HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-11, Page 8ecialloe in z zgkiiO4,34,g, OASUMUTY L*!DENT AND SioE rtrESS REILARY AND WINDSTORM PIereeettting Companies who IWO Security with Service. ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TallESAIERMAN'S MUTUAL 1111R,E INSURANCE Information gladly given. NEWS Q' 'WM Northside vissikm gland.:1100tlintl; —The Easter tbaJikeifering ing of the Alert Minion Band0 Northside United Murat, was held on April 1 with several (meats' pre - Dent. The president, BiYan presided at the meeting. 'Dhotis talr- ieg part in the devotional peried were Gordon Ferris, Linda Sav- auge and Donald Wright. The guest speaker was Miss Ferris, who told WATSON & REID M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate; RADIO REPAIRS PHONE 214 : SEAFOR'rH Gordon Wilson FOR SALE ' Two-storey Dwelling on Centre" • M. All modern conven'ences. Well; located. Early po st,t,sion. esseeamefeemeceneeeofcsialde PHONE 29 Or leave Radii) at Shell Service Station EMode7 2 -Storey Dwelling, with ,amazass., garage. Sperling St. Possession rranged. ...16266.0011196.eilmommooftogil InEgmondvitle, 1.4'2 storey three- bedroom dwelling: double 1ot, and eatable; small !Nils. Possession within a month. 1% Storey 7 -Room Frame Modern Dwelling, garage, on James St. Brick Dwelling, Goderich St. Im- xnediate possession. comfortable .6 -room Dwelling in Winthrop, 1/3 acre of land, with Small fruits. Early posse'ssion. Frame Dwelling on Victoria St., with all modern convenienees. Pose session arranged. Frame Dwelling in Dublin. Im- mediate possession. FOR SALE COAL 41.044 PielteXtor Gatten 'and".1,4140, pol.94 worp :pi by ce• rm1snep":404.. Qadt, POTOr- Admeeting`eleeed With Hyin 584. We Screen It! • STOVE COAL • NUT COAL • BUCKWHEAT GOAL • ALBERTA COAL • POCAHONTAS COAL' • STOKER COAL • HARD GOAL BRIQUETTES William M. Hart PHONE 784 : SEAFORTH 41111111"11111111101111111"11111.11.1.111111111.1 Other properties also listed. M. A. REID. • REAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured ' PHONES: 1 624 or 162-W Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 Mens Club, War* Retired School teMPOCter.—There were`forty:Seyen neerehers in attendance at the regu- lar men'club slipper in First Pres- byterian, church Tuesday evening, when A. E. Nelson., retired public Scheel 4ASPOCtOr of Perth •CinintY, was the guest speaker, He close for his subject, the comparison be- tween education in former years and the Present-day Wret•M, 014 WS address contained Many ciMme ing stories. Clinton E.'Smith was chairman of the meeting; D. N. Eastman introduced the speaker, and was thanked by F. A. Dobson. R. H. McLeod thankesi the ladies of the Barbara ,Kirkmla Auxiliary who served the supper, and Mrs. J. B. Russell replied. es St. Thomas' Ladies' Guild Meets. —The regular meeting of the Lad- ies' Guild of St. Thomas' Church was held in the Pariph Hall on Tuesday. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Raymond Nott, Miss Dorothy Parke occupied the chair. The meeting opened with the Scripture reading by Miss Mary Galbraith, taken from portions of Isaiah for the Tuesday before Eas- ter. Prayers for the parish were read by Miss Parke, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unisen. Fol- lowing the roll call, the minutes of the previous meeting were readan,d. ad:Opted, as was also the treasur- er's report: No birthdays were 'not- ed for the month. Items of busineaS were discussed and it was decided' that the next monthly meeting take the form of a shower for the Goose with the Golden Egg, booth., Mrs. H. Colbert and Mrs. Ada Reid will be conveners of the white elephant sale and the rummage sale to be held Saturday, April 26. Miss Parke closed the meeting with a hymn and the benediction. Eight -room 2 -storey, house, four bedrooms; three-piece bathroom; furnace and' good basement. Situ- ated on corner of Centre and Wil- son Streets, Seaforth. Splendid Location. ATAG OTHER PROPERTIES E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate SEAFORTH : ONT. • PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 Now Is the Time TO