The Huron Expositor, 1952-06-27, Page 1IMInniy.,Third Tear 14oIe N'ullnber 4408. . ,* LEGION DR AD Ry' 'CE AT HEN'SALL ••I Ten Huron County Canadian Legion branches were represented at the Zone C-1 Drumhead Ser- vice at Hensall Sunday. Shown above at the wreath -laying are, left to right, the Rev. C. D. Daniel, Ingersoll, guest speaker; the Rev. W. J. Rogers, Mrs. A. Clarke, of Hensall, who has just placed a wreath, and the Rev. J. B. Fox, of Hensall, a EASTERN STAR HEAD VISITS *LOCAL CHAPTER Mrs. Mabel Maekereth, W.G.M., sad. Grand Chapter, paid a fraternal visit to Seaforth Chapter, Order -of lite Eastern Star, Thursday, June 9!. Other visitors were Grand Of- Silcers from Hamilton: •Dundas and Toronto. The local chapter also bad as their guests, visitors from W'ingham, :London, Parkhill, St. Marys, Clinton and Exeter. Plans were 'made for the annual lAenic and generous donations were voted to the WjG.M: s project for the year—an iron lung for Sick Children's Hospital—also other don- Y�1 scions to the Florence nhtingale COMMITTEE O r� ITTEE r O $�qe. ;and Benevolent Fund. fy'r11i1,M1�1111 1NJ i rt , IMe-----.410 Ross Harriilton, of Winghani, entertained, with• a couple of well- -chosen solos, which were much en - entertained INSPECT LAKE ,toyed. At the close of the business aassion Mrs. Mackereth and Mrs. namiiton were presented with gifts H U R 0 N EROSION from the local chapter. Lunch was served and a lucky draw conducted, first prize going to A select committee of the On - Mrs. Bertha Boyce, London; second tarlo Legiblature which ..was ap- prize, Mrs. H. Snell, Seaforth; third 1 Pointed to study lake levels and .prize,.:Mrs...Anona. Crozier, Sea-. shore erosion, will visit Huron to - forth; fourth prize, J. W. Modeland, day (Friday). The 'members' will• tour the shores of Lake Huron Fri - Legion Branches Participate In HensallDrumheadService OFFICIAL RECEIPTS In the interest of economy, official receipts for donations to •• the Canadian National Institute for the Blind Building Fund have been sent to the chair- man, .1. A. Stewart, for distri- bution. A great saving to' the Institute in postage can be made if you will call at Stewart Bros.' Men's Department, and pick up your official receipt. • • • day morning and have lunch in Goderic'h; afterwards they will pro- ceed to Bruce County. Chairman of the committee is Ossie Villeneuve, M.L.A., for Glen- garry. Thos. Pryde, M.L.A. for Hur- on; will accompany the' committee. Any interested groups have been invited to consult ' with the com- mittee while here. The rampaging lower lakes which this year destroyed millions of dol- lars in Canadian and United States shore property, have gone about as far as they can go, according to Dr. E. G. Pleva, geography specialist at the University of Western Ontario. Lakes Ontario, Huron and Erie have just about reached their peak District Reeves Attend Convention in Belleville Among those attending the Coun- ty Home Convention held in Belle- ville this week were: Reeve and Mrs. A. Nicholson, Tuckersmith; Reeve and Mrs. A. W. .Kerslake, Bensali; Reeve and Mrs. 'Dan Renermann, MoKilIop; Warden and Mas. Harvey Johnston, Morris; Reeve and Mrs, Roy Cousins, Brus- sels; Reeve and Mrs. Wm. Monsitt, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Erskine, 1Goderich, and Mrs. Jacob, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jacob,. Clinton. - Breaks Bone in. Ankle While Playing Football Mr. W. C. Montgomery, Winthrop, (broke a bone in his left foot last Friday while playing football at the Lions Park. A depression in the ground caused him to turn his ankle. Mr. Montgomery's foot will Ile in a cast for six weeks. SUCCUMBS Mies Annie Simpson; West William St, Seaforth, who pet - ed. away Sunday Morning, In cher nth year,. Upwards of 2,000 persons attend= ed the Zone