HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-08-15, Page 4t.; fi .Y„ Classified Adis. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC+ ---Per Word: lat Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion.,25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Canning Eivenb--1 oent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week - les may be directed to a Boa Na, c/o The Huron Erpodtor, for 10 eentt ertn. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class ars not paid within 10 dare of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on sppliosttsa. Coming Events • Wanted v VERYONE ENJOYS DANCING AT LI the Popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, with Don Robertson and his C3CNX Ranch Boys. 4412x4 Farms For Sale FOR SALE-100-ACRE.FARM; HYDRO, waterworks; buildings in A-1 condi• tion. Reason for selling: ill health. Ap- ply BOX 152, Brussels, Ont. 4413x2 Personals "SKINNY" GIRLS ! GET LOVELY curves! Gain 5 to 10 Thu, new pep. Try famous health , and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60c..'Al1 druggists. WANTED—SELF-CONTAIIIED HEAT - ed apartment for retired clergyman and wife. Apply Box 170, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4414x1 WANTED—MEN WITH CARS TO CALL on local firms, evenings or full time. Excellent opportunity to earn extra 535 per week. Contact PAUL CONLON, Queen's Hotel, Monday evening, 6:30 to 10:80. 4414-1 For Sale moltSALE-1SMALL COOK STOVE; only been used a fete tfinei. Apply W. H. ELLIOTT. 44I4x1 roe SALE—SHALLOW-WELL PRES- sd're pump and tank. Amply DR. E- A. Me..MASTER. 4414-1 R SALE—SILVER FOX FUR, SIN- gle ; never been worn: 525. PHONE HYGIENIC SUPPLIES s (R U B BE R 291 after 6 p.m. 4414x1 Goods), it mored postpaid in sample sea led ; FOR SALE -50- YOUNG PIGS, FROM envelope with price list. 6 samples 26c ; 24 samples 01.00. Mail -Order Dept T-73, suckers to 70' pounds. Apply WARD NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, KNOX, R.R. 1, Blyth- 4414x2 Ont. Property For Sale 'pole SALE—A TWO-STOREY SOLID brick cottage -roofed house; about 24, x 30' ; 1 -storey asphalt clad kitchen, steel - roofed house, furnace, bath, hard and soft vested, insulated; veneer brick barn or drive house, about 2V x 40e, steel roof, cement floor; also garage and small hen- house, being Park Lot 0, Turnberry St.. Brussels. Well isolated; nice grounds, and high building site. JAMESMcFADZEAN, Box 1, Brussels, Ont, 4411x4 Help Wanted i HONEY OR SALE--FRESR CLOVER honey in your own containers, 20c a pound. WALLACE ROSS APAIRIES, Seaforth. 4413-2 DON'T` MISS" TUDOR'S SENSATIONAL dress' clearance. Everything to be sold at 2.79. See ad in this issue. 4414-1 'NUM SALE --OAK. EXTENSION TABLE, tfour leaves. Also a hall rack. MISS EIMLMA READMAN, Louisa St. 4414x1 FOR SALE—BUILDING. PARTLY DAM - aged by fire. Behind Cleary's store. Apply DR. E. A. Me -MASTER. 4114-1 "'ANTED — NURSEMAID TO CARE FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING for three small children. September 1 machines, electric and treadle. Re• pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING to September 15, in ,Seaforth. No house- work. Apply in writing to Box 167, MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1155. HURON EXPOSITOR, 4412x1 4395-M LADIES WANTED FOR DISPLAY DE- partment for Seaforth and surround- ing section, with well-known company. Working hours, afternoons or evenings. In- vestment or experience not necessary. A car essential. Earnings $30 and over weekly. Write SUPERVISOR, Box 171. EXPOSITOR, Seaforth. 4414x2 FOR SALE -2 -WHEEL CABIN TRAIL- er, 6i+, feet vide by 13 feet long. Pric- ed for quirk sale. Also hard and soft wood slabs for sale; 5,000 used brick. Wel will cut your grass or weeds. J. R.' ,BURNS, Seaforth, Phone 69-11. 441451 , 1 OR SALE—Gar. FRIGIDAIRE, 6 CU. feet; Northern Electric cabinet radio in good condition ; cook stove; Filter Agents Wanted ;Queen vacuum cleaner; Cofield washing', rpachine. Ali priced reasonably. Apply AGENTS WANTED IN GOOD VACANT territories. Splendid opportunity to ambitious persons to step into profitable business and earn from $50 to $60 a week. Sell from door to door 225 products well- known and guaranteed: cosmetics, culin- aries, medicines, farm specialties, tea, cof- fee, etc. 518 needed. Details— JITO: 5130 'St. Hubert, Montreal. 4411-4 Poultry URRAY DOIG, Seaforth Motors. 4414x2' VOR SALE — HARDWOOD SLABS, mostly maple, $10.00 per load of ap- proximately two cords; mixed wood slabs, $8 per load, approximately two cords. de- [ livered in Seaforth. Let us figure on your sawdust requirements. Prompt delivery. FRED HUDIE. Phone 562, Clinton. 