HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-05-02, Page 4!Iassified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1st Week 1 Cent 9dWea 14Cwt rrdWeek • Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 teat, extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc.—Rates on application. • Coming Events YOUR FAVORITE OLD TYME DANCE Band, Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys will be at the Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday night. Danc- ing 9:30 to 12:50. 4399x2 Personals TfYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER Goode), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 81.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO,, ' Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Help Wanted 'ANTED—MAN, OR MAN AND WIFE, to assist in ooperation of summer camp at Bayfield, for at least three months. Apply .by letter. BOX 277, Mit- chell. 4400-1 TEACHER WANTED Seaforth Separate School Board REQUIRES A QUALIFIED LADY teacher for middle grades for Sept, 2, 1952. State qualifications, experience, salary expected and present Inspector. Address applications to MRS. .L J. GLEARY, Secretary, Box .26, Seaforth. Ontario. 4400-2 Wanted WANTED—A USED CHILD'S HIGH chair. Apply Box 148, HURON EX- POSITOR. 9400x1 Lost and Found LOST—A WALLET. FINDER PLEASE PHONE 345, Seaforth, 4400-1 For Sale MOR�„SALE—GLADIOLUS BULBS AND 1 Dahlia roots. BAKER'S GREEN - house, Seaforth, 4400-1 'IL OR SALE—LITTLE PIGS. ELMER TOWNSEND. Phone 665 r 2, Sea - forth, 4400-1 FOR SALE—DUCK EGGS FROM LARGE dark ducks. Apply to RONALD TREWARTHA, R.R. 1, Seaforth- Phone 840 r 33. 4399-2 MOIR SALE -2 -WHEEL TRAILER AP - ply MISS ETHEL BEATTIE, Goderich St. West. Phone 158, Seaforth, 4400-1 FOR SALE—.NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and ?treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO-, Goderich. Phone 1135. 4396-tf KITCHEN SINKS WRITE PORCELAIN ENAMEL S 12,L 25 x 4,2 right or left hand drainboard; the always popular 16 x 20 .single sink; also ledge type double bowl and double drainboard sinks and a one-piece combina- tion laundry tray and sink with sliding drainboard; bathroom sets. Catalogue with installation diagrams. Recessed bath.. tubs 660.00. Seeor write S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVII.T.F, ONTARIO Mail Order Division. 4399-6 Motor Cars For Sale poR SALE -1949 CHEVROLET SEDAN. air conditioning, radio. FRED DIN- WANTF,D—ROOM AND , BOARD FOR WOODIE. Phone 1604, Seaforth. father and son, near business sec- 4400-tf tion. PHONE 1334, Seaforth. 4400-1 FOR SALE 1947 DODGE PICKUP, _. _ _.. _ good condition, two new tires, battery : WANTED TO RENT= `2 `-BEDROOM 6611.00or. best.-otler.. APPLY R. DE ROO, house. with conveniences. Possession c/o Leonard Cole. Shell Service Station earliest date after June 1. PHONE 661 r East, Clinton, No. 8 Highway. 32, or apply Box 149, HURON EXPOS1- 4400x1 TOR. - 4400-2 For Rent .Fon RENT -3-4 ROOM APARTMENT, in Egmondville. Apply Box 150. HURON' EXPOSITOR. 44004 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Farm Stock and Implements, also come Household Effects, at Lot 2.5, Concession 8., McKillop Township, 5 miles north of RENT—FURNISHED FOUR -ROOM Seaforth, r4 mile east of Winthrop. on FOR Wednesday, May 7th, at 1 p.m., D,S.T,: apartment, with sun porch, on ground CATTLE -3 cows, 1 Jersey, 2 part Jer- floor. Apply to Box 146, HURON EX- !ley; 3 ,two-year-old cattle; 3 year-old cat- POSITOR. 440414 tie; 4 calves. PIGS -2 sows carrying third APARTMENTS FOR SENT -4 SMALL, litter, due time of sale. HENS -100 year- old hens. IMPLEMENTS—Deering mower, heated ; 1 sinal!, unheated. Conven- 6 -foot cut: Bell separator, 28-45, with cut- iences. Apply to DR. E. A. MCMASTER, ter and high elevator, about 120 feet 6 -inch Seaforth. 