HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-02, Page 8I'7 ii re ,; 'e t fl BONDS�LTY, `llk`#IR1; SICKNESS IF'Itl WINDSTORM L1 pmpanies who }j{1itr ,with Service. sA>�+fi DS FOR ONTARIO T E l.AN'S MUTUAL FE' INSURANCE interUatien gladly given. WATSON & REID I' ID - Proprietor durance & Real Estate 'fEEIONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE Twotorey Dwelling on Centre Bt. moi: modern conveuietwes, Well located. Early posaission. 1Modern 2 -Storey Dwelling, with age. Sperling St. Possession Arranged. In Egmondville, 11/2 storey three- tbedroom dwelling; double lot, and $table; small fruits. Possession within a month. 1}% Storey 7 -Room Frame Modern Dwelling, garage, pn James St, Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. Im- mediate possession. Comfortable 6 -room Dwelling in Winthrop, 1/3 acre of land, 'with small fruits. Early' possession. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern conveniences. Pos- son arranged. Frame Dwelling in Dublin. Im- mediate possession. Other properties also listed. M. A. REID REAL ESTATE : PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: 1624 or 1 62-W • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton PHONE 481-M : SEAFORTH J:'M WSQ114iI'T ITC' Northside W. M., S. Meet"—The April meeting of the , W,lit.e. cit Northside United amp* was 1414. Tuesday evening. Mrs. P. B. M4fat opened the meeting with a poem, "Up To Jerusalem," after which Hymn 118 was sung. Mrs. Lawson led in prayer. The minutes of the March meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. C. Henderson. Mrs. William Leeming and Miss Annie Ferguson were appointed as dele- gates to the Presbyterial held in Wesley -Willis Church, Clinton, on May 1. Thank -you notes were read by Mrs. Knight. Miss Lawrence, captain of Circle 4, conducted the remainder of the 'meeting. .Hymn 252 was sung and Mrs. 3'. A. West- cott led in prayer. Miss Abbie Seip read the Scripture from Luke 10, verses 25-37. Mrs. Cliff Broadfoot rendered a lovely piano solo, The ,topic, Christian ,Citizenship and Working For Peace, was very cap- ably taken by Miss Lawrence, Mrs. Storey, Mrs. 'McMillan, Mrs. Turn- bulI and Mrs, Westcott. The meet- ing closed with the hymn, "When I COAL SUMMER PRICES! New wage agreements with steel workers may be reflected in coal prides this Fall. Buy the Best Coal — SC•REENED William M. Hart Office Phone 784, Seaforth Ask your neighbor where he buys his coal PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Fifty -acre farm, 21,i miles from Seaforth. Hydro in buildings; drilled well. FOR PRICE Call W. C. OKE Phone 670 r 3 - Seaforth It Pays . To ,.Shap is Egmond, — This Week's Specials — FRESH COTTAGE ROLLS 49c Ib. IDEAL TOMATO KETCHUP -13 ozs. 2 for 33c 33c ib. 33c CLARK'S PORK & BEANS -20 -oz Tins 2 for 33c We have a Complete Line of "Greb" Work Boots, Men's Overalls, Socks and Shirts WE APPRECIATE YOUR ORDER EARLY HOLIDAY MARGARINE CRISCO -1 -Pound Prints Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 — Free Delivery,, Surveys tete Wondrous Crams; and ''tile benediction. Seeleties Unite For ,Meeting„— TN) W:M.S. and Barbara Kirkman ,Auxiliary of First Church met on '.luead:ay evening in the schoolroom of the church with au attendance of over 60. A few minutes of silent prayer were observed for Mrs. T. Swan Smith, who passed away Monday. The chorus P. chorus sang "Fairest Lord Jesus," accompanied by Mrs. F. Kling. Mrs. J. B. Rus- sell conducted the devotional exec vises and read the third chapter of Jonah. She also gave comments on the lesson, stating that we do not take our religion as seriously as we should. Miss Belle Campbell asked for literature for men to be brought to the church. Mrs. D. G. Campbell gave a short talk based on remarks given at the Synodical. Her subject was "The Glad 'Tid- ings," and she stressed that more subscriptions were wanted. Mrs. Russell also spoke on the meeting and said that three-minute reports were very popular. Mrs. J. W. Thompson, of the McKillop Branch, gave an interesting and education- al address on the Synodical, com- mencing her remarks with a short history of Hamilton, where the meeting was held. Among other re- marks, she stated that this was the day for opportunity and that we should read the Bible more. Mrs. W. E. Butt moved a vote of thanks to the speakers and the singers. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer in uni- son. VALUES IN USED CARS '49 DODGE 5 -PASSENGER '40 CHEVROLET COACH '40 DODGE SEDAN '38 BUICK SEDAN '37 DODGE SEDAN. '33 CHEV. SEDAN '29 FORD "A" USED TRUCKS '41 DODGE 2 -TON, STAKE WITH' RACKS We have a number of new Pontiac Cars and G.M.C. Trucks in stock Good delivery on most models OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE RIDE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Sunday 'School and l3ible Class; 11 a.m., 'Lest We Die"; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., "God's Promise of Rest."—Rev, D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship: sermon text, Luke 7:31; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Wor- ship: sermon „text, Matthew 22:37. All cordially welcome. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * Weddings * Men IOWA Mart este., riled plink rases and yell W 114teo- dils and 'wore picture h ts. The groomsmen were Fri nit Rutledge, of Blyth, and Alex Vayda, of De- troit. The groom's gift to the, hride was a pearl necklet and earrings to match. A reception was,. held at Veterans' Hall on Forte Si., De- troit, when the bride's mother re- ceived in a grey suit with red ac- cessories and wearing a corsage of red carnations. The groom's moth- er wore grey crepe with navy ac- cessories and a corsage of red car- nations. Mr. and Mrs. Vayda will reside in Detroit. Guests were pre- sent from Detroit, Mitchell, Illyth, Stratford and Seaforth. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sullivan - Dunlop.—St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Stratford, was the setting for a pretty wedding on Saturday, April 26, at 2:30 p.m. when: Bette Margaret daughter... of. Mr. and, Mrs. A. W. Dunlop, lSea- forth, was united in marriage to David Zimmer Sullivan, of Preston, son of Mrs. 'Lillian Sullivan, Pres- ton,°and the late J. J. Sullivan. The bride looked smart in a pow- der blue suit, navy accessories and corsage of red roses. Her twin, sister, Mrs. W. F. O•rren, of Ros- well, New Mexico, was the matron of honor, and was attired in a grey suit with navy accessories and corsage of pink roses. Mr. J. Mur- ray Kelly, of London, was grooms- man. Following the wedding a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents,„after which Mr. and. -Mrs. Sullivan left on a motor trip to New York. On their return they• will reside in :Harrow. Vayda - McLellan.—A double ring wedding was solemnized in Lincoln Park Methodist Church, Detroit. on Saturday, April 19, at 12 o'clock, noon, when Ada May, daughter of .Mrs. William Klein, of Mitchell, and the late Andrew McLellan, Eg- mondville, was united in marriage to Daniel William Vayda, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Vayda, of Detroit. Entering the church on the arm of her step -father, W. Klein, to music played by the church organ- ist, the bride was prettily attired in a gown of white satin, lily point- ed sleeves with lace inserts and frills in both skirt and blouse with a nylon yoke. Her fingertip veil was caught with a coronet of seed pearls, and she carried white -glad- iolus, and red rosebuds. She'was at- tended by Mrs. Wil'liani Vayda, De- troit, and her sister, Mrs. Frank Rutledge, of Blyth, as, matron of honor, who wore pale blue and pale at less than UAI$ PR1OE to introduce JO 0000000000 * '0 o W. J. CLEARY 0 ND Seaforth, Ont. O 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O it! Plight or Day Calls — 826 0 • 0 140000000000 l00003o00000 BOX Junerat Operbf re 10 H. S. BOXb 10 A IEwhsed 'Einbafmmier 'O 30 AIYI.BIJLANCE 0 ' and eared attention. d' 10 Rosyitetl Eedt 0 0 25E02622162.POR AIL 0 ' 100 — O Phlohawl: 0. 