The Huron Expositor, 1952-04-18, Page 5.L'. <,gdl �• a
{'no.}itil8ilefi. to
dt,, socks,. sweaters anti lehiidienra
-clothing ..were( glIten i)anadd{in vet-
• ea ans a .d their' talpll;las in Britain. is iezit 'where It is moat
needed;because of constant° touch
maintained -with the Relief Bureall
Of the Leagye of ''Rad- Cross''Sooie-.
ties,. Were -it not for the contri-
bution of our knitters and sewers,
it would be necessary to limit the
number of articles sent.
A team of eight girls of the .Cana-
•adian Red: Cross Corps are now in
..Japan to do canteen and welfare
'(Presented try Seaforth Junior
Warmers and Junior Institute
8:00 p.m.
t$ponsored' by Walton Y.P.Us
Admission 40c and' 25c
utaae �'�
+ :: 4tari0. 9,01 s; Q11iitte.q
the *orl5 40#4 "her fao4
..49004 l i# � til
.1,44 ,e, enteitt040. >nld ilea ire
ill outlyiiog ditfcts oard!.r.
i3e4. three dental•
One of the great thumanitariais
services of iced: °reefs is th.ehame-
ma#ter and •`nutrition work carried
on in twenty-four cammtfapities in,
Ontario, After the dental van
leaves a community, -the nutrition-
* moves in.. 'llhejre are twenty. Y
time and one hundred and eighteen
.parttime workers helping in' homee
where • the mother is ill, teaching
mothers the value of proper nutri-
tion, etc. A two weeks' training
course for the workers was provid-
ed, the subjects taught being
housekeeppng, care of children, bud-
geting, planning and cooking . de-
licious economical meals, and home
nursing: In Hamilton, Brantford
and Oshawa, nutritionists partici-
Dated, in pre -natal- classes or aniz-
ed by the V;Q.N. and Boar of
Health. tit is hoped that other' Red
Cross branches, 'will assist in or-
ganizing .pre -natal classes where
none exist. A bulletin, "School's In
For Lunoh," was sent monthly to
over' a thousand rural teachers. An-
other monthly. bulletin, "Food
Notes," may be bad for the asking.
Cod liver oil has been distributed
by several 'branches.
The welfare work of the Red
Cross goes on quietly with little
publicity, because it is designed to'
help the person in great trouble.
The "Civilian Enquiry" group trac-
es relatives, .The hospital Liaison
- We can take care of all your -
Painting and Papering Needs
Ask to see our Sun -Tested Wallpaper Books today
Phone 66-W SEAFORTH Phone 67-M
Floor Sanding
and Refinishing
Call For Estimates
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Box Furniture Store
Phones: Store 43 Residence 595-W
Buy the Best for Less!
Having been apt of stock when the 15% Special Tax was taken
Doff Refrigerators .and Home Freezers, we are able to offer new
tow prices on'the ,N.EW FAMOUS 1952 MODEL tNTERNATIONASS.
You can deal better -with us, because we
have .no pre -budget loses to recover!
a andtandQ
Jaiette'4irr OMre # F
Tfeeder Ray' 11.eadet;.s P
Irenderson, Clinton,. Sand 311,Sa.
Airs T'rettze, of Victor4r were..;,e:,
guepta,.,over thg week -dad oo 7l�jr:
and .MTs. D. 11. WFison, on the. fic7
'nasion of their. 25th weddi it**
• Mrs. M•ry T1debrand,aceeon
paaied by misses Sandra and par
bars Dnngey, spent Easter with
friends in Kitchener.
• Mrs. J. P. Bell, who spent the
peat, few weeks in St. Marys with
her son, Mr. J. C. Bell, has return-
ed to town.
• Mrs. ;H rank Cudanore,. of Wal-
laceburg, spent a few days with here
sister, Miss Hazel Reid,
• Mr. Norman Bohanan, a former
tailor in Stewart Bros.' store, now
of London,' was one of three who
took highest marks in flyeasting at
Saturday nigiht's sports fair "finals
in Loudon.
