HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-09, Page 3 , I 0 f 4 , 0 , I` I 4 0 . A . -,..,'.1-, .:,?_ ,_, - I 1,.1 ..'­N,r, 'T'. ) I -i I. , 4" , , - . I , I., . , .7r .,. .1 , - , , - ,_ , , , . ], ;.v I . 1, I , " t' _ , ,,, , " , I . I , . I , " , .", . , I I - , , , . , ., , 1. . ,:1 I . , 0 I I . . I -, '. , ", :., . ., -', ,t' '.' , ,,, , . , , , I'll . I 11: . . I . I I % ,J: , . I I I . , . - I _ , I 14M I r I . I II . I I I . I t I 11 . I . I . : , f A . I , . I , ... 11. %- ., .' - : I ; 1111 ". I , I . I . "17, , , , ", , , i 7 :, "I i, I I ,, , I ; .,. _7 11 . "' " , , , , .. - . ; , " , , , ", ", 111 . I ,_ , 1. 11 -1 - . , "e. , "I - , , " I , " _ Z " ,t ,,;,.,, _, , I, I , I '' I ­; , , . , I'll . I , ii 11 , , , , t,t,,, , - ,. 1 I 11 ;I .. ;i! , . I . I , I .. . , -1 " 1 - - " .1 . ________., , - ?N;Ilpllppr I I - ", 71. - ., I . , , . I I "' 11 "I W1 A, I`,, ,ii% ­ -11 " `, f ")T, ,, .,," , ,' , , ',, ,, fit7 ,, ,, l"":", ",!, 'To , il. 11 I , . 1. , I , " `2 "' ,- F,ii'Rr,"g t , , z, ', I - I " 'illtt!,', "I I I . ,. .. 1v ! ", " i ,; '6"fl: . , .. , , .""", y-', 11 , ". , I I . I "'i", 'r, A- ;i,r`fl 7F 7 ffl ,, ", !@ . 5 f m", , 7" W z,pw ,j;l, ' I. . , I 11 ­1;1 , I " I , "%) : " , g , . , , ` I . : .I. It . I T I ; ,. - ;, 1, '8 , ", "' 4'9t.' `I 50!;, :.. "''. , , I , , " I , . I I : I 71 11. ,;, - . . , T `, , , ", , ,,, 11 I .. I . "'. .,I, ­ ­ ,P 7 " %'0!11W,,,W,- 'n'I_"IV, , : I I . . . I.. ­, " "W", 'n,__ I,',',i­- - ". , , , I ) il. !" ,, i F , , ,,, , ,I' I . , 1-1 , , ":- I 11. ., , ::!"' 411111., - " I I , . . . , , ,. , "" , I .11 I I 1, : b,,, . . .. . . ; I. _ ., I , , , K, ,­­' I ., -1 I . , ,I.,. I . . . . . . . it I- i .1 I ,­ I ., -. ,;: J, , , , "'""dt.!.a4 I : ` . Z. '. '11R 'fl- , . . , , . . , " , , I t,_v'...F411V r 'I . , ' , I I ­ "'; I "?,"'Ir."'! ,, , *.1,0' : t_ ; .. _;; ,'I , . I., I , " . , , . . I, III 11 11.11, , " v, 1 , ", I -- 1. , .. . r _ , ­: . : I I ._.,,.__ - M " 1 k ,t, 1 7 -1 t, , V",K1'111'tM X111 t fff...,' o, ,,, 'I I .. I . . ,' L , t I : ,I ,, , , ,:.: ,, i ", , :., i , , '. L — I . . I " , , , "I'v ".", .1 I- " .. - . . 1 .. . It: '. - ; I , ,, ' " _ 'Ifl 9; I'll, I , ­ ", , , , , " . : , .1 , 11 . - . , ". I I . I I I . , I , , I . I ,. I 11 -.1-.1.-.- 111 I 11 I Kl' . , I . wwww" . ­ P1 .1. I'll, 0, I -1- ­­ .. ­.. . 11. 11- I -1 I i , 1 .. ,V4. i- ­ _­­ ..i;ii-I ­­­­ 1 ­!, - I -11-I.- -.1-1-1 - -.1. -_-11_1_-. 1­­­­­­.., I ... I .. .1 1. - - . I I., -- -11 I I 1. .... . 11 ­... - e I . . _, ­ _ , .11 ­­ I 1. . ­ I .. ; ,' 1_0_" .1 1. , I 0 1 1 - .11. -1-1.11- 11 1"..", I .1 1. .1 1i.110 Illi .. .."I I . , ". _ - 1. I 1_' I ", , , , - , . . - " I ,. I"".., " 11----%-_, : - 4ti .qlft,.*P, i ,, , ,;N !"),Ipnl,v -t yn­v"' ­pa "'.51, _­ ,, , I ; . ­ I , ,, , - 11 . , I I - I " I ". " I ", I I .. 4" , , ,, ,, " ,, ; V 4' , ,I "M 'A­ I , .- . . ". ! . I , """ 6 .1 I I i I i f;. III . . , , , . .. . I I d 1. .. . " I . I .I 14' I , ., ! I 0. I , . 'c ', ", , . ­: ', , 4j , ,, ,, ;;"" ', !," , ",,,"e ,, ,,, , ,wi . ,, . -:; , -C , I . . '. - I "I " ' I .. .11 01519, .. I . ` N . - , I ty-Thlr4 Teo — ,* I I 1: . . . I . . , , P . 1, , I I . . ,I " 1,t . .'--.', :; " ,i lopp"U"t1i, 11 4W _ , . __ a SEAFORTH, , kif i _Ji .. _, ,..:, ., - : ;I - .,.__1M- 111'11i 1 I . . FRIA I ': , .11 , . r.. ,,, k .. & . MW. I " . ,Jiol I Nqmber 44F ' - 4p. _' . "I- ; -1' I - I I , ,*,, ' ... I I 11 I . 0 I I I I , , ,, , , ` ,. 'I, ,611", L."', 1 , ,iTI 8,; , I I , , I , "";; _ , ,.Il 'i, I .... _W W 1, I . 11:,; : 7; 2 ... I. w a, I . I . , If ., , " "N _ . . I I I . I , . . " . 1, I . _1 11 i F. - i - I - - ., .1 "I -II ­ 11, I-— -, I .. _. I - -1. I ...... 111.11, 1-1-11-1 I."..,."" . 11 I I. . I I I 11. IN 1. - I I - . I 11 . 1 9 -11 ­ ­ ­_ --- - -- . 9 'il . . . L 9 . I .! i I -, , , , ,'X ,47­11. , Rt' ,,,. , , eI , , . , , - - I t1le . 9 , . I I . . . , 'If ',r. , ,,1;",.., I , " , wc,v , I , , . 1, I 1, 9 . I . I . , 1. , , .1 I , I1,7'i,V,$,C"114"91 lpl 4t', ", .ak 11 - .1 .9 1. I - , ' 9- 7; ­, , L I" ; . - 9 . . .; . I I . .1 ," I ­ r , I I 1. % 9 11 - ,: I . % I . I . . 9. .1 . I . . . I . .7 1 "I I .- I I . I 11 I _f ,. . - 9 1 -1 , '.I':, I, 'L I I . . I . I . . 9 h Lh, 0. . F , . - . . I n ,,, 1 , . t , , ., ,, itt 4 Al , " e i ; . I , . 0. I . . , , ...... ; I, t 11 . TT - 1 9 . . .. I I , I I V,66 llf! I , I . L, , s' . , " , "' i N211 ,, I AT, I .4 ') 0%, . , : ". ....... e , , , *` %:1 , , , -, ,"; , ,,T' .­? . ;;I , " - " - , , - 1; , . '4_4 , '. -b , _1 , , 1. 3 V16 - *5 I ".ye, I , w! F, gq"j" i o Pr . clo ure, , ,,,"'. - I 'rx'­.... I , X . I I- ` ' 1:1 F , , Otf 6of PUBLIC SCHO ,"X ,8 , , , "'. FORMER'WRICT 7xensw_ avours. " ­ ,a " 10n & ., W . a I. d , , I 1, V`01 b , "I A , , , . . . I "',_I; ­ I __ .. 1- 11 1-111" N ­ ­ . I - 'L 11 I I 9 , g , ,-1. . . . I 0kq!,,t,,;,N3 """, ­ I . . '... I . 9 1 1 . I '. I , , , , . . , , , . , , IQ- , If , , , , L - . I .. . I I *1 L "_ 0 . I . . .1 . . , , , 'I 2 I ., "0% , . 1, . N, 11 I 1 11 i NWEU._' 4#, 4i t ", , ., ", ", , . R. , W,% " 1111111 11111110 . 9I , : , " 11 , - ,5 1 9 MAN DEDICATE Woo ock If Ire Truck F"rm TEACHERS HACEIVE.. 1 66 . , " " gy,, )V,W,,I,T"ki ', ast, 1 9 , % , l ,9. ,, A , ,,,,,',,,,.,.-,I.,." B, 09 _ - t ti, ., tft, i",j, . . u0tV ' ! 1. I . . .;, ,' ,[ - _ , ',' , "..." .. ", ,I S_ A,& - . ., , - . I . .1 - . t . . Up. n 11bus . ,,,,,1,; ," I "I.M"e" 4. f ­ . hool , e, , ­ y I . . 41 Tho regular meeting of Hensall: ,: 11 ;,Wlh, i*c e . I ', " ?'_"""' ,,- ,js`l 5'0,'1141­ _i, I I'll- ­ _­_ .1 I " Cqjtupil was held Monday ey-euing ou " , B, I " f1w,"I", I - -1 .. . . KiIl . A 1-I.; Y " TIM , 4_0 , , , NEW CHURCH EMNSALL IFAW SALAY MUM I . . . 