HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-09, Page 7s(d . yea t Ie, aforth.. High eltoot ( r gElturmisrmummy) Friday nigiht, What a.turiwut we had! The cars' were lined up to front of the nehool, the 4.40s -were buzzing ,and each -room • held its allare of interested Persons. 'Shah a . •crowd certainly *Mx appreciated, as it displays the interest taken, not -only by parents, but of friends and neighbors as well, in the welfare of the stUd,en,ts This Titer, we feeFsafe in saying the program was excep- tionally good:. To open the entertainment the ,girls .of the Home Economics Class staged, a fashion show. The way in which it was introduced was rather 'Tone Cleaning and Pressing Special Ladies' or Gents' •.1.00 SUITS ,TRQU8ERS or. PLAIN SKIRTS 50c Rave your Fur Coats and Furs ' put in Cold Storage for the Summer. A. J. Calder, Agent PHONE 230 SEAFORTH Pick-up and Delivery Service Pickups must be made by 1:00 p.m. on Mondays -and Thursdays special -a sort of play, a 0140Y110 carried on by 'two girls., .inn's problem was how to keep up with the styles and look 'well groomed on her meagre allowance. The an- swer nsirer was quite simple; "Sew end save." With that the girls entered and displayed the garments which they had made. Each model walked gracefully out onto 'a ramp, under a spotlight and turned several times to show cher outfit at an advantage and slowly withdrew amid the ap- plause. A variety of beautiful shades -pinks, blues, greens -all the colors of the rainbow, as well as all types of cloths ranging from the ever popular cotton to dainty dimity, organdy and voile were modelled in almost as many differ- ent styles, depending on the pur- pose of the garment and the ma- terial. It was a wardrobe beyond any girl's dream, complete with skirts, plaid or plain, for school- days, high styled or casual suits for Sunday wear, cotton dresses, or for that Friday evening date in sheer organdy or dimity, and last but not least, for a very special summer dance, a white ankle -length organ- dy with matching jacket in the lat- est puffy sleeves and smartly con- trasted with navy accessories.! Miss Stewart and the girls' con- tributed a great deal to make their part of the program a success. The "Collegians" were next on the list and all but stole the show FIX IT YOURSELF -AND SAVE Guaranteed Quality -Save Up to 50% !IDENTICAL TO ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUALITY -For cars, trucks ,and tractors at prices that save all the way up to 50%. Direct buy- , ,Ing saves you many dollars on your car maintenance and repairs. a Canadian Tire has everything you need to make your car run better j v and our well-informed staff will give you tips on how to do the job. molo•mASTER 100" SAVE GAS, OIL AND POWER lot - lnstall Moto -Master "100" Piston Stings for the greatest improve- ment in restored zip and new car energy. Moto -Master "100" Piston Rings ere scientifically designed •by the leading manufacturer of original equipment - at prices that can be matched in original - ,equipment quality. Save Safely ! Moto=Master "100" •Piston Rings will keep power up - and oil consumption down. "Labor -Back" and Replacement Guarantee for one year -or 10,000 ,miles of perfect driving satisfaction. cord -Model "A" and other 4 -cylinder cars per sat 3.80 Chevrolet, Pontiac and most other 6 -cylinder eersper set 5.33 'Plymbiith, Dodge, Nash, Hudson, etc. !Ford "V8", some Packards, etc. d;uick and .large 8 -cylinder cars Other cars and trucks at similar low prices per set 8.95 per set 9.15 per set 9.30 MACNINE tRANKSHAFT GRINDING Ground to the Trueness of new shafts. Prices include reconditioned crankshaft and complete set of connecting rod bearings for Ford and Chrysler prod- ucts. The price for Chevrolet also includes 6 rebabltted connecting rods. ford V8, 1936-48 34.80 eChrysler products (most) .41.49 Chevrolet, 1937-48 crankshaft and connecting 'od exchange _:42.90 CARBON AND VALVE J08 - Reface and reseat overhead engine valves. (Bring in cylinder head to our Machine Shop for expert reconditioning.) 