HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-03-28, Page 41' ssified stied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: oft SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. ---Per Word:' let Weeic 1 Cent 2nd Week Cent 8rd Week Cent Minimum charge, each insertion . . 25 Ceuta Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts aa one word - i urds o; Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, fpr 10 cents extra. •Ten 'emits additionalwill be charged„ if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final inaertion. `•Births. Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc. -Rates on application, Coming Events clooD OLD-TYME DANCING AT ITS best with Don Robertson and his Ranch Boys. at the Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell. every Friday night. Danc- ing 9:80 to 12:30. 4395x2 Lost and Found LOST -+BROWN PURSE CONTAINING a stun of mdney. Finder please con- tact Box 134, HURON EXPOSITOR- Re- ward. 4395x1 • Agents Wanted "DOOR-TO-DOOR SALESMEN ed to to start their own business with our 225 guaranteed and well-known pro- ducts: ro- ducts: toiletries, culinary. medkines, tea. coffee, etc. 818. will buy travelling kit and assortment, . Available territories in vicinity. NO RISK, DETAILS: JITO, 5130 St -Hubert, Montreal." 4392-4 Personals • SIKINNt MF.N WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 �Ibs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60e. All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R UDDER - -,.....£.00dalemeiled.poatp_sid in Main sealed, envelope vrfth price list_ 6 samples 25c; 24 samples 61.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO,, Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Livestock Wanted LIVE STOCK WANTED — HIGHEST prices paid for sick or crippled ani - male. VICTOR HARGRAVES, Brucefield. Phone 625 r 23, Clinton. 4384x12 FREE THERMOMETER, PLUS CASH at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect Wm_ Sproat, Seaforth, 655 r 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. 4378-tf Farms For Sale lelOR SALE -50 -ACRE GRASS FARM : plenty of shade and water. Apply to ARTHUR VARLEY. Phone 650 r 2, Sea- ' forth. 4395x1 Property For Sale • FOR SALE -MODERN 7-80014 HOUSE on Goderich St. West. Apply Box 130, I HURON EXPOSITOR. 4394-4 FOR 'SALE -8 -ROOM HOUSE, CEN- trolly located: modern solid construe. - 'Oen. Apply to Box 126, HURON EX- POSITOR, 4394x4 F"OR SALE -5 ACRES, 6-80031 HOUSE,• -bar`n-henhouse:-garage;-Hydro.through- out. In. Town of Seaforth. Apply Box 128, HURON EXPOSITOR 4394x3 FOR SALE -9 -ROOM HOUSE, WHITE brink: 4 -room apt, up, 3 -piece bath; 5 room9. suman-r kitchen down. Electric water heater. Barn and 2x lots. Write to KEN MAKINS, 9 Regina N., Waterloo, Ont. 4394-4 FOR SALE DWELLING, WELL SITUATED; HARD - wood floors throughout; bathroom on two floors; fireplace: oil heating. One of the better homes in Seaforth- Anely to Box 122 • HURON `EXPOSITOR 4395-tf _ FOR SALE,—SIX-ROOM RED' BRICK, 2- st2rey cottage with bath, about 24' x 40/, asphalt clad kitchen 1 storey, about 10r. x 25e, steel roof, furnace, hard and soft water, Hydro; also veneer brick drive house, about`26' x 40', steel roof; garage, small henhouse; being Park Lot 0, Turn - berry St, Village of Brussels; well isolat- ed; on nice high building site. JAMES McFADZEAN, Box 1, Brussels, Ont. 4395-4 Notices NOTICE -MY BOAR IS NOT FOR public service, HENRY ENZENS- BERGER_ Phone 839 r 25, Seaforth, 4395-1 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios. at rEttRY'S RADIO RE. PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4263-tf MONEY TO LOAN - ABOUT THREE! thousand dollars on mortgage at 5%' interest. As it comes in it goes out to keep body and soul together. JOHN EL7Eel. Hensall 4395-tf Wanted WORK W WOMAN' desires domestic employment daily. Monday to Saturday. Apply Box 182. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4395x1 `WANTED - A SMALL APARTMENT. TOR Apply to Box 135, HURON EXPPOSI4395-1 - Tenders Wanted TENDER Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS. WILL RE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up to 2 p.m., March 32,. 1952, for a power grader, 100 H -P., or better. equipped with mechanical or hy- draulic controls. snowplow and wing; 12 - Ply tires, 24x24. front and rear; lights: operator's repair manual and parts book. Tenders to state trade allowance for No. 12 caterpillar grader, equipped with snow- plow. wing and scarifier, together with parts on hand, including tire chains. Lowest or any tender not necessarily For further information apply to ROBT. DALRYMPLE, Road superintendent, Eg- mondville, Ontario. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk -Treasurer, Township, of Tuckersmitlr, 4394-2 FOR SALE BY TENDER THE FOLLOWING LANDS ARE OF- fered for sale by tender, namely. Lot 3, Concession 4, H.R.S., Tuekersmith Township, being 2% miles south of Sea - forth and 11,4 miles east. On the said lands there is said to be erected a brick dwelling, frame banked barn, good drive shed and garage. About 22 acres broken, remainder in pasture and bush. Good water supply. Tenders must be in the hands of the undersigned on or before the 31st day of March, 1952, and be accompanied by a markedcheque for 10% of the amount thereof. These lands are offered for sale to close the estate of John Sholdice. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MnCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4393.3 -Separate DRAINAGE TENDERS Township of McKillop FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR FOR DIGGING, LAYING AND BACKFPLLIN.G, ETC., OF THE FOLLOWING 1. "Bowman" -3,031 iineal feet of 8, 6 and 4 -inch tile. •- 2. "McNichol" -5,672 lineal feet of 14, 12. 8, .6 and 4 -inch tile': also concrete pro- tection and catch' basins. 3. "Stimore"-10,420 lineal feet of 12, 10, 8, 6, 5 and -,4 -inch tile; also catch basins. 4. 'Simpson" -.2,909 lineal feet of 8, 6 and 4 -inch tile. 5. "Anderson" -6,743 line31 feet of 14, 12, 8, 6 and 4 -inch tile; also Protection and ,catch basins. • Township to supply, ,culverts and all tile within approximately two miles of work. Tenders will be received by the under- signed until noon, April lth. A marked cheque for ten per cent, with a minimum of $100.00, to accompany each tender.. Satisfactory bonds to be furnished. Tenders to state date when work will begin. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, specifications, eto., may be seen at the Clerk's Office. J. •M, ECKERT, n Q.:.,> ` W, J. 3441q/4/7-44.l,"l�tane 886r 12. 00 40BSB. Seaforth 4685-1 FoR SAIX—Ceur. A fTLY- '1.O FIt41) HIUSSAR, Louisa St-, Seaagrth. 4305xee $2(w Bugs 5,aortsF,1Ylw1R GARDEN 'll Tractor, complete with plow,,, eniti- eater and dila Apply DR. E. A. hicMAS. TE -R. Seaforth. 489$-1 Fj OR SALFe-30 TONS, MIXED HAY ane -half of this bay is baled. JAMES F. SCOTT R.R. 2, Seefortb. PAene 851 ✓ 4. 4895-1 FOR SALE—NORDBEIMER ELECTRIC nfayer piano with rolls; barealn price. PHONE 137 or write P.O. BOX 141. Hett salt 4385-2 FOR SAL i --CHOICE YEARLING REIF- er • also 9 good York pigs six weeks old. CHARLES STEWART, . R.R. 4. Clin- ton. Phone 807 r 3, Clinton. - 4395.1 FOR SALE - MUSKRAT SHORTIE coat, size 18-20, newly remodelled and lined 520. Apply Box 133, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4395x1 FOR SALE -SIX CREAM VENETIAN blinds wood. 27rrx54tr, in good condi- tion. PHONE 839 r 41, Seaforth, 4895-1 FOR' S E -A HOLSTEIN BULL CALF, five dans old; 170 sap buckets and Bolles. HENRY ENZENSBERGER. Phone 839 r 25, Seaforth. 4895-1 �R SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGRIR SEEWTNG MACHINE CO-, Goderich- Phone 1135. 