44004 , belt ; 7 -foot Massey -Harris binder ; Massey• - TO•RENT=EXCELLENT GARDEN, 50 plow; Harriscultivator; International 2 -furrow tractor plow ; 2 -section barrows; 1 Chore x 100, ready for immediate use. Apply Boy garden tractor; hay car, fork and HAROLD FREE. Phone 366. Seaforth. rope: set farm scales: rubber tired wheel - 4400x1 barrow; pig crate; De Laval cream separ- • ator, motor driven '(like new) ; pile of manure; large pile -of circular wood: sap buckets, spiles and sugar kettle; 5 bunches df shingles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS— Sideboard; drophead Singer sewing ma- chine in good condition ; Climax coal and wood range (newt, pipes, household scales. PROPERTY—Consisting of 5 acres of DWELLING, WELL SITUATED ; HARD- land, the northeast corner of Lot' 25, Con. 8, McKillop Township: frame house, re wood floors throughout: bathroom on cently remodelled: Hydro; pressure an - two floors: fireplace; oil heating. One of tem tri both house and stable; Karn rebuilt, ',the better homes in Seaforth. 34..ft. square, nearly new double garage, all on cement foundation ; small fruit trees: also 75 acres of grass land with 439b-tf good maple bush: 10 acres in crop, being west 75 of Lot 23. Con. 10, McKillop- Terms—Chattels: Cash. Real Estate: 105 down, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to Tenders Wanted I reserve bid. AUSTIN DOI.MAGE, Pro- prietor : Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. , Chesney, Clerk. 4400.1 Property For Sale FOR SALE Apply to Box 122 HURON EXPOSITOR TENDERS WANTED Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 2 p.m., May 5, 1952, for the construction of the Watson Municipal Drain in the Township of Tuckersmith. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Marked cheque for 10 per cent. of tender must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily • accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk•Treas.. Twp. of Tuckersmith, Senforth. Ont., R.R. 4. 4399 2 Notices FtILL� OR 4 TRUCK fill, same may be had away. HENSALL, PHONE In Memoriam • THE HURON EXPOSITOR •' News Items of Mensal' and District (Continued from Page 1) executive: President, Clare Vin- cent, Londesboro; vice-president, Arnold Alton, Ashfield; treasurer, Elwin Merril, Clinton; citizenship and community service convener, Janice Morritt, Blyth; recreation and culture convener, Doreen Men- zies. Rev. Andrew Lane, chairman of Huron Presbytery, installed the officers in a very impressive in- stallation service. The film, entit-; led, "No Other Gods," was shown,' after which the minister of the church, Rev, W. -J. Rogers, pro -I nounced the benediction. The suc-I cess of the rally can be attributed largely to the sincerity and faith=; fulness of the retiring president,' Miss Doris Grierson. TTPSHALL—IN LOVING MEMORY OF our brother, Joseph H. D. Upshall, who passed away three years ago, Feb. 28. 1949, and our mother, Mrs. Frank Upshall. who passed away three years ago, May 4, 1949. and our father who passed away two years ago, June 21, 1930. There is still an ache in our beans to - day, That countless years can't take away; We smile with the world, but we never forget, In our garden of- memories, they live with us yet. --Ever remembered by Charlie. Jim, Bob and Helen. 4400x1 Cards Of Thanks MRS- E. C. CHAMBERLAIN, AND FAM- iiy desire to express their sincere ap- LOADS DSdrOOF F preciation to the many friends and neigh- forbors for expressions of kindness and sym• 25. pathy extended them during their recent 4400x1 sad bereavement; also to thank those who loaned cars and sent floral bouquets. FIRST CLASS PAINTING DUNE — IN_ 4400.1 teriat and drterior. PHONE 36 r 5. Dublin. 4398-4 NOTICE—ASHES, CANS. ETC-, RE -1 moved promptly and reasonable- HAR-! OLD MALONEY, Phone 2174, Seaforth ! 