6-0l. 9.00 8-cyl. 6.50 .2EkACE, VALVES ONLY -For any car 8 valves 12 valves 16 valves -70. • 1.05 1.40 . CONNECTING ROD EXCHANGE-�Pre- •,eislon=built to original standards; for .all cars, truck and tractors. For most -mors, each 1.91 to 2.95 Spring Clean Your Engine "MOTO-MASTER" MOTOR CONDITIONER Get rld of power- -otos) ling sludge and carbon with this 10 -minute angina tune-up." Re. stores power and Im• Proves performance of sluggish motors, Enjoy increased pep and power. 20 -ex. 40 -oz. .59 t90 Leaky Mufflers Are Dangerous -REPLACE WITH molo•mASTER ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT QUALITY IMUFFIERS and PIPES -at prices that 5 001 save you up to Don't take a chance with deadly car- bon -monoxide exhaust fumes. Play safe) Replace defective equipment of CTC savings. MUFFLERS Chevrolet 1929-32 4.65 1933-34 Master 6.80 1935-51 (most) 5.05 Chrys., Delete 1936-48 (most) 9.50 1949-51 6.30 Dodos 1935-38 (most) 5..15 1939-48 9.50 1949-51 10.40 Ford "A" (.amp. ess'y) 7.08 Ford "VM" 1932-31 6.70 Oldsmobile 1936-50 (most) 7.20 Plymouth (many models) 8.50 TAIL and EXHAUST PIPES Tail Exhaust Chevrolet 1929-12 2.80 2.40 1933-81 (most) 2.98 3.10 Dodge 1935-39 (most) 7.80 4.10 1940-48 4.55 4.60 1949-61 3.40 2.65 ford VI (most) 2.8S 4.10 Olds. 4 1933-30 3.55 3.40 Plymouth 4.150 1940-81 (most) 3.85 4.10 For cars and trucks not listed enquire for pricer. celiel ashlagg" u p s M e< o setectif�Jliia ` of of dyt irir" riux ' W, •eq.�'IIl Ran and n Ft. the audleilve• was unvri tq ae the bDya'., de alt, area .i oniy.:on the- ' ilrom13e that ;; . •, would return,. Inter on dist back MA' dear ,the xema p.der of the. program. But true. to . their, Word the fellows did come back to sing "Sidewalks of New York," and. the one. they do so well, "Coney Is- land .Baby," which by the way was repeated for an encore. To add a bit of "whim,. vigor and vitality" to the evening's fun, eight girls square danced (if there. ib such a word), to °Golden Slipperrs" and "Rock Valley," called off by Miss Norris. Ruth Keyes, Lorraine Smith, ''Eileen 'McCartney, Alice Watson', Jean .Siemon, Anne Lit ouski, Grace,Riley and Joan; Som- erville had a gay time swinging. their partners, promenading, ale- mand left," etc, etc., and literally "whooped it up." The last number was a special request -in honor of Lieutenant - Commander ,Silcox. Carol Chesney, Evy McPhee and, Elaine Dale out- fitted utfitted in trim sailor suits, danced the "Sailors' .Hornpipe" somewhat more gracefully than the sailors do it, we imagine. They 'went through the actions' of handling rope, climb- ing the rigging, looking out to sea (pardon the lack of sea terms, our knowledge of navy life is limited) ; anyway all motions were done in a rhythmic' way, very charming in- deed. For the benefit of those who are not able to see the notice or know the reason. for Cadets `wearing ber- Oat JBerat " wet has been adapted atu ` Y uiress for m,atnyyy' units and, 11 j3ervlcesnin the Cana•di$n.Army. Tt: is •anticipates!