'S i+IMI. ilr W Atom 42 0 ;. 02 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 O Funeral Director O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calla: 0 O Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000�00 O O 0 G. A. WHITNEY ,o 0 Funeral Home O aGoderich 8t. W., Ssaforth 0 AMi3'.ANCD � 0 O Adjustable hoilpital bele O 0 for rent. O O R ounilus ton NVBRY 0 O OCCASION 0 0 Telephone: Day or MOW Ali! 0 O Reeidenee 65 O 0 0 .,4 a new pattern in atirleOlOtalig $loo crEguttsrly ,plcthe math of May owirf Savauge's Jewellery — Gifts -- Fine Chtna SEAFORTH McConnell - Daly.—Before an al- tar adorned with snapdragon and baby chysanthemunis hi St.: James' Church, Seaforth; at 10 o'clock Sat- urday morning, Alice Daly, daugh- ter of Mrs. John F. Daly and the late Mr. Daly, was united -in mar- riage to Mr. Joseph Fergus McCon- nell, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Thirst knows no season DRIB'/( IC`s® RADIO REPAIRS, Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio Coracle of Canada PHONE 29 .Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station SPRING and SUMMER FI LLUPS of 'blue coal' FOR QUALITY SERVICE AND SAVINGS at Spring Prices! WILLIS DUNDAS PHONE 363-J RES. 192-M +'Qe• ' ?lt'tlt?Pk ano%i. MX. . offie ated at the ceremony,. assisted • y Rev. E. P. Weber, Pastor of the church, The bride, given in marriage by her brother, Mr. 17dmund Daly, Sea - forth, wore a gown of ice blue s?l.ik organza, fashioned with a cape. She wore matching blue slippers and -carried a white prayer book adorned with, a shower bouquet of blue lilacs. Mrs. Frank Devereaux, Toronto, aunt of the bride, chose Massa Brevls, as the wedding mus- ic. Mrs. Philip Speak, Woodstock, soloist, sang an Ave Maria and Penis Angelicas. •Mrs. Harry Dinge- man, Detroit, sister of the bride- grooni, as matron of honor, wore a suit of pale blue silk shantung and matching straw hat. Her accessor- ies were navy blue and she carried a colonial bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. Joan Daly, Toronto, niece of the bride as flower girl, wore an ankle -length frock of pale yellow taffeta and a floral headdress in coronet style. She carried a nose- gay of spring flowers. Mr. John F. Daly, Toronto, brother of the bride, was best man, and ushers were Mr. TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH SEAFORTH LUMBER LTD. When you think of LUMBER PHONE SEAFORTH 47 OPEN EVERY DAY — ALL DAY Except Sunday • LAST CALL! Annual Meeting CHAMBER._ OF COMMERCE_ Thursday, May 8t 8:00 p.m. Come prepared to express your views as to how the Chamber of Commerce may assist in promoting the town's progress. • ME Pi. ti IMPLEMENTS For Spring Work IN STOCK • SOIL PULVERIZER • PLOWS • DISCS • HARROWS • 3 --SECTION DRAG HARROWS • CORN PLANTER DALY MOTORS FORD - MONARCH SALES & SERVICE Spring Equipment WE HAVE ALL YOUR NEEDS FOR THOSE ODD JOBS Eureka Power Lawn Mower 120.00 All Sizes Hand Mowers 11.95 to 24.70 Hoes 1.85 to 2.40 Digging Forks 2.30 Hand Cultivators 2.35 Lawn Edgers 1.45 Stable Brooms 1.90 7 -ft. 'T' STEEL POSTS — BARB WIRE SPECIAL! 