The Huron Expositor, 1952-07-25, Page 4tf. • ssifed Ads. I ossified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: let Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 8rd Week 34 Cent Minimum charge, each insertion85 Cents Each figure, initial and' abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Na, c/o The Huron Expoaitor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class ars not paid within l0- days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application. Coming Events EVER&NE ENJOYS DANCING AT the- Popular Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, with Don Robertson and his OKNX Ranch Boys. 4412x4 Help Wanted 'WANTED-.ERPE]RIEN!OED CABINET maker or bench hand. Apply CLIP- PER COACH MFG. CO., Hensall, Ont. 4412-1 Agents Wanted AGENTS WANTED IN GOOD VACANT territories. Splendid opportunity to ambitious persons to step into profitable business and earn from $50 to $60 a week. Sell from door to door 225 products well- ' known and guaranteed: cosmetics, culin- aries. medicines, farm specialties, tea, cof- fee, etc. $18 needed. Details- JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. 4411-4 Tenders Wanted TENDERS Town of Seaforth Wanted WANTED -SECOND -BAND BROODER house, in good condition. IRWIN TRE W ARPHA. Phone 840 r 33, Sea - forth. 4412x1 'W ANTED FOR, CASH -OLD STEM buttons and l!ntton strings; also old postage stamps on or off envelopes, and collections. BOX 637, Milton, Ont. 4412x2 Personals "CZKINNY" GIRLS 1 ' GET LOVELY a'• curves! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight -builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All druggists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goods), mailed Postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of EDWARD CHARLES CHAMBERLAIN ALL PERSONS HAVING .0 L A I M S against the Estate of Edward Charles NDERS FOR THE PAINTING OF Chamberlain, late of the Town of Sea nsuranoe 'the 'Down Hall will be received by the Q Ant, rdeceased, who died on then the County of Huron,118th day undersigned up to the Math day of Aug- of April, 1952, are hereby notified to send ust, 1952. For particulars also see the in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned. undersigned on or before the 8th day of August, 1952. after which date the assets Lowest or any tender not necessarily I accepted. , will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. B. F. CHRISTIE, Chairman, Property Committee. 4412-2 Notices NOTICE-SE_4FORTH PUBLIC LIB- rary will be closed from July 28 to August 12, inclusive. GRE'l'A THOMP- SON. Librarian. 4412-2 'In the Estate of THOMAS EARL VAN RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS; EGMOND of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE - DATED at Seaforth, this 16th day of July, 1952. McCONNELL & RAYS, m; • THE UURON . EXPOSITOR ,,:i► News Items of ,Hensall and District HENSALL CHURCH PICNIC The annual congregational picnic of Carmel Presbyterian Church, Hensall, was held Wednesday, July Motor . Cars For Sale FOR SALE -4100 BUYS GOOD MODEL 'A' Ford truck Apply DR. E. A. MoM a STER, Seaforth. 4412-1 Property For Sale ]j OR SALE --A' TWO.STIOREY SOLID brick cottage -roofed hoose- about 241 x 301; 1 -storey asphalt clad kitchen, steel - roofed house, fn9•nace, bath, hard and soft wated, insulated`; veneer brick barn or drive house, about 26/ x 401, steel roof, cement floor; also garage and small hen- house, being Park Lot 0, Tnrnberry St., Brussels. Well isolated: nice grounds, and high building site. JAMES MCFADZEAN, Box 1, Brussels, Out. 4411x4 For Sale FOR SALE -3 LITTERS OF, PIGS, 9 and 10 weeks old. Phone HAROLD HUGILL, 616 r 5, Clinton. 4112-1 volt SALE -1949 BUILT-IN G.M. RADIO in perfect order. Apply to EI MER SOMERS, at Seaforth Motors. 4412x1 FOR - ,SALEEERV'EL ELECTRIC RE- frigerator; 4 -burner electric stove: chrome kitchen suite, 4 chairs. PHONE 682-M. 4412x1 FOR •SALE -HEAVY TARPAULIN FOR r,=,ton truck ; almost new. Reason- able. HAROLD MALONEY. 