HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-25, Page 21. , r , , . .111�. �� . i�. "I � . 1. �, ., - � I "'� "I 11,�,;­,',', W '-�, ", , �� ,", :,�.; r'. ,1-1 I �: , I - ::� ',;,; ': �.�'11� . ". �­ , , .,�� I ". J I? � 11, X11:1; ""T,.".,�l��:,�t��,11��.,','�i�,,��%�i���!����,�"; -,��, s ,: ; ili!o.��ii�"!�j,),,,,'�,',',,����,;�'j, � ,,�� I , , , I ..� . ��",�'­:�V­ 1'i----- " I . ­n­;­�­��,3,; I,,,',,, � �,.­ "l, , , , I.., � , � ,; ,I I p`�,;� �,,11'1 1,1�N­Ii,,.:.�";,1�7�, N1.1111 11V1--' -",i, ,,, ,;�!' 1 �-,.!�,',T,,`�,:"`�� V, , , , 'i ; 1i �� � " , "', , � � � 111, .." 1. � � , , . I � 1� 1. " * ,;�,,% � " ��.` 0 ,.I�.,�, �� , ,�,;i����,,��,,,��',"�'���,����,-I ��',` , ""',4�i�,� ql,, 6,�,,�,,T�`4�i614�i , ; I I , . '. i, �'t , " , , � � . 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''O'el,"'; -11 I- I -F W � - 'S, i I , , � , I .- "" "' � I , to a proylous gen. u '' : ' - 'R "" ' " �*"" ^` ­­ - T . .... .. ... . . , - � -was , - ,� - -,.;,:-. ­ - - ,�:'­,­,' - "��,� ,erred lu'pider to gvoi ,�,�­­­ �,.­ � i 0,,; �11�` , ',� ,,,�i,,t� '01#11 ,.. r, OW: " ,�, 14701"�", 10 - C T" R-,,, 0 . �,,�,,"`,`,,`,�I`� 1�,-,�,V�,,"',.`�,�4 e ered � routine. If we like th S ,. ,. , J, I D , , . - �,'��,,�:,!"��,�,��.,,�,�:;,��, , I I . i .--.1'' . ­­.�� ... �,., '� '' I ,­,­ � . � I- 11 . ., . . . .Iving Suc4 easy shopping I . I . I ­ ­ 1-1 — ''. ',� �, "I , I , , 1,,�%�,�:,�,�, �.',,,�".:,. standard.of 1 (13Y Unies Scott) I.: , L FOR MM4400"WWW""Noft I �. ­ ­ ­. L �� I �V,­�".4v­ A Y Me ea . I'll.. I ., " �� ,,,L' n, Editor 7 1, . I , � . P. 9 . � �,�� . ., ­��,­':�� '' , " reprei;ents, we m*.t therefore be pre- , " � � , ­ . . "Ill'. ,­ , tio,o-will; get-lj�bder.wAy 14 the vo - - �� , . . . , I ' ., . . , � Takos� Teaching, PooltlQn , , ., , - 111,-1, I I 0.1 . - ­ , , I . PACKAGED GOODS 1: -v , I . - nur 0� . ry .t � � .. 1 1 ,,), 1,shed at Seaforth, Ontario, ev parefl� to pay. the cost. - , . . 11� I , I ...... I .. �� .. 11 lD. wats6, o.s..A., who near futtjria� A mbeT Q,f T , Na� I I I I . . . . . . . 4�*A:, K -U. , . eowa,- I" I , ,�, X", , . � I .1 � I . ter men II614, m-einheroh .- I 0 , p , I �� rsday afternoon -, ,�! - - -..W, 00 -ft -0 Is attending O.C.E. In ' Toronto, has I 0 in the �.. -` �. I ......... !!!!!! ,, lk��:11�,��,,1,11 ��,� � 11 by McLean 0 1 . secured. a Positionio6a, - - � ,­ �. .,. I the teach.ing Wingham Club 41049 with weWn- ...�y 'I, '4 ,,,,, . I . /th 1� 11 .%" I N, gft,�,;"! "�� -oticed that one the back shop were Me large . . -and, , a Promisalf(Ir A-- - I , �J� — The other day I u, � staff of Chealey Colleglate Institute,, permito , . 'I 't � � � . . 11 �. �i"i�,,",;")�'-�,;,�,,��,:��l-li., - , In 11 � aQ,� ? ;, , . of the great denominatAond of tke. square hQxas that the tea ,came - teaching ,agriculture Andtpeleac,a.- �Strong club there is- bright luspo,431 411111W. -V ..... . W01�1',;`!�,,�,�,,X', God Save Our Queen Christian Church is going to Put a They were lined with tin -foil and � Or goyd of the Provinclal P&f�e - '­­`;n"""�`­ ;" , g'!� ", �,.,ng ,q' e -Blyth Standard. �'i v -� �,; �m er of Canadian , � . I 4 � 11A 'I. ­* w on the road. It will be -an ) 'has[ sanctioned the transfer of, the � � P � " -, , - . ­ ho 1wbea, one, Was Opened' we 'Would I 4 & 0 1, � I "Oe 1,, , ,,, , '.. � � . I �� 1 ,,�;­Y. � V � . " A �� � IWIleekly Newspapers, -1 After a concert, or when the movie sttempt, according to the cleric who'walt eagerly till It was emptied sP I I ,W, -k Sustains Fractured Wrist i club to Teeswater, 'but It mUst.f6r W .j , "'. � I - announced It, to use modern meth- we could, c4i t the great silvery I , operate undd'r,, the. title , �� ., is finished, we stand up and sing "God - - -I\ '. .Ma.rjqry Balf9ur, eight-year-old the .present � I ­ I Association. ods to arouse die People to the need strips and matue all's-orts of won- "" 4k ...�. s, John of I'Wij�gham Revolver Club."— . 0 . ,,� �:L ' ' -.,, I I daughter.of Mr. and Mr � ,I , Save Our Queen" or King, depending for greater missionary' endeavor. derful inventions from them. I van - C­-�, -.19 �� Balfour, R.R. 2, Dubli mep.' : , ; I ? �� : �,,�, ��' , I . . . - .n, hadi -her Wingliam Advance,Ti " : 1,1�% PHONE 41 on 'h is He used a word which caught my still smell the puaggu - of left wrist fractured. ,In . opening a ' � I , � I , I'll .1 4 i, , il 11 whether the reigning monard ,,t arom4 N\ , . �, " Authorized as, Second �Class Nall , attention. He said, the show would the coffee beans. which came -in d I Thieves At Work "��,�,�'. . door at her home, the wind, caught I I � " �,41� -.1 I , , , �� " �'. Post Office DepaAMen't, Ottawa a man or a woman. But rarely do be a "package" which would plky sacks and I can,still see my grand- .. - 6�- it, throwing her to the ground.- It is alleged that W pairs � . - . . . . . l.k."E.'I", . of , . 1� ''. -e #istorical'significance . t'19511i�,�,,'�,' I ' we think of th in every major centre of population father taking the various types �aad . Mitchell Advocate. woollen hose were taken from -IlIe .1 , `��kV , A 11 I . ,.M,1,�­(�It I . in Canada. , blending them with the precision plant of Wearwell Hoslery'in Cliii- 6, . " VELAFORTH, Friday, April 25, 1952 of the words we sing. , � I ..... 1,1­1�,,'. I Now I am familiar with this us- of a druggist. . . Retires From Customs �� -, :"',�­ ton after an entrance had b an ­ � 1,1,%.�`�` 4'� r - The music critic of John O'Lon- age. For -quite a -while now stage I can see and taste the shining 'Everg child needs lots of sleep Retiring at the end of this week affected by ,way. of. a bas, a i, I I � , ,;,I,.,. �,, eMpAt. , - , ;1111,-Z'u, . shows, radio and television features Northern Spies after they bad . , I . � � , IN111. 