HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-07-18, Page 8'cis ise, in M{g1B.LE, CASUALTY, U AR ,NTEE BONDST AND SICKNESS TY AND WINDSTORM ttlag Companies who with Service. ,'AillERIV FOR ONTARIO madO MUTUAL ! E INSURANCE ,..;•rfirbelliatiell gladly given. * .AMON & REID ;Y;, 1t!ID - Proprietor, & Real Estate BOOM 514 : SRAFORTR sa { FOR SALE TireSte ey Dwelling on Centre •$t AB modern conveniences. Well Jilytted. FATLY possession, alodern 2-etorey Dwelling, with j<srage. Bparling St. Possession Arranged. IIa F.rgmondvitle, 1% storey three- room dwelling; double lot, and stable; small fruits. Possession Within u month. Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. lm - :Mediate possession. Comaortable 6 -room Dwelling in jlNintjuop; 1/3 are of land, with small fruits. Early possession. Iia ne Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- ne waion arranged. Other properties also listed. M. - A. REID MEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 'COAL Office closed last week of July for Holidays (July 25th to August 5th) COAL WILL ADVANCE SOON Take advantage of low Summer prices. William M. Hart Phone: Office 784 NEWS Ott itR, TOWN 'Announcement. Mk, and Mrs. James love; Tuckersmfth, an- nounce the marriage of their sis- ter, M. Ellie Mcll'athIen (nee Hamilton), of Vancouver. B.C„ to Mr. Ben P. 'Wiese, of Centralia, Wash. The ceremony was solemniz- ed quietly at the bride's home. They will be at home in Centralia after August 1. Announcement. — Mr. Snd Mrs. Fred Hinsser, Seaforth, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Edna Leona, to Mr. Bruce Martin Frfeday, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Friedel, Seaforth, the marriage to take place in St. James' Church, Seaforth. on Satur- day, August 2. EXPECTING GUESTS? ORDER LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers insured PHONES: 1624 or 112-W Keep This Date Open FRIDAY, JULY 25th Seaforth Bingo $1,525.00 Cash. Prizes Including $1,000.00 JACKPOT No Foot in' 1 it's Got To Go: FRIDAY, JULY 25th It Pays To Shop in Egmondville — This Week's Specials — FRESH COTTAGE ROLLS 57c Ib. ROSE BRAND MARGARINE 2/57c PIE -READY (20 -Oz. Tins) 2169c PURE BREAKFAST MARMALADE (24 -Oz. Jar) 2/69e NYLON HOSE — Special 1.19 Pr. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We have a Complete Line of "Greb" Work Boots, Men's Overalls, Socks and .,Shirts WE APPRECIATE YOUR ORDER EARLY Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 — Free Delivery RCA Mobile Recruiting Unit will be in • SEAIRMTH JUL.Y 2 12 Noon - 9 P.M. MEN and WOMEN w. ARE NEEDED NOW For AIRCREW OR GROUNDCREW Earn $265.00 Per Month and Learn To Fly 00000000000 ° W. J. CLEARY 0 lib Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0' AND'FUNERAL DIRECTOR O 4 not or Day Calls --- 335 0 0�A00.0000O0 0<!'OOOOQ 600.0 0' 0 BOX 0 unseat ibet ice R. I3. BOX O iLlr et ilibdEMI/atelier C1 ikMfIULAN6E 4c, • (Vatter d teehtlon. 0 tint . 0 StAlivo 4g. 7!. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURHE O O O 0 Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 0 Phone 43r10 0 0 0 O'00000000Ocy 0 O O O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 AOOOOO;CaOQOO G. Aa WIIITNEY 0• , Funeral lieme 0 Godertch St. Ws-Seaforth 0 AMBULANCCE .=man O Adjustable hoal►ital beds 0 for rent. 0 FLOWERS POIt, it 'll` 0 OCCASION' O Telephone: no o>r'CA` Ir tu) 0 1Ui11(i1IU1111II,IIIIIIIIIIg1111111Rlillll1111 Weddings * illgllIIIIIIIIUhIIR111lilllltllt111MIIIItll McKeown - (YNeill.. -Standards of bine and white delphinium torm- ed the setting for the recent mar- riage in Our La,dy of 'Sorrows Church, Toronto, of Marjorie Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D'A.rcy O'Neill, of Toronto and for- mer ormer well-known residents of Sea - forth, to Mr. Francis (Bob) Lawr- ence -McKeown, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McKeown. Father James Corrigan, cousin of the bride, officiated. Given in mar- riage by her father, the bride chase a princess gown of white nylon net with panels and jacket of Swiss Chantilly lace. A chaplet embroid- ered in seed pearls and lace held her fingertip veil, and she carried a cascade of pink roses and stephan- otis. Maid of honor, Miss Terry O'Neill, and bridesmaid, Miss Bar- bara O'Neill, sisters of the bride, were ,gowned alike in ballerina style resses of white Swiss eye- let organdy over blue taffeta, with Quaker bonnets, and they carried matching nosegays. Mr. Jack Mc- Keown, brother of the groom, was best man, and the ushers were, Messrs. Vincent 'McKeown and John O'Neill. After a reception at the Old Mill, the couple left on a wedding trip to the Laurentians and Quebec City. They will live in Durham. Olzeraevelza- Late Mrs. William ,Dungey.