BUY A PHILCO REFRIGERATOR - at the NewReducedPrices • DALY MOTORS. FORD - MONARCH SALES & SERVICE VALUES IN USED (ARS '40 CHEVROLET COACH '44) DODGE SEDAN '38 BUICK SEDAN '37 CHEV. COUPE '37 DODGE SEDAN '36 CHEV. SPORT COUPE '33 CHEV. SEDAN '29., FORD "A" USED TRUCKS '41 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS We have a number of new Pontiac Cars and G.M.C. Trucks in stock Good delivery on most models' OURREPUTATION 18,, YOUR GUARANTEE RICE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick G.M.C. Trucks 799 SEAFORTH Beeeinied was Well known in' Set4, orte as he was proprietor of the ItOtrel tatefor many year,e, and ater operated it as an apartment building. Surviving are two eis- ters, Mrs. Chas. Broadfoot, IVIoose Jew. -anal Mrs. Lyle Case, Toroete, and one son, James Weir. Ie wife Predeceased him about 20 years age. Interment was in a, I,Iuffalo cemetery. Death of Peter Bale.—The death of Peter Bale, a resident of Sea - forth for a number of years, oc- curred Tuesday, in his 77th year. Mr. Bale .hed.been in failing health for die,past five months. He was born at -Brighton, and was married to Martha Brewster. who passed away in 1939. Retiring about"seven years ago he had made his home with Mr. Ed. Brady for the past few years. Deceased was a mem- ber of St. Thomas" Anglican Church: --The funeral took place on Thursday from the„ G. A. Whitney Funeral Home. with Rev. W. A. Jones conducting the service. In- • PAINTING • PAPERHANGING Interior and Exterior Decorating WALTER PRATT R.R. 1, Walton PHONE 48 r 9 - BRUSSELS WaS; 110400#1,413# Cemetery, ;the" Pattliea,Tere gct,sti 11,1uolie, Lee 74yOstpr; ocguge, 404 #74% .Telni, Me- Lachlall 40413Y-0,01,10101.1, TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH Hospital Auxiliary M eets, — The regular meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary was held Tues- day night at the nurses' residence with Mrs. A. W. Sillery presiding. The meeting opened with the Lord's Prayer. The minutes were read and adopted. The treasurer's report revealed that $68.00 had been re- alized front"the theatre party. Final ',plans for the penny sale to be held April 26 at Box Furniture Store, were made. Tickets may be obtain- ed from any member of the Auxil- iary. Prizes will be on display for a week previous to the sale. The auxiliary has again expressed its thanks to the merchants for their co-operation. The auxiliary would appreciate having pablum boxes, or boxes similar in size; they may he left at Box' Furniture Store. Plans for the annual Hospital Day, com- memorating Florence Nightingale, were completed. This year the day Will be obsierved, oro May 9'!" The hospital and residence will be open for the .public's inspection. Mrs. E. A. McMaster introduced the guest speaker, Miss Anne Ballantyne, Reg.N., superintendent of nurses at Freeport Sanatorium. Miss Ballan- tyne spoke of the different phases of prevention of T.B. in the Sana- torium, She also told of the re- habilitation of a patient and the occtipation therapy. treattrients while there. Miss Ballantyne in- cluded in her remarks a descrip- tion of the free clinics held in the Kitchener and district hospitais. T.B. seals help' pay for these clin- ics, said the speaker. A vote of thanks was giveri by Miss', Alice Reid. Mrs, E. A. McMaster, accom- panied by Miss Karen Kidd, contri- buted a solo, "Sunshine of Your Smile," to the program. Lunch was served. 10 0 0 .0 0 o o o it> W. J. CLEARY * 8eaforth, Ont. 0 0 LICENSED E M BA LM E R ANO FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 0 Slinbt or Day Calls — 835 0 6> 00 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 * o tc). BO3i Uttered ibtrbict trtibainier fitAtaNOE 4iention, Att4 6 dit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MMA Funeral ef JohnCierrle---:-Funeral Services ter the late omCUrrie, woo paased away on Thnrscley, Apr. 8, were held at the G. A. Whit- ney Funeral Home on Saturday, and were largely attended. Rev. D. .4.. MacMillan, of Northside 'Crated Church, conducted,the service, and the pallbearers were Helmer Snell, D. H. Wilson, W. H. Elliott, Peter McIver, Alex