HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-23, Page 4• THE O N .ITQR • 11 Ki ossified Ads.] assified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 54 Cent ' 3rd Week >rft Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. ' Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., e/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class am not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion - Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application- • Coming Events U'LL ENJOY DANCING AT TE Y OTHE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mit- chell, every Friday night, with Don Rob- ertson and his Ranch Boys. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. 4408x2 ROBIN HOOD COOKING SCHOOL 114 Northside United Church basement under the auspices of the W.A-, on Fri- day, June 6. Admission 50c. 4403-1 Wanted W ANTED -A HOUSE TO RENT IN Seaforth. PHONE 836 r 25. 4401x1 $5,000 WANTED TO BORROW ON first mortgage. Apply Box 156, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4403-2 Poultry pelt SALE -35o RED SUSSEX PUL - lets, 10 weeks old. Apply to BRUCE WALTERS, Seaforth. 4403x1 Lost and Found • STRAYED -TO LOT 8, CON. 11, TUCK- ersrnith, a friendly young Collie dog, yellow with white feet HARRY CALD- WELL, Kippen, Phone 657 r 14, Sea. fiirth. 4403-1 Motor Cars For Sale For Rent FOR RENT--2-STOREY BRICK HOUSE. Abply Box 154, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4-402x1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED SEALED TENDERS FOR THE YEAR, Septethber 1, 1952, to August 31, 1955, for . the position of caretaker of S.S. No. 10. will be received up to June 5, 1952, by Stanley Township School Area. T. B. BAIRD, Sec.-Treas.. Brumfield, 4403-2 For Sale FOR SALE - TOM,ATO PLANTS IN boxes, ready to transplant; early and late cabbages; cauliflower, Broccoli, brus- sels sprouts, sweet peppers. Spanish onions - MRS. GORDON SCHW ALM, Hensall 4403-2 'FOR SALE - HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: dinette table: kitchen table and chairs; linoleum rug 9x10%; Beatty washing ma- chine; settee and number of occasional chairs; babel buggy: play -pen and com- mode chair; studio couch; small Quebec kitchen stove. PHONE 793-R, Seaforth. 4403-1 FOR SALE-DEERING .Iy1OWER, 6 -FOOT cut; liner rake; Cockshutt riding 'Slow; walking plow ; farm wagon and box ; e t sloop sleighs; piano box top cutter; top buggy ; Massey -Harris drill, al -run: set chime bells; cook stove. Apply THOMAS FERGUSON. Phone 847 r 6. Seaforth. 4403x2 KITCHEN SINKS WHITE PORCELAIN ENAMEL STEEL 25 x 42 right or left hand drainboard; the always popular 16 x 20 single sink: also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combina- tion laundry tray and sink with sliding drain board : bathroom sets. Catalogue with installation diagrams. Recessed bath- tubs $60.00. See or write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVII.LF, ONTARIO Mail Order Division. In Memoriam LACROSSE GAME TO BE FEATURED AT HENSALL The boys and girls of Hensall and district will have the opportunity of seeing probably for their first time, a lacrosse game. The game ea of Indian origin, and on next Mon day a team of all Indians. with their Indian Chief in "full Indian regalia," will play a team from London. The game is being spon- sored by the Hensall Community Park Board. Lacrosse Is derived from the In- dian game "Baggataway," meaning ball game. Since it was played with a curved stick with a bag knitted in it made of animal gut To the early French the shape of the stick looked like a cross and they called the game lacrosse, from the French word crosse, meaning cross. The game originally was used to train Indian warriors as many as 500 taking part. Goals were at this time from 400 yards to five miles apart A ball was tossed in the air by the In - 4899 -6 than Chief, the man catching it would run as far as he could with- out being brought