150 -Gallon Gas Skid Tanks FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN ON HEATING and PLUMBING PROBLEMS G. A. Sills and Sons Quality Goods With Quality Service PLUMBING HARDWARE HEATING >aai ,aft Pilltgon*an . ansl *.r- . JAR, Dln euaan, Detroit. Put the MOP - tion which followed the ceremony,., the bride's Mather wore as steel. gray crepe dress, white straw at and a corsage of Pinks carnatlens. The bridegroom's mother had rhos• en a black dress with dusty .pink trimmings. A black flower -trimmed hat and a white gardenia corsage completed her ensemble. The wed- ding dinner was served at "Fair- view." Assorted white .flowers and white candles decorated the bridal table, which was centred with a tiered wedding cake. Miss Marilyn Hillis, Miss Barbara Hillis, both of Seaforth, and Miss Elizabeth Barry, Toronto, assisted in serving. For a wedding trip to the Southern United' States, the bride donned a gray and pink taffeta dress, gray straw hat and Kolinsky fur scarf. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell will reside in Seafortth. Guests were present from Toronto, Detroit, Exeter, Dub- lin, London and Seaforth. Death of Mrs. Thomas Ferguson. —Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, 62, died on Tuesday in Scott Memorial Hos- pital after a year's illness. The for- mer Victoria Harriet Ferguson, she was a daughter of the late Mr, and, Mrs. George Ferguson, Usborne Township. She married in Usborne in 1909. For the past eleven years she had lived with her daughter in Hullett Township. Deceased was a member of First Presbyterian Church. Surviving besides het hus- band are a daughter, Mrs. (Edith) Elgin Nott, Hullett, and three grandsons; also one brother, Geo. Ferguson, London. The body rested at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home where service was held Thursday at 2 p.m. Burial was in Maitland - bank cemetery, the pallbearers be - M. Mc'Keliar, R. Joynt, R. J:• Elgie, James Hay, Oliver Anderson and Howard Snell, Death of Mrs. Henry Reid.—Mrs, Henry Reid, the. former Catherine Elies, and widow of the late Henry Reid, passed away at the home of her son, M. A. Reid, on Tuesday, following a short illness. Mrs. Reid was born in the Township of Egre- mont, Grey County, and was in her 90th year. Married in 1882, she resided there until 1947, when she came to live with her son. Her hus- band passed •away in 1920. De- ceased was a member of Holstein Presbyterian Church and a life member of the W.M.S. Surviving are three sons: 'Merton A. Reid, Seaforth; Melvin G. Reid, Hamil- Veisid"EeTr-W` Reid; of Holstein;' also seven grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. A son and a daughter predeceased her. Mrs. Reid was the last member of a family of two brothers and, two sisters. The funeral was held from Holstein (Presbyterian Church on Thursday afternoon with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, of First Presby- terian Church, Seaforth, conducting the service. Burial was in' Holstein cemetery. Dies in Toronto.—F, Lorne Hut- chison, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. F. ]). Hutchison, Seaforth, and as- sistant director of Connaught Medi- cal Research Laboratories and com- manding officer of the University Reserve R,C.A.F. Flight, died sud- denly .'Monday ,in .Toronto. A. biochemist and lawyer, 'Prof. Hut- chison was educated at Seaforth Collegiate Institute, Royal Naval College, University' Of. Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law School, He was called to the bar in 1948. He be- gan leis service career in the First World War when he enlisted as a private, but transferredto the Roy- al Naval Ai -r Service in 1917. He also served in World War II in the R.C.A.F. with the rank of Squadron Leader. Prof. Hutchison was ex- ecutive secretary of the insulin committee to which he was ap- pointed in 1923. He was comptrol- ler of the Conaught Medical Re- search 'Laboratories and had been assistant director sande 1941. De- ceased is survived by his wife, the former Helen 'Dickson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dick- son, .Seaforth; one brdther, George, of London, and one sister; Mrs. George Rose, St. Catharines. Former Resident Dies At Stam- ford.