- that ,in tb1 f> Lure most Vlore/ Canadian AMY Cadet Cgrps will: either adopt the beret or the 'headdress of the unit with which they are affiliated. Harken, thee., yepresent and future 'wear ers of the 'beret and avoid the pit- falls itfalls of ridicule which await ye. The three Most commonly known types of alleged ''beret Wearers are, set out below. Look them • over and "Hf the cap fats . Type "Al, ---"Tie Highland Fling'' -The most popular of the^ppecies. Beret worn et an scute angle to the+irorpendioular--cap badgeWO- ed ed by oversize crescent; of talcor cardboard-t'he whole bearing some faint resemblance to the Balmoral of the Highland Regiment. Type "B" -."The Schoolgirl's. De- light" -The beret is worn well back on the head withthe crown pulled right back to cover the back (if the neck -most . commonly adopted by young men who fancy their wavy hair. For variety the badge is often placed dead centre front and hair ribbons may be worn. Type "C" -"The Chef or Cookee Moder'-Definitely marks the wear- er as a newcomer. Tihe beret is worn sedately on the top of the head, the band straight across the forehead and the badge dead cen- tre. The wearer insists that the crown be equally distributed on the head so that both ears are exposed, usually has an apologetic air. We don't know if anyone will care to wear the beret the proper Spring House - Cleaning on The Best Used Cars In Town 1951 Ford Coach -Radio, Whitewall Tires 1949 Chev. Fleetline, Coach -Good condition 1949.Chev. De Luxe Sedan 1946 'Chev. Sedan -Extra good condition 1937 Oldsmobile 1947 Ford 1949 Mercury 1936 Graham -$75.00 1941 De Soto USED TRUCKS 1951 Ford 17 -Ton Pickup, with racks -Like new 1948 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup -New paint and tires 1948 Chev. 2 -Ton Stake -Reconditioned ALL ABOVE GUARANTEED BY Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE - Phone 141 •Seaforth • Goo >tol. beg .t, dled'` iu late Monday afterhOtot afternoonter _a. long:; Innes!!. He'- waft 78..7'Mr ,Scott 'was' - bern 4, . g b:bert •Township, ;where he 0#404,..i1;114 carried out. ibistom' • threshing for many .years, Follow:, ing hiar marriage in 1913 to Agnes. MoKellar, the Couple took up resi- dence lir Cromarty where they liv= ed until moving to Stratford several years'ago. 'Elis wife died ill, 1948. Mr. Scott attended Cromarty Presbyterian Church. He was a son of thehlate Mr. and Mrs. John Scott of Cromarty, he is survived by a, son, Frank Scott, R.R.,, 2, St. Pours; two siaters, Mrs. Duncan •McKellar, Cromarty, and Mrs. James -Fulton, Mitchell, and three grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the home of his sister, Mrs. Duncan Mc- Kellar;, Cromarty, Thursday at 2:30 p.m. -The Rev. G. M. Lamont, of Knox. Presbyterian Church, Mit- chell; itchell, officiated. Burial was in Staffa. Cemetery,, The Women's Missionary Society held their regular monthly meeting in the basement of the church. Mrs. Thos. Scott presided and,op- ened th@q ,meeting with' meditation• and 'Scrip`tlre. reading, followed •by prayer. MrU\ T. Laing read a chap- ter from the study book, and Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl read a fine paper entitled, "Our Task At Home." The Ladies' Aid Society met, with Mrs. Houghton presiding. Among other items of business were plans for a copper contest, with Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. Houghton as cap- tains. The, meeting closed with the national anthem. i• SEAFORTH 0. S. 8 W. V. Smith •iI tt n • • THE CAMDEN - An Attractive Frame House with three Bedrooms, Bath, Combination Living -Dining Room, Kitchen and Utility Room to replace basement. Ample closet space is provided in bedrooms and vestibule. Other features include Picture Window, Covered Entrance, Fire- place. Exterior finish is Bevelled Siding and Asphalt Shingles. .The front wall is faced with either Cut Stone or Brick. Dimensions overall