HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-04-04, Page 1,q , �og,'& N , ,�,-�,%';dfor,T-14.' I'M' A19-4',.iv '�1111% -1, w -.._111._1_L,.______ . 411i ,� ", 01, ,,,� K", .,,,�,���,��,t��,��,T�,,�lf"�,,�, I , " : � �&y� ­', lffi��, ,4 Ilik"'1111"A"P "IR1,1115, '1'11;71,,'�,� 'M ". I .�; " ,! `:� F�, kJV17­-.`!�,�'.'.' 'i ; , .%f­�,:,I��,,",� ... �^-�'��,��,' " �,��W� ,y, -� �, ,g;j 9 � � ,�����P;�7,,,��;,�-,.-,,IF�!.����T��-���-.,�l,.I, o,.jqq,�,� �',r% , ,,;.,,,�, -p%g , Ili,, 011 510"".0, t.,*� �� ".1p, _,", 115,111 INEZ, """ 6 ,f'1.1010� X-12 k I , ..".1, � � " ,.W� ,, .,:� 4,1j", , , I , " t, t I " I " . , , " �, ,�vf,,�� ,q,qg,(, q pl., R" �'1`1' 3�`,5�`13­11 I - , f, " ,�, I - . �. - 1" , . .�, ,g . I . ", . ,7 -, o' -.1 ­_ , . 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I - -1-1-11 11 I ­ ­­ � ­ . I. ,. � , ., - - -_ __ , I '....­­­ .1"2.- .11 -.1- ­ I.... ­ I—. - ­ 1. ... I I I... I -1.1. 1. . � At _ � � ':,',�, _, � � __ _ '11-;; ­ _., - ! . . -Ili -1 . . 1. � I -000, ol 9 11 . I I ... 1. . . . .1 . 1_., I � , --0 .... -.11.1'...., -11 .1 � ­­­ 'i ��' i�i gg _11,11119C - " , - " ��. ; I 11� l I . I , " , I " .. ,. � . .f.:*." ;�.`�­ �?. '�� �:. ; � �­ � . . - . 1. - , . . , . :11 . . ­ , " , :� io � , I I . " , ... , Oft . , . 1. ... , . . . "I �� 1. . , , I , 7 " , . � 1. I " . . -e �'11 ; I � .. . .. ,� ,!"". , " . �., 11 - .. .�. f, �� ;11 . . 1. , 1 " I s I . I ,� , . I , "It . . . f "I � 1� . ­,_,.'." , ; . � . . � Seafo'' , , M46rochants- $3 onsor il . ,,� 1. ''I i ­� � . I : 11 , � . ,; , , -,- 11.11 _P :: - � , - ", f, I'.. . I i . � 11 '. . � � i , A I . ,. 17W,1 ,-� :�:; . . I P �� ,�. ,11 � , I * � . . I :1 ,�� I 1. If I 111 : l -11, "", '! I �. - . ... I �� i ��'4'y,gg'­ .".; . A,, 1. . "I I 1,� ­ � I;; .::. �: � !j . , 1 1111.7 1 � ,. � ��� �.. 1: , "'. I . . i, . - . . I I ­ ;; I I 'U ,� pdnq-,.. ­ h - , .1 . �, I . ; ., P" "..". 1!,i I`IiVlll(�, 1i V S Faighiot. S owing 11 I i .:, � I 113 .11 ., I , . 1 I . V! .1 � . . I .. � , 1� I; ! A � AN . �1111 . ,� ­ . . ;, , I . , , t . . . Pl . ; ;� ".. I .- ll i ,Zr, I I . I . i . I I I , . ", I . UK ,-. " �� 'y "I . I � . .. I I ..­­ ---1--- � .1 I I �.�� ...I. , ., I I 'I, ,,;_--'7V.,_ ., , , . ­ ,. " �, .1 ii . . . . . . . . . . I ­�� I .1 ''. _ ...... e., '. I � The Fireside Fellowship ,Group .. � . I � . , .i, I I I � I I I I . ,� 1, . . � . I . I 1, ; ..... , 1. ­_ - , l� 1. 1-1111-IM4 � 11 I - I I . ­ . .1 , ­ � ,.-_j­',_�g­4r - ­ loperation with -the ,merchant QJ . . � I , ..�.;� ". . . . . . . i 77'. ' '!��'��T�'��.� - :,.�,�,, -i I . , . -�', :�D�Ei��P�,,',,I,�,","4'',",4; I " ­ . . . " :�, . . . I. i � . Presbyterian oChuxell, in co-- I � .i. . � sli.�.: : .� 4 . V,_Jr .'' _ .,: d C .1.1 , .1', 1: . I I I I � . . I � ,. . _ . . , - � '-� . ;_, , '.1 4 , I 1. ,,, ri'l. . . . I � . a I . I . . . , . . TO 11",, , . . I ., : � I ................ ................ � I I., ­,­,, . ,,, �,;J.� ... I I � ., ., � ­ shio, - i""..., ��­ � . . ., , �, , A>- I �, , . h, p;"eat;d a la n shoiv I "fill . �'.." . �� ,�;. .1 : I � Seafort _. . 1_"-" -*.-FM 1 . .... "I'll " ,�) . . �. - ,_ ,. . . I , r, ! , ­ . CPS10 Jday 'evening. I . , * * A -"Moi of ispring . . X,L �. I � % . I i�k KIVW� %,All I . � InITT �� 1- 4. It.'' , , . . . , I . . , WMA ", ,I � I 4UV,d?*.V-'::.d.y . . I � . .tbr , 1. -, op '. 1'. U . � . . , , " p , 44 "04,130uft, OF I ' .-T " " y10 I I I .." I I . EGG DU: . 0 ... � I - . . "All WJRE , r ..'; � . � 1. � 1; v :­ , 4&d,r,. Ov , - 1. . this MiLooirpom of the church. The 'H .J. , ": orn - ents -on, . P RIO - R " WA .A. PRESIDE, NT! of First , i ,or ,2 � , , �, HERSAL-1. .. O.CKEY1, , -b" ". . K_ -i - ., . , . ,, SO Ts . ' '' ' , � . , , , . I. - ­­ _ r . Mast.r, CL ' . lso,wm , , � eo1M1QAT.99Mer1V " . I "I'll . � h`*6r * ' ' = gg, P ou I � their, ��­ "I'Vil I - � , , , bi .- * " I . . I . ' " � , . to OF I . . . I . toldi =,wea�lth-to choose from .VB, ENDS SEASO e a ,q aa B` -, , � , ; I 4 . N '.. I 1 commeont4tori M-r%V, 4. A. Me �', N so -3 L , �n - ,- n t TO n:" , � .ad. ' ­e� , � S-1, . , .em I 4 . I this in both. material and . . . ., , , , --,;. , . I P qyme I . I CAST I . home Ju,B ,o� Vhe%�; I - . . . . . I . I . .. I � .. M _Orftl��, 11 oo� . &WORTH. � . 10 lee, TH., � I . . . . . I . . . .1 " . color shades. Although pale . . . . . � i=2 . . I I .1 1. - � i � I . . . -are good, this 3rear, navy, . . e ea , ." 1 �� . . , li, _. iv . I - . il%Ugk,_"�i1�W_Wn__6,__tqL*to o, e, W 1. ' � I , ..... 11 . 11 .1- " . . �, , . , �.._ . _4 Pr, -by , - forth IuAo�mw� ... was foutured on - ;; I'll . 1. a �iloi . � . 44 - . ., . pthe-stand _,an&_,_when.__cambhLed .______ _ ,. _ . 10P.M. CLOSING , ,,,'- R -T4' -0/,V-1, e .CAR ' L -, - ­,__ , Lfflv14 , 'NJ.VA o =Pof O A_ � -11 -- _­ -__-1.--_._ , _ L,_ , off - 11 Weseu"f with,white trim or accessories Is , � R 1. ... ..­__ I � I I - -Frifty..gyrealia . , _,� , � to: . .g .h .,r@gA ... , 1:�W it; � y. g4 "d � by I I war� 'PiL 'P�ar _ - , I 4f L � r4i � i"T� 4" . '_ I I I .. ..n . repe " ,Molif�&; . - 6. �'OnT�17F"-, " I . ­oecu I 1. - 20*0��,'-, " i --- -w-.