1, , Frills Cost Monep — But We don's Weekly has gone into the mat- . after being in the cu9tomsoffice at window during one night recently. 1� . , " �.";I�,!, -,- have been sold in " h on a snappy ' Goderich. for the past 15 years, Police discovered that halt a dozen 0 1 ?,1v,j­1 "I , ik, , � .:� . . I - A . . . . . . . . . . . ,��,,��:.. . . ter. In an article- appearing recently is the talent is assembled, rehears- winter's day. =erately offered if his health at Pe yolf0eep- - ,, 2�'.. , ...,.. Like Them � . . Donald E. Campbell will saiP next bags had been -taken. from aaother A . � 11"r,' I in that weekly, he says: " You know ad and, then put on the open mar- to -run all the errands to the base- week with Mrs.. Campbell for Eng- part of the plant to the stocli room ,,I ,�,,,, �1, 101, ket for the highest bidder. ment for every trip I'd $UP one of MJS r9oin needs lots of good fresh air. land, where they will visit until the , ,,� , " ,,, - . and left on the floor. 'Piecing their - i 4 I J,�Ae..- . For several years any conversation tional An- I guess that it was inevitable those , crimson beauties into my end of the summer 'With their discoveries together, -the, police ex - 11.1 . 1%; , I .�, "I that human talent sooner or later pocket. I '.1 1, 4A more than a few moments' dura- them," my musical friend remarked. ' I I daughter, Mrs. 1, A. Wroot at St. pressed it as their opiaon that the � . ., "., ,,". yl would, be packaged; every -thing also ,- All that -has long since passed. ThaVS Wilidamental child h I ealth Care. Albans. 'Goderich ,Signal -Star. I . . . , " '' tion is almost certain to have turned "No," I -said, "I don't thinkso. is these days. The milk has to be pasteurized and . bags were niteaded t,o,..be the means, . %, ". '� but bofiig � �,­ "What do you mean by 'Send him � Yet I cannot help -but look back the government says how muchbut- Dept. of Nahonal Health and Welfare I � Looking For School Site of making a good ha4 ) . , � to the subject of high prices. , leti on the floor indicated -some . �. I . 11 I with real pleasure to the days of terfat It must contain -the poor old Grand. Bend School Board is cur- I , I � � I 11.1 ; � There can be no denying that the victorloiw .1 I . . I my boyhood wh I an practically noth- � cow has nothing -to do with it any 1. I fl, 1, . ,j4y,.,�' � ";�,k�F:­ . price of every Article purchased is . "I'd never really thought about it " � Ing came in -a fancy wrapper. You � more. The same for butter and don't ha,V6 -to too far back to. Tea and coffee tome in - 3 R I., , Y-1 higi W,r now than it was a fe*'ypars hi I admitted. "I suppose, 'Send M go eggs. pack . remember the time when -practical- ever a',coffee , � ., ­ , , , ; - %: , , Wl;`�',�� . 1. I I . . . .1 ' .1 At the same time, there can be ago. . . I many victorious years."' ages and who sees ly nothing came .in a -package ex -'grinder in a grocery store now? �i . " � :. ,;":. . " *t�4� . no d ' that the amounts receiv- enying "It isn't, you know. It should b e "pt " few things like butter and, Even apples come in celophane , . . , . , , " " I �� .ed -by those who do the buying is also punctuated 'Send him, victorious,' I baking powder, and erven they eSuld, bags! be bougbt loose. I Partly this has been done for I �,,,� , "".,:,!� , , "'11.,", ;I �:! " vnl-,,-h hio-ber This annlies emiallu to nn,l it'q one of the curiosities of I was quite a big boy. before 1, convenience and sales appeal; part- . I sudden Hyler Ot miuu-voX,114PS leAr . . rently -searching for a site for Its of ,being seen, or some other un - new $50,1000, publdc school building, known reason. Foreman Andrew, .� . V Chairman, John Manoro told 'Me Steep made the ,discovery Of the , Time& -Advocate this week. The 'loss and reported the same, Police, - board hopes to have a new *011c- are still. at work on the mattor.-- tur ' a -ready for pupils whea they re- Clinton . Citizens' Newa. I turn in ,September. Along - with I ' Lambton County school inspector, Building Permits Reach $63,600 ) the board will visit several new . � ,,� , . ever saw a milk bottle in our house. ly for health, 9 hools throughout the district to Eight building permits, totalling, ). 0,; �' I From The Huron Expositor c l!"N"... producers of basic products and to phrasing that I should have thought The doctor 9,cross the street kept I And that makes M'P wonder. WAth - aid them in making plans, for their $26,300 In value, were Approved) -by e,,,3,'--: a Jersey cow and every morning: today's. emphasis on mental health, April 29, 1927 1 " �;r��, - Idbor, generally. The., net result is you would have known."' I own building.-hIxoter Times -Advo- Clinton town council at Its, AP,riL . � _ after 'breakfast I would, take a'plus the fact that even churches Mr. Malachi Burns' 100 -acre farm cate. meeting Tuesday, evening: Ell Gal- 'i `k�,� that while prices are higher, most �'I have since rectified my shame achiuk, c/o Arthur Wiltse, R.R. 5- .. I .1 honey pail across the street and, now use. packaged, human talent, I on the Centre Road, three miles .. I ill I get it filled with rich ,golden milk- I can't help but speculate that maybe Participating in Concert Clinton, dwelling, James st., $4,000;, Y." . people are better off now than the ful ignorance and can agree with him south of Dublin, was sold, for the �� , ,;, y not a trace of blue the way it some- I the next thing they'll put in pack- sum of $5,100 to Mr. Gilbert sonale, Several students from the Clinton 24 by 30 .feet, frame; Harry Wat- .1, �', ,J,% � were before, in that their income has that it is one of the curiosities that of District Collegiate Institute were in kins, double garage, south sdde Hur-, ­ timeS is these days. And, inci- I ages, is the, human brain. Think of of Staffa. There are 13 acres- . ek St., between Erie and North� .1 .. 