4412x1 OR SALE -GEORGIA PINE DUMB- ' whiter. Apply to MRS. JEAN FOR- TUNE- Phone 661 r 13, Seafdrth. 441i-2 FOR SALE -PENCIL GREEN BEANS, 6 quarts 60c; 11 quarts $1.00. Apply to BASIL PURCELL. Phone 125-W, Sea - forth. 4412-1 'port SALE - TWO -WHEEL TRAILER, heavy truck • frame, platform 101 x 8, with tight sides, three feet high. ROY LAWSON, first farm west of Seaforth. Phone 669 r 16, Seaforth. 4412x1 IiT1OR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1185. I�RIVATE SALE OF HOUSE FURNISH- ings in Hibbert Township, 3 miles west of Staffa, Saturday afternoon and evening, Seaforth, Ontario, duly 26: Beach Quebec cook stove (like Solicitors for the Executor. new) ; chair, tables, bookcase and writing 4411-3 desk combined. bedroom furniture, glass cupboard, dishes, and many other articles. NOTICE to CREDITORS Terms --Cash. MISS PRINGLE, Proprie- tress. - 4412.1 Cards Of Thanks PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. ' ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMSM RS, RUSSELL DALLAS WISHES TO' Phone 347-R. 4368-tf' against the Estate of Thomas Earl thank the W.A., of Brucefield United Van Esmond, late of the Village of Eg- Church for remembering her during her HOUSE AVAILABLE - RENT FREE; mondville, in the County of Huron, Gen- illness. 4412-1 Party' to board elderly lady. This is tleman, deceased, who died on the 5th day an excellent proposition for middle-aeed ' of July, 1952, are hereby notified to send or older people. Apply to Box 162, HUR- in full. particulars of theiri t claims to the ON EXPOSITOR. 4411x2 undersigned on lx g or before the 8th day of August, 1952, after which date' the assets wilt be distributed,' having regard only to claims then received. I DATED at Seaforth this 15th day of !July, 1952. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for th,e Executor. 4411-3 ArraNTION, FARMERS! - PROMPT, 1 courteous collection of all dead andl disabled farm animals Call collect, ED.'I ANDREWS, 851 r 11, Seaforth, or 235, Exeter. Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd. 4399-tf NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith TAKE NOTICE THAT A SPEED LIMIT of 30 miles per hour will be strictly enforced in the hamlet of Egmondville. as under the provisions of the Highway. Traf- fic Act of Ontario this hamlet is a "built- up area." (Signed) ARTHUR NICHOLSON, Reeve, Township of Tuckersmith. 4405-tf.: 'ROCLAMATION Township of Tuckersmith UPON INSTRUCTION, FROM COUNCIL under authority of By -Law No, 13, 1992, Township of Tuckersmith, I hereby proclaim that all dogs in the hamlets of Egmondville and Harpurhey are prohibited from running at large during the period frome June 1, 1952, to November 1, 1952. Owners or harborers of dogs contraven- ing the provisions of this by-law will be 1 subject to a maximum penalty of $50.00, (Signed) ARTHUR NICHOLSON, Reeve, Township of Tuckersmith:.1 4405-t£ PLUMBING and HEAT- ING CATALOGUE FREE Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE House Furnishings, at corner of John and Louisa Sts., in Town of Seaforth, on Wednesday, August 6th, at 1:00 p.m.: Three -.piece chesterfield suite; oak library table and chair to match; hall tree; cab- inet radio; hall seat and mirror; lady's and gentleman's hall chairs; antique black walnut settee- lady's and gentleman's chair;. pedestal and _table; 10 -piece ma- hogany dining room suite: table; china cabinet; buffet; serving table and six chairs: butt walnut bedroom suite: bed, box spring mattress, dresser, vanity, chest of drawers, chair and bedside table; wal- nut bedroom suite: bed, box spring mat- tress, dresser, vanity bench. bedside table and chair; mahogany bedroom suit: bed, box spring mattress, dresser, chest draw- ers and chairs : 3 reed porch chairs ; number small tables ; occasional chairs: 2 card tables; 6 