4397x41 Births NOTTOE--WILL THE PARTY WHO borrowed the mixing pan from the Town of Senforth, please return same as it is needed now. 4400.1 RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDSI of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-11. 4363-tf 1 ANCE AND INSURANCE—MONEY loaned at lower cost on purchase of new and late model cars. new trucks and farm tractors. W. C OKE INSURANCE Telephone 670 r 3. Seaforth. 4398 36 ATTENTION, FARMERS I _. PROMPT. courteous collection of all",dead and disabled farm animals Call collect, Erl, , ANDREWS, 871 r 11. Seaforth, or 235.1 Enter, Associated with Darling & Co. of Canada Ltd, 4399-tf ANDERSON—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on April 28, to Mr. end Mrs. David An- derson, Londesboro, n daughter. DALTON --At Scutt Memorial Hospital., on April 29, to Mr, and Mrs, Percy Dalton, R.R. 2, Walton. a son. ECKERT—At Scott Memorial Hospital. on April 24, to :gr. and Mrs, Conrad Eckert, R.R. 1. Seaforth, a son. NICHOLSON-- At Scutt Memorial Hospital on .April 30, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Nich- olson, a son. MUNN—Sandy and Wilma Munn, of Hen - sail are happy to announce the birth of a son, William Wayne, at the Hooper Nursing Home, Exeter. Friday, April 18, 1552 SHANT7 In Hay Township, on April 23, Ito Mr. and Mrs, Elam W. Shantz; Hen- sall R.R. 2, a daughter—Norma Jean, THE GREY -BRUCE ABERDF-E;N ANGUS 1 me holding their Annual ,tithing Sale at Walkerton on Msv 15th. Elatuloa'nee on rennest to T. STEWART, ,CO01tBS, ;Secretary., M'arkdale. 4400-2 of T"CKERSMITI-I MITIS 7SUSNICPAt COUN61L si, Blair resetileirtiettitire on a r 195 ' a£ 8' fl m. in the ll, Behh4' ; y, CYcr . ditgla Deaths CALDER --At Stamford, Ont.. on Friday. April 25, Peter Cameron Calder, beloved husband of Jean Ross Hays and dear father of Cameron H- Calder, at home, brother of Rdv. John Calder, Scotland, William Calder, Goole, 'England, and Duncan C. Calder. Edinburgh, Scotland. Interment in Maittaindbank Cemetery Seaforth, on Monday, April 28. 1'EiteriSON--In Seaforth, on Tuesday, Alit)! '29 'ifietoria Harriet Ferguson, be- loved wife 02 ' ,hihtfaa Ferguson and •aeon teotlier of ( lth) Mrs. Elgin 14oit, iii ei: Curti year. S dM-»--Xn Seaforth, on Monday, Anrii 28, halon "lifline>> dear Wife of T. Swan ,Sn $Lb,, is hei - th VOA,' ;rax Child Killed in London Norman Topham, who would have celebrated his second birthday May 14, was instantly killed in his bug- gy Sunday afternoon, and his sis- ter, Elinor Jean, is in fair condi- tion with her left foot amputated, in an accident when a car, said to have been driven by Luba.Spurdza, London, swerved over the curb and into the group of children. Elinor Jean was pushing her little brother in his baby buggy when the acel- dent occurred. The children's .par- ents are Mr. and Mrs, William Top- ham, 760 Trafalgar St., London, and their,.. grandmother is Mrs. William Hildebrand, London, formerly of Hensall. Ruth Townsend, daughter of Mr. Open -House SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY, MAY 2nd 8t30 P.M. 8:30—Inspection 'of Class Rooms 9:30—Fashion Show, Musical Selections, Folk Dances and Colored Slides of Students' Home Projects EVERYBODY WELCOME A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT! There is a Time and Place to Do Everything It's The Time to Buy Coal and the place is Seaforth Lumber Ltds. It is to your advantage to buy your next year's supply of Coal RIGHT NOW ! • Summer prices now in effect. • Payment plans can be arranged. JUST DROP IN OR PHONE 47 Announcement § § After May lst, W. G. SIMMONS & SONS, Seaforth and Exeter, will conduct their John Deere Farm Equipment Business from the Garage formerly operated by John MacLean, Egmondville. § W. G. Simmons & Sons John Deere Farm Equipment JOHN BLUE - Representative Phone 645 Seaforth 25 HORSEPOWER*... OVER 30 ...YET IT TROLLS! AND ONLY $479 • Gear Shift Control • Synchro Twist -Grip Speed Control • Separate 6 -gal. Miie- Msstet' ]Fuel 'rank * OBC Certified brake Ir. p. at 4000 (, p, ar. TYIId11C PAYMIINTg . AVAII.AHLE arwnslrs SEAFORTH MOTcR- COME IN AND SEE IT! and Mrs. Allan Townsend, a pupil at Hensall public school, had the misfortune to fracture her left arm in an accident recently. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Van Dyke, of Edmonton, Alta., called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger last week. The I.O.O.F. and Amber Rebekah Lodges will attend divine service in the United Church Sunday eve- ning, May 4, and will be addressed by Rev. W. J. Rogers. Guide and Brownie Notes Tile Guides met Tuesday night and held their meeting outdoorsin the Park. The recruits practiced tracking signs, while the others practiced semaphore. All are proud of Gladys and Eudora for passing their semaphore. Good work, girls; semaphore is not easy! Work for the "Cook's Badge" has been com- pleted and Jean -is now waiting to get her badge to wear. Enthusiasm for camping is growing; let's hope that the paper market opens to give us the money for -expenses: Captain Lavender has been in touch with the dealer who has hopes for a market by mid-May. Will our customers please note: we appreciate your papers when we can sell them. The Brownies met Monday night and held their opening ceremony in the Guide room, after which most of the girls went outside for games. The salute and handshake game is helping us to be smarter looking little Brownies. Browniekin Peggy Goddard is working hard- on the work for her recruit test. Soon she'll be a Brownie too, Brownie - kin. Carolyn Smillie could only use one leg on Monday, but she was present and took part with the rest, That's the stuff good Brown- ies are made of. The meeting clos- ed with the Brownie Good -Night song. At the morning service of April 27 in the United Church, Rev, W. J. Rogers spoke on the subject, "Behold, a Sower." The choir of- fered the anthem, "One Sweetly Solemn Thought." Mrs. Haun was the soprano soloist. Next Sunday evening, May 4, the service will be held at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Rogers will address the Odd Fellows and Rebekahs, who will march- and at- tend worship in a body. Chiaelhurst service is at the us- ual time -3 o'clock. The following Sunday, May 11, the Chiaelhurst congregatioiy .will begin morning worship at 9:45 a.m. -The Mother's Day program will be observed, The Sunday School scholars will unite with the congregation. Penny Sale (Continued from Page 1) sons, G. A. Hardie,-' Lloyds, Hartz Co., Acme Chemical Products, In- gram & Bell, Smith & Nephew; Diversey Corporation, M. H. Rob- ertson, Surgical Supplies, Ayerst, McKenna & Harrison, Abbott Lab- atories, Parke Davies Co., Fisher & Burge Ltd.. Johnson & Johnson, Bauer & Black, Huntington Laba- tories, Stevens Co., Gordon Mac- Eachern, Jas. H. Grant, Seaforth— Bath towel, Mr`s. L. Jones, Egmond- ville; hand lotion, cleaner, etc., Mrs. Ed. •Stapleton, Dublin; lotion, powder, gloves, etc., C. H. Addicott; billfold, Alecia Coyne, Staffa; nurs- e's 'instrument. case, Lois Hunter; lotion. no -shine, powder, Jack Scott; Neo Chemical Food, Peter Sillery; Beminal, etc., H. E. Smith. Polishing cloths, Elizabeth Smith; pencils. Miss Olive Laidlaw, Sea` forth; lotion, moth tabs, etc., Mrs. Geo. Eaton; tablecloth, Mrs. J. J. Cleary; baby lotion, hand lotion, etc„ Mrs. J. F. Calvert. c/o Mrs. D. H. Wilson; case of ketchup, Fran- ces McGavin, Walton; nibber gloves, lotion. powder, Geo. Hilde- brand; sheeting, hand towels, tea towels, dish cloths. man's shirt, Mrs. Pat Troutbeck; hand lotion, baby lotion. etc„ Mrs. Cleve Coombs; baby powder, hand lotion and cleaner, Miss M. Hartry. Elizabeth Arden kit, Catherine Campbell; hand lotion, baby' lotion and cleaner. Mrs. Ed, Regele; bill- fold, Stewart Henderson; Beminal, hand lotion, etc., H. E. Smith; hand lotion, baby lotion. etc., Mrs. Shir- ley O'Shea; hand lotion, rubber gloves, powder, etc., George Hays; moth tabs, Beminal, band lotion, Susan McLean; Enoz meth killer, hand lotibn, etc., Mrs. J. 0, Turn- bull; hand lotion, powder, cleaner, etc.. Mrs. Raymond Nott; cotton pickers, Mrs, Wm. Austin; powder and hand lotion, etc„ Eddie Box; powder, lotion, etc., - Mrs. 