111'�, increased to an extent proportionate- many should know and (I hope) few d tally, I always got a second it, a brain"shop where �Ou can get bush, and, a largd frame house and Toronto last week participating in OIL � 1. � , 1. .. I . - I a nice health7, pasteurized, -mental . a concert s,ponsored. by the Ontario, $5,00; �, b,,Rkfa,t over there too ' Our but 32 by 60 feet, frame and ' , � , 11 ly greater than has the do. It appears that the original of ter and eggs came Biraight fromloutlook all done up In a nWe-look- barn. Musical EducAtion Association. The aluminum; Howard Cowan, suu� .. -1� ci, I Mrs. John Halliday, Tuckersinith, � I.., articles they buy. Of course they God save the King" was a Catholic the farm and I can still, see that. Ing parcel. . is building a house on his farm on -participants are from the student porch addition to dwelling, Rattan- �, -, ------- viff- crock sitting in a cool corner on I Well, I know my old-fashioned, As! Of the bury'St., $300; Lloyd Batkin, dwel- 9",*.. -­­-­­-­,­ --A ha in cash- -or in a bank. - -anthemwritten in the last year of the .... the Mill, Road, having torn down bodies of the high vchoo zri��, - may 110 .. the cellar floor, filled with deep yel- 1 indivjd�T�IiWiic brain makes too ling, south side Rattenbury ,St., $6,,- � 0 k.- ­ ­ y . .. .... ­­. I I the old log cabin, which was- one province and the concert was stag- I .V " . -- . P-,��4., account the difference. But they reign f ing J ames 11,, when Wil- -low buttef.with, a -faint trace of dewJ many nilstakes, but, by golly, I'm of the fe ad Ili Eaton Auditorium on College 000; 30 by 44 feet, brick veneer-; J- : �4�"; . ­­-­­­-­­-­.. 1-1- . -day, -1 w remaining reminders of - . 1� �1� I have it in new furniture, a radio, a liam of Orange was hovering before across the top. Inot"looking fohWa-�d- to� -the pionee . r da�,Ixr,thts7vtdnity . .- �.- ­­ Strest,'with Dr. Leslie Bell"as con- Matwyck, dwelling, nortbo-Ide, 43-od-, I I ' fo�6t, . And I can remember my gran+ when the health expe 4iersmith, ductor, Eight students from Clinton olon St., $4,000; 26 by 36 . - � . . rts get me ,Mrs. Thos. Lane, Tu 41,�',,. . new car, or in an improved home. 'In his final invasion. The first line then father's grocery store, particularly one which is exactly the same as -ad, namely: Lo -r- frame; Frank Lewis, Clifford, dwel- ',,!, the back shop and the cellar. in everybodly else's. and daughter, Loretto, were burned School participat I .!, . .,.. - a raine Hamilton, Marguerite Hall, ling, east side Albert St., $4,000; 1''. I other words, they are enjoying a ran "God save great James our King" very badly on the evening of th( I fl.i' I . - - - - . Ron Philp, Ann FaIrservice, June 32 feet by 25 feet, frame and insul­ 1. `, higher standard of living than pre- and it' remained, with some slight al- 29,th, when gasoline poured. out of Lear, Gerald, Tebbutt, John Wilson brick; J. Helm-bechei, Clifford, can-, �� �'.. . their gas lam -p and set fire to their 11 � 11 i ��.,�. viously was the case. teration, the loyal song during the Im,o. They managed to smother and Harris Oakes.-Blyth'standard. tractor; Mervyn Batkiii, sunporcho I .. . at dwelling Princess St., $1,000;, ' ' -4 I he fire after it burned a new saw- Revolver Club Goes To Teeswater Clarke:jt ley, .dditio. to dwel�, , P111, - The extent to which the present de- days of his exile in France. In this Hibbert Township; This -That � . . .";, I 'no and several othe Jp� . � I , sire for an increased standard of liv- context I �E'y Miss Belle Campbell) . Ing machi r, art- The WIngliam Revolver Club, ling, north side Huron �St $2,000- ­,.� , 1. I . Itles. -' � I �.. I I . a departure of for- Total to date this year Is 53,6100, i�� . has contributed to increased costs Send him, victorious, -ft Mr. Alex Broadfoot, Tackersmith, dormant since th 7 $ , M9 - %ft.0 mer Police Chief T. W. Platt from As compared, with $143,000 for the, .1 ," i�:. . � had. the, misfortune to have the top here, has tbeen transferred to Tees- whole of last year. -Clinton News- .�. in the food industry is pointed out by Soon to reign over us (Continued from last week) ! District of Huron at first consisted blown off his car while out motor- I.:� . -7. . I . About this time Don-ald and Robt. of forty townships. Hibbert was Ing on Tuesday, water. It. is expected that activi- Record. . " � ..Mr. J. W. Horsey, President Domih- . . � 11 1. . � 2 . Park, who were coopers, were seli-'one of these townshipi. In 1841 The fine barn, hog pen, hen house — ---­--- . � 110`� 1, ion Stores Ltd. in a recent announce- sense; and, after James's death, the , ,� 9 1 Ing all the oak barrels they could when Stratford had population an- and straw shed of Patrick Nichol- I , , "I, - Ake it a county town, son, �2th concession, Logan, were . I., ment in which he offers � prize of reference was transferred to his son, make at Donald's home. to Timothy ough'to in . 3� , and- James Eaton, who then had a Perth was declared a county. It was daMaged on Tuesday night, of last , Early Days - of Hensall .. 9 $2,000 for the best treatise on distri- the Old Pretender (or, if you prefer � � ;,� small -store in Kirkton. Short) -y at- at this time it'wus first known as w6ek b t r ado The up er , ',­ � . y the. o n . � . p ,, �,."