HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-25, Page 4rfar qLefe)re.,,..,.. ere eir 4'14. , 4,...,1, • .1,0 0 &died A ed Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: _ft SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Worth 1st WeekI Cent 2nd Week ,Yr Cent 8rd Week % Cent Minimum., charge, each insertion25'Conta Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. .. al'ele of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eveuta--1 cent per word. MinimuM. 40 cents per week- -. ';reilrittiries may be directed, to a, Box No., c/o The Huron Ebspositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged If ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date. of final inserton. Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Ebo.--Rates on application. • Coming Events "VOUR FAVORITE OLD TYME DANCE J. Band, Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys will be at the Crystal Palace Ball- room. Mitchell, every Friday night. Danc- ing 9:30 to 12;30. 4899x2 Lost and Found 'STRAY PIGS -2 PIGS, WEIGHING "-" from 175 to 200 lbs., strayed from John Nott's barn in Egmondville- Anyone knowing the whereabouts of these animals contact WILLIAM HENDERSON, or phone 683-J, Seaforth. 4399x1 PSTRAYED--STRAYED FROM HAROLD J" Jackson's farm on April 23, year-old roan heifer with horns, weighing approxi- mately 660 lbs. Anyone knowing where- abouts of this animal. PHONE 661 r 14. 4399-1 Wanted IMANTED--3-4 ROOM APARTMENT OR " house. Apply Box 147, etuRoxe EX- POSITOR. 4399-1 Personals For Rent POR RENT--151EDIUM SIZED GAR- ". den. PHONE 253-W, Seaforth. 4399x1 poR, RENT—A FURNISHED FOUR- ' room apartment with sun porch ex- tra, on ground floor. Apply Box 146, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4399-1 Poultry POR SALE -400 RED SUSSEX PUL- " lets, five weeks old. Apply to Box 145, HURON EXPOSITOR, 4399x1 SKINNY MEN. WOMEN 1 GAIN 5 To " 15 MT. New pep, too. 'Try famous Ostles. Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new. vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug- gists. j...TYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RUBBER "" Goods), mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 24 samples 51.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73. NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont, Tenders Wanted Motor Cars For Sale Items of Iensa1l and District Keep this date open, Friday, Rine 6, 1952, at Hensall, Western On- tario Old Time Fiddlers' Contest; $225 in prizes. Watch for further announcements at a later date. Henault Chamber of Commerce.— (Advt.). Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McQueen returned home Thursday last frem a three months' vacation epent at St. Petersibu.rg, Florida. Hear Talk On Easter The Arnold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian Church observed their Easter thankofferbag meeting leen- day evening, April 21, and enter- tained as their guests the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church, Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church, and Home Help- ers and Women's Missionary Soci- ety of Carmel Church. President Mrs. C. Forrest presided and intro- duced the guest speaker, Mrs. J. Scott, of Seaforth, who spoke on the subject, "The Meaning of Das- pOR SALE—FORD TRUCK, MODEL 'r, :1 -ton stake. JOHN FLANNERY. Phone 270 r 22, Seaforth. 4399x1 FOR SALE -1950 DODGE %-TON PICK - up, like new: actual mileage 10,000 miles. Apply HARVEY KEYS, Hensall. Phone 93. 4399x1 TENDERS WANTED For Sale poR SALE -10 YORK PIGS. APPLY to HARRY CHESNEY. Phone 662 r 24. Seaforth. 4399-1 POR SALE—WHITE RUFFLE CUR- ' tains, 35x81; special at 2.69. At TUDOR'S in Hensall. 