HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-30, Page 4zip 6r lassified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC., --per Word: 2nd Week % CeCent 3rd Week ry Cent Minimum charge, each insertion-,25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events—I. cent per word. Minimum. 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No.. e/o The Huron Expositor. for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above clatao.are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted fres of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Rte. --Rata on application. Coming Events VOU'LL ENJOY DANCING AT THE popular Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mit- chell every Friday night, with Don Rob- ertson'and his Ranch Boys. Dancing 9:30 to 12:80. 4408x2 • "Q,HA'RE THE WEALTH" BINGO; BIG A7. prizes—if 3.000 people Slay there will be 33,000.00 in prizes. All paid admis- sions returned in prizes. Admission $L00; 4 Special Games, 26c each. Wednesday, June 11, at 9 p.m., at the Mitchell Dis- trict Memorial Arena. 4404-2 Wanted 7O(�WANTED TO BORROW ON "ft � first mortgage Apply Box HURON EXPOSITOR. 4408-2 For Rent Roe. RENT --,-A FURNISHED 4 -ROOM apartment with sun porch extra, on a ground floor. Apply Box 146, HURON EX.POSITOR. 4404-1 Poultry POR SALE -360 RED SUSSEX PUL. lets 10 weeks old; also 1 cow and calf. Apply to BRUCE WALTERS, Seaforth. 4404-1 Agnts Wanted AGENTS WANTED TO SELL FROM door to door 225 products .veli -known , and guaranteed including cosfhetics, culin- aries, medicines, farm specialties, tea. cof- fee. etc. Exclusive territory. $18 needed. A splendid opportunity to step into pro- fitable business and earn from $10 to $60 per week. NO R.ISE.. Write' JITO: 1130 St. Hubert. Montreal. 4402-4 Personals "''KINNY" GiRLS GET LOVELY curves! Cain ; to 10 Ib+., new pep. 'try famous health and weight -builder. Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory, "get - acquainted" size ONLY 60e. All druggists. Auction Sales AUCTIQN SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - facts from the home or/ Mrs. Charles Cooper, Richmond St.. 13ensalL (near the Planing Mill), on Wednesday, June 4th, at 1:30 p.m., the following; Day bed; Nees Raymond drophead cabinet sewing ma- chine; 2 rocking chairs; cane bottom rock- ing chair; 5 dining room chairs; walnut chest of drawers (large) ; small table; small table stand; 2 wall mirrors; three- quarter tubular bed, springs and inner mattress; dresser and washstand; three- quarter bed, springs and mattress; single bed, springs and 'mattress; single bed. springs and mattress; Edison gramaphone; large sideboard; kitchen cupboard; kitchen table; toilet set; dishes, including acme antiques; sealers; cooking utensils; lawn mower; garden tools; numerous other articles. Terms --Cash. MRS. CH COOPER, Proprietress: Edward W.AM, t Auctioneer; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. 4408-2 Notices To Creditors - NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of VIOLET GILLESPIE A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Violet Gillespie, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of May, 1952, are here- by notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 23rd day of June, 1952, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DATEI) at Seaforth, Ont,, this 27th day of May. 1952. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Sea forth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 4404-3 HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R j NOTICE to CREDITORS Goods 1. mailed postpaid in plain, sealed ! envelope with price list. 6 samples 25e;' 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Property For Sale FOR SALE DWELLING, WELL SITUATED; HARD - wood floors throughout; bathroom on two floors; fireplace: oil beating. , One of the better homes in Seaforth. Apply to Box 122 HURON EXPOSITOR 4395-tf Help Wanted W4N ED — ORGANIST AND CHOIR Leader for Knox Presbyterian Church, Mitchell. Duties to start Sept. 7th. Ap- , ply F. A. MOSES. Mitchell, Out, 4403-2' TEACHERS WANTED G+ODERICH TWP. SCHOOL AREA RE - Quires Protestant teacher for No. 4 School. Please state qualifications. expert, once and .salary expected. FRANK Y•EO, Secretary -Treasurer. R.R. No. 3, Clinton. 