HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-11, Page 4ssihed Ads Inserted4t New:- Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.—Per Word: 1 Cent 2nd Weep .. .. .., Cent 3r4 Week gCent Minimnln charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts es one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notieir Coming bents -1 cent Her word. Minimum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of, date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths Inserted free of charge Auction Sales, Ngtices to Creditors, Etc.-ltates on application. int Week Coming Events • VES, SIR I- EVERYBODY IS RAVING about the good old-tyme dancing at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, ev- ery Friday night with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. A good place to dance and meet your frienda. 4397x2 Personals ' SKINNY MEN, WOMENI GAIN 6 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Osbrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh ; new vigor. New get acquainted" size ONLY $Oc, 1111 drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R LIB BE R Goods). mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. '2-18, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Help Wanted , TEACHER WANTED QCHOOL TEACHER FOR S.S. NO. 10, IJ Tuckeismith. Duties to commence September term,. 1962. .hydro in. school. , Apply, stating qualifications and salary, to JAMES DRUMMOND, Secretary. R.R. 2, Kippen, Ont. 4397-2 Livestock Wanted Wanted WANTED—TWO MALE BOARDERS. PHONE 277, Seaforth. 4397-1 WANTED—CROP LAND TO RENT ON shares. Apply Box 140, HURON EX- POSITOR, 4397x1 FREE 1Ii'ERMOMETER, PLUS CASH at your farm,. for dead or disabled , horses or cows. Phone collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, 655 r 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. 4373-tf For Rent FOR RENT — SMALL UNHEATED apartment. Apply to G. C. BRIGITT- RALL, Bank of Commerce. 4397-1 pollRENT—APARTMENTFOR RENT. Possession April 1. Apply MRS. E- L. BOX, Seaforth. 43974 FOR RENT — ROOMS ON GROUND 1 floor, centrally located ; garage. ' Ap- ply Box 139, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4397-1 Motor Cars For Sale FOR SALE -11949 ANGLIA (ENGLISH Ford) Coach, in excellent condition. Owner going West. Phone MRS. F. NOVAK, 685-W, Seaforth. 4397-1 Notices ' NOTICE—ASHES, CANS, ETC., RE - moved promptly' and reasonable, HAR- OLD MALONEY. Phone 217-2, Seaforth. - 4397x4 WANTED—DRESSMAKING, SUCH -AS women's and children's clothing, a,d alterations. PHONE 337..8. Seaforth. 4397x2 WANTED TO BORROW—TWO THOU - sand dollars on first mortgage, on 56.000 house, Apply Box 137, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4396x3 ANTED — \PART TIME OR .FULL - time temporary bookkeeping, typing. Work done at home if necessary. PHONE 2794d. 4397x1 Notices To Creditors' NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of CATHERINE JORDAN A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Catherine Jor- dan, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County, of Perth, Widow, deceased, who died on the 1st day of 'March, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1952. after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then receiv- ed' DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day of April, 1952. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4396-3 NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN PITMAN BELL A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of John Pitman Bell, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County •-of Huron, Retired Railway Con- stable, deceased, who died on the 23rd day of January, 1952, are hereby 'notified to send in .full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1952, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Seaforth, this 2nd day April, 1962. McCONNELL • & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. (Continued trona lkige 1) fieers, Dept. of Trade & Industry,. Workmen's 'Compensation Board, 11. Petzke, Bickle-Seagrave . 'Ltd, LaFrance Fire 'Engine & Foarmite Ltd., ,Gutta Percha & Rubber Co., Bod'a Scrapbook referred to Cham- ber of Commerce, County Engineer, •Dept. of Highways, Provincial) Treasurer --same considered and Sled. Jones and 'Parke: That the as- sessor, and any others who care, attend the meeting in Listowel on April 9 at 10 a.m. Bills and accounts were read as follows: W. Allan, snowplowing streets, $66; Bell Telephone, ser- vice, $10.35; Hyde Bros., tractor seat, $8.80; London Concrete Ma- chinery Co., repairs, pump, etc., $10.56; L. S. Filer, coal, Hall, $101; L. Oesch, police duties, $29.&0; E. R. Davis, salary, $161.52; Dept. of ighways, license, fire truck, $2; Drysdale Hardware, supplies, Hall, $7.47; R. Cook Motor Sales. gas, $3.80; R. Davis, labor streets, $1.25; Hensall P.U.C., Hydro, Hall, $17.95. Total, $420.20. Luker and Jones: That we col- lect the garbage on May 14 and 15 this year as usual, and that the clerk advertise the same. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Case have returned from a two months' vaca- tion at Phoenix, Arizona.. Death of J. R. McDonald .1. R. McDonald, oldest district esident, died' suddenly Monday morning at his home, one mile and a .half south of Hensall on High - For Sale I ihOR SASE—MAN'S GREY SPRING Topcoat, size 3$-40; very good condi- tion. Priced reasonable. PHONE 3114. 4397x1 FOR BALE—NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO., Goderich. .Phone 1135. 4395-tf VOR SALE—GOOD SHORTHORN BULL and a Yorkshire boar. Both of service- able age. W C. MONTGOMERY, 'R.R. 4, 'Walton. Phone 834 r 4, Seaforth. 4397-1 ,FOR SALE .— ABOUT 400 BUSHET S 1Vi`ontcalm seed barley, grown from registered seed ; 51.90 bushel in your own bags. Apply to ELGIN NOTT. Phone 847 r 5, Seaforth. 4396-2 i1 0R SALE—GOOD FRAME BUILDING, 30 feet wide, suitable for drive shed or straw shed. It can be easily moved and will .be sold cheap. Also. a Massey -Harris steel roller, in good shape. Apply WIL- of 1 BER KEYES. Phone 656 r 11, Seaforth. 4397-1 FOR SALE—BABY'S SHOES, SIZE 4r,.!,, 6 and 8; 'Brown, 7 and 8: bedroom slippers, size 4; baby swing, 'padded seat ; Gendron baby carriage, kiddie car, wag- 4396-3be f d 2 coats and tweed on , umber r o - dresses suit, size 12 ; ice box : Philco car radio. Alin A-1 condition. Cheap. PHONE NOTICE to CREDITORS 273b -R. 4897.1 In the Estate of FRANCIS KEEGAN A L L PERSONS I3AVINO CLAIMS against .the Estate of Francis Keegan, late of the Township of., Stanley, in the Recessed Bathtubs $60 SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND County of Huron, .Gentlemen, deceased, Richledge stainless three-piece bath- room sets, White $160,00 to' $189.00, Col- N,.:OTIGE --FARMERS:_. WANTING.:--A"t.19:>2,.-are hereby. notified }q pend In_ fulIlr •t• - • - - contract for barley can. get same at particulars of their claims to the under -!acs 5295.00. 2 .00. special. iters to i,I hem WINTHROP I•EED MILL or WALTON-signed on or before the 25th day of April A d buil ers Special offers p'valnable leEED MILL. 4396x2 1952, after which date the assets will be • dollan, buy will, confidence and have a distributed, having regard only to claims nicer home. Satisfaction, guaranteed. then received. Extra discounts off catalogue prices if we DATED at Seaforth, this 2tid day of supply everything you need for'complete plumbing or heating installation. Cata- April, 1962. Logue includes litho photos - of main fix- tures, price and installation diagrams. Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, showers, shoves, refrigerators. Pres - 4396 -3 sure venter systema, oil burners, septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write. • • ASHES AND GARBAGE REMOVED.— During summer will collect twice a week. Charges reasonable.' See HARRY PETHICK, or Phone 146. - 4397.1 NOTICE — REGISTERED ABERDEEN- "' hull, serviceable age. Apply THOMAS ELLIS, R.R. 5, Brussels. 4397x1 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, ' opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf TAx. RETURNS—LIMITED TIME ONLY available this year. Please make ap- pointments in advance, H. G. MSIR, Dominion Bank Bldg:, Seaforth. 4395x4 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER THE FOLLOWING LAND 'S 0 SEED for sale by tender: Approximately 70 acres. Lot 1. Con. L.R.W.. Stanley Town- ship, , being 3 miles south of Bayfield, on Bivewater Hi3thway, owned by The In- corporated Synod of the Diocese of Huron, Box 302. London. Ont., and operated be Huron Church Camp. On the' said land there is said to be erected a brick dwelling and silo. All land broken. Well and windmill near house. Purchaser to maintain all fences and give easement on hydro line passing through property: who died on the 4th day of February,, oured..5274..00 _ yompleNB with v beautiful Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 14th day of • April, 1952, and be, accompanied by a marked cheque for 10% ofthe amount thereof. The highest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. ARCHDEACON W. A. TOWNSHEND, Box 302, London, Ontario. 4396-2 Property For Sale FOR SALE—MODERN 7 -ROOM HOUSE oil Goderich St. West. Apply Box 130, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4394.4 FOR SALES -ROOM HOUSE, CEN - trolly located ; modern solid construc- tion. Apply to Box 126, HURON EX- POSITOR, 4394x4 FOR SALE -9 -ROOM HOUSE, WHITE brink ; 4 -room apt. up, 3ece bath ; 5 rooms, summer kitchen down. Electric water heater. Darn and 2% lots. Write to KEN M.AKINS, 9 Regina N., Waterloo, Ont. 4394.4 HOUSE FOR SALE—WITH 2% ACRES of lend. 2 storey brick house, bath and teem water, new henhouse, new garage; nice lawn ; lots of shade,. Immediate pos- session. Chea), for quick sale. FRED LUCAS, Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 10X3. 4897x2 IFR S tit nWELLtl40,'*At ; HARD- wood 80016 ltiYrbiSffiiout, tietbrooin on •two &ore; fiteplece;•oil.heatitlg. One of the ;tetter }mitesin S4aferth.' pply to ,.Box 122. . Imam EIi osrrOR tea s McCONNELL -& HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor. NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of JAMES R. RILEY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James R. Riley, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Boilermaker's Helper, de- ceased, who died on the 21st day of November, 1951, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of April, 1962, after which, date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 2nd day April, 1962. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION, Streetsville Hardware. Streetsville - Ontario Phone 261; Evenings 61515 Cards Of Thanks way 4. He -was' discovered 'dead in bed by his son, Lloyd. In his 98th year, he was one of the most high- ly respected citizens and had re- sided on the same Earth for the past 41 years. He had •been'conifined to his room for the past ,'four years. On June 2, 1951, Mr. and Mrs, Mc- Donald observed theirdiamond wedddng anniversary. He was a. member of Hensall United Church.. Surviving are his widow, the for- mer Dorcas Hornet', of Usborne; two daughters, Mrs. J., Gordon Dav- is, Toronto, and Mrs. Russell Love, Kincardine, and one son, Lloyd, at home. Had he lived Mr. 