down. It was a game of endurance, lasting two or BEAT17E-IN LOVING MEMORY OF three days It was decided before TENDERS WANTEDagt. John Elmer Beattie. of the Re. game time how many goals would A.F.. who passed away on May 20, 1945. , constitute a game, and the team TENDaaRS FOR BOLTON DRAIN CON_ Beautiful memories are all we, have left that reached this number first was struction and repair, open work, will Of him we loved dearly and shall never the winner. Gaines consisted in score ranging from 10 to 100 goals. The medicine men kept score. Players were diecorated with war paint, feathers. etc. The game was preceded by a three or four-day fast and savage dances. The last official game of Baggataway was played be received until May 31st. Estimated forget; excavation and spreading material is 10,- 800 cubic yards, on 12,520 lineal feet. A marked cheque of 10' to accompany tender. Satisfactory bonds to be furnish- ed. Lowest or aux tender not necessarily accepted- Tender to state when work will begin. Plans, profile and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. 11. ECKERT. Clerk Mnliillop Twp.. Seaforth, Ont, R.R. 1. 4403-1 FOm,SALE-�50enew. DODG ,,COpplACH; TENDERS FOR WEED Box 157. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4403-1 SPRAYING aaAR-FOR SALE -1937 FORD V.S. AP - ply FRANK NOLAN, R.R. 4. Sea - forth. 4403x1 FOR SALE -1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN, air conditioning. radio, FRED DIN- WOODIE. Phone 1604. Seaforth, 4400-tf Agents Wanted AGMeTS WANTED TO SELL FROM door to door !03 products well-known and guaranteed including cosmetics, culin. aries, medicines. farm specialties, tea. cof- fee, etc. Exclusive territory. $10 needed. A splendid opportunity to step into pro- fitable business and earn from $50 to $60 per week. NO RISK. Write JITO: 5130 St. Hubert. Montreal. 440.2-4 Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goold, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EF - Sects with price list 6 samples 26e: Sect from the home o8 Mrs, Charles 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-.3.. NOVA -RUBBER CO. Box 91; Hamilton 'Cooper Richmond St Hensall, lease the Township of Usborne QEAT,Ef TENDERS FOR THE CON - tract to spray all the Township Roads for the control of weeds, will be recei- etl by the undersignedup to 5;30 p.m.. May 20th next. Terder to show price per mil", which, includes cost of material and appli- cation, and should indicate the amount of 2-4-D acid contractor proposes to apply, Contractor must carry insurance against crop damage. Tender must he accompan• led by certified cheuue for $100.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept d, H. II. G. STRANG. Clerk of "Township of Usborne, R.R. 1, Hensall. 4402-- Auction Sales Oat ;Planing Milli. on Wednesday. ,lune 4th. at 1:30 p.m.. the following: Day bed: New Raymond drophead cabinet sewing ma. chine; 2 rocking chairs: cane- bottom rock- ing chair: 5 dining room chairs: walnut 'chest of drawer` , large' : small table; FOR SALE - TWO-STOREY FRAME small table stand :"2 wall mirrors: three - brooder house,, about 40 feet by 16 quarter tubular bed, springs and inner feet. Double sheeted throughout. In ex- mattress: drier and washstand; three- cellent condition. Apply THOR.PE RIV- quarter bed, springs and mattress: single ERS. Seaforth 440133 bed. springs and mattress; single bed springs and mattress: Edison grarnaphone: large sideboard: kitchen cupboard: kitchen table: toilet set: dishes, including some antiques: sealers: cooking utensils: lawn mower: garden tools: numerous other article,,Ters--Cash. MRS. CHART R5 COOPER.m Proprietress: Edward W. Elliott. 