4403-2 STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA requires tea --her for S.S. No, 1. Ap- ply. stating qualifications. experience and salary expected. Duties to commence Sep - tender 2. 1952. T. B. BAIRD. Sec. -Press., Brucefield. 4403-2 Notices CUSTO.IM WEED SPRAYING DONE ON grain and corn. N, RILEY. Phone 690 r 4. Hensall. 4402x4 A.DIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS R of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- In the Estate of ARTHUR WATSON,DICK A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Arthur Watson Dick, late of the Town of Seaforth, Coun- ty of Huron, deceased, who died on or Z;'OR SALE—DEERING MOWER 6 -FOOT y notified to sen in to the undersigned flow: walking plow: farm wagon and box; • T K IMO!w'r E P SITQ). mg, rwr-t-i6isr News Items of Hensall and District Western Ontario's Championship Fiddlers' Contest, Hensall, 8:30; Community Arena, Friday,. June 6, 1952. Room for 2,000 people. Come and enjoy it. Cash awards $230. See the bills for classes. Dancing af- ter, Sponsored by the Hensall Chamber of Commerce. Admission 75c; P.S. Children 25c. Send in your entry now, your name, address and age, to Chamber of Commerce, Hen- sall.—(Advt. ). Child Bitten By Dog Gordon Heitz, who celebrated his third birthday on Wednesday of this week, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Delta, received deep lacera- tions over his right eye and fore- head, requiring 14 stitches, when he was bitten by a large Collie dog. The child was visiting with his mother at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coleman, near Kippen, and was playing outside when the dog attacked him. He was rushed to Clinton Public Hospital by Dr. J. C. Goddard, and returned home on Thursday. The dog belonged to a former owner of the farm. A new warehouse is now in the course of erection, Mr. Morris Far- quhar, manager of Steele Briggs Seed Co., Hensall, stated Wednes- day. This new warehouse is separ- ate from the present warehouse and will be used primarily for shipping. The building, 60x40, contains 4,000 cement blocks and is expected to For Sale pops SALE—DUCK EGGS FOR HATCH- irig. STUART KEYS. Phone 656 r 11, See -forth. 4404-1 mos SALE -1936 FORD CHASSIS; 1934 ▪ Ford ; some window glass; white brick; chairs; 2 dressers; table; 2 stoves; 2 pairs of coil springs; oil cloth; rug; tile; 'Pipe; 2 pumps. Apply CLARENCE REEVES, Seafurth, 4404x1 FOR SALE — TOMATO PLANTS IN boxes,readytransplant; to tan Iant• early p and late cabbges; cauliflower, Broccoli, brus- els sprouts, sweet peppers. Spanish onions_ MRS. GORDON SCHWALM, Hensall. 4403-2 von SALE—WE HAVE 500 HARDY ▪ Chrysanthemums in a wide selection of colors. Will bloom this and every year. Also Dahlia roots and Gladioli bulbs. BAKER'S GREENHOUSE, Seaforth. ,4403x2 FOR SALE— VERANDAH,. 35) x 6r, with good matched ceiling, in good re- pair; will be sold in half if desired; also some square timber, 10" x 10,c, ranging in length from 20 to 40 feet. Apply to 'RUS:',EI.L COLEMAN. Phone 665 r 41. ; Seaforth. „ 4404-1' FOR SALE—REGISTERED SHORTHORN cow. 3 years old, calf by her side, born in January ; priced $425.00: roan Short- horn bull• 19 months old. eligible for reg- istration. $300. I'ILMER CRAPPEL, Cromarty. Phone 44 r 12, Dublin. 