C-1 Canadian Legion Drumhead Service on Sunday af- ternoon at Hensall. More than 500 veterans, representing ten braneh- es,, marched to the Community Park with Goderich Blue Water Band heading -the parade. Other bands parading 'were the Bannockburn Pipe Band, Varna, Seaforth High- landers Band, and the B.C.A.F. 1 Trumpet Band, Clinton. Air Vice -Marshal Sulley, of Gode- rich, took the general salute at the reviewing stand. The Rev. C. D. Daniel, Ingersoll, veteran padre of both World Wars, was the guest speaker. "We must carry the torch and stand bp for the things of the past, and work towards security for I the future,"' he said. "We must not fail in our duty. The spirit of those, who paid the supreme sacrifice must five on through us," he said.' Brig. G. B. Todd, chief pension advocate; was also present and spoke on rehabilitation. Brig. Todd who was ititroduced by A. Y. Me -1 Lean, M.P. for Huron -Perth, read a' congratulatory message from Hon. E. •Lapoi•nte, which.. expressed re- grets causing his absence. T. L. Pryde, M.L.A., South Huron, gave fitting remarks of thanks to Brig. Todd, while Rev. Daniel was thank- ed by Zone Commander Inglis, of levels. Soon they will begin re- ceding, Those peaks are close to the high- est on recorded hydrographic his- tory. In May, Lake Ontario was highest since 1860. Lake Erie, said Dr. Pleva, was highest since the 1860 crest this first half of June, and Lake Huron in May was near- ly three feet higher than the last 10 -year average. Huron and Erie still are rising slightly, Dr. Pleva said. PUBLIC SCH40L - HOLDS'FINAL. MEETING OF TERM air Seaforth Public School ,Board held its last regular monthly meet- ing before the holidays on Monday evening in the school. 'Minutes • of previous meetings were read and• adopted, and correseondence was. read and noted. There was brief discussion on the successful "Open House," held in the school on Friday, June 13, the hope being expressed that fu- ture occasions will be held in the new 'school. W. T. Teen and C. Broadfoot, for the property and building commit - 'tee, reported favorable progress at the new school. The ar'c'hitects, Shore & Moffat at various inter- views, reported they were well sat- isfied with the construction to' date. Minor repairs were reported requir- ed at the old school, these .to be undertaken during the holidays. Accounts were passed on the build- ing accounts covering payments to Pounder Bros. and Shore &, Moffat, also $216.74 in accounts for the present school. This included what is hoped will be sufficient fuel un- til moving to the new ,building. ' There was some discussion re- garding council closing the Buller St. entrance onto Goderich St. The secretary was instructed to write council a letter, requesting appro- priate action. An addition' to the origivai gen- eral contract apl;roval was given, concerning the installation of a Synchronous clock and sound sys- tem. Finance and administration ac- counts were passed covering salar- ies, etc., the committee to meet in the near future to prepare matters for the "board on insurance rates, ets., for the new school. Supply and furnishings accounts were passed for materials for the present school in the amount of $204.10. J. A. Westcott, chairman of the committee, reported on meet- ings held to arrange for furnishings for the new school. The board ap- proved motions on orders for the following: Nesting chairs for the auditorium; pupils' desks and kin- dergarten tables and chairs.; elec tr:c hand dryers for boys' and girls' washrooms. It is anticipated that tenders call ing for the installation or drapes, etc., will be published in July. At a previous special meeting Donald Morton, of 'Southampton, was engaged as one of the two teachers required for the coming term. At this meeting three• more applications