HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-04, Page 7tYf liE "mow 'nice 'off:' 9dtt• OIG laay OP tliuttered . flattered Mr. 'T"$r414' itlo hope youanieYed tGEie. Mr, 'er10 44!'blf1tmP40Dsg1i1•: c'roA, - t1nned -towed thee •gats{,leading; put Dian the " field. Helen Whooped svhenl.4vhe saw hint, and Dame oath seg over, "M9 dear Mr,. Pend?-, how like et! you to come to congratulate NIPPY' . Mr. Perkin's watery gray eyes /became grave as Jimmy inflicted ,;de .Prereuce upon him. "I am sur- • ey "'to see you in such bad condlpany,. Mise Stafford. I win forgive you this once..". - "A'w, you didn't take my resigna- tion seriously did you, Mr. Perkin? Yr I"4 •int me rgbt arm o, 'ub to dere or the Pmt , irlieMe• p,!°And gaollI first off4per�s are WI.'.HCsilt to comle,.by :these d'at'e,'' �'. Mr. Perkin. blinked. "Alp I to understand: that you are applying for your old 30b, Ma'. (Kennedy?" "Well, a man with a family has. to live on something." ee "I'm sure Miss avtoore is ade- quately supplied with rash." - "B t... -Mise .Stafford isn't." "Miss Stafford?".. "It happened like •this," said 'Hel- en . . Jimmy lead waited for her to make up her mind to talk to him. He had growled low under his breath, picked her up, and carried Town of Seaforth TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS for 1952 The Town of Seaforth will pay 4% per annum, up to August 31, 1952, on all Prepaid Taxes., Certificates and full particulars may be ob- tained at the Town Clerk's Office in the Town Hall. D. H. WILSON, Treasurer Your Business Directory LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. 'Phones:. Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTHONTARIO McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, Q.C. County Crown Attorney SEAFORTH,ONT. Telephone 174 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF O itometrist Eyes • Examined. Glasses Fitted. Phone 791 • dffA1N ST. : e SEAFORTH Hours: 9 -6 Wed._ 9412.34; Sat: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CHIROPRACTIC D. H. McINNES Chiropractic - Foot Correction COMMERCIAL tERCIAL HOTEL Monday, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON Specialist in Farm and House- hold Sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable; satis- faction guaranteed. For information, etc., write or phone HAROLD JACKSON, 661 r 14, Seaforth; R.R. 4, Seaforth. JOSEPH L. RYAN • Specialist, in farm stock and im- plements and household effects. Satisfaction guaranteed. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. For particulars and open dates, write or phone JOS'•EPH. L. RYAN, R. R. a., Dublin. Phone 40 r 5, Dublin. 4217e52 EDWARD-W. D-W.'ELLIOTT Lice -need Atictioneet' Correspondence promptly answer- ed. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates by phoning 466-J, Clinton. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer - Cromarty Live tock and Farm Sales a 'Specialty For a, better auction sale, call the 'WRIGHT Auctioneer. Phone Hen- Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brus- sail, 690 r 22. sels. MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON k,hysician land • Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensall JOHN A. GORWILL, B.A., M.D. Physician and Surgeon .Phones;,, Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth SEAFORTH CLINIC , E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon e Office Hours: 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday a'nd Sun- day. EVENINGS: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments .. made in .advance are desirable: ACCOUNTING - RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant ,CLINTON ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank Office 561, Res. 455 VETERINARY TURNBULL & BRYANS Veterinary Clinic J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. .Bryans, D.V.M. Pthone 105 ' Seaforth D. J. McKELVIE, D.V.M. Veterinary Surgeon HENSAI.L,'ONT. — PHONE 99 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO'Y. HEAD OFFICE—SEAFORTH, Ont. OFFICERS: 