4414x4 VOR SALE --GLAD BLOOMS, 25c AND 77 a dozen. Pickling Beets. II qts., $1.00. Ready in a week or two: Water- ttCR SALE -200 RED ROCK PULLETS, melons, muskmelons, citrons, carrots, pot - 1 atoes, cabbage, tomatoes, green peas. Ban-. ready to lay. Apply•JOHN MENDER- tam eorn. F, BASIL PURCELL, Market SON. Phone 839 r 4, Seaforth. St. Phone 125-W. 4414x1 FOR SALE -200 NEW RAMP. - ROCK relicts six months old, laying; silo Tam hog, 10 months old. Apply URBAN DUICHARME, Hensali, 4414x1 Tenders Wanted TENDER Drapes and Track Seaforth Public School SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO the unlersigned will be received until 12 o'clock noon, 15th August, for approxi- mately 110 yards of drapes and track to be installed at the New Public School, Seaforth, Ontario. DATED at Drapes to be "Milt:fleck Cork," mane -August. 1952. factured by W. B. Kaya, Kitchener, or equal. Samples of drape and track to aecosnpany tender, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Further details avnilable from W. T. Teal!, Chairman Building Committee, Sea- I forth, Ontario. (Signed) 111. McKELLAR, Sec.-Treas, 4418-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of ROBERT REECE FERRIS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert ,Reece Ferris, late of the Township of Mullett, County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on the 8th day of July, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their er cl 'atm s to the undersigned n g ed on or before the 5th day of September, 1972 after which date the assets will he lis tributed, having regard only to claims then received. Notices NOTICE–WOULD LIKE TO LOOK AF - ter elderly lady or 'child, from one to .three years, Apply Box 169, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4414x1 R ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS -••of --radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-R, 4363-tf ATTENTION, FARMERS! — PROMPT, eotrteous collection of al] dead and disabled farm animals Cal] collect, ED. ANDREWS, 851 r 11. Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf -von ARTIFICIAL SERVICE FROM this farmer owned, licensed, non-pro- fit, growing, co-operative Association, from top quality bulls of all breeds, the rates are: $26.00 for a life membership, $5.00 Per cow for members, and 56.00 per cow for non•.members, Waterloo Cattle Breed- ing Association, R.R. No. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. For Service, contact: HARRY REID, Varna, Phone: Bayfield 27. (Hur- on County, south of No. 8 Highway, in- cluding Colborne Twp.), NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith TAKE NOTICE THAT A SPEED LIMIT of 30 miles per hour, will be strictly en under the provisions of the Highway Traf- 1 Seaforth this 2nd day of ALVIN W. SILLERY, Barrister, &c., Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 4414-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN FINLAYSON ALL PERSONS. HAVING CLAIMS( against the Estate of John Finlayson, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 2nd day of August, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September, 1952, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 13th day August, 1952. MSCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. Auction Sales News Items of Hensall and District Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rising, Som- erset, New York, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Queen. The Sutherland! brothers, of Vir- den, ie den, Man., were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyde recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family spent the weekend with rel- atives in Teeswater. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art, tew art, McQueen over the week -end were: Mr. and Mrs, Don Rigby, Donna and Gerry Murdock, o2 Blen- heim; len heim; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Giliniour and Patricia, of Clandeboye. Presentation To Mrs. Evans Mrs. F. Evans, who with her hus- band, Flt./,Sgt- Evans, Maureen and Patty, is Ieaving the end of this month for Goose Bay, was present- ed Tuesday with a gift from the Hensall Women's Institute in ap- preciation of service as card secre- tary, Mrs. Evans will be missed by the Institute, as she was a va- lued and active member; also from St. Paul's Anglican 'Churoh, where she was an active worker in the church organizations. •Following is the presentation ad- dress: Dear Mrs. Evans: We wish to express how much we are going to miss you from our Institute ac- tivities, All your thoughtful and helpful