4403x2 about the 2nd day of May, 1952. are here- cut: Tiger rake; Cockshutt riding b fi d h d on or before the 23rd day of June, 1912, ,t sloop sleighs; piano box top cutter;' top I full particulars of their claims, ugfyY ; Massey -Harris drill, 11 -run: set hiss hells ; cookstove. ADPIy THOMAS 1iRGUSON. Phone 847 r 5, Seaforth. " 4403x2 Immediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will Oct be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. DAI'iw) at Seeforth, Ont., this 27th day of May, 1952. ALVIN W. Srr.r.any, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate, 4404-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS Hs the Etate of ROBERT GIIJBERT WRIGHT ' A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Robert Gilbert Wright, late of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 21St day of May. 1952, are hereby notified to send in to the under- signed on or before the 23rd day of June, 1952. full particulars of their claims. Imzaediately after the said last men- tioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. sDATED at Seaforth, Ont., this 27th day of May, 1952. PAIR. opposite Dirk House, Seaforth. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Phone 347-R. - 4363-tf Seaforth, Ontario. ..Solicitor for the Estate. 4404-3 ATTENTION. FARMERS! --• PROMPT, courteous collection of ale dead and disabled rarm animals Call collect. ED.; ANDREWS. S:1 r t l: Seaforth. or 235. For Sale Exeter. Associated with Darling & 'Co. of Canada Ltd. 4390 -ti `IIORTIE COATS ARE SELLING AT CHANGE OF NAME-eTAILE NOTICE that the application 'of James Joseph Parker. Seaforth. Ontario, to change his surname to Kelly, will he heard by His Honour .Todge Thomas Moore Costello, in his chambers, in the Court House. Code. rich. Ontario: on Friday, .Tune 13th. at ten a.m. ALVIN W. SILLERY. Barrister. Etc.. Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Applicant. 4402 3 NOTICE Township of Hullett TUDOR'S in Hensel!, for 12.96. See them now. F -- OR SALE— NUMBER OF' CHICKEN shelters. EDISON FORREST. Hensall. 4104.2 HALF SLIPS ARE A MUST FOR SUM, ester, and TUDOR'S in Hensall have them from 1.69 to 3.95. ,FOR SALE—BLUE GABARDINE MAN'S suit, size 38. May be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS. 4 404x 1 MORE SUMMER DRESSES AT TUDOR'S in Hensall. From Wash Crepe at 3.95 TOPIIERE HAVE BEEN DOGS WORRYING to Girrkhams at R.95. sheep on the 6th and ith Concessions FOR SALE—CHOICE LARGE TOMATO of Hullett Township during the past two plants at Olc each : also cabbage weeks. If the owners of these dogs do plants. NORMAN LONG. Kippen. not keep them at home the Township of 4404x1 Mullett will hold them responsible for the payment of any damage. GEORGE W. COWAN. Clerk, THERE ARE DOZENS OF KIDDIES' T. Shirts at TUDOR'S in Hensall. Sizes 1. 2, 3 and 2-12, from 49c: 4404-1 I FOR SALE -2 RED SCOTCH SHORT - horn bulls, 12 and 13 months old. good ( type : fully accredited. Apply to GEORGE L. REID, Varna. 4403-2 FOR SALE --QUANTITY OF TENDERS WANTED G oats: quantity of oats and bar - Tenders Wanted ley. PAUL DOIG. Phone 662 r 3. Seri - ARE INVITED TO SUPPLY ,forth. 4404-1 1—'ruokersmith Township. School AreaVOR SALE—COAT AND SLIT, SiZE 14: with 35 tons best quality anthracite for -I4 coat 510, suit 57. May be seen at naee coal, delivered to the Area Schools SCOWS CLEANERS. Seaforth. before August 3.ist. 44403x2 Tenders must be received by the Seers- FOR SALE --THREE HOLSTEIN HETF- tary not later than June '10th. erg due to freshen June 9. 17 and July W. P. ROBERTS. See. Treas.. 5; elegicially bred, vaecinated and T.R. R.R 3, Seaforth. `tested. Apply W. la PF'ILE. Phone 605 ' 4404-2r 3. Hensall 4404x2 TENDERS WANTED rO.Ar.71t.St.pts. FOR. 'tHE 7fHAtl, anteater 1, 1$5I. to August Si, 1958. ` e iio itioti df earetaker of S.S. No. 4 rdeciae't1' «10 eislina 5, 195Z by Tincialily t3�hsspl 1kx t�AYf4b Sccr%, B atildetl; •• 440; all .,k a tr I.. Felt SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. eriegPR SEWING MAtG`tata CO., Godct'ich. Phone 1136. 