'DALTON -At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Auctioneer: K. W. Colquhoun. Clerk. May IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dal - 4403 -2 ton. R.R. 1. Seaforth. a daughter. Property For Sale FOR SALE DWELLING. WELL SITUATED; HARD- - wood floors throughout: bathroom on two floors; fireplace: oil heating. One of the- better homes in Seaforth. • Apply to Box 122 HURON EXPOSITOR 4395-U Help Wanted His loving smile and happy face. A broken link we can never replace - Sad was the parting, no one can tell. So sudden on earth the sorrow fell: Memories we treasure, no one can steal: Death leaves a heartache nothing can heaL Father; Mother. Margaret and Neil. between Mohawk and Seneca In - 4403x1 I S•OMERVILLE-IN FOND AND LOVING memory of a dear mother and grand- mother, Mrs. A. D. Somerville, who parsed away one year ago. \1'e know- that she is happy. In our Saviour's home above, Growing fairer as she lingers In the sunshine of His love- ' God knows how much we miss her. Never shall her memos• fade: L"• Inc thoughts shall ever wander I To the grave where she is laid. - Lovingly remembered by Family and Grand: hildren, 4403-1 Cards Of Thanks diens. In 1867 the year of Confed- eration, a Montreal club drew up a set of rules. At a convention at Kingston in that year these were adopted and the same recognized as Canada's national game, Geo. R. Bells, a dentist. was' its organ-, izer. The playing field was reduc-' ed to 100 yards and 12 men ealu- posed a team. The organizer stress- I ed the fact that training in this1 Deaths ' the Hens -alt Arena on Friday, June game would 'make boy p and men of: superb physical condi#on, sell con- trol and better' citizenship. - - In more recent years the organ- izations saw the possibilities of playing the genie in arenas and outdoor floodlight enclosures and so adopted the name box lacrosse. The number of players were reduc- ed to six per team with addition of substitutes. The team consisted of goal tender, 2 defence men, cen- tre men and inside and outside home or similar to forwards in hockey. In lacrosse there is unlim- ited passing of the ball from one to another in any area, there be- ing no offsides. Before ,the turn of the century, Seaforth boasted a championship team. HENSALL Another milestone in the 'history of St. Paul's Anglican Church, Hen- sa!!, has been reached. Seventy -live years ago St. Paul's 'Church was op- ened for worship by the late Dean Boomer, of London. The late Fran- cis Ryan was at that time rector of the parish. On June 10, 1877, there were three services., 11 a.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m., with a total attendance of 975 persons- Of those who were present at the services on.that day the majority have passed' to their reward -faithful, devoted.,, zealous workers for their church. On Sun- day, June 1, the 75th anniversary will be observed with special serv- ices at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., and a cordial invitation is extended. to all those who at any time have been connected with the church, to all members, (former members and friends to attend this anniversary. The speaker for the morning ser- vice will be Rev. T. M. B. Parker, B -D., of London; soloist will be Miss Maureen Evans of Hensall. Evening speaker will be Ven. Arch- deacon Townshend. D.D.. of Lon- don; soloist, Miss Jean Henderson, Hensall. The choir will provide spe- cial anthems. Robert Cameron wi'l preside at the organ console, and evening service at Trivitt Memorial Church. Exeter, will be withdrawn for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Art Drury. of Mimi - co. were recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paterson. Keep the date in mind of the old fine fiddlers' contest being held in ANDERSON• --In Seaforth. on Monday, May :S. William L-. Anderson, of McKil- lopin his 70th :rear. 2 Frid ARL GILLESPIE AND FAMILY WISH L16, Charles H. Lane, in vhis ay. May year. t 6.i h to sincerely thank the frien,ic and \1'R1GHT--In Seaforth on Wednesday. Stay neighbours for their many acts of kindness i 21, Robert C. Wright in his 73rd year. and expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. - 4403-1 6. sponsored by the Chamber o Commerce. with seating room fo .000. This promises to be one o he best old time fiddlers' contests ever stage;? in Hensall. Mies Violet Willis, of Marlette, Mich., and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Adams, of Snover. Mich.. were wee end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas A. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. Adam are cousins of Mr. Paterson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. 2facLaren, o Goderich, spent Sunday with Miss Minnie Reid. At a special meeting of the Hen- sall branch of the Canadian Legion held in the Legion Hall here, plans were made and committees ap- pointed for the monster bingos which will be held in the local arena starting early in June. The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion will work in conjunction with this pro- ect, At a monster bingo in the fall draw will be made for a 1952 odge car. Wm. Brown and Jack Tudor will be in charge of the ickets. Deccration day in conjunc- ion with the I.O.O.F.. will he ob- erved Sunday. June 15. Mrs. J. E. Mc wan was hostess t her home Monday evening. with rs. Roy Bell co -hostess, for the lay meeting of the Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church, A veay large representation of the ^roup was present and enjoyed a delightful evening. President Mrs. C. Forrest conducting the meeting. he worship period was in charge of Mrs, W. Jarrott, assisted by Mrs. . Hildebrandt. Mrs, Harry, Snell was in charge of the topic and told the group in an interesting manner of the churches her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen. at- tended while vacationing in Flor- ida this winter. Articles from Glad Tidings and the Record were given by Mrs. G. Schwalm and Mrs. A. McGregor. During the business per- iod many interesting items of busi- ness were da_ursed. The group de- cided to have no picnic this year, but to join in with the congrega- tional picnic instead. Miss Helen Love favored with a piano solo. and 'Mss Maureen Evans contributed a vocal solo, Luncheon was served, including a salad plate, etc. Mrs. Catherine Jarrott. of Kippen, a guest. poured tea. Lunch convener was Mrs. Roy Bell, assisted by Mrs. A. Kerslake. `Mrs. L. Tiberio and Mrs. R. Simpson. Miss Hannah Pepper. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper, who le attending Normal School at Lon- don. has accepted a school near Walton, her duties to cowmen.ce at the fall term. MRS. CH ARLES LANE AND FAMILY, wish to express their sincere appreia- , tion for the many acts of kindness shtwn them by their relatives, friends and neigh - hors in their recent bereavement; also for the numerous Mass cards and beautirul floral tributes. 4403x1 Ai -R. ROY BENNETT AND FAMILY wish to express their most sincere ap- preciation to friends and neighbors for the many messages of sympathy and acts of kindness show -n during their recent be- reavement, Also for the beautiful floral tributes. 440331 Births CORNISH --At Scott Memorial Hosaital. on May 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Car,is;e Corn- ish, a son. CURTIN--At Sirott Memorial Ilo_pital, on May 21. to Dir. and Mrs. James Curtin, Dublin. a daughter - COOK --Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook. Hen- sall. (nee Patricia Hay), are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Elizabeth Hope, at St Joseph's Hospi- tal. London. on May 20. 1952.. A grand- daughter for Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook For Sale pLASTIC DRAPES ARE POPULAR FOR Summer. See the new patterns at WANTED - ORGANIST AND CHOIR TUDOR'S in Hensall. Leader for Knox Presbyterian Church, �roR SALE -11 PIGS SEVEN WEEKS Mitchell. Duties to start Sept. 7th. Ap- 1' old Apply fo GEORGE VARLET. ply F. A. MOSES, Mitchell, Ont Phone 651 r 41. Seaforth. 