� bution. Mr. Horsey is concerned by it, James Ill), who was not victorious ter 6 -is Timothy, Daton went to St. Perth, and it was, given Its.name in part. of the -barn is a; tot A 1. (By M,aude Hedden) ",. . , i i 1 wreck. . �, �,,,', . I - .1 in 1715. Though thli Young Pre Mv,ry6, and then to Toronto, wiliere honor of Perthshire, Scotland. The roof of the straw shed was - . . - , , tend- he established The T. Eaton De. I That territory which included the metallic and was blbwn about 25 1 ". the manner in which public demands - ,.k'� , I ' ' ,;.I � for easier shopping with the result- er's name was Charlps, the song re- partmei# Store in 1869. , counties of Perth, Huron and rode from Its position, Mr. Peter H Hensall was settled in the Year Dwarfs, the doctor always whistled V A . &', . t . ps, of Bid- McGrath, Huron. Road East, -had I -lien 'the railroad, was -put at his,work. ,:.!-. ant frills and wastes, has contributed mained, and, when he reached Derby As- the different lines of -business Bruce, also the townshi 875 lt% 11 I ,;�� began to expand in the community, dulph and McGillivray, now it"Mid- two windows in his house blown in through. When the right-of-way ,Nbout 1884 a company for tho- 1,'� , to the cost of putting food in the. in 1745, he was -so nearly victorious waw purchased in 1974 I -And to the production u 5 e 66V�­... . the prospect for the future began dlesex County, became -a political and.hIs barn badly wrecked. Many of 8 It wa form d,' .1 . I .t I 'i , .��, I 1, . � constituency from the, Parliamen- houses shook with the violent wind, north and south of the county was- This was soon taken - over 'by" , I —and had every prospect of being so to� look tar� election in 1835. This w ­ fainily pantry. . I ''.1 . b,righter. ' .I,": " Land ' continued, to advance in as the Mr. John T. Mitchell, who lives a purchased for $60 per acre, but George MeEwan, who extended tha, I � . ..�,:, . .Ile Dominion Stores President within a few days—that the Govern- . a as more and more Improve- first time that inhabitants of what few miles. east of Hen-sall, recently for several miles, both north and business to Include a cooper shoip3 .1 . pric I - ,.-I'll Anys that "out of each dollar you pay ment,decided on a counter -stroke and ' meats were made on the fgrms. was later the Huron 'District voted- purchased the neat Bullard rest. south of Hensall, It was purchased and stave and heading mills. Tha� I k . �;�` . ' to Around 1868 -Daniel Woods sold his Before this time there were not en- d,ence on Main St., -and intends for ,$$10. an Acre. Hensall was placed ailt produced, was..,of the finestc , . �­, I a ret"'store, you pay 41 cents to annexed the anthem to refer, ough inhabitants to make voting moving into the village to occupy where it is now be -cause the Petty quality and* a sample, sent to tha� ! ".7 ­ ­­­­­ M ' * 100�acre farm to Robert Webb, ST., . I, . 11�1. ". 'the producer and- 59 cents you pay for "Great George our King,"" changing for $4,000. This was thought to be worthwhile. Zven in this election it. . � q:' . I . � . .. of 1836"those, in what is now Perth, 1. Brothers, George and James, do- World's Fair at Chicago, in 1893, ; -;. il I . " but not altering an exorbitant price At that time � The shipment of onions ,by firms nated the land for the station and received highest honors. . 4".N , . the privilege of picking up an article the '�so­oli" to "longi but only a few months, lateF,. in' took very little interest as, there in Hensall is� just about ended for yards. The fact that Zurich was An enormous amount of barrels. �k�.­, where you. want it and in the shape the "knd" t(i "keep" or some equally 1869, George Hamilton sold, his to were scarcely a score of voters. in this sp�ring, and has given a good already settled was another factor was, -made In the ciooper shop, mem I � � �,ql Robert Livingston fpr the same the whole county, In, this election deal of employment in picking ov-. In the choice of location. This averaging 50 barrels a day. Fred 11 i �11 - and wish it to be delivered appropriate word." Captain Robert Graham -Dunlop, the er and assorting for shipment choice of location ruined. the pros- Smallacombe, still residing in Hen- ,�,;�, form ou , ­ . . V., or price, and in addit 111,,,�,r haiidedyto 11 I . ion reserved 6ro Tory'. candidate, defeated- -the' Grit Mr. Win. Hamilton, . 1% miles"to sall, ., 1;1 , you. ----- -- and a halt acres, on one corner for of Cromarty, Pacts of Rogerville, set a record by making lilpo,, i.-,, I . candidate, Colonel -Anthony VanEg- had the misfortune to ,break two the- south, -and the business which barrels in a. day. The mail were�. . 1',�,, It long has been suspected that the his own use-bhe plot on which he ino 1� . - . ) had built a cheese factory in -1867. ad. Again in the election of ribs, last week. had been booming there moved to 'paid- five cents Abarrel. Forty metv I ,o - , 1�1. I er s love of pre-packaged and What Other Papers Say - 1841, Pqrt7i still had a small num-, The annual Scout concert was were am loyed in all coilearns. . "i""'e. Jeowum, I I I . Just before 1885 there was a period, Hensall. . . . I p %­, prepared foodstuffs will stand'olit as -ftwo...".0--ft.- ..- ...... of successful farming when land bar entitled, to vote. To be eligible held, in, 'First Presbyterian Church It is; rather intereating to know The ,salt business provided a.- . "' � ,� to vote,,pne, must have in his pos- ­­ . -.---ft.0.-%.V= I.", * sold for $70 to $100 an acre. ,Short- M ndaY evening, when C-A. Cooke, that Heniall, tbehig approximately market for an enormous amount oC ".. ione of the reasons for high distribu- -this, because the supply of sessioii the deed of 41s land, and .foOtaawa, Canada's leading Indian half way between Goderich and 'cord wood and loads 16 feet long. ", . Small Town Advantages ly.jafter , " ... 1. . I he had also to travel to Goderich basso and entertainer, provided an London, was the fueling centre, fdr and six feet. high 1, 111"n I tion costs. The modern housewife wheat was greater than the demand could Ife seen, 1. I .