4396-tf PRWATN SALE OF HOUSEHOLD ART- icles--Consisting of: Beatty washing machine. used. six months: e$udfo couch: gate-legged table; kitchen tnbl$ and chairs rugs' bat ltittee. etc., Saturday, Mo/.31.' at th 'Hatrotldente of LEVI MAXIMS. Pho440ne SPECIAL FOR MONTH OF JUNE— Viking Crean Separator: This is the 'time of year when you are getting a big flow of milk. To get all out of your milk you can, give this Separator a try and see ftir yourself what a fine machine it ia. Better than that. come and see it in opera- tion. You can lose dollars this summer on an old worn-out separator. Dion Thresh- ing Machines — Harvesting will soon be here. Put in your order to avoid disap- pointment in the harvest time. JOHN BYER.MANN & SON• R. R. 1, Walton. Phone 848 r 24, Seaforth. 4404x4 KITCHEN SINKS WHITE PORCELAIN ENAMEL STEEL 25 x 42 right or left hand drainboard; the always popular 16 x 20 single sink; also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combing. tion laundry tray and sink with sliding drainboard; bathroom seta.' Catalogue with installation diagrams. Recessed bath- tubs $60.00. See or write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO Mail Order Division. 4399-6 Cards Of Thanks MRS. WILLIAM ANDERSON ANDI family wish to express their sincere appreciation for the many acts of kindness shown them by their relatives. friends and neighbors in their recent sad bereavement; also for the numerous Mass Cards and btautiful fibra! tribute.. 4404=1 I WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE! thanks to all those who were so kind' to send me fruit. flowers and beautiful cards while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Also special thanks to Dr. E. A. McMaster and the nursing staff. 4104xI MRS. Wit. DUNtGt;Y THE FAMILY' OF THE LATE ROBERT C. Wright desire to express their sin- cere appreciation to the neighbors and friends for their sets of kindness and sympathy during their recent sad bereave- ment;' also to thank those who sent floral bouquets and loaned cars. 4.704x1 MRS. H. 0. FREE WISHES TO THANK' Dr. P. I,. Brady, Dr. E. A. McMas- ter, Dr. J. A. Gotwill, Miss V. Drape, the I nursing staff and all those that so kindly sent cut flowers, plants• gifts and cards while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal 4404-1 In Memoriam ROBA INSON—TN LAVING MEMORY Oe' a dear wife and mother, Mrs. Thomas Robinson. who passed away May 28, 1943. Oh! tall it not death—it is glorious rest, Yea. naith the Spirit, for all such ate blest They rest from their labors, their work is done. The goal is attained. the weary race run: The battle is fought, the struggle is o'er. The crown now replaces the cross they bore: The pilgrimage path shall no more be trod, 'A rest remained for the reople of God-" - - Lovingly remembered by Husband and Daughter. 4404x1 Births OVERHOLT Mr. and Mrs. Victor Over- holt of Centralia (nee Veronica Ma- loney). are happy to announce the safe arrival of a daughter. Mary Marlene, on May 21. 1932. at Miss I3allantyne's Nurs- ing Hence, Exeter. PA t t I.'RSON At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Mar 24. to Mr. and Mrs. John E. Patterson, a daughter, RAU---At Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 23., to Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Ran, Sea - forth, a daughter. SANGSTER—Mr, and Mrs. George Sang- ster (Ddddvl, of Portage lit Prairie, Man. are very happy to announce the birth of their son, Daryl -Harry, Sunday, May 12, 1952. A grandame foe Mrs. L.. Sangster; of itensa:ll. S0I;lIILIN—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 23, to Mr. and Mrs. vi eraser Schub»„ Seafbrth, a daughter. v be completed fon fall operations. Farquhar' & Ford Moulding Co., of Exeter, have the contract. Gordon Howaid, Zurich, and Frank Forrest, Hensall, are doing the .block work. Huron Lodge 224, A.F. & A.M„ had as their guests at their meet- ing, held in the lodge hall Monday evening, a Scottish team from Lon- don, who exemplified the degree on a Huron candidate. At the conclu- sion of the meeting they gathered in the Legion Hall, Hensall, where they were entertained to music, songs, dances and bagpipe selec- tions by the Londoners. Worshipful Bro. Johnston, of London, was mas- ter of ceremonies. Luncheon was served. Visiting