4403x1 4403-2 WANTED -KEEN, CAPABLE GIRL AS manageress of Simpson's Order Office. Age 25-45. Previous retail experience pre- ferred. Reply giving age, education, pre- vious experience and Phone No. to D2R, W. B. BAULD. cjo Simpson's Order Office Kitchener, 4403-1 TEACHERS WANTED Q7iORTIE COATS ARE ON SALE AT TUDOR'S in Hensall for as low as 12.93. See them now, FOR SALE -12 -FT. SPEED BOAT. USED two years• for quick sale. Phone 379 r 33, Hensall, HOWARD DAYMAN. 4407.1 .FOR SALE -BABY BUGGY IN COOT) GOYDERICH TWA. SCHOOL AREA RE- condition, maroon with cream leather lining. PHONE 6S3 r 21. Seaforth. quits Protestant teacher for No. 4 4403-1 School. Please state qualifications. experi- ence and salary expected, FRANK YEO. [ICTFs HAVE LOTS OF SUMMER DRESS. Secretany-Treasurer. R.R. No. 3. Clinton. YY es at 3.95, at TUDOR'S in Hensall. 4403-2 Good values, too. STANLEY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA r-nu:res 1• -artier for S.S, No. 1. Ap- ply. stating qualifications. experience and salary expected. Duties to commence Sep- tember 2. 15`.,2. T. B. BAIRD. See. -Trema., Brueefield. FOR SALE -ENGLISH BABY PRAM. lake new. Apply Box 155. HURON EXPOSITOR. 440331 FOR SALE --2 RED SCOTCH SHORT. horn bulls. 12 and 13 months old, good type: fully accredited. Apply to GEORGE 4403-3 La REID, 'Varna. 4403-2 Notices FLIR SALE- AN OUTDOOR TOILET. lust like new. PHONE 2249-W. Sea- forth- 4403-3 j AMERICAN PERCALE FOR DRESS , NOTICE --WILL DO CLERICAL WORK'A ES. � part or full time, or will clerk. PHONE skirts and kiddies' wear, at 75c yard. 8574, Seaforth, 4403x1 at TUDOR'S in Hensall. CUSTOM WEED SPRAYING DONE ON FOR SALE --A QUANTITY OF MIXED grain 'and corn. N. RILEY. phone • grain. Aupl? ROBERT McFARLANE. 690 r 4, .Hen_aai. 440234 Winthrop. Phone 834 r 22. Seaforth. ,40^x1 NOTICE --HAVE ROOM FOR 4 CATTLE for grass. Apply to THOMAS Kates:, FOR SALE -COAT AND SUIT, SIZEseen 14: St. Columhan. Phone 96 r 9. Dublin. coat 510, suit 87. May be seen at 4403x1 SCOINS CLEANERS, Seaforth. 44403x2 RMADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL BINDS 1 R SALE- RANGs 1 I E : BED. SPRING of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- I FO PAIR, opposite Dick Home, gen{orth•'Kapok 2 mattress; I spring and one Phone 347-R. 4369-tf Kapok : dresser : commode: Hing -poo 1 I table Apply to R. R. RUDD. Phone 4AI FINANCE AND INSURANCE -MONEY r 32. Seaforth, 4408x1 loaned at lower east on pnrchase of FOR SALE - NEW SINGER SEWING and late. model cars. new tracks and � .[['' new feral tractors. W- C OIiFs INSURANCE 1 machines, electric and treadle. Re- Telephone bre r 3, Seaforth_ 4398161 MAC to alt makes, SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO.. Goderich. Phone 1131. ATTENTION. FARMERS/ - PROMPT.. 4395-tf coos -thous collection of air dead and r•�l GREY -BRUCE HEREFORD BREED.' disabled farm animals Call. collect. ED. L era � holding their Tenth Annual ANDREWS. 831 r 11, Seaforth, or 255.;Serine Sale at Markdale on May 27th at Fceter- AmOcieted with Darling & Ca et Markdale Arena. Catalogues on request , Canada Ltd. 4899-tf 4402-2 OTICE--WOIILD 'rIlE OWNERS OF 'pun SALE -'USED LUMBER. GOOD the small white shaggy -haired dog and • condition : 1Lrr" x 12,1 timbers 16 feet the mall tan dog, which destroyed 140 of long: 9"r x ii" ti there 16 feet lone. Rms.- one pullets on May 21st keep the dogs onable. PHONE 663 r Si, Seafof'tl,. tied oto,, have them destroyed, All dogs 4403-1 fottnd'straying hereafter cit property, Lots - 11 and' 1'2, Cop. 8. 