4395-1l. Fj OR SALE -15 WEANED PIGS; ALSO 4 • heiferg to,,tcalve soon. Phone 838 ✓ 2. or apply'Sox No. 136, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4395-1 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE OF PROPERTY IN the Village of Hensall, on Saturday, March 29th, at 10:30 a.m- Harold Jack- son: -- auctioneer.,- has been _ instructed by the heirs of Anne Hood, late of the Vil- lage of Hensall, widow, deceased, to offer for sale the following property: Lots 215 and 216, Petty's Survey, in Hensall, to- gether with frame house thereon. Terme -10% down, balance in 60 days. ALVIN W. SILLERY, Seaforth, Solicitor for -Es- tate; Harold Jhaksan,-Auetidneer.. 4393-8 AUCTION SALE OF 50 HEAD OF Cattle; will be held at Loi I4, Con. 12; McKillop Twp., 2% miles east of Lead - bury corner, on Thursday, April 3M, at 1:30 p.m.: CATTLE --1 Durham cow (fresh); 1 Durham cow, fresh 2 months; 1 Hereford cow, fresh 1 month; 1 heifer in calf ; 5 vaccinated young Holstein rows fresh and others due time of sale; Regis- tered Hereford bull, 18 months; 9 Here- ford and Durham steers and heifers, suit - ab for market or grass; 9 choice Here - steers averaging 600 to 700 tbs.; 7 Hereford and Durham heifers 1 year old; 7 steers rising 1 year old ; 6 Hereford and Durham young calves. Terms - Cash, ROY WILDFONG, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 4394-2 AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE and Household Effects, on Saturday, April 5th, at 1 p.m. -Harold Jackson, auc- tioneer, has been instructed tract d bythe Admini- strator of Elizabeth Davis, late of the Township of Hibbert, spinster, deceased, to offer for sale: Parcel I -Lot 26, Con. 8, Hibbert Twp., 2%,[ smiles,.. west of Staffs. on County Road, 100 acres, good cies' loam land, well drained; approximately 5 acres hardwood bush; 11 storey brick house, modern oil furnace and 3 p,ece bath; Hydro, water pressure system; large bank barn with straw shed, stabling for 30 head of cattle, water in barn, litter carrier, steel stanchions, drive shed, hen house and pig Pen. Parcel Il -Lot 26, Con. 7, Hibbert Twp., 100 acres good clay loam land, in grass: approximately 5 acres bush; good water supple; windmill, large water tank. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Doherty kitchen range; cherry oval exten- sion table; 8 kitchen chairs; 2 arm chilies: sideboard; glass cupboard; flat top writing desk' 4 reed -seat- occasional -chairs. _2. Windsor chairs; 4 anal;:tables; 4 rockers: 2 walnut occasional chairs; Mason & Riscb upright piano; day .bed ; chest of draw ers; 2 complete bedroom suites; • Beatty 4 -burner electric stove: dishes; bed lin- ens: other 'articles. Terms - Chattels, cash. Real Estate; 10% down, balance in 60 days. Reserve bid, For further par - pp ticulars apply to Administrator, OROWN TRUST CO„ "London ; Solicitor, Alvin W. Sillery ; Auctioneer, Harold Jackson - 4395 -2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock, Implements and Household Ef- fects, on Thursday, April 10, at 1 p.m., at Lot 23, Con. I, Logan Twp„ 2 miles west of, Mitchell on No. 8 Highway: CATTLE grade Durham cows, recently fresh with calves: Hereford cows with twin calves: Brindle cow, milking; Durham heifer to freshen in May; 4 Hereford heif- ars 2 years old; .3 Hereford yearling heif- i ere. POULTRY -150 Sussex hens 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS ---Ferguson tractor and plow (new); Massey -Harris binder; Mc- Cormick mower; International hay loader, Idrop-head ; Massey -Harris Gide rake; dump rake; hay tedder; diamond harrows; spring tooth cultivator; stiff tooth culti- vator ; tandem disc ; 13 -run' 'grain drill; Massey -Harris fertilizer drill; Internation. Clerk, McKillop Townsbire Hsrnscorn nure sscufllerrwalking steel roller; Massey - g plow; Viking Seaforth, Ont, cream separator; milk pails; rubber tired 43952 wagon ; l0 -ft. hay rack ; gravel box ; farm For Sale Fj OR SALE—PINK WOOL GABARDINE auit, size 14; like new. Can be seen let &COINS' CLEANERS. 4395-1 FOR SALE --NEARLY NEW BICYCLE, blue in eol'or; good tires. PHONE 588-W, Seaforth: 4335x1 ' TAX. RETURNS -LIMIT PID TIME ONLY available this year. Please make ap- pointments in advance. H. G. MEM, Dominion Bank Bldg., Seaforth. 