lodges 'were pre- sent from Exeter, Seaforth and Clinton. The Town Hall, Hensall, was filled to capacity Tuesday evening for the cooking school, arranged through the co-operation of Mr. G. M. Drysdale, of Drysdale's Hard - war., local refrigerator dealer, and sponsored by the Hensall and Kip - pen East Women's Institutes. Mr. Drysdale welcomed the large crowd and thanked Mr. Harold Bonthron for the loan of chrome table and mirror. H. Medhurst, of a refrig- erator sales company, introduced Miss Pat Ellison, home economist, and Mrs. Lewis, who conducted the demonstration of cooking. Draws were made during the evening, hon- ors for drawing the luck tickets go- ing to Bonnie Kyle and Ann S•in- clair. Groceries. were won by Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. Albert Alex- ander, Miss 'Greta Lammie, Mrs. Pearsy Graham, Mrs. W. Alexan- der, Mrs. W, Richardson, Mrs. Alda Simmons, Mrs. J. Reid, Hensall; Mrs. W. Workman, Mrs. Jack Coop- er, Mrs. Ivan Forsyth, Kippen; Mrs. McCurdy, Mrs. A. Westlake, Mrs. R. McLachlan; bag of flour, Mrs. Allan Johnson, Kippen. The follow- ing prizes were donated by 'Drys - dale's Hardware and were won by: Pyrex, •Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Hen - sail; glasses, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, Kipper; refrigerator dish, Mrs. Don Dayman, Kippen; donated .by a re- frigerator company. 12 -piece set ov- enware, two sets, won by Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensel], and Mrs. B. Ed- wards; cup and saucer donated by Drysdale's, won by .Miss N. McCur- dy. Cromarty: set of bowls, Mrs. Hensall; Jack bell. I. n. a1I • refl•ig era or t set, Mrs. L. Clark. ,Tr.. Kippen; bag of flour. Miss L. Miller, Exeter: mar- garine and c'dffee, Mrs. G. Thomp- son, Hensall: linking powder and jelly, Mrs. J. MvFleath. Hensall; tea bags and marcarine, Mrs. II. Har- burn, Staffa: pies, Mrs. H. Work- man and Mrs. Bertha Bell, Hensall: Mrs. D. Dayman. Mrs. Ivan Forsyth. Miss Deickert. J.ippen; Mrs, Anson Coleman. Zurich; bake dish. Mrs. Wes. Richardson. Hensall; pudding, Mrs. Stephenson: pork chops, Mrs. Jackson Woods; stew, Mrs. R. Gem- mell; Eclairs, Mrs. Pearsy Grahain, Hensall: broiler meal, Miss L. Mil- ler; cake, Mrs. H. Chesney, Kip - pen; cake. Mrs. H. McGregor, Kip - pen; broiler snacks, Mrs. D. Mc- Kinnon. The door prize, a percola- tor, was won by MIrs. Pearson Char- ters. and the birthday cake by Mrs. Harold Jones, of Kippen, w -hose birthday fell on May 28. A measur- ing cup was presented to lady at- tending the affair. Lovely spring flowers formed an. attractive set- ting for the platform decorations. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLean and family, Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Passmore, Aylmer, were week -end visitors with Mr. John Passmore. Rev. R. Passmore, Mrs. Passmore and son. Robert John. of Salford. joined the family circle for dinner on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Campbell.. of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Camp- bell and Linda. Toronto, and Mr. Bill Campbell, Toronto, were week- end guests with Mr, and Mrs. R. Y. M acLaren. MIs. Betz Charles, London, spent the week -end with her aunt, Mrs. Anna Walker: Mr, and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson, spent the holiday week -end with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd. Toronto. e.e:e weekend guests with \Mrs. J. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hudson. of London, 'spent the week -end with the former's mother. Mrs. C. S. Hudson. Mr. Jack Peebles, London, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. L. Sangster. He was accompanied home by his wife and little daugh- ter, ;who have been spending a week with the latter's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton are enjoying a week's vacation with friends at Winona. Rev. W. A. Young, Chaplain of the O.A C.. Guelph. and Mrs. Young Were guests last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. Mrs. A. Saunderrock, Mr. and Mrs, Milton' Willert and Eric 006 WE ARE AGENTS fol' Counter Check Books Printed Gumrned Tape MADs sty POPCP PPS9ucr5 See:es for every cu..re<r. k"t i )us ,oiors and design. S_ 'cs c ,;7es;ier n.i Ilt 7'1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR SEAFORTH S,male, of Hensall, and Mrs. R. Don- aldson, London, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. AL -Pearson. and Barbara Ann, Toronto. Mr. 