Two. Canadian Squadrons which comprise No. 1 Fighter Wing
of the R.C.A.F., are stationed at North Luffenham, England. Two
of their personnel, seen above leaving the main entrance of the
" Station, ;are Sgt. Frank Golding, son of Senator' and Mrs. W. H.
Golding, Seaforth, and LAC. Charles Stather, London, Ont.
Committee brings pleasure, friend-
ship and kindness to .persons in
hospitals. in .Homes for the Aged,
Red• Cross welfare workers take a
personal interest in the old people,
not by gifts and comforts, as much
as by giving companionship,
Junior Red Cross is the largest United Church, •beautifully decorat
youth organization in the world Ited with a floral background, of Eas-
has three objectives: the promotion ter lilies, fern and lighted tapers,
of health, service to others, and was the setting for a charming
fostering international friendship. wedding of wide interest 'Saturday,
Health rules are taught; interest is April 12, at 1 p.m., when Iris Lucille
stimulated in school environment; Boyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
clean-up campaigns and safety
patrols. In service to others, Jun-
ior Red Cross members knit, sew,
provide money for cortisone, glass-
es, expensive medication, wheel
chairs for crippled children, etc.
To foster international friendship
there is an exchange of post folios
and' art, the sending of gifts tyipi-
eal of Canada to foreign Junior Red-
edCross Societies, Christmas parcels
for Englis i orphans, treatment of
European pre-T.B. children in
Switzerland, vitamins, cereals and
dried milk given to children in In-
dia; clothing and shoes for Ger-
many, Austria, Turkey, Jugo-Slavia;
handicraft equipment and supplies
for refugee camps in Germany;
toys bought from the Arts and
Crafts Committee and sent to the
American Red Cross for Kausas
flood victims.
Red Cross maintains twenty-fpuE
outpost hospitals in Northern On-
ntario. Almost .2,500 new citizens
first saw the light of day in these
hospitals' in Ontario in 1961.
The Red Cross, with the St. John
Ambulance Association and the On-
tario Motor League, operate joint-
ly two 'ambulances on the high-
ways. -
The swimming and water safety
report : that almost 14,000 candi-
dates in 1951 successfully complet-
ed their Red Cross swimming tests
and received awards. Swimming
classes for the handicapped have
been started, on a small scale at
the Sick Children's Hospital and at
Sunnybrook Hospital.
In his speech delivered at the an-
nual meeting, the Hon. Louis O.
Breithaupt said': "I like to think
of the Red Cross in terms of the
woman -is.'a village who sews a
tiny garment for a destitute chill
in a war -ravaged country. I like to
think of it in terms of the working
man who gives a pint of kis blood
to save the life of another. And I
like to think of it in terms of a
business man who believes in the
principle of Red 'Cross, gives un-
stintingly of his time, and donates
his money .to help carryon the
work." •
"The Red Cross is only as strong
as each of us in the cause makes
OHISELHURST. — Chiselhurst
In 1941, eight Canadian cities had
populations in excess of 100,000; -
and black, and she wore a corsage
of gardenias.
Guests were present from Galt,
Preston, Stratford, Linwood, St.
Marys, London, Exeter, Woodstock
and Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Sperling
will reside in Elimville. The Wo-
men's Association of the church
catered for the wedding dinner.
The bride is the popular teacher
at S.S. 6, Hibbert.
DUBLIN. — The parsonage of
Evangelical United Brethren
Chnreh, Milverton, was the scene
of a pretty spring wedding when
Laurene Marie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Jeremiah Doerr, "RM. 1, Dub-
lin, was united in marriage to 'Mr.
Robert H. Boyce, Cromarty, and James Frederick Horan, son of Mr.
