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The Huron Expositor, 1952-05-16, Page 8
NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — TECHNICOLOR BILL LUNDIGAN JUNE HAVER' Harry James plays his trumpet through this Musical Romance.. You'll sing and laugh with Dennis Day and Jeanne Crain, t:. tee ; er sI EIGHT • THE HURON EXPOSITOR •• Jae Specialize in IE, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS 1SURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who Ore Security with Service. -.ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO 'jKERMA•N'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON it. A. REID Insurance & PRONE 214 & REID - Proprietor Real Estate SEAFORTH NEWS OF THE TOWN uncement. — Mr. and Mrs. Edward Regele, McKillop, announce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Marjorie, to Harold Noble McCallum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Noble McCallum, McKillop, the wedding to take place early in June. Announcement, — Mr. and Mrs. William W. Rogerson, of Tucker - smith, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, to William Glen McClure, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McClure, Mc- FQR SALE Two-storey D�� elfin„ ton Centre St. Alt modern coa:veh'e::ces. Well located- Early possession. {Modern 2 -Storey Dwelling, with garage. Spariing St. Possession arranged. In Egmondville, 1'1/2 storey three- bedroom dwelling; double lot, and .table• small fruits. Possession 1A'tthin� a month. 1341 Storey 7 -Room Frame Modern Dwelling, garage, on James 'St. Thick Dwelling, Goderich St. Im- ansdiate possession. Comfortable 6 -room Dwelling in Winthiro9, 1/3 acre of land, 'with small fruits. Early possession. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- seseion arranged. Frame Dwelling in Dublin. Im- mediate possession. Other properties also listed. M.- A. REID REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI MI Passengers Insured PHONES: 1624 or 162-w # PAINTING '• PAPERHANGING interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton PHONE 481-M : SEAFORTH RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio College of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station beeesellineesolGiteeeellMemelllimesolli NOTICE I have moved my Insurance and Real Estate Office to the Queen's 'Hotel, in the location formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Al. Close. We are prepared to handle alt lines of insurance and real estate. FOR SALE 50 ACRES, on No. 8 Highway; good buildings. 2 1/5 ACRES in Seaforth; good buildings. VACANT HOiUSE in Egmondville, suitable for two families; newly decorated inside and out, with bath- room. FOUR ROOM Inaul Brick in Sea - forth. FOUR -ROOM Frame on Side St. FIVE -ROOM and bath on Louisa St. EIGHT -ROOM House on Louisa St. SIX -ROOM House on Louisa St. CONTACT W. C. OKE OFFICE IN THE QUEEN'S HOTEL It Pays To Shop in Egmondville — This Week's Specials — FRESH COTTAGE ROLLS 49c lb. BLACK TEA -1 -lb. Package 79c CLUB 'HOUSE COFFEE -1 -lb. Tin 99c .GRANULATED SUGAR -5 lbs. 49c BUTTER -1 -Ib. Prints 59c " We have a Complete Line of "Greb" Work Boots, Men's Overalls, Socks and Shirts WE APPRECIATE YOUR ORDER EARLY Clair Haney - lEgmondville Phone 72 — Free Delivery VALUES IN USED CARS '49 DODGE 5 -PASSENGER '40 CHEVROLET COACH '40 DODGE SEDAN '38 BUICK SEDAN '37 DODGE SEDAN '33 CHEV. SEDAN '29 FORD "A" USED TRUCKS '41 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS W have a number of new Pontiac Cars and G.M.C. Trucks In stock Good delivery on most models OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE, RICE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH 0* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. J.CLEARY 0 d i6✓ ge'afforth, Ont. 0 1* LICENSED EMBALMER 0 0 Ana FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Night or Day Calls — 385 0 X> 00*0000000 000*0000000 0 •" BOX 0 , rttttetat tate, R. 8. BOX O ,•,11:10 'sed Embalmer 0 Aimaut ANCE 'Etilinitatuitareftil attention. 0 ABitpititI berg O 4611 AIL 0 IGSARIS �Flltiltlill:.. Suite 4*. 46. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J. A. BURKE 0 O .Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN' - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calle: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 © Funeral Home 0 0 Goderlch St. W., Seaforth 0 AMBULANCE SStR1VI IE O 0 Adjustable hastiital beds 0 0 for rent. 0 0 FLOWERS FOE EMMY O O OCCASION O O Telephone: Day or Nights III O Residence 66 4` 000000000200 Killop, the wedding to take place the latter part of May. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Austin, Dexter, Londesboro, an- nounce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Ferne Bernice, to Nelson John McClure, son of Mr. William McClure, Seaforth, and the late Mrs. McClure, the wedding to take place in Constance United Church Saturday, May 31. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, McKillop, announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona Viola, to. John Henry Old- field, soli of Mr. and Mrs, William Oldtfieid, Tuckersmith, the wedding to take place early in June at St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhag- en. Home and School Will Meet.— The Seaforth Home and School As- sociation will hold their annual meeting on Tuesday, May 20, at 8:15 p.m., in the Public School. Seaforth W. I. To Sponsor Sup- per.—W.I. up- per: W.I. members are reminded' of the Junior Club's supper in First Presbyterian Church basement on May 24. Each member is to bring two covered pies, one large potato staled, one small jar salad dressing and some silverware (forks and spoons). Committees are as fol- lows: Decorating, Mrs. A. Crozier, Mrs. J. McLean, Mrs. P. Doig, Mrs. G. Horner; paper supplies, Mrs. A. Pepper; silver and tables, Mrs. W. Coleman; relishes and meat, Mrs. E. Cameron; chocolate milk and ice cream, Mrs. G. Papple; salad dress- ing, Mrs. E. Whitmore; cabbage, Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. Ross Gordon; rolls, Mrs. J. Keyes; pies, Mrs. J. McNairn; tea, Mrs. John Kerr; china, etc., Mrs. H. Hugill, Mrs. L. Carter; cream and butter, Mrs. I. Hudson. Northside W. A. Meeting.—Group 2 of the W.A. met on May 6 at the home of Mrs. J. •hI Scott. Roll call was answered by giving the name of a mother in the Bible. Mrs. P. B. Moffat presided and Mrs, Scott had charge of the devotional per- iod. The guest speaker was Mrs. D. A. MacMillan, who gave an excel- lent talk. She told of how the lives of their family had been enriched by friendship with people of other nationalities and faith, and gave a most interesting account of a Jew- ish wedding which she attended in a Jewish Synagogue in Toronto. Mrs. Koopman, formerly of Hol- land,' sang a solo in Dutch which was also enjoyed. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benedic- tion. Mrs. Moffat conducted a con- test while lunch was being pre- pared. St. Thomas' Guild Meets.—The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held on Tuesday in the parish hall. The president, Mrs. Raymond Nott, presided, and the meeting op- ened. with the Scripture lesson, the 96th Psalm, by Miss 'C. Holmes. Prayers were given for the parish by the president, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Following roll call. whidh was answered with a gift for the goose -with -the -golden - egg booth, showed a good attend-' ante. The minutes were read and approved and the treasurer's report showed a substantial balance on hand. There were no birthdays not- ed this month and no report from the Board of Management. Arrange- ments for two banquets in May and one in June were made. It was mov- ed by Mrs. H. R. Colbert, seconded by Miss. C. Holmes, that the meet- ings for the summer end with a pic- nic supper at the Lions Park on Wednesday, June 11. Mothers and children are asked to bring their gifts for the goose -with -the -golden - egg booth and the fish pond. After remaining business was discussed, the collection was received and dedicated, and the meeting closed with the benediction. • Northside United Church. --Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 1:0 a.m., Sunday School; 11 am., Presbytery Stewardship Service; guest speak- er, Rev. H. J. Snell; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Wor- ship; sermon text, Luke 24:31. All cordially invited. St. Thomas' Anglican Church. - 10 a.m., Sunday Schoou; 11 a.m., Morning 'Prayer; 7 p.m., Evensong. St Mary's, Dublin -2 p.m., Sunday School; 2:30 ii.m., Evensong.—Rev, W. A. Jones, Rector. Salvation Army.' -Sunday: Spe- cial speakers, Capt. and Mrs. John Dougall; • 11 a.m., Holiness Meet- ing; 7:30 p.m., Salvation Meeting. A cordial welcome to all; 2:30 p.m., Directory Meeting; 3 p.m,. Sunday School. Wednesday: Hobby -Craft Class cancelled for this wee. First Presbyterian Church — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m.. Spring Thankoffer- ing Service, both morning and eve- ning, with Rev. R. 