-o,A Uf MacNamara, who at one tim�g - tion, told an audd6nee of about 2000 ­., - 'O L L e pfesp )XJ0A*'01r12"1:,1NX11 \ �1 open. until 10:00 p^,", Satur. - Dr. Ontario Poultry Producers? Assoocl;v, I I 5.1 � L� .. . to the S'ea- especialily',goodl, she stated. Vei,,t NEWS OF HENSALL . I I .0s of business will .be Dr.' Arthur -J.' MacNamara,. Deputy 'Ken Betzn*, 'chairman , e, �dreef,p, Lan 0 1 ; � Minister of Labor at Ottawa. . 7 I forth ,Group 10, Bantarde and Group -and taffeta ake both goGd,thi& year . 3,1d Hensan , e . By *ifrb - , ��l�l .. I I Used either throughout or as trim. ^" SEASONS FINAL - daiy. I L, , a,' - ,&Jjlp��)iff . -D, Xquicors in a ceremony �belroweeu Memlber�s of .A Rov 5 I' the first and seeond- -periods of the "A" hockey team, . . A evenings, beginning I - _ . � , '' rw��`��R 'L , , . I p . it,- n, , I , I , ww� -."l1ffM,'- � , . to� #,hajoax�'-',i- _" -I - . 'O ­ , . , intermediate Sat pied:, a aimilar,loceltion, In. the ser- in, the (Hensall Town. Hall Taevc*7 .. a Puree -L Of A ? , . P Ha r styies, tend -to be shorL this ur,day'ntght- By mutual agree- 1.0. _,.P.. . Segorth Fergus game Saturday ev- ' their wives., members of the, . , '­ �. 14 .. yea ily away from the vice of the Manitoba Goverurn , afternoon- that'the door price on Andrew ty r -A415,9 rie�,'-`�I�iv` �', V A , . , =06'. .. ,., '71 1 1 �kea tive and, their wives enJe.yed ment, merchants closed at 9 chose aso 'W& topic the Problem: of eggs could have been pot -at least plies. A �, 1� 1;�, � � I . . face awl' by-flowbr-dec - - EVENT" AT ARENA , - III I � f, ening. - I'll r, waved, ligh �"mtuu, lb I 011ciolls , L k was." ,� . � The Bantams had won their hats. The ", I clothe. � key banquet with all the trimmings I p.tw,'during January, February seasonal unemployment In -Canada, six Cents, above the current lovel .9 e& ..." � . - . .. .'_�,,,�I, _ 1. AM s, this year . ery . , , I 1"I � , . .,I I. . ..� .1. 1,�_;� .1 ,gmuping, eliminating Winghom and I and Its allied 'problems . of the without increaOng I � . ..", .' , ;�.� r i,,,, . Z �� � . . A skating Carnival (?a Friday-, eve, .March.. ' - .-, . �* .. .... D 1� are moost .practical to withstand at Sesforth Community Centre on arilc I ,production or 4 , ,,,� ,, Southampton - but -went Monday night. � I X, . . shortage,of farm. labor. leavi surplus eggs, in Gover Following is the address,- IDear' .. � "I � , - down to li-A wear and, sudsing. Checks, n . . 319 1 - � .�. "I 1� I 11 I I 4Weat against Elmira in a higher I . ning will climax the ,yk't6r1.s, activi- . � U- Andrew, Betty, 11I,reve,-..Ruth_ �iuid .� 4, "'.. I I L I )� -plaids and .plain. suits and coats-, in - Arthur Nicholson, Reeve of Tuck-. ties at' the Sealorth and District I I - Unemployment- this winter lie Ment hands. A similar meeting Mae: S, � .�":,;,,, I . ; -9. . . - nice You are about to:'Jeave'- r � 14 I I I ! � .�; n_�� . ­ � , ' i 6. groupin Leon Murray accepted' both, long and short styles;. are all ersmith, who -had three sons play� ,V,emcorial Arena. The event is be- said, was not due wholly to'sea- was held at Beigrave tdie sameeve- this community, we, your friends .. , , -1 . I She '�Gleid Johnston" (Fordwich) od- for the teen-ager ast we I . sonal causes. A great deal of re- ning. The purpo�e of the meetings and neighbors, f IV�. I I 1. . 90 11 as lag on. the team, wasehairman. At Ing made open to all the skaters , Olt we isbould like, "' : 111, I - I 1,-t . I I 14 I trophy on behalf 'of the team. Har- for the matron, concluded the com- the conclusion of'supper a Social who wish to -participate, � . 1C O, I svoinLAbollity for It lay in lay-offs In was to ac,quairit produceiv with the to spend a social evening. with I ,.,,�_� . 'Fey ,,as . been manager, and . . ,MODORES � - . . .. � ., Mason h mentator. . hour was, spent In a sing-soug, ,brief , �­ , industries,which, he said "had, been proposed marketing scheme upon ' YOU I . � ,i::f . John James, coa*b,-of the Bantams. I The program. will include rac e before your departure, and show . ,�,V'e; " --..--. f speohe;a',by members of the execu- t s forced to adjust to a changing lig. which they will vote on April 17, in some measure . I 1:�,,�,, 11 ­ - . ,� ­ "_....__._ .. a for boys and girls fro , thro e�steom " � --itack- "Mg!'--Mui,r­aeceQted­-Ww 6 -UVW,-W1t0wod XFV I . -1 I . � %ii � - - - Te -d- t o t -he -success of the -of -age-7-open race . -, ; I -_ 1'�.�. I f of the b , I -ELL RECEIVE� which 3nou. are held. Having . I ., -,Following are .th -merchants wh -bY-ftficisogo- -y-ea in f5 4 - I IA Ciroole-Bar trophy on. behal - coi,t-ii u to girl _W _ tern of consumer denrand.', I 18 and 119. , , i, �1� v won -,their affair,. .together ,with their models,: ' The turkeys were donated by Ed. solo -by Ruth Teall; duet by Ruth . ­ . Juniors. The Juniors . ­b-n,-brouaht_an__hy_a . . LEI locality, You have , ,",,�,j. --This 'had- Present developments indicate up in. th b . I . . "I I " "I The Kiddiee Shop­41oclels-, Misses'Fink, Hensalri bus:nessman, and, $50 Sills and. Lib Habkirk; wait The. Woman!& Association -that--t-he . I V1 - : I �:�,., i of certain amount of over -buying by hom , gr�a �;`�rno - art C ti 0 � a� I ' lint ' _c ;rXl irlit rop , ..4 - 11 � I z -by of it. The' ; . ,grouping when -they defeated Nctrthside Und-ted ,Church spo&wr- 1he public who, fearing a- shortage out of the floor price program as the ,,rn atoW � �, - , Ir., �, � � : I . . 