�;, . (The Kincardine N6ws) due to the development- of Manitoba, , to cast his vote, as, that was the excellent program. The -collection the railway engines. Large gangs, coming from all directions, 1'. - , , � has been taught to purchase those . ,.1. only Polling place, in the district. amounted to $160. I �,;­. I and Dakota, another slump came. In I At this election Dr. William Dun- I 0 pr ncipally Negroes, came with Later on George McEw.an and , �.. e�.�". I things -i�hich require little kitchen Whenever there is an opportunity less than five years land, here do_ lop, of Goderich, a brother of Cap- 0 . sawing machines to cut wood into Owen Geiger built up a largai I 11 predated froni 15 to 20 per cent. two -foot lengths. The wood was business, in tax, They had one milP. ­ preparation at a time when the de- for griping, some one is bound 'to ' Itain Dunlop, was, elected and on I .1 . -two large barns 50 by 100 feet - 11 ; However, in spite of these depres- I From The -,Huron Expositor pi d into cord racks ready to be and . I ( G�': . ­ 3;�,�C velopment of the modern kitchen come.up with a complete list and slons now that these settlers had June 13, 1842, he took his seat In loaled on the train, The village In 1896 these large barns full of ' ,.;j. . lei, 1,,, established, had better the First Parliament of United�Oan- May 2, 1902 boys were paid one cent for filling unthresh6d flax, 10 stacks of flax I �� ��... � tends to curtail work in that self- adviantages of a i ad.a. This was after the Union of a cord rack and, felt quite wealthy. and 1,000 cords of wood, besides a. ;::: ", I roads, had a market for their grain The Grand Trunk flag I 1"1�5.�. Same kitcheii. . . city over life in a small town. and cattle, also churches, schools, Upper and, Lower Canada. Irishtown (St� station In d Hensall near -by house and stables,,owne& . I.- * �. " Commenting on the stores, mils, etc., had been. estab-1 It was not till the election of 1854 Columban) is now in The village was, name 1-1.. n Undeniably there are advantages, ithat 'Perth, which had become an full swing, one .hundred and, fifty- 'because the Petty Brothers, wh� by James Beverley, were consumed . , lished, conditions began to Improve . e of the worst fires Hensall; 1\\ ,�:�­ r- ier It is equally true that there �are dis- for those who remained Is. the CO' I Independent countY,in 1853, was an- four tickets to and- from Ws sta- had so much to do with its found- In on , I �' ,1 (, , .. . in- t Ing, came from Hensall, in England. ever had. It was caused, like the- pll", munify where they first settled. But j titled to send a separate represent tion have been sold. during the pas ­ shopping contributes to high 1'od advantages. Small4own'folk realf�e all, Hensall was incorporated, a Ohic:ago holocaust, iby an upset tan- 1- , 1, 1� this was all ,brought about through tive to Parliament., By the ebangei three weeks. % a vil- , ... tqrni. 11 , , 0 ' lage in 1889 with ,G. C. Petty, ,. i;� ' .! .11�1, ,� - -osts, "The Grower," a monthly'Jr-, this, as do people whose homes are in the hard, labor, perseverance and made -at the- time, of Confederation' 'Mr. Win. Amen -t has disposed of nephew of the Petty Brothers, as � One'0i �he arns was rebuilt an& " 11 � Y,:% , . cular, issued by the Ontario i� cities. sacrifice of these sturdy settlers, oil XulY 1, 1967, 'two Parliaments his handsome, bay driver to Mr R business carried on. I � ,� -,". I � 91 ithe House of Commons and ,th� Graham, of Clinton, for which' li� its �first reeve, The first councillors, I Donald -Urquhart, one, of thw, I ... On a great many of the farms on were William Bell, Willi -am Moir, , " I 14�., ` and Vegetable Growers' Assoc on7 Cities, for example, are conducted , the various concessions .It, -Was: 1i Provincial Legislature were estab� received, a good figure. William Hodgins, and Henry Cook, m,,t enterprising ,businessmen at- . .. V�.., lished. Representatives, from, Perth Mr. RobeX Kenip, son of 1Q, : "The advertising retailers are on more business -like and efficient common thing to see two houses, Mrs. T. that time, ran the oa.tifieal busi- �,111,�". . says I . Land was surveyed and, a num- I . . 111.�, ". . O' wa& for the owner; the other were tben spent to both parlia- G.' Kemp, has passed his second- ber of frame houses. built, mostly ness and, retained the local tradep 0 �, -�' . .not �ltogether blameless in this for lines than smaller cenires. In ca ' "a Ments. At tlila time thecoun 4 �,,,,. rry- for the parents, or some relative - I ­14�,� . � tY was Year examination In practical sci- near the station. and overseas market, He also hadi ��11- osc of divided into � ,X- they,. more than anybody else, have ing this efficiency to the proper de- the owner, or for th � who work � two cons tifu6ncies, ence in McGill University, ;Mon�- 'There is,� but one of the early a sawmill which proved profitable, ,V"r, �. . ad, I 1, �4�, , around by the day. At that time known as North z6ad South Perth. real. . '41��!.,; promoted pre-packaging. When wo- gree and mairitaing it there, some of . business la;idmark6 now d,oing,busi_ G.. C. Petty built the first house' I , ,",�n when. a husband died, it was aconi. Hibbert wita one of the townships Dr. Frank Ewffig, of Michtprico- ness-Clark's blacksmith abop. or, here, and, became the yst f I . I 141 - ii Reeve., �,I,­;J ,, - ,'0�f.�, YAen will buy prepared and packaged the leaway given in smaller commun- mon custom for his wife to continue I which comprised South Perth. ten, son of birs. Elwing of Seaforth, iginally this was, a carriage shop when Hensall was incorporated in. . , �', il: ,; I I , ,,,, t. to live on the homestead, Under the new ruling after the 1 I IPA— potato chips in preference to bulk ities must be lacking. and, her has bee�n made -a justice of the owned- by Brown and Clark. 