Harvey Eugene Spading, Of Elim- and Mrs. Fergus Horan, also of R.
ville, son of Mr. Harry Sperling, of R. 1, Dublin. Rev. Ward Kaiser of-
Elimville, and the late Mrs. 'Spar- ficiated.
ing exchanged marriage vows in a The bride wore a gown .of white
by'the nylon mesh over satin, fashioned,
lovely ceremony performed
Rev. W. J. Rogers, of Hensall, and with lace bodice and bolero jacket.
the Rev. C. J. Scott, of Blyth. Her shoulder veil was held in a
Miss Doris Greison, Blyth, played beaded crown. She wore white ny-
traditional bridal music and accom- ion gloves, and carried red roses.
panied the soloist, 'Miss Jean Mc The attendants were Mrs. Alvin
Donald, Exeter, who - sang "The Beuermann, sister of the bride, as
Lord's- Prayer” and "Because" dur (matron of honor, and .Mr. Heuer
ing the signing of the register. mann, best .man. The matron of
honor was in an afternoon dress
Given in marriage by her father, of pink nylon with crystal buttons
the bride wore a floor -length gown down the front. Her flowers were
of white bridal satin, designed with pink carnations. The flower girl,
lace sleeves, lace Queen Ann col- Lois Beuermann, wore a green taf-
lar, and small train. Her veil of feta frock with matching green
white net was edged with lace, and bonnet. She carried a nosegay of
she wore a lace headdress, trimmed sweet peas.
with pearls, and carried a shower ,Mr, and Mrs. Horan left later on
bouquet of white roses, sweet Peas a wedding trip to Toronto, Niagara
and ferns. The attendants were her Falls and Buffalo, The bride don -
sister, Mrs. Earle Hackett, Strat- ned for travelling a navy dress
ford, matron of honor, and Miss with coat in natural shade. She
Hazel• Sperling, Elimville, sister of wore navy accessories and a cor-
the groom, as bridesmaid. Mrs. sage of carnations. The couple
Hackett chose a floor -length gown will live in McKillop Township.
of turquoise blue taffeta, and lace, , '
with cap of lace, and carried an
arm bouquet of pink Talisman ros- ' DUBLIN
es and fern. Miss Sperling was at of Stratford, spent the holiday with
tired in coral pink taffeta and lace, Personals: Miss Phonsine Meag•
floor -length, with matching poke •her, Marledale; with her parents, Mr. and Mrs: James Racho.
'Mrs-. Ted Brown, who has been
bonnet, wearing a nosegay of .pink Mr. and' Mrs. Jahn Meagher; Mr. •
Both and Mrs. lames Ackroyd and fam- ill at the home of her daughter.
ily, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. Mrs. Raeho, in Dublin, has return -
and Mrs. Jos. O'Rourke; Mr. and ed to her home here.
Mrs. J. Nicholson, London, with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Tames
Krauskopf; Miss Beatrice Murray, i
Kitchener, with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John E. Murray; Jack
Murray, Assumption College, Wind-
sor, with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Murray; Ted Rowland, To-
ronto, with his mother, Mrs. Winni-
St. Marys, aunt of the groom, who fred Rowland; Miss Barbara Hol -
assisted in receiving the guests, land, Toronto, with her parents,
wore a grey printed nyla� dress Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland; Mr.
with accessories in white. Both and Mrs. Frank Stapleton, Galt,
wore pink rose corsages. The bridal with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
table centred the bride's cake, and Stapleton; Miss Madeline Dillon,
snapdragons and carnations formed nurse -in -training at St. 'Mary's Hos-
an attractive setting. Rev. E. Job , pital. Kitchener, with her parents,
lin, of London, acted as master of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dillon; Mr, and
ceremonies. Mrs. Robert Byrne, Hamilton, with
• Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlayson and
family, of Toronto, and Miss Jessie
Finlayson, of Lorne Park, spent the
Easter holiday with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finlayson.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hoag, Luck-
ucknow, with Rev. A. W. and 'Mrs.