'McDonald would have celebrated his 96th birthday on May 17. Private funer- al service was held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Bonthron Funeral Home with Rev. W. J. Rogers of- ficiating. Interment was in Exeter cemetery. Surprise Anniversary A :surprise party was held Satur- day,'Apr. 5, 'at the home of Mr, and Mrs:" Ken Passmore, Aylmer, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Mc- Lean, of Hamilton, the occasion be- ing their 25th wedding anniversary. Mrs. McLean, before her marriage was Zetta Passmore, daughter of Mr. John Passmore and the, late. Mrs. Passmore, of Hensall. They have three children, ,Geraldine, Bet- ty and Billy. A family 'gathering of twenty-two sat down to a delic- ious fowl dinner with all the trim- mings. Following a toast given in their honor, the'bridegroom tut the wedding cake and was ;presented with a beautiful silver tea service. Present for the celebration' were Mr. John Passmore, diensalll-' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passmore and fam- ily, Delhi; Mr. and IMrs. Ab. Pass- more and family, of Aylmer; Rev. and Mrs. I obt. Passmore and son, of 'Saltford; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Duncan, of Exeter. The afternoon and evening were spent remin- iscing. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family, of Hamilton, and' Mrs. Pearl Passmore and family, of Hen- sall,` were unable to join the fam- ily gathering. The many friends of Mrs. Parlmer. will be pleased to learn has returned to.her rooms on Brock St. The Women's Missionary Society of 'Chiselhurst United Church con- vened in the church Tuesday af- ternoon for their April meeting with "Easter" used as the theme for the meeting. President Mrs, Harold Parker presided and opened the meeting•, with prayer. Easter messages were presented by Mrs. Ben Stoneman, Mrs. T. Brintnell and' Mrs. Cal, Horton, A thankof- fering collection was taken and 20 members responded to the roll call. Mrs, B. Stoneman, and' Mrs. T. Brintnell were appointed delegates to ' attend "the resbyterial to be held ati W ley- Willis United Church, Clinton, Thursday, May 1. Cards of thanks were read. from Mrs. J. Westlake and Mrs, Earl Treffry: Mrs.. Stoneman, the tree's- _urer,.,presented the financial :state- ment. The --study book_ and Home Missions were used for the tic dealing with "French-Canadian Ev- angelism," • taken by Mrs. 'Earl Kinsman, Mrs: Clarence Coleman and Mrs. Roy McDonald. At the conclusion of . the meeting the Wo- men's Association met for a ,brief meeting-- with the chair taken .• by the president, Mrs. Roy McDgrtiald. It was disclosed that the cupboards have been completed' and installed in the church kitchen, the work be- ing done by Angus McKaig, Crom- arty. Final arrangements were made for the wedding dinner com- ing up shortly for which this or- ganization are catering to. TO THE MANY FRIENDS WHO SO kindly remembered me during my re- cent illness, I wish to express my sincere thanks. 4397-1 .,MBS. PARLMER THOMAS OLIVER WISHES TO EX - press his sincere appreciation to his of many friends for their kindness in send- ing cards and treats, and also to Miss Drupe and entire staff of Scott Memorial Hospital, and also to, Drs. Brady and Me - /Nester, while a patient in the hospital. 4397x1 4896-3 For Sale F•OR SALE -GOOD CALF, PART HERE ford. PHONE 658'r 33, Seaforth. 4397-1 WOOD FOR SALE.—APPLY TO-CECIL1 LONEY. Phone 332-11, Seaforth. I ,4392-6 FOR SALE—•6 BUSHELS RED CLOVER seed. FRED SINCLAIR. Phone 842 r 14, Seaforth. 