1* 4�rjmoby. They are' now playlag.Donna Gordon,. Pearn, AfeLean, was also dofiated by a Hensall Pegg�j Will -Is- and Eleanor. Weaver; rapidly as possible. No one knows Moutgome . .,'�,,� I , . I ed a ,Star free good -music concert of consumer goods as a result of ryle for m . """, " i I the best -of -five ,series ,with Fergus � Marilyn gily years, and :. ,'r" , ". .114 Mary Jenu.,McLean, Mast,or Kimmy busiliesisman, towards .the banquet. triple ty Jo Ann Sinclair, how long they will meirrital -*,',,,`,:.,, - Me -Lean, Lots, Smith, Joyce Smith, 'Pr ,-dent Hugh -Hawkins, -Cldn- Kling arid' Sheila McFadden, and TbupzidaY evening, when, the ")Gom- the Korean, war, had gorke out and ,a a many of us will cherish, �1111;, 1: I ,u ,In the Junior 'D' O.H.A. semi -On- Mona Marie Mii�'nsibe esl . � floor under eggs, he ,said,, -urging ory of the inform -at c the mem- ,:. , 1. . .. . a L h_ , hme, enjoyed I . rger and ton., was unable to be present be- duet -by Beverley nd- Gloria it modbres" and "Videciettes" present- bought Up not'only the things they , ',O�, - 11Q, 11 f I i wA als. The winner- iwill play Sundft- od A pr6gram. of var edt quartatte needed, but the things they ex- the industry to set up machinery sVitting ,around =ontgomery'ff Store. - '' t"�'�­ e Dorothy Enzenslierik.. cau-se of illuess. Ray Consitt, a gaw. . . I I . I , . _.�, : , ; , , 1ind for_the_._titIo_ Coach. -of -the to do this Job for itselt. Regardless "The rural districts- throughout the I .�", . - _. - - '... ..." .4- I I ___ I . .1 . _' . I and- music tanibler and Swiss Bell Pected, to need also. There was a . .., . . . . . . 'ff team is Wiffiam. O'Shea, while Carol Lyn Shop, -Models: Mrs. J. member of the team who fractur- ,PrIzes will be given to -skaters selection&. I . . ,similar reaction on the part of re- of who sets� up the floor, it cannool Dominion ,we their Stability du- , 1, " ��,�i,�i .1 . ;.z 1 41.1.1. ithp manager.is Ebner Larone. A. Baldwin, Mrst.Erfemunroe, Miss ed"bis leg earlier .in the seison, in c6stume, youngest couple on . be above world market, vricesi, he tegrity and w I IL :., � � 14 I 1 .­ Rev. D. A. MacMilla,n. welcouie�l tailers, wholesaler.9 and mamufac- ell-4being to the men I, I � I I Erma Walters, Miss 'Marie Hunt, Was. among . skates, oldest couple on skates, said, although fCanadlan eggs, be- .-...K; I . , .1 4111- - Miss Sheila .McFadden, 'Mrs. AllieWs This is tke fir -it time that any best dressed, couple, best el ­ the capacity audience. The uhurch turers, said Dr. MacNamara, and, women of the yesterdays, ,who . � . -;�� . ".,_. � . I I owns cause of their superior Quality, during years of pioneer life gave ,:V . .1 . , , . 1.11 Stiles, Mrs. iC. Dewar, Mrs. At- hockey team . in Hens -all ever beot,gair of Aaters and Queen �j choir, under the ddrection, of J. A. "They, too, were afraid of short- A �, , . I I I , ., � , . , , .,.� , PROPERTY CHANGES . Stewart, opened the program, pre- ages, and, further price lacr command a premium oa, Many unreservedly of their time and tali- .: �4 . . . , ., �.. , . I . ,1 . I - I vin Riley, Miss. Carol Ches,ney. reached, the,semi-finals, playingthe the Carnival. , , ease&; markets. Basically the proposed ents, not only to the development I . . � ;­ I ,,, . I The residence of T'red Din-woodde highest. in their grouping. I I venting "Beside Still Waters," and and, .so they- built up their stocks .: ,` �'_� vin Goderich St. W., -hits been sold Shinens - Models: Miss Ann . � A feature of the. evening will be ,, scheme will create a fund io aus- ;:', 1 f ( . t Downey, Mrs. Ray 'Holmes, Misses a broom ball game All On An April Evening.,, Mrs. of goods to an abnormal level." ta of -the farniq and homea, but -also to . . I 'L-egiorr Auxiliary Meets . between S in a .higher floor price, thag the the upbuilding of life and chaTa�c- 1. .. ,�,;�, '. 1, Ott -_ J. A.Stewart, church organist, was The expects& shortages did not de- Government will ad-O,brt, and it will 1. I . to Orvile Oke. The transaction Shirley McPhee, Blanche Weste forth Legion and ,the Eginondville accompan . � . ... ", was corripleted ,by the W. C. Oke on River Ra , ter. Ours is, no exception. Your I � .J,.�,­ '. I and Marlan. Laudenbach� . T.he April meetirig of -the Loki' ts. . . i-st. velop, and many dealers were. left create a fund ,to insure egg ,pro- -randparents Opened their home to, .1: � � ... 1: real es-tate agency. Mr. Oke gets Ladles! Auxiliary was hold in the heavy stocks on harrod. Theje- duce against a serious pr, -,,,e ,drop � �, � , Of ceremonies ­ : ,� , , . wassession JULY 1. , Legion Hall,. On. Tuesday With I a Eric Munr ilsoopeoned the ,Cornmodores, pro- sult was large lay6offs 'in time of over-eupphy. ,., �, -, , � Stewart Bros.�Mo6elv: Miss Val- Master ,will 'bos Sev�eraJ well-knovViL negro spirit- with the -af- at a rs you and others,,. makdrig a valuable ,� , I oe; official starter, F. A. 119, I I :P��. � . I " erie Droope, Mrs, T4os. Flyrin, ,Miss , contribution to the advancement Of . I o . splendAd attendance. The -chair was Dobson; and judges,,' Miss Alice gram when they sang such numbers fected; industries. , Twolssuev will be decided at the the .highest 1 er te ... �� ... - - - . . , ;%, . -,,,,* PM5�7. Drugger, Miss SbirleyJ�Ie- taken. by., I . ,. "! - -­ . . - - .