—Fol- lowing a short illness, Mabel Green- wood, wife of William Dungey, Sea - forth, passed away in Scott Mem- orial Hospital Wednesday, July 16. Mrs, Dungey had not been in the best of health, but her death was a shock to her relatives and friends. Born in Logan Township, she was married' in 1906 to Mr. Dungey, who, together with three sons, Howard and Lloyd, of Mit- chell, and Bedford, Seaforth, and one daughter, Mrs. Gladys Hoff- meyer, Mitchell, survive; also cher mother, -,Mrs. Greenwood, Miteltell, and two sisters, Mrs. `Ear„) Ott, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Charles Robin- son, Detroit, and one brother, Geo. Greenwood, Detroit. ,Educated at Mitchell, she followed the trade of dressmaker in her early life and was a member of the United Church, Egmondville. The funeral will take place Friday from the Box Funeral Home at 2 p.m., with Rev. A. W. Gardiner conducting the service. Interment will be in Maitlandbank cemetery. Late Mrs. James Dorrance.—Mrs. James Dorrance, a well-known resi- dent of McKillop, passed away on Sunday, July 13, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. James Kerr, McKi1= lop, in her 76th year. The former Elizabeth S. Beattie, she was born in the district where she lived all her life. Married in 1915 to Tames Dorrance at Duff's Church, McKil- lop, her husband died in 1942. Sur- viving are three step -children: Har- vie Dorrance, Saskatoon, Sask.; Guy Dorrance and .Mrs. James Kerr, McKillop. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. Albert Sperling and Miss Louisa Beattie, ;McKillop, and one brother, William Beattie, Me- Kiliop. There are four grandchil- dren •and two great-grandchildren. Deceased was a member..'': of 'First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, and was educated at Duff's School\ .Mc- Killop. The funeral took place Tuesday at 2 p.m., from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, with Rev. H. E. Livingstone, of Cavan Church, Winthrop, conducting the service, Interment was in Mait- landbank cemetery, the pallbearers being Robert Campbell, Elgin Kerr, Arnold Scott, Ken Harrison, El- mer Scott and Mac Scott. Flower - bearers were Robert Kerr, Robert Scott, Arnold Campbell and Wayne .Scott. Late Albino A, O'Leary.—A na- tive of Port Lambton, where he was born in 1866, Albino Arthur O'Leary died in London on Tues- day. He came to Tuckersmith in 1915, where he farmed a mile east of Seaforth until retiring to Sea - forth a few years ago. He was a member of St. James' Church. In 1898 he married' Margaret Flana- gan, who survives, together with two sisters, Mrs. Alice Dalton and Miss' Margaret O'Leary, and six children: Mrs. R. Boundy, Califor- nia; Celestine, Brantford; Brother Arthur and Brother Gilbert, Toren-, to; Andrew and Ignatius, Seaforth. One son, Fred, was killed overseas in 1943. The funeral will he held on Friday at 9:15 a.m. from the Cleary Funeral Home to St. James' Church, with interment in St. James' cemetery. LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. 0• S. Black and son, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. William Black in Tuckersmith last week. • 112\. and Mrs. Orville Oke and daughter are on a motor trip to the West coast. boseilalllleseregliamisloseneggpmenial FOR SALE $6,500 buys 6 -room House on Louisa St. n4,500 buys - 5 -room Cottage in Egmondville. $2,760 buys 5 -room House on Louisa St. $1,600 buys 4 -room Cottage on Side St. SUMMER COTTAGE Blair Beach, Bayfield; 5 -room Cottage, with bath, new Prig., and electric stove. Blue Water Beach, Goderioh, 4 - room Cottage, with bath; furnish- ed. All priced for qulck sale CONTACT W. C. OKE OFFICE IN THE I UEEN'S NWPEL PHONE 458 • T f vnoN' • Mr. and Mrs. Iiarolt! Gayton and. Mr. and Men Roy Reid Moose Jaw, Sask.; Miss Lola Gayton, Ro- ginaMrs Sarah Reid, Gull Lake, Sask., and Miss Evangeline Reid were week -end guests of Mr. M. A. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Warren Anent anal Miss Frances Ament, Detroit, were visitors Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. • Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Wal- ter, of Dundas, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Willis. • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L M. Buchanan, of Lambeth, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Boswell over the week -end. • :Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sillery and son, Peter, spent the week -end in Kitchener. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Curtis and family, Lindsay, spent a, few days at the Kling cottage at Bayfield. • S r .and Mrs. H. H. Hinton, Acton, were visiting Mrs. L. C. Jackson last week, • Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- lock, Waterford, spent the •week- end at the home of Mrs. Mae Dor- ranee, and also 'visited his mother, Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, who is not in the best of health. • Mrs. D. H. Wildon and Mrs. M. E. Clarke have returned from Barrow Bay, where they spent the past week. • Mrs. Herald I(awrence spent a few days in CrossWell, Mich., and attended the funeral of an uncle, and afterwards spent the remaind- er of the week in Exeter with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Francis. • Mr. James L. Broadfoot; of,the Western States, spent ten days vis- iting relatives and friends in town. He left Wednesday on his way to Bismark, N.D. • Mr. and Mrs. George D. Fer- guson were in Toronto last week. They had as their guests Mrs. H. Hogg and Miss Diana Hogg, Toron- to, over the week -end. • • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stewart, Royal Oak, Mich., spent •the week- end with his familyat the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. SEA FORT H CAB R. C. WATTERWORTH, Prop. All PassengersItihured 24-HOUR SERVICE PHONE 580-M, Seaforth • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton PHONE 481-M : SEAFORTH O$ • Mr. alai' MISS b' .go}ruy4. G$t, spent their .IIo(iday'a w3tlr Mr, and. M A.�r d Mos a. � u o l t week, J e 9 �•g r � • Mr. a J es Elliott, d ?k[ am, � li Marie enol ' Jniene,n d Mr. snit Mrs, Roy Peppennipelrt 'a few days 'holidaying with ;Frfe lie at Picton. • -Mrs.' Beattie f(,,usaii Barron,Toronto, Is the peat of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen. • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sawyer and family, Windsor, and Mr. and' Mrs. Erlin McLennan, Winnipeg, are guests• of their uncle and aunt, Mr alta Mrs. Arthur Nlicholson. • Miss rima Freeman, Toronto, is visiting her taint, Miss Elizabeth Freeman: • Rev. and Mrs: D. Glenn Camp - heli are spending a month's holi- days in Rodney, • Mr. D. Ivan Hill, Simcoe, is spending a few days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hill, and Intends attending the opening of Knox Church, Goderleh, on Sun- day. un- • Mr. Harry Stewart, of Toron- to, formerly of Egmondville, visit- ed friends in town tins week. • Miss Patricia Bell and , Miss Jane Courtnage, St. Marys, are vis- iting,Miiss Bell's grandmother, Mrs J. P. ,Bell. • Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Dugan and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dugan, Columbus, Ohio, were week -end guests of Mr. and . Mrs. L. F. Bolton. • Mr. Sam Walker, Timmins, and Miss Mary Walker, Ottawa, called on their many friends in town on Monday. • Mrs. James MacKay, Toronto, is visiting her sisters,eMiss Jennie Alexander and 'Mrs,::James Finlay- son, in Egmondville. • Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman and Mr. McCulloch, Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Mc- Kercher, in McKillop. • In Seaforth for the funeral of the Iate Mrs. E. Dorrance were Miss E. Valentine, Toronto; Mrs. W. Ruttledge, Mrs. H. Beattie, Mrs. 0. 'Mains, Streetsville; Mr. and Mrs. G. Evans, Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. K. Harrison, Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Scott. London! • Miss Annie Brodie is teaching at a summer course in Hamilton at present. • • Miss Susan McLean is visiting her aunt, Mrs. McLeod, in Preston. • Mrs. Grattan Flannigan, of Hamilton, is spending her holidays at the Horan home here. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dick, of C 0 A L AT SUMMER PRICES 'blue coal', nut size for stoves; 'blue coal' stove, for large stoves and furnaces; Buckwheat Anth., for blowers; Briquets, Hard, General Purpose; Coke, nut size fog stoves or furnaces; Pocahontas, Egg Size, for' hot water beating; Alberta Lump, Drumheller, Fall burning; Stoker, Yancey, Cavalier and Pocahontas, for atokers; Soft, for heating, steam boilers. WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 363-1 or 19241 woolnassmeaconwanewneeonwomaancowenewooec CANADIAN LEGION Family Picnic SUNDAY, JULY 20th Jowett's Grove, Bayfield All Members are asked to attend, and to meet at Legion Rooms at 12:30 for transportation Metal Roofing Order Your Summer Roofing Requirements For Immediate Delivery Call new while the supply is available. We Carry a Full Stock of Asphalt Shingles and Sup'plies- Staff en Plumbing and Heating Phone 49 •Seaforth Good Used Cars AT Rowclifte Motors. '51 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '50 'DODGE SEDAN witb Radio '49 DODetE SEDAN '48 DODGE SEDAN -- TRUCKS -- '51 FORD 1 -TON '38 FORD 1 -TON '49 DODGE 3 -TON '47 FORD 3 -TON '41 CHEVROLET 2 -'TON Rowcliae Motors Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service: Phone 267 .• Seaforth 0 Phoenix, Arizona, are visiting with Kra. A. W. Dick. - • Mrs.Robart Allworth and daughter, Mac Mildred, Of Tor n to, were -guests. of Mr. and Mrs,, Charles Brodie and Mrs. J. Mac Tavist.' • • Mrs. Moorhead, who,bas been visiting Mrs. R. J. Doig in Egmond- ville, has returned to Toronto. DUBLIN Miss Colleen White, London, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Flan- nery. Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Rourke visit- ed with his father, Mr. T. O'Rourke,. and also attended the Maloney -Mc- Carty wedding on Saturday. The C.W.W. held a successful supper and social evening on Tues- day. Mr. Jack Murray, Toronto, visit- ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Murray. Mr. Frank Flanagan, Thorndale, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Flanagan, WINTHROP Dr. J. H. Buchanan, Deloraine, Manitoba, was renewing acquaint- ances in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Uric, Wind- sor, spent the week -end with Mrs. Chambers and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ,McClure and Ross and Mrs. George Bernard were in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. -'and air-s,_.SN',, E._ Hawley spent a tm days in London With -Mrs. -C. H ey. Miss Isabel Betties, Peterboro, spent the week -end at her home here. Mrs. Jordan, of Vancouver, is visiting her (brother, Mr. Theron Betties. EGMONDVILLE Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Houston were their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Houston, and two daughters, of Manitoba, also Mrs. Jack Hislop, Brussels: Miss Frances Houston, who has been visiting with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hous- ton, leaves this week to spend some holidays. at Sacramento, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. James Finlayson and daughter, Miss Jessie Finlay- son, visited over the week -end with their son, Mr. William Finlayson, and family, of Lorne Park, Mies Mayme Watson, of St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, is enjoying a week'sholidays at her home here. Mr. Alvin Beaton and family, of Detroit, are spending a few days at their home in Egmondville, ST. COLUMBAN Miss Mary Holland has returned' to, her home after being a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital, and is convalescing with her parents, Mr: and" Mrs. J. J. Holland. Gordon Staples i's wearing a very broad smile this. week. It's a girl! Miss Mary O'Sullivan, London, spent the week -end with her moth- er, Mrs. James O'Sullivan. Pte. Billy Roach, of Camp "Bor- den, -spent a few days with his wife and father. .Master Tommy 'Hart, 'Stratford, iS holidaying with his grandfather, Mr. Owen Hart. Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid and family visited' in .London. Miss Mary Catharine Rowland has returned to St. Joseph's Hos- pital after spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Jack McIver, Mrs. Glen Hildebrand and, chil- dren, Kitchener, are holidaying at her home. Miss Dorothy Walters and Mrs. Dalrymple, of Clinton, ;;pent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. Bert Walters and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cronin and• family and Mr. and Mrs. Phense Cronin and family spent Sunday at Bayfield. Mrs. Leo Murray ,is .holidaying with her daughter in Galt. WALTON Week -end visitors at the 'borne of Mr.. and Mrs. George Dundas were: Mrs. .Rebecca Milison, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. W. A, Milison, Wash- ington, D.C.; Mrs. Janet Frederick, Reno, Nevada; Mrs. J. T. Denni- son, Galt; Mrs. Caroline Staples, Windi.peg, Man.; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Young and family, Orangeville; and Mrs. Neale Reid and sons, of Toronto. The occasion was the 80th birthday of Mrs. Millsoh, Sr.,;; The July meeting of the. WJM.S, was held in the Sunday 'School room July'9. Mrs. H. Johnston .pre- sided, and opened the meeting by singing Hymn 633, followed 'by .the Lord's Prayer. Hymn 734 was, read and the treasurer reported $367.02 on hand. Mrs. Bryans read a let- ter from Mrs. Cumming,'a former minister's wife, telling 'albout dif- ferent meetings she had attended, " The C.G.I.T. took part in the pro- gram. Mrs. H. Johnston and Edna Martin opened this part of the meeting. A candle -lighting service followed, with June Hackwell, Ma'r- garet McArthur, Leona Johnston, Marilyn. Bolger and Rose Marie Bolger •taking part.. Mrs. Thomas, leader of the C;G. 1.T., said a few words and present- ed a gift to the W.'M.S., and Mrs. Martin replied, thanking the C,4, I.T. 'Edna Martin read a poem and tars. Thomas closed this part of the meeting with a short.prayer.It was decided to leave the -setting of a date for the Baby Band until next meeting. The 17th Bottndary, led .by (Mrs, Roy Witifamgon, had the program for this pest of the meeting .and. opened with Hytrin 366,. •foilowed bl+ a readin: ' of ;Psalm 37, • •'Skbaur- ardslltp' was the theme arid p ageg 'of 5pripture isrot1i '•re3.c1' by Mit. W. Coitttb, Mrs; Cry n ICire. Buchanan. Mit 7ittoh4 that 8"teWi rdsilip is not 0i dont*, bot time .acid taistt . .11AY ],8.':9 Rege J.U.LY 17,tat 79 " SMOKY "^ FRED MapMURRAY The story of the -Beautiful Horse, Smoky winner which everyone will enjoy. ANNE BAXTER. An M.G.M. Academy 1 JULY 21- 22 23 BOY',S RANCH " BUTCH, JENKINS JAMES CRAIG Butch Jenkins is terrifte in this •heart-warming picture et a boy's trials and struggles. It's a true-to-life atony. JULY 24-25-26, " DESERT FOX " JAMES MASON JESSICA TANDY The true and shocking story of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, who gave hid life to overthrow Hitler! The Desert Fox became at legend, an bis, "MARA MARU" More People Than EverBefore! ARE BUYING THEIR FOOTWEA.'R ATTRIS STORE THE REASON — Our Values, of Course! Here's a Good Buy! MISSES' RED ELK-, 2-STRAP—Sizes 12 -to -2 Sold in most stores at $3.95 a. pair. OUR PRICE 'PO CLEAR and., one-half sizes. $245 Pair i • WILLIS' SHOE STORE "Tile Little Store With the BIG Values" SEAFORTH WhenYou Thinkof Lumber THINK OF Seaforth. -- 47 SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. Annual Sale to the July Bride 20% DISCOUNT On Any Purchase By a June Bride ! LARGE CHOICE OF LIVING ROOM, DINING ROOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE FLOOR COVERINGS FOR EVERY ROOM • MARBOLEUM • RUBBER • JASPE TILE G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE ` FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO Farm Machinery For Sale 1 -H. No. 27 Combine, Scour Kleen, Flax Rolls, Pick-up and Lights—two years old 1 COCKSHUTT S.P. 110 10 -foot Combine, extra clean condition 1 JOHN DEERE 6 -foot Combine, with motor, pick-up and Scour Kleen 1 GOODISON THRESHER, 28 -inch, with cutter and drive belt—$695.00 1 WATERLOO THRESHER, 28 -inch, with Shredder and drive belt—$435,00 _ r 1 CASE Model -DC Tractor, two years old 1 M. -H. 22 STD. Tractor, new condition 1 M. -H. '20 RC Tractor, with cultivator 1 INT. &ft. Power Binder on rubber, cut 30 acres Several 7° and .8° Binders, one and two years old Also Several ' Cheaper Combines, Binders and Tractors to Choose From NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED f S,foIi:h Motors CliE '1` C LE`I+:, - 0LDSM0B E Phone14,1. A 4'SeafOrt l i! +i3 ;eg TO