4396x2 FOR SALE — BOY'S NAVY BLUE trench coat and tweed jacket, size 12. P31ONE 137, Seaforth. 4397-1 FOR SALE -30 GOOD SOWS AND 3 litters, Apply VIVAN COOPER. Phone 618 r 41. Seaforth. 4307x1 FOR SALE—REAL LIVE EASTER BUN- nies. KENNETH PAPPLE. Phone 839 r 13. 4397x1 FOR SALE—McCORMICK-DEERING 'C' tractor; three thoroughbred Shorthorn cows. ROBERT VIVIAN. Phone 43 r 8. Dublin. 4397x2... FOR, SALE — QUANTITY OF SLED Clever seed, and also timothy seed. 1 JOSEPH KALE. Phone 46 r 10, Dublin. 4397x1 FOR. SALE—WHITE METAL ICE BOX, I00 lbs. capacity; in good condition. Apply HARRY JESSOME, Egmondville. Phone 663 r 4, Seaforth. 4897 71 FOR SALE --.QUANTITY OF BALED hay ; delivered in town if desired. JAMES LANDSBOROUGH. Phone 665 r 16, Seaforth. 4897x2 THE FAMILY OF THE LATE JOHN Currie wish to express their most sin- cere appreciation to friends and neighbors for the many messages of sympathy and acts of kindness shown during their recent bereavement; also special thanks to Rev. D. A. MacMillan and the organist. Mrs. James A. Stewart. 4397x1 MR. ITAROLD TOMLINSON A N D • family desire to thank all those who expressed kindness and sympathy in their recent bereaveatcnt; also special thanks -to Dr. E. A. McMaster, Dr. P. L. Brady, Nurses of. Scott Memorial Hospital. and those who sent floral and spiritual bou- quets and those who loaned cars, 4397x1 In Memoriam �eKELLALR—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Duncan McKellar, who passed away May 4, 1950 ; also Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McKellar, who passed away December 26, 1950, and April 4, 1988. —Ever remembered by the Family. 4397x1 -F OLRRD LA --JN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear husband and father, Joshua John Pollard, who passed away suddenly two years ago, April 10, 1960. We little thought his death so near, The blow was hard. the shock severe; The sorrow of parting without farewell, Only those who have loat can tell. —Lovingly remembered by his wife. son William, and family. 4397x1 Births BENNINGER—At Scott Memorial Haspi- P',desks SALE -1,200 PULLETS, RED ROCKROCK01, on April 5, to Mr and Mrs. Hugh Cross, 12 �esks old ; priced to sell. 1 Benninger, R.R. 2, Goderieh, a (laugh - Apply to A. IGEILSLAKE, Hensel', or ter. Phone 1E, Hensel'. 4397-2 COOPER—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on ' Aprl14, to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Coop• pOR SALE—TEDD CLOVER SEED, RE- er. R:R, 1, Exeter, a son, oteaned • ,$18.00 per bushel. JOI•I'11 MRRO—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on SOLDAN, R.R. 1, Zuricb, Phone 99 r 3,1 April 7, to Mr. and Mrs. John ldero, 4unch. 40974 0.n F Seaforth, a sots. ROBERTON--At Scott Memorial Hospital, VCR SALE—SS-ACRE GRASS FARMon April 2, to Mr. Arid Mrs. Frank with siring creek. Price 'reasonably. Roberton, fleafortis, a daughter—He'en RCN BEAtr E; R.R. 4, Walton. Phone Rtaine. 3 r 8. 4$974 TFIr- 4396.86 a 4 At Scott Meniorial Hospital, on pn1C',, 80 Mand Mr. rs, Kenneth Smith. A llf•iitetlit 61) Mut' lc,"2- QNF,Y`FO A ,-OFPRantO BAL. ' R.R. 1,1 Bornholm, a eon. -s INBA ray 8dt alke ri t1t hath, ebottt 24i lt, dttce'kt croii air oidveY.honey' in 4 and TE !C>li At Scott Memorial .Hospi- Oyhait ;tlitd iciicli�li 1 Ptbreyr, elfattt'=$-7s0un'd' lydiltl 17t<deYa dkflvor+ed iii town: tdi 0)1lA;UrII 6,. to Mr. and .Mts. WW. tV roof, r tt�fi0 a h¢ed inti VAir AQhY ROSS; Atil'at+iet Phone 1$6.t:1 Steinlba hi R,R. 2, West 'Mbitktottj lit' slftd +' d1 `:Foo y6Yx ?1 1„1,hii �f'rliit ts3 iit,� "tfi11.'tl 12, iei<xo%.:tk 4L1 Mitek clrivl! tlbiot(h... 897-t non ate 4, $nalive ar - • T13 UR/PEL'L -+Mr. and Mrs, tt.5 Ora 11, � d r> . b ihlG '1'0U i' kf bYti#7 ' 'Heinalk. are pleased to ntieurice the' p11 tri+ ed' sltide' ntrlvdl . of their eset at^' St. J'osenh,e 6 t cratbs, r'iiine niiicle.