43994 earawasee ter." The speaker depicted the Easter story, using the flannel - graph, and stated "the Chrietien looks to Jestls, and rises abolte trouble, siekness, etc. God turned the Cross into a ayeabol of redemp- tion for mankind. Trouble brings us close to God. If you are a Chris- tian you will ha,ve trouble. Easter means resurrection and immortal- ity." 1VIr8. Harry Hoy thanked the speaker for her wonderful meseage. Mrs. Harold Bell conducted the' de- votional; "Mrs. Tiberio read the Scripture lesson, and, Mrs. Bell gave an article, "In the Tomb." ,Members responded with an Easter verse for the roll call. Articles were read by Mrs. G. Troyer and Mrs. Stewart Bell; 'Mrs. L. Baynham provided piano selections preceding ;the meeting. Vocal duets were sung by Mrs. Wm. Brown and Mrs. Harold Bell and Mrs. C. Kennedy and Mrs. C. .Forrest; a trio by Mxs. U. Bell, Mrs. H. Idclearan and Mrs. W. ormowroftimonorwomr.moroftwor,•••••••.. A. ,Shit*..y and MIS, -W. TcWrett. During the meeting prayers were. offered by Mra. Glenn Bell and Mrs. C. Forrest. Delicious. refresh- ments were served. Mrs. J. E. Mc - Ewan was lunch convener. Bron. Accompanists were Mrs. FOR SALE—ONE WHEELBARROW; 7 bundles cedar shingles. choice quality. PHONE 177. 4399-1 FOR SALE-2-WFIEEL TRAILER. AP- ' ptii MISS ETHEL BEAIT19, Goderich St. West. Phone 158. 4399-1 FOR SALE -51 -GA. FIRST QUALITY Nylons at 1.29 ; new summer shades, •at TUDOR'S in Hensall. 4399-1 von SALE—LADY'S SUIT, SIZE 16, grey. PHONE 253-W, Seaforth. 4399x1 pear WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP CLERK FOR SALE—SHORTHORN BULL. 12 "" will receive tenders until May 6th, at 7 o'clock p.m., D.S.T., for the construction ; months old, (lark red color. JAMES of the Taylor Municipal Drain. Plans and CARNOCHAN, R.R. 3. Seaforth. specifications may be seen at the Clerk's 4399-1 Office. R.R. 1, Belgrave. • • A marked cheque of 10% of contract Price to accompany the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. <me R. H. TFIOMPSON, Clerk. 4398-2 poR SALE—DUCK EGGS FROM LARGE dark ducks. Apply to RONALD TREWARTHA, R.R. 1, Seaforth. Phone 840 r, 33. 4399-2 pon SALB—Y0tThiG YORK HOG, FIT " for service. Priced to sell. JOSEPH% CARLIN. R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 661 r 24. 4399x1 poR SALE — RED CLOVER SEED, TENDERS - Power cleaned, $18 bushel. Apply to 1 CLARENCE 5ION'PGOMERY, Clinton. ; TENDERS ARE REQUESTED FOR Phone 841 r 31, Seaforth. . 4399-1 ' spraying weeds on Township of Mc- Killop roads; work to begin June 2.nd. FOR SALE—CHILD'S STEEL CREAM Tender to state size of tank and price per enaniel crib: kiddie car ; child's folding cot ; 2 -pedal kiddie car; all in A-1 condi- mile. tion. PHONE 187-J, Seaforth. 4399-1 A marked cheque of 4100.0 to aecom- pany tender. QEED FOR SALE — RED CLOVER. " Sweet Clover and Timothy. JOHN Lowest or any tender not necessarily THOMPSON. Phone 833 r . 31, Seaforth. accepted. 4398-3 Tenders to be in hands of Clerk by May 2, 1952. J. M. ECKERT, Clerk, McKillop Twp., Seaforth, Ont., R.R:'1. 4399-1 FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. Phone 1135. 43954f pOR SALE-7QUANTITY OF CLEANED TENDERS WANTED - seed oats; oil flax seed; also 13 -tooth 6 -ft. spring tooth cultivator. JOHN A. Township of Tuckersmith MENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY " the undersigned up 'ft) 2 p.m., May 5, 1952., dor the construction of the Watson 'Municipal Drain in the Township of Tuckersmith. ' Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Marked cheque for 10 per cent. of tender must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk-Treas., Twp'. of Tuckersmith, Seaforth Ont., R.R. 4. Chick Buyers!. HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR CHICKENS YET? This will be your Last Chance to secure Moore's Day -Old Pullets or Heavy Breed Cockerels! WE HAVE ONLY THREE MORE HATCHES April 24th April 28th May 1st We Have What You Want ORDER NOW AND BE SURE Moore's Poultry Farm Phone 666 r 3 : Seaforth, Ont. lit:e0A;A171unity,,,t4aiiii-4tA3143 wrOng 01#1.71gB tapythingi pr that wicked .aiii?ire •to a posi- t:Mall:of Peefel or 1291itiCei eleWee. JIi ttetoitaltiL44t1)MvP1111/3441:04;i77ancIPA4"1,1144treiroaf4sipzearreerd- vious and selthele