3 ' ," A rash . I ., , - I I . i, 11 ; ',' 1, , ion show by the ,girl '.' 91 -­. 71t. 1 14,1; ; , 1, %-,4-- ­ " . ... .. I 1 9 1. . 1 L . I 11 .. .. , .1 , ­ q , , ­,'," I, , , * "' * ­::; " I . It - - . . . 9 - , , at 8, pm. in the council chamber 9 1 "I'll SALVAGE DRIVE Oradea 9, 10 and 12, ':,'A,"` p 4 V!"'- .". 144 .... 9 ' i; ' .0 q ". - . i4il'O.ObOuge .., , 9,94o4'"', " . , a., .!, tUuge_ apv!Fal Eginiondville residents at-' . The Henrkall Stock Fair Will with all members being Present. Discuse,ion5 have been-.1held r '. L _ ­', ,''' .J, ,, , " . . _ , I . . light of the aunval'ope)9a IT ,, 40, " _PA, 4 9 9 . I - , D IT I O 1 :N A 9 " L I . _. ... 9 , WAP_441'4 lnur , .... . . . on . . if. t- I , . . 9 e " 4t4h9!*_0 9 . . ,. ;`#Pp) de4 -the official opening And . be hold this year on Friday, W. B. Cross, assessor, appeared at cently at Pub a ScAool BoAzdapoe ,,, , , __ '., ., _ ,9 , - , , ,, , - I - I Memberg of the Soaf9rth Seafor.tit 'District U194. - . .. 91 * I 64,F9 11 I ir ,. 19 ­­ , dedication of,S, Andrew's Prosby, May 2 Th . ted he ing,q concerning teacherW .0.41 es"., I I - 1 99 I ` , . i, . V,',, ", , ­ Lions P _. 11 r . . 1 ,14K# 1 19tA.,,, ,..; , ': . . . t 4 '. , . , 'X :, "pimppp, '10. I_ 9 " , , f-'* 1 , . 1, a of - in, threir steel was in. charge of 1) '­# ' #, . , " . IterItut ChurcI4 Islington, on :in . ,, ,,r,i ;(,V,r,r,"!",, ,r-,.,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,-,.-"C,, Ari , , . _: _ *MiVe -4. e attentlon,of, our .. the coun,41-s request and; sta I'll, hib collected Approxi day: evening. PrinqXpal , - to , q- Is taff matelyr I Yi* I *L, . Woo, udaY. readers Is directed' Page 6 )uncil suggest- 14. a letter to thoboatr& tb . A ' , 5:t9.n r li"".11"'o ;6..W*0 ,had heard that the c( . , _. e 9 , I .10 I I _.,- ,, O.a , '9'*" l"-"' t-"?": , , , 4m! IF, 44 - t4 ,",r- , "t 'A', I ' .N ­ , . _. , , ft 1,5"', --m-' ,4y , ", , 9 r _ . , S: ­ ' 9 FO, sal . . -.111. I . . ". 4.14 .. ,, , 9*6 charch's ralnistoF,.'R v. "drew of this Issue, which was made on the dfad requested a $400 incielkike; - 1, Vll.,. r, ,. S , IR vage.drive Wednesday after- Ing's prog am, 0. ... r ... ..: ft,'.' ,A­ , 4 "Ill t . , .. qd ampre complete che.ek-up, 9 .. , . . . . ­ . 9 'W ; 'i,4 "'kIlf,11 "I X MoRenzie,.B.A., BA, a "UT -0 of to the Fair Board by different properties was required, The decision to,allowan 9; ,, "Ju,w , "Q , , t , " avallable' . . Ancretoo .999 ; . . noon, Thfa was the largest col- The- g1jis mod ,W _,410,J J1 '. , ,R I ? .. 9 . . elled C14 g, W#POW r , , % I , _11.as tt'44, '- , , _d' ,. 'r _ . 1 ,.v%- , itio'ed C Apt.90:, %)o W -1-1, _ , erv! 1:4 , ;A "I I , I . , , ,% 'k,"N"'I this district, 'is a gion-In4aw of Mr. the co6ope-ation of the bysineew Considerable discussion took ,place. but lovverr than. tho.atao!S. r.oqudS . lectigh 'Irl. a numper of years. -ad been mado;;wndor tb . . , , I " , "-- and it was d6cided was reached at a meet r Ing on . tC I Proc*ids will go to tipt :Cana, 0 SAW. - ' sai WiN..'ag. ! Prr, ,O­ 9010,1'-11 1 9!homao - Roblusqn-,Egmp dvffle, and men 0 114onsal and 4Jst,rlcL as regardit this, '1 I DRIVE I 9. - h , 901'wo, .d". f , , `­ -qiN q . A'pr#' ,,,,,.,,, . . L - ; _ . slolL of. Home Ecotiomicsf, 049110r;, , th * - ."i ­ " -­,, ,, .or I . . ' aoen ot; water . ! , , . a' M. Stewart.- Main .Wb was, lio, :bad. Aeyqr_ _ :r , , , 'r "",i ',.,`, ' t, '9 &'' Vie late Mrs. Robinson, ano.. son T*o Items Ire Inadvertent- to leave the matter In, the hands of 2 and I -aid over until the ine'etto I , dlan' National Institute ,of tho _ _ , " r "11'', . ; ,Z j ... . r . , MI 3 poI . , , .1 - _, , _, _,it._ ,,,, " . ,tAa big# " - , 9 ; , chlai , 119mmi& ly omitted, however, an the pro. ,The, following'additional canvas- , 1311rid, half for Its 4ul!di.ng fund, script neA . ­ I ours. M' Sh . the assessor and the to make as , Tuesday evening. At . thi.o. . Iasi' ," ... r . I . Aer forAbe. eveV_ :1,, I I, tl X , 11 r t of the fiddlers" com meeting the board met .with. the q!V.0, for the Red ,Shleld Drive; oneral work. ' oxhi _ - eci%` -! *,I",C,ime ", rom," iho. ir"'i4, , , * _ , ville, and,the. lat Wm.,MaKenzlo gram, tha good a Job of It as possible. - . the other half for,9 Tile- q;;a4e 9 girla, r - " . , r Lich began Monday, have ,been I . . I , I r LIted,a . V -the all-Imporl.- I Park and Jones: . fiL . 0 _"'Is tfie;*441441,4av6, er Accepted _. stev. McKenzie was induct9d Into test at a .m, and That ,we ln teachers, and the latt PP, _ _ toij gathbied skirt, yrhich!' ,,,,,r,_ ­­, . ui*d.'.f,Dr- .?&KiRop, Tuckersmith . , boarTs inen . . ; . 0, , .27.1147, ant auction sale of feeder ,crease the salary of W. B. isse . And signed,,, , , . :first ..ip r ,, 8801044 Us pre Cross, the - r I . 9 , . F . I roject. With the. e. x04Pil6ii, ­ r .. . sent charge on Nov A , Eginotid-ville:4,1- - - , of flye'. nciRe of the .girls 'had ja.ke ur aa,id, 'r ) and, O;t Oct. 12, 1948, the congregator calves at 4:30. p.m. the assessor, ,$100 and thai: the contracts for the forthcoming term. .,, , , ' "" , home economics inatraatiouko bi fo , , . I tion 4u r thorized the building,of the . . ,clerk prepare a brlaw confirming, The board will reconsider.U6 ro- SH,ardn' Road West, ,uth EADO 'e, miss F. . . . " '. MEWSAUB H IMAP . XaQDO _ I I ­­, --C , Sew huroh which was 6di,cated, . 11 I the same. . ques,ts of those Members of. the .. ozier and Mi,49 *Margaret Gr—am 9 . ­ . Igh school, - Thos , - 'lid .." . going to h . Q I . A . "I the I , . - , 'I ,,, r I yet- sagned' Ott; Huron Road East, Dale Nix- d-JuU6 Ross, -1 .