� blit' 1100 404, • Lortdori,. WcdtiOati ",. Aptil' 2: Ntitieb Net .dtfteafliilt”: R2�apr A{sifl$1 i AL tees brothel' f if Rich"aril and Nil°DAc :lyhorl�'jid7k1E,53itlf�'a�rin Etta Figgie; 'wheee mother woe the former Dinah Coleman, of ams - green. It is 47 years since Mrs. Scri'tnes was last here. They came by plane to Detroit and intend motoring back to California, Mrs. !Myrtle Garnochan, of Eloise, Mich., has returned home after spending Several ,days visiting, friends and relatives here. Mr, and .Mrs. Albert ?:Earner vis- ited Thursday last at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Inge. A Good Friday service 'will be held in the United Church on Fri- day evening at 8 o'clock; Easier services on Sunday. at 2 p.m. There will be a reception of 20 new mem- 'hers and Communion at the close of the service. Rev. T. J. Pitt will be in charge of both services, A number of members of L.O.L. 1035 attended the South Htfron L. O.L. on Wednesday evening last, when the invitation was accepted to celebrate the 12th in Wingham this year. , School Presents Concert Hensall Town Hall was taxed to capacity Tuesday evening for a school concert presented by Hen - sal] public school. Principal J. F. Blackwell was chairman. The pro- gram consisted of operettas: "Ad- ventures of Goldilocks," by Grades 1 and 2; "Tomboy Jo," 'Grades 5 and 6i plays: "Mail Order Hat," Grades 7 and 8, and "Hensall'` Gen- tlemen's Aid," Grades 7 and 8. One of the !highlights of the evening was the program which was first on the agenda presented by the lit- tle tots in the kindergarten class, under supervision of their teacher, Mrs. Howard S'cane. Their num- bers consisted of songs: "I Love •Little -Pussy," "Pony Trot," "Robin Redbreast," "Stop, Look, Listen," nursery rhyme, "Baa, Baa, Black Sheep," "Rhythm, Step, Step," fin- ger play, two number; rhythms, "Crooked Mari," "Robin Redbreast," S. G. Ronnie, music supervisor, was accompanist for the evening. Co-op Has Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Hensall District 'Co-operative Incorporated was held in ' Hensall Town Hall Ivith ISam Kendrick, past pres4d'ent, chairman'. of the meeting. Mr. Ken- drick introduced the guest speak- er, W. G. Nicholson, of Port Elgin, director of the United Co -opera tives of Ontario, who spoke on "Origin of Co-operatives," W. E. Flack, of the auditing ser- vices of the United Co-operatives of Ontario, ptesented the financial statement. Edison Forrest gave a report of the directors andpointed out the necessity for employing the best business, methods in running the affairs of 'the CoJoperative. It was disclosed that the turnover for 1951 was $340,000, an increase of $26,000 over—last year. Patronage dividend. declared wash 10 per cent on electrical goods and 2 per Cent on all other purchases. The meet, ing, elected three new directors: Robert .McGregor., • ICippen; Don Kendrick, Dashwood', and Ken Etue, Zurich. (George IUiehardson is local manager. " VARNA KIPPEN Parted on tkµ4 �t 44 t,; 9 " Mug c. lia011 tel. tarlfOrdt. '1'wro ladies from Cirele No 2 are to Ile appoipte(t aawrielt .coMMittee fox 40414'i'l'. .' Airs,, , l areld. Jones .-read a. summary oa the arigirtality of "In the Garden:" after which herr, sis- ter; loge hf ,h Love, of • Varna, sang "In the a Garden " aceo znpany- ing •herself on the guitar, The guest speaker, Mrs. (Rev.) 'Maines) of Brucefield, was introduced by Mrs. 4llan Johnson. Mrs. Maines these ,for her subject, "What Time Have You?" concluding her talk with the poem, "Haven't .•C.ot. Time." 