cubic foot Frigidaire, three months old; drop-leaf table: kitchen chairs ; pantry table; washing machine; clocks; electric stove; mirrors: drapes; scatter mats; runners: other floor cover- ings: verandah swing; dishes and kitchen utensils; lawn mower; garden hose and garden tools: step -ladder, and many other articles. Termf-Cash. T. SWAN SMITH. Prbprietar' 'Es";P?"Chesney Clerk: Harold Jackson. Auctioneer. •C' 4412-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF Household Effects from the home of Miss Hannah M. Craig, Queen St.. Hensall, on Saturday, August 2nd, at 1 p.m., con- sisting of: Three-piece velour chesterfield 'suite: studio couch; leather arm chair: leather rocking chair: arm chair; 4 rock- ing ehaiis; 3 -piece parlor suite: wicker rocking chair; 2 Axminster rugs, 91x71; scatter rugs Rogers -Majestic cabinet radio: 5 small tables; dining room buf- fet: table and 12 chairs ; platform rocker; three-quarter bed, inner spring mattress, dresser and washstand ; three-quarter bed. mattress. dresser and washstand ; single tubular bed, mattress, dresser and wash- stand; single Led, mattress, dresser and washstand: day bed; Clare Jewel range; McClary electric range; Coefield electric washing machine; Beatty vacuum clean- er kitchen e ;cupboard pkitchen e xtension table; baking cabinet; Singer drophead sewing machine; complete set of dishes; 2 toilet sets ; other' dishes; several linoleum rugs; pillows ; toaster ; electric iron : seal- ers; cooking utensils; copper boiler: laun- dry tubs; approximately 21¢2 tons of coal: quantity of summer wood; extension lad- der; step ladder; garden tools; numerous other articles. 'Perms -Cash. No re- serve as the property is sold. MISS HAN- NAH M. CRAIG. Proprietress; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk : Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4412-2 • TIIrE 1952. CATALOGUE IS OFF 13th : press. Write for your copy or visit • the new warehouse and see for yourself the model bathroom displays in white and' coloured fixtures, in standard size bath- rooms with tiled or painted walls. just the way you want a bathroom in your own home. We have sinks andsink cabinet units, lavatory basins and toilets, pressure systems and electric water heaters, range boilers, pipe and fittings in copper, gal- ---van' °zed and cast iron. septic and oil tanks, refrigerators and electric ranges, a com- plete line of furnaces. air conditioning units and hot water healing systems with con- vector rads. We deliver to your nearest railway station, you pay no freight. S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Streetsville, Ontario 4409-4 NOTICE Re Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO OWN- ers of subdivided portions of the Municipality of Huron County that unless all noxlons weeds thereon are destroyed before the 1,5th day of August, 1952, In accordance with the Weed Control Act, the inspector under authority given in Sections 2, 7, Ill and 12, of the Act, will dame the noxidlre weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed, and the coats thereof will be placed on the Collector's roll for collec- tion itr the same manner SSTs tuxes under 'the Ass(kksnsent Act, lr. R t t'UGALL ted Ihive6tor Fittrifin County 44°2.2 AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY AND // Household Effects in the Village of Etfmondville, on Saturday, August 2nd. et I p.m.: ANTIQUES -Walnut lady's chair; 6 walnut dining room chairs. up- holstered in needlepoint: small settee with Queen Anne legs: 3 rockers; tables; foot- stools; lamps: 6 clocks; candlesticks: oc- casional chairs; corner cupboard : fireplace basket and screen : ornaments; pictures ; walnut sideboard ; bedroom furniture; china; dinner set of Wedgewood; electri- cal appliances; Doherty cook stove: porce- lain kitdhen table; kitchen chairs; hot- plate (new); ironing hoard; 7 -foot Frigid- aire; electric washing machine