The Huron Expositor, 1952-05-09, Page 5was a highlight of the affair, and the winners were Mrs, McDonald Ivire,, Adams and Mrs. Hill, Gode- rich, and Mrs, Alice Joynt, Tlensall wilt present a gui8sionary item. Program, convener is ,Mrs. Maude :Redden. Mr. and Mrs. Genyou, Detroit, The mystery prize waswon by- Were week -end visitors with Mr. Mrs. Jory, of Exeter, and the lucky and Mrs. Wm. Pepper. M. Pep - number under cup by Mrs. Wilson, iter eturned home with them for a Exeter. Refreshments were served. Week's visit. The affair was largely attended and much enjoyed. ,I The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will hold their May i.„ meeting in the schoolroom of the church Monday evening; May 12, and will entertain as their guests the Women's Missionary Society ofn' the church and the Arnold Circle ' Evening Auxiliary of Carmel Pres byterian Church. Hostesses are Mrs. R. J. Drysdale and Mrs. Jack Drysdale. Guest speaker will be `' Miss Irene Douglas, of London. I Miss W, Gray will conduct the de -'1 votionai, and Mrs. Pearl Passmore !'. • • D • • • 1 777 r.e .. 'QR 'I i W A•Y, MAY ' , I9512 Pulpit Calls Are Sustained By Meeting • The Huron Presbyter), of the; United Church of .Canadae met in' Ontario ;St. United Church, Clinton, Thursday, and named the following slate to take '.office July 1:•-Chaiy- man,, Rev. W. J. Moores,. Belgrvex, secretary, Rev. A. W. Gardiner, Eg- mondville; treasurer, J. A. Snider, Goderieh. More than 60 ministers and lay- men attended the all -day aeasion, which was presided over; by the chairman, Rev, Andrew. Lane, Brussels. Rev.• Miriam E. Collins, London, addressed the meeting on the campaign to build a new train- ing school in Toronto. Ernest 't}eprge Clarke, B.A., .Sea - forth, was 'licensed •..to preach and: was recommended to London Con- ference for ordination. Mr. Clarke requested that he be- Left without a charge :i"or•."one year to Complete certain post -graduate studies. The presbytery passed this request on too the settlement committee with approval. The presbytery recommended that Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Seaforth, and Rev. Wm, Mair,' Thames Road, be granted leave to retire for one year on account of ill=health; and that Rev. Albert Hinton, Kippen, be granted leave to retire permanent- ly. A call to Rev. John W. Stinson, Bin'brook, from .Northside United u qhrch, Seaforth, with_a salary of $3,300 and furnished parsonage and four weeks' holidays, was sustained. A call to Rev, A. E. Holley, at present supplying at Main Street United Church, Exeter, from that RADIO nEws BY ir2rttnze,1' THE JUNE BRIDE is incorporat- ed as a special feature of Margaret Brophy's "AtHome With the Lad- ies" every Tuesday and Friday morning during May, Marg devotes about one-quarter of her 30 -minute, 11 o'clock show on these two days to a discuss'on of the modern 'something old•, something new' routine. Miss B plays up the spe- cial occasions throughout the caI- endar. Last December she receiv- ed 679 requests from over 130 com- munities for copies of her Christ- mas 'Recipes. BRITISH PLAYWRIGHT Ter- rence Rattigan's story of English Public school life, The Browning Version, will be presented on the final Ford Theatre broadcast of this season, Friday at 9 o'clock. Three years of negotiation were required ,,,to secure the play for radio pres- entation. Alan Savage, producer of a the hour-long drama series, has' made his own adaptation of Ratti- .gan's iropic but tender story of an embittered schoolmaster. , HAVE YOU 'HEARD—AW2 Rene MacFarlane announcing the Air Force Revue Sunday -afternoon at 3 o'clock? There are so few good female voices on the air, it's a dis- tinct pleasure to hear a girl who knows how to use her tonsils . - . Nevus Briefs at 7 am.? Johnny Brent handles the early morning headlines during Tap 0' the .M4rn- ing . Rod Coneybeare reading poetry `,Tuesday and Thursday nights at 10:30 on Shadows? This is the stuff early radio was made of, and it still sounds good. , That Maher's 'Double or Nothing will stage their 'regular broadcast from the Wingham, Town Hall on Monday, June 2, at 8:30 p.m.? -The Wingham Kinsmen are in charge of arrangements. Ci4 N41,, charge, was reported-, offering -a salary of $3,000., a furnished par- sonage, and four weeks' holidays. It was reported that there would be vacancies in Ashfield, Landes- boro, Thames_ Road and Kippen. Rev, "C. B. Woolley, of Ashfield, sought a charge of pastorate; and Rev. 5, H. Brenton, Londesboro, has received a call to College Ave. United Church,- Wood•stock- tev. W. J, ,1VLaines, Brucefield, read the obituary, of Rev, G, F. N. Atkinson, formerly of Brucefield. Rev. H. J. Snell, Exeter, was ap- pointed to write the obituary of Rev. James Anthony, of Exeter. Rev. A. 