother, •At Your Feet is Kneeling," "Penis Angelicns' and 'Ave Maria."' Es- corted down the aisle by her father, the bride wore a ballerina length gown with strapless. lace bodice and bouffant nylon net skirt over satin. Inserts of lace distinguish- ed the skirt and a long sleeved late jacket topped the bodice. A cloche bonnet of lace and satin held an elbow length veil of French illusion and she carried a cascade of orch- ids and stephanotis. A similar gown of coral nylon net was worn by the bride's sister, Miss Dorothy O'Driscoll, as bridesmaid. A net stole was worn with the atraplese lace bodice and scalloped half hat of net completed her costume. Her bouquet was a cascade of gardenias and white daisy mums. Flying Offi- cer Frank N. Pearce, Smiimerside, P.E.I., was groomsman for this brother-in-law, and Kenneth Keat- ing, Toronto, and Flying Officer Gerald Mackay, Vancouver; -were COAL WILL ADVANCE IN PRICE the ushers. Greeting guests at a BEGINNING NEXT WEEK reception at the Sarnia ,Golf Club, Mrs. O'Driscoll wore a gown of in- termission bronze • and blue shot taffeta with navy accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Mc- Milaari chose a two-piece lace and We Screen It! crepe dress and hat in keepsake blue with navy accessories. Her 111111111/0111111111/m111111/mal1210"miMP flowers were gardeniaseend small pink roses. Leaving for Vancouver, the bride wore a navy suit, match- ingaccessories and orchid corsage. * Weddings * nmannammanuanamumummi Cardno - Reade -Grace Church, London, was the setting or the wedding of Elizabeth Grace, daugh- ter of 'Mrs Elizabebh Read, of St. Marys, and Mr. Nelson Campbell Cardno, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John M. .Cardno, Seaforth, on Saturday, August 23, at 2 p.m. The Rev. R. P. D. Hurford perfermed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate family. The bride chose a red wool suit with navy accessories for her costume and wore an orchid for a corsage. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. S. J. McKenzie, Georgetown. Mrs. McKenzie chose a gown of green .-hot taffeta, and carried Ophelia roses. A reception was held at the home of Mrs. Read, St. Marrs. Lat- er Mr. and Mrs. Cardno lett on a motor trip to the New England States, and will reside in Seatorth Representing Companies who aivo Security with Service. MAO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO THIUOSHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE ' Inforanation gladly given. WATSON & REID ¥ A. REED - ,Proprietor btsurance & Real Estate pisoNE 214 : SEAFORTH FOR SALE Two -Storey Dwelling on Centre St. All modern conveniences. Well located. Early possession. Modern 2 -Storey Pwelling, with garage. Sperling St. Possession Arranged. In Egmondville, 11/2 storey three- bedroom dwelling; double lot, and stable; small fruits, Possession within a month. Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. Im- mediate possession. Comfortable 6 -room Dwelling fn Winthrop; 1/3 acre of land, with small fruits. Early possession. ame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- passion arranged. Other properties also listed. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214' COAL The Best on the Market! IN AND OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS" ' • Miss Bee Finnigan and Mrs. W. H. Finnigan spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Edmunds at Red Bay. • Mrs. John Hillebrecht spent last week in St. Thomas attending the conference in connection with Achievement Day for Girls. Also attending were Misses Jean Scott and Catherine Campbell, lVfelCil- lop; Betty Axtman and Barbara Trewartha, Winthrop; Edna Martin and Norma Looming, Walton. • Mrs. Mae Dorrance is visiting in Oshawa with her daughter, Mrs. M. H. McKenzie. • Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sillery and Peter are holidaying at Bayffekl. • Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grant and family are spending a week at Bayfield. • Miss Sally Fox returned to town last week after spending her holidays in Sarnia. Her cousin, Sharon McAllister, also of Sarnia, accompanied her home. • Messrs. Fred Jackson, Kenoraa and Louis Jackson, Woodstock were here last week visiting their mother, Mrs. L. C. Jackson. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling spent a few days at the Toronto Exhibition, and also visited in Lind- say. • Mrs. F. Sills, Sr., and Misses Dorothy and Susan .Enzensberger attended the Toronto Exhibition. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Carnochan and two children have returned af- ter a motor trip to North Bay and Ottawa. • Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Edmunds and family, Hamilton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Finnigan. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Best and Mr. J. R. Miller, Toronto, visited Mrs. 3. P. Bell last week. • Reeve Frank Sills, and Messrs. F. 3. C, Sills and C. P. Sills, of town, and John L. Malone, McKil- lop, were in Saginaw, Mich, Wed- nesday attending the funeral of the late Harry E. Pierce, a former resi- dent of town. • Mr. and Mrs. Ranald Reinke, Leamington, called on friendshere on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kniox, of Sarnia, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Routledge. • Dr. E. A. McMaster and son, Paul, are on a fishing trip to Algon- quin Park. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherwood and son,Craig, of Montreal, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Archi- bald and Mr and Mrs. Edwin P. William M. Hart Phone: Office,784 • Star, conferred on her an honorary life membership, and was present- ed through the Seaforth Eastern Star -Chapter. • Mrs W. F. Orren and family leave next week for Rabot, French Morocco, North Africa. They will fly from Westover Field, Mass., to Azores, and bhen to Nasseur, Afri- ca. • Mrs. H. C. Brown, New York City, was a guest last week of Mrs. E. Bella • Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Eckert, Timmins, visited relatives and friends in this vicinity last wean • Mrs. John T. Kaiser and Mies P. Patterson were in Toronto and Islington over the week -end ILEMON'S TAXI I All Passengers Insured PHONES: 1824 or 182-W 'blue coal'' TI4tRE'S A BIG DIFFERENCE IN COAL! Try "blue coal" and see for yourself,. WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 363-J or 192-M SEAFOR7H CAB R. C. WATLeiRWORT11, Prop. All Passengers Insured 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 580-M, Seaforth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10' 10 0° W. J. CLEARY 0 Seaforth, Ont. 10 LICENSED EM BALM ER 0 14 AND FUNERAL DI RECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls - 335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 4 0 O 0000* -0000 * J. A. BURKE ade '0 10 10 10 ' Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONT. Night or Day Calla: Phone 43 r 10 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 * G. A. WHITNEY * Funeral Home 10* 0 10 0 0 0' GoderIch St. W., Seaforth 0 AMBUIANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds fOr rent. '0 FLOWERS FOR EMERY 0 000AS/ON Telephone: Day or Nights 110 0 10 Residence 66 10 0 10 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 40 10 BOX ittrttatIttrbite10 tie ,co ,E0o * 041304 M44• .00 U 0 WALTON Mr. and Mrs. S. Davidson, Mani- toba, with Miss Bessie and Ed. Davidson. Misses Helen Ruth and Ann Louise Brown, London, visited with Misses June and Audrey Hackwell. • Mr. and Mrs. Leckart Johnston and daughter, Mimi, Hamilton, vis- ited with Mrs. Nelson Reid and other friends here. CONSTANCE Mr. and Mrs, Kelso Adams and Gerald, Centralia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams, after return- ing from a trip to Niagara Falls. Mrs. E. Adams and Miss Donelda have returned from a summer re- sort in Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale and Muriel and Marilyn Taylor spent Sunday in London with Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dodds. Muriel and Mar- ilyn remained for a .visit. Master Lawrence Taylor is at- tending boys' camp at the United Church Boys' Camp, north of Gode- rich. EGMONDVILLE Mr. Allan Esler, Camrose, Alta., and Mrs. Lee McConnell, Varna, visited 'Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston and Mrs. David Stephenson. Mrs. Ruby Dundas and family spent the week -end with friends in Toronto. Miss Jessie Finlayson visited this week with friends at Wingham. Miss Vera Palmer, Toronto, spent last week with her friend, Miss Laura McMillan, and Mrs. McMil- lan. Mrs. E. J. Weber is spending, a few days at the Toronto Exhibi- tion. Seaforth W.I. Sept. Meeting On Wednesday The regular meeting of the Sea - forth W.I. will be held on Wednes- day, Sept. 3, at the holt* of Mrs. Sandy Pepper, Tuckersurith. The motto will he taken by Mrs. Jas. F. Scott; Mrs. Robert Dalrymple will give a denionstratien. The ,lunch committee -will be: sandwiches, Mrs. J. McLean, Mie. Andrew Croz- let; 'cookies, Mrs. Ross Gordon, Mrs. Jack Kerr. Members are ask- ed to bring donations of docks