1989. The Petty's also O*ned tlie'�� ��,,� Huron District was� formed, repre- peace and coroner tor Algoma Die- a d .. " . � , dowry was usually, one hundrW or Richard Blatchford also owned a packinghouse business, n - it Waal I llk,�',, o � potatoes, they help set the stage for Would the collector of garbage in sentatives from the various f6w-n- iflet. . a busy place 50 years. ago. I I Aots ot- .. ..... ,i . one hundred and fiffy dollars a ships aiet In Goderich for the Arst I I carriage shop and, kept a hvory, dressed hugs were sold there for- V , , '1' ­ ­,�­:�,, I mountina costs of distribution. Sure, a city, for example, come to your door year for life. , " MT. Charlie Stewart, Of New but would. not hire A horse on Sun� ��-7.,­ - 'tJme on February 8, 1812, to trans - SIV I.. � BY the late sixties or early sev- York, Is. here this week on ,a visit dak- If You wanted it for 'Sunday 5 and 6 cents Per pound, dressecV (.,�A�,.`,. I lt,is easier to open a, can of apple to remind youthat you had neglected enties, some� families act its own business,. Archibald ' a ght . W., " to his mother. He Is on .-his way to You 'bad to take it out on Satur- w I - !11r�, � I I �, K,;" -, saUce than to buy the apples and con- to set out what was to be collected and migrate `tO Elma and, other' town- Dickson, Of McKillop, Township day night. Ili the late eighties. Hensall,own- 1�1111`.11 Chicago, where he has secured a "'­'­ � , ,,1X,?,7,,-�­. ..0 ' hips "up north," where settlement was .the representative -for McKII' . ad ,a splandidi race track and Pact- i . I offer to wait a minute or twotill you s IOPv Hibbert and Logan, as these good position. 'First girl born, In Hensall was W"O.'' Vert them, in the kitchen, into sauce. � N, V'. , ­ commented later'. Th�'farms here- slighter, Alice Hensall Blato-h- Pie -came from Sarnia, Lonolon,- , his d- 11,�!,`�-., F ithree were United for municipal Was Addle Rathwell, ,Seaforth's f I , .,q�­ I 1i will be interesting to find which is , maniged to get it out salely? Or were less improved and thus were ord (now 'Mrs. A. Paterson, of 'Stratford, Chatham and all or West- ; '­ )� " I I purposes. From 1842 till 1846 the ,popular pianist, and Mr. W lg�,,,,, .1 1111119 cheaper than la. 111bbert. In , in. Mb- a� A"OKI, . thd4per. would he offer to come back in a lit�- lWardea of the diarict received his Leod, comic irocalist, will take part.R Wol CitY, S.D.). I ern Ontario to race meets. Abu. I �'.�',Y­, he late 70)'s others left the district Sohnson, of Brantford, had a train.;. , lh,��, I There used to -be three hotels, all g. 4,11 � " for Michigan, Dakota and 'Mani. commission from the .Government In a convert in Wellesley on Pri. 1��.,., "Our grandmothers were cooks and tle while and pick it lip? Y6t these ' er's stable bf about 12 or 15 horses_ � I . . but In 1847 he'wis. elected 1 doing a thriving' �)buslnes(s. The - ,� toba. After the. Canadian pacific ,., - - tro;� day eveninig for the benefit of the , �&� ,,� 'htful incident,% are' on two among the members, of the District Citizens' Baud. ". , I �,­,­ ,� , . ftg.t hotel was operabW by a Mr. Thomas Murolock, who kept a liv- * .", I-"', PL ocessors. They didn't have the thoug­- . . ly Railway wag completed -Across Can. -PUrkly' and -wau e0led the Purdy ery stable of D or more horses, wasi: 0,011�­ . Council by a vote of"the councillors. The Winthrop butter factory, Hotel. � 1.1.1 * iftorous kitchens of today. They which happe ada In 1885, ,some of' thes6 early Arthur Coxworth owned one " os'!"" pll,�, . ned- in Rincardine within I the life of the race track. He usual- 1,� I �, - � . After, th which Is this I , ,,�" , .. I I e,paspIng*bf fh6 Munlel- 11 ?"I Wwhow to make a dollar - ,�,i,�i ",T?,V��"-, � - & 4 go, a long a week. settlers who now had grown up 0.1 or 'year under the man- be the later hotels and in 1884 had IY had ,several' race horses, ,but., �),,,,-4� .. , . I . I 1, pal Aefln, 1849 Idstri * WVg",�, " �� -, , sons, left for the Ppovinceg fart -her ct w 6 ,ilt6l- agament Of Mr. Davis, pf IS.t. MIMP a skating rink" etect:6&' east of the never bet ti -dol -lar an a race. -ne, 9 ., �T# I . - ba, A6& 61d 'in 180 � a ";1',fl , I Wi they didn't. buy on impulse and Should you'drop, a letter * - � r , �­L " V I I . , �, 9 "I" I . . in the city , west that ,Bfanito ,,,.�.­, L � . wiliefe; gr��At is A' ;�469 we a a,, is now read�, for opefiitlofi. i hotel which was Vef�� popular with rated, horses for the love Of rheing,' ,I *ea0h,e't61Wna4Il> 'Af the It Q " �i*p' Nalt6d 'the pioneer , pAW The residence of 'Mi. T&6s. Liv. ski&fs, wid curlers. and Was nearly always, in' th6 ��,�I),`,�� opportMilties, A poinp I 1. �� ... ­C�f "­ A . ��knew the Value of bulk purehas�- post office without a stamp, it is - ?,w change �'Hur *L, Dlotr�,16t 1,figgt,0,n, - ""11"i, '11; �'­. . - , I . . � " At 'the car- . �,,,�qj,. settlers. fhe ,majority of those' � 2nd concession, Hullett, n1vals h tioney. Purses ritaged, f,kom . . � I 11 . I 1A4 the usual $26W " jk:�,!T d4,"'they'liad cellars that wow'd cartainty that the recipient would be from Hibbert settl d In the Prov- as ' thre'6' 'goPir4its had a narr6W esca�6".fJoiffi: djjtAft- � !ke s,leld at ther�ilak . Later On MkCMftrd6c%.oIi-' "�IWKI;r­,t;­�­ , , l'y"W, � "" - � .11 I . w�' i "dllkdrd t? '­��p -, ,­ f I 1. . a . "R"�n�,,`�­ � :` - � .1 � oAt4s were Mardi MVPhar- to $300� ,. I ` , i Inca of Oibkatch 4001 1 09ted a iga$e to,ZuiJch,�,aJjd, Sale.�- , �R"�,14.,;.ol� ". its, and-vegetAbles, for- days 0-0119,00 to Pay double ,to get. th I I qatI60-Perth, Ifur6it and l3rute, 061i"bY Ara WWna6d4y' of 146t Adh and, Wf6h6kers. I 1� �, e, I e mis- , , ewan, ' ' '�o �,� "2", I - I ,R,,�;V�,�k, ,.; . .. �­ ­`­' '' , AI�T.