-, -- I, 9ftuday. DICK E R D I . reported re, the cups staff who have not as .,, . ling include ose., . od iip :on I , , ...999 ., 'r ' ­ `v , ,,, .. ;. 61 ,; I . 1-1 .1 ". . . IO , taie, 'Jul ' 00 I 11 for the H. - contracts. It Is anticipstaii 'this ft,r - 2nd Con., E.,:'It. S. Box; 2nd , Patricia' Nolan; , I&,,, r 144- ,'. 11 11. , 11 as being. delivered, al . . q ,,, r , . moit, ..A A, 4 1 6016w -1:114 The blogmPhY . , I of Rev. McKenzie, An SEAFORTH T. So tt;', 4th Con., TALK: ON NATA , . - - , , . I 1. , 11. 91, , r ft I I - - A) ,,.;ffl, . - to the work being done will be done at the next regular -a e larmet, , and . axo,',ren e­tj, ,1?11,9 I . . , Ing ,oi;L, ,, ,gifr, , ,,, , . ,ojr ' , t 1. 4 ,,, 7t, , . will r . 0%. ito ,b Q . I : "', I . I. . 11 ft- , ',.'i as carried in the April fasue of th4, . t r : ­ I , I I. .so reported . n W*k arttl 'O Somerville, Rose U : arn - Meeting on May 19. . I it, . ,,. Campbell; 4th Con. . n the streets. Considerable discus . ,,,,, Geraldine Byre, Lola Roe, Ailene a e# _' Uftgon Presbyterian, is as fol- Squadron- Leader Bury, Chi9f In- ... I .. - '. . 1, .9. 1 1+11, " ' ... It, 9, - Gordon Papple; 6th Con., E., ' he' ii&4 "t '_.' ., . . 1 9 , Dlegel, Joyce Jewitt,"Beverley Ev- a., sAlauiidhod, ... structor and Second in Command . of.r ",40I ­­.. .. . ..... I ___ ­ ,-4 - - t . . . . . . , operation and staff of the ,school don; 6th Con., W., . bostat ,j, r - ELOWNER I , children. on the streets ,took place, , -,. saw, Frances Cook, Janat .MacGre,, 6 offl*k. I "I'll on as regards the conduct of the The Inspector's .report on, the , ,., Iowa: , HOT DIES si Vis. Ross 40or ... . 'a, r . , i. I . . . , I ': .. ", . ....... 40rhe Rev. Andrew Hitth XcKen- , '.!._4. lAri, Ken Thompson; 8th Con. E.p of the A.C.A.F. Station- Clinton, . I :;.,Y , It was suggested that the- par. showed an improvememt ovia -las I and Joyce- .from ups,ot , when tbeir, bll 1 I ,; and . r t ", 19 ' , - ,,, , - r gor, Helen, MeLlwain &osr, , I . " ids, our genial minister, was, born W11:4 startling 444denuess. death )ve- it4saoll Bolton; th Con., W., Mrs. spoke to the Men's Club of First r . ,... .."'.1 , , came to Arthur Watson Dick, fam- ents, should Ube a,,Ilttle influence as year, and at even greater Impr'( Buchanan. caught on the docks. "Ma0",XgW- I., ... - '_ ., - , 9 PP. 4en a farm about 10 miles from Sea-, . 1. . . children ment is antielpated when the new #4iey Dolmage; loth Con., b., Presbyterian Church Tuesday eve- 11 ,;, ­. tharly kuowi i, as "Otto," on, Satur- regards the conduct of the , , , 9 The Grade 9 girls who had had, Donald's fish boat and Frank IMbse. .9 , I " , r 11 1,, , I" a or that police would have to use "to the B11 ander; 10th Cot - , '; ftrth. After attending axtiral Pub- day, morning, May 2, iollowing school Is In use, according I Alex L., W., Art ning, on the North Atlantic Treaty homer economics before were al- ley's now steel imat almo.st capsiz. _ , '., :1 Me school hawerit to Honsall Con- . . , ­. . heart attack, in his, 61st year. str ng measures to control the chairman. Al%xander; Leadbul' -West, Mrs. E. Organization. He clearly exp n- , ,,,; ,, . 0 " -1i; Walto , 7 as. ed the reasons forthe need of I lowed more scope In their choice ad. I . - '.' ; * tinuation School and Clinton Col- A report on the progress of the to n, Mrs. Herb Travi such , 'r.", 4 One of the best kn&wn business- same.' , n, ac- of -project. Ttese -girls were Heidi Robert Leoni rd went out at, the ' . 'till . legiato institute, completing his, school was given by W. T. , "'Tuckersmith - -Mill Road, Clair an organization, its formatio "'111 I I 'of town., he -carried on the 4 Laker rbported a complaint new . I and Buri, Ruth Teall, Rita Walsh. I . '­ .. , Honour Matriculation when seven- meyL the water running Teall, and on the supplies and ganey; 2nd Con, W., JIM, Lands- complishments to date, expec- height of the tide to his - fish note , ,, , , I I hotel business since the death of received, re r The girls in Gradd'9 who had tak' and. returned, to report that they , 1 .. ,A, teen. It was during his last year of Thomp- furnishings by J. A. Westcott. 2nd &n., E., Warden tations for the future. 1 U- , his father, the late James Dick, 13 across the road in front lj rough; en home economics in-Gradias 7 and were not damaged. His fish house '4.1 . . 4, he definitlely . ed by - . 1` ` ,12R at high school that years ago, and the public at large son's Elevator, street committee to . ,,,aney; 4th Con., W., Bill Camer- The speaker was introdac 8 made a -woollen or corduroy on the sotith pier, -however, was 5. 9 -0 . ., . "I , % decided to become a minister, and Will 'regret to learn of, his passing. Investigate the same. I ` ;, 4th Con., E., Arthur Wallace; C. A. Reith and thanked by K . 1. skirt. All the girls used the kme flooded by two feet of water. The ... . . . . . . . . I . I He was always interested In J. A. "Paterson reported return- 11h Con., W., Wilmer Broadfoot; McLean. . I... . . I . " . , ..... % jib In the FWI of IaS6 he started. a j attern-one without a zipper or outer breakwater was completely ,. 