Derma 'Weald 110V- er be happy wherever he Went, since he had to live with himself. Bacon warnedethat the desire for political domination may lead to the loss of freedom, It is the old Story of the, dog deopping the bone for the shedow. AddreeSing ;the eitedettba of the University Of Western Oditnrio, Jr. Donald Gordon, preeldent of the Canadian National Rallevans, said: "I can only advise you that it would be a profound mistake to accept the dollar standard es a yardstick of happinese or the mea- sure of a succeesful life." He was referring to the teedency of stu- dents after graduation to yield to the attraction of higher pay in the United IStates. He peintercl out that Oanadra. had 'begun, to evolve into a well-rounded, and diveretifted econ- omy and a great future lay ahead. with the same subject, urged the students -to "remain in Canada and take part in the country's. deveop- ment, even if they, in some cases, had to forego higher income in so aWd„:"ThA.p'llilacatirr,R9Apreisiwadyen,tdoealf tihneg MCdoaaring. One an well understand young people in the old countries Wishing tnootraionvgrat.tae.enlair4osvage ocoubnytricsaxphheyese_ ically, but have come under the power of politieal extremists who by .promises of cheap security have misled the people into dead ends of economic quicksands; I have talked with many of these immi- grants, .particulacrly from Britain, and they all tell the same story— "No future." This cannot be said VARNA of Canada with, its vast unpopulat- ed spaces, undeveloped natural re- sources, expanding, industries and freedom of enterprise in commer- cial, scientific and social endeavor. All this is more true of Canada than of the United States, and .stte dients who have been trained in our universities for work in those de- partments should be intelligent enough to see and to grasp the op- portunities for service in their own country. Skilled immigrants are seeing them and have the initiative to grasp them. "It is net easy," said Mr. Gor- don, "to give- a defleite statement of what is meant by the .Canadian way of life as distinguisbed from the British or the American, for es- sentially the distinction implies a sense of values and this is some- thing that each individual must de- fine and develop for himself." Cana- dian universities are ,..roaintained at great expense to the taxpayers, and as Mr. Gordon said, their highest function, is to develop the critical faculties of the students, which should enable them to see beyond The monthly meeting of the Vela"the immediate dollar values in de- na W.M.S. was held in the church tiding where they -will build their April 3 with fourteen members pre- careers. sent. Mrs. Anson Coleman opened In what little travelling I have the meeting by reading from the done in the United States 1 have Missionary Monthly and three vers- met men in good positions who re - es of Hymn 182, Hymn 92 was ceived their higher education in sung. Mrs. Ralph Stenhenson, Canada. What Canada needs is a Mrs, ;Gordon Johnson and Mrs. revival of the spirit of her pioneers Gladys Coleman took part in the who -were willing to endure hard - meeting by reading from the Bible. stip and work or the building up Mrs. Anson Coleman gave another of this country. 'Canada is already reading from the Missionary Month- past the pioneer' stage, so far as ly and Hymns 101 and 104 were agriculture is coneetrned, and the sung. Mrs. G. Reid took charge of farming of today would seem like the business. Theminutes were child's play to those old settlers. read and adopted, and the text But there is need for the pioneer word for May will be "Mother." spirit of endurance and enterprise There were four sick calls report- in'the completion of our national ed. Mrs. Ralph IStephenson and superstructUre and patriotism alone Mrs. Gordon Johnson were appoint- should be sufficient incentive to ed as delegates to go to the Pres- urge the trained youth of our uni- byterial meeting. The meeting versities to