HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-18, Page 111 . 1 t I � I I p -.,,��,.­,' . I ... I __ , 1�1 E1`11- M. , .11TI. .:%,. , 4 5" � .1 . " 4 , , A i `�', "A ., � ­ :,;�� 'i ". I PON% 0 _,,'-'i'�' , . ­­ "M " , � , -1, � .)W7'. ", -, � , � " . �, - - - '. , � . ;, � - 1�� 0. , , � , I "�. - I 1-r � . 11. 11; I 4t_.T� � I `110*7' "i Ivu-.4"'N I . . , "r, , , ,; , �' ��i I , � fx.,,.,� '1�1`1%, - �,V,Xk t , � . .qt� 2 . X �" , - �� - , )�$;,;�!, F"fl6fi, I , � " 4 g .P, , , . ,# - ip nc' , 1, .�4, � , ,, 't, 1, . 1-1111 ... , . , , � , I , . '.., . . " f,,� 'F,YrAj� 0,; � , 't � ., A I.., ,� -Ir , , �": _ ,,:,".'.,tt . 71, li), MZi , 1 4 't � i, I N . . � ..:t. - , .... _, i . , . . , �.­­4­ '.,­�­­ ��jlj N ." , . I& " , p ` . . . ,.�-� , " " 11 � ". . . . i I 0 ... I . , - . , .. I , , , ,:�'. , '' �;�-�,,� �� ­. . ! - ". � �, �.,�; �: "!, to � ... I ­', �,.,4t�� I- . 4',� , ,1�.4 ,I . �.. �t�� , 11 . , � . . - I . 11; , .,% � — ­ .1 id . _� �. , 11 IT '. . t . I . .) 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I.., ,!_�"' " `�T-T,`, , W.C. utv ., '1�1�. ! .�- .1 Irt T , �t,�,�� I Se " f " ' h, Cound Si - I 1 ..0 _ � - .: � PA I N , I 0 ,,, . ,9.,� .1� � . . . 11, . .�'. . ;6,:,�-,,,.I.R,�,i,,,R,,"".�..."".,..', �, - 1. _ , I � ".. ., " �., , I I . -,. $Y,p, 'v.il.,��,'.',,;�,�;b��A � I . - - - , "' �, , , � � 40' ib mrWE I :11. _;. . I .1 ... 440. I � t',�� ,I - pgg .. , � . """ , ,1 ","I i , It 11 'I i�� " M ­ , F.", � " l" 11 . �P. W 4 _ �,!,, . i I �,, I ... .� ,� . 1B � 11 I - , ,,!, I . - � , , - , "'­­ i.. 1'.� i 11 . i 11 1-1 ; 8 t , , , I .., PiefiminAry zstz_m.a,,e v i" UV 11� I .. I � � 4 1 t: I . ... 1V,.;, . � - ,: , , �_ _. I ... I jr�. ."'. 111VI � . % pv'% ­1�111 . I I - .. I . . . . . . . . . ­000000­­­��, 4 "!-� ,IT, � X ..� . . . - , " , IL 941r� 1;t %;X�� . 0MR. A q. � � � I I AV . .. - Ito , �401 'A - ��, � , �,i " ., t., aw�`* , - . . I RLQ;.� jep�L � . -11V a � I . 111A,-- - ', _1,V1. I � I . : 40 J., N uncil j� "M ,,, T�,I� - ." �, , , � .1 I I ' : ' i T ,vil . i 64 I 1 � - ,- ", . . I I , . - . , r. .,As , , ,1 : '.." : :, r , " ''. , 11, o,A . , , .V .,:, " -0 'I" A .=..n0% 'I" .� 1�.. L i .1 I �_ " I tepiu-MaPPSAVI) _ -11 .,�' ': t , Robert 1 "."W"k - , - I __ 'g . - _9 '0V N " m I - 41.1 � , �' � " 1, . , . I , . t , .2 � I - ­� Le ion.L .. �W"'roa0wr* ,'ffi , E., I ,g ,adies' A'"" xil " '. k � , . N .11 0, ell-PU L4§111 filho I of, , � , , u iary ­ I ­­V)V�m I � eg � ­�,T -- ,�., 1, i ,�. I I � &Z I -an XeKojop;�o did; the tm- . . . �, � T?_1,_5P,.!5.-,_,;�., ,-11 I .1 . , I �1 I - . . � " " wl��ft, X�mjw.,,_,� �.,,,v,,, � .,� i�3 I I I , � , . I � . I I , , . I ; , � I : , I I . , � : : I I � I . I I I I I , . . . i i �­ A I . '9�,tA � ,#1 'are, , 1- I—. , ,,, _ - _', g.xv� ­ I I dits .. 11 1� , ,tji,,b0..t ' " V' U t ,go Is naugur a t le d kiere i - XMOO-Aclxpol an =f;-- --T ­_J,_ '�� I ... 11%� ; , I - Elastek fsundy-rAa�t week. . . I 9LX;', and" itl%k M 8 0 � , , ','�F��, I � � upt,beon", s ,� ;; —0 . . R., M T'_t Z ., ... 1-i, I .. — I Aesp ,bL ­­ =-.I ;Z�t,6­ '%.I - . appa = �� - ­xl. �, I I �_ ifemale pyently decided � a I W,flii � I= b. - 71IN ,W �� _4 KV. , I - N I �:Wv" , i _ I 1.1, _ . '_�a : -4 , ction- e, four_teenth auxilliary t �!On 91 q 10 _�:,'�, ' 'L:�j�,'�'�""jr";�L,� ' 11 .."N' ,��. to.' ble up on. er produ, Th ­ . ­ L � I .1, 11.1 , 4 0 Is L t;� ". � � _, � ': 0 '11- ,� .� .... . , ACCEPTS CALL Provincial Command of the Qazia- � PRMA�-� We- , I F .... .fdi� least Olxe.'ilky, . , T . - I- '. -11. I, . ' I 'IV he dign " -)p -1 '14 -,'g . 11 . '.. ,, Legion in Z6 was insti- I I J10W. vler, #,Ie� WO -, � juri� - ,,, . I I - J � : ", . � ,.�: w4 he.,did Wwas to n egg ne IS ..4 , , --- , ,,, ­ * i 0. . L :;Ilayl- R tut6d, W�ednesday eveii�g in the SU-baffitted, eSti?ik"', Of . , Ift', I ..:;;.. ��_ Ill . �.,.,:` I � �g 11 ' I '_ . . ev. John Stinson, who at ., - 1. �!t t I , ��.',!j ... g � ,.., " : � the oth-'er. P ,;,,�,. .t; !�i� I.- k" theilrini.4 ",,, ,, cjll� ­­­ I .. ., ,present has the three - Legion rooms at the Commuluty ..R. . .,. our - WV20.1101 . `� -- ,r �,.. '. memil-lan's .- . -point . I public , a pX.; " ,:�A% . - .. n . -grading Mr. ,charge of Binbrook, Elfrioda Centre. ProvIncIhI officers who will'be down, 1.8 milbi'to 58,',0JaV4 ' ;i';L`."r,,��R- ;. � . I I agg' -.01-are .Reith, manager of the �. __, ., , 'y ., . and 'Blackheath, has accepted participated in. the inauguration of,the rate for ffe�ikate 6OIXn61%Pil* . .0 !Sea � Farmers - ,Co-opi%rative, �,4�t,�, __ . . ,�., . ii:.�:.. I �� ­ I the call- of Northsi-de United, the auxiliary included Mrs. R. j.:porters will be do*n 2.8' mM. ,�' '� ...... :.: ....... , _. i 1. ..