4395x4 :p NOTICE - PAINTING, PAPERHANG- ine, interior and exterior decorating. WALTER PRATT, RR, 1, Walton. Phone. 48 r 9, Brussels. 4295x2 Help Wanted INSPECTORS for Inspection Services, .. Department of National Defence for Guns & Carriages Artillery Ammunition Mechanical Engineering EIectrical &„ Electronics Clothing Textiles Leather Footwear Rubber Hardware AT VMltollS' CENTRE'S A broad krioyvtedge Of manufac. luring method's in one of these fletd>i.is easentia1. Salary will vary deco titbit( to ituafificat'ionsl duties lM Vdt anC{CB"c ' a ctni)e;arftT aitplicatidrf`'forms avall- abk a' your nearest Civil Service tfi,llti *ion Office National '&n- 60 ,4;10:00* ' c �tf�dt O ae �i�rlrlg�ie r.,� 1414A4 FOR SALE. -20 PIGS SEVEN WEEKS old. JOHN CLEW. Phone 53-J, Sea - forth. 4395-1 poi% SALE - GOOD QUIET WORK Phone 839 1y GORDON 839 r Seaforth � PA 4395x1 WOOD FOR SALE. -APPLY TO CECIL LONEY. Phone 832-R, Seaforth. 4392-6 FOR SALE -ABOUT 10 TONS CHOICE loose clover hay. Apply to GRANT MzcLEAN. Phone 684 r 31, Hensel]. 4894x2 FOR SALE -ABOUT 400 BUSHELS Montcalm seed barley, crown from registered seed. Apply to ELGIN NOTT. Phone 847 r 5, Seaforth, '" 4391x2 FOR SALE -FOUR REGISTERED T,B. tested Hereford bulla, serviceable age. Apply STANLEY JACKSON, Kippen, R. 8, 2, Phone Seaforth 653 r 6, 4394x2 FOR SALE-MONTCALM SEED RAR- lee: AP ley; top field score three years in sue- ccarion in Field Crop Competition : 52.25 per bushel while it lade. Alan timot'+y need, recleaned, $6.e0 per hushel. H. C. WRIGHTT & 801e, Cromarty, 4394x2 -Recessed ' Bathtubs $60 SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON • AND Riobiedge stainless threeiieee bath- room sets, White $160.00 to $189.00, Col- oured $204.00, complete with beautiful chromed fittinga. Air conditioning furn- !aces $2515.00. Special offers to plumbers and halidetb too. Save many valuable dollars, btty with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prices it we •supliiy everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation, Cate - !One .includes litho Wove of train IIx- tUrca, pried and installatiot* diagrams, Select style of sinks. cabinets, Umber, trills, showers, shaves, 'refrigerators. Pres - keit Meet iipitemh, oil btirnent, tenths And oil trtnicel, toe 'Vint(; or write Jf)$Ttr7$UN MAD, 012DEIt'UIVIS8031, > treoteville Hardarare, Str'eetarille ..d - bflturie Marie Mitt Evenhige 51 815 sleighs; 1937 Fargo truck (recently over- hauled); Stewart clippers; 500 -capacity electric brooder; 3 chicken shelters; chick- en equipment: 4-ifich tile; snow scraper; quantity wood: cedar posts ; oil barrels: electric fenc_r: set steel forms for nine complete stalls; cement stabling; 200 run- ning feet of wood forms; cement mixer; rubber tired wheelbarrow ; lawn mower ; forks, chains. HARNESS -2 sets of dou- ble harness; number .horse collars. GRAIN -3% bushels good red clover seed ; 300 bushels Ajax oats,- suitable for •seed; .5 tons of good mixed hay. HOUSEHOLD EleFECTS-Oak dining room suite; tables; 6 chairs; buffet; kitchen cabinet; enamel cook stove; Quebec beater; 2 -burner rano- ette (new) ; extension table and kitchen chairs. Farm sold. Terms -Cash. J. W, GREEN, Proprietor; Harold .Jackson, Auc- tioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk CLEARING, AtIC'MON SALE OF FARM Machinery and Hay, Lot 5, Con. 2„ Tuckeramith Twp„ 11/4 miles east of Hen- sall, Saturday, March 29, at 12 p.m.: Trac- tors--Massey-IIarri-s No. 44 Diesel tractor Massey --Harris l o. 22 row „prop tractor and equipment: 2 -row ecuflle0,, and - bean Puller; 31A self-propelled ' Massey -Harris 12 -root combine; Massey -Harris 12 -foot swather ; Massey -Harris 6 -ft. one-way disc; M. & 'M. Waterlpo wire tie automatic hay baler (new last year); Massey -Harris 4 - furrow plow (like new) ; 10 -ft. Massey - Harris stiff tooth cultivator; "9% -ft. Mas- sey -Harris tractor disc; 9 -section diamond harrows: Flenry.Bissel spreader on rubber. (new) ; 