acts as card secretary dur- ing the past months have not gone unnoticed and unappreciated by us. These changes, unfortunately, are necessary and,.. unpreventable, •but our affectionate wishes for your future go with you, your husband and family, to your new thome. This little gift carries with it every hap- piness,—The Hensall Women's In- stitute. Miss Valliere has returned to To- ronto after spending the past week with Hensall friends. Mrs. (Dr.) Dodds, Winnipeg, vis- ited Miss Minnie Reid this week. The Orr reunion was held Civic rioliday at the' Palace Gardens, Formosa. Members of the family were present from Montreal, Park- hill, Hensel!, Wingham, Langside, Pine River, Bervie, Chesley and Elmwood. Those attending from The farthest distance were Mr. and Mrs. Alex Orr and family, of Mont- real. Mrs. Hugh MoMurtrie, who re- cently underwent a major opera- tion in Victoria Hospital, London, has returned home°and is improv- ing nicely. Mrs. Edith 1VIcMartin, Barrie, and Mrs, Margaret Vair, Grand Bend, are visiting with their sister, Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McEwen at- tended the Mary Hasting picnic at Springbank last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R, A. Orr and Jim- mie spent their vacation visiting at the homes of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Orr and family, Langside; Mr, and Mrs. M. C. Orr, Elmlvood, and Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Orr, Chesley. Mrs. C. M. Heiden and Herb left Sunday for a week's vacation with relatives at Dresden, Hamilton and St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. F. Evans and fam- ily spent the week -end at Inger- soll. Mr. Vernon Spray, Edmonton, is visiting at the Geiger residence. Mrs. Spray and family have been holidaying there for the past six weeks and expect to return home the middle of this month. Mr. and Mrs. Gittus, their son Richard, and grandson Dick, PA Births PANNON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Au gust 9; to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ban- non, Seaforth, a son. CURRAN—At Scott .Memorial Hospital, on August 7, to Corp. and Mrs. Alfred Cur- . Station, Clinton, a son. CLARK --,At Montreal, on Thursday, July 31, 1952, to Nancy and Ian Greig Clark, a son, Greig. A great-grandson for Mrs. i. C. Greig, Seaforth. DIETZ--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 11, to Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Dietz,' R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. GARDNER At Women's College Hospi- tal, Toronto, on August 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G: rdner (nee Margaret S.mith), a daughter. HARRISON—At Fort. St. John Hospital, I3,C., on August 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Harrison, a daughter—Sheila Rae. MOCK—Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mock, Hensall, are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Hospital, Tues- day, August �5, 1952. TRU r1 RR At Scott Memorial Hospital, on August 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl '1'rutter, Dublin, a daughter. Cards Of Thanks MRS. HUGH MCMURTRIE WISHES TO thank all 'friends• neighbors and rela- tives who eemcmbered her in any way while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don. 4414x1 WISH TO EXPRESS OUR SIN - 4414 -3 serest thanks to our neighbors and friends for the kindness and consideration shown us in our recent sad bereavement. MRS. JOSEPH O'ROURKE AND FAMILY 4414x1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF LIVE Stock at Lot 24, Con. 4, Hibbert Twp., 22 miles south and 2 miles west of Dub- lin, on Thursday, August 28th, at 1:30 p.m.: 30 bead of cattle, including 6 cows, milking and bred; 1 pure bred Durham cow due in September; 1 pure bred Dur- ham bull calf, 14 months old r 6 .Durham rteers, 900 tbs. ; 2 Durham heifers, 2 years old, bred: 8 yearling wattle: 8 spring and winter calves. PIGS -13 pies, weighing 125 tbs.; 1- Tam sow due in September, HORSES --2 Clyde fillies, 7 and 8 years old, 1500 lbs, Terms—Cash, FRANK JORDAN, Proprietor; Harold Jackson Auctioneer, 4414.2 forced' in the hamlet of Egmondvfile, as - dr fie Act of Ontario this hamlet to a "built - UP area." (Signed) ARTHUR NICHOLSON, Reeve, Township of 'Nickel -smith. 