� foil �" an tmusuaUy.'Ihrge egg,' �,Church, Seaforth. Mr. Stinson Pegg, Toronto, Provincial ch -air- from 56.3 to 53.5. . I., � .1, �. � �':,� �X .1 . , .. . I 111 I . � 1. .1 11 ­ � me ring 1w, x 7%11. ,Mr. Reith . .. , 1111,'7 . , ther - Dorothy Hoyle, Strat- For the 'Public ,school 9upportdr, � .. , . ', . SRI." ibas been at Blubrook for three lad -Y * Miss - �4',L� ,�4 'i I . ..... 1 . . , ' , " �:�- I . I... "I . I'll, ..... .111, . . . ... .�. .., ­ �� � , ,,, � e a,it in the windnw, toge _�111 �, . I. .. � I .. _�, � '' .-, . I I -y ford: Corarnander of Zone 18, and, the general rate Is down 2.8 in is,. . . . ; . . I plag I I . .� . . . k � ;�;, �,� :, � , , " ),. - ­ I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - i, ��� .- _. . . 11, ... . . Wl '."� an extremely small om. for years, and previousl to that . It . t"j, t:1 � , , . , .. . . . Waz a in oal rat# " I " .." . I . I 0 'George, Day, son. of, M rs- J. F" . Daly, Seatfoith, whoji art . . .. falonary in China. The Mrs. .T C. Richards, Stratford. -but the public sich "� I . . . I . , . " I . . .1 �, � I director for the Robert- Simpson ld' A I I the' �-ke of.comparlson only. Dur- is lip 1.0 I ­ �.V.1, � I . , I . I Toronto, played an Import. I 1. 0 N", I new pastor will, assume his. dii- Thirty members were present , to miII& For separate school ts�uppork �1� ' . . 211TOPart in the coetkpa�y winningf6o" ing. he 1jurocess. of handling, the . - . I P . 11,1PPEN EAST W. 1. - . . . 10 the second time in the year .- eg , , as broken, revealing -,the '699 ties July 1. Rev. D. A. Mae- take the oath of membership. . ers tiho 2.8 mitt decrease is renectmit. .'�. . tl;.,_� . an Important award in the field of advertising --an 'award by the, ' . . Millan, the present Incumbent, Officers elected were: ?-resident-, -ed - in the 9i ne�a ra e, *hIZE. . �. . 6 - --I- -trie­ 7­ii­,. �',- � I . . Nations D'ISCV-S-SES wit , an, egg7 ph6nonemon. I , . - .4 . . ti Retail Dry. Goods A896ci- 't1oh In its annual judging, of I . 'intlar case was discOvered by .P. . :.,,,. � t a . I �. . resigned 'during the winter. Mr. Mrs. Jack Cameron; lot vice-pres.,. expected to dro from 31.5 to�28.7. ' ! :. I I , � department sto6, ' Stin�on has four children. 11".', a4vertisinji, - Presentation is made by �4, 'A. In his street conimiftee repOr :,�"rr"V - - .. a I in London, who took it to Mrs. Eric Miluer; 2nd vice-pres., I t', , I.. MNUAL MEETING.. Burton (right), general mana4e�.04`4imp6oWs, t,.H , Mark- POULTRY VOTE . Dr. " elexi, Battle, Professor of zoolo- . Mrs, J. Hotham; cuiesponding Councillor T. E. Daly advised 601111- :, ,,, .. :, . . . , loward S. — . . as taken 4i 1 � .. ,� ' (left), advertising manager and'his staff. Others from left are Ira . . -F ft the University of WeateTu � . see., Mrs. R. S. Box; recording oil that his comirlittee,li. �, " `�.,­ . , . . .1� ". I . � , . DO B. Filpid, assistant manager-, Pjul Break, cioy editor; � W#Iter . sec., Mrs. Ken Powell; treasurer, survey of the conaltion, otall,plide- ': I I I JL%L) Harraid, produot!Qd manager; Robert Jamieson, assistant art direo. -VAD 'Mrs. Alma -Chesney; standard- , I � ... ELECTS OFFICJJEJ 10 ALK OntVio. ' ADMUDM A walks in town, A that the'st Ing � "�, . I IN -RAD -T A#pordlng to Dr. Battle, the FVA LA A I VAf .r � ;;; L . tor; (in middle) Miss Hilda -Belton, copywriter, and George Daly,' 4 . . . Whorp,procedure of'thg London egg . bearer, Mrs. Garnet McClIlichey; work could, be plaftned -and started r :.,, ' ­ � 1. . I The annual meeting (if the kip- ' art director. I - 4�n .Satiilrdivy executive committee, Mrs-. Ken Adw _," "The Arst egg, % -'r .. . In a radio address this way: was as soon as possible,, Cement -for " I . I _for . _ , t : .. , " I pen. Fast Women'& 11fititute was . .n.wn Aga _t� ,enV � anis, Mrs. George Eaton, Mrs. Gor- this work is. on )land. Stp-ring . ,­ ,;. J4s. 9 ' Scott, well -It .1, . 1 forlifisd, by the egg ,dUct andw., J. A. STEWART ­ DIES ' . . . , Uir, _;..� I ,., 11, . beld at the home of�-Mrs- Harry . - . . poultry producer, expres�6d, ihdn- Wra6ed, up in its usual membrane I don Scott, Mrs. Alex M Mrs. -cleaning of the streetsmis 4continu- _.,., , ... �J, I ,." . Caldwell on Wednesday afternoon. cern as to the results� that' might alid .shell. But tben, instead of be- Mayor and Reeve of Seaforth 46r- ,Tames Barry;' social committee, ing, ,Mr. Daly said, and catch'bas, ,� , , Mrs. W. Workman was, co-hoste". follow should there be a favorable lngl%ild it Was forced back Up the ing. the period of the First World Mrs. James Edgar, convener; Miss In covers. are being rebuilt. I ., �" I , ... -, �� . I �. . . Thieves Bu 0 Hensall; Annie Smith,,Mrs. Rartman H-uls- . ....... ., 1, � �� -The president, Miss. Tre-, I . sy in , . - - ' :"._ . . - Whr, ar�d for many years a proln- . ".- . I ,,GrMee .