'Glen Eagle, Clinton., gave an address on stewardship. - • ZURICH HOCKEY•. TEAM HONORED The Zurich Flyers' Hockey Club was honored at a banquet Wednes- day night in the Zurich Community Centre. Mr. Ivan L. Kalbfteisch, the presi- dent of the club, gave a short ad- dress. He said that . although the club didn't win the championship, they did very well and that they went as far in the play-offs this year as they have ever 'gone. Mr. Kalbfleisch then introduced the guests at the headtable, in- cluding' -.Coach H. Stade and Mrs. Stade; .Second Captain, Dpn Hesse and Mrs. Hesse; Captain Robert McKinley and Mrs. McKinley; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell; Herbert Tuerkheim; Mr. and Mrs. Milford answered by the giving of donations 'for the new United Church Train- ing School for' Women. -The W,A. is sponsoring a play, "Look Qui, Lizzie," in. Walton Fall on: May 19. A bake sale is to be held in Sea - forth on May 31. A donation is to be given the M. and M. fund. The coppers for the contest are to be brought in... at the . June meeting. hymn 345 was sung and Mrs,'Den- nis closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served and a social half-hour enjoyed. . HENSALL 'Ladies' .Auxiliary Entertains The Ladies' Auxiliary to the Can- adian Legion, Exeter, entertained as their guests the Ladies' Auxili- aries of Clinton, Goderich and Hen- ' salt Monday evening in the Exe- ter Legion Hall. Presldent Mrs. Heywood conducted the meeting and extended the welcome to the guests. Entertainment was provid- ed by the Exeter ladies in the form of a two -act comedy, "Wanted, a Housekeeper." Four Exeter ladies in costume, representing the South- land, sang several numbers. Bingo Schilbe; Rev. and Mrs. Heimrioh; Hugh Hawkins, president of the W.O.A.A., and Tory Gregg, guest speaker. Mr. Kalbfleisch introduced all the players and their wives and giri friends. Coach Harold Stade intro- duced the league president, Hugh Hawkins, who presented a trophy, to Team -Captain Bob McKinley.' This trophy was donated by Albert' Hesse. The team manager, Herb' Tuerkheim, introduced the guest speaker, Tory Gregg. Mr. Kalb- fleisch presented. -group pictures to all the players. Reeve Earl Campbell gave a , short address and first president ofd the Zurich Lions Club, Russell Grainger, and chairman of the vil- lage trustee board, John Tuerk- heim, also spoke. • McKILLOP Mrs. H. E. Livingstone was hos- tess to the Bethel W.A. and W.Ai,S. at the Manse for the May meeting. Mrs. Mills presided, assisted by Mrs. S. Hillen. The delegates to Presbyterial, Mrs. Ross Leeming and Mrs. Chas. Boyd, gave their re- ports. The topic, "Our Fellow ,Can- adians From the Orient," was tak- en by Mrs. Mills and Ethel Dennis. Clothing for relief is to be brought to the next meeting. Plans were made to have a missionary story Old to the Sunday School scholars the first Sunday in each month. The devotional part of the meeting dos- ed by singing "Lord, For All Man- kind We Pray" and prayer by Mrs. dVtills. The business was conducted by Mrs. W. Dennis. The roll call was Clay Field Tile FOR SALE All sizes for immediate delivery -- 4", 5" and 47 in stock now. Contact R. J. Ballantyne R.R. 2, ST. PAULS Phone Sebringville 31 r 5 C7LJ t1 YOUR EAVUURIiI BEVERAGE Kisir TIN ALL FLAVOURST 5—VE _-Wry. �`` �,,�_ TO/" T STRTGINI We Are Again Contracting BARLEY FOR CANARIA MALTING COMPANY Contact. Us CONTRACTS CAN BE ARRANGED BY PHONE OR LETTER ALL BARLEY WILL BE TREATED FREE OF CHARGE Phone 103 Nights 133 Geo.'T. Mickie and Sons Ltd, HENSALL — ONT. Good Service — Fast Unloading Facilities • elp and Hope ...for heavy hearts When tope fails, the heavy heart -knows where to turn. For seventy years in Canada The Salvation Army has been the unfailing friend of those brought low by misfortune or misdeed. To these h offers help and hope— the opportunity to start anew on the road - to happy and useful living. The Army will mark its 70th Anniversary by a great expansion of its services.lt relies confidently on YOUR. dollars to help make this possible. • B. F. CH•RI$TIE, J. C. STEVENS - Joint Chairmen SALVATION ARMY CITADEL C. A. REITH - Treasurer PHONE 375 r'ord Motor Jompany wnt continue xo prouut a anu Leal-- born Motors Corporation will continue to supply, through its distributors and dealers, all repair parts for all past, present and future Ford Tractors. 