4405-t4 PROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith UPON INSTRUCTION FROM COUNCIL tinder authority of By -Law No. 13, 1959 Township of 'rocker/width,T hereby prOlatm that ail dos 1 in the hen Bets of EgritstidVdle anti fiax9urhee are prohibited itiinieti1Ytbins at hi a during the period dieitti u4te Ii ?E11F9i tet Nov'emb'er 1, 1952, " heieee df` (lab eontravan. rial'o5t " b ' thiel by'laiv' will be.. ukf lieeta"itle oI t59,90. Ci11�%Ci1a', Cke�el hi t4(i$.tt AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND Household Effects, John St. in Town of Seaforth. Friday. August 29th. at 1 :30 p.m.: Empire kitchen range; Quebec heating stove; coal oil heater and oven; 2 kitchen cupboards; kitchee table and chairs; dropleaf table;, dining room table, buffet and 6 dining chairs; couch; Palmer upright piano, in good condition ; cherry side table; number of other small tablee; rockers and occasional chairs;' mirrors; sewing machine; single fernery and Ped- estals; 2 furnished bedrooms: beds, springs, mattresses, dressers and wash- stands; 1 chest of dinners; 2 trunks; 8 quilt boxes; bed linens, quilts, blankets, pillows and cusbiot,s, toilet seta; quitting frames; lawn chairs; washing machine; Axminster rug, 9/ x 12/; other floor cov- ering; scatter mats and renters; quantity of (Helios; kitchen utensils:'pict:ures and hooka; lawn nfower and garden tools. leltentitTY 7-tece t frame bouee in fair eofidltioa8 with bestflidnt, GBafoot lot, situ- ated on Soh(t .St„ veldt geed' garden land greenda, ''Cdr( t4:' C litatttleaCaeb : I+ra- qt d°Jra dawir, ltalbat ate dale, Re. ftlbVd d: MISS 173A.COOPtit, Pio aztea- teeeo ,Illtilrald' Jlieltsoni Atief'ibeieer. 44tl4-2 W E WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS to all the frienda and neighbors, the Seaforth Fire Department and all others who assisted an at the time of the fire at our farm. MR. AND MRS. PETER McLAUGHLIN T WISH TO EXPRESS MY THANKS and deepest appreciation to all my friends and neighbors +for cards and ex- pressions of sympathy sent to me while a patient at Clinton Public Hospital, and !since my return home. MRS. WALTER FAIRBAIRN, 14414,-1 Hensall. THE RELATIVES OF THE LATE SOHN Finlayson wish' to express their sin- cerest thanks to their many friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them !during their recent bereavement; special thanks to Rev. Stinson, Mies Pearl Tham- fer, the pallbearers and the Whitney Fun - :oral Home. 4414-1 THE FAMILY OF THE , LATE MRS. George Henderson wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many errressions of kindness and antipathy ex - .tended to them during their resent be- reavement; also to thank Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, those who sent floral tributes and, loaned cern. 4414x1 Deaths O'HARA—en Galt, on Tuesday, Angust 12, Mary ht'ci(ay, beloved wife of the late Jeremiah O'Hara, MsHf Xop, in her 70th Year. FINLAYSON 7n Seaforth, on Saturday, Anglia 8, Jolin Finlayson, In his 98th Veer. BaNDERSON In Seefartb, on Tuetdey, Au'gue 5a Icer nn Catrtef widow of the late George leiindeien , in lief' 9Gtb >ye9r: Adrian, .Mich., are spending their vacation with Mrs. A. C. Meidinger. Plan S. S. Picnic At the union service in the Unit- ed Church Sunday morning, Rev. W. J. Rogers chose as his text, "To be spiritually minded ie life and peace." A duet was sung by Mrs. Pearl Passmore and Miss Mary Goodwin, "Thanks Be To God." Miss Kathryn Sells, of London, provided piano accompaniment throughout the service, and Miss Greta Laramie played the organ. Plans are being made for the Unit- ed Church Sunday School and con- gregation picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth, on August 20. All asso pl- ated with the 'Sunday School and Church are urged to attend. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Alex Aubin visited their son-in-law and daughter in Burwash during the past week. WINCHE .SEA Misses June and Wilma Walters, London, spent the week -end at their borne. Mr. Harry Cole, Landon, and Mr. and Mrs. Wrm. Dickey, Zion, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Horne. Mrs. Eunice Dobbs,( Crediton, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Ivan Brock, Mr. and Mrs. John Batten spent Sunday in London. Mr. Emerson Gunning, Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns, Sar- nia, visited in the vicinity on Sun- day. Mr. Colborne Vance attended the Black Knights in London on Satur- day. Mr. Ezra Willard and Mrs. Dat - ars, of Mt. Pleasant, and Miss Gwendolyn Simpson, Exeter, visit- ed Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wib. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong, Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wib, Batten. ELIMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner and El- gin and Mrs. Ross, Toronto, return- ed Saturday after a six weeks' trip to the Canadian West, California and Mexico. Mrs. Jennie Jackson and Mrs. Adelaide Alexander, of Toronto, spent last week with the ,fit"s sister, Mrs. P. Murch, Mr. and Mrs. Don Whetstone and Merril and Donna Murch, London, visited with Ml'. and Mrs. Harold Bell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, 'Charles Stephen, Murray, Donald and Betty Anee and Mrs. Thomas Dell, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Dudley attended the Stephen-Dilling wedding in London Saturday. Recent Bride Honored A gathering of relatives in honor of the former Florence Bell, Reg.N., New York, who was married to Harry Wolf, of Long Island, late in July, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Stephen recent- ly. Present were Mrs. Thos. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and family, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and Carol Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson, of Avonbank.' Gifts were presented in a baby bug-, gy wheeledin by Betty Anne Steph-I en. The bride wasshowered with confetti of after the opening of gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bell and fam- 1 ily, who have moved to Toronto, were honored at tike same time. Mr. and Mrs. Merton O'Reilly, of Shelbourne, called on friends in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert King, War- wick; Mrs. Mary McPalls, London, and Mrs. Elizabeth Mcl+aalls, Exe- ter, visited with their sister, Mrs. W. Horne, last week. Miss Lula MoFalls, London; Mrs. Garnet McFa11s, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Adan Somers, St. Marys, also visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. Routly and with Mrs. W. Horne. Miss Barbara McDonald, Exeter, spent last week With her grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrg, E. Skinner. • Huron Junior Farmers took the service in the church here last Sun- day. Miss Elaine Hern, Zion, read the scripture and Bruce Shapton led in prayer. Harry Hern sang a solo and a duet with ,his brother, Bob. Rev. Moore gave the sermon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen and Betty Anne, Austin Diking And Harold Jeffrey attended ,the deade cation service of the cairn at' Blyth Horticultural Park, Blyth, Ireeently. Mr. Chas, Stephen did the mason- ry work on the cairn, assisted by Mr. Dilling. Blyth Man Reported Drowned Near Arctic Mr. and Mrs. Frank Slorach, of Myth, have been informed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, that their eldest son, Derek, was accidentally drowned July 25. The police stated the mishap occurred near the Arctic Circle where Derek is believed to have been prospect- ing. His body has not yet been recovered. Derek Slorach, 20, left his home at 'Blyth four years ago and was for some time at Fort McPherson in the Arctic region. CONSTANCE Mr, and Mrs, WM. Jewitt and family visited in Niagara Falls and St. Catharines part of last week. LIoyd and Eileen Spicer, of Regina, returned here with them for a vis- it. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Good and Helen, Londesboro, visited Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Dexter. 1 EAST McKILLOP I Mr. ,and Mrs, Ed, McKenzie, De- troit, were here over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoegy. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rock and family and Mr. and' Mrs. Harry Regele were in Fullarton on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, John Schinbein, of Listowel, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eggert on Sunday. ST. COLUMBAN The death took' place Tuesday, August 12, in Galt, of Mary Mc- Kay, widow of the late Jeremiah O'Hara, formerly of McKillop. Mrs. O'Hara. was married 43 years ago at St. Columban to Mr. O'Hara, who passed away in 1945.' Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Frank Krauskopf (Helen), Tillsonburg, and one son, Gerald O'Hara; also one sister, Mrs. Ann Murray, Dub- lin, and two brothers, Thomas Mc- Kay, Galt, and W. J„McKay, Schu- masker. The funeral was held Thursday morning from the W. J. Cleary funeral home, Seaforth, to St. •Colum•ban Church for Requiem High 'Maes. Interment was in St. Columban cemetery. Calling All Girls WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE CROWNED 'Miss Huron County' At the Second Annual Huron County Beauty Contest 1 To Be Held in Zurich, on LABOR DAY — MONDAY, SEPT. lst, 1952 AT Zurich Lions Club Annual Labor Day Celebration OPEN TO ALL GIRLS, 'RESIDENTS OF HURON 'COUNTY MARRIED OR'' SINGLE, BETWEEN AGES OF 15 AND 29 1st PRIZ— $75.00 CASH Trophy and Gifts of Merchandise 2nd PRIZE — $25.00 CASH Trophy and Gifts of Merchandise ALL CONTESTANTS WILL RECEIVE CONSOLATION AWARDS Winners will have the opportunity of competing for "Miss Western Ontario” Contest to be held at a later date in Windsor at the Windsor Firefighters' Field Day (ALL CONTESTANTS MUST APPEAR LN BATHING SUITS) Mail this Coupon before August 27th to: BEAUTY CONTEST, BOY 3, ZURICH, ONT. Name . i Address Age ZrEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb and Sharon spent the week -Mid with Mr. and Airs. 