were read, further par- ticulars •to .be obtained from the two male applicants. Adjournment for 'the holidays fol- lowed; however, due to the new building special board and commit- tee, meetings will be necessary throughout the summer. Howick Township. Others assisting in the program were Donald •Daman, President of the Hensall 'Branch; Reeve A W. Kerslake, who gave the civic wel- come; Chaplain Rev. W. J, Rogers, the Rev. J. B. Fox and Zone Com- mander Inglis. At the cenotaph wreaths were placed by Mrs. A. Clark, President of Hensall Legion Ladies' Auxil- iary, and Zone 'Comma -odor Inglis. Last Post and Reveille were sound- ed by the trumpet section of the Blue Water Bjend. High School Exams Announced The following are the results of the final examinations for Seafonth District High School for the school year 1951-52. The names of the stu- dents who have not been promoted are omitted from this list. Indi- vidual subjects in which students have failed appear in brackets fol- lowing students names: Grade IX -A Joanne Beuermann, Joyce Buch- anan (Eng. Lit., H•is,t.), Heida Buri (Eng. Lit.), Betty Campbell (Eng. Lit), Frances Cook (Eng. Lit., Fr.), Arlene Diegel, Rose Marie Duch- arme, Beverley Evans, June Hack - well, Joyce Jewitt (Fr.), Marie Man- ley (Hist., Fr.), Janet McGregor, Helen Mcliwain, Patricia Nolan (Ag., Sc., Fr.), Ruth Teall (Math., Fr.), Lois Roe, June Rosa, Rose Siemon, Joanne Sinclair, Joan Som- erville (Fr.), Lois Ann Somerville. Grade IX -B Shirley Bedard, Dorothy Cuthill (Ho. Be.), Marion Dick, Betty Gou- die, Ann Haugh (Hist., Fr.), Mar- ilyn Kling, Helen McGonigle, Mar- ilyn McPhee (Fr.), Patsy Munro, .,Marie Pullman (Geog.), Gerald Bell, Hobert Broadfoot (Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit), Wayne 'Diuwoodie, Larry Bat- on, Douglas Evans, William Flan- nigan, Ronald Frieday, Hugh Got- will, otwill, William Hoff, Durl Hopper (Math., Fr.), John MGIltvain (Hist., Geog.), James Massey (Fr.), Carl Richardson (Hist., Math.), William Seeatt, Gerald" Smith (Fr.), Peter Sptttai., ' Grade IX,C Haae1 Bannerman, Lois 'Charters, Marlyn ,fa yre, 'Cecelia Praiser (Eng. LitealPr.), Margaret - at4.•entberger, Christena Lillieo (Geo., Fr.), Sheila, McFadden, Marjorie Riley, Maja Roobal, Joyce Wilson, Jack Crosiew, Rene Delberque (Eng. Com,p., Math.), Donald Dodds, Neil Haugh (Eng. Comp., Math.), Wil- liam Li•towski (Eng. Comp., Math.), Wayne McMichael, Frank Lydiatt, Ross Millson, Leon Murray, Gordon' Pullman (Eng. Lit.), Patrick Sloan, Wilmer Walters, Joseph Williams (Fr.a. Grade X -AB Margaret Adbilles, Marilyn Butt, ,Byermann (Fr.), Catherine Campbell, Olene Dundas, 'Margaret Grummett, Betty Hoegy, .Joyce Johnston, Karen Kidd, Marie Lyd- diatt, Marjorie Miller, Barbara Pat- terson, Mary Lou Ruston (Eng. Lit., Hist.), Elsie Siemon, Betty Storey, William Bennett, Kenneth Campbell, Wayne Ellis, Charles Geddes (Eng. Lit., Agric.), David Hackwell, Raymond Henderson, Donald Horton (Geog., Ag. Sc.), Nell McGavin, James McIntosh, Gerald Morris (Geog., ,Ag, Sc.), Raymond Powell, 'Mac Shol'dice (Eng. Comp., Eng. Lit.), Ronald Smith, Clarence Walters. Grade X -CD Elizabeth Axtmann, Olive Ban- nerman, Emily Bannerman (Math„ Ho. EC.), Clara Buchanan, Mona Clarke, Elaine Dale, Muriel Dale, Marie Dalton, Elaine Etue, Ruth Heming'(vay, Marie Hunt, Helen Knight, Evelyn- McPhee, Lena Mil- ler, 'Donna itiehl„_.