9" 1 . tkrei--year course at the Toronto sport, and. in his younger days Ing the arreara to the County Staffa W.I. Elects a* E G ge 111,ake * 'th There were 49 members in, At- 'buttonhole. The e,skir,t was fasten- covered with watei. No damage I h, I ; 8th Cc E I uring which time I, I ", 33ible College, d '4'h C tendanoe, with President J. E. Pat- ed, in the buck vdth elastic, hooks was cause4 at the radio -beam sta- ,,, 1, Xte edited a college paper and the played both, hockey and. football, Treasurer of the 1951 taxes to the Slate Of Officers 0 ri r "Yoi V n.' . , ,;,,v 0 . . , tbL I , .,I serving for 18 years as secretary amount of $275, same being the ,Z , McCloy terson in the chair. M. McKellar and 'eyes, and dome iastenals. tion al -though the water rose as I 9, - 7ew book. Being the sixth member . %­', , T .. "" , g! J h ho I as ­ of the H.F.A. Mr. Dick also took lowest in years, and of having re- The Staffa, Women's Institute "4"111 , thanked, the ladies of the Ladies' Modelling these, were Marilyn Me- h g - the floor at this place, and lr , ' I of a family of eight, Andy found it an -active interest in lacrosse, and celved $3,300.010 in tax prepay- elected Mrs. Thomas Laing presi. Robinsow. Aid for the supper, and Mrs. H. E. Phee, Ena IAIIico, Marilyn Eyre, rose and fell every 15 minutes for . !, t . , .; V I, necessaxi 'to provide his, own liv- "..)"g ... I'd 9 1 tended the Collegiate In- Monts to date; also read a sum- dent at the annual meeting. Mrs. Dublinr-Mlas Eileen Whetham. Smith responded. . Lila Dalrymple, Marion Dick, Joyce several hours. . ., tt when he, at , . P., I .­ . . 1-t-1 Ang and college expenses by wha adet mary of.the recent legislation af-t'Carter Kerslake presented -the s,late . ,- . Cliff Liberty, of the R.C.A.F. Sta- WUlson, MaJa Roalial, Ann Haugh , I, ever -means were available. He en- -9titate was Captain of the c __ ._* , A number of anglers arrived from . Pll"! corps. Deceased was, also one Of ,fecting- manicipalaffairs, and ex7 of officers, with Mrs, C. Bowman . . tion, Clinton, rounded out the pro- ,Sheila: McFadd n, Shirley, Bedard , Detroit, 'among them six Dolicoin' -7 ", ,e , . I- I en, ,"I" woned, In.wn Arts...QoArsoL.9f ROPOUT e _31 1'11ioSopthy and . at -Univers- 'tliei star players -on the old junior tended tb the council and all inter- -presiding.. Yra,. Les_.Butson .con- graine -'with sorn6 well-r6ndered Helen McGonigle and- Hazel Bau ; for' perch fishifig,­ but -Capt, Mae-- ---- :::.. Engligh , - Youth For Christ Hears , ..... - ___ __ - -, hockey clu-15-o-f-OW"YEars ign aid. ested'-fatepayers, an invitation to ducted the election. Other officers piano selections, He was thanked, norman. Donald refused to, let out his. boats I ,i` colflegli, Yo nto, and during the 1912, and in 1913 he .,played with visit the opening of the Ausable are as follows: Honorary presi- " Port Elgin Minister by the president on behalf of the Grade 10 girls model -ling summer beyond the breakwater, as he con, .. I f.,V,E, . Vear assisted.Rev. F..G. Vesey I t, i g - his work ai'Parkdale, Presbyter- the Intermediate Club in the North- Conservation Area in Hay Sw-ampfdents, Mrs. Jae. Hill, Mrs. C. Bow- . meeting. dresses and suits were: -Evelyn sidered it "too dangerovall until . 111.1 1. , tan Church. His summers were ern Hockey League. ,He was Also on May 7 in'the afternoon. man; vice-presddents, Mrs. W. Glan- The May rally of Clinton Area —a— I McPhee, Betty Axtman, Olive Ban- the weather settled. . 11; ! ftooiltI . g - In Chief of the Fire Brigade for a Correspondence was read as fol- ville, Mrs. L. Miller; secretary, Youth for Christ was hold In the nermam, Marie Dalton, Mona Clarke, . I ,,,, tspent in serving mission fierds Collegiate audit In a restaurant, an elderly man The bathing beach also was I _..%, fte West, and while ministering in number of years. lf)ws-: County Treasurer, Huron Miss Vera Hambly; treasurer, Mrs. orium on Saturday, Anne Steffler, Marie Hunt, Elaine -the ,;:, ,, , ., , ..; . Born at Kippen, he was a son County Muni-cipal Association, Bell H. Harburn; assistant, Mi%. C. The speaker -for this rally was Rev., had made several attempts to flirt Etna, Ruth Hemingway, Lena MU- 'freighter Parkdale At the Goderlich, - , , "I, St Andrew's Church, Edmonton, he , " .... : cinupleted, his studies in Arts at the of. the late Mr. and Mrs. James Telephone, Department of High- Kerslake, pianist, Mrs. R. Reed; Alf. Rees, of Port Elgin. He d67 with the pretty,you!ig waltress who ler, Emily Bannerman, Helen elevators was halted while the -, , , Dick, and came witli his parents ways, LaFrance Fire Engine and assistant: Mrs. Henry Harburn; livered a very timely message from was serving him. Finally, when a -he Knight, Mary Whyte, Donna Riehl, flood went on. . ,,J o,` ! , " University of Albert& The follow- o Seaforth. He mar- Foamite Ltd., Bickle-Seagrave Ltd., auditors, Miss V. Hambly, Mrs. R. II Peter, chapter 3. brought his dessert, he grew a lit- el Dale and Nancy Spittal. Johii'M-AcDonald's fish ,boat on 2, , dng year whileministering in West- when a child t Muri I I a Edmontoii and ried Lennabelle Pearson in 1936 -at Mrs. J. C. Elliott, Henstall District Sadler, Jr.; district, director, Mrs. ,Musical talent was provided by tle more bold. "My dear," he pur- Grade 1? girls who model -led i ', ,. ich red, "wher the Island north of the harbor war.- ;,illl 2nount Church in or Sales, A. S bTanch. directors, Mrs. a trio of young men from Goder e have you been all -my , ,4 , . Lucan, who together with a family Co-operative, Hensall Mot male; ' suits were: Berva, Knight, Eileen 0 Into the -bushes on . -21, I I I'll 'Vegreville, a small charge 80. miles Bowman, Mrs. and dife?" . .11 ,."'.1 eistant, he married Isabel Roblu- .of four daughters. and, three sons, Bob Cook Motor Sales, County As- 4 Butson, Mrs. C. . "qD4ve Medley, Mae Campbell McCartney, Doris Stevens, Mary Ithe.land there. All pleasure .Craft g . Marion, Joan, Ann, Evelyn; a . assort Fire Marshal, Department R. McDonald, Mrs. G. 