'Dalton Malcolm. Missals Gwen and Joan Britton spent Sunday with Mr. and ,Mrs. Elgin Thompson, Bruceleld, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Hardill, To- ronto, and Miss Shirley Aihrens, Mitchell, visited last week with Mrs. James Mateolm, A. large crowd from Zion attend- ed the 75th anniversary at Staffs on Sunday. Misses Joanne and Dianne Oud- more, Clinton, and Miss Ann Park, Mitchell, visited their aunt, Mrs. Charles Roney and Mr. Roney, on Tuesday. Mr. and; Mrs. George Robinson and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sebben, Stratford, re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hardill and Mrs. J. Malcolm and Bruce visited with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Gordon on Friday. Master Keith Malcolm visited last week with his aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs. Clayton ,Sheldon, at SL Marys. pR NT NG PROBLEM 41 The Huron Expositor SEAFORTH FINAL CLEARANCr" 0f Dresses Every Dress On the Racks To Be Sold Regardless Of Coati ONE PRICE —. 2.79 VALUES TO 9.95 -- ALL *1' 2.79 KIDDIES ' COTTON DRESSES, 7-12, at 129 (Values to $.95) PHONE 70 TUDOR'S HENSAI4L LADIES' WEAR DORY GOODS . It's Here! THE NEW FordsonT�br • Completely New! Completely Modern! Canada's newest and still lowest priced 3 to 4 plow Tractor. Six Forward Speeds, Built-in Hydraulic System.. • ON DISPLAY NOW AT DALY MOTORS Phone 102 • Seaforth Prompt Deliveryon the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CHEV, STYLFLIN,E SEDAN '52 .CHEV- DE LUXE S'rYLELn'E COACH— two-tone, loaded with extras 2—'51 CHEV. DELUXE .STYLIELINE SEDANS Air Conditioning; one a Power -Glide '51 OHEV. STYLELINE COACH '51 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN —Power Glide '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '46 CHEV. STYLEMASTER SEDAN '40 CHEV, COACH '39 PONTIAC COACH '35 'CHEV. STANDARD SEDAN '50 CHEV. %-TON STAKE with racks '42 'CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE—Price $375 '48 CHEV. 1 -TON PICKUP—Price $5511' '42 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model'cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO PHONE 73-X "The 'Home of Better Used Cars" OPEN EVERY EVENING A Home Improvement Finance Plan for. Home Owners The BALL - MACAULAY Yards at Seaforth and Clinton are pleased to announce that through membership in Inter -Provincial Building Credits Ltd., they are now able to offer to HOME OWNERS a low cost Credit Plan, by which repairs, alterations and modernization of existing homes can be financed. Who is Eligible? Any home owner of good credit stand- ing who has a reasonable equity in his home. What Improvements Can Be Financed Under the Plan? A repair, alteration or improvement of an existing structure, including a detached garage, e.g., finishing attic rooms, adding rooms, re -roofing new flooring, modernizing kitchens, bathrooms, making basement room, ete. Where Do I Apply For Advice? Go to BALL - MACAULAY. They will give you expert advice, examine your home if you so desire, help you to determine your 'exact requirements, give you a quotation, or find a satisfactory contractor. I.f you wish, you can do the job yourself. How Do I Arrange For Credit? Fill out a Simple confidential applica- tion in BALL - MACAULAY Office. Are There Limits As to Amount and Time Allowed For Payment? Yes. The minililum credit is $100 and the maximum 32,000. The repayment plan provides for equal monthly instalments in round figures over periods of six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months, as you may select. You say how much you can afford to pay' each month and a satisfactory plan will be selected. What is the Down Payment Be- fore I Can Get the Job Started? No down payment is necessary on build- ing •material. What is the Carrying Charge or Cost of This Credit? One-half of one per cent per month on the total credit arranged. Thus a $300.04 credit to be repaid in 12 monthly instalments' would cost $6 per $100, or '$18 in all. There is no other charge except in the cage of snail credits of $250 or less, for which an addition- al service charge of $1.00 is made. BALL - MACAULAY LUMBER - LIME - CEMENT - TILE - BRICK SEAFORTH CLINTON Phone 787 Phone 97 t f 1 14 54