Gardiner at the Manse.
Mr. and, Mrs. G. R. Keyes and
daughter, Joan, of Windsor, are
spending the week with the form-
er's mother, Mrs. Nelson Keys
Miss Laura McMillan, of Toron-
to. with her mother, Mrs. W. F.
Miss Mayme Watson, Reg.N., of
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
spent the week end with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson.
Mrs. Ruby Dundas and family, of
Belmont, are spending the week at
their home here.
Mr, .and Mrs. Elmore Stephenson
and family visited over the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn,
of Flint, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Saunders, of Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. Messenger and son were in
Waterloo for Easter with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Erickson. Her grand-
daughter, Marlene, returned with
them and is spending a week here.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver YaIlop and
son, James, Toronto, spent Easter
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Scotchmer. '
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wieland, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Neilson and''Don
Finlayson, of Toronto, were week-
end visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.
Master Billy Wild, of Clinton, is
spending the Easter holidays with
his grandparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. George Pierce and Mr. and I '
Mrs. Thachuck and family, of St
Catharines, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Chappel and family, of Cromarty,
were holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Dalrymple.
Mrs. H. Wieland quietly cele-
brated her 84th. birthday recently
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Chessel and Wendy
of Mitchell, and Miss Joan Racho,
There's -Bargains Ga1r
For You in AllDepartments
Sale Dap8
Thurs. Fri. Sat.
APR. 17 APR. 18 APR. 19
Sale Positively Ends Saturday
roses, sweet peas and fern.
wore long .,gloves' to match their
costumes. Bruce Suitor, of London,
attended the groom. Russel Heard,
Woodstock, and Earle Hackett, of
Stratford, ushered.
For the reception and wedding
dinner held in the church parlors,
the bride's mother chose a dress
of powder blue crepe and lace with
black accessories. Mrs. F. Rumble,
'For the wedding trip the bride
travelled in a navy blue dress fash-
ioned with buttons which her great-
grand.mother had worn on her bri-
dal dress over 100' years ago. Over
in 1951 the number had increased her dress she wore a navy blue
to trhirteen. coat, her accessories being white
Used Car Values
1-1950 DODGE SEDAN—Like new
1-1948 DeSOTO SEDAN—Radio
1-1948 CUSTOM DODGE SEDAN: Excellent
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1-1947 FORD 3 -TON STAKE
1-1941 CFT.EV. 2 -TON 'STAKE
1-1938 FORD 1 -TON STAKE
Now on DispIa',` '`''
1-1952 3 -TON SPECIAL—Chassis and Cab
1-1952 %-TON EXPRESS_
Rowcliffe Mot
Phoue 262 Seaforth
his sister, Mrs. .Monica Byrne; Mr.!
and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, Chat-'
ham, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Carpenter; Misses Helen and
Theresa Ryan, Sarnia, with their
sister, Mrs. Matthew Murray; lir.
and ,Mrs. John Cleary. Chatham,
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. F.
Evans; Edward Holland, Toronto,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Holland; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Feen-
ey, London, with his parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Patrick Feeney; Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Kroski, London, with'
Mr, and Mrs, Dan Costello; Wtm.
Stewart, Wroxeter, with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart;
Mrs. Ken Wickens with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello; ;
Mr. and .Mrs. Leo Ryan, Preston,
with her father, Patrick Woods;
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krauskopf, of
Tillsonburg, with his mother, Mrs.!
Catherine Krauskopf; Miss Leona
Draur, London, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Draur; Miss!
Marie Krausicopf,' London, with her
soother, Stirs. Catherine Krauskopf; i
Mr, 'atsid"" Mrs. Patrick O'Rourke, of
Hamilton, with her parents, Mr.',
and Mrs. Peter Maloney; Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Flanagan and family,
Toronto, with Mrs, Louise Flana-
gan and other relatives.