and tubs; 4 ferneries: cherry drop-leaf table; kit- chen cupboard: chesterfield (like new) ruining room extension table: cabinet radio; day bed; wardrobe; garden scuf- fler; hose; garden tools. PROPERTY -7 - room brick house with furnace; Hyilro. Property: all and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Village of Egmondville, in the Township of Tucker - smith, in the County of Huron, and the Province of Ontario, and being composed of village lot No. 8 on the East side of Centre Street, and Lot Ne. 8 on West side of Mill Street, in the said Village of Egmondville, according to L. O. Van Eg- mend's Survey and containing one-half acre of land, be the same more or less. Terms: Chattles-1Catih. Property -10% down, balance 30 days. immediate pos- session. ESTATE OP LATE EAL1L vASl EGMOND. McConnell d"e .Hays, solicitor; Varela Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Ches- pey, Clerk. 4412.2 'life' Huron Elcliositor Want Ade, Y'lirdle; 414 Seaforth.. ;k. ,a'' 14 Via.,. rkl-:,J„ire: 16, with a splendid -representation of al organizations of the church present at Seaforth Lions' Park. A line-up of 'sports for children and adults was run off and well contested, directed by Rev. J. B. Fox, Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mrs. R. A. Orr. The refreshment committee included the sports committee and Mrs. H. Hyde and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Hensall Library will be closed the first two weeks in August, clos- ing August 2 and reopening Tues- day, August 19, while Librarian Mrs. R. J. Cameron is on holidays. All books that are out are due on August 2. Any books not returned on or before that date will draw a fine. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Horton and Miss Gladys Luker spent Sunday in Bluevale, where they visited Rev, A. A. and Mrs. Brook. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glanville attended the Garniss - Robertson nuptials at the Presbyterian Church, Mitchell, Saturday. Miss Irma Kipfer, Toronto, is spending her vacation 'here. Mrs. J•.' W. Bonthron sang a pleasing solo, "Wonderful Morn- ing,' at 'Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. Mr. and. Mrs. Harold , Skinner', Sarnia, were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glan- ville and family. Mr. John Morris, Munroe, was a week -end guest at the Scott resi- dence. Mrs. C. Cook and daughter, Mrs. M. •Chellew, and daughter, Carolyn, Las Angeles, California, are vacs -1 tioning at the Cook cottage at Grand Bend. Mrs. C. 'Devlin, London, visited last week with Mrs. G. Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Pfaff. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kiefer, Lucan, visited over the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kipfer, Danny, .Lin- da Jane and Dorothy. Mrs. Lillian Hyde and Mrs Ber- tha Moir are vacationing in Buffalo this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Sh'addick are spending a few days at Barrow Bay. ,Mrs. Robert Eacrett, Toronto; Mrs. Foster 'Barger, Detroit, and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Barger, Detroit, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Munn. Mrs. Glazier; Clinton, is spend- ing a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ltabt. Dayman. Week -end visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., were Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Nichol, Mrs. Pearl Nich- ol and Mr. and Mrs, George Vaugh- an, all of London, I SINCERELY WIS15 TO THANK ALL Mr, and Mrs. Edward Pelly, St. who in any way helped to Make my Clair. Mich., visited with M and stay at Victoria Hospital, London, apleas- ant one. Mrs. Louis Clark, Sr., last week. 4412x1 ANDREW B. BELL Mr. Clark returned with them for a few days' visit. MR. WILLIAM DUNGEY AND FAMILY wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their k' duces and sympa- thy ymp thy shown to them in the passing of a wife and mother. 