�6119)ftjhl�AO Atff,�,�, . -uhitedi.&JI ,*64k.' Fire ,cauilit til"tho­460 '#aa �, .; Tfie, firfA, tallof, gh wned forth- Jack Lbi;krimee -drove' thtr I @',)��p. 1. , 4v� " 6 I" , '' ­Monthg, They didn't . sive. Yet in. a small town th 15, 6 ni Iff" &M ralli �. -00 6,jy was O, ;(� , , . . is over- , Muritop*l Hidtory I ­Ana tne ­ W!i0lub � i pqr-�,,',1'1�, ,,, !,­ , 'I.. , , I I . ­ , 1,� led 'by A �hlgh- *11fill *.&* by. William, difijIlibombe'ln 1910 Mim6h. stige. T6ifi- *44 a, Wilid. was car06 LLL , , 1 I It sight questfor The municipal history of Albbe, I ' on at "6'8'iaiI4&V' 'ii4 '60' makIng great hl#ad,W&� _ , �. *fien it *#g In 1.976: Jh6 first 'it6ft office w ' 1104fted: Itighm.4n, al:w9pi: ready tAip, � .. I— Ir Y* rs, and, they didn brings an apolog,etic re rt - ''I � . as . , �., , I � ,� - , "� . date ba�ft to the f6'6 "ll 'hb b6m*6t1Ofi 6f the V6rth iftbtfd6d,b�r, 'Mir. Chaghely, . built and "the fieft post.taftol,ter W.as� give a dollar to a needy perij6h. ; ,�Rl,v,,��, , 0 1 ft", 4 �i c � � , �11&,P�!`:�.� , . le ,,holes of ,16usea;,,or in folik.cents for the st�mp you,forgot to s days of the old 06iint, bulidlfio,i# ;k+Atp�,rd. � I ;";[.1�111.1� I, I . ". ,, " �, '11, . � , ,1­p�.,,1`1.;1 , �, � ", 1.v� I I ndon District. the Old, Huron - 'r "' � ,�.);�',�­` ,�, I . I I Dia- . , I . J, rj,m�,",q,:!I�,, . ': �, apartment$ witho,u l , . ­ - Week) alit tim Chasbay was, . ,;, The fbIlowing, ,wake ticketed, to, James Sutherland., who ,Was us, iie' r�terlaikry- J , ��"", . ­' *, ka!, t to a M -L . trict was -formedi by,... ali Act pulsed (bo oi­ gam " , , ,,,,,, L"' ­., , , Li . . % mtAt Wilts this Week by Wmi' sisted by 'hjj� .son 660096' who sur,getih, 4nd while, delvlgg homa, I I m�, i 1�7 ,' , � � L - . at-tbe first session. of the First Pat- fto 0 %owi - ,.- " ,�4�j"12L�lF�L,,,Ilipo�'itilrAilloil,il,o 8161 r*1116, Virs. btiVid, Andbksoxi held L I : 2,,��"'; -�. Would your next-door neighbor in iftaletIt 'of L position zor 61 frbill one Of his �.111 I;; ... ... . *"��,�,�. L . �, r,- I dadj'T 7'efts.. �aifi,-'In the'nou lri­ � I , Ill to G&Mt ;' faft, ' y n F , ,R,?.-,�, -.rr ' United ,Cafia4a, in 1841 , - , , :"*, , , p � - iaA Dtt�.' 4, 68 MeDermid was 'the, with his' MI A, , X . . . ��1?1111.1 �;,�..." , 0""Ve',1"bped, that M,r, Horsey's the city offer to act as'a. frde baby- PrOVIOU0,to this the ,part "t sAde A, , .D0M1d`,Th-,0hIbQb , -horse Ara catt apt , Vol., ,, . ,. ��I,',.:!'­ , 11 .6 ,f, , I dhildreh all "'"411"On Distrldt h9d, been in- I Tw, ­, t�, ", , .., Dlp]s,'.�f *6Jq',L,t,4il1, :'be- produetivd. of SittOr .or' look after your , 0 M0 . 36 A&r&4 ,,first- doctor In,tho villa -go, taking bd4r crozollig ba:W geld, , - . ­ lIl ��,��L��,�� , ­', I Nyr ": �1, . I . , I, X 33uraW j, ", 1`�'; tit , . " .�i, Wpetrbu; - log. r6rtalid to bfiiiiih, i ttly,'PftOtisb� there In IS97, Ifis first hurried. into t w n1d 6 th !',.��`,�­ , "' I ­ I I . clu, ,��, � �1�.. , ­ 6 n A or ad 6b ,e � il , I �,hl d,od In the old London 01sunct. .1, � I 1. � Mi RJV AW11glito JOhA at, to ltftogt64 p0A4e,ftt,WAtt,00nald1 'B,W-fts who.had silarm- to all the sports, he coUldl 111. 11 , V ­'R "X� " `he,.�'a - ofdfi ' While you went away for 91, IeW da,VS ? ' All'bmlneag ,for the Lond -0,. �, I OL kl.2; "" %'A � ILYA, �A t, �tribu.. . .�, 'p; 04 'Die- ,"Do � -11 - illftr� froift, 0- 11 - � 4� 0iffl.fdrMli .�, .1111, . .�, ,,XfO � - I &-,hinnfji .44,6 4gg L ) , I . I I e f � , �.� , ,rf, 4 ffi7 .,s4l�jjgk � : 4 benta. Ime �5du. I hey laughed at him aild de.� I - -�!%i "';"1, 11-1; I'll I r ,61U,64 w6couatil og ih,6� m-,lik dckdtO 11000t, that quarter fttll Wb clared It was 6. dog. 11m mid, "Do, '. ­� J Nli, " "'TOP Wet hAd-b6eu,,,t0an,agre&* M " � M. ' S � , , � W !�,b :�!.' I— I 4X, I I 0,0, �,, , , OldWared* & � we think, are some keagons, . �, I., .1 . TNea&� _V, a boara sum ot,7k, , ­�,. ' *1 , � ., 1 --A, d%* - . 6.11 fl,111,6'".. , V � � . . . . of J � met, I VIA Ait 0- , k, w, a bar? I I �,,�.,�� loi�, ',1,1;,1',,4, f;�� �, ' - .,b,'af Mes, bdAi , �Og,. I , ," ,1�' - V , � �, �', , , P, � � c an: �,�', I , . ,,, , I U I �rou think I clo not. kno Of . , , � si�*all- town, represents a better Ywiy,ai London. Road Meetings otho, soli000yi�.",! , � , I &ielit' lsunda-k id " , TH6410btor was also very gittccesg� dot -your gulas an& got -after it ax $*. il� 01, I that Kagh-trates. *b0,m0 ibur fl I "Yes, Weed, -aii0e, than In any li*i , i,g ,,,, '�,!�,�c�,5.1.)Rp,tl 17, 'I'll , 7 �4,t, ,f,,�4,1� , , 11 ­., , , & ­ 1. .. I 'T, "" , ** , , , , ,44 h" , '' .,­ ­'��;`,�,� "'17, ... -� I., . , I ovd, Wk, rdiffift 6h, it �g . X""'11, I I 1- '. I , �q , , Nl 'L � -, , 11 . , �L� ,, L � '­­, , e , - 0'40trter sow I . iftokkh, 4499 t61M, Mi ful wIt'll, fraOtIlf" "add never h*d zoon: as, possible., Th,6 huylt I , � - 0, t'; r plaa t6� 11, , , . � 6 , I ­ ­­M� ,� ',V,'!"1,�"" It b" lftft "�hdt, � ' ' � ift than a city There may sloio. Wwo, vion, ih,6 #art later , 0414 M -kit 06" 9fthd#9 ",at the to do the ehoi*%� And ,"to ftA. 0110 uolstdneiKof 24a.ys;, A6 *98 grObed, their gulis And h0aftd for , �.'Tj�!,:"i�',� �� , � �;,; 4,9" ,�,­',O, 04 i d 94 el . '. I . Watt klioft a# Ahe i , 11 I .1 - 2D ,,f!,f"J ,X;," %,`,V��$ � 1, ; 104ir of A 6 1'5?,,",, . 10 ,V� ! ., I � I e arx � 1 ,,,,,, �, , , 6� ,1�b, , , " ", �',�'� , ," I g Ur , - all ,dity ne . '' � " , I , jf�ej , . � , � 7, 11 !�,� p�,� t _, L ' I � , , , I I � . . . , I �, .1 , .Wai kixidl-y A's bush I wee A [,,,, -L ,'j, ,, . gring" - '06667 i�ht,li�ft;i�ltr'li4t*,;�,11)kit-'�OVidli� dbdf6A,'Mhh$' 4 ", ,� �;.