devote their lives to closed with Hymn 249, and lunch that work. was served. W.C.T.U. Elects Officers Hensall-Eaeter branch of the Wo- men's Christian Temperance Union convened at the home of IVIre, C. Down, Exeter, Tuesday afternoon, for their annual meeting. Mrs. Down was in the chair for the op- ening exercises and conducted: the devotional period. President Mrs. E. Geiger took the chair for the business session and election of officers. Yearly reports were pre- sented to the meeting and were very encouraging. Announeement was made of a legacy of $250 from the estate of the late Miss Jean Murray, of Hensall; $50 waa -voted to the budget fund. Mrs. E. Geiger was returned to office as president for the fourth term. Other officers are: Vice -.president, Mrs. William Cook, Exeter; secretary, Mrs. H. Powe, Exeter; treasurer, Mrs. E. McQueen, Hensall; Evangelistic and Christian Stewardship, Mrs. W. Cook, Exeter; Mrs. F. J. Appleby and- Mrs, C. L. Sinks, Hensall; an- ti -narcotics, Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Ex- eter;. flower Mission, Mrs. C. L. Jinks, Mrs. F. J. Appleby, Hensall; Mrs. W. J.' Palm's 'anti Mrs.- Mie - Falls, Exeter; medal .eontest, 'Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter; Mrs. E. Gei- ger, Hensall; temperance in Sunday Schools, Mrs. H. Powe, Exeter; Mrs. E. Geiger, Hensall; press re- porter, Mrs. Maude Hedden, Hen- sel); pianist, Mrs. W. J. Pybus, Ex- eter; Mrs. F. J. ;Appleby, Hensall. MaINZIE. Phone 660 x 26, Boofort4b. 3994 FOR SALE--STIFF-STRAWED BARB- " off Barley for straight combining. $1.90 Per bushel. Sheep dipped 2&c: lambs, 2 for 255, by appointment. REN Mc- PHERSON, 17 r 24. Dublin. 4399x1 FOR SALE -1 8 -FOOT FLEURY -25S - sell tractor disc; 1 8 -ft. Mc-Corrnick- Deering packer, both reconditioned, a bar- gain; also new 10 -ft. packers and discs. See V. J. LANE, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 46 r 12 Dublin. 4399-1 KITCHEN SINKS 4399-2 WHITE PORCELAIN ENAMEL STEEL " 25 x 42 right or left hand drainboard : the always popular 16 x 20 single sink : also ledge type double bowl 'and double drain,board sinks and a one-piece combine - tion laundry tray and sink with slidin71 d rai n board ; bath room sets. Catalogu e witkinetallation diagrams, Recessed bath- tubs $60.00. See or Write .S. V. JOHNSON PLUMBING SUPPLIES STREETSVILLE, ONTARIO Mail Order Diviaion. 4399-6 Property For Sale FOR SALE nWELLING, WELL SITUATED; HARD- ‚‚.' wood fleets throughout; bathroom On two floors; fireplace; oil heating. One of the better homes in Seaforth. Apply to Box 122 •HURON EXPOSITOR 4395-tf Notices pIRST CLASS PAINTING DONE -17. IN. terier and. exterior. PHONE 36 r 5, Dublin. 4398-4 NOTICE—ASHES, CANS, ETC., RE- " moved promptly- and reasonable. HAR- I:MD MALONEY. Phone 2174, Seaforth. 4397x4 ANYONE WISHING TO HAVE ItteAR gardens worked ready for planting, Phone C. 11. A.DDICOTT, Goderich S. E., 313-W. 4399x1 P ADIO REPAIRS—FOR,ALL KINDS of radios, at TERRY'RADIO RE- l'aln. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-5. 463-tf ASHES AND GARBAGE REMOVED " Promptly. PHONE 670 ring 41, or see WES. COOMBS, Egniondville. 4898-2 ;NOTICE -1 CAN PASTURE A NUMBER " of cattle for ernes. Ft: J. DOM R.R. 1, DUBLIN, Phone 849 r 11, Seaforth. 4899-1 Auction Sales AUSABLE VALLEY CONSERVATION • AUTHORITY Tree Planting Day To Mark the Beginning of Reforestation of 640 Acres of Hay Swamp Over 42,000 trees will be planted by the Authority HAY SWAMP 3 Miles Southeast of Zurich: Follow the Signs Wednesday, May 7 In case of rain, FRIDAY, May 9th 1:30_2:30a Hay Public School Tree Planting Competition 2:30-3:00— Demonstration of Tree Planting Machines 3 :00 4 :00—Inaugural Ceremonies M.P.'s, M.L.A.'s and Prominent Conservationists Will Attend REFRESHMENTS PUBLIC INVITED Quite a number from the vicinity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Sam Rathwell, the .former Letitia Keyes, in Luchnow, on Fri- day of last week. While she and Mr. Rathwell were visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Orme Moffatt, in Toronto, she suffered a stroke 'from which she never ral- lied, and passed away on Wednes- day morning. Misses Margery and Nancy Web- ster spent a few days last week with friends in London. For an evening of fun and laugh- ter, don't fail to attend the play, "Chintz Cottage," which will be presented by the Young People of Londesboro United Church, in the Varna Town Hall on Wednesday, April 30, at 8:15 p.m., sponsored by the Varna United Church W.A. " Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McDon- ald, of Detroit, visited on Saturday last with Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Foote. Society Holds Monthly Meeting A UCTION 5A.LE--114R. HAROLD JACK - son has been instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Wednesday, May 7th, at Lot 25, Concession 8, McKillop, 14 mile oat of Winthrp, the farm, farrn house imple- ments and cattle; also a few piecea of furn- iture, and 75 mires of grass land with maple bush, being West 75 of LOt 23, Con. 10, McKillop. AUSTIN D0L1V1AG, Pro- prietor ; -Harold Jacloion, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk. 4399-1 Cards Of Thanks. The Alger s.ArrHouse PIANNINO 'MEAD -KR. RUSSELL HOLMES weeeres TO express hie most sincere appreciation to all those who sent flowers, loaned cars or helped in any way during his sad be- reavement of Margaret Ann 'Henry. A enesial thanks to Dr. J. and the Nurses arid Staff of Scott Memorial Hos- pital. „ 4399x1 In Memoriam 50, Q 110 36e -G 1' 1 UTURE ointno 75505 FAN OR AND INSUltAllor-StoNna noUGLAS—IN toVING ParamORY loaned at loWet cost on purchase of . '.- a dear hisshand and father, William nee and late model care, tew trucks and Douglas, who pasted away one year ago, term tractors. W. C OKE INSURANCE April 27, 1951. Yon are gone but not forgotten, elephone 670 r 3, Seaforth. 439876 140Ticre-WlizeN BUYING Ter SOIL Never shall your Merrier's, fade: far flowers and lawns, get the best, SWeetest thoughts, shell ever linger riot, &tell fill, er, call K McLleiVAIN, See- Around the graief.lbliere pea are laid. 8480. Phone 500-W, Moo 1111 cheerer. 484892 —Always remetribered be Wife and • — PROMPT Fa.m11/' 4899.1 Th eafteous elaleatletof alla dead „end , , .,„„ , e. erienals eall notice*, ED. • diSafi ,ANteireetta,'01.r.ii Referth, or 235,' Stte .Sdft0d 99188 Parling& Co, el 401tf, • .,6b:.10,,OES(4.,,, tittr,•giilkitt!ea ttitfnr ;t ittfosl. WtotiiiO4 1rRWi ":"`Pi I.-011511*Aso - sarfoalaiiiehege biatefe lebeaU 4-,1)1SNAgal 40:•,1$ .004r5V0 'it,;44.113wAlrY p0wt31n,-.411 LOIrt-NO Inivin.Yr OF A " dear nidthere Meg Herbert Fowler, ehe teased erey.;oli&rear age *OH 2(i, 19511.. Netrrdity 46 Ixed forget her, ani hearts she Is always neer; llelOved hat, ;welly nate het, As. Sena maker year. tiitridiubbita ay Prank arta tleit, Ode itedaGintielidree. 4200. :,;r• aril 8,20 .114 The ALGER is a Ranch Style House with attached garae, com- plete on one floor. If a basement is preferred the utility room can be converted into a den, library or third bedroom. Storage space is generously allowed for in the 12 closets. Exterior finish is white bevelled siding with green asphalt shingles. Front living room wall with. pieture window may be old brick or cut stone. Dimensions are 50 x 26 feet, floor area 1163 egtrilare feet, and cubic - contents, 14,405 cubic feet; See Ball - Macaulay, .Seaforth or Clinton Yards,. for further particulars, cost estimates and com- plete plans for any of this series. NO obligation. BRUCEFIELD Death of Mrs. A. Mustard Following a very short illness, Katherine MLaren, widow of the late Alexander Mustard, passed away on Tuesday, April 15, in her 89th year. Born in Tiverton, she attended school there, and was a resident of that district until hee, marriage in 1896 to Mr. Musetrd, who predeceased her, in 1931. Sur- viving are two sons and three daughters. The deceased was a member of Brucefield United Church, from