'Hoggartb; Bill Chase. They sang several "Well,', answered the girl quick- Hick-neU Roza,Axtman, and Leona I ­ 14'1 son, also from, Huron County and a survive: - I in the area were washed off their . , - 40 . by ly, "for the first forty years any . ,.0 e, Tommy and Joe; also two of Agriculture - same considered press reporter, Mrs. -G. A -gar; flow- numbers Which were enjoyed I JohnstZ The stage was set to re- winter moorings and left lying on : . t- former student of Toronto Bible Ji --i . Walter O'Brien, tfiose present. way, i probably wasn't born." _.A College. 'Mat year he began the rothers, Gordon, of Seafortb, and and filed. er committee,,Mrs. . present a living -room beautifully their sides, Some government tim- ' ; ,f -b . Iti atudy of theology at St. Stephen's Joe of Phoenix, Arizona. One Luker and Hoy: That we join the Mrs. M. Houghton; committee con- I . I arranged with spring flowera. hers -were set,a,ift -the island. . ,, , I ._oat at College, a United Church Colleger brother, Thomas Dick, died in Huron County Municipal Associa- veners: agriculture and Canadian Visitors thronged the classrooms Arthur Curry was caught hi his -, ", . . I I .1 In Edmonton. . Drumheller, Alta., Iii years ago. tion, and that -as. many as can at- industries, Mrs. Lloyd. Miller-, cit, I to view exhibits and demonstra- car on the pier at the height of the ., I I zenship and edUcation, Mrs., G. A ' IRM - k, The funeral was held Monday af- tend on May 14. . r , n -s, the home economics, .science I , t", -Returil 't 0, tar' n -e -n -shall Legion Plans flood- and feared he would,-bik car- ,';:',.:i ­­,, , o n 10 in. 1943, he ternoon from the G. A. ' Vhitney Bills and accounts -as follows ar; historical research And ciirren .., - and shop rooms proving most PoPu- rft 4 into the harbor. He, took "'A. . . . "uttaued -his ministerial training , I] at itnox C611ege, partly. under the Funeral Home with Rev. D. Glenn were passed: C. Kipfer, postage, events, Mrs. R. Reed; home econ-, lar. chance by backing out along the . .i.; faculty of Presbyterian College, Campbell, of - First Presbyterian $5; Hensall P.U.C., hydro, water, omics and ,lictalth, Mrs.. H. Cole- Zone Drumhead. Service Square 'dance exhibitions were flooded pier, and was able to reach 11, Church, conducting the service. Hall, $18.44; Huron County Municl- man; community activities and pub- . . given by Lorraine Smith, Ruth land., although he cQ ild not, see "i, . 11 Montreal, supplying in the pulpits . embership, $10; lic relations, Mrs. Eldon Allen;. res- . 0 Keys, Grace RileY, Eileen McCart- . Miss Shirley Pearson sang "Be- pal Association, in . the edges of the pier. ­ . ­ ef -the- Baxter-Angus,lvy circuit, and yond the Sunset" during the service. LeRoy Oesch, .policing, $11.50;- E. olutions, Mrs. L. Butson. Mrs. Thos. Ilensall ,Branch of the Canadian' T,his ney, Ann Litowski, Jean Siemon, A number of fish were reported ­. ! " Vie Holstein-Fairbairri charge in !which will be, held in June. .11.1 The pall -bearers were D. L. Reid, Fink, car transportation to Gode- Laing read the ,Scripture lesson; Legion met in the Legion Hall on Joan Somerville and Alice Watson. left floundering on the beaches. I - I 40Tey County In the second and third A. W. Dunlop, Percy Little, Scott rich, $3.75; P. L. McNaughton, in- Mrs. Wilbur Glanville read a poem; -Monday night for their regmlar matter will be looked into. Evelyn McPhee, Carol Chesney and Similar repor s of the tidal wave, I I'' Wears respectivel;V. On emerging Hawthorne, Alex Muir and Wi D. &urance, tractor, MINI.; Bell Tele- Mrs. Leslie Miller reviewed cut- monthly meeting. President Donald Mrs. Brown presented accounts Elaine Dale, in costume, gave a Ane or seiche, were reported at Owen - 1: from college in 1945 the Rev. AnI­ Smith. Flower -bearers were F. phone, ser,vice, $16.60; J. A. Pater- rent events and Marlene Ross play- Dayman was in the chair and con- and reported on the banquet. Fin- exhibition of the Sailors' Hornpipe. Sound. and Sarnia. I . t-. drew -McKenzie was ordained ' to Kling, Enos' Boshart, Elmer La- son, salary $183, transportation to ed a plano selection. Mrs,. C. Bow- ducted the meeting, assisted, by ancial. statement was read, and 11.11 Miss S. Norris conducted the danc- ..., fte Christian Ministry (at Holstein, rone, J. W. Armstrong, M R. Col- Listowel $7.50; E. R. Davis, salary, man reviewed .,her pqst six years as Comrades George E. Walkek and Airs. K. Buchanan read correspond- es with Margaret Collins as accom- —0 .t 4Dat.). He graduated from Preaby- ,aP- Lawrence Eayuham, first and see : Thank -you cards from ,Mrs. panist. . I . I ` .i . bert and Hugh Thompson. Inter- $201.90; R. Davis, labor, streets, president, and express,ed her - ence Iterian. College, Montreal, receiving ment was in Maitlandbank ceme- 7.50, Hall 50c; M. McCreery, re- preciation. and thanks to all mem- ond vi,ce-presidents. Zone Com- Thurtell; thank -you letter from The Collegians quartette, comPos- "And so you're ninety-nin,el 'Well, 1 11 I the BID. dogrm the Galtin Gold tery. pairs, -streets, $11.30; Drysdale li ers 'for their support. An ex- mander George Inglis, of Howick Mrs. L. Sangster and thank -You ad of Ron Rennie, Doug Stewart, I sure hope I can get back next . . , - - I . I - _ 311tedal, the Daniel Penman Graduate - 0— Hardware, supplies, Hall $21.85, hange of plants, was held. Town -ship, and Deputy Zone Coln- card fi6ii'Mrs. Shaddick. The mys . I J . was won by Mrs. B. Ken Willis and Bob Scott, accom- year and see you a hundred." I 1. tery prize I "Can't see any reason why not, j, Scholarship for pbgVgraduate stu- I ,, streets $2.15; Ed. Fink, repairs to mander Thorndyke, of Clinton, or the panied by S. J. Smith, sang severa . . A abes, and the Dr. Kelly scholarshIp ,Moaner: "And then I started . Moir. Mrs.. Vennor reported f selections. young man. You look