'H. Williams, of Detroit, ae guest speaker, Special music by the choir.—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. 1111111111I11111111N11IiRi11111I I I II II11111111 * Weddings * 11111111IIIIIiIUIHIrlllilllllillllllllllllllli Willis - Parker.—The marriage of Mavia Doreen, daughter of Lt. -Col. G. M. Parker, to Robert Oliver Wil- lis, son of Mr. W. G. Willis, Sea - forth, and the late Mrs'. Willis, took place on Saturday, May 3, at An- gola, Indiana, Mlnett - Box.—Mrs. Bertha Box and Mr. H. 'R,-.1Vltnett were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in First Presbyterian Church . manse on Tuesday at 5 o'clock by Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, They were attend- ed by Mrs' W. R, Sheet and Mrs. D. Glenn Oetb ibeli. Following a re- ceeition at they home Of Mr. and Mrs. et. S. Mee Mi', and Mrs, Min- ett left 'for Penetan',g end~ the Una- ltoiia trldt, Death of Mrs. William Murray.— There passed away on Thursday, May 8, in Scott Memorial Hospital, Helen Elizabeth Buechner, wife of Mr. William Murray, of Egmond- ville, in cher 83rd year. Mrs. Mur- ray had been a patient in the hos- pital for four months, while her husband is still a patient there. She was married in Battle Creek, Mich., in 1939,' and had been a resident of Egmondville since 1946. She was a, member of the O.E.S. The funeral: service. Burial will be in Maitland - service was held Saturday after- bank cemetery,'' noon from the G. A. Whitney Fun- l .s. eral home, conducted by Rev. A. W., Death of James Kindree.—Tbe Gardiner of Egmondville United death of James Kindree, father o' Church. The pallbearers were Reg. Mrs. G. C. Brightrall, took place Knight, Wm. Olefield, Bernard Nott, here Saturday. Mr. Kindree had Nelson Wood, John McCloy and been living with his daughter for Rody MacLean. Interment was in some years, and was of a quiet, un Egmondville cemetery. assuming nature. In his earlier ei" days he was the proprietor of a Death of Mrs. W. Gillespie.—At )�akery and grocery, business in the home of her son, Earl Gillespie, Belmont. His wife, who was the Caledonia, on Tuesday, Violet Jane former Carrie McKenna, passed Carter, widow of the Iate Wm. E. away in 1924. A member of the Gillespie, passed' away. She had United Church, he was also a, mem- been ailing,about nine months and ber of the Canadian Order of For - resters. He is survived by three nanineememeensigemeneemeanns daughters, •Mts. G. C. Brightrall, of Seaforth; Mrs. H. S. White, Of To- ronto, and Miss Maude Kindree, of London. The remains rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home until Tuesday, where services were con- ducted by Rev. D. A. MacMillan, of William M. Hart Northside United Church, at 1' p.m., with interment in Evergreen ceme tery, Blenheim. Pallbearers were NA 10 1M suffered a severe stroke at the last Born in Morris, Township, she was in her 65th year. Married, at Walton in 1908 to Win. Gillespie, who pass- ed away in 1934, she is survived by one son, J. Earl Gillespie, of Cale donia, and one grandchild, Ann; a' - so one brother, Jack Carter, of Kent Bridge, Ont. Following the death of her husband tiheeceased conducted a dry cleaning business in Seaforth. Mrs. Gillespie was a ruember of First Presnyterian Church. The funeral will be held Friday at 2 p.m., from the G. A Whitney Funeral Home with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell conducting the COAL Special Price For May Phone: Office' 784 We Screen It! SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. When you think of LUMBER PHONE SEAFORTH 47 OPEN EVERY DAY — ALL DAY Except Sunday eseggaeoneeegeleempeemenapeseage DON'T BE A MAD HATTER Come To . . Alice's Tea Party SATURDAY, MAY 17 3 to 5 p.m. >& The Girls' Auxiliary will wel- come everyone at the Anglican Rectory • HOME BAKING • NOVELTY BOOTH SILVER COLLECTION START THE DAY REFRESHED -Drink 6_6(„1-67Z SPRING and SUMMER FILLUPS of 'blue coal' FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND SAVINGS at Spring Prices! WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 363-J RES. 192-M A Play "LOOK OUT, LIZZIE" will be presented, by the Luther League of Brodhagen Church, MOND'AY,nMAY 19th in Walton Community Hall at 8:30 p.m. Sponsored by the Bethel W.A. Admission 50c Children 20c THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS --- at — Carol Lyn Shop Only a Few Suits and Shortie ' Coats Left All Clearing at SPECIAL PRICES SEE OUR RACKS OF SKIRTS At New Low Prices BEGINNING -OF -THE -SEASON STYLES • New Summer Dresses • Styles To Suit Every Taste • Priced To Suit Every Budget Hockey Banquet SEAFORTH ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION is entertaining• the Seaforth Juniors, W.O.A.A. Champions' and O.H.A. Semi -Finalists; the Sea - forth Midgets, W.O.A.A. Finalists; Seaforth Ban- tams, W.O.A.A. Champions and O.M.H.A. Semi - Finalists, and Seaforth Pee-Wees, W.O.A.A. Fin- alists, at a Banquet, which is open to all, to be held at Seaforth Community Centre; on Wednesday, May 21st at 6:45 p.m. In attendance will be a number of the Stratford Indians, in- cluding Pat Wilson, Mickey Roth, and others. Mr. Jack Roxboro, President of the O.H.A., and "Tory" Gregg, Vice -President of the O.H.A., and Hugh Hawkins, President of the W.O.A.A., also will be in attendance. Tickets for other than hockey players may be purchased For $1.50 at the Bank of Commerce, E. Larone's Store, or Baldwin Hardware. LADIES ARE ESPECIALLY WELCOME TO ATTEND Tickets must be picked up not later than Monday, May 19, at 6 -p.m Players will secure Tickets from their Team Coaches is •,tf Dr. F. 3. Beehely, Dr, E. A. Mc• late ter, C. A. Barber, Lorne Dale, J. E. Keating and F. Kling. • a Gies in Montana.—Robert E. Pat- terson, aged 74, well known retir- ed rancher of Lethbridge, Alta., and for many years an active Shriner, died April 26 at Great Falls, Mon- tana, while being brought home by plane from the Mayo Clinic at Ro- chester, Minn. The late "Bob" Pat- terson wa's born in Hullett Town- ship, but moved with his parents in 1881 to Sheldon, N.D., where he spent the most of his early life. Early in the century he joined the big land runssb to the Canadian farm at Stirling, Sask. He also Northwest and acquired a large ran a large sheep ranch. Besides two farms in the Lethbridge dis- tr).ct, he owned the Patterson Court on 4th Avenue South in 'Lethbridge and was part owner of the Smith Motors Bldg. M. Patterson was an active member of the Kiwanis Club and was a member of the club's agriculture committe, Surviving are his wife, Lethbridge, and his son, Dwight W. Patterson, Calgary; al- so three sisters, Mrs. Wm. 'Cuthill, Bountiful, Utah; Mrs. Chas. Right - mire, Enderlin, N.D., and Miss Jes- sie Patterson, Fargo, N.D. Also sur- viving are two nieces, 'Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Walton, and Miss M. P. Patterson, Seaforth. The funeral, under Masonic auspices, was held from Southminster United Church with interment in Mountain View cemetery. s LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Gordon McKindsey left on Sunday for Kingston to take an R.C.A.F. slimmer training course. He has just completed his first year at the University of Westerp Ontario. • Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham of Clinton, visited his mother, Mrs. Albert Becker, at the home of Mr. Chas. Cunningham. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat, of Detroit, have arrived' to spend the summer in their home on Market St. • Miss Marion 1'jcGavin, Re.g.N„ of Stratford, spent a few days with her parents, •Mr, and Mrs, George Mc•Gavin. • Mrs. Douglas Knowles and family left for Galt on Sunday af- ter spending the past three weeks with her mother, Mrs. J. J, Sclater. • Mrs. Alex McGavin, M'rs. C. W. Kestle and Mrs. Ina Wolfe, all of Stratford, were There Wednesday attending the Rebekah banquet in First Presbyterian Church in con- nection with the 40th anniversary of that lodge. • Mrs. J. C. Greig has returned to her borne after spending some time at Sarnia. • Mr. James Kelly, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelly. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Becker, of Kitchener, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cunningham. • Mr. and Mrs. Roland Stewart and family, of Peterboro, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart. • Mr. and Mrs. Murray Saveuge. of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mrs. F. S. Savauge. • Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Doig and son, of Perth, Scotland, arrived in town pn Friday last. They sailed on the Empress of Canada, which arrived in Montreal on Wednesday. Mr. Doig has been playing hockey in Scotland with the Perth Panthers for three years, and intends spend- ing the summer here. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • Miss Margaret Patrick, of To- ronto, was a week -end guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick. • Dr. Reid Edmunds and Mr. Ed.. Lawrason, of St, George, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kling. • Mr. and Mrs. F. Cudmore and Miss Nancy, of Wallaceburg, spent the week -end with Miss Hazel Reid. • Mrs. Norman Smith and family of London, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier. i '' Mrs -George Hills is spending a few days in Toronto. • Mrs. J. E. Keating returned on Thursday from Toronto where she spent the past four weeks nursing her sister, Miss Mae Hagerman, who returned With her. • Mr. John 'Muir spent 'Saturday in Brantford. • Mrs. M. H.. McKenzie, Oshawa, and Mr. Jack Dorranee, St. Cathar- ines, spent Mother's Day with their mother, Mrs. 'Mae •Dorrance. • Miss- Rhia Hills and Miss Mar- jorie Bickell, of Toronto, spent Sun- day at their homes here. • Miss' Gladys Thompson, of Niagara Falls, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thompson. t l• Miss Olive Laidlaw is visiting her sister, ,Miss Florence Laidlaw, in Toronto. • Mrs. D. Ritchie left last week for 'Kincardine, where she will spend the summel• months, • Mr. Oban MacTavish, of Lon- don, spent the week -end with his mother, Mrs. J, MacTavish. • Dr. J. A. Munn was in Toronto this week attending the Ontario Dental Convention. • Mr. Donald Muir, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Muir, is expected home early next week from Korea, where he has spent the past 14 months. • Mrs. Roselle. Armstrong and family, of Brussels, and Mrs. Frank Hunt and daughters, also of Brus- sels, spent Sumeay afternoon with their brother, Mr, Chas. 'Cunning- ham, and also their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Becker, of Kit- chener, who are visiting here. • Mrs. 'Margaret White had as guests during the past week, her daughter, Mrs. Allan Armitage and daughter, Elizabeth Anne, of Maple; Mrs. Margaret Craig, of Lakeside; Mre. Wm. Miller, Eg- mondville, and Mr. Wen. Mrlitldie and Miss E. A, Murdie, Lucknow, • Miss Mabel Cameron is a pat- ient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. • Mrs, J. B. huasell spent the week -end in Ottawa with her 'dough - ter, VGA. 'runner,, and fir, rari»t. RegefltTh eatre .SEAEORTII ' NOW PLAYING "ANGELS IN THE OUTFIELD PAUL DOUGLAS JANET LEIGH I't's filled with more thrills than a Homer with the bases loaded! See the Pittsburgh Pirates come from the cellar to win a pennant.. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "THE LAW AND THE LADY" GREER GARSON, MICHAEL WILDING A Delightfully Different Comedy! Don't miss seeing the Law handcuff the bride and groom. "I'LL GET BY" COMING -- "FORCE OF ARMS" NO IFS NO ANDS NO BUTS ' NO DOUBT' ABOUT IT-'! Only At This Store Do You, Get • So Much Fors - Your Footwear Dollar P.S.-iOur Style Shoes Are then Talk of the Town! ' WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG, V'alues'a' SEAFORTH. USED MACHINES, -•• NOW IN STOCK M. -H. 22 Standard -2 years old United Allis-Chalmers—$295.00 M. -H. 81 Row Crop—Excellent condition Cockshutt 70 R.C.--Good condition 4 -Section Spring Tooth Harrow - 3 -Furrow Massey -Harris Plow 3 -Furrow Cockshutt Plow All Above Machines Priced' To Clear - 6 GOOD USED COMBINES Various Sizes; — at S eafo rthMoto'rs Phone 141 Seaforth s0..r.r► Spring Thankoftering FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SEAFORTH Sunday, May 12th: Services At 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. 11:00 A.M. Morning Subject: "What Difference Does My Life Make" ANTHEM—"Sing to the Lord a Glorious Song" (Henry Wildemere) Soloists—Mrs. W. A, Wright, Mrs. F. 'Kling, J. T. Scott. F. E. Willis, D. R. Stewart, J, G. Mullen 7:00 P.M. Evening Subject: "The Christ -Mastered Life" ANTHEM—;'Blessed Be the Name of the Lord" (J. H. Maunder) GUEST SPEAKER— REV. RICHARD IL WILLIAMS of St. James' Presbyterian Church, Detroit EVERYBODY WELCOME Rev. D. Glenn Campbell Stanley J. Smith Minister Organist 'and Choir Director Chrome Kitchen Furniture, Tables and Chairs i ✓ p„" . THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL: 4 Chrome Chairs, three colours to choose from—Red, Grey, Yellow for 30.00 • FLOOR COVERINGS FOR EVERY ROOM • • Marboleum • Rubber • Jaspe Tile . A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: tray or Night 119; Residence 65 SEA FORTH --- ONTARIO At