'and Mrs. D. S. Sangster, of London, and Mr. R. D. Galbraith, of Calgary, Alta., spent the week -end with Mrs. Minnie Sangster and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bennett and Kenny, of Watford, visited Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dignan on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Willert have taken up residence in the Newton Apartments in Exeter. m Miss Marian Irwin and Miss Bet- ty Mickle, nurses -in -training at Vic- toria Hospital, Lyndon, spent 'Mon- day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. WINCHELSEA Several of the ladies of the W.I. attended tile meeting at Crediton on Wednesay evening. Mr. and Ml's. W. Batten, Mr. Alf. Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Newton 'Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Harold' 'Clark at- tended the Hensall Fair on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brock, Linda and George, from London, spent' the week -end with Mr. Fred Walters and family, Mrs. P. Paley, Miss Frances and Mr, Sprage, of Toronto, and Mrs. Hagerman, Norine and Ross, of Regina, Sask., spent Thursday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. -Harold 'Denham and Barrie, of Sarnia, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. Batten. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Sarnia, spent the week -end visiting friends in the vicinity. ZION Mrs. J. Balfour and Dalton spent Sunday with Mr. and Ml's, Glenn Pepper. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Britton and Mr. and Mrs, Herb. Britton and family called on Mr. and Mrs, Hec- tor McPhail, 'Cromarty on Satur- day. ! Mrs. James Malcolm returned home on Sunday after visiting her daughter, Mrs, Ross Gordon, and Mr. Gordon for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patterson y and family spentSundayevening eve nog with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. Master Bruce Malcolm returned home from Stratford Hospital on Saturday much improved in health, U.S.S. No. 1, Hibbert and Logan School. enjoyed a bus trip to Toron- to on Wednesday. ce. TUCKERSMITH Dies in Calgary There passed away in Calgary, Alta., on Wednesday, May 21, Eliza- beth Laidlaw, widow of the late Neil Grant. in her 78th year, fol- lowing an illness of three months. Mrs. •Grant was born in Tucker - smith, the daughter of the late George Laidlaw and Mary .Mc - Ewing. She lived here until going West, and after her. marriage in • 1900 lived in Cabri, Sask., later go - Ing to Calgary. In 1951 she at- tended a reunion in this vicinity, where she has a number of rela- tives. ,Surviving are two daugh- ters, Miss .Anne Grant, of Ottawa, and Miss Belle Grant, of Calgary; one son, Hugh Grant, of Estevan, Sask., and three brothers, Robert Laidlaw, Sacramento, Calif.; Wil- liam Laidlaw, Grand Centre, Alta., and Samuel Laidlaw, Climax, Sask.; also the following nieces and nephews: James and Paul •Doig and Mrs. James Brown, of Tuckersmith, and Miss Mae Smith and Robert and George Smith, of Hullett, and R. J. Doig, of McKillop. Interment was in Cabri, Sask., on May 24, WALTON INS The May meeting„of the Walton Mission Band was held in the, base-, ment of the church. Doris Johnston' presided and Verda Watson was pianist. The Scripture was read by Mrs. McCall and' Audrey Hackwell read the minutes of the Iast meet- ing. Yvonne Pollard and Donna Smith led in prayer. Personals: .Mr. and Mrs, Roy Planke. of Toronto, with Mrs. F. Ennis and Mr. and Mrs. D. Ennis; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett with friends in London; Mrs. Mary Gardiner, Toronto, with friends here. BRODHAGEN I The superintendent and Sunday School teachers of St. Peter's Luth- eran Church attended the Sunday School Convention in Trinity Luth- eran Church, Windsor. Mrs. Mary Dittmer, who has been recuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Bennewies in Mitchell after breaking her hip, is 7now at the home of her niece, Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens and Mr. Ahrens. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. John Mueller and Ruth Anp, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Hillebrecht; Robt. Miller, Galt, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Miller; Misses Susan and Patricia Querengesser, Waterloo. with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Querengesser; Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Woodward, Donald and Gaye, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Querengesser; Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Sholdice and family at the Fischer -Knight wedding on Satur- day in Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Tait and Mr. and Mrk, Laverne Wolfe in Hanover with Mr .and Mrs.. Fred Bode; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Suehring and family and Mrs. Ida Brunner, Sebringville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Riegel; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce, Kitchener, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heuer - mann; Henry E. Diegei and Mr.and Mrs. Dalton Diesel in Toronto; El- gin Ward and Kenneth Riehl ac- cornpanied 'by Lorne and -Donald Wolfe, at Gioderich.- St. Peter's'? Cathedral In Rome is the' largest in the world_ 1►1 KIPPEN Mr.. and . Mrs. 'M.. Hewlett and: family, of Toronto, spent the holi- day week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor and tunny. On Saturd9.y last a cousin of 'Mr. Samuel Oudmore was buried in Ex- eter in the person of Ml's. S. Cud - more. Mrs. Winder is at present visit- ing isiting friends in Windsor. Several from in and around Kip - pen attended the Sunday evening service in Hensall United Church. The Jtev. Robert Passmore, former- ly of Hensall, was the speaker. As a student he preached several times in Kippen. He has been a minister in Salford United Church, and has accepted a call to Norwich United Church in June. Mr. and 'Mrs. Long spent the holi- day week -end' with relatives in Penetang and at Rowntree Beach on the Georgian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Elston •Dowson were in London aday last week. Mr. Lorne McBride, of Windsor, has been• visiting some time with .his mother, Mrs. Robert McBride. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Good, of Auburn, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter and Children visited on Sunday with the former's 'brother and .sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gaekstet- ter, of near Exeter. Reif, and Mrs. McLeod, of Que- bec, called in the village on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Workman and family, of Oshawa, visited a day HYDRO HOME ECONOMIST The Question Box Mrs. K. A. asks: Do you soak apricots and in how much water? Answer: Modern processing of dried fruits now eliminate soaking them. Cover with warm water and count the counting time after wa- ter boils. Keep boiling and add t water when needed. Mrs. B. T. asks: Can we shred raw beets into a green salad for a large quantity? Answer: Yes, indeed, but shred- ded raw beets should be coated with a raw egg white, chilled and' added to greens just before serving. Mrs. W. R. asks: When you cook a large cottage roll or stewing chicken for salad, should you cool either in their juice? Answer: No, remove meat from deep -well cooker or kettle and let cool. Meantime, simmer the juice to half the amount, then cool quickly. When both are cool return meat to juice and you'll have more juicy meat—and mere servings. Mrs. T. M. asks: How do you prevent a rhubarb pie from boiling over? Answer: The: -baking period should be watched to prevent a boil -over. Place I or 2 pies in ov- en of 425 degrees • for•. 