-Na'CY• Spittal, Anne Steiner, 'Mary yte, liars Aldoek, James Aktmaun, 'nor- disa Kennedy', Douglas Kii sty, George Love, Donald McMillan (Math.), Ronald Muir, Joseph Mur- ray, James Perrie (Fr.), Scott Powell, Ted Savauge. Grade XI Robert Allen, Marilyn Bolger, Mac Bolton, Beth Boyd, Alice Braeker, Jean Brown, Marion Cham- berlain,Carol Chesney, Gwen Chris- tie, Cecelia Connelly (Mg.), Mur- ray Dale (Eng. Lit.), James Flan- nigan, Bee Finnegan, Alan Haugh, Barbara Hillis, William Hunt (Eng, Comj., Eng. Lit.), Baarbara Jordan, Kenneth Larone (Lat.. Fr.), Mar- ion Laudenbach, Lu`dielle .Lee, Ann Litows•ki, Edna Martin, Ruth Mac- Lean (A -Ig.), Donald McKindsey, Floyd McPhee (Ag. Sc.), .Mary Mor- ris, William Nigh., Nancy Nott, Glenn Oliver (Fr.), Muriel Schade, Robert Scott (Lat.), Jean Siemon, Hazel Slavin, Margaret Smijh, Jean Snell, Marjorie Walden (Hist.), James Zeigler. Grade XII Rosa Axtmann, Ruth Boyd, Thomas Ducharme, Mervin Eyre, Leslie Habkirk, Mary Hicknell, Peter Hicknell, Leona Johnston, Douglas Keys, Berva Knight, Har- old Knight, Patricia Lane, Marion Lillico, Margaret McArthur, Eileen McCartney, John McGavin, Donald McLellan, Barbara McNaughton, Leslie McSpadden, Thomas Mur- phy, Gordon Rowland (Lat., Fr.), Elgin Schade, George Sills (Last., Fr.), Doris 'Stevens (.Eng. Comp., Hist.), Douglas Stewart, Diane Wallace, AIice Watson, Tone Wat- son, atson, Larry Wheatley (Ag. Se.), kentath Willis, a re,�. _ -Eight High � a"►,��,�y students Graduated Monday MANY PICNICS, REUNIONS MAKE USE OF LIONS PARK COLEMAN PiCNIC The annual Coleman picnic will be 'held at the Lions Park, Sea - forth, on Saturday, July 5, at 2 pen. Committees in charge are as fol- lows: Lunch, Mrs.. Fred" McCly- motet, Mrs. Harold Coleman, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, Mrs. Gordon John- son; sports, Mr. and Mrs. Anson 'Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. George Hildebrand and, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chapman. MISSION BAND PICNIC The Alert Mission Band of North- side United Church held their pic- nic on Wednesday, June 18, at the Lions Park. The winners of races were as fol- lows: 'Peter 'Sillery, Mary Scott, Richard Muegge, Bryan Brady, Don- na Mae Berger, Phyllis Bryans, Alice Christie, Marion Mcilwain, Clayton Connell, Donald Muegge, Gordon Ferris and Carl Berger. After supper the children played ball. PEPPER REUNION The Pepper reunion was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, on Satur- day, June 21, with about 90 present. A program of races was run off with the following results: Children .1-3, Janet Falconer, FayeMatheson; girls 4-5, Marie Elliott; boys 445, .Grant Pepper, Keith Malcolm; girls 5-7, Bonnie Barker, Shirley Pepper; girls 7-10, Gloria Ann Pepper, Bonnie Barker; boys 7-10, Nelson McClinehey; girls 10-12, Gloria Ann Pepper, Car- ol Pepper; boys 1042, Wayne. Pep -1 Per, Nelson McClinchey; girls .12- 15, Marion Pepper, Carol Pepper; boys 12-15, Wayne Pepper, Eric adleIntosh; young men's race, Regis Si, Pierre, Ross Pepper; young lad- ies' race, Lois 'Barker, Myrtle Yeo; ladies kicking the slipper, Viola El- liott, Jean Pepper; men kicking the slipper, Regis St. Pierre, Dal- ton Malcolm; paper bag race, Frank Falconer's group; matching -the -tick- tf i retest, Ross Pepper and Myrtle Yeo, 1st; Lawrence' and' Lois Bar- ker, 2nd; lucky spot, Lois Barker; ladies' balloon contest, Jean Pep- per, Marion Gordon; men's balloon contest, Wayne Pepper, Ross Gor- don; how many articles in purse, Marion Gordon; how many Candies in jar, Mary Ann' Van Horne and Bill Pepper (tied). The youngest child present was William Thomas Blatchford, of London, ' son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Blatchford. The person having a birthday closest to the day of pic- nic was George Pepper, Mitchell, The officers for next year were elected as follows: President, El- liott Layton, Clinton; treasurer, Hannah Pepper, Hensall; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Pep- per and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pep- per, Clinton. ° The picnic next year will be at the Lions Park the third Saturday in June. Guests were present from Clinton, Seaforth, 'Dublin, Mitchell, Toronto, London and Niagara. DOLMAGE