where the funeral was held on Thursday at 2 pen., with Rev. W. J. Maines conducting the service. The pallbearers were John A. McEkan, Gordon and Wil- liam Brown, George, Frank and John McGregor, nephews of the de ceased. The flower-barers were Thornton Mustard, James McDon ald, Lindsay Eyre, Kenneth Scott, Leonard O'Rourke and Alexander Thompson. Interment took place in Baird's cemetery. EXIT OF COLLEGE GRADUATES (By Lewis (Milligan) "Lie who has so little knowledge of human nature as to seek ha,ppl- nese by changing 'anyting but his own deposition will waste his life An fruitless effort," said Doctor Samuel Johnson, the greet English nibralist and studeht of human na- ture. That saying Ma a brOad an- ealetien and applies to nations as Well as to individeals: As applied t� radical changesin forms of gov- ernment, Lord Bacon, put it this Births RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio College of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH 1V1ALCOLMe-In Stratford General Hospital on Aril 20, td Mr. and Mrs. Dalton 'Malcolm, R.R. 2, Dublin, a eon (still 'horn), MacTAVISIX—Mr, and Mrs. Ian MadiTivi ish announce the arrival of a daughtr, Catherine Anne, :April 17, at &meter - darn. Helland. atateLintre-At Sped Manorial Remittal, on April )14, to Mr, arid Mee. Arthur Mc - lett. 1, Myth, twin daughters. tiALTON-At Scott Manorial tempera, on Alen 10, to Me. and Merl, Robert Del. ton, Itet, 1, lakidealsOro, ECM, Deaths. ilae'Valaar4;.:'Pharits dbot14405', • eeeeetaarfteeilieeerieeereeeeteeere. Ii Veaiei;:ae • !. •-• - 1.—CASEL TRAOrOR 1—CASE VA TRACTOR ,—COCKSHUTT 70 TRACTORS- 1—COCKSHUTT 60 TRACTOR • 1—M. -H. 13 -TOOTH SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATOR 2—KB. SPRING TOOTH HARROWS 3—USED MANURE SPREADERS 2—USED TRACTOR 3 -FURROW PLOW 2—USED SIDE RAKES • Rowcliffe M. cit2afr,,h, Phone 147 USED CAR 1951 CORNET DODGE SEpAN 1951 FORD CUSTOM COACH 1949 DeSOTO CLUB COUPE 1949 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1949 DODGE CLUB COUPE 1946 DODGE SEDAN 1941 DODGE SEDAN 1941 CHEV. COACH 1939 DODGE SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH COACH USED TRUCKS 1949 FORD 3 -TON CAB and CHASSIS 1946 FORD 1/2 -TON 1952 DODGE 1/2-TON—NEW • Now is the time to Iet, us show you what the Ferguson Tractor Will do! Hensall Motor Sales Dodge - DeSoto Sales & Service Hensall Phone 31 It Pays You to Pick a CAM Grain Drill Low to fill ... fast in the field and on the road... close control of depth and cosy ering phis Seedmeter's proved accur- acy with all sizes of seed and rates of seeding. Grass -seed attachment has Seed - meter accuracy, too. Wide variety of sizes, spacings and furrow openers to fir any tractor, suit any soil. Plain and fertilizer tapes, or fertilizer attachment. Let us show you this simple, sturdy grain drilL re; r7111-11,' 11,110 05‘% Filik; 011l. 1 ffi I— II. ISMEtirtir 111)11 "AT! PAT 117 r r 14 -epee; raeteea Rowcliffe Motors Phone 147 • Seaforth • Prompt Delivery on the ew 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN—Brand new 2-'51 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS—One two-tone in color '51 qmv. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. 5 -PASSENGER COUPE '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE ISTYLELINE SEDAN 2—'50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COACHES '49 DODGE SEDAN '49 OLDSMOBILE. FLEETLINE SEDAN— fully- equipped '49 CHET. STYLELLNE COACH '48 PLYMOUTH COACH '48 CHEV..FLEBTMASTER SEDAN '47 MEW. FLEETLINE SEIDAN—Fulle, equipped; two-tone in cOlor '42 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN '42 DODGE COACH • '41 DODGE SEDAN '38 FORD COACH '37 OLDS COACH '50 CH.EV. %-TON STAKE 'with racks A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model care. MANY OTHER M2DEL5 TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTORS. MUSSELS — ONTAltiO • PHONE, 73X "The Home Of Setter Used Ciller OPEN EVERY EVENING • aeetrar. • tR, t"4,,NLILtai.