—Following an illness of six months, Peter C. Calder, a former well-known 'and highly respected resident of Seaforth, passed away in Stamford, near St. Catharines, on Friday, April 25, in his 54th year: Mr. Calder was born in Mus- sellborough, Scotland, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Cal- der of Scotland. Educated in Edin- burgh, he later enlisted with the British Army, being a member of the Second Dragoons from 1914 to 1918. Coming to Canada in 1919, he was employed by the Dominion Bank here for three years. While in :Seaforth Mr. Calder was , an ardent golfer and many will remem- ber the skill and enthusiasm with which he played the game. He went to Stamford in 1938 where he became supervisor of the Chateau Gai Wines, Ltd., where he served until he was taken ill. Mr. Calder was active in all church organiza- tions, having been a Sunday School superintendent for 10 years, clerk of the session, an elder, founder of the Men's Club and' president of the club for six years. The club was known as The John Buchan Club, and became very popular. He was also a' honorary member and past president of St. Catharines Ki - wants Club. In 1928 he was married to Jean Ross Hays, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays, who survives, together with one son Cameron Calder, Stamford. Also surviving are three brothers:. Rev. John Calder, of Scotland'; William Calder, of Goule, England, and Dun- can Calder, of Eldinburgh. The fun- eral was held from his late resi- dence at Stahnford on Monday at 11 o'clock and the remains brought to Maitlandbenk • cemetery, ,Seaforth, where interment tobk place. The pallbearers were .J. M. McMillan, 3. E. Keating, R. S. Reid, D. Sills, G. D. Hays and I. A. Stewart, ,(Additional Local on Page 6) NOW PLAYING "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" BETTY GRABLE • MACDONALD'CAREY Betty'Grable sings and dances her way into your heart. Don't miss seeing the Picture for Mirth and Music. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY "THE STRIP" MICKEY ROONEY SALLY FORREST THE STRIP — Hollywood's fabulous street of glamor and, golden dreams: The road that leads to fame and fortune. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY "THE JACKIE 'ROBINSON STORY" JACKIE ROBINSON RUBY LEE An exciting story of a Negro Baseball • Player who hits the road to fame. A plea for racial tolerance by an International League enthusiast! THEY'RE HERE! LADIES' STYLE SHOES PUMPS and SANDALS In Black, Blue, Green, Red and Multi -Colors SUEDE AND CALF LEATHERS Medium -High Cuban and Louie Heels 'T"HE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION AND THE BEST VALUES IN 'HURON COUNTY! D TH WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the BIG Values" Seaforth We have a number of large -size, heavy cardboard cartons. They're FREE if you want them. IT HAPPENS ONLY ONCE IN A LIFETIME! Manufacturer's Stock Reduction of JOHNSON ELECTRIC FLOOR POLISHERS i SPECIAL PRICE 3160 Offer good only until May 10th LIMITED QUANTITY — ORDER EARLY yvn Hardware Phone 797 • Seaforth SPRING SPECIAL 4 , zaiiz SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL LIVING ROOM FURNITURE . • FLOOR COVERINGS FOR EVERY ROOM Marboleum • Rubber 41 Jaspe Tile WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Spring House - Cleaning on The Best Used Cars In Town 1951 Ford Coach—Radio, Whitewall Tires 1949 Chev. Fleetline Coach—Good condition 1949 Chu'. De Luxe Sedan 2-1946 Chev. Sedans—Extra good condition 1939 Chev. Sedan 1937 Oldsmobile 1947 Ford 1949 Mercury 1936 Graham—$75.00 1941 De Soto USED TRUCKS 1951 Ford 1 -Ton Pickup, with racks—Like new 1948 Chev. 1/2 -Ton Pickup—New paint and tires 1948 Chev. 2 -Ton Stake—Reconditioned ALL ABOVE GUARANTEED BY Seaforth Motors CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phone 141 Seaforth eor M , 11)