'They especially wish to thank Rev. Gardiner and Dr.- McMas- ter and all who sent cards and flowers and helped in any way_ 4412-1 In Memoriam (UDMORE-JN EVER LOVING MEM- ory of 'Margaret Ann Cudmore, who passed away in ,Scott Memorial Hospital on July 26, 1932 SONS AND DAUGHTERS 1412x1 1'AMONT-,IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dearly beloved son, A627 Tier. Hec- tor J. Lamont, missing July 25, 1944, lat- er presumed killed in action St Verrieren.- France- Memories are treasures no one can steal, Death is a heartache nothing can heal; Some may forget you, now you are gone But we will remember no matter how long. -'Sadly missed and ever remembered by Mom, Dad, Sisters and Brothers. 4412x1 Births LLAYNEY-At Simcoe Hospital, on July 16 tel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blayney tnee Lois Govenloclt, Waterford), a daugh- ter, Susan Claire. CLARK -At Lincoln Hospital. Detroit, on July 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clark (nee Dorothy Chesney), a son_ DUNN-At Memorial Hospital, Tnb'on- burg, on July 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dunn, a son. HORAN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 22, to Mr. and Mrs. James Horan, R.R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. LEEMING-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 16, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. l.ee ring, Walton, a daughter. O'CONNOR-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on July 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman O'Connor, Dublin, a daughter. SANGSTER-,Mr. and (Mrs. Dave Sang- ster, Hensall, are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clin- ton Hosaital, Tuesday, .July 22, 1952,' a sister for Gail. SOMERVILLE-At Scott Memorial Hos- ital on July 1R to Mr.and d Mrs. , Walter Somerville• McKillop, a son. Hensel Bingo oWinners 9 One thousand dollars was given away at the monster bingo, spon- sored by Hensall Legion and Leg- ion Auxiliary, at the Community Arena Monday night. Winders were: $500, Mrs. Earl Dick, Orcim- ai'ty; $150, Ed. Dick, Cromarty; $75, 'George Beer, 'Hensall, and Lillian •Segouis, Exeter (tied); $50, Wilmer Adkins, Hensall. Winners of $15 were: (1) Bert Clarke, Exeter; (2) Mrs. Peter Mar- tin, Hanover; (3) Bill Rutledge, V coke WE i4RE AGENTS for Counter Check Books .end Printed Gummed Tape MADEBY 04:1:404.4, PAPCR P1i000CT5 Styles for every business. Various colors and designs. Samples, suggestions and prices without obligation.. THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH Good Used Cars AT Rowcliffe Motors '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '50 DODGE SEDAN with Radio '49 DODGE SEDAN '48 DODGE SEDAN - TRUCKS - '51 FORD 1 -TON '38 FORD 1 -TON '49 DODGE 3 -TON '47 FORD 3 -TON • Rawcliffe Motors Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service Phone 267 • Seaforth v., Seaforth; (4)' Mrs. Norman 'Bair Brucefield; (5) Mrs. Wilhelm, Strat- ford; (6) Mrs. Jas. Barry, Sea forth, Mrs. 'Cowan; Exeter; '(7) Russell Piper, Seaforth; • (8) Ernest Perry, Exeter; (9) {Joseph Rau, Bayfield, Mrs. Wes. Venner, Hen- sall; (10) Frank Trailer, London; (11) Mrs. Joe Steep, Clinton; (12) Ernest Walsh, Stratford; (13) Mrs. H. Broderick, Exeter, Tom• Dougall, Hensall; (14) E. 