and Indamas. Chesney. Mrs. Sherwood and son are remaining for a visit. • Mr. and Mrs. George McGavin, and Miss Marion McGavin, of Stratford, spent a few days in Port Elgin and Thornbury recent- ly. • Mrs, F. C. Anderson and Miss, Davina Anderson have returned from Toronto where they spent two weeks. • Mrs. H. R. Scott and Mi. W. D. Smith were in Toronto last week, attending the funeral of tile late Ed. Boyd. • Miss Betty Jean Andre,‘,", is spending her vacation in Hainil. ton, Toronto and Niagara Falls. • Visitors during the past week at the home of Mrs. M. White were Mr. R. G. Murdie and son, Ettlon, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and Mrs. Sam Summers, of Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. W. Gib- son White and family, London; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Murdie, Luchnow, and Mrs. A. W. Armitage and daughter, Elizabeth Ann.e, Arthur. • Mrs. Mabel Kilpatrick.. who has been spending the summer with her sisters and brothers here, has left for Montreal, where she wit spend some Vale with her sons. She was accompanied there by her son, William, who spent his vaca• tion here at the home of Robert J. and Mrs. Elgie, Tuckersmith. • Rev. and Mrs. R. H. Williams, Paul and 'Mac, Detroit, who have been spending the last two weeks. in the New England States, and for a week with Mr. and Mrs, M. Mc- Kellar, left Wednesday for home. • Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archibald, Tucker - smith were: Mr. and Mrs, C, G. Sherwood and Craig, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Rowe, Philip, Billie and Ian, of Barrie, and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Archibald. Blyth, and Mary, Chatham. • Mr. and Mrs. James Schultz, St Petersburg, Fla., entertained with a picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fisher for the Thompson and Way families, 'Mr, and Mrs. George Feagah, Colborne; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wafker, Hamil- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mc- Clinchey, iKippen. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz leave for home this week. • Mr. and 'Mrs. R. F. McKercher and Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McKercher, McKillop, and Mies H. M. McKee cher, Ottawa, attended the Bladk- Courtice wedding in Hamilton Sat- urday. • Mr. Wesley McMillan, Sa,ginaw, Mich., was a visitor in. towe Tues- day. Mr. McMillan, born here, was last in Seaforth 18 years ago, Mrs. H. C. Brown, New York, is visiting her aunt, Mise Marlon Watson. • Mrs. Harry McDermont and Miss Rtith Millar, London, and Mrs. D. D. Smith, Toronto, were guests recently with Mr. and Mrsg. T. W. McMillan. Mr. and MTS. C. P. Sills and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays visited Mr. Joseph Silis in Baltimore, Md., last Week. c. . • Mr. and Mrs. Tan! MacTatrish, and family, Amsterdam, Holland, are guests of his mother, Mrs J. MacTavith. • )Miss Mary Gillespie, Goderich, spent Thursday in town visiting friends. • Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Fraser, Pert W1111101n rvrere :guests last Weelet voiii MORN, Soarlett. • Wei abiittiolt, Mac1t- lin, Seek., *did iI' Visiting at the home of he sister, Ilia. Robert S. tigle, "Atelaersmith, wag plea& alttly Mirtitised�lsPriday evening *Ilea the Maeklitt MOW' pow* Austerity is -a word politicians use whea they are afraid to call poverty by its right IMMO "Looking delvh on other Men ts1fl,not get pis anrdiere,0 states dilt effidleflOf srs salt •ite IiaYd other 4,i0g; 60) THE LAST OF THE SEASON! Seaforth Bingo $2,100.00 Cash Prizes FRIDAY, SEPT. 5th IllemellallermallaboollINIIIneoll11111114•11111 St. Joseph's School of Music Reopens For Fall Term Prospective pupils are requested to register at once. 004440,4144, Late Harry Edward Pierce. - A former well-known resident of Sea - forth, Henry Edward Pierce, Peas - ed away in Saginaw, Miele, Sunday, August 24. Mr:.Pierce born Ig Chi- cago in 1889, spent his boyhood with his uncle and aunt, the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Sills. He was a member of the 161st Battalion in World War 1, going overseas with that unit and returned in 1919. While in Seaforth Mr. Pierce was in the employ of the late William Pickard, the late J. C. Grelg and Stewart Bros. After leaving Sea - forth he travelled for some years as a salesman in the State of Michi- gan, and previotis to his death was in the employ of the -Chevrolet Co. in Saginaw. The many beautiful flowers and spiritual bouquet8. testified to the esteem 'the deceas- ed was held in his community. Ser- vice 011 Wednesday, Aug. 26, 'was from the Shea Faneral Home to St. Mary's Church, where Monsig- nor Vogt celebrated High Mase and afterwards conducted the final ser- vice at the graveside. Mr. Pierce leaves to mourn his loss, his wife, the former Kathleen Binder, of Al- vinston, and son, John, who saw service with the United States, Mr Fbrce -in-World War II. Deceased was a member of the Knights of ,Coaumbus, Holy Name and Ameri- can Legion. Besides many local ftienee, the funeral services were attended by relatives from Detroit, Alvinston, Sarnia, -Seaforth and Toronto Garnet Taylor at Stale. Mr. and Mrs. Rees Davidson spent Sunday n Milverton. Just a Reminder! O -R -D -E -R Chrich's WHITE CLOVER BREAD for your HOLIDAY WEEKEND Makers of FINE PASTRY Crich's Bakery Phone 34 : Seaforth WINTHROP The W.M.S. and W.A. of Caven Church will meet on Wednesday in the basement of the churen The roll call will be a verse of Scrip- ture. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase attend- ed the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. John McClure and Miss Eth- el McClure visited Mr. and Mrs. Girls Wanted To Operate Sewing Machines Apply SEAFORTH SHOES LTD. -DUBLIN- - • - , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess, Flint, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Vandeworker, Pontiac, Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dill. Mr. R. Trost accompanied his daughter to Flint for a visit. Mrs. Bill Durst and eon, .Wroxe- er, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Forster. Mrs. A. Forster attended the Canadian National,Exhibition. Min William O'Reilly attended the wedding of her granddaughter in Detroit. Neil and Richard Stapleton spent several weeks in Montreal. Mr. and IVIrs-. Stephen Eckert antl (family, Timmins, were guests- of Mrs. Teresa Eckert. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nicholson, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy and son, Jack, Pontiac, 'Mich., Mrs. Gene Giroux, Thorold, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Groshok and son, Larry, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello. Patricia and Jackie Costello visited in London. Mrs. J. Newcombe and son, Jine my, returned to Halifax, N.S., this week,'after spending two- Menthe with Mr. and Mrs. William Staple- ton. ,Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter visited in London. FOR SALE In Tuckersmith Township One Hundred Acres, with Good Brick House, Barn 60x36, Henhouse 25x20. Along with one combine, one Massey -Harris tractor, two -furrow plow, cultivator, manure spreader, dump rake, set of harrows, one wagon on rubber, one oil brooder stove, one team of horses, three head of cattle, a quantity /Of hay and straw in barn. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Call W. C. OKE Phone 458 OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL noneRlannwill11111wdmiSlit For Better Value for Your Food Dollar It Pays To Shop in Egmondville! MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE BONELESS HAMS PKG. BREAKFAST BACON MAPLE LEAF SALMON 7% -Ounce Tin 39c GRANULATED SUGAR 10 -lie Bag 99c MEN'S 'HEAVY WOOL SOCKS Pair 1.29 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Pair 5.29 99c lb. 59c • ib. 39c - WE APPRECIATE YOUR EARLY TELEPHONE ORDERS - Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 — Free Delivery It's Here! Fordson Tttrr • 'Completely New! Completely Modern! Canada's newest and still lowest priced 3 to 4 plow Tractor. Six Forward Speeds. Built-in Hydraulic, Systetn. PRICE DELIVERED, $2075 Complete with Lights, Starter, Power Ta -Off, ON DISMAY NOW AT HULLETT The Late Mrs. W. Leiper The death occurred suddenly on Saturday, August 23, of Emma Lowrie, beloved wife of William Leiper, of the lith concession, Hullett, in her 65th year. Mrs. Lei- per was a; daughter, of the late Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Lowrie and had spent her entire' life in this com- muirity. Although not in good health for some time, Mrs. Leiper was able to be up and around her home un- til the time of her death. A home - loving woman, she will be greatly missed by her husband and family, also a large cirde of friends and neighbors. She was a lifelong member of Burns' United Church, Hullett. She is survived by her husband; three daughters, Gladys, Ida and Laura, and one son, Ross, all at home A son, Stewart, died in in- fancy Gone sister, Mrs. Sydney Dolmage, Seaforth, also surrives. A private funeral was held on Tuesday at her late home, with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, of 'First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, con- ducting the service, in. the absence of airs. Leiper's own pastor. Interment was made in Burns' Cemetery. Pallbearers were Wil- liam and Gavin Leiper, Randolph Lowrie, Robert Jamieson, Robert Beattie and George Smith. Flower - bearers were John Rapson, John Taylor, James Lowrie and Allan Dolmage. District Wed ,PIPER -GROVES CLINTON.-Gladioli and fern in tall standards completed the set- ting for a lovely wedding in Ontario St. Church, Clinton, on Saturday, August 23, at 3 p.m., when Rev. A. G. Eagle of that church united in marriage Ruth Veral Groves, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Groves. of -Clinton, and William Thomas Pip- er, Clinton, son of John D. Piper and the late Mrs. Piper, Windsor. The bride was given in marriage by her father, and was gowned in nylon net over white satin with chantilly lace jacket with long lily point sleeves and two lace covered buttons extending from a Peter Pan collar to the waist line. A fin- gertip veil of embroidered nylon net, caught in place by white pleat- ed headdress trimmed with seed pearls, completed her costume She carried American Beauty roses. The bridesmaid was Miss Florence Carter, Sarnia, and was gowned in turquoise nylon net over satin with matching headdress of flowers with shoulder -length veil of nylon net. She carried a colonial bouquet of Gloria roses. The flower girl was Barbara Ann Nott, niece of the bride, who wore a dress of yellow organdy with lace ruffles and head- dress of violets, and carried a nose- gay of violets and yellow roses with satin streamers. The maid of hoeor was Mrs. Mervin Nott, Seaforth, who wore a dress of ping brocaded satin with headdress of flowers and a shoul- der -length veil of nylon, and car- ried a colonial bouquet of pink Briarcliffe roses. Mr. James Kennedy, Windsor, was groomsman, and the ushers were Mervin Note Seaforth, and Donald Piper, brother of the groom, of Windsor. The wedding •music was played by Mrs. E. Wendorf, and the soloist was Mr. Charles Wilson, Clinton, who sang "The Lord's • Prayer" and "Through the Years." A reception was held at Hotel Clinton. Guests were present from Brussels, .Belgrave. Windsor, Sar- nia and Sea!orth. Following a trip to Chicago they will reside in Clln; ton. n Phone 102 a4-2/4 pRuvermtc PROBLEM 41 The Huron Ekpositor stOoterti 1* ....,, , o • .,,..• v ,:',„•,.,'"' •1'.[,,•::::t,'"i'1.4:1),•;)".i),)4'..•-,,N1,„„i,.,,.-..,-)•,;;;,:•.•,,,i)c.) ql.',,',.4-ff),", AUGUST 29tI.95Z ogototimeatoo. AUGUST 28 - 29 - 30 TECHNICOLOR "THUNDERHEAD, SON OF FLICKA" RODDY MoDOWALL PRESTON FOSTER The story of a boy's lien to tame the White Colt, son of Meta. Refreshing entertainment vohich catches the beauty of the orate doors. SEPTEMBER 1 - 2 - 3 TECHNICOLOR "AN AMERICAN IN PARIS" First Show starts at 7 p.m. This Feature with the Magic of Paris in the Spring and George Gershwin's inugic will leave the audience breathless. It contains a delightful and entertaining love story. It's the picture you've been waiting for -A Blue Ribbon Winner. MATINEE SEPT. 1, AT 2:30 P.M. A Fri'endly Note To All Youngsters, Seven To Seventy: Now that all those good vacationers are back home and school has started, we are bringing ,to you -for your supreme en- tertainment -a line of proven hit shdws! There is a ahow for every taste. Just look over these few titles: • "An American in Paris" — Musical • "Anne Of the Indies" — Sea Drama • "Millionaire For Christy" — Comedy • "Texas Carnival" — Musical Comedy • "Bend Of the Rivet" — Western Drama When Buying School Shoes Don't Forget— ONLY AT THIS STORE DO YOU GET SO MUCH FOR YOUR FOOTWEAR DOLLAR! WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values?' - SEAFORTH Chrome Stirled KITCHEN TABLES and CHAIRS See striking new designs in kitchen furniture at our showrooms NOW! FLOOR COVERINGS FOR EVERY ROOM • MARBOLEUM • RUBBER • JASPE TILE G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: Day or Night' 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH ONTARIO Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 411 NEW Store Hours CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY OPEN TUES., THURS., FRI. — 9 a.m. - SAT. — 9 a.m. - 10 p.m. 't•. tic\ 'FLOWERS CREATOR OF ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS "Flowers Wired Anywhere" PHONE NIGHT AND DAY SEAFORTH 393 Agent for BRADY SANITONE CLEANERS Exeter PICK-UPS Wednesday and Saturday j A • ,