�, . .. , imeer, opened the meeting with the 1. I �Ote 6n the propnsl�d egg market egg du�t and met up with another ser, Mrs. Alex Muir; visiting c Mr. Daly'also advised council' , �_ %, . . ., N . big dcheme. Voting which� cOm- egg on the way, Both were carried inent Seaforth businesemAn, John . 0111* that tile Department of Highways . ­�.. . mitt.ee, Wis. Mary Cameron, Mrs. I ,.., . �A,e,�.. .,:: A5 Institute Ode,- the Lord?% Prayer menced April.17, will. end, Saturday baek..tty the wrlappitig station where A, Stewart passed away in Strat- Will Pay up to $500.010 'on the cost , - .W, . � ,� . and the Mary Stewart Col Ent6rt Service ,Station - , � A. W. Dunlop. The executive will ... .. �., , 4: . . . ­. .. . . night. I I . .another membrane and shell was ford on Thursday, April 10. He of'surveying Goderich St. West, He ... .:'.' -vul,son. Minutes-of..*.e,las I., . . . .. m, . t =Aet- . —0 act as an investigating committee. 1V ' ' ' . . . � cost of put 4round ,both. then the whole was in his 87th -year, I .� -pointed out that this is a straight . . �. �, . ing were approved, -as read. . Mra. - . Hensall Motor Sales, was broken Mr, Scott reviewed the out that package wU delivered in time for Mr. Stewart was the son of the Mrs. Richards acted as standard- otbdng . , � the scheme and =1.�. I bearer for .the installation of off!- engineering job sad, that n . � '87th -BIRTH -DAY I definite -has taken place as. to what - I '. i�, t . . , ,�.% 1. 3made� a m6tion that $10 be sent to . radios, fog lights and $10 in cash . I .. i; . .A. -McGregor And Mrs. W. Kyle . . . .. I into Saturday morning and, twq, car many good, poult have dts- Dast6r.11 .. I late Mr. and Mfv. Alex Stewart cers. The tentative meeting dates extent the renova �, . . Mrs., T. "" ' 'cussed-, this point and feel'that it —, and, had lived nearly -all his life I tion of the street .. .11� 1. . w. 46�i'D)1104* marks stolen, besided"a quantity was set for the first and'. third Mon- I . .;. I I --each 6f the following, Red Cross, . Of tobach will cost $15,per 100 hens, There- Ili Seaforth, where -he contlacted.a. day of each month 1will take place., Council authorized'., . I . - . . ,aster Seal Campaign -tor Crip-' her. 87th birthday- Friday af- cc and cigarettes. The loss WAter: "Ves, shr, we're ve ksmithing business.' ihim, to proceed with, the survey, . �'� I the F I waa fore each, he said, who have dIffer- rY successful blad - in the Legion I . ��,_ . lAbd Children, Caucar Fund and, the ternoon at the .11611116 Of her - estimated, at $250. Thieves gained up to date. Bvermythin�g here. is About three years ago he went to rooms. Lunch was served by..the� h -$706 . �:�`: , - . , , ent sized,flocks will be able to e,as i W ioll will cost . about $600 . I �,[[ � ' social committee - t � I Canadian National -Instittite for the daughter, Mrs. � Mae �Dorrance; entrance by breaking the -910�ss in c ll. cost you. cooked by electricity." Stratford to live with his daughter of Seafofth The engineer will be requpsteA to . .� . 11 I Ul*d. "Christ, the. Lord, is Risen when a. i�pmlbiar of . friends will *-the front door, reaching 11 16 11117- to support the scheme. For gain- Diner: "Then I wonder if you'd when his; hea I Jth began to' fail. Branch 156.. � supply alternatiVe.plams for qf6ing ' - 1444,.�'.;" � - . * 0— , . q!! � another. 'member of . over the street, which In turn will, ,:��.'!O_ U, pl , y a , 0 ns I, would- W ,,�. I '� .T04ay- was pang. 'be presefit to spe,nd 'the after- lock the door. Willard, 01�hanR e if on h ve 30 he t e mind giving this steak Mr. Stewart was a, . t . - noon, wl .pr. W#­..,,9Ov9l1IOCk - who 6perates. a gai�age ­ th shook!". 4'111 I . Vorrespondence read bY,Wrs., W. � . . across the � . o e6uneil, together �,-�4 . 0 . ilstr -men- be; presented t . I... . �1, . )�b,and ta,ges a keen road, sa* the thieveg leaving about it would cost you $75; tal in'organizing the Fhelweiss Re- with costs, for 1tw consideration. III,, .... is quite ahl cost you $45; if you had 500 hens I.O.O.F. Lodge and was I . Caldwell,'secretary, included a re- ents 1,000 hens, I I . . . I . interest. ;i -.0e ev Of the 4 a.m. and notified P.C. Elmer "What did they I lick I . 'I., port oil the Greek Tra,6tor Fund. i day. Her many friends will Zlnir $150 and thso -proposed poultry New Ministet: all Lodge some 40,years ago. A TUCKERSMITH ­ ,�"­ . 11 I 1. I . The used road grader.will'ch the , .t . merman, of Vxetdr. . p , 1:.'t, . I . � , ­,�'. � � ­ ­ 11 0atarin Institutes eoilalbined, haye --goin-The-1 scheme -whereby aue-tenth of '& say ,of my predeo"sor, deacon?" member of First Presbyterian town recently purchased�,:" &TTITed . I ''�. � I � - 'WiiFn,-g�'-t6t-.i!F'6f7$'T,3-1.'g.54- --iiqs---� ��'19­r -in 'Wishing. - A-sliamoyed--'policeman; y'rha--remr-, I Dedcon: "They said he" wasn't, Church, he was a faithful attend- n ,. . .. .. . . �� tow I _... -:suggested, would ... - .