- , 7 I.. the president, Mrs, ut es, of the COM- . ��, � . ffis's'­21-aine' Frieday, MIS Ae S Reid, Mr.s.-A..W. Sillery- and- Mr,%,- as "Joshua, Fit -the Battle of jeri- Ton Mug oft the shortage of farm vote ,on the proposal� The drst munIty .. .11 . . . day. s Clark, -It was disclosed during the C$�6,5­71i"el c . To them., as, to yo!' ­ . .1.1. I.- I'' , . , W. C. Bennett. . V Oot -a ''Ro'bo," -a�ud' labOr, -Dr. MacNamara fted- -the will'concern Dye- eetaililtzhinent of - ' 1. -.1-1 ._..___.­._..... . _,.,7.q- -..-,. .4.1 I ICROMARTY Nylle Dbig, Mrs. Dave Stewart, business .Period that the Red, Cross render deepesit appreciation and w -c'" , ­­" � I . . � "Standin' in ,the Need of Prayer.,, blame on the lure of the InOuatyial an egg, marketing board to set up press- our gratitude. " � , m' , Mr. and Mrs. George Allpil, of Miss Ruth 4131iorwill and Mtge Eliza- campaign, -which the Legion andl I -0- .. Thel-'r novel rendition, of "A-Rov- centres, with their high wages and the fund -by, a deduction of one cent � I . . I ­ - I . Kirkton. and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur beth Stelwartz � . Ladies' Auxiliary sponsored, is' I A "We ahajI miss y*u,,no-t only ill - I . bf " was w�111- recei -,m were the more Crowded social life. Again the per dozen, on all egge eOld through 11��! d-VeAl , , I ARelh of HaMicita, )Manitoba, visit- 'Credits -Clothes: Kiddies Shop, nearing com6-I e- the activities- Of the commun . .1 � , etion, canvassers'r me(A4 ity, but I - I'. - ,y of soni_EF�f Newfoundland. Korean war., Coupled with Camada's registered grading . stat -ions, The also individualby. Your kiadlieSS, "M I , . . � I I I I - , ed. with Mr. and- Mrs. Ediiiir Aillon Carol Lyn Shop, Shinen's, Stewart* porting very fine co-operation in "Twinkle, Twinkle,-, Little Star,', rearmament program, h to carry secon � I I I I ' tibn for ' ,4 , 11. _% 1 #11. I tp, a � W-6 . , -West- .their house-to-house canvass. The . I was followed by_,the comedy renkli- the brunt of -the responsibility. boprd to deduct one-tenth of a others will long be TOMombered '3% ,,'4- I 11,91 '' %and -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allen on Bros.; Jews Itery, Savauge's, EGMONDVILLEFIRM ad d will give authorify'lor the generosity, and considera I , I Saturday. I COtt's; shoes: (C. E. Smith, Willis group accepted -an tnvitaflon to be . tion ,of "The Old Gray Googe, is However, there was 'hothing new cent per. pound on pouli I ... . . - , . I Wes ITene Kemp spent the week I Shoe .Store; agwers: .Eric Milner; the guests of Exeter LadI( try meat to and It Is' with the deepest i6gret' . �. . ., . . � - Mr, Ross H, ng a , harmacy (by Illary WGadAT;. April 28. An invita- I I time '1� I end with oughton and'inake-tip: X-6afil"'t, P IS",INCORPORATED Deadk" Their concludinIg group of In. the trend a -way -from .the farm., Provide � -for establishment of an ,.we accept the; change:whI& ' . ll� 11 .t 1 . . songe. included "Jingle Bells," that had been going on', for'many organization to negotiate control has brought. Wk -'all joixt in, wish- �: I 1. , I family- I -Mm K. 1. 9&eiito; artmefai tow- tion willbe forwarded to Miss Der- . Jackson Homes Incorporat "Johnny Saudis" and ','By Gum." years. . and. conditions of sale of- Poultry Ing you .many years of , � . : We -are sorry, to ieport Mr.. Win. ers, 'Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple; furni- othi Hoyle, Stratford, zone com- ee; ' _4._o�i�!tb­ 111. I �jq�k.k! . I ��. ... _ . 'gmondville, received _�`I!66 Videoettes, Art and Mabel The deputy Minister cited some meat, but not buying _ .. ­ .. , ll. I - * tn-aiider, to visit them at their May E ..,pirplus,mea.t. -,,, in , - XtLaren to dill at the home of this ture� :Box Furniture, G. A. Whit its chaijej!. . - ... ...'__ g �! ,r,rn-y_0i1_f_iv&* -home, aJI4..-.. -_ I c�n: Wedmesday, The new company Guinb lie egg marketing . " i 11 I I . ' I ss, .,S4e .qd._a1l_._--vv4th --Ct?-L-11--ort�-tlre�M6&Atli;�6s: UIC64i Vk­ffi�'Ie� Ar�d -, t . . proposal that you will return to visit. us as ."', I - , . ison, Keith McLa,reft ney; hati stylbs,'-kk. Muriel El-;;meeting.daring the official tour. of, is,.-.tuU4-n-g-.-Itow-�eost,-'-VTefa�b-tre-ale-d* ­_ - rra�aice. 'INI.00nbeams," h - 'bve iint-11 at often as- you can. You will always. '. " . ' inm- . Mrs. John Wallace and, .'her moth- litt; � , fairpurs, Keating's -Phar ;-I I .Pe7W.. .y eral goy.ernment-to Cope with that will not become opera I'll . . . MACY � aflas, 43oyole-AnAlie -spring. TIre1ove.;- I 11 _ _ . 1�1.. �. ... , � - - - homes. The t -built V " Now is,thi� Raiiii,`,_ -iltuation. -linTrilgration -was', an Im- least two other sudplus -producing . * . v M, _ 4rs_ -ilmuse-mas, � . , 7. ­ rith bowelcome.. As a token of. our high . 1. . ,er, Mrs. Grace Sccitt,� via ,d*or:zpiNes,:-§,BX'1r0T ffe_'a­u_.ty,1Sa!on, I ly new 'kitchen is 'Completed ,% _49 �erlrprr; "I ", . I - I I 4d-ay-with--MT�",Xr-hd'--M-iiki. ­­ k Oad. MWI,ndsey's- Drug S�tqx _ CJOMM�ml 444-&--evcepttan of'- painting. Mrs. this Week'in -Clinton. A feature of the,WP,�Wonal anthem at, New Zea. portant solve -lit, and since 1.1946 pr9vinces have established -similar regard, we ask you, Andrew, Riffli, I �11.. . . . l, , _ _,g-; . i . . this, now tyT.e of ,dwelling is' that land, anxi "My Wild Irish Rose," more than 80,000 persons *from programs' hnd a national tharket- .