'Miss Ed4th Love favored with ,the solo, "The Old Rugged Cross." Mrs. Sin- clair moved a "vote,,of thanks to those taking part. The closing hymn was 249. Mrs. Sinclair pro- nounced, the benediction, Lunoh was served by Circle No. 3. Mrs. Hinton conducted contests. The annual meeting of the. Kip• pen East W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. Caldwell on Wed- nesday, April 16, commencing at 2 p.m. Mrs. W. Workman will be co - hostess. Roll call will be answered by payment of fees: The standing committees are asked toplease have their reports ready, and ev- eryone bring a pencil. 'Lunch com- mittee will be Mrs. W. Kyle, Mrs. T, Kay, Mrs. R. Peck, Mrs. H. 'Mc- Gregor and Mrs: W. Tremeer. A large number attended the re- ception Friday night in Hensall Town Hall in honor of Mi and Mrs. Wm. Coleman. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson for the gift of a daughter,' born Wed- nesday, April 2, in Clinton Hospi- tal, Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau vis ited on Sunday- with Mrs. Mous- seau's parents, Mr.'and Mrs. Brown of Greenway. Mr, and Mrs. Orville Workman are to be congratulated on the gift of a baby girl, arriving Saturday morning at Clinton Hospital. Mr, Wagner, of Guelph, a broths er of Mrs. McClymont and Rev. Battleford, a nephew from Sask., returned So their homes on Monday morning, Mr. Don Bell, of O.A.C., Guelph, is home spending the Easter holi- days with his parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Wm, Bell. Mr.. Frank McGregor returned to Kippen after spending a year in the West Mr. and Mrs. IR. 'Turnbull, of Grand Bend, visited. Mr. and Mrs. Mousseau on Monday. Mrs. Thompson, of 'Clinton; - is visiting cher daughter and son-in- law, Mr, and Mrs. Orville Work- man. Mrs. Jas. Campbell and Linda, of Hamilton, are spending the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cooper, -- ,Mr. and Mrs. • red Srctiines, of. ,Pomona, C5 1f„ hays been vig tin relatives and, friends in thig v1Ci4 Itj*. 2rs., ger'tlnes was £lk ;gttirfiidr"" W. M. 'S. Meets • The W.M.S. met on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Catherine Jarrott with a good at- tendance. The president, Mrs. Jno. Sinclair, opened' the meeting with the theme, "Easter Gave Us• the Bible,"'•after w,hich Hymn 182 was sung. Mrs. Sinclair led in prayer. Mrs. Robert Elgie had charge of the worship period and was assist- ed by Mrs. T. Kay and Mrs. Morley Cooper. Hymns 86 and 101 were sung and Mrs..Elgie led in prayer. During- the business period it was decided to pack the bale for Korea at the manse next month. 'The roll call for 'May ,is to be' answered with a small baby article for the Korean bale. Mrs. Robert Elgie re-. CROMARTY • Ni'd&y' wit ra, 4>f ' %Y R]O, 4i114St hep dangii er, M2,:C4har.,1C 41opa in lclensall. Mr. and Mre. lI R, 'ettv1:oi 4t London, viaiteW:Mr. 144 -(BUS. Otto Walder en ,Sund'ay, •�ss� The final meeting of the season of 'Cromarty Farm Forum was held at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Riley,_ William Harper was elect- ed president, and 'Mrs. Filmer Chappel, secretary -treasurer, for the. coming season. It was disclos- ed during the .meeting that twenty folding chairs had been purchased for the forum. Members chartered a bus to 'Toronto Tuesday and at- tended a farm forum banquet held at the Royal York. . A number ,of friends from this community called on Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Colquhoun on Sunday to celebrate with them on the occa- sion of 'their sixtieth wedding an- nlyers'ary. Mr, and Mrs. William .Hocking and little son, of Toronto, are vis- iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hocking. Mr. and Mrs. -Carl iStos'kopf, of