'President - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Vice -Pres. - J. H. McEwing, Blyth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - M. A. Reid, Seaforth. ,, DIRECTORS: ORS : E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; J. L. Malone, ' (Seaforth; S. H. Whit- more, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Robert Archibald, :Sea - forth; John H. McEwing, Blyth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Wm. .S. Alexander, Walton; Harvey Fuller, Goderich. AGENTS: ' J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; R. F. IMcKercher, Dublin; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; J. F. Prueter, her :ou%. of •the.,e'ecm„• Seel*" Vete- pie 'oohed at , them disapprelfingly as he cai^.xied her lute_ the .anite Mike lied been giyes—O4R, 'with Dranda's compliments He ignored: her straggles,. and eat dewy, with. her, cradlinn:her n his lap. "How dare you, JIMMY Kennedy! Wait .till I tell Mike. He'll break your neck" "I dare anything for the woman I love," he sang grandiloquently. "I 'dare a punch be the nose, a refusal —anything." "Love," he repeated. "Helen, I've been an awful fool. All those girls—Sally-eDronda--when you're the only one I could ever really love." "And I'm lust dopey enough to believe you, too." "You do believe me, don't you! I'll never be perfect. I guees •I'll always be attracted by a pretty face, but I'll always come back to the prettiest one of .all, the pret- tiest and nicest- and wonderiulest Treat the family to TRADE MARK REG. • ten•;"r"lenglts iooktng Straight M Mr Per3itn, " 1X en'tho4igh' else wad tn. mine, ( welt loin "Most interesting" , •Card; it You -hire: Jimmy 'baelc' agai, y we'll name the, Sret baby 'Weil!" said Mr,Perkin.. "Well. eimany, you ceme'oo see me tomor- row. Of course, I,'m not prorrtis- Mg . J. Jimmy looked at Helen and dein ped. "You bet you'll have the last word, darling, now and always." His 'muffled exclamation swung Sally around. m`Olh, 'Mr. Perkin! How jolly!" - "Have you gone niad, ,Miss Allis- ton? Have you forgotten that you are in the uniform of the Comet Airlines?." "Only until tomorrow, Mr. Per- kin, Sally doesn't work for you any more," sihe crowed. "Sally's gonna be a 'housewife," And that was true. Mike had been unable to wait for everyone to leave., He had caught her up in his arms the moment he reached her and hadn't set down again .until he ran short of breath. "Mike, how dare you!" "Look, you don't really think you're fooling me, do you?" "You have no right to kiss me. You're engaged to marry 'Helen." "Yeah, it worked, didn't it? You should have seen the expression on Jimmy's face when ]:told him about Home 84. Building Repairs V`+ BRICK STONE STUCCO REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed, Repaired and Built _ _._.Faulty_ -Drafts--Corrected- Brick Wills Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Fire Walls Built and •Repaired Stone Walls Tuckpointed and Repaired • RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate these drafts that affect the health of your stock. • PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS MONARCH MASON SERVICE , Seaforth Phone 386 Write P.O. Box 69 with your Neighbor Owners and see... their preference is for the This MM Model Z Tractor Gives You the Profit- able Power To Do the Job Right, At Lower Cost! Here is the 2-3 plow tractor that's built to the specifications modern farming demands. The MM Model Z gives you power to spare ... to do every job profitably, at the lowest cost. It gives you operating economy to keep down overhead. It gives you unequalled servicing ease that puts it in a class by itself for money -saving maintenance. Built for POWER -31 h.p. on drawbar; 36 h.p. on belt; 615 rpm at'the power take -off. 206 cu. in. piston displacement, high -turbu- lence combustion chambers to provide that EXTRA power. Built for ECONOMY=Quality construction means steady, dependable performance today, tomorrow, for years ahead. Built for COMFORT—Visionlined design lets