3 Ford Tractors will continue to 'offer all the advantages of the present system of hydraulic control, the present method of attaching and operating implements, and all other features respon- 'sible for their wide popularity. Dearborn Motors will continue to offer its same complete line of implements. Warn rob motor a.ompany s comiuu- ing to offer to the farmer the lowest priced tractor with hydraulic control and the present method of attaching and operating implements." TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT SALES FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED WINDSOR ONTARIO QALY MOTORS Phone 102 00 r E af r't ,, Ont. is really fun. Upstairs, dbw,ptairs, up, down, up, down, "Son, break- fast is ready." "Boy, you're going to be late." "Son, do you want to lose your job?" We know he is tir- ed, exhausted, worn out. We know he went as hard as he could go last night. We know he scored two badly -needed goals. But after all, there is such a thing as work in the world; useful work that must be done whether he feels like do- ing it' or not. And so we get him up and off to work—a. little latemathaps, but still to work. And hiloss, being an ex -hockey player himself overlooks his lateness. Being en ex -hockey Players •himself fie may even con - and Mrs. C. Kennedy sang a pleas- ing duet. Mother's, Day will be ob- served Sunday, May 11. Sunday school scholars will take part and attendance awards will be made. The:'rite of Baptism will be admin- istered by, the Minister, Rev. J, 13, Pox, Anniversary service Will be held Sunday, .'MAY i8, guest Minis- ter being Rev. A, Nianmio, .of$11agy iltatti, with special Maio by' the rlaii lits w 9g�e rasdred 111 it mono.': kit ,bag' "Wig ha;.t.,was monitor rent, unddrear shoved damply' a of•,Ole Iasi. gains tit bag•was, and- of July With the.. here's some stuff uld .be waalteel,". I A miracle of The underwear Mildew and was went. to work on vashing machine, aty of home-made Rd look exactly loved it. We im- aly. We improv- at the owner re - e, "Gosh, is that tar?" abject, something )out that button - It is foisted upon suspecting junior ace anit of that up and turned in. sing machine, the- as heas well give up. eight buttons in e it takes her to i Big Game • Ingaters so much vie Morena and it takes two or o keep an eye on ;hamps who have ho haunt today's no doubt they do, to themselves at icials it takes to key game. rumblings and dis- p us away from Phey do not, and morrow night we anging over the flying puck can store teeth down hoarse from yell- ini Don't let these • you!" And will re too many lines - s then? We will aanding a couple ie ones. who are iuestionably blind, nth. riting the second Lye had some bad or is NOT in his or hockey. He is t year" There is a the player is still first of August he far the following iior's 'birthday is me! s believe that the ave come to Can - as long as 4;000 ske 2,700 cigarettes median per capita ust over 1,000; fed - n a pack of Lana- is more than total garettes. our BACK to Ache BECAUSE -- Backache is often due to urinary irritation and and for over half a cen- r Pills have helped bring :he by stimulating the Ts Kidney Pills at any for the blue box with the depend on Dodd's. 160 We ill tae; orders 1 o 6 S waril k , and If ofdeeed rl htF We ihave '4140( 19t• ei exp the.,proper egilitagal',for t lPe ant reeds. if you desire it, we;will, refer` y�au: to,fa +inl kh led weeds: It costa yo•}t notthingt !l'r4►i a ?,1 t e increased trop'p ye f-001#0,71,#4'.07#4. clean your fair* of weeds Consider they wilt be as' bad or worse, thio year • CHARLES Phones: 130,W; 48144 Expositor Want Ads Bring 'Results -, "PAPER PUNCHING" is target shooters' name for their sport, now attracting more and more fans every year. This young marksman, who may someday compete in the National Shooting Matches at Ottawa gets a few tips from an old hand. Shooting enthusiasts say,. "Get 'em young" ...believe that boys should be carefully trained in the correct handling of firearms. QUIZ PICTURE of the week is this strange object. Insect? Drift- wood? No, but if you're a farmer, you should recognize it! It's a wheat seedling with a destructive fungus growth. Farmers now apply modern dis- infectants like "Ceresan M" to protect grains against many seed and soil -borne diseases. Did you know ? CONGRATULATIONS, Miss Marguerite Gignac. The happy young singer is this year's win- ning contestant on "C -I -L Sing- ing Stars of Tomorrow". T popular radio program gives young Canadian singers nig chance to be heard by an emirs- ence of hundreds of thousands: and to coMpete for GT -L musical" awards worth over $3,000. Over 8,000 men and women from all walks of life and every province make up the C -Id organization. Their shills and talents are used in more than 200 job classifications ranging from stenographer to research chemist, truck driver to plant manager. SERVING CANADIANS THROUGH CI1EMISTP,Y CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL! G ALLOWANCE __d tires when you buy NEW GOOD#EARS Old fires can cause delays and trouble. They may even result in a serious accident. There's no mid to risk the uncertainty of driving on worn tires any longer. Our big trade-in allowance makes it so easy for you to ride on brand new Goodyears. Then you'll enjoy thousands of miles of safe, trouble-free drivring. Why not come in TODAY? 141P7h 1/7 SEAFORTH MOTOR PHONE: 141 CHEVROLET---OLDSMOBILE � ix• ;a,