Among the visitors at the hoine
of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Byerman on
Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Rhine
Kahle an•dfamily, of Mitchell; Miss
Grace •Merryweather, of Detroit;
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fischer and fam-
dly, Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Byerman and
family, and Miss Margaret 'Moore,
of (Seaforth.
Rev. and Mrs. Becker and family,
Mr. and Mrs. George Mogk, Mr. and
Mrs. Manny Byerman and sons, Mr.
sad Mrs. Harry. Beuermann, Mrs.
Wm. Miller, all ,of Brodhagen; Mr.
and Mrs. Rueben Busick anti Ros-
etta,- Mr. and Mrs Dan Beuermann;
Mir, Rebt. Beuermann, Mr. and'Mrs.
Norman i3euermann and. family,
71hr, and .Mrs. Chardon Miller and
Mill,Mr. and 14115+ Fergus bran,
Sir. and Mrs. W. M. Grabam, of
Toronto; Mr. George Graham, Mit-
chell, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
.Smitt and family . spent Tuesday
with Mrs. James Malcolm and, Mr.
and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm.
Mrs. H. Workman, who has spent
the past two months with her
daughter, Mrs. H. Britton, and 'Mr.
Britton, returned to the home of
her daughter, Mrs. N. Stanlake, and
Mr. Stanlake, Exeter, last week.
Mr, and Mrs. George Ahrens and
family spent Good Friday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mrs. J, W. -Britton returned home
on Thursday after spending a few
days with her daughter and son-in-
law. -Mr. and, Mrs. Charles Hunter,
in London,
Easter visitors at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm and
Mrs. James Malcolm were: Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Gibb, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Pepper, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gibb,
Chatham; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gor-
don and'Donna and Mr. H. Gordon.
Mrs. Alexia Malcolm, London,
spent the Easter holidays with her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Malcolm, and accompan-
ied them to Hensall to her son -4n -
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Hyde,•and family on Sunday.
Diegel, of 'McKillop.
Born in Detroit, on Wednesday,
April 2, to Mr. and.Mrs. Ed. Mc-
Kenzie (Leota Hoegy), a son,
Mr. and- Mrs. Harvey 'Koehler and
son, of Galt, and- Mrs. H. Kleber,
of Brodhagen, visited, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Regele on
,Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Franks, of
Preston, were holiday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Among those entertained Sunde`iy'
by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Regele
were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoegy, of
Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton
Hinz. of Brodbagen; Mr. and ,Mrs.
Antone Siemon and daughters, and
Mrs. Eisler, of MoKillop.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Foreman, of
Galt, and Mies 'Dorothy Huether, of
Morriston, spent the holidays with
Mr. and .Mrs. Irvin Rock and at the
Eggert home.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles • Eggert
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford• Hoegy, oft Grey,' on Good
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weitersen
and. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Eggert
were Easter visitors with Mr, anti
Mrs. Carl .Eisler, Logan. '
Mrs. Fred. Hoegy is at present
with her• daughter and son-in]aw,
'Mr. Mud Mrs. 'E& Merteftzie, in De-
"9t5gCiflr Chsiuiibers, Miss Arlene troit. ,
Wed.Aptil 3Oth
15 GAMES — $10.00
$25.00 $50.00 $200.00
Under the auspices of Canadian Legion
Branch 1.56
Admission $1.00..
Doors open at 8 p.m. — Games Start at 9 p.m.
Farmers ..
Purchasing Your Machine Requirements Early
Full line of New
Massey - Hargis Machines
M. -H. 30 R. C. Tractor -2 years, like new
Int.-H.—Reconditioned ,and new tires; extra good
W.C. Allis—Excellent condition
Cockshutt 70 R.C.—Good condition .)-•;'
13 -Run M. -H. Fertilizer Drill
Alt Above Machines' Priced To Clear
Phone 141.