MeNab and NI, Mc- Kellar. Interment was in Maitland - bank cemetery. ut-of-town friends who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. P. Garside and Mack and Jack MacDowell, of London; Mr. and Mrs.. L. Colling, of Ayl- mer; Mr. and • Mrs. Relit. Mitchell, of Stratford.; Mr. and INIniVave Going, Miss Grace Curri -and Vernon Growing, of Preston; Mrs. Christina MacDowell, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Whitfield and Mr. and Mrs. *Ague Brown, of Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nab, Mr. and Mrs. Bill MacDowell,, Archie and Douglas Currie, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whitfield, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Whitfield, of Atwood'. afte/11111116m1181.6•00111.111•1•1111111111101•11111 Easter Dance Looby's Hall DUBLIN • MONDAY, APRIL 14th MURDOCH'S NEW AND OLD-TIME ORCHESTRA , Dancing 10-1 • ADMISSION — 75 CENTS weemapeeelagareewagfesollnImillia Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Surtday School; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "The Triumph of the Cross"; 11:30 a.m:, Junior Con- gregation; 7 p.m., Union Easter service in First Presbyterian Church. All cordially•welcome. St. Thomas' Anglican Church.— Good Friday, 11 a.m., 'Morning Prayer; Easter Sunday: 8:30 a.m.; Holy COMM12111012; 10 a.m., Chil- dren's. Service; 11 asn., Holy Com- munion. St. Mary's, Dublin -2 p.m. Sunday School; 2:30 Holy Communion. Salvation Army.—Saturday, Apr. 12, to Sunday, April 20, at 8 p.m., Evangelistic services will be con- ducted. by Cadets and Officers of the Salvation Army Trainin.g Col- lege. ;Monday, April 14, to Saturday, April 19, at 10 a.m., Easter Vaca- tional Bible ,School for all children. A sincere welcome awaits you. First Presbyterian Church. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and .Sunday School; 11 a.m., "The Meaning of Baster"; junior Congregation; 7 p,m., The choirs Of Northside Unit- ed Church, First Church and St. Thomas' Church, will present aser- vice of song under the direction of Jas, A. Stewart and Stan J. Smith, —Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minis- ter. 0000000000 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director 0 and Ambulance Service 0 DUBLIN - ONT. O Night or Day Oalls: 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 op, 0.000000000 G, A. WHITNEY Funeral Home 0' GOdertch St. W. 8eaforth AMMILINet Immo Adjust8thrlral bell° g LOWMItS mom ogemoio DaY'dtViAlt* , 0,044404 Fresh - Cut Flowers FOR EASTER • Carnations • Snapdragous • Stocks We grow them for you! • 4,104 §,9410eCi* te AAA 14440' . grei.JOfigRb, • Mt. WP"0"g0',44#94;:f4,144-0.1t TOfielkq'''.114t*,4044lilg•iP.-101';'. With Pa1eiiK:AW4A-Ari'•;:k1A0k Stenheneeli. 1:X14S 004.1'nnr don, spent be 174414 -end NOt1,1 his Parents# Mr- and 10.s. W. Camer- LOCAL • Mr.. and Mrs. IL E. Smith smmt the week -end at Niagara -on -the - Baker's Greenhouse SEAFORTH FOR SALE , SIX -ROOM HOUSE on Louisa St. $850.00 down. FOUR -ROOM HOUSE on Side St. $800.00 down. GAS STATION and GROCERY STORE, with good eight -room house, on Highway. Call W. C. OKE Phone 670 r 3 - Seaforth Funeral of Miss Matilda G. Scott. —The funeral service for Miss Ma- tilda Grace Scott, who passed away on Wednesday, April 2, wee held on Friday at the G. A. Whitney funeral home and was largely at- tended. Rev. D. Glenn. Campbell, of First Presbyteriah Chtirch, offici- ated. The pallbearers. Were James Hogg, Robert M. Seott, Albert Har- rison, Kenneth Murray, Thomas Nash and Gordon McKenzie. In- ternietit was in 1V6altlandbank came - tett - • Partner Owner of Royal Hotel PaSsesi.