�, ; � . 'Alick ... at-ISL-Thomae. � ...-.- ­ .. -fatcrr: M -r9. -'9'.`A. MaMaster; MUSIC: I Kelth Buchanan *on th Betty, Irene and. Mae, to, it.c,cept 1,11111,e44, - - � � � . e upstery it takes only a Very few day& to an tumblers, Their playing of a -broad had been added tin Canada's Ing boai-d. * .. � ;�, I Mrs. Ross Houghton, and In -taut F. E.-Wililis, J. T. Scott and 9'. J-il--r;ze.­A recrea,tion of -bingo Was ' I I . these gifts. -_Signed- ton !behalf of . . I.. . , . 1� I daughter havb returned, -home 'from Smith,; stage: Miss Patsy Brugger. I I erect, I Scliubert's �'Ave Maria," was out- farm population, Robert McKerrher, of ,Seaforth, your Friends. and Neighboros-."� '. 11 --- I � I I ISCObt, M ' . ,-hjoyed, III charge of Mrs. A. Mock Officers o�,' the company - ,are: . StarLiling. The bell numbers, 1. It I He felt that one way to deal ,with Chairman of I the Huron PouIrtry �q ;.1 . . � I i , I emorial 'Hospital, Seatorth, Although the children stole the" and ,.V,rs,. -B, Kyle. Luncheon was' President and treasuree, Norman Had, My Way," "Anochors Away," the farin-labor shortage was to see Comanittee, was the chairman. t. . - Mr. and Mrs., John McLean hitve I ad by �r I I I . reiow, running a close second was._­crv, Mrs. Harold Bonthrop, M 'Lean; vice�president, T. T. "Rome, Sweet Home," arid "§jar cf ' I I I .�, I returned to their home after --totiOn'd- . the bi4�al PaT.tY with Wils. D. R. � MI s. W,m. Brown, Mrs. T. Butt ' that -full use was made of the ex- - 11. I 7 I I Jackson; secretary, H. G. M 40 It is only 18 -miles acrosis the : - . �;y ing the Winter months with'Mr. arid gc,lvn �s, &^.na Corbett'Mrs, Ross Dick; . eir-�-.-- .the East," the latter, two number,, istlna- supply, that Immigration was .1� . I P AfTs. J � . Melville In Mitchell .! Stewart 'as the - bride,. -4n a, . I elug Played by using a combination furtilier eaccouraged, and that every . . English -Channel from Dover, Eng- . ... . � 1, I 11co oi Imported, lace and Mrs. A. -Poster a�ad Mrs, -H. Horton. I STREETS BEING land., to Cialafs, Frame, I ... I . *V,b kbod � � - of de regular Swiss, hand beIN and means should be adopted to step . . I � �, I (Miss Joyce Battee, spent t4e At \ I . I ... I I S.k'rt of aybon net bver ,e,atiu, com- the morning service in. the ' graduated bells, of the sbeep t,.pe the exodus away froin the'farms. I . .. - 1- week -end with(Carolyn Walker. ' plete with lace ificket and flag�er United Cl,urch Sunday, Rev. W. J. %1-iyne and Marle6e, Mr. and Mrs. . . SPRING CLEANED 11 0 � I I I.... . - .� ill,rLie- Normal Reid, -Marga-reat-, Donnie, and bell% were greatly appreciated. I . � .." 4� 1 . , - .Rev. Orville Locke �aud IM'N* tip veil of net. Her drese with jack Rogers chose �the-test, "He w Agriculturd was, Of highest value " ' . �, . , �. . 1,ocke, [Doreen and Larry -ou." Under the leadership of Dianue were in Teeswater Thurs-, .. During the course of the evi.-ii- to ,Canada. III recent years farm Spring cleaning 'on. the, Seaforth ..,.". ' Vielted et (and veil) removed -was, perfect fresh 3 1 streets has ,been In progress Since - , % �, , I writh Mr. and,Mrs,, T. L. ,Scott., Rev. as an evening dTess. Miss Nylle. LS, G7 Rannie, the chair offered, the 0ay _a)'ght, P,3:1endin.g the, 40th wed- Ing Art Guiness, delighted the production exceeded $2,*0-00,000,000 . 4 11 .�, ), '1E e' ding a,liniverviry cf the former's "young fry" when he played "Mrion. annually. - the first of the week. Town em- HURON POPULOUS 1111, , , I . I-Ocke IS pastor of the Presbyter, Doig. as, ma,ld Of h�on6r, in pink, anthem, t'ruatl .and Almighty - That was achieved in . . , , I ian Church on Hamilton' . Road In and Miss Patsy .Brugger and MISS GOV, Services, a,susual will -be, held ps,reniz-, -Mr. and Mrs. Rcb,t. Reid, light and Roses" arid "Good-niglit. spite of the decrease in farm popu� ployees, 'under -the directio!I of . - - - - - I I 1--ondiou.. - Elaine Frieday as bridesmaids fn next. Sualay. At the morning ser- The family rresented them with a Irene," on an inflated toy balloon, lation In Hifion ,County t -he nuirn- Harold -Maloney, street superinten- M"S 12% 11. ' . . Mr. Oswaold Walker, who spent mauve and pale blue, respectively vi,ciai the ii-tes of BapUsim will -be chin -a ca -b net, . TWO Seaforth district resident.. ber oi occupied farms had dropped dent, have cleaned the winter reel. LM . I � . � . . . _. --I a due from the Main Street, an'd are . . 4 I two months. with friends' at Mark- all wore identical gowns of ay�i�� administered, Special seTViCe-3 Will I'VIr. rild Mrs. Eogg r Cro&eman, Cliff Broadfoot and Clarence Wal' frorn 6,739 in 1941, to 5,722 in 195L . I dalk, .has returned- home. . now working on the ot o, �� , 11 be hel,.b Easter Sunday,m A,pI:iI` 13. who hav�o been wtivterin� in Flor- dien-� were given a. le,3-4on Ili the, art but the averhge size of individual her paved ''I �� .Society inei marquisette. - -P I .. The, Young People's. , ida, N�lsited. with 0virs. -Mary Sialp- of bell -ring -Ing, much to .tire an UF1e­ Streets.. . , IN DECADE � - 6' . Door prizes.,were won by M Communion will be Observed at the ' farm-,, had. risen, from 118 to 136 . . . ." � , . ,on Sun -day evening ,with Marglwot re. for three days last week on ment of the audience Arid joined in acres, This trend towards larger -0 Arnold Merhar, Jr., Zurich, and close of the,00rnting cervice, son 'L . :i I alker prestaing. The Scripture O The monthly meeting tbeir return to their home near with the real artists in trio an.1 fai The population of Huron County .