2 9 -ft. steel rollers; 17 -run John Deere drill; single disc; hydraulic control and markers (now); John Deere beet and bean planter: 9 -ft. Brite and fertilizer sower; 7 -ft. Massey -Harris tractor mower (like new) ; New Holland 10 inch hammer mill (new); Oliver 2 -row corn picker; 10 - ft, Massey.Iiarris binder; power emery; pea harvester and lifters; 5 -ton rubber tire wagon : 8 -ton rubber, tire wagon; steel truck wagon and rack ; grain boxes for each wagon ; steel welding table; tractor rom.fort cover; machinery umbrella; grain lifters; Massey -Harris mounted weed spray- er with 30,ft, boom ; New Holiand power side rake; King -Wyse 42 -ft, elevator; front end mounted circular saw; air compres- sor and paint sprayer; tractor chains for 28 -inch wheels; Hornet chain saw, 3 -ft, blade; 2 2,000 -ib. scales; 32 -ft, extension ladder; pnrts bin; Massey -Harris Master manure loader; bulldozer blade; 1947 8 -ton Ford , truok with combination box, ]Moffat electric pail; Realty 2 -cylinder' pressure pump and 68 -gallon tank (new) ; 9 cattle water bowls (new) ; 4 pig water bowls (new); copper kettle; barrel's; 4 wheels for rolling rack ; emery stand wit;, 34 H. P, motor; 90 rods woven wire fence (new) 250 feet of %-inch, piping; 160 feet et ?w inch Piping; 40 square need steel roofing; beet forks, shovels, chains, grease grins:• Coleman gas range; 25' tens baled -nixed bay: 10 tone baled straw: other Articles too numerous to Metltion. Farm is sold. No i'eaerve. Terms -Cash. D MU•,, Proprietor; Harold Jackson, Auctieneel'- F. Pt Greaney, Clerk. ,", 4694=2 News Items Of liet (Continued from Page 1) " salt Twenty men and omen 'have been employed for the past three weeks, and the work will be com- pleted. within the neat two weeks. Bride -Elect is Presented The Court House staff at Code- ich inade the presentation oft a lamp to Miss 'Margaret Tudor, of Jensall, bride -elect of April, who for the past sit years 'was secre- tary in the county clerk -treasurer's office. Miss Tudo,r recently tender- ed endered her resignation. Judge T. M. Costello made the presentation in For Rent FOR RENT -APARTMENT FOR RENT. Possession April 1. Apply MRS. E. L_ BOX. Seaforth. 4395,1 MEW HEATED APARTMENT AVAIL - able in one mgnth, , Elderly »eop e preferred. Apply DR. E. A. Mc -MASTER, Seaforth. 4395-1 Cards Of Thanks MISS KATE ELLISON WISHES TO express her sincere appreciation to her many friends and neighbors for their kindness in sending letters, cards, flowers, fruit and books; also special thanks to Miss Drope, entire staff of Hospital, and Dr. J. A. Gerwiil, for their kindness while ane was a patient. 4396-1 In Memoriam DUNLOP--dN LOVING MEMORY OF Jack Darwood Dunlop, who passed away ore March 29 1931. There's still an ache'in our he re arts today, That countless years won't take away; We smile with the world but we never forget, in our garden of memories,' Jack lives. with us yet. 4395k1 _ Mother''Dad -•iia Wisily. WHITMORE-IN LOVING MEMORY OF Mrs. Sam Whitmore, who departed this life April I. 1949. O Lord of Life, where'er they be Safe in 7trineeown eternity, Our dead are living unto Thee. -Ever remembered by Husband and Family. 4395x1 Births A1KENS-,Born in Stratford General Hos- pital on March 18. 1952. to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Aikens% R.R. 3, Mitchell, a daugh- tei't BEDARD-At Scott MemorialHospital, on March 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bedard, Seaforth, a daughter. FEENEY--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March ' 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Feeney, R.R. 2, Duhein, a daughter. GEDDES-At Victoria Hospital. London, on March 19. -to Mr. and Mrs: Stewart Geddes, a son -Robert ,Stewart. f LANNIN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on March 21, to Mr, and Mrs. Fergus 'Lan- nin. R.R. 2, Dublin,. a daughter, McLEAN--AScott Memorial,. .on March 23, to Mr. and Mrs. • A. Y, McLean, a daughter, . the judge's chambers. