HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-08-15, Page 7AUGUST 15, 1052 Hello Homemakers! If Peter Pip- er picked a peck of peppers, what did he do with them? Perhaps like many of us, there was little time Nor pickling! Yet there are short cats which will help, and here are !pertinent ideas. Take a Tip 1. Cucumbers may be left for 5 or 6 weeks before .pickling, if eal.ean, fresh ones are kept in brine in a crock. 2. Storage brine should be 2 cups of common salt in one gallon of cold water. a Common salt or refined dairy salt should be used. The iodized and free -running salt makes a cloudy rbrine. 4.'There is a standard for bot- tled vinegars, yet some kinds are more effective than others. Weak vinegar produces greyish, pickles, while a strong home-made vinegar may cause cucumbers to wither. 6. As a general rule, whole spic- es are preferred for most whole ,pickles. Tie whole spices in two thicknesses of cheesecloth. 6. Do not use iron or copper utensils for cooking pickles. Gherkins Wipe 4 quarte small green cu- cumbers. Put in a stone jar and add 1 cup salt dissolved in 2 quarts boiling water, and let stand 3 days. Drain cucumbers from brine, bring- ing brine to boiling point; pour over cucumbers, and again let stand 3 days; repeat. Drain, wipe OWL CADET.417.WITV CA VereateSee seeee • cucumbers; and pour on 1 gallon boiling water in which 1 tabu spoon alum has been dissolved. Let stand six hours, then drain from alum water. Cook cucumbers 10 minutes, a few at a time, in one- quarter the following mixture heated to the lboiling point and boiled 10 minutes: 1 gallon vinegar 4 !red peppers 2 sticks cinnamon 2 tablespoons allspice berries 2 tablespoons cloves. • Strain remaining liquor over pickles which have been; put in a stone jar. Tomato Catsup 8 quarts ripe tomatoes la cup salt 2 cups sugar 1 tablespoon cayenne 1 tablespoon mace 1 tablespoon:;:pelery seed 2 tablespoons cinnamon 2 quarts vinegar. Cut tomatoes in ,pieces, add oth- er ingredients, and cook slowly, stirring frequently until reduced one-half (about 2 hours). Strain, reheat, and seal. I•f desired, add 6 clove garlic with spices. Corn Relish 1% dozen ears corn 1 small cabbage 1 bunch celery 4 onions 2 green peppers 2 quarts vinegar 2 cups sugar 1 cup flour 14 cup salt 1, teaspoon mustard 1/4 teaspoon cayenne ea teaspoon turmeric. Cut corn from cob. Force cab- bage through a food chopper. Sep- arate celery stalks, remove leaves and chop. Peel onions and cut in thin slices. Wipe peppers and chop. Put vegetables in preserv- ing kettle and pour over half the vinegar. Mix sugar, flour, salt, mustard, cayenne ane turmeric and add remaining vinegar. Combine mixtures, bring to boiling point and 0 SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS OPEN DAILY — PHONE 363-J T. PRYDE & SON ALL TYPES OF CEMETERY MEMORIALS Enquiries are invited. Exeter Phone 41-J Clinton Phone 103 Your Business Directory LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS !Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses Fitted. y.. - Phone 791 MAIN ST : SEAFORTH Hours: 9- 6 Wed. 9-12.39; Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC 11 H. McINNES oh:ropr..11e - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL HOTEL Moneay, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. AUCTIONEERS MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensel] HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Lleensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; sane - traction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or !phone Seafoorrth; R.R.ROLD ACKSON, 61 r 114, 4, Seafforth JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTII CLINIC E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sun- day. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made in advance are desirable: ACCOUNTING • Jury Holds Bayfield Man's Death Accidental A coroner's jury termed the death of Alexander Brown, 53, of Bayfield, who died in Clinton Hos- pital Friday night, Aug. 1, after a bicycle -car crash, as "accidental," at an inquest last week. The jury attaohed "no blame" to James Diehl, Dearborn, 'Mich., driver of the car, Mr. Brown turned into the side of the car, the jury found. The accident occurred in :Bayfield Fri- day afternoon. Coroner Dr. F. Thompson, Clin- ton, conducted the inquest. Agricultural Society Hopes To Bring Back Donkey Baseball The local agricultural society, hard at work with early details on this year's falI fair, indicated this: week that it hopes to shortly re- engage the riotous donkey baseball show which was performed in Sea- forth•--f6r the first time last year. The society also announced that a special prize in the ladies' work' class of . a knitted garment will be awarded this year -by Monarch Mills: —Entries. must -be- knitted with that company's yarns. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 455 JOSEPH L. RYAN $peciailst in farm stock and tw- it/laments and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open detest, write or phone JOSEPH L. RY.PT, R. R. 1, Dublita Phone 40 r 6, gin. 4217x511 EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer illiorreapondenee promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can he made for sale dates by phoning 4513, Clinton., Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. VETERINARY — TURNBULL & BRYANS Veterinary Clinic J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryans, A.V.M. Phone 105 Seaforth PERCY C. WRIGHT Llo•n••d Auctioneer - Cromarty Livestock and Farm Sales a Specialty Par a better auction sale, call the WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hen. JAlllt 6910 r 22. BRUCEFIELD Miss Mayme Swan and Mrs. Alice Ham have returned from a pleasant holiday to the west coast.' Miss Marjorie Mustard visited a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, De• troit. are visiting iVirs. H. Zapf() and other relatives. They have just returned from a holiday in the Adirondacks, 'Montreal and Ot- tawa, Mr. Albert Vanderlburg, Sarnia, spent the holiday week -end at the home of Mr. Roy Leppington. ,r Average weekly earnings in Can- adian industry reached an all-time peak of $50.50 at Sept. 1, 1951, as. compared to $44.17 a year prev- iously.. simmer 40; minutes. Fill glass jars and seal. Tutti-Fruitti Cadet Captain Gordon Rowland, Seaforth; is shown centre tak- ing instruction on,a wireless set at the spef;ial Dominion cadet camp at Banff National Park, Alta. The two other Royal Cana- dian Army Cadets are Cadet Major Warner Davis, Owen Sound, left, and Cadet Lieutenant John MacRae, Collingwood, right. Howick Council Calls Sale Of Newbridge Bridge • At the regular monthly meet'ng of Howick township council, Tues- day, Aug. 5, a motion by Gowdy and Gibson, authorized the road super- intendent to advertise for the pur- chase of the Newbridge bridge. Tenders were called to be in the hands of the clerk not later than September 3. On motion of Gowdy and New- ton, council appointed Clifford Cooke, Clifford White, Harvey Mc- Michael and Kenneth Webster as representatives to the Luc -Tee -Win Conservation Club. By-law No. 7 of the Township of Howiek was read the third time and on motion of Gibson and Hargrave, was passed. Moved. by Newton and Hargrave, that the road accounts as approved be paid. On motien of Hargrave and Gibson, the following general accounts totaling $395.22, were or- dered paid: Lewis Mowers, urns for ceno- taph, $12; Harry Templeman, painting at cenotgph, $39.$0; Wm. D. Colby, survey, report, etc•, Far- rish Drain, $120; P. Patterson, work on Farrish Drain, $5; Johnson Far- rish, work on Farrish Drain. $5; P. Durst, work on Farrish Drain, $5; R. H. Stephens & Son, office sup - .plies, $1.95; Treasures- County of Huron, hospitalization, re late G. Galloway, $46.50; Howick Munici- pal Telephone System, rental and tolls, $11.35; John Craig, fox boun- ty, $2; Treasurer County of Hur- on, tree planting, $16.62.; P. Durst, part salary 1.95, pos:age $5, O.A.A. $15, attend ng read au iitor, $15. Towr.sSip relief account. for July totaled $66.60. Put one pint brandy in stone jar. Add various fruits aa' in season. To each quart of fruit. add same quantity of sugar. Stir mixture daily until all fruit has been add- ed. Use raspberries, strawberries, apricots, peaches and cherries. Bottle and seat. The Question .Box Mrs. A. M. asks: Is it necessary to sterilize bottles for pickles? Answer: It is Wise to sterilize containersfor storing any food. However, if you clean jars using a stiff brush and sudsy water, then roll in a strong sotution.of chloride of lime and scald them, the brined pickles will keep successfully. Miss R. T. asks: Is it nedsary to coat chili sauce and 'ether pickles with melted wax? Answer: Unless the containers have a glass lid and sealing ring, all pickles should have a.thincoat- ing of melted paraffin poured gent- ly on top when mixture is cool. Mrs. J, Mc. asks: Why does wax shrink on top of jars of preserves? Answer: Reason for wax float- ing may be: 1. The syrup is not wiped off bhe edge. 2. The lid presses the wax down. 3. Tae temperature of storage room is very warm, or 4. The jar was too hot when wax was added. Mrs. C. D. asks: What can Co done with chili sande that bas been scorched? THE McKILLOP - MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD 'OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. f OFFICERS: President - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -Pres. - J. H. ,McEwing, Blyth Manager and 'Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reld, Seaforth. DIRECTORS: E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; 3. L. Malone, Seaforth; S. H. Whit more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt Bornholm; 'Robert Arc]}lbald, Sea - forth; John 11. McRwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Wm, 8 Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller Ooderich. AGENTS: J. 10. Pepper, Brucefleld; R, F. Moilerrlher, Dublin; Wm. Lelper, .o en; Selwyn Baker, Brun eerie. News is formed from the first letters of North, East, South and West.. Hibbert iett fa..x-- f} A"rnn.".' ` Rate at . lls 71h members amt- khie $eeve of Ijullett tow sblpsou u i *era PRS sent at their' regular mozltlil : Feet ing in Loadesboro t;ormumjY Hall, Tuesday, Aug. 5, to discuss .the owuship rate. Atter . r,Ininlatee doption and rate discussion, a figure of 9.5 milia was struck for the township for 1952. Township By -Law No. 10 was read three times and, on motion of Brown and Leiper, was passed. Af- ter the discussion of a letter from Clinton Lions Club, council, on mo- tion of Brown and Young, passed a $200 donation to the Clinton ;Lions for support of the artificial ice plant there. On motion SFf Leiper and Young the following accounts were passed and ordered paid: Fox bounty, $Z; galaries, $115; drainage, $102; in- surance, $82.81; roads, $7,670.59. (Continued from Page 2) • ust 21, 1911, and ended July 31, 1913. Harry Golding was the mail carrier. The route extended from Cromarty to the Fullerton boun- dary, across to Concession 12, then west as far as the corner of Lot 20, William Dinnen's, farm, then over to Concession 10 and back to Cromarty. On August 1, 1913, this route was extended to the Tuck- ersmith boundary on both ,Conces- sionse 12 and 10, making a distance ofsnineteen.miles. William Hough- ton, was the mail carrier on this extended route till December, 1924. Other mail carriers on this route have been Stewart Robertson, Jan- uary 1, 1925 - December 31, 1929; John •M•oCullouch, January 1, 1930 - October, 1943, with his son, Roy, as a helper part time; Mrs. Martha Houghton; Octaber 4, 1943 - 1944; Leonard Houghton, February 14, 1944 - December 31, 1947; Alex Ramsey, January 1, 1948, till the present time. By the time this route was ex tended. in 1913, rural mail delivery had become general throughout the Township, with Staffa, Dublin, Kirkton and Hensall being the oth- er four distributing centres. Only the Boundary is served from Kirk - ton and Hensall. Staffa mute was established on November 1. 1912, 'with James E. Harburn as contrac- tor. Others in charge who were either contractors or assistants, were Nettie Riley-, Frank Yeo, Sam Norris, Seth Brown, Lorne Hodge and John Robertson, who is in charge at the present time. J. H. Roach was the first contractor Answer: Rarely is a burnt pro- duct worth saving. If only scorch- ed, add 2 cups minced raw apples for 11/2 quarts, of sauce, and cook in another utensil, stirring con- stantly. Anne Allan invites you to Write to her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send in your suggestions On home; making problems and watch Sid coluann for repfiee. TIRE BARGAIN! GOOD/VEAR MARATHON 00 6 �199s LESS BIG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on your old tires BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES TOO Drive in! trade in! today! HENSALL MOTOR SALES PHONE: 31 DODGE •- DESC1TO GOOIO YE/IiR TIRES% A Smile or Two ,First Farmer: "I never did see hay grow so short as on my back field." .Second Farmer: "Yon think your's was short! I had to lather mine before I could mow R." • She: "I wonder if you remember me? Years ago you asked me to marry you." Absent-minded Professor: "Ah, yes, and did you?" • "Your baby's first birthday! And what did you give the little dar- ling?" "We opened his money -bank and gave him a lovely electric iron." • Proud father (on the telephone) —"Want a news story? It's trip- lets at our house!" Local editor—"Will you repeat when R.R. No. 1, Dublin, was es- tablished on May 7, 1913. During the twenty-one years that Mr. and Mrs. Archie Robertson had the Cromarty post office, the busi- ness increased from $80 in the first year, to $4,000 in the last year. The increase was largely due in later years to bhe cashing of postal notes and post office money orders, and ay always keeping a supply of pos- tal notes o nhand for sale. During the .first years they were ordered when requested by a purchaser. (Continued Next Week) Now"Skinny" Girls Get Lovely Curves Gain 5 to 10 lbs. New Pep Thousands who never could gain weight before, now have shapely, attractive figured. No more bony limbs, ugly hollows They thank Oetrez. It puts flesh on bodies skinny because blood lacks fron. Pops you up. too. Improves appetite. Macedon ao food nourished you better. Dont fear getting too fat, Stop when you gain figure you wish. Introductory or "get -acquainted" size only 600. Try Ostrez Tonic Tablets for new. pomade, lovely cows, new peel "nday At aildrugglsta. pigat4Ifi ,v" ",pia you pay 14Y lij e b Ata^ y' out et: tnQ:: TP11m W Call?" • • "Ye*, dear; btop ..'t wasn't 'pre-.; lust woitgoitg 14$193 sure, the little eblseler doete'4 collect: Irom both of us." . • Swope:. "That eb elleie I lust ate; was hatched . in ea incubator all right " "How could you tell, sir?" Swope: ',No chicken taab ever knew a mother's love could grow up to be as tough as thee' • Father: "Been playing hookey 3f.,$1.00 Each ticket admits ode adult or two chlldJat Prizes valued at over 57,500.00 Only ADVANCE SALE -TICKET MOLDERS are eligible for prizes including • 1952 Dodge • 1952 Meteor • 1952 Pontiac • Philco Television Set • Connor . Washing Machine • International Harvester Refrigerator • 2 Bicycles Special Opening Night Award Two 1952 Cars Spadad non -admission coupon attached must rise. Western Fair Asaocioflon by 9:30 p.m. Sept. 8, 1932 to by eligible for opening night draw. SEPT. 8 TO 13 • LONDON, ONT. W. 0. JACKSON. Manager Buy Advance Sale Tickets From Baldwin Hardware, W. H. Elliott Coffee Shop and some Independent Grocers i► a words ... ... to the wise! The Biblical parable about the master passing out talents to his servants has a ready application when it comes to modern buying and selling. If you had something in your home that does or could represent cash in your favor, and you wanted to realize that cash, you wouldn't take the article and put it in a corner in the cellar. Of course not! You'd make an sensible investment and wait for the return . . . and when it comes to investments we can't offer a wiser word than to remind yon that Expositor Want Ads stand ready to give you about the fastest and most economical approach to that return. Phone 41 and give us a chance to show you that for as little as 25 cents what may now be collecting dust could collect cash. :uY