REUNION The Dolmage reunion was held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, this week. The weatherman favored With a (Continued on Page 5) MUSIC EXAM RESULTS The following pupils of Mrs. M. R. Rennie were successful in mid- summer tests, held recently by the Western Ontario' Conservatory of Music; Plano, Grade 3: Nelson McCiin- obey, first-class honors; Piano, Grade 2: Margaret Wood, first-class honors. • Students Successful hi Normal School Exams Successful Stratford Normal School pupils include four of last year's graduates of Seaforth Dis- trict High School. They are: James Thomas Chapman, R.R. 3, Kippen; Joyce Eleanor, Glanville, R,R, 4, Seaforth; William James Daniel Murphy, Dublin; Joan Ar- lene Wheatley, R.R. 1, Dublin. Hannah" Pepper, R.R. 2, Kippen, graduated from London Normal School. • Kindergarten Holds Closing Exercises The closing exercises of the kin- dergarten of the Public School were held Monday evening with a large attendance of parents pre- sent. The program, which opened with the singing of "0 Canada," in- cluded an operetta, two dances, and a playlet entitled, "Seasons in Sopg," by all the members of the school. There are 49 'children in the class. At the close of the program Mrs. W. T. Teall, president of the `home and School Association, presented the pupils with certificates for the year's graduation. The singing of 's'(od Save the Queen" brought the ;program to a close. The •colorful• graduation exercises JULY 1st of Seaforth Dlstrict High School left quite an impression with the 400 proud parents and friends who attended the ceremonies on Meal de.y afternoon. In previous years the preseata; tion of certificates anddiplomas was carried out at the annual com- mencement, but this year it was decided to have an Awards Night for the presentation of awards and prizes, and customary graduation exercises for the presentation of certificates and diplomas. The address was given by Profes- sor James R. Scott, Seaforth, who reminded the members of the grad- uating class that because of their being `teen-agers; they •should •not expect to be considered a class. un- to themselves. They were merely another cog, In the wheel of pro- gress and time, and as such should strive to do their part in keeping harmony in this pattern. The speaker was introduced by Principal L- P. Plumsteel, and thanked by C. P. Sills. Messages of regret were receiv- ed from A. Y. McLean, M.P., and L. B. Morrison; at their inability to accept their invitations to attend. At the conclusion of the exercis- es, Ronald Rennie expressed the appreciation of the pupils for the Dr. E. A. McMaster, chairman of assistance given them during the the crippled children's survey, re- year by the teachers, and pre - ported that 210 cases bad been seated Miss R. Fennell with a bou- dealt with at the past survey. Of quet of red roses, who accepted this number there may be a prob- them on behalf of the teachers. able two cases to be looked after Russell Bolton, Chairman of the by the Seaforth Club. board, presented Intermediate Cer- Ross Savauge reported that tificates to the following students $525.15 had been spent on health who completed successfully the and welfare work during the past work of Grades IX and X, 1950-51: year. H. G. Meir gave a detailed' .Marilyn Bolger, Beth Boyd, Jean report on the district convention Brown, Isabelle Caldwell, Marion held recently in London: Chamberlain, Gwen 'Christie, Cec- elia 'Connelly, Bee Finnigan, Mary Bicknell, Barbara Hillis, Marjory Holmes, 'Barbara Jordan, Marion Laudenbach, Lueielle Lee, Ann Lit- owski, Ruth MacLean, Barbara Mc- Tuesday, July 1, is a public holiday, Correspondents and advertisers are asked' to co- operate in forwarding their copy as early as possible in theeweek in order that there may be no undue delay in the publication of The Expositor. FRANK KLING ELECTED HEAD OF LIONS CLUB Frank Kling was elected presi- dent of the Seaforth Lions Club Monday night ' at the club's regular meeting of the 1951-52 term. Other officers elected were: Past presi- dent, H. E. Smith; 1st vice-presi- dent, Dr. J. O. Turnbull; 2nd vice- president, A.:tiW'. Sillery; 3rd vice- president, J. A. Baldwin; secretary, W. E. Southgate; treasurer, W. M. Hart; tail twister, Eric Munroe; Lion tamer, J. R. Spittal; directors, J. Scott Cluff, James A. Murray. Twenty-five - year old.- monarch chevona were presented to John Beattie, Harry Stewart and James A. Stewart, signifying 25 years' con- tinuous membership in the club. Ten -year-old Monarch ehevons were Naughton, Thelma Maier, Edna presented to.E. P. Chesney, Frank. Martin, Marjorie Millar, Mary Mor- ris, Nancy 'Nott, Betty O'Keefe, Ruth Pullman, Muriel Schade, Jean Siemon, Hazel Slavin, Florence • • Sloan, Margaret Smith, Jean Snell, Doris Stevens, Elsie Storey, Mar- jorie. Walden, Diane Wallance; Rob- • Injured in Fallart Allen, Malcolm Bolton, Bever- �ley Broadfcot, Murray Dale, James An unfortunate . accident befell Flannigan, Allan Haugh, William Mrs. Thos. Phillips on Saturday as' Hunt, Kenneth Larone, Keith Mac- she was fixing the awning in front Donald, George Mcllwain, Donald of her store. She was standing on McKindsey, Floyd McPhee, William a chair 'when it overturned, throw- Nigh, Glenn Oliver, 'Robert Scott, ing her, to the sidewalk, injuring John Whyte, Edward Ziegler. liar back severely. Mrs. Phillips 1951-52—Margaret Achilles, E'iza- wee taken to Scott Memorial Hos- beth Axtmann, 'Olive Bannerman, pital Monday, where she is still Alice Braeker, Clara Buchanan, confined. Marilyn Butt, Iris Bye'rman, Cath- pletely taken by surprise .Saturday erine Campbell, Carol Chesney, , evening when their family called to • • Mona. Clarke, Elaine Dale, Muriel t join with them Ina celebrating their Dale, Marie Dalton, Olene Dundas, fortieth Redding anniversary. Barb; ar Clan Holds Elaine Etue, Margaret •Grummett, Mrs. Manley was the former -`cl'eli n"in Stratford. 1 u,t NIarie.Hunt, Joyce Johnston, Kvi'eni, Hemirgw•ay, Elizabeth Floe:y, Mary Eckert, eldest ,l u- ;i• -r of the ' Thir; insitbars of the Barbour Kid.f-1, Helen Knight, Marie Lyd- Kling, It. S. McKercher, Ross Sav- auge, JScott a g 1W.nd W. T. Teall. TEAL PRIOR- TO One 'hundred,: Ares le of Visa ,Norma Leemig,':i:eacbe S S No., 7, Tuckersmith, Por; past year, gathered at ,the 1. Park, Mondays„ to `hold ',a.. ,a+ eveningand present her. musical: clock, musical, pot ' and eareings. ' Mrs: James? Loeb Tead the address-aand,,i Neil and Alex .�C•hesalsy ni presentation, after which .1 meats were served. 'Misss'Iei made a *tine- reply. The following is the addles: Dear Miss Leeming: We, the pupilst. and parents of S.S.No. 7, Tucker-; smith, have gathered here this e e ping with mixed emotions:.:;? we look back over the past yes* we were extremely fortunate is having a teacher of your outstand ing ability. You have that speci.al quality of character which brought, the pupils to love and respect you. Your discipline :and the academie •` achievements of the pupils will nev- er be excelled. Your musical abil- ity is exceptional, and we feel your . . loss keenly, not only in our own ' school, but for the Area as a. whole. What is our dire less` will be Mc Kdllop's .gain. We shall miss you; not only in the activities of . the school, but as a friend. Your kind= ness, consideration and' your win- ning smile will always ibe remem- bered. It is with the deepest regret we accept the fate that the Tucker- smith School Area Board has brought upon as. We all should know that the sec- ret of a good school is a good teacher, and you, Miss Leeming, as. teacher, played no;'antall part in developing our children as good citizens of tomorrow: 'We shall nev- er forget the training you have giv- en our children to ,pe 'honest, to be unselfish, to be generous, and your willingness to join with them games. You have been more im- portant to your pupils than the Premier of Canada, and you should be rewarded accordingly. We all join in wishing you good luck in your' neve' school. If you decide to change schools next year, you will find No. 7, Tuckersmith, school -door wide open. As a token of our high regard for you, Norma, we ask you to accept these, gifts.