'Mabel Cole; powder, lotion, etc., Mrs. R. Nott; polishing cloths, Mrs, Frank Novak. ' Cash donations were received from the following: Bristol Lab- oratories, Geo. Trudell, Fenanti Electric, Huron Expositor, John Pullman, Seaforth Beauty Salon, Dr. F. J. Bechely, Mrs. Wallace Ross; Joseph P. Dorsey, Sid Pull- man and Lorne Dale, A. W. Sillery, Bosharts, Wright & Leyburn, ,Dr. J. O. Turnbull, Terry's Radio Re- pair. St. John's, Newfoundland, is 1,559 miles from Montreal, almost halfway, between Montreal and Liverpool. in the peat five years Canada has Spent. almost $10 billion on new factories, hydro-electrie ,power de- velopment, etc., proportionately more than any other country. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston. and family, who have spent some years in Wellington, have 'disposed of their business and Home there and returned to this vicinity, and • at present are visiting with .Mrs. John- ston's mother, Mrs. bavid' Stephen - on. Miss Mtyme wateon 'Reg,N., of Hyl. roseph s Resta/it Ondoit, sent the week e'pd ie Vakt Puts. ,' Mr. : and Mrs.. J. S. Watson. bd40,9l4e Blake visited at her home in AshSeld Township on Tuesday. " Misses Marjory and Elaine O'Reil- ly, of Dublin, spent the week -end with their grandparents. Mr, and Mrs. John Ruston. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns, of Sarnia, visited in the community on Friday. Mr. Fred Walters is all smiles these days—it's another girL Mr. Bill Gilfilian and °Miss June Walters spent the week -end with their parents. Mrs. F. Chappel add family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. Mr. Jerry Grubb spent the week- end up at his his in Greenock. Messrs. 'Fred Walters, Bill Wal- ters, Philip Hern and Colborne Vance spent Sunday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bang, of London, were Sunday visors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Miss Kay Hay visited on Sunday with Mt, and Mrs. Gordon Prance. KIPPEN Mr. and 'Mrs, Thos. Burke, of Wroxeter, visited Mr. and Mrs.. Wil- fred. .Mellis recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, of London, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomson, on. Sunday. Mr. Henry Reid, of Flint, Mich., accompanied by his mother, a grand old lady of 94 years, also a sister, Mrs. Matthew Henry, of Windsor, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and NMrs. Long. Mrs. 'McClynaont returned home Saturday after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Alice Cook, in London, Her grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Curran, also of Lon- don, on don,'accompanied her for the week- end. Mr. and 'Mrs,. Harvey Damm, of Wingham, and Mrs. Colin, of Wal- kerton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Long recently. - Mr, andbMrs, Brock, of Hamilton, have taken residence in their new home which they recently purchas- ed from Mr. Lloyd McLean. We welcome them to the community. Mr. and Mrs, Jas, Young and family, of Hibbert Township, mov- ed into Mr. Ross Broadfoot's house on the 'Kippen Road. We welcome WINTHROP 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley, who spent the past six months in Cali- fornia, have returned home. - The W.M:S. and W.A. will hold their regular meeting in the school