� I mem-150" tunlhor;_ _oo,a�t a "­ � - ­ I . 1-� I I this.and v0DIesel tractor,,a ploW llez many happ-t. returns of --the-__-_-_ d-a-license-il cehf-Fety Tir-being -.-,.. . A'R E A, B 0 AR'D Wednesday. afternon .. The .grader I , ;.,� . I fty." ;-",It, .1 . .1 � olve_q: _ZL_M an ad1ditIOpp1,$0,j00 pqr 100 SOU'idz -iew­ I ant' and, at one time woz, a mem- haff. scarifier and- -snowplow attach- � I--,' , . '.�­_, .--1,:-1.-,- I �� -11. : "d,qzerio"'�6�-!W--'-'gW%dtelf' 'car lia"ji,as wji�iilfhey'ai:�� jniY; and -this M10 - 1'er _ (r.el;i�va) � - - , 'i -ber Or- First Chlirch cholT, . merits. Mr. Daly Predlets"thkilits- - � .4!L, . and -dlsi�thav6: been, ok,dered, �Hiitk_ - �! I ,.f, , . is : I 11 " I I . ,_;. . � 'L I .., . -you notes were read ', one from the ! _'. I . .. I was- 'responsible for apprehending money to be used for operating ex- what do they say of meT' �' ' Survivin& are one daugbtel� Mrs, . equipment will result in the saving ' , .111- Mensall branch of th.e Canadian,. . five Toronto youths wanted for penses. Deacon: "They say you're all William Richards and oXie, grihil- NAMES TEACHERS of considerable -money .In ro&4. . ."��­' . . Legion for $16 donated. , to the Ild, I questioning in connection with the Pointing out that egg prices for sond." , . . daughter, Maxine Richa,rds, both Of Resignations of -three teachers work. . . - ... � - " ., . bal robbery. Provincial Police Con- Stratford, and a brother, Robert were accepted, by the Tuckersmith : Anne from Ivan Forsyth, also Te'rL BRUCE MALCOLM the most part Were very� satisfac- —0 He also suggested, rebuilding' the .11, "I trom. - Mrs,. W� ,B�rll, on ,behalf of . 1. . stable Carman Hogg, of Stratford Stewart, of Gearhart, Oregon. �.�;.; . I tory" to the producer, Mr. Scott 4 . His &hool Area Board at a meeting west end of Market St. leading to . .1 aber hualmad. . " detachment, spotted the car'Satur- "'It is evident that if h wife the former Minnie Caulton, of �" i . I held last Tuesday. For the 1952-63 the new public school. Plans for the � ,-� day night about 6 p.m. on, Highway Bald: the Oueiph, predeceased him about -six ��, To auditors' report was given'IS LIONS. SPEAKER 8, west of -Stratford, and chased it scheme were'lu ,effect, that the -a- ELIMVILLE CLUB . school year the board has engaged, repainting of Parking lines are Ili ....., '. , � . -by Mrs, H.- Caldwell, showing the' . . . . I chinery woiild have to be ready to 11 years ago. the services of Mrs. E. J. Werber progress, Mr. Daly said, and a new . 11. I . . -to be'' correct. , Bruce Malcolm, executive secre- into Stratford. The loot found, be- The funeral was held Saturday - Egraondville School, Mrs. Ruby source of good grade crushed stone. .1 . financial statement function at all times, Whth foi . *The treisurer's r6port -by Mrs. Me- tary, Canadian Headquarters Lions hind the back seat of the,car was afternoon from, the'G. A. Whitney Dundas for B.S. 7, and Miss Gwen I . 7. Identified as property of the were actually purchased or not, and . ' Considerable . , �,,�. .. � . funeral home, the service being Kennedy for B.S. 2, replacing Mr. 1 discussion arose reM'r,dIng the half- � , Nadghtoyi was: receipts $1,a9O.36, International, was the ,guest of the Ken- the adiniiiiBtration bdd,y wouldhave HOL .. has -become available . , , sall Motor Sale� Service Stati . . .: conducted by Rev. D. Glenn Camp- R. F. Skinner, Miss N. Leeming and � load, limi * ,., Ir expensdg ... $1,1634-78, leaving a bal- Seaforth Clbb 4t its regular meet- I P.C. "oil' to be paid, whetlior or not they were t applying to town streets, .;1'- . that The Euchre Club held their an- bell of First Presbyterian Church. J , ance of $355.58, Roll call was all- Ing Monday night. The meeting Zimmerman stated laictually buying or sCling eggs. . Miss H. Turner. especially fia regard to heavy loads . %"I swered -by the payment -of fees. was held it the Community Cen- - Pallbearers were M. McKellar, J. James Love,, zi�unicipal auditor,] of material being hauled to the new : .i charges Will -be laid against the -five I nual supper in,the hall here Thurs I'll . . youths, namely: Gbrves Shaw, 18, "As the egg business has been day evening, There were about 100 L. Bell Dr. F. S. Harburn, W. A presented his report of the school'scihool grounds. . GecreLary, Mrs. W. Caldwell, gave tre with President H. E. Smith in his brother, Clarence, 20; James. handled by the trade, and goven> present, - After a sumptuous ham ,Smith 'Win, Smfth and, Leslie Me . - area finances.. 'He reported a slight- I ;,..., . . . 'her report. Reports ofthp standing charge. . � I Blackburn,. 