Sebringville, visited . on Sunday with .Mrs. rDuncan McKellar. Mr.' and Mrs. Jack !Kemp and Audrey and Mr. and .Mrs. Ken Rolph, of Mitchell, spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Houghton. Mr. Tom Laing and Mrs. Filmer Chappel are attending the annual meeting and banquet of the Feder- ation of Agriculture in 'Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Storey and Arn- old attended a reception of their nephew, D. Storey, at Harrington. Mr. and. Mrs. Ken McKellar vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning in Mitchell. Mrs. M. Houghton visited on .Sat - W. M.fa. Mph The meeting of the 'Women's Missionary Society was 'held fih'yrs day afternoon in the basement Of the church.• Mrs,, Grace Stott pre- sided, and also took charge of the. Call to Worship and Scripture rea,.d. ing, followed by prayer. The roll call was answered by repeating ,a verse on Easter. Mrs T.,L. Scott sang a solo entitled, "I Knoyr That My Redeemer Liveth." Mrs. Cal- der McKaig had charge of the topic and gave a very impressive mes- sage on Easter. The dedicatory prayer was 'given by Mrs. M. Houghton, 'In place of the study book reading, each member read an Easter poem. A special feature of. this meeting was the presentation of a W.M.S/life membership pin to Mrs. Thos. Scott, Sr., a gift from Mary B. Currie, who is still an in- terested member of the society. An address to Mrs. a$catt, which had been prepared by Miss 'Currie, was read by Mrs. Duncanson who also pinned on thegift. MTS. Scott made a fitting reply. The, meeting closed with prayer 'by Mrs. - T. Scott. • Qiy rn etlj$` ai t d AI ! W iM S pneet lg, ' rsf r presided ! to roll +fall Wtfi,.aiil9t�q%i led by! an EastaT Poem; W ai ' means• of -Lai ng'' ttln svere .,vii> • cussed- the enlrchasa oil ga7:ve t4uc1 sats for the choir, which are 'to b worn -on Easter Sunday, at the guitar service, was 'made. The(4itt were financed by the Ladles" At& So iety. The proceeds from the --#0.. ant table 'netted a . fine stints, %hap meeting closed 'with, the naiional6 anthem. ; A .PLAY LAY "GRANDPA'S TWIN SISTER" presented by the Junior Inati-• tute and Junior Farmers TUESDAY, APRIL 15th Brucefield United Church Sponsored by Group 1 of the W,,,,A.. Admission: 50e and 25e hy JAMES ,M. CAIN WN•U• 'RELEASE A story of marriage that proven it takes two to sing a song of love. ' Leonard Borland was a successful opera singer until the night he missed his cue and got the "bird". That 'sent him out of the theatre and iirito the arms of the woman he loved..' Do not miss this delightful love story. Starts in This issue of THE HURON EXPOSITOR t , PromptDelivery on, the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 CIIEV..STYLELINE SEDAN—Brand new '52 PONTIAC .S'TYLELINE SEDAN: Brand new '51 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. 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A courteous staffs ready to handle all the . details for you, to provide information about cata- logue merchandise, to make ddjustMents if necessary. You may also use the up-to-the-minute services of this new Order Office to order from -EATON'S Toronto Stores' advertisements, or have the Shopping Setwice' help you with your "problem" purchases. DELIVERY: Your order will be shipped with delivery charges paid, to the Order Office: Heavy and bulky goods only will be delivered to your door, within delivery area. OFFICE HOURS; Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 12.30. Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. AND REMEMBER: Your shopping is protected 'by the proven EATON Guarantee: "Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded:" - hotie today y SEA,aIi �a- F 4 1, . , 4 7 9