1uckea'mim,th, H.,R.S-, R SALE -WE HAVE 600 HARDY •WRI idp dash y d. 141-1OORE'S POULTRY I' ehrvsanthem++me in a wide selection #FARMS iL R -S, Sestt'oirili:, 44014 of tailors. Will bloom this and every year. O y 'f+1A7111r` - •'TAll3; ` WOWS Ahe Dahtla roots and Sen ford banes, tt,13AYi�1R'S GREFSIIIiOU9E, St�fbrth +{q, totYy itt lafi9os .Jdtteptt' I .4403x'2 sloe to change ma' card. b0+ Ille!'0011. SALE -REGISTERED SHORTHORN Ce,tts' lo, iii ' eeve a reset. t. old, caif by her side, bowie Ocalaet t la'b#lit ,3snienee pelted 932400: roan Skeet- ' Or "yf oil- 19motile CR'APl ells,- -the y. r 22„ Mtn. SI �*1s�. note 4 4105.0 FERGUSON-Mr, and Mrs_ Russell Fergu- son ,nee Lefts Kinsman 1, are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter, Joyce Marie. in Clinton Community Hos- pital on May 13. PEARSON--Mr. and Mrs_ Alfred Pearson. Toronto, tnee Edna Sanndercock) are happy to announce the arrival of their .laughter in Grace Hospital. Toronto. on May Is, TYNDALL---At Scott Memorial Hospital. on May 20. to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tyn- ,Isll. R.R. 3. Clinton, a daughter. Sell that unnecessary piece of furniture through a Huron Exposi- tor Classified Ad.- Phone 41. COAL The Same Best Quality Pittston Anthracite as in former years will be in next week, in both Stove and Nut Sizes Please l5hone your Orders Promptly - WE DELIVER - SEA FORTH FARMERS CO-OP PHONE 9 1 Supplementing Pasture For Milk Production Even on good pasture milking cows in high or medium production should receive grain supplement if the milk flow is to be maintained. Cows on pasture will consume from 90 to 150 •pounds of grass daily. The upper extreme of this amount, under good grazing conditions, will support a cow weighing 1200 pounds and.producing about 38 pounds of milk daily, based on feeding stan- dard recommendations. Average grazing supplies nutrients for a yield of 20 pounds of milk daily or lees for a cow of this weight. It is evident therefore .that some sup- plement is necessary even during the lush pasture growth of spring. The 'procedure followed at the Central Experimental Farm, Ot- tawa, is to feed no grain to cows producing less than 20 pounds of milk daily, Cows .producing over 20 pounds of milk daily are fed 'a supplementary grain allowance at the rate of one pound for each five pounds of milk, for cows in the range of 20 to 35 pounds produc- tion, and at the rate of one pound of meal for each three pounds of milk for those producing over 35 pounds. daily. Experiments have shown that during periods of lush growth, as in the spring, the protein content of the pasture herbage is almost twice as high as during periods of dry weather which occur as the season advances. It also 'has 'been found that cows milk better if the lush, high protein grass is supple- mented with feeds low in protein. In fact there is evidence that the thigh protein content of pasture herbage during the early season grazing may even reduce produc- tion. A safe practice then is to use a low protein supplement of oats anti barley for the month after the cows are first turned out. As the season advances high protein supplements such as linseed oil- meal should be added to the oat - barley grain ration at the rate of one part of linseed. oilmeal to each three or four parts of oats and bar- ley. Salt should be available either in f blocks or fed in the meal. r During periods of dry weather, f k whish often occur in July and Aug. ust, a further supplement of silage or hay is often necessary. Experi- ments t Ottawa have shown that with chltivated pasture, excess klgrass growth can be cropped in mid-June, cured as' silage. and fed s Ito the cows during such dry per- t Addresses Bayfield Lions a D Anniversary Services u HENSALL l UNITED CHURCH (Rev. W. J. Rogers, Minister) SUNDAY, MAY 25th 11 a.m: and 7:30 p.m. T 11:00 a.m---"A Look To the Past" A 7:30 p.m. -"A Look To the Future" - Guest Speaker - - REV. R. A. G. PASSMORE B -A., B.D., S-T.M., of Salford, Ont SPECIAL MUSIC BY THE CHOIR BIG ALLOWANCE for old tires when you buy NEW €00 1)/YEARS Why risk the uncertainty of driving on worn tires any longer? Our big trade-in allowance makes it so easy for you to ride on brand new, long -mileage, guaranteed Goodyear& Why not come in TODAY? HENSALL MOTOR SALES PHONE: 31 DODGE - DESOTO GO®tiAE R TIRES WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke at- tended graduation exercises of their niece, Miss Ann Atkinson- of Lucan. at Western University, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Horton, of Hensall, spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman- of Kip- pen - The senior pupils of the Winchel- sea school area were on a three- day trip to Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carty, of Lon- don. spent the week With Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance.' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, San- dra and Judith, and Mr. anti Mrs. Wib. Batten visited Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs, William Walters of Strathroy. Mrs. J. Horne and 'Mrs. Reid vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Horne and family. Miss Joy Whitlock. of St Thom- as. and Mr. Clarence Ford, of Kit- chener, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. About 20,000 students are enroll- ed in ballet schools throughout Canada, Hayfield Lions Club held a very successful "Ladies' Night" Tuesday evening when the chief speaker was 0/C. E. A. D. Hutton, com- manding officer, R.C.A.F. Station, Clinton. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hutton. The affair took the form of a turkey dinner in the Lit- tle ittle Inn, with a full turnout of mem- bers and their wives. A series of plize draws kept everyone happy: Guests were present, from the Zur- ich Lions Club, including Deputy District. Governor Victor Dinnin and Mrs. Dinnia, Mr. Dinnin, a candidate for the District Governor- ship of District A-1, spoke briefly. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND • Opening May 24 DANCING Every SATURDAY NIGHT • Music by BOBBY DOWNS and, his Orchestra • Admission $1.00 G/C. Hutton, wiho Was intro4uced by Robert Welshand was thanked in behalf of the gathering by Har, vey Coleman, discussed .co -opera' tion of Clinton'E.IC.A.F. Station with the community. With the assistance of e, screen, he displayed a plan of the Station. He extended a hearty welcome to attend Air Force Day on Saturday, June 14. -- Clinton News -Record. On the average Canadians went to the movies 18 times during 1949 and paid about 40 cents per time - A 1 Music Recital The Pupils of Tuckersmith School Area No. 1 will give their !Annual Musical Recital, under the direction of Mrs. G. Wendorf, Music Supervisor, in Egmondville Church, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th at 8:* p.m. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Get New p E p Under the Hood Let our skilled mechanics give your car engine a complete ' tune-up. ... And Keep • It There DRIVE IN REGULARLY TO Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phone 141 Seaforth • Speed! • Excitement! • Thrilling! HENSALL MONDAY, MAY 26th 8:30 p.m. IN THE ARENA ALL INDIAN TEAM ONEIDA RESERVE IROQUOIS INDIANS "Led by Chief Onendaga, in full Indian Dress" ,- VS. - LONDON TECUMSEH Sponsored' by the Hensall Park Board COME AND SEE A GAME YOU WILL ENJOY ! Children FREE if with parents (25c if unaccompanied) Adult Admission - 50c Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN '52 CHV, STYLELINE SEDAN -Brand new '51 PONTIAC S's YLELINE COACH '51 CHEVROLET STYLELINE COACH '51 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 2-'51 CI1EV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS -One two-tone itt color '51 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '51 CHS'. 5 -PASSENGER "COUPE '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE STYLELINE' SEDAN '50 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELFNE COACH '49 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLINE SEDAN - fully equipped '48 PLYMOUTH COACH' '47 CHEV, FLEETLINE SEDAN -Fully equipped; two-tone in color '46 CHEVROLET SEDAN. '46 MONARCH COACH '39 CHEV. COACH '50 CHEV. /-TON STAKE with reeks A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM DPI- BRUSt ELS MOTORS 8RflSS LS --: ONTARIO PHONE 73-X "The Home of Better Used Can" OPEN EVERY EVENINIll 'f