17; Robert Hanson, 17, 1 Pont SUPPOrt prices. during the past supper the playoffs of the eight Clure.' Interment was in Maitland- F. E. Willis waited on 'council , � � . �,; committees, were as follows: Agri- Mr. Malcolm, who was introdue. , ,ly increased surplus at the end ofi and advised, it of the progress to . ',:,. . . culture and Canadi . an Industries,by ed by. H. G. Meir, paid trihut(� to and Gor&n Cole, 16. The -youths, .10 or 12 years, egg producers have high scorers, of the four groups bank cemetery. the year. Mr. Love was thanked :date of the new school. Council I . were taken to the county jail. at'.been well satisfied, ivith the exc6P- took place. The winners' were Mrs, I .v � by Chairman Howard Johns and, the ... . Mrs, W. Kyle; Citizenship -and Ed- th,d .Work of the Sea -forth Lions Goderich. Wt. T. Coats ,I# the own- I ti?n of a short Period dUring',the Chas, Stephen and Phil Murch. Cliff authorized the turning_over of the .. . I vioation by Mrs. ,M Jarrott;­Com� Club, which is one of 'the oldest ' 1949-50, when the British Jacqkies war, -chairman for th board accepted the report. 1proceeds, of the debeifures to the I, ... � . er of the service station. I I ' I m-runity Activities and Public Reia-' ClVbs� Ili, the *,Dominion. It was- market had been'lost, due to Bri- of speech Trustee N, MacLean was auth6r- board., . I I 4 tions emeer; illstorl- foVilded lift 1924. Ili his tributebd Men's Club Meets grain, consisting a :,Pro- ALLEGES INJURY ized to arrange facilities fbr hold -1 Iii giving the finance committee's ;.I . by Mrs. W. Tr by . . , Itain's financial difficulties, and re -'the children taking P rt in the re- . . . val Reisarell and Current Events made mention of the four chartert'� The Men's Club of the United adjustment became necessary." . cent speaking contest, being Bobb ing a pupils' music recital untler report, Councillor Sillery stated ­::: the supervision of Mrs. G. Wendorf, that the' receipts of the month in- I , by ' Mrs. S. Jackson; Home EPOU',membera, W. J. Duucan,'J. E. Reat- ,,Church convened in the church on] Expressing concern as to the ex� Woods, Joanne Miners, Grace RO; RESULTS' FROM school area music supervisor. This I .... I emice and Health by Mrs. W- iug,,C. A. Barber and J. ,G. Mul- tent which Western ,producers ly, Mary Skinner and.0dward Skin- eluded payments' from the Sur, , ,�� Tuesday evening for their second , recital Will be ,held in Egmondville ... 'i. . Workman. Mrs. H. Caldwell and len; and to John Beattie and Har- meeting since formatioll. Over -50 would affect thii egg picture in On- ner. WiTs. Gilbert Johns and Mrs. i rounding townships for the ,new I . Mrs. W. McLean moved the adop-,ry Stewart who joined the club.oa- were in attendance. Laird Mickle,itario, Mr. Scott pointed out that If Win. Johns gave lipmorous read-; the latter Part of May. rural area fire truck and, $200 busi- " I .. . tion of these TeVorts., Two 60105 ly a few mbnths after its inception. newly -appointed president, occu- -the scheme is to be effective, there ings; N. Jacques, .mouth organ and CATTLE SPRAYING The board refunded the school ness tax by a large departmental 4, by little Joanle Sinclair were en-, "Mr. Beattie is tied 'for the honor pied the chairland introduced thei'must be the same scheme aDprov- accordion solos. Mrs. Chas. Stephen The action of John Scotchmer, taxes paid by Hugh Ball in lieu of store installing an order office -here. ,.. . I Joyed,,'Teter Cottontail" and- ".The of being the oldest active Lion !A ed in at least two of the Western gave a reading, "The Euchre Club Stanley Township farmer, against tuition rees paid to the Clinton Councillor Sillery. said ibe felt it .; I guest speaker of the evening. An-� � . I Scititalled Bunny." The meeting at t�he d4strict,', said 'Mr, Malcolm. 'Provinces. "It is then proposed," Scandal Sheet," -and a humorous the Township of Stanley, for alleg- publ-ic school. Five now pUpils"would- be necessary to Jiold a tax ,.:�'. I I -No. 2 School, when'the Staffa In- drew Dixon, agricultural teacher of I desks were obtained from the Globe V .111. .. . The -speaker revealed' that dur-"'the-South Huron District High -he said, "to set up a national ag- play was put on by several of the ed injuries to an animal as the re- sale this year. ' . : . ." . . . isUtute members were guests, was Ing the Past 13 years, ,t&,417 had School," Exeter, spoke' on "Atusable(onck under the Comprany�s Act, and members. Jud DYkilian conducted suit of work done under a township Furniture Co., to accommodate, ' Councillor J. C. Crich, of the fire 1. . I . ,voted. thwinoot outstanding meeting been ralsed. for community service FRiver Aubhority, Reforestation aild all monies collected ffbm you and I a 20 -question contest, The sum of by-law, was opene(I in Divi'sion pupils -at S.S. 4 and .B.S. 1. The and water