10 minutes„ then reset thermometer to 350 and let temperature gradually reduce to that° point during last 30 minutes' baking period or until fruit is ten- der. Pies should be placed on oven shelves that are one-third to one- half distant from •bottom element. Wet strips (2 -inch) : of butter wrapper or parchment paper stuck to edge of pie plate will prevent boil -overs. Bake pies with lattice top or no top crust to prevent boil -overs of acid fruit. Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The 'Huron Expositor. Send in your suggestions on homea- making problems and watch this column for replies. last week with their another, VIrs•. Thos. Workman, and also their brother and slater -In-law, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Orville Workman. Mr. and! airs. Norman Dfcltert visited relatives in Clifford over May 24. Mr. Samuel Cudanore and Mr. Or- ville Workman attended the late Mrs, Samuel 'Cudmore's funeral in Exeter on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Elzar Mousseau returned home on Tuesday after having had a' pleasant fishing trip. Mrs. 'McCly'mont is adding some improvements to her house. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle spent a pleasant week -end with, relatives in Detroit and Windsor. ,Mr. and .Mm, Wiliettat Wloirtswiln, atcornpanied 'by and We; HOPI 17 Caldwell, viei;ked *Venda hi troit over the holiday !week -end; CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING We are prepared to do a limit- ed amount of Custom Weed Spraying for the next two or three weeks. Anyone wishing this work done, apply to CHESNEY BROS. - Phones: 660 r 12 or 658 r 16 SEAFORTH UNITED BROTHERHOOD of CARPENTERS and JOINTERS OF AMERICA a' LOCAL UNION 2222, GODERICH will hold its regular meeting in the LEGION HALL, CLINTON MONDAY, JUNE 2 -- 8:00 P.M. All Members requested to attend. Urgent business ANYONE INTERESTED IS CORDIALLY INVITED NOTICE HENSALL SCHOOL BOARD gives notice that all children entering Kindergarten in September must have reached their fifth •birthday on or 'before December/ 31, 1952, and those entering Grade I must have reached their sixth birthday on or before December 31, 1952. Parents of these children are asked to register them with the Principal before June 13. HENSALL SCHOOL BOARD J. F. BLACKW'ELL, Sec.-Treas.„ a NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTH All Bicycles in the Town of Seaforth are required to be licensed • • Licenses may now be obtained at the Clerk's Office, and must be secured 'by June 30, 1952: MONSTER BINGO Sponsored by Clinton Lions Club in aid of Artificial Ice CLINTON LIONS ARENA Thursday, June 5 $900.00 GIVEN AWAY ! Including Four Special Games $75.00 $50,00 $50.00 $500.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON 15 Regular Games $15.00 Each Doors open at 8:30 p.m. — Games at 9 p.m., D.S.T. • THESE BINGOS WILL BE HELD EVERY OTHER WEEK Prompt Deliveryon the ew 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN—Brand new '51 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH '51 CHEVROLET STYLELINE COACH 2—'51 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS' --One two-tone in color 'Si CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELI'NE COACH '49 O'LDSMOBILE FLEETLINE SEDAN— fully EDANfully equipped '48 PLYMOUTH'COACH 2—'47 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDANS --Pally equipped; 1 two-tone in color '46 CHEVROLET SEDAN '39 CHEV. COACH '50 C.H.EV. '3 -TON STAkE with racks SPECIAL—'46 MONARCH COACH, $825.00 ' A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS — ONTARIO PHONE 73-X "Tile Home of Better Used Cartel' OPEN EVERY EVENING m . AceseeteeseetatteeselainiMaressoieleteeiteelageelltel f A A • a 4 4