'Browning, Park- hill. Late Mrs. William Vernier Mrs. William Veneer, highly es- teemed resident of Ohiseihurst,, 3% 'miles east of ,Hensall, died in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, Wed- nesday, in her 74th year. Mrs. Venner had been having good health and on Sunday evening en- joyed a motor trip with members of her family. In the evening she suffered a stroke, lapsed into un- consciousness and failed to rally. She was rushed by ambulance to Seaforth, where she passed away. The former Margaret Ellen Mc- Leod, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McLeod, and was 'born on the 16th conces- sion, West Williams, near Parkhill, the second oldest of a .family of fifteen. She was married 47 years ago the 12th of this month, and had resided in Chisedhurst for 48 years, Surviving are her 'husband; one daughter, ('Florence) Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Kippen; two sons, Lloyd, of Hensall, and Jim, at home; one son, Norman, died in infancy. Also sur- viving are five grandchildren, sev- en brothers and four sisters. Rest- ing at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hensall, public service will •be held Friday, at 2:30 p.m. Interment will Ibe in MoTaggart's Cemetery. New Library Books The following new •books • 'have been received at Hensall Library: Fiction - East Side General, Slaughter; Local Rag, Cormack; The Pernnin„ tons, Partridge; The Strange Brigade, Jennings; My Son and Free, Pinckney; Winter and Rough Weather, 'Stevenson; So Much To Record, Bird; The Hayburn Family, Crowe; Windows Way, Call'anam; The Son of Adam Wyngate, O'Hara; The Strange Loyally of Dr. Carlyle, .Seifert; The Merry Month of May, 'White; The Viking. ,Marshall; The Equations h,of Love, Wilson; The • Saracen Blade, Yerby; West to the Setting Sun, Chalmers; To Love and To Honor, Loring; The Hidden Flow- er, Buck; Blaze of Glory, Young; The Mountains of Allah, Chaveha vadze; ,Fallen Away, Banning; The 'Guests of Summer, Abel: The Lone - Hunter, Arundel; The .Harivens of Denmark, Bellaman; Be amara• T he Black - Eyed Stranger, Armstrong; The Doctor of Coffin Gap, Savage; Loss of the River, Savard; The Guarded Halo, Pedlar; '.Mustang Mesa, Field; Death of My Neighbor, Bradley; Murder For (Madame, Knight; They Came to Bagdad,' 'Christie; Grass and Gold, Elston; Murder Comes First, 'Lockrid.ge; The Gold- en Goose, Mahamiah; Dead Pig- eon, Hanson; Brighten the Corner, Summers; Love in a Mist, Scar- lett; Ladies Won't Wait, Cheyney; Another Man's Life, Noble; Mur- der in the Family, Bradley*, A Shroud for Grandma, Asbe; Read To Romance, Allison, John • Neil son Had a Daughter,' Hill. Non -Fiction -John Fisher 'Re- ports, Fisher; As We Came°'By, Robinson; The .Sea Around Tih, Carson; Her Majesty _Queen Eliza- beth, Peacock; Adventure in Two Worlds, Cronin. Juvenile -The 'Magnificent Barb, Faralla; Going Steady, Emery; Lucky Miss Spaulding, Nash; Dou- ble Date, Da Jardin; Jerry's Trea- sure Hunt, Johnson; Amos Learns To Talk, Bradlbetry; Air Mission Red, Littere; Beany and the Beck- oning Road, Weber; Sandy, Gray; Behind the ''White Veil, Tatham; Love Me, Love Me Not, Whitney; Cherry Ames 'Cline Nurse, Tatham; Son of. the Stars, Jones; Linda Kent. Student Nurse, Deeming; Kay Everett Calls C. S., Lobsenz; Wild Horse Island, Bialk; The Fire Patrol, Reynolds; The 'Cave At Cormorant Point, Hunghton; Five 'Go Adventuring Again, Blyton; Marooned on Mars, Dee Ray; Bul- lard of the 'Space Patrol, Jameson; Pitcher of the Year, Bowen; Hon- ey Bunch, Her First Trip To a Light House, Thorndyke; Honey Bunch, Her First Trip to Happy Land, Thorndyke; Son of the Black Stallion, Farley; Norman and Hen- ry Bones, Wilson; Five in the Family. Hamm; The Secret of the Musical Tree, 'Sutton; The Bob'bsey Twins At White Sail Harbor, Hope; The So Long Book of Gollywag Talek, ,Michm'an ; A Home for San- dy, Gay; Johnny ,Crow',s Garden, Brooke; Johnny Crow's New Gar- den, Brooke; Hello David, Hanna; Surprise For Sammy, Hawman; The Hungry Little Bunny, Wilde; Short Stories For Children, John- ston; Stories for/Little Folk, Toby Twirl Tales, Hodgett; Little,Folks Treasure Book, Hodgett; Little Tales For Children, Bradbunny; Three Bears Visit Goldelock's, Rar- ick; The Baby Bear, Clarke; Krista and the Fro ty Pumpkin, Olds. os STANLEY' Rev'. Wm. 0. Robinson, who has been in the ministry of the Unit- ed 'Church on different pastoral charges in Manitoba for a number of years, has returned for a visit to the old home and the scenes of his Stanley boyhood days. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Reid. of Varna, and • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Featherstone, Bayfield, have taken a motor trip to visit friends in North Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid, of Varna, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter McBride, Exeter, accom,pani'ed by Mrs. Robert McBride, of Kippen, left this 'week to visit friends in the Western Provinces.) CROMART Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schluter and Janie Terrine n, Detroit, visitdd ii r, YndnStt.. .nlb�'. over the 'week -end with Mrs. 13( Robertson and John Robertson, Mrs. Bcbluter is a granddaughter of Mrs. 'Robertson. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Deicihert and son; Ronald, Zurich, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing on \Sunday. Ronald is remaining for a few holi- days. Miss. H. Moore, Lindsay, is visit- ing with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr. 'and Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fell, Lorne and Lois, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fnank Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Scott and family, Carlingford, were Sunday guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner. Mrs. Ruby Routley, Kirkton, is spending a week or two with Mr. and • .Mrs. Ed. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Murray McGill, of Waterloo, and Mrs. J. Fulton, Mit- chell, visited with Mrs. 1➢. McKel- lar. Mr. and Mrs. William outley visited Sunday with Mr. an Mrs. Andrew McLachlin. 'Mr. and Mrs. Nelson ,Hunkins, of Bel -more, were Sunday guests- of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamilton. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernie Allen, Sheila and Mary Lyn, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Storey. Former Minister Retires Dr. R. G. McKay, minister at one time of Cromarty Presbyterian Church, 'has retired after 45 years' ofrr'seryice to his church, the last four years 'of which were spent as minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Tiverton. On his retire- ment his congregation presented him with two purses of money ac- companied by an address of good wishes. 'Mrs. McKay and Grace McKay were also recipients of gifts. Interim moderator, the Rev. William Quigley, of Burgoyne, pre- sided' over a variety program, and lunch was served. Late Mrs. James Regie A burial service was held in Staffa cemetery on .Saturday after- noon for Mrs. James, •Reidie, of Erin, wife of a former pastor of Cromarty Presbyterian Church, who died in Guelph Hospital .in her 73rd Year. Rev. Mr. Baer, of Erin, offici- ated at the service. Pallbearers were Calder McKaig, Ernest Tem- pleman, Thos. Laing, Kenneth Mc- Kellar, Cromarty; Harvey Leslie, Seaforth, and Earl Jones, Toronto. STAFFA-- Ricky Dearing,' Windsor, has been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Dearing and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dearing. Mrs. 'Charles Dauphin, Julie Ann and Bill, Mrs. Gerald Agar, Ron and Sharon are holidaying at Ipper- wash_ Mr. andrs John' Drake, Jan Jr., spent Sunday at Lpperwash. • Mrs. 'Geoffry Boulton, Toronto, visited cher mother, Mrs. John Mac- Donald, during the week. Don O'Brien. Flint, Mich visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien, over the 'week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Elliott ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Don Tindall, London, visited Mr.. El- liott's sister in Detroit. Gary Quance had the misfortune to cut his foot 'when holidaying with his grandparents near Hen - sail, the cut requiring Eve stitches. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert, of London, spent !Sunday 'with Mrs. John Miller, whe is confined to her bed (Miss Jane Hassell, Reg.N,, De- troit, visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. (Gordon Parsons and Mrs. Percy Parsons -over the week -end. KUDPEN Mr. Robert Cooper is 'visiting his daughter and son,inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love, in Cairo, Mich. Mrs. ,Hugh .McMurtrie, Hensel], and formerly of Kippen, is confin- ed to hospital. Visitors with ,Mr..William Lvison at his cottage at the lake are Mrs. Vaughan Walker and two daugh- ters, George and Gail, of Port Credit. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn were in London a day last week. Mrs. Stewart Beattie and chil- dren, of Wingham, 'are holidaying this week with She former's moth- er and brother, Mrs. Robert Mc- Bride and Lorne. ,Mrs. Alice Coot, London, visited Monday evening with her mother, Mrs. MttClymont. Mrs. Robert McBride and .Lorne spent the week -end with 'her daugh- ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Beattie, Winghaan. Mr. and Mrs: Norman Dickert 11 1• spent Sunday with relatives an Lis- towel. Mrs. Thos. WQ.rkman has re- turned home from Exeter where she spent the past few' months. . Miss Isabel .Caldwell and 'Merle Dickert are holidaying this week in Pontiac, Mich. We are pleased to mention that Mrs. Robert Thomson's health is improved after her confinement to bed the Last few weeks. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson included: Mr. and Mrs. Ewasic, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, Seaforth, and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Win- throp. Mrs. Dins -dale and Miss White- man had as Sunday visitors their nephew and niece, Mr. ,and Mrs. Miller McConnell and their two children, of Detroit; also Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor and Terry, Strat- ford. , "I JULY 25, 1.952 Mrs, John Henderson, aeeoi i - paned by Mrs. Nellie and yrs.. Long, spent Tuesdayitll the for mer's sister, Mrs. Sproat, at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones, Gran. and Kenneth, visited relatives 'ti Creditotl Sunday evening. Mr. John 'Cochrane visited bin sister, •Mrs. John Forrest, who Is quite ill in Clinton. Mrs. Fairbairn, Hensall, return- ed from Clinton Hospital to the, home of her daughter, Mon. Ross Love. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie .McBride vis- ited recently with friends in Brant- ford. rantford. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anderson and Mrs. Robert Upshall spent last week in Michigan with relatives. (Mrs. Gackstetter and her two. daughters visited Mr. 'and Mrs_ Homey, Exeter, on Tuesday after- noon. _ PROCLAMATION! TOWN OF SEAFORTH Civic Holiday On instruction from the Municipal Council, I hereby proclaim t4t��1952 Nlonday, Augus ,,. CIVIIC HOLIDAY For the Town of Seaforth, and respectfully request the Citizens and Businessmen to observe the same. DR. E. A. McMASTER, Mayor "God Save" the Queen" The Chamber of Commerce announces that Stores will be closed as usual the Wednesday afternoon following Civic Holiday. IRE BARGAIN! A BRAND NEW GOOD".'.' EAR MARATHON for only LESS BiG TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE on your old tires BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES TOO - Drive in.1' trade in! today! Prompt; delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS • 2-'51 CHEW. DE LUXE ,STYLIELINE SEDANS • Air Conditioning '51 OHEV. STYLELINE COAIGIP - -' r '51 CBIEV. STYLELINE SEDAN -Power Glide '49 CHEV. PLEE'I'LINE SEDAN '49 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 4.. 2-'41 DE SOTO SEDANS '40 DODGEF.,, COACH '39 PONTIAC COACH '35 'CHEV. STAN,DAIRD SEDAN '50 CHEV. ' -TON STAKE with racks '42 HARLEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLE A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS IO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSEL ,r. IIRlJSsE {iA PHONE 73-X "The Home of Better Used OTORS TAIIIO OPEN EVERY EVENING ° fin i. • 'I r_ ♦ 4 C ° 1 ,r