you see what you are doing. Flote-Ride Seat,' adjustable steering wheel, easy to reach controls, hand -operated clutch are but a few of the features The Waterloo Manufacturing Co. Limited, Waterloo and'Chatham, Ont. MIN M EAPOLIS• MO LINE Your MM Sales and Service Dealer W. H. Dalrymple & Son BRUCEFIELD Phone 618 r 4, Clinton • A, Big' Shansi -Lack of note or spear ales"'net 'real reasons for net ,hanOg elven a, big show of ,flowere, ,It ie eteaeiti li'!'bet Cate c'an grow weth a melee- elemete of Welt and, eepewdit,ure, Anti where the grounds are very large, as'alrolind a snmmer place or farm for instance,. a, big show is altso easily possible. it. And I also saw the expression on your face, darling . . " . "Mike, you can't love me. You can't. You know how nasty I can be. I wait let you throw yourself away," When did you realize you were en love with me?" "In the park," she began, then stopped as eyes rounded. "Oh, I didn't mean that. I didn't mean that at all. I am not in love with you. Please leave." "When we're married I shall beat Youth for Christ BRINGS THE EARL SMITH EVANGELISM TEAM Tororito . Mr. Earl Smith LEADER Mr. Doug. Coombs SPEAKER Mr- Murra-y—Tiicks- SONG LEADER Mr. Vincent Evondon. TROMBONIST• Mr. Alex McCombie VOCALIST Mr. Clinton Starr TESTIMONY You will be glad you attended! Saturday Evening APRIL 5 -- 8:00 p.m. CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE Illemelleliremilmoomeeeensampimme The .'beet 'plalii *401.. CMOS, :JO; to 141ek ,e rtenise.,nas!t40111.?Wss < S►8r _, Bias, Merigele eAd s,1lu4,10c tli0, wIi1eh/are laot' �a sly t r.�gi',,o�pn Il 1 athi ut �w'hd�eh a>�4 wi ll:oo7la �t�,, ,,, 9 for vveelrw With .poly .;tittle care. ,4 frs,t rb,s1 e' will• pralrpie 1 loose ,a'f ter thetwsielves. It is pest to hays solid beds+ of one flower, though 440t hetes sar-ily the same color, for Happe showiest t esuil!.ts•, A long bed .ol petunias about three feet wide, swill sot off any driveway, and, rovghi'y ciret tar beds of zinnias, marigolds or some of the smaller things, will make a wonderfel show, Then for the emnller garden there are all Sorts of tiny flowers, like alyssum, poxtuioca, pgppies and similar flow- ers which thrive even in poor soil and once well started will crowd outt the weeds and go on blooming until fall. Transplanting reimplanting is one of the most le . , rtan t and commonest jobs in gardleninlg. Even the tiniest flower or vegetable plants/ sometimes have to be moved, to give them room. to develop. When small, practically anything can be moved, if we ob- serea a few simple rules. The main thing is to keep the roots undis- turbed, to keep away from the air and to cover quickly and firmly • you" he said pleasantly. "Every time you lie to me I shall beat you." "Mike, I'm not made of brass." "See, you didn't say no!" You bet_she hadn't, thought, .Sal-_ -ly now. Only a fool threw happi- ness away, and -she was not a fool. A housewife she'd , bo and she'd love it. . "Housewife?" faltered Mr. Per- kin. 'But surely you can't wean it. Your place is in aviation. Think of the golden days that lie' ahead for our industry." "A housewife." "Maybe," drawled Mike, "I shan't beat you after all. See you tomor- row, Mr. Perkin? There's a little matter of a raise. Atter all, the children of Comet Airlines employ- ees can't be°permitted. to starve!" Mr. Perkin drew himself up stiff- ly. "I shall be at your disposal, Captain White. May I congratulate you both?" "Cross my heart, Mr. Perkin, our first baby will be named Comet!" The executive chuckled as, arm in arm, they strolled away. THE END 1`Qci with .SA grov4ethaPd,g. , ; n .?• ma4'ing- dt ISI. a Boot -, p.Ian i sCPrin kiel •ret tale' eleelniee,i ,e'feef lige-` arletn g1 but not aotu$l ' .. G.Qu C -`4 the roots!. Make Sure Soil Is Ready Ono can arafelY move or arena plant nursery stock liketrees,anld shrubs when - the 'soil is nahher clamp, but et is a mistake'to do any; general sowing or cultivating while eu •s*. ived If you dodtsleep well --ii eights are inter-./ rupted by r'esllessnesa;