­ I I I I - . �":, V A, -:1 . . . , . W ?,ktq&� IL 1, T'�,,,,',�����,i�,�,�,�,�,���",,,'�",�,,i,,��,��'� , , .., - " ,� �1�'r .11 t , rl,,,�, � 64"W"M" 44 It' 6f"Out", & 'J ­­ 4 a #fth 16hir, kaimmbadd '-a's 6 V-6* , ' v ? , , , ,,,.,?I '-1,11 ��',`M% "j"t, � ,­ .. f �4 -' '' be dt V'rSP-061441en Xn6'ft 4t)16 Ab'fk� blkrlOt 06�14 d6ft)41; It, A'A", I 404timi Tw Iii dif 6, hilik . ftof 4,4616 hd ,10400�#& , "i '11'-­� ",-.1111. 1, � � ­ ;R�tl , 'M ,�, ", ,�j I ppr �,.,. '' 4, � 16r �­ ,. , 0 , h,ri* gh6wllk. '61*9 . , , jig* ho, , 11 his,' , but I � ",, �� r . I . fifti 1461afitM UW4 061116 of the huntets, we t t S t gO, I "",,�, , I 1� I :: , �,�,`�"",�'O,�',;�":i I "!�,,� I ... 1, ,, � ;,, , ,,, " � �, �,:,�, 1, ": ��,Iyl,. " %,��, "� .: I I INt J04 n 'd ti it ,,­,��,� , 'R,'�,� I I'. #- , 4", I ," , ,� i I.;,;, . . , , , 1*10 ", �X),dwplma;fc'1� �t"A� *&, t6f A; ­b � 666itANa,­ W 416,46- p*, t-ft'ilvIb'di ft#dk0 06S . , , � . 0,0.1��,��, I J , I V,�� �' I., I 1.11, .,. ; Of I ,# I 1*116 I ... 19S 46006 &ftd ##t Atli 10tifto Wid'' IL141- I 11. , R 1! 01'�1111 - � V - � I i . �,�, "',m" i',,�#�,! ,.J,�;, ��,�,,,��',l , . I ',, i , i Uwa$ ' '�',� "',"! " �ke, I I � I , . I � . ", 11 "I"'Y' ��, 'M:,:"� ,, , N f. " I 1# L �X -, ,. ,W"'�,.%,�'41" I 0#�,*'­­�l ,. R , �A' �'b , , � , , 6t,*'(1 - - I ,. . , 1 s� "" t .11'11��­:,;, ,� 11 - 410 w6r,# A I " " V,� I , �4 lb,�, p 00" O& Oltd' ,.Wav 1006"g - - ft , , , ,,:���.;��,�,.���";,�;,�;,,��"("�','!��� , I'� . , ", , " .. , 1. , . � .. �, " � ��,, " 1. , . I -",-,.;:A. , ,��'i,,,,,���,:,':,,,r,��,,,,,.,�, ',,­:,;�­­:L ­ 0 611, , �;,Y, ,,I R ," s'.�,',!""�� ��:.,�,,,; 2,;i". 4'Z4 " , .r, �.­­.,­, 11 "".A� .. I . I., . . I I ') �',�',�r�r�� ,'­,'-­ ",: 1� 1, 11�`. " 'I .'" . ' �'i,��6'V`­'�, ,v ",,� � � I . , �� ,,,,',� ,,�'J V��IiAli�j",`,­'�,,, 1�,,I,t��5,,,��,�,`,§�,�� ,. I 1111- ,!­��".�. i ; .�, "' , I," , , 1.­,�-,�­��,,�-11'1­ �,­ � -1 W41 , , . ,# � 11 I ., ,� , � �!,­5 F , � ,, 'ill I 11 1. , #i 4 " , i, "" , �'; o I Al"N"",u0till" , , , �,;# I I � , "..., �i, ,&,"", i ". ", - �: �!, ii* ; &64M, �61 - o*iifug 0, Sihall -to � k �1, 11, .1, 11�1�1;,�,.�,!,;,",,,,F­ , �, "' "Mv " ,, , �. � no 619A of A biogtr� '11"', ��,�.�­'­",",, ­ I w4i ,,, 4 , . " ,�,, 41 � " , , , � 11 ;, r , I , ,,, 1! �, 1% �,,�, �,,,�;�,,Irr '.,,,',�'. ­ - �,., ", ,,�.,,�;�,�.�,����;�,-',,�",I'�',�,,?,V�,� ;,,'�,`, � - , , , , �,,,�­:�� ""''n ... ... ... �, , ", �, � ,,, rll��." "' ';�.� , �;, � " �, ,�� , t . �'11' . . " �T �1,1:1 � , ., I r,� �'.'�, ��11:1,"".�',�;I,J,."I"�".'I��t'i�',��,�-�:�",.",, ";"; 1�,,,­��,,�i;,: �,�., ',�, , ,. ": % % � ,;,: .* , . . , , ".��,��,,,��,�,.�,"�ll:,,,��,, �, I � � 1''11�'. � V;� �1, " ,2 - �,'? .;?; A,q�, v. ;1" T", �,'A� ,'� , "j,A) �,'�'I��i ���i�"""�:;,','�,�,,,�'�;�l��;�fi v;q�,t4*,,',��,W,P,- , � , I ,,� ': " , ", �",: `,;;:,., ") fr� ",;y .�. , , ',"�"'. )j't!'f,;:�,,­1. �� , -�,:�,,�:,;.,t, , -�,� ,��.,:t""* ',,;�,!,� ,:, -o;j11,­,.1 � '11", �, 71 I I'll, 1 , ­.) ".�,�,,,., '� -r .­"� .,,,­,,,� r,, , : , ", ,1�4­1 .. .. .. , , , I .,,'��i�,�,��",��',�.�,,�",:,�",,,��, , '­� " .. , `�,,� , ) I , ;7;-"-'1L �, �,:�,,' �. ,". , ",);., I , , . , N! ii . �1' I 1�,�, "I I 1� I . �. "" � � I i, � i.11 I .11,,�,',M,4", �1,11,11% �W,r, ,� ­ ,Jf,,1r " " "P ..... . -11,,, �;,r�'�,,,,,.:,,,�r,.,,�;,",:,�,,,,�, ... ....... �,,,,' ,,��',-'1141'�,,�,�, ,� ��,%' ly, ,�ilik�'�':�l;l�,r_L,,,���.�,-!., , , lg$gNr,�,, ,,,�01,Cy,�,,�, ,�, ki. �, I - 1, 4 -1 " , . � �'�� - ,, , 111. ;,? .1, ..� �.,",L,,� , ,�l ",'.1; ,, ' - 11,�1�1�1 �171,rf"j"­�­­­ , � !,.,��,,,:,,�;� ',I��i',,t,�;�,;�,;,,,"",.���� "��,,,,' ­', �. ,, r ­,. . , " , ,,�i.;,�'. ., ,,,� Ili!", , , I -11'.." , I .. y l�,,��,�,,�,��,�L�,�,,,�,�,,,,,,�l�',� I ,;" � , ���;,,��,,��-,t,,,�l,�,,�,�(t��,�j; - I ,­�,�­;r,,­,,,"j, �,,�;"';I,�!Li�"",f�,��;r"�,,,, ­ I'll, 11 , ".1T.,�.!. I 1�� nl.�11'0v", il'f,101�� � P I., ��, " ��, I., ,,,;,;,) t ,, 11" ""$`j 1, 1�i:.11­1 11, 11 � �'. . 1. � � , , � ... X,,Mn, ", "J",'.... --11--- 111;�V,111 '"'I ..... .. ,,L"�, i­,,,�, r,.1111�11,i�l ... ... �� ,�?111 ": , ," 1, , I �,­ '. , -�, �141 r� ,� � �11 i� ;; � �111 I , ��.,-,3 , �Cll��,�"-"`�,10t", '. " 1�14 , , '�,111L ",' , , �.�,�'11 AJ�J,"� 1')L" "I I , .,,,r - , � ` 5 - . ,.�­�"'. .,V."g­,� ,, :. ­Jll� "'.;�O.r.. , �, �"- .. "­ , ., .1 , '1111.1�1.111111­k�� �,,,,, C, I'll, 11 � � , ;', ' 1�1..­, � .',� , , , . � `�� '' �: ,,, I'll " - ­; ; """ �`,:;��;, '�.- "I. 1�r ,�� , , .1 I 1 1'711'1� %1� " �, ,, , , ,�."r"%� R"" ` � ,K;r�,,,'�,��i.l����'�',".r"�', , $1 k , 1, , , �)"o,v""I".,.�­�7."",; , " -, il ,,,�) ",,i"'�,;,',�,,,, ,��:�,,,,,,,,,�,,��,,,�;�,,�,,,�,��,,,�Lo;', , 4-11 �",­ A­11­� 1,,.N,N�`� A,ti��,?,'�;�����,�";,�l��p;i�",'��'�� _ �"Ye'�",,L,", �"";T�,'��r4;11,1'1 '.�, �j;�",�11,t�i�� )11 1��;.,,,%.' " "." 'i , "I ;,; , � , ", , " I I " , : , "" � " , . i, , " " ,;".�i��,� �� ,��,;-;�$E,��,'­, -­ L.�.,� ,,,, �.­­ - , 11 L"' '�';, "I'll ., ­ . , , , ;J ­j�. I 11" � ,.,�LLa��. .t. � . " ., ,�. T, , 11, ., . , " 2 11 "x- 1, , �.Ie"v 'Io� '� 11, , 'Y' ...". ,,x­� 11 'I ,'��i�,Ak`,Io _,,,��,,X,W. �., - I ", � I 11� , `11�,.M�m - " , ') 7 , ., ,; , I .I "!,'�,�',,'��,',,,'�, ,.�,��,,,�"",.""",�',.,,,,,,,�:,,,,�""","",,�, �, r,,K,,,, .�, i;r�,� , "I" , , , - . - , 4,,�I,�I�� ,�!,j­ ��",��,.�,.;�., i " 11-4..� "I'll-,, 111111�11­1",,,,Af.41,� ,. 1,� ... �1, i4lj"` I ,.,:"":i,.",;",�.���,;,,��'�,.,:�,�'.'*��I . I I ,� �1111. �.11�1!111'111-111-'11,1' �, It 1.� �,;P­,,,,�i�,Ak`,Io ��,�,;, `*,;.� �.`�",";,�','i� �""t��,, ,,�'?,N�r, ­,;�,,� 'e��,�;"Nl�x.".,,�!,�,�,.�,�'.�"5?,.�,�;,,,,-;,"�,,;.,.",,.', 1, � , .- ", , I I "'I,f� '. " � ", ! ,,��,,,,,,,,�,,�""",,."�"",�,�,,,-,,,�""",.,�,,,�,��,�.,,.,��,,i�,�,,�'l"",�",."', ,!�,,k"�"";l �� 1� li,� �� " "." , , 1. - �,� ;�, ltp "I ..r-., , V .,,,,,,,�"!��.,.,i, , ­,�­!�­ " ,��.�� � "" �. ; , ,,,� ..." � . 1. - ­ - ­ ....... I'll ,�, ,",�,�, �,`�: " P.", -0 .1 ,, " , ,