are 44 x 34, floor area is 1,319 square feet. § § BALL - MACAULAY now have in both their Seaforth and Clihton Yards, a wide selection of House Designs, only a few of which can be featured in this weekly advertisement. These complete sets may be seen at our yards, or.may be taken home overnight for further study, § § As a further service, BALL - MACAULAY will make up Free estimates for material on the design of your choice and complete building blueprints may be obtained for a nominal amount. Bali - MtulY Seth ii ' .Meat 787gUderSSir��Ilesp e 97 HYDRO HOME ECONOMIST Rhubarb Crisp lh cup butter 13/4 cups sugar 2 eggs 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 3/z tsp. vanilla 2 cups toast cubes 4 cups cereal flakes 4 cups diced rhubarb. Blend butter and 1/2 cup sugar. Beat in. eggs thoroughly. Stir in nutmeg, flavoring, toast cubes and cereal flakes. Spread half the mix- ture in buttered baking dash; 'ar- range rhubarb on top, sprinkle with remaining sugar and cover with re- maining mixture. Bake in oven of 375 for 40 minutes. Serve warm with custard sauce or whipped cream., Serves 10. Anne Allan invites you to write to her c/o The Huron Expositor. Send in your suggestions on home- niaki g prdblems and watch this column for replies. The shimmering affect of intense: ly-heated aiir near the ground, seen on a clear summer day, is termed optical awe. way after the three above choices appear so appealing, but here goes: The beret should be worn with cen- tre of badge over centre of the left eye, brow band one inch above the eyebrow and horizontal, slack pul- ed down and back over the right ear. You have our apologies that the suitable cartoons (already nick- named) are unable to be added for emphasis. Question of the week: What girl, due to circumstances beyond her control, in the way of two blisters, learned a bitter lesson -never to wear new shoes for any length of time the first time on? (The result -one less pair of nylons). GIVE MOTHER A NEW BLOUSE Fresh new Nylons and Lovely washable Alluracelle, in a Wide range of colors, in short, long or push-up sleeves. A lovely gift for Mother 3"anr to I said SMART DRESSES' for MOTHER • Choose a new dress for your Mother from our big stock. Nylons, Crepes, Sheers -all are here in styles to suit Mother . . . or giveher a Credit Vouch- er for a dress she can choose later. 1 r Our better dresses f are priced from j/,/ 9495 to 16,95 New Nylon Slips Dainty lace and net trim grace these long -wearing Nylon trico-knit Slips. Mother will love one of these beautiful „slips from Stewart Bros. Priced at 4.95, 5.95, 7.95 4 QUALITY CREPE SLIPS Many are Nylon trimmed, all are daintily, made and 'perfect fitting. Lovely slips for a lovely Mother. All sizes. 245 3.95 Priced at • POPULAR CHAMOISUEVE GLOVES Ten delightful shades in this popular selling good-looking glove. We'II gift box 73 them at 1 ■ GIFT HANDBAGS PANTIES Rayon or Nylon Panties, in white, tea rose and blue. All qualities. Alf sizes 59c Js35 SHEER LOVLINESS IN Nylon Hose GIFT 130X1 D dVI All gauges froth 42 to 66 in love- ly Nylons'by Har- vey arvey - Woods,, Ort. ent Gotham and Supersilk, in all the best n e w shades. 1.19 to 1 Plastic Calf Bengaline Leath- er Handbags in a wide variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Priced at.... 3.50 to 11.05 STEWART BROS. � /� SiViAr� j % % i �' r••:•4 '• j/ w OPEN HOUSE IN CLINTON All Day -Saturday, May lO-AliDay THE PUBLIC IS INVITED TO INSPECT THE NEW LOW COST HOUSING UNIT BEING FEATURED BY JACKSON HOMES LTD., SEAFORTH This new -type house is located on the premises of LORNE BROWN, Huron St. West, Clinton. JACKSON .HOMES LIMI SEAFORTH, ONT.