healthy en, "I -year out into the world to 11 Hall, $9.48; Hyde Bros., repairs, Municipal Affairs re the fire engine were present. The question was s4ak committee, and Mrs. J. Clark for coming first in the third ind an OP- tractor,' $14.70; Canadian Legion, brought up and plans outlined for R. B. Rudd showed colored slide% ough to Me," 1 1 ,.,-" . class. , ening for ine.' . grant, $1,00. Total, $656.67. as submitted by Bickle-Seagrave, the Zone C-1 church drinhead ser- reported for the mystery box com- rural boys and girls and a . I., and if the same is satisfactory to mittee. At this time Mrs, Clark call- of several I" .. w Groaner: "Did you find It'?, , vice to be, held Sunday, June 22. ts; the rugby team in. Son: "What's, ths idea of -taking "Following a 15 -month sojourn in It was decided to.,grade York St. both ,parties, we authorize the ed upon Mists I-loyle who gave a their projec an,d com- the tires off Daddy's, wheel chair9" . I Ir the Maritimes where he served the Meaner: "I guess so. I'm cerz* between Nelson and Albert Streets, Let Arrangements were made for the constriietive and helpful talk. The action and oat harvesting her: "That's, t . . . reeve and clerk to sign the contrg on he Mot he only way I A circuit of Fort Elgin, Sackville and tainly in the hole now." also to have the culverts installed District 'C' meeting, to be held in national anthem cl sed thds: part of bining being carried out e . 11 : . 'Iu`., ared I 0 that were purchased last -year, with the Bickle,Seagrave Co. Harristom on Sunday, June 1. The rty. R . H. ilic- Ran. stop him frQpl chasing wom n I Junior: "Pop, teacher ald the Arrangements have been com- the meeting. Dainty refreshments high school prope J., eligible to receive a call to secretary -treasurer, James Clark, were served by the rommittee in Leod operated, the projector. tt*?',, any street committee to attend to the pleted to collect garbage on May . —0 ,.!... - world revolves on its, axis. stated that the sum of $400 was . Presbyterian pulpit in Canada hav a,mes of bingo were Mr,. Plumsteel announced that , I . same. 14 and 15, as usual again this year. ,charge. A few 9 1, 1', t Ing discharged all requirements of Senior: "You must have misun- Jones and Parke: That we adver- subscribed for the Canadian Red played. Mrs. Beer acted as caller, Miss Mary Murphy, Mount, Forest, Logan Twp. To Repair , 11 A delegation from the Hensall the Leg- tke Mission Board of our, church. derstood her, Son. The world re- tiso for tenders for supplying 200 . Cross. Canvassers were and winners were Mrs. Me-Kelvie, now attending O.C.E., Toronto, has ,, I I Branch of the Canadian Legion, Brodhagen StreeU ' , 7&e following year was spent In volves. on taxes." . yards of cruah-ed gravel, same to ion Ladies' Auxiliary and Legion Mrs. Perdue, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. been engaged to teach girls' PhYsi- ,, Most -graduate .sfudies in the Bibli- . be put through a 1 -inch screen, and, composed of D. Dayman, R. E. embers, the former canvassing Buchan -an. Mrs. B. Kyle and Mrs. cal education., replacing Miss' S. I " Shaddick and W. Brown, appeared to Cal Field at Yale Divinity School, be delivered before June 30. the town, and the latter the coun- H. smale. Norris who goes to Brantford next Logan Council met in. the Town- . `, ', before the council, asking for a ., Mew Haven, Connecticut. On r Hoy and Luker:, That S. G. Ran- try. I ,Some three weeks ago work was term, Mr,'Plumste-el said when he ship Hall, ,Bornholm, Monday, at I . 11 grant In support of a drumhead .m. with all members present, the .;.,. . turning to Canada, Rev. A. 14. Z McKILLOP FAIR nle be instructed to remove the commenced on the construction of became principal here in SepteM- P . ! 1.11' service on. June 22, also -permission Legion Auxiliary Meets t was 160; Reeve presiding. The report on the . NEenzie spent five months preach- dirt placed on Queen St., adjoining to block off traffic on King St. dur- two self-contained apartments over ber, 1948, the enrolmen ad and. adopt- I . ." ing in variqus pulpits acros a' Auxiliary to the the garages owned by Mr. Ed. Fink in 1949 it was 200; in 1950 it was Linton Drain was re , , Ing the parade -same granted. I I the PLANS DDOGR The constable was instructed to Canadian Legion met in the Legion at the rear of his apartment build- 244); in 1951 it was 260. This. Sol)-- ed. The clerk was instructed to -1 province, and, on Nov -27, 1977, he . J1 A 'ESS I his property, at once. Parke and Hoy: That we, grant Hensall Ladle e, a by-l-aw with five-7ear do- f.1i was Inducted as minister of the . collect the remaining dog licenses the Canadian Legion the sum of rooms Tuesday night with Pre9i- Ing. The, build-og, 24 by 52, housing tem-ber there is a possibility enrol- prepax revision Is 'to . I 1 1 Islington Presbyterian Church, hav- Me-Killop, Fair is away to a good at once or take court action.. . $100 towards the expenses of their dent . Mrs. A. Olark in the chair. The five -room apartments, including ment may reach 290, with a sign benturea. Court of I . " lag refused a call to Knox Presby- The clerk 'read the prices sub- opening exercises consisted of "O bath, is nearing completion with of two grade eleveng. it such is ,be held June 2, at 3 p.m. The clerk - terian Church, Windsor. ". start this year agadri, according to by the two d n June 22. Canada," the Legion Charge and plumbing and wiring completed and the case the librar l will have to be was instructed to apply to the MUnr . , ..., . Poster T. Fowler, secretary. The, mitted on a fire engine , . n orm as to so I - , . I , one minute's silence observed. The rea ly for trim, and expects to be used as, a classroom and a add!