� �1 9� Mrs. Harvey Coleman, Varna. ver , of the. -ar,"hes been occurring Ili mosk . .. I . " ading was -taken by,Caroleyn Wa-l- Wohelo -Class was held I, Me Winnl7eg - Mr. Crousinian Is a quartette numbers. other parts of Canada I t has increased by 5,538, bringing its : ;? , . .. n recen .11 $100.00 was realized for the group. . � ; ".1 I . ker, followed* with' Prayer by Rev. ..'ehooboorn of the Unite�l C-liurej� ' nrpbew of Mrs, ,,Slmpson!s.. , Carl Tapscott of the Corlimcdores years, he said. I total to 49,280, according to figures . .1, �,, ;� . . VEHICLES COLLIDE of the 1951 census, recently rpleas. �, I R. 1buncansion. -Murray 'Balfour -0 .- Monday evening. March 31. WES. ' Guide and Brownie 'Notes led in, the community sinaing or Modernization of farming meth- ed by the Dominion -Bureau of . �­ .. �� I 1. read the miz�uteslof the last meet- ' W, Gray, the president, was in Ne, , such well-known numbers as ".14c,me od's had Made this workable. Ili the ....., . Ing. Tie roll -call was answered by HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET chair. The devotional, "What i's The Brownies enjoyed the beau- On the Range," "Smile Lhe While" matter of combines alone, 'Dr. Mae- Statistics. The population in, 1941 .. eleven members. Olive Speare road A.n open meeting of the Women'Fo Colarrs.tjanfty," Was given by Mrs. J. tiflul spring weather on Monday by and "My Bonnie Lies Over the Namara said the sales of these had AT KIPPEN CORNER was 43,742. � I "... . . 1. . � I I practioing ioine Of their Golden Ocean." . increased, from 4yound 4,000 to ov- Following is the breakdown by .'? . a line poem; -Mrs. R. Sadler bad Auxiliary to Scott Mer;Torial Hospi- V. Blackwell. The Bible lesson, I . ... .1 . : � , 1� x'harge of the topic, and a duet was tal Aid will be lie-ldi at the nurses' Mitthew 28: 1-10, was read, by Miss � Bark work outside, The Owls; were er 15,000 over the pa.st tell years. Serlous� damage resulted from a munacipalitiesi: I - I ; . ; I I . sang by.Mrs. Hugh Currie and Mrs., es-Idence on Tuesday, April 9, at Margaret Schieck. It was decid�oed I quite pleased with the uniforms. _0__ � "This increased application. of Collision at the Kippen intersection Total Male Female . . I , r I �! 1. i R. Sadler, accompanied by Mrs. L. 8 p.m, Miss Ann Ballantyme., si;per- that Rev. W. J. Rogers be in ob ,Those hats seem to be hard tbings, mechanical equipment. together Friday evening, when a car (ITiven Aslifleld . ...... 1,704 956 748 1 I., . rg RED CROSS NOTES , � . '� " . 1. Agorsdahl. I I Wend-erit or,nuracs, Freep.ort Sana- of cars. at the theatre party in Na�. I to keep track of; let's put our with the extension of electricity by W. F. Alexandw, R.R. 2, Kip- Colborne ..... 1.136 69,9 587 ' � 1� .- 1. . I I I I . _*_ . Itoritim, will be the speaker. All in- A recreational period was enjoyed. names in them, Brownies, then Tire executive of the Red Cros,.-, and other labor-saving devices, pen, collided with a light truck Goder,ich ..... 1,08 , - 955 753 I , �4 11 r I I I , . � Beethoven lwrote some of his terested in hospital -work are invit- Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Reid andl,they'll be no trouble at all. The will meet on Friday, April 4, a� 3 have brought with them a Rkibstan. driven by Mai -tin McIntyre, Exeter. Grey ........ I 1 967 1,034 933 1 .� . greatesit musle a,fter becoming deaf. ed to attend. Lumb'will be served, Jervy, ,,Mr. and Aim. John Reid, I �Conunued on'Page 4) p.ni. in th� -Library. Mrs. J. B. Rus, tial reduction in the burd-en of The Alexander Car had pulled Hay .......... 2:641 1,354 1,287 ,�,, I . . elell will: give a report on the annual farm work as well as in the num. away from in front of -Kyle'% .-tore. Howtek ...... 2,85!9r 1,459 1,400 . 1w; ." . I '. ... . . - : meeting of the Ontario Divislon. 'ed ....... 1,855 -957 898. ,..,... ,� �il I � . �_ I I 1� be� of people� requil .," the Federal and as it crossed the highvay,'the Rullett .11 4 1 .." 6-- deputy mlinister of labor. said. truck travelling ,south collided with MoKillop .... 1,718 .,. ..... - . I . DEPUTY MINISTEk OF LABOR SPEAK ER ON RURAL RELATIONS' NIGHT ' I luff. chairronn of the it. The Alexander car, however, Morris ....... 1,675 910 76-5 11 � � ,, I . I I . .. I— .. I I . I I J. Scott ,C amittee, continued its course acrosts- the Stanley ...... 1,950 9SO 960 . I . . �� ... ��, . . ...... ., - . I club's rural relations Con , �, I W, 1. I..., Awarded Contrqt U -S-tep.hen ...... 4,561 2,644 1,917 �- . "" ilm:�: U,41':� I ­­. , , ;,, q, .., . . , , 0 , - �31 - �. 1 4 , W'.�,, i 1 halrman for the evening. TII6 highway and struck the gas p mp 1, , ,,��-.. �:,A� F I .1 ,,:�."7'J'A'af For BaOX Repairs 'spe'aker was introduced -by -A. Y. in front of Norman Di,ekert's store, Tuckersmith . 3,280 2,10.8 1,172 . , , 17 , .._� I .�� ,.,;, ..'._, 1:1 d:1 � *.1 1. ..�, , I ��, � . 1 .. ,� I I I 71 .% -.1.4 � � �'11 4 .. '1; � 111'... .1 anked by R. The pump wa% considerably dam- Turn -berry ... 1,381 51, �, �'g. '... � .V ""; I McLejin, MT., and M I ,P ., 51 , �. . �1, "', ,,, ., . :�': :;� �. �,.`� 44,1141 Usoboyno ..... 1,667 877 790 .. ...:.`..:%�­::;Y, r. . 1. I., " - ,, - Joseph T . I . �, .� , J, L I , :1 ... ,0:,; ,.% �.;"::�. '', , ,.. 1 �'..� ,. A!,�' ��,::�;i ... i I . Hugillf Seafortb, has S. McKercher, Rus��.ell T. Bolton 891'a. - �; I . . � , a ,�14 � I �:�i :, "... �.�, , M. -A i been amard�sed, the contract for a expressed the thanks of the farm- ,P.C. Elmer Zimmerman. Exeter. Wawaojoeb, E. 1,009 619 4,90, .. .. ' r, Z 1. ly - '.. �.­' ., :1 , , I ..� : " ,�., . %�,�,1014 � , . I - ...... .." ­.;­.. ; , : . .1 1 f - 1! :::,�� � . __ir_,;. '� I Bank of Corn- investigated, Waws-roosb, W. 1,100 614 576 1_!. ... .�-� ., I �� ii.,P: . new vaulit at the ers present to the Lions ,Club, ; I . . . .., , - ". I ..,. I.W. .p.; , - I , , , � " 11 . �.i:1'_1�:,.?,',,, : ;,,,,,�: . .... �.: , j .� .a. merce, Atwood, and alterations to ,Guesits included: Thos. Pryde Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBride, Towns: , 91; . y , � 4', :..tj � �,;. ,, - 1 * , . 350 " C . .;;"�. , � , " ­ . I . ..., .. I -1, ," I, 1';.O,�': the -two apartments at the rear of XLL.A., Mayor E, A. Me ' & "'a : � , Master� of London. visited one afternoon Clinton, ...... 2,547 1,197 1, . ;d ""g.;�g ;w. �11,: s, ,,, '. ,,:,;,...,:.-'-,1; .11 . . . I the bulliding. He will let sub -con- Igarvey Johnston, Warden of Bur- 1831t week with their aunt and Exeter ....... 2,547 1,234 1,313 11 . Vl".04.'.� ... �,­ ��;, .:,� , ,?Ki?�k - :,�;`�'11.111-' - acts for beating, and electrical Or, county; G. T N, Montgomery - R,9� uncle, Mr. and �M'ft John Jarrom Goderich .... . 4,934 2,2,99 2635 � ... I ­,:­ 1. � - - -', .-', &.-mr , , - , ... 40 I 1 .. . .! '. * , - I I -11.1 11".. . ­,."1..�11­4.0";111;.. 1'. , . I We are ,pleaSpil to report Mil. IV- Seaforth'. , 2,118 975 1, 13 gg.,�:,gg.",., , �'�,;.,., ,.;,;i.,@ . . work. I-fculitural representative; Bob Car- . ,,, . � .T - ., . `V..V..., 1%v1.;. %. ___ �_ 6 -,.,. in St. Jor, Wingli,ain . . 2,642 1,232 1,41 P1 .�, , _ :­ 5 I J i - . rg"­�;, , g,110,Q..:�,,A I 11, ,� . 110 " Mu y an, Forsyth Is home frol � 4 #, ­�,R�V,`;,,, 'V,t��.­;,;;o,."A ?: . .� bert, Radio'Station C.KNX; rra �., 5 ,., ­! I-, �­1_10 , 5, - � �. W5, �; , ,%,, - ; K - I 1?.1 1,,,,"1?.W ,,,, ­­. P � " eph's Hospital, London, after being Villages: � . ,I . , 19,11 ".."":�".'. ". �11 . Staille . , 41 � :.�, : Christie, ,14ibbert F. of A.; y 11 - , -�41 , E ". """ I I I i A N I 4 - - : 1, . .11V ��IOWNN�"...,,� I . STAFFA: - Hillen, McKillop F. of A.; Gordon away a few ftye. ,Bllytb ........ � � �i.. I � .­ ; * c ardos -arrilth F, of A.; Miss Jean lvimn- is spending a Orussel-n ..... 813 390- 423 , '.." I- I , I Riih on. Tucker .. . I I Donald 'O"Brien has returned - to Merton'f Keyes, Jun -for Farmers; few days in Guelph with her aunt, Hensall ...... 713 345 368 , , , " Flint, 'Mich., After a few day,& at Keith Tyndall: 'R. rP, Bolton, Sea- wbo Ix fit, � i - !, i , . , , , , -1 11, I '� home. . forth Xgr:cultural Society; Frank ,� Mrs., Torrance, of Porter's Hill, Total .. � .... 49,2,80. 2,5,696 29,684 .. , � � � . Qi.* � Friends, from Stairs, attended the Allen, Reeve of 741bbert; W. J. Is visiting a few 4ays with her - 1 �f ; "Ill 4 � M I I . � . funeral of Mimsr ,Cooper -at Skforth Dale, Reeve of Hulle!t� Arthur father, �Mr. Henry Ivison. 7 . . . . . � .. I � : � I I I ; ,'� . on Saturday. .She Was -a sister of Nicholson, Reeve of Tuckers1mith, A very pleasant evening ,w.qs cludedl: Mr. and Mrs. Stokes, of . � ,. ; � `,-F.- i .... � Mrs, -Fran-k 'Hambly. I 'Me. spent on Saturday at the home of London; Mr. andUrs, Schneider, of 1 1. � I � .; 11 V� 2 . �nd Da�i Betiermann, Reeve of Mr, arid 'Mrs. John,L. I.. - �, I 11 1. - Killop. I 1 14 e i I d 1e rsvo no Stratford,, and- Mr. and Mrs. Corn- I . I .9 d a--- ..�,,,� F. J. ,Snow outlined plans to date, when t1re. members of the Happy isih. of Goderieb, �­ �.! ... , 1% � -e Sextette treated Mr. and Mrs-, Witmer Ferguson, V" I I . � f � li� il of the mass, X-ray of the Huron T. I 'Couples, Euchi ,", t , �.,, . I " �, 1 w B. Association now in progrew. OPMRelves to a delicious chicken movl�d from the village to Heneall, ..". , .." . , 10 ."�. 11 . d �: . TUCKEIP(MITH Commuirity singing was led' by 11RUPper as a finale ,to some very where they purchased 9, house. I !�A .. ... I 1� , ­ ". - I .. 1, �, -Y winter evenings, returned her ,% I it "" 0, I R. Spittal, accompani6d -b; j. M.; happ and are Mrs. Earl Sproat : to ,., 1p � � , I Scott. , I I ig forward to many more such home in, Hen,sall after ",ending 11�14 I I I i f. I � evenings. . I -th Mr. and, Mrs. J "'41. I oha -:v , I Vol 0 -11 �qi, �� .4 Entertainment folkywed' the din- some time wl I .­.. , 19 ' ner ver+d by Mrs. William Milled ,Mr. and, Mrs, Walker, of 13rdn- .L, Henderson. I ��!C"' . " 1 Io . 0,11 !. The ,Township of Tue ersm4th and Mr;b. J. Hisler. with Weiatt don, ,Man., called on Mr. and Mrs. Mr. an6 Mrs. Tom Smith and- �,',,,` Nelson Hood one evening . �4 , - . �i , I—— 11 . purobased.a new road grader at a Mereg, magactan, I.Allian Gibbons,, taut Michael, of London, Visited-Suaft7i . .11 1!