— Signed on behalf of your pupils and friends of SS. No. 7. • Mr., Mrs. W. J. Manley • Married 40 Years Mr, and Mrs. William Manley, residents of McKillop, were com- clan net it Queen's Park. Strat- Cana, Evelyn McPhee, Lena Miller, I Manley was the clay r, -,n the late vis. and Mrs. Dan :.ianlay, all ford, 'Te-, 'ay afternoon to ce:e- Marjorie M l'er, Bsrbara Patters,;n, i of M. Kil'op. The we n'`1: ; care orate their 14th aunual reunion. Donna Lt.e Riehl, Elsie Siemon, The afternoon was rent in racing Nancy Spittal, Anne Steffler, Eliza - in which both old and young took beth Storey, Mary Whyte, William part. After the sports all sat down Alcock, Jamas Axtmann. William to a dei'cious picnic supper. Bennett, Robert Ca•Idrvell, Kenneth During the supper hour the exec- Campbell, Wayne Ellis, David HaJt- lion of officers for 1953. took place. They are as fellows: President, Mrs. Lawrence Hannon, Mitchell; secretary -treasurer, Miss Phyllis Barbour, Stratford; sports commit- tee, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery, Staffa. The oldest gentleman present was Sterling 'Barbour. Stratford, and oldest woman was Mrs. Margaret Patrick, Seaforth. The youngest child was Jean Patrick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patrick, Walton. It was decided to hold next year's picnic at the Lions Park, Seaforth. mony of forty years ag„ was per- formed by Father White at St. Colunr,ban Church, it being the sec- ond wedding in the church since it was rebuilt 40 years ago. They have a family of five sons well, Raymond Henderson, Gord n I and two daughters: Joseph, Mc - Kennedy. Douglas Kirkby, George Killop; Mervin, Stratford; Dan, To- ronto; Steve, London, and Jerome, at home; Mrs. Peter Anna) Mc- Laughlin, McKillop; Mrs. William Love, Neil McGavin, James McIn- tosh, Donald McMillan. Jerry Mor- rRuMury, Tais.msonald PerrisM, ir. RaymondJoseph Porwella, (Bemire) La ttner, Kitchener. Scott Powell, Frederick Savauge, A socal evening was spent, and Ronald Smith, Clarence Walters. at midnight a sumptuous ham sup Secondary School graduation di- per was served, the wedding cake plomas were presented by Dr. E. A. centering the tabk McMaster, Mayor of Seaforth, ,to made by Mrs. P. le. McLaughliThecan.e Folwas- the following students who corn- lowing this a presentation of a set pieted successfully the obligatory of dishes was made. .,The family subjects of the third and fourth left later, wishing their parents (Continued on Page 5) many more years of happiness. DISTRICT WEDDINGS Mr. William George Riehl and his bride, the former Sarah Marion Pepper (left) were married at the parsonage of Ontario St. United Church, Clinton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. end Mrs& Roy F. Pepper, "Oakshade Farm," Tuckersmith Township. 'rhe bridegroom is the on of Mr. and Mrs. George Riehl, Clinton. St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, was the setting for the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. James Joseph; Kelly (right). The bride is the former Margaret Rita Marie Dillon, daughter of Mr. and',Ntrs. GelilYpel Dillon, Dublin. Her husband is the son of Mr.nd M a rs„ P. J, Ketiyri Seaforth. The ottiuptri Will i'et11t(d on George St., Seaforth. trti<i;:GNta