--"Word" Wes reneiVedi Tues. Atti,t et the death of Mr. ,.,Lorne Weir, whish occurred at hiao haat() litiffale, en Marsh 311, 41 his 7thyott. Mx',virtig 'bad) Suffered 4talX itie ante' age and 11#4eStit titi"perdtieli. CHOCOLATES FOR Easter • Smiles 'n' Chuckles 1.10 • Rosemary 1.00 — • Turtles 90 & 11,15 • Cherries 1.35 & /.75' McKindsey's I.D.A. Drug Store 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT. The Color Gut4antees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 13634 Rea, 192.ti HOME - BAKING SALE Auspices Constance W.A. SEAFORTH PRODUCE STORE SATURDAY, APRIL 12 2:00 p.m. on. e Mre. Frank Blatchford has re- turned to her home in Toronto af- ter visiting her !deter, MiS. F. B. Hubler. • Mr. and Mrs, Fred Scrimes, of Pomona, California, visited last week with her cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Stewart, This was their first return visit, in 40 years, and recall many changes -in •that time. Mrs. Scrimes was' the for- mer Etta Elgie, of Hibbert Twp. • Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Smith, of AnOaster, visited with Mr. and Mrs F. Kling and Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Illans.on over, the week -end. • Mies Ann Ballantine, Superin- tendents of,. Freeport" Sanatorium, was the guest of Mrs. E. A. Mc- Master on Tuesday. Miss. Ballan- tyne was the guest speaker, at the Women's -Hospital Auxiliary meet - amenoweingleismiellIP0061MIIPmlill DANC Seaforth AgriculturalanceSociety p FRIDAY, APRIL 18th Seaforth Community Centre DE SJAR DI N E'S GROH EST -RA IN AID OF THE SOCIETY'S BUILDING FUND $5.00 in Cash given away eyery hour on the hour! Admission 50c ing-• . • Mr. Wm. Britten. who .spent the .winter 'months with his son, Rev. J. C. 'Britton, in Thamesford, FqUIT,e4:1! to NICKillop, where ho i id1h �ie tints with his' daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. .McMillan. • Mr, and Mrs. Ross kM. Rennie, of Toronto, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. •IVI. R. Rennie. • Mr. and Mrs. W. 'Orland John- son have moved to ' town from Brucelield, Mr. Johnsoa.haviwur.- chased the 'Huron Wholesale •buse nears. • (Mr. and Mrs N. Banjavic, of Brantford, and Mr. Andrew Petts, of Kitchener, were week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lupul. • Mr. and Mrs. .M. ,McKellar and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Flynn, of town,, and Mrs'. Etta ?Dale, of MeKillop were in Lindsay on Sunday owing to the death of Mrs. Gee, who was a frequent visitor at the McKellar hdme. • Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, Mrs. J. B. Russell and Mrs. J. W. Thomp- son, McKillop,` were in Hamilton last week, attending the Sy,nodical in connection with the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian Church. • The operetta, "Cinderella,' which .was presented by the public, school pupils recently, -willhe broadcast over 'OKNX, Wingham Friday evening, from 10 ,to 11 o'cloclk. • ..Mr and Mrs, C. A. barber, who spent the past.few weeks in Toron- to, have returned. home. e Mrs. E. A. 'McMaster and daughter, Karen, are 'speeding the Easter week -end in New York. • Mrs. K. M. McLean has return ed to town after spending the past two months .in Stratford at the home of her daughter, 'Mrs. G. C. Jarrott and Dr.Jarrott. •. Mr. and Dr., Thos. Grieve marked their 62nd wedding anni- versary quietly with a •fainily gath- ering last Sunday. Present were Miss Margaret Grieve, Dresden; Mise_.13.ess:_Griever• -Chatham; -end - Mr.' and 'Mrs. • Marry" Grieve and their two sons, Tommy and Russell, Windsor. HEAR e'sees-T 'ff,'A!k7r; NOW P4YN4• •r- Qi!!11001--(50. • ‘' ON MO'ONLIGHT BAY"' Dons DAY GORDON macytAE This is the Great Picture We've been trying to, get tor menthe! 'VverYttue wiR 16., cliff ,wliroical. cpBstecty. NEXT MONDAY, • Tti gSGAYo.- ,W g ON ESDAY TECHN ICO LOW -..fl'ON THE RIVIERA". DANNY KAYE GENE TIERNEY The Beaches of Monte Canlo. give the Betting for this Gay CoresfilY filled with eenge everyone Will love. FRIDAY, SATURDAY '"CALLAWAY WEN t THAT wAy" 'HOWARD KEEL DOROTHY MGUIR Smoky Callaway, the idol of ,Amertean Youth rides Wein. A real CowboYi helks at becoming h.I.lollYWood WeStern Stan,. Corning "BIRDS OF PARADISE" Col. R. T. Spooner Principal S. A. Officers' Training College, Toronto THURSDAY, APRIL 17 8:00 p.m. The Salvation Army Seaforth smominimmummmt EASTER Song Service FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday, Apr.l3th 7:00 p.M. - The combined Choirs of First Church, St. Thomas' Church and Northside United Church will present a Service of Song for Easter. Everybody Welcome An Evangelistic