�,�.ilt. 11, `VtA 11 special meeting,of the council'on soloist; Gleuda 'Jones, dancer and Week- at the lionle of their pit6nts, Mr, .111.,�.,, � , ,"'.1 * Mr. arid 'Mrs. Jack Dickert, '6 v . I �,',? I :. -fternoon. The township N. Benjamin as accorripanist. of and Mrs. Gordon Wt ift., -:,�,?,i I � . Monday 9, hadi previously advertised for teu� I . Clifford, were Sunday guewts of M.r. Mr. Ivan Wton.haa be,en trans. .1 ;�',' "Vo _"�o'lj L "i L dew on the new piece of equip- 0 1 . � 1� and ,Mrs. Norman Dickert and ferred to,0*e.a Sound with the 143'. " "' , 'VV 1041"'I"t, _ - " � . �A i1111 I . Merle. dro Commission. 'g'.""v� , , , �,gu - _v -went) and seven bids, were rece'v- ENTERTAINS LADY BOWLERS , ?,�.Ilwl , I �, V . I '�;­, .1 r er broth- ,Mrs. 3'ohti larrt)tt to spen 'n .� ed. ding a - i"TAN "" _ 10 ... 111", R. I I ,-T- -Mrs, 0. A. Whitney was hostess (r, Mr, John Wagner, of -Guelpll, few days wit:ft her iladgw,df fitas , , �";,� � ", "I .I-,- _� lie successful blitaor was the j. ,, � I vl'441 L I , ., I Mouday evening to the ladies, of also tier nephew, Rev. Sehnell,,Of ston-Inilaw, Mr. andl Mt -S, VA9Xr ) .� " D. Mama �Co. -UA.) Pat1s, The new the ggatootth . ,;1, t"'.1 � "o .1 I . 1, t, 11.1 -4 ,g � p - , IA :., . X , I Ili i Lawn Bowling ,Clulb� Raitteford, Se4k., visit her for a S164th, of �Guolvh. . �­ ,;, ,,, , 01,01=1 �!0."-4t�r,'��,,,�V,,,5�,Ti",Mk�.,W�l.,.,?�,,�,.,,�.�', , I 111 . - .24,63LOO, less *hen. five tables, of bridge were In few days. , F, � mn4littro will coisit $ . J : . 11 � I .i I I __ . .1 __11-11 -11 I . I .., .�.�,.Itt-?J . ' I 4, , ,­,; '22 �;� 1: I'll, � , , ,, - I :�­­ . . Mrs. VtCtymotii, Ml- obild' i " "' I , - 'h :; � ' ' , _ � the �1`1 � I 1 ' ' I - I 1. , , ,�. I ., - 11 in A116WAtido of $9,950,00 Ott file 61, .P. 0hristle won the Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs. W. Wagadr, of ldn,g .. I �.::oi 44 . I ", .-I',- ., � I 11 , . , 11. 11 I I . 4i� 1. I , I I " _'!" . . . . . Play. 191-5. B. I .11.1 p6gi i, , , I - I "I. WL�.,,,­�41 `­ I ,, .. 1". , . . � � ' 960 6"":1gUft't1s"�"' Dt" grader. AlloWitntim o1i the trade4 prize, which- wao presientedf by Mrs. Long ,spent Sunday #Atli, friende In mvk, R v soh, 1,00 Q 't %140",.�,.�,�.,..�iM, 0-i' A' MAC:Nuffiaraio'bomthibn lJdp'uty Ministero bf La'boPo' ' �Iph au -4, , . ' intedd4bad -th' he's at tho head tablewere: Lioft A ft 1� � . , , , V­ A�_.,.�, � .1 . "" ' ' geAf L pth� Foldby ill O'h1t, *'Wan�, Y. �Mo ?6AJJ,,� I "' Ajrw".�* �-7:,, ,� 4 .�L "�,., . 'o,j . �0)1 * , 4' #� - ranged from $1,000. I � , .:-' , - ,.ohd 0oin 164�`wao the ii#dhk6r at 0 � io"A, i6e,4 1!�F Affitrall. A pleasant hour Exeter. ., � ,# lh;- 8Cott Cluff, third fi,om ieft' 00� to $819"100- 4, 0 .1arl �%,I-t _1 .�l. . I I -110 I .CIqbL sn'to � �. . %� rolit,46�'!Pft:lil �`:, � Y" 1, P, x. ,,.-- 11" . , , tr:&§v#n,0,0,W,,1.1' .�%k Itiif t AWhOd foon!6rs of A '�i *06 ­­ . 5",*-`*1*Zo df, t '"ith, rlbh�. 1�,- iOgj 6f the oquj�meut Julud4t Wo 9.Pdot 'fOlIdWitig 1019$'o, 'When SUnAlay g-UeStg at tbO h (iff , ** , a � I , distribt , , � tr rtf��tl , e �,,­ 11 ^ ! �.�'A "U ,I FIAI�atl relattoMi,hig,itl '06rd'6n, I 10 . I., oft, I - �eddl �:, ., �� oo - ht alub.; lm�. .E. S1 I X I 6r* 41,W" MU'R , �. � �r of "I'' ­ , . - Svib-W#10 -, 'd&ltit� t6,fres11fmftt9 WoroL setiod. Mr. aftil -Mrs. Ittlitl Thbmio-&. 1tv I QUIA , " . ,�z :,-­.,�A,,I� , gl;�;,,�i,a,�, V I 1K . . W and wing .0tach1A06tA,.. '. . � , , , , I �:,-�,A,,'�, " � �__ ., . , I , ., 1, ,. , - .. I 4A�',P.­.. � I .. " �, "...;, .1.,�, .. I I � ,. , ,:z � *., kp. �. � , . - 4, 1:` �`,,- -�- , , 11. %0��,�7 .��,].,,�'�, , �1%1 . . .� . ­�J,,� , I . I , ,,, 11110-il ��,_ 11 -, ;1",, _ ��,', " �, , 1'' .,4 ,,�* , i`,,* .-., - I I � L I � .1, i",: , � 11. , I I pl�.' 141 ( �. ".;, �* I �. "e, .q. �,, : �i V 1�:1.3� ;V , � ;a*;.." �,,,�.:�I: ,-_ri ­ ". " , . , 1''. I � . . .1� ­. 11 . , 4. . � , ,� I ... � �,�, I ,,�­ .. i'1,11, 1,1­1�1. , , "I , � , 1:361-, V � '. , I , I 'r. � . � I ; �,�;;�,a,:, "�;.�,.",.Ii.:,;�,�-,,'�,,�,�'; , �4 � _,_ ,, ,__ ...... . ?"-,J I "; , '. _ . ", ..;�. I �',,, I . I :i_". 1:, �, ,, , - ­ , q�! " .:,. '%,J, ; i � A'�,, ... � . f� - Z"N' Vil , ".. I '' '. �Oi, ` 0, I ill"- '­­ ­ . ?I � "!. ,, -,.:,;, ,1� T�f:;!,,­��,�.I',,"j'V,, 'i"'I -- .j,; " I . .1 'I. � � 11 -, 11,1`11- Q', I, ­ " .: I I . 11 , , �k . t ." I - li " 5 , '"" " . ! _ j., �,-­ . . "I * ", . ,­ � .Zll �,.' : I ,,, . ,';,..,�,,,,�,,:.�,_­'._, ...... "', �� j �� ­ ,,",­ - -.1 I f,� 'I� , - el , � � ,� �'. ", �, ,��� "ji"n ��l - , �1 � S,iPT ­ . , -� -, -- , I , � . , 1111&k11`11o41ZZ',h �M�. 1�1;i-1111, ;. , , .1. `�.�I�i , . i %, I ,,i � , , , . Ai �,V ­.. 1, I Ns.."Y * ; "t",""i �� d-�, I %�.,' I, ,� I., ... .11 %'� _ ,�, , .,� � "�" "t," , i .� -11,11. --11-_111- .. .... ci , A� �,� 01 p � t'� flg �,!�' �#�F�,�,,��,.n.!ii'.���f',,�.lu.vl.I ; , * '171, ,,, 114kriV. I; ��,� l I , . , , M.", X , �4�11 I li 11 .. U. -�� r 1� 1% ..,..---. , ­ , �.?,w � , . - ­ -11 1 R1, ;4�­;�­,.,, , � . , "Is ,,,, 11 " - v, � �* : �. � � , - ,444N,Vil Olt IN % , "."",; . , , I , �. - , ." , . , � ", . 61111 �;;; t" * ... 1. 1. 11