room of the church on Wednesday, May 7, at 2 o'clock, Daylight 'Sav- ing Time. The roll call will be on "Mother." The delegates will give their reports from the 'Presbyterial at Clinton. Please bring your new and used clothing to the meeting for the hale. - - " ` . The Helping Hand Mission Band is having a special Mother's Day program on Saturday, May 3, at 2 p.m„ D.S.T. All the ladies of'the congregation are cordially invited. The roll call will be a verse on "Mother's Day." McKILLOP Death of Mrs. Albert McGavin- One of 'the most highly respected and' best known residents of McKil- lop, in the person of Agnes Scott McCulla, wife of Mr. Albert McGav- in, passed away on Friday, April 25, in her 81st year. Mrs. McGav- in wasborn in McKillop, the daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis McCulla, or the North Gravel Road, and spent all her life in this vicin- ity. 'She was married at Leadbury on September 22. 1897, to her now bereaved husband, who together with one daughter, Mrs. Alex 'Den- nis, survives. Also surviving are two sisters, Mrs. George Wilson, of Park Rapids, *nn,, and Mrs. John J. Skalitsky, of Stratford, and one grandchild. A .brother, William Mc - Culla, died in 1934. Deceased at- tended Leadbury School and was a member of the United Church. The funeral took place on Monday, Apr. 28, from the residence of her .son- in-law, Mr. Alex Dennis, at 2 p.m. The pallbearers were Gordon Me - Gavin, Gordon Kerr, Charles Mc - Gavin, Jack Skalitsky and William Wilson. Flower -bearers were W. J. Leeming, Thomas Storey, Willis Dundas, Wilbur Turnbull, Elmer Dennis and James Clark. Inter- ment was in Maitlandbank ceme- tery. f.(ti `rat G'. thaw to.the Mr: and Mrs. Melts' and Mr, a* Rev. and -Mrs. Hinton called film Mrs. Long spent SlitiA •3" artgraatir day evening on itrienda• in Exeter with the Armstrong fandly and Centralia. - Stafet a. SeaforthLumberLtd. When You Think of Lumber Think of Seaforth 47 OPEN EVERY DAY — ALL DAY — EXCEPT SUNDAY These Important Items Have Just Arrived: • Hemlock Sheeting • Combination Doors • Building Blocks • Shingles FARMERS!., DON'T PASS UP A REAL BARGAIN IN LIME Selling Out Our Complete Stock of House Paint, Floor Paint, and Enamel — No. 1 Quality 50% OFF RETAIL PRICE • PLUMBING • EAVESTROUGHING • TINSM1THING - Seaforth Plumbing and Heating AT REAR OF BALDWIN HARDWARE C. DEWAR — Phone 489-M or 61 — Seaforth Farmers .. SAVE DISAPPOINTMENT By Purchasing Your Machine Requirements Early Full line of New Massey. Harris Machines NOW IN . STOCK • ' ALSO USED M. -H. 81 Row Crop—Excellent condition W.C. Allis—Excellent condition Cockshutt 70 R.C.—Good condition 4 -Section Spring Tooth Harrow 3 -Furrow Massey -Harris Plow 3 -Furrow Cockshutt Plow All Above Machines Priced To Clear 6 GOOD USED COMBINES Various Sizes — at — SeaforthMotors Phone 141 Seaforth Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND. COLOUR USED CARS '52 PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN—Brand new 2—'51 CHEV, .DF; LUXE ST"YLELINE SEDANS—One two-tone in color '51 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE '50 PONTI.AC DE LUXE STYLELINE .SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH '46 DODGE SEDAN '49 O'LDSMOBILE FLEETLFNE SEDAN— fully equipped '49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH '48 'PLYMOU.TH"COACH '48 CHEV. FLEETMASTER SEDAN '47 CHEV. F1I.F.FTLINE SEDAN—Fully equipped; two-tone in color '42 CHEV, FLEETLINE SEDAN '42 DODGE COACH '41 DODGE SEDAN '38 FORD COACH '50. CHEV. %4 -TON STAKE with racks A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars, MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRU-SSELS- , r, 'i'�1s HILUSSE%S- ONTARIO HOME ?9-x "The Home of Better Used Bair00 OPEN EVERY EVENING 0 r= ► 4 e l 3 e 4 ✓ e \I • '7 i II • 9 4 A 6 4 A 4r, to 4 f 4 ri, 1 tl