Crusade Will Be Held For Nine Nights AT 8:00 APRIL 12th FO APRIL 20th THE SALVATION AIRMY,7:SEAFORTII Conducted by Cadets and ()Meets of the Salvation Army Officers' Training Easter Vacation Bible.School For Boys and' Garb. „ ,f! APRIL 14th TO Mitt& lOth 10100 EVerSrOile Nire100P1 WALTON - INS Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Somerville have returned, from the Southern States, where -they spent the past few weeks. Mr. Somerville is much improved in health, but thinks there is no place just like Huron County. EGMONDVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston, of Wellington, visited with the latter's mother, Mrs. D. Stephenson. Miss. Mayne Watson, Reg.N., of St. Joseph's Hospital, London, spent the week -end with her 'par- ents, .Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacLean visited on Sunday with Mrs. Mac- Lean'sbrother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Close, of Wiaterloo. DUBLIN SLIX-/-.;SANDALS NINDALs "Styled by Marlene of Paris; France" Quick and Neat from Purse to Feet WILL FIT ANY HEEL Colors -- Black, Brown, Red, Green $2.45 a Pair — at the —t WILLIS" SHOE STORE "The Little Store With 'the BIG Values" Personals.: Mr, and Mrs. Leo Ry- an, Preston, with her father, 'Mr. Patrick' Woods, and •other rela- tiVes; Mrs,. George Holland1nTo- ronto; Rev. J. A. Feeley, London, with his brothers and sisters; Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Strubb,- Kitchener; with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flanagan and attended -the funeral ef Mrs. H. Tomlinson on Saturday; Miss Dor- othy Jordan, Kitthener, with her mother, Mis. Loretta Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal, Mr. and Mrs. Blonde, " Windsor, Miss Florence McQuaid, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krauskopf, and Leo Kraus- kepf, Lendon, attended the funer- al of 'Mrs. James Delaney on Sat- urday; Mr., and Mrs. Robert ,Me - Cormack and son, Bobby, Detroit, with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. (Martin 'Feeney; Miss Dorothy Kint- ner, Kitehener, with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Kistner. ZION BINGO Sponsored by Exeter Branch Canadian Legion Exeter -Legion Memorial Hall THURSDAY, APRIL 10th $450.00 in Cash Prizes 15 Regular Games for $10 Each — 2 Special Games for $25 Each 1 Special Game for $50, and $200.00 Jackpot Must Be Won Featuring the Bingo Blower $20.00 -DOOR PRIZE ADMISSION $1.00 EXTRA CARDS 25c • Doors Open 7:30 — Games Start at 9 The Management reserves the right to cancel the Bingo according to weather conditions.. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barker visited in Hamilton on Sunday. • -Mr. and IVrns. (Dalton Malcolm, Keith and. Bruce, and Mrs. James Malcolsi with Mr. and Mrs. George Gibb oa Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Annie tended the geldenwedding, of their and aunt, (Mr, and Mrs. Wan, 3. Near, ib Strafford, on TlintadaY,. 1 Mrs. Earl Roney.a.tid, Miss Mid Roney spent PridaY hi Stratford. Mrs. Josie Janes, ,Who has Stielit ,the past two "Weeks Withlier chine Ire. Siete& Matetaint, 'returned td8eratfordinl'idtiati. •iMr. and Ittar.,-Oharies alkinter,01 London, *lofted: On IStindey With .4)arelatq, d. Britten, iMetr,qtritten*Ciiinilitlileet theta lading •.and'&f d1Th1fiacid fid :titt;Actrielg 144,8tate EASTER SPECIAL SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON ALL LIVING ROOM FURNITURE • • FLOOR COVERINGS FOR EVERY ROOM • Marboleum • Rubber • Jaspe Tile FURNITURE : FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE - Telephone: Day or Nit 119; Residence 65 SEAPORTH — , ONTARIO - • Expositor Want Ads Bring Results — Phone 41 armers . . . SAVE DISAPPOINTMENT By Purchasing Your Machine Requirements Early - Full line of New assey - Harris Machines NOW IN STOCK ALSO USED M,JH, 22 Std. Tractor -2 years old M.:H. 30 R. C. Tractor -2 years-rlike new Int.-H.—Reconditioned and new tires; extra good W.C. Allis—Excellent condition Cockshytt R.C.—Good condition -13-Run CockShutt Fertilizer Drill SVERAL USED COMBINES All Above Machines Priced. To Clear, — at 141 • One" •i •