committee, reported that � 555, ( of the year. A. refrigerator cook- 11 would be paid over to the National $.5() was to go towards improve- Court at Goderi,ch last week before number of pupils in the school area :" � work, an average of $4,650 per;Reoreation. He spoke of the landi people looking over the ne,w fire '11 ling se%6ol, sponsored by, Hensall , Board. It Is quite conceivable that is steadily increasing, a number of ... " year, The club has ihad 80 per cent recently purchased in Ray Swamp ments on the hall. Another euchre Judge T. M. Costellp. truck had left the ignition kpy I I .. � and Xippen East Institutes, will be attendance at its meetitfis duTIng and stated. that several acres of:the money collected on Ontario party was held on Tuesday with Frank Donnelly, Q.C., counsel for the new Canadians being enrolled turned on, resultingA 11 . . in �arious schools in the area. t, . lield in Hensali Town'Hall May 27. the past 12 years.. � I trees will be planted in May to eggs could be,,Used exclusively to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Stephen as Scotchmer, stated the animal was . I he truck, - .. I , A: piano solo by Andi McLean was At the conclusion of hlt!� remarks reforest the swamp and -a staff of ,support the price of Western spring host.g. Aftef singing -"God Save the allegedly Injured during spraying . Councillor B. F. Chris -tie report- '. enjoyed,, A motion that the Insti- � "', . J. I,.; Keating presented Mr. Mal- men with. a tree -planting meelline,eggs, which if fed back into the Queen;" the meeting closed. for v�arble fly, done under a town- made a similar motion. He sub-ied bearing from the tenamt in the ig .1 1 Itute, use' some of the funds to-pur- I f I a*terworks house, that the ""'. I 'base dishes -for their own use was colm with a sIver credin and.suggr will be in charge of the project. I inarket in the late summer or . all, The W.I. held their April mee't- ship by-law, which required the mitted there were two separate old w . . I" v set on behalf of the club. The speaker was thanked by Edt_would, materially affect the returns itli in the hall Wednesday evening. I spraying of all cattle. actions -and asked for a clarlbcam* floor over the old reservoir ,,bad 1. .. , aaosed:s - the, I _* I son 'Forrest. Flying Officer Douglas'bhat We should receive for oi�r fresh The business waa, conducted-. by the Defence counsel for Stanley tion of the township's claim against 1 rotted and is fallift away. . ". � '. Mrs� $� I�Graham, conducted ntralla,11ate summer and- fall eggs, that are president, Mrs� H. Hunter, The'Townabip, D. G. E. Thompson, of the third ,party. I Mayor E. A. McMaster reported . ­ . .. Bing, of the R,C.A.F., Ce T� .� ,election of officers fort'ttie coming presented, a film, - "The Aleutian moye costly to produce, and which meeting was on "Publicity." After,London, submitted there was no After Mr. Donnelly had submit- on�,a meeting that he and, Reeve : . i ;; -Tsiar'knd Installed the following* Selected For Trip To lains," and' also narrated- the we know have been the most pro- a pot -luck stipper the guest speak- negligence alleged In the plaintiff's ted, an hmendilidnt to the statement Sills had with the Department of ,� ,� � - . ,, � 11 lion. pres.., Millis 431race ,Tr6inedr; Moun .. wres. Mrs., E. Whitehouse; Ist vice- , ',' Banff Cadet Camp story, No more meetings will be fitable to produce. And I for one, er, Mary Ashwell, .0i. OFPL, Lon- statement of claim, and asked for of claim, 'Mr. Thompson asked. for Planning and, Development, Toron- I . "'i I 137el&: Mrs.. J. MtLellan; 2nd vice. . I held until fall. Dr. -D. McKelvie, do not care to have Ontarlof money don, spoke.. Ruth Skinner gave dismissal. time to reply and the hearin,- was to, The mayor said that prospects- . I , " . V"&, Mrs., R. M. -Peck; 3rd vice- ,CSX. Gordon, Rowland,, son of Mr. I Howard Stane and Jack Tudor will going t� the Western Provinces to the motto, and rollball was answer- R. U. Barnes, or) behalf of Tack ad-Journed to. Friday, April 18, at appeared good for a new Industry !�,,,; reas., and Mrs. Joseph Rowland, Seaforth, I form the entertainment committee support the spring price, for eggs, ed by our Javorite news commen- Little, contractor of the sprayfng, 9:30 a.m. for Seaforth in the near future. �� I vres Mrs. H. Caldwell; t � I and a member of the Seaforth DtS6�for tIlp early fall milreting. Lunch- that will go into storage and com- I ��,�� . " tator. 'Mrs. Ken Johns conducted I I A letter from the fire matobal's . 11 ­ .. 2drs, J. MeNaughton; set., Mrs. W. . I pete with the high quality fresh . office revealed that It was jity5lble . .1j,4 � 'Caldwell. Others elected. were: trict High School Cadet Corps, has, e.n was served. the Installation or offlbers,. as fol- . . eggs that Ontario producers have lo,s: Honorary president, Mrs , to accept the invitation of the town , . ',�� . District Director, - ,Mrs. Campbell ,been selected as one of 16 army Auxiliary Plans Picnic ,� the reputation of supplying to con- Ken Jphns; president, Mrs. H. Hun: , to hold a re,f�ional school at Sea. . "I I . . Eyre; 01"t, Mfs.-M. Broadfobt; badets. from 15,000 in this section Hullett Council Approves. I I branch 41rectorg, Mrs. W. _Broad� of Ontario io,attend the R03,sl ,Can- M,rs. D. Kyle occupied the chair sumers. ter; Ist vice -pre&., Mrs. J. Woods; forth because of other commit- I . _ . I ; MoRay, ",mrs. adlaA Axmy'Ca�-. Ps' 4ummer, for the monthly meeting of the Ev- "Another reason why I am going 2nd vice,pres., Ruth.Skinner; seer'e- I ments, at least for the time :Welag. . " toot, Miso Margaret _ . . ,.� _ I go committgoo camp at, Banff In July -and August� ening Auxiliary on -Monday night, to- vote against the' proposed egg tary, Mrs. Gilbert Jolifis; assistant, The invitation would be kept In 1, . Solin Wood. 'Standin Grants to District Fairs mind for a future date. 0 -were: Agriculture And CanA(lian In Be#Ause of the number of cadet and opened the meeting with pray- marketink scheme Is because they Mrs. A. Kerslake; district director, " - - M, . On a motion of A. W. iffillery, the . ­ "t . Idustrieg, Mrii Wm. Kyle, Mies. W. slimmer camps he has attended and, er, followed by the Lord's Prayer are demanding the right to elam -a Warr�n Bro4*. A Dutch aue- . * I . ..; I - Od Education, on reclidinniendetion of regulararmiv and the theme song.'Mrs. R. Mock, Ine our books, records and premls- tion'tif a satin cushion was won by The regular monthly meeting of Harry Sturdy reported the Sturdy town will ban the sale of draw 1 ,,�S �a� ': well,, - 4piti2elishtp, , in charge of the devotional period, es at, any time that they see fit, Mrs meeting HullettTownship Council was held tickets by organization& outsid,o :11 ­ 7, -riodically visit the ' . John 'Miners, The . . , '. , ,. too. V. Sarrott and Mrg-,'R. filebi-sergeants;*ho pe ' and at the same time can demand closed with !be singing of "1God Monday in" the Communi - Huron County. .. tl,` began with the hylaxt, "When I Sur ,ty Hall, Municipal Drain was In need of re . , . �. . � . xnell; Community Activitt6s; and.odhoiol, he has beep ffeleote& -If rom you an affadavit of finandial Save the Queem" Londesboro, The reeve The following accounts weria . � I vey the WondTous Cross."' Mrs. Me. and all pair in the Township of Hullett. . . I Iftlille; Relations, ,Mrs-.- Chas . . I - , M� I 0 . I I I Xelvis read the Scrioture lesson. PioOf." Rev. 'Clysdale, of London, con- members of the council ,were pre- Council decided to hold a. meeting psssed� for ,payment.- E. willAr, , 4, I . oxil, 36s. R. Love; , -rI . . . I I—. Hisio ;4 It 6- .4 �.: ,�� . Mrs. 33. Kyle read, a passage eutit-1 In concluding hMr. address, Ila Win HaX& a _11 . zear0h. iand Commit l9vents. rat Mrs.. W., *Vrimaill'atid, Mrs. J. s1w Ml- ducted Easter services bere. Two sent. The minutes, of the special Of the ratepayers, concerned Mon- *$48.46; Id , w re, $48.47; ' 11..-"�,"i . . I I �led, "Meditation On the Cross." Thg Scott told his audience that he has authems were sungvby, the eboir. meeting of March 18 were read.. day. X,pr. 14, at 8 p.m. . Walter A. Scott, $69; Treasurer ot . - It, . L'a; �;, I I .. W. Ailexantitir,alid.-IMis. 34 ddr- Ounihitti lbblili,mittee, Mrs. A� byatil, "Christ tb e Lord is, We6n, heed "quite satlade d as to the maw Two Ruter lilles- -and other -flowers A delegation from the Blyth Ag- W, R. Jewitt and Gen. Brown: Public School., $2,000; B611 T614- . . - ;"I'll ! and ITO I- .W1di7;6n, Mv , , 1. .. I I . I . I ! . . , 'W61l.. 96me Econtimles, and ae, 0 � I J� 'Mrs." S' lrod4y," Was sung. Mrs. '8. itaftille ner In which our eggs an(bvpoultry decorated the ptIpit rall. ricultural Society approached the. That the Treasurer be bonded for Phone Co., $19,58; C. P. Bills, P.K., �,��;,,,, , 0 .., ". I ,,,Loiro, � I , AdoiAllifip­ eo)v I . ,�, " " I 4: 1,ng;,'ic6hvelle1r,, - MrS4 1 4 " I I'll ­ I . I...),. A", '� , I, read a passage eitutledy OwAlta- have moved to market thrbugh the Several of the, ladies here at- council, re grant for their fall ralr.: $5,000 with t -he Bconomical Bond- box tent, $15; Bro6k, bavis, Dunn& ','�,�,,�, 'I .. I 'M I I I— .. . di�tjkoj'�, ' pl,4*�jk,�,sec., Mrs, L - assit,ted -by the,Goverh- tended the Wedding of Harvey Tom Leiper and Gen. Brown: That Ing Co. with Gordon Elliott as, ag. Broughton,. .$300; Urttioli Amaerkii: . � .,:_�,, , � . . . 11 I I , ­- .1 - �, r I . tion On the Resurrection." And of. tra1e Mid �:­,-.�:�,,, , - . , ,..". �: ". I � I . *oll and, Mrs. W. K�qe; group leid- � I .111. ' " ". % I . � .1 � I 11 read, -followed -by, roll call 'and col- n9bessary to export the surplus Ural societies: Blyth, ClIn- years. Carried. Prins, $248.70; Rec6lvdr Odhera ot ,�����i�, R , ADE'FIGHTS I eiar Miss Grace titsweer, Mrs. R., �:.� , .1�, , I . Lots 7��6i vt''�Caid- -ent. -It Is Quite clear that It Is ft,rUtig and Miss L114flie Boyea In, we give a grant of ,$50 to the three ent, for a premium of $50 for three A0,844lice Go., $&60; The Fraftlain, ... , . torsyth; addil , . . 11 8. IG fered pra,yer. llh,� minutes were m 0hisethUrst Clifirch on Saturday. agrICUIL , -1 ,;, - ,j , , I h �­�-, .. �4 .4 � '� I I ,�, I I . -.1 fi I Mjj� Will, Bell., Mrs. J. lection. At this time Master Dou'g- ekg� from this country. At the pre- Mrs, Win. Johns and Mrs. OP. Murch ton and Seaforth. Carrfed,. W. R. The fire protection by-4aw was Canada, rent, $iO, Trbit4lat'61-0 6A* I ' I III . ' I . . " ' Eps, �a I Chas. EY*O. lao.ShIrray slamg a solo, "Here sent time we are operating witli were guests. I Jewitt and Wrm. J. Dale: That we read and passed, The municipal taxio, ,$489,96; W. Dut"s,4994,041 ".1", � 1.0 - ' 11 McLellan slid W9. ,Comes, Peter Cotton,T&11,11' we6in- the Gor6rzim-bitt, making the wa, - give a grant o A9- draln,bplaws for the Willrte anti Co. of Mine, ifull9eift, '$41 '_Ift�h_' it.", - - - I GRASS FIRE;,. `­--`- 11)Uotb� 'iral,siodell Was ouliby Ann - Miss Betty' Aline Stephen cele f $35 td the Blyth =44 � ., I - I . � '''I I panied.. by his, mother. The print- Jotity of the deals, therefora tKe bratdd tier eighth birthday Satur- ricultural Society,, Defeated. Harding .Municipal DrAitts were $28-29. X611819'X6% $15SUff '', 'L�'�tf� , Wild, Marie Sitiolair. dont welcomed, the ft6vr ,in . people of Canada as a Whole day, and. had 'eight little girt At this tlme�,a delegation from placed before the council 'and D.,"It'Wiflodf � I 4 ,;., 6 should Ild brecht, $11,04 , . u 4� :,.�4 6* �'. j," * , - � , Mv;', �,, M .. . 46aftirth filr�thtfl' Were C�lledl ird �,,� 'the Wstittiti6 is taking it bug triti I � 41 ; ,,.,, 6..;10.�'., v, , 0 aud,_plans, were made for thdl.*ip�. 0 1-bute to the cost of exporting frIeAft asi guests. I the Blyth Miou -Collietery Board passed, H. Maloney, 4"'14,41,0W, 11 ., I 911011; a gr6so firb. on 6 � Od , again this, 'bar, q6shlbly to X44- . � I allr " tj, boli4"� _ " %ief to be served td the VA"'Wo I Plus 6996, and not by the Jftln Skiliner, teacbet in Now a0proached- the council, re grant W. R. Jewitt and Arch16 Young- 033-28,; A&W,cll - - r� , " .2 , "" "" 16d, bigUrs ,,C Ar,4 .1 . g�ifj raffi;. " 4 it Broadfoot,"d ,, ,,, these - , ­� t I ". I IF bytfisr7 in the United r , ,6 �,,g;,,,producisrq alone, as iiroporse4: Toroitto,' 12, speild$ - klifroved be 11411-Maca"Utay,A " ,�w di �r uk'� ., J I i �� tv,t,t, *Oi6d a vbtw df I - . .. the Easte� for extensioll. program: 8town an4 T'dat, all aedotints 46 6iil� ,,, - t; , . ,,, .0. 44MI16", 0. 4 iiii , ,', a, ep Tur;;6 . Jut �A",�4�04V , . b he egK warketing seheilio." - p Ovod, tor p Iee, 50't; M. .9, . . � ; � � , " 6§9, dlid. to those, . . hlbll&ye at big 110111: h6re, ay- _�.',Wt� F'M N ,- . � .. April 28. The, 864rotuy, ts . 1 Youn�. Tb,at We Wa,ke A, grant of Pat& Ajecoulits � 11 SWO& . ,fbu06 -to tAVI k4 'td . . .,j C­'l- , , . ;& '' ­ I , L, ' ' " j" , y, 'ad Ah I&IW16h 6#isrld . ejl(itsr�,= t ' A raidtig 4,1� forth Plumib;14�,V , i , P. -I — 1311�1,�,' .".k.q" , oraso, in .4,41 ddJ61Wh taid 00't A"Ititt 41166thilg. Tb I , ­+�* I � WtN ,fbot�, Beill, Mr. und, ,Mrs.. 01 $400 to the 13,1�Kh 't'jilon C � on llloludlidt ca, � � ZI, 1AW 11 W1,11 �1 . M, . . IV I . . I 4 , I I .1 1 fr6lu U16 - AMUOIC - Cftft; . , �9�topfioa Lantle Donnie and, Betty Board-ta- be, nobti, for, at 4ft0belbli, teaftifth thkd M�ft X,46,, ki$ ­ - ­ ", Abbille 6-h ! 1001A ' IL = I , ­ ZRA-i, M -A " 01*­dlumlig a ft. .tll�, - I 1. .., I �' I I !, �,�,, , , , .�'dol owthV ��111 , 1� 110. 1, I . hi�, _ 'adbyfill" `�X` . ow, d6A t f, " 8 "' " I I ,b 0 T ;�w �., A I . y b: �fqlxtqqf , , � ,,, - , anad[VIA ". _ � I � �. � � 9_XVV%1Z�",tW­'1fi �.Imlarle% 11H.00"'roal " �1 041h a ; 'W1 , . I �!�l an . , I I I.& - � i",,' $136 831 inMt .1 O.: 1,"'I. _1A " - , , 11 "O". �) ­ ye". ­:!. � P." t,"',� "t -�r " "; " �� t" , �, ,4, �1�1111:: ; '�S I 2,',�,4�,, ,.. - . - 11 '. � 1019, 0 . � , .. $,,�� I I 1. I., - .��;Ift, If M !��;- -1 p . � 1 A ­�i4 I . . ­� ... I I I- ". ,q,' 'I, 111, �,;,: ... ... -,:4i� �%,, I '� � I ... 1. ;11 I . .111", 219 ERE. . ;1�ol L t,p�_111111; ," j, , i 11 ". - " %J�­W'4� - " - . 11 ���. , . �� , I , i�. "� ­ .,� 4 3 " " , 1� : I L;' � - , .11 I '. 1_)11111 .r . 1111-1, � , - I I �, Ly,., ",," ; I'll, � ,� �", , �11 � _ 11111,11" .V, 111. ­111::��­­, ; I'll � z . f . 11 I .X .... 11 I , &MM ri�gv2g . . . . . . ,,, 1.1%, I.` t. . . . .L .