- icipal Board for p I ion I ... "Four-and-a-ualf strenuous years prize list is being enlarged in most companies, namely, LaFtance En- _40. I': . . - ' . Lord's Prayer wag, repeated,, Fol- IPancY Within two tional teacher engaged. With the. debentures for the ,Mitchell and : ., 1have passed since that date during departments and it is hoped this gine & Foantite 4" Do., of:$10,000, and Fy,dy for ocet ''I'll vrhich the ,congregation has experl- of $4,865, and lowing the roll call of officers, thq­oeeks. Lloyd Mousseau and Dave other additional teacher engaged, District High School, subject tot -he I I, year to have more representation Bickle-Seagrave Ltd., I . enced remarkable growth., Andy is from Hilibert and Logan for the it was decided to take the offer of - minfites of the last meeting were Sangster are the carpenters; Leon- to teach commercial, the staff will approval of the Inspector on their . . I I I still convinced that our church has Kraus-kopf public speaking trophy. 13ickle-Seagrave under certain eon- TUCKERSMITH read. Moved by Mrs. W.Smale, see- ard Noakes, and Pete Moir (lid the be 13. purchase of land. . , onded by Mrs, R. Smale: That the plumbing; ,Fred Peters, the wiring, —0 The clerk was Instructed to ad- `, iprospects of amazing development More classes for ponies, lambs and ditions. Jones and Parke: That we I I tt,' . pigs . are listed. Huron ,rk go Ladies? Auxiliary as formerly, work while Byran Kyle and Lawrence vertise for tenders, for the Nichol- ,,"'t and a wonderful future of service C,ounty authorize the reeve and, cle Fir AWARDS'TENDER I in conjunction with the Legion Baynhain are the painters. Assist- TO FORM INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE son Drain, tenders to be opened at "", for Christ. To complete the family Swine Club offers a prize for fat to Toronto and Interview the e - I. .u ., Yune. 2. The reeve and 11 . .e blngos when they Ing ,;dth building operations were Seaforth's, Industrial League Soft- 2:30 p ', . members re th Jo n, Sangster and Len ball are _ ad the Manse are three children, pigs. Marshal and the, Department of Tuckersmith Muntcilyal Council begin, in the areas, it was also de- Jim and h ' holding an organization road superintenbent Were Instruct- - .,,,,, , ' Jeanne Ruth., eight in June, Andrew . . held their regulkr meeting Monday aided that the ladies make prepara- Purdy. meeting in the Town Hall next ed to got material and look after ','!.`: * I Klam, two, and baby Marsha Lynn. . night in the Town Hall, Seaforth, tions, to begin the Saturday night ']Prank Wood has returned from Tuesday, May 13. All players in- the repairing of the Brodhagen. "l, "Along with his church and farn- SPRING WEDDING with all members presen.t. Council bingoo in the Legion rooms-, blie the West Coast where he spent the 'teresited are, aiked to attend. street, also sidewalks In Mouktoik , . `11' .; I " ily ties he has found time to -take . . akaln, Joined the Huron County first to be held Saturday night, May winter with his daughter and son- 0— and Brodhagen, The clerk wa:s IA-. -- '71 . I I au active part In comniunity life, . : I . Municipal Association and. ordered 10, Volunteer helpers who will as- In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hard, . strutted to notify Jas, A. Howes ... 11 .. . 0 ,,,, being a member of Kingswiy KI-' *, .. membership fee of -$10,paid. W. S. sist at bingos are Mrs. Beer, Mrs. wick, at Ganges, on ,Salt Spring- Is- 1..I i . . " waius, secretary .1 B - T. Kyle, Mrs, B.Mtoir, Mrs. Horton, Ian,& On the way he visited with Weir drain on complaint of AVO .,, I , i -treasurer of the roadfoot, weed, Inspector, present St. Columban C.W.L. O.L.S., to examine report on -the , iffsUngton,Kingsway-Sunnylea -Mint- ed report of a re.e(;nt conference In Mrs. Corbett, Mrs. Dick, Mrs. Good- his son and, daughter-in-law, Mr. and Plans Penny Sale ratepayers affected. He was alm I ,.',Il . a, I 1 , , storial Association, an executive Toronto and, was paid expenses of win, Mrs, Taylor, Mrs, McEWOP, Mrs,. Staul y Wood, of Unity, Sask. Instructed to notAfy the ratepayeft i " . . , 'I i , xnember of the Neighborhood Work- $35, Huron.Central Agricultural -So- Mrs. Drysale, Mrs; Clark and -Mrs. The monthly meeting of the CW. of the Rolph Drain, those ,Wishing '14,1 ,.,I erw Association, and vice-president ciaty was given a grant of $40. Smale. Moved by Mrs. Drysdale and Guide and Brownie Notes L. was held Sunday, May 4. Mrs. to pay cash may -do so at the treat- , ,'., at the Toronto Religious Education- Tenders were opened. on the Wat, MisaG. Luker: That $5 be given to 'The Guides had a verybusy night Win. Ryan, president, opened the urere's office on or before m,ile. ` i l son Drain construction from Get, Mrs. Vennor on behalf of the alck on Tuesday. ,Beginning with knot- meeting with, prayer. To ftte 86 . "' -' , ' at Council. How he ever Illids time I Council having received, a notice ,,-! for bowling, badminton, golf and Elliott at $2,398.00 and Dunn And committee. it was decided that Mis. ting for the first -half of the me&- members have paid fees, Thank -you t St. from McKtllop Township, re Liffie; 1 0'11.'2, , I , eWer recreational activities no one I Morkin at $1,496, The tender was fnbz McEwan asslet Mrs. Vennor Ing, they were divided, into two letters- were read from Moun t th .1 ; , , . awarded to 'Dunn and Morkin. on the sick committee., ,4_ Municipal Drain, Instruc 0 , ,",-, 'knows." . groups-4ean took the recruits for Joseph and the House of ProN ' i / , vision on appeals from fts clerk to notify W. G. AfeGregor, 114,' . Ir I I it , "y", Attending the opening and dedd- 1, Mrs. Goodwin spoke on -behalf of Tenderfoot knots, while Captain dence for eggs sent at Easter. GI -to exalAine same and re061 I I "­ - . . J. W. Drysdale and T. T. Jackson the Girl Guldes And their needs. at took those who do not have their of fruit and flowers were sent to 0-" ., . ' kL," r " "' vation services from this vidli- to council ag, soon as poogiio. GhI6.1. " ,,­! W were: Mr. And fts, Hugh Mc- L on assessmenta Added to the as- this time or year, particularly camp second class, Others went on a na- members hospitalizea. s; Instructed to p , - , , I , . ,.i, ,,V -a,+-- ,M, 6i sessment roll was held- and in both supplies, eta. Mm Goodwin, Mrs. lure expedition. All then came to- An inVitation was extended tot all treasurer wa I "r. o+ , 6i .. 1 _1.11.7 ,,, lAchlan, - Mis, Ew6re, 'Steptheneo, eases the assessments were sus- ,Clark, Mrs. B, Moir and. Mrs. Beer gether for Kim's gaime. They divid- members to attend a cooking school allowances on the -blv7or - I 1: I And famity", %Nr. Thos. -Robins=, tained. I at as a cotainittee In ed again.and Judy and Jean drill- in Seaforth on June 6. A box of Drain, B$`-Uw No. 6111, am , . % , ft I Wk. and 'Mrs. W n. McI and . offered to a -_ -.4- . g . . Abill of,$14.50,'re veterinary rees 't.his connection. dy is now candy was donated by Mrs. John to $14 The rosA mip t I , , V',,, ,,,, ,,, , 4. ad on. semaphore. Ju I T, Ill ewrac6" Mrs. Phl-lip-Mexenzie" WTS. as a result of warble IIY apray,Ing 1 9 Coui ready for her semalyhore, test. The Shea, Sr. Tickets were sold at the and, Win. H. ChAge vitro ins . ,, I John CAlrhw and Mrs. Howard Car- . operations, was referred to the In- . Miss Dorothy Hoyle, Zon of, recruits learned Laws. They are meeting, Mrs. Joseph Kale being to examine the road, ,to I I .11 , . . . andeti of :Stratford, paid her ' 1', t -fie. - .- . surance company. lation of tbw the lucky Winner. The ladies- of the Untoin, Draft road #dV6JrI1ft6 ,t t , 4 - 4 ibis occasion., During showing a keen Apprise [.De ne,66d; Ail I.. 0— I included: Relief, 'Palal visit on 7 , . . Accounts passed pre- meaning of 'Gulding,' The other pariah aret being ag-ked, to volunteer to order Pd .1 - 11 , q&e evening Miss Hoyle was li 11.;. 1111 . , . I I . " NAMES OMITTED $2-6; 'Mx bounty, $4.50; ,travelling tented a Companion Set, Mrs,. Clarlt girls worked on bandaging until to look after the altarb. the third go Instructed to 4tart Wid . I :,;;, , 1.11 I 'etolon. 14 and, .1 I 11 I 11, I expenses, $36; grants, $40; rebates, doing the honors. The recipient ex- the room looked like the accident vice-president reported that Iffiens road On CoUc 1.11 , , rl; ­ ,,N In last week's account of I th6 $2; roads, $1,6S4.35; astlary and 91- at fa,mois . along rOM" I ,ill , . ::: "I Dressed, sincere thanks, to the lad- ward of a big hospital. Plans were had been purchased for the rea- :reque I,, . , ,. - UR "I ,, 1#1'11o!` , ­ I pen ,y ,galo, the fiaoeEt of th4 .1 I .I i, .. ; ­ , .­ , , , , . , . I I 1, lowamces, $176; postage and excise, toq;. The next item was the zon6- suggested for ralsilng money for tory. A day *of recollection was libld operate. . I ­ I I..., : 1 - , "', I Irr, i . I lowing., who ,colitribilted to the suc- , $5.00. Five girls ex- for the members on Sunday, April The repV16 ah&I toud. sid , "i vess of the sale,, Wei'te, IiiAdVertottime Oldttio,od Above. ate Mil, and M0s. David Zimmer Sullivan, re- council .-adjourned to meet Suno rally to be held In Strifford Nton- camping expenses. 1.111...­N , ti A . I.. ,11 , ' .' t6t FftfAittitb store . -1 led In St. PoIter's Lutheran Church, 6trhtf6'rdi The ,day night, Mas 12. It was: decided. pact to go; six others, have amalll 7, closing with benediction at 4 ,,ant *etd Itatkutatat'. tot 11 Oently mare . I , I I 1. I I , ly omitted- ,E - r of Mr. and ' 8, at 2 -P-m- tuat the July And August meetings ddificultleft to smooth out. KeSPID-M a libw *140411 I 1604* I'll ,jj; . " ' , . _ bef . lfl - I "I'll, ,1,1"t 'Ai,60,onIgI&a0r&6ery-; StAtI I . — ,hluO ubl We'll all help. M-a7l P d, 0, pUidfi*W64 tj` l '- " MOC ­' , " " do Is the former t3ettb tlarpo6t Dunlop, daughte 0— , ians are beink, made to hol , . M MrIL A. -W. buhlOpp 86910t1th and the groom Is ths, sow of Mrs. ", I ,bb *Ith-drawn. It w" 91199 ted that "U1 4 %0,',, , I , I _,'. _ , 11,,!, ,,,' ,"", - '4' - , ,; ",I . L' I " , es $6041"awI ;,; ,e ': 16011 Ltd '. WL. E. Av UbVi-66k I ' oi, ,. .,, predton, ;`nd the lat. J. J' SUIRVA0. Canadians use About 16,900,40 "t operate a G, 'Ohipire bay, 15 coming up lpefthy Sale the latter ,,part of Ma. 1146ting"'lit, R. ', 4 III I , v . , I o Ladies, Auxiliary , N11'' '. . ­. ,,, vl Liman Suill. an , .6., #11 - ,;: z. , P , 11. ,,, ,:'to ,,, ,&V' "ti wliili ;, and: Miss, 06nnil, X161h I taontiliu6d on Page 4) The intetilig tidied. .*fth -Drayok.-, DAIII hift , . '', "., ,q. ;­ I , 1 ,­ (Phaioby rrank Flifts) cotton tarry cloth towels 4,704i, , : 'o6th at ,W,' drW1h6Ad se'rvid6, ... ..f . , I I ,., ,, ,. :,Iii ,,­ ', . . -% I . '. ,,, I .I! 'i . $04 o sitott uftwia 0001W.", '.I , . I . I I . ".1 . ;;;". .'. .''. ,. ,'L, "­ "" - , , ­,!", I . I . I . I , - 1-1, , ':" _"L" ­ " " ' " . .1 "r;,, . I I , . . ­ . . . I . I . , , , " !I . . I - I, ,t; , . , 11;.1 : , . 1. . . . V t", L ,, " , . ., ,, ­, I : 11 L I I I .. I , . '. . ; ", ,' I , , ., I I I , i :, : I I ,, . - . . I I . It t .L,'; '', t p ,i. . I . I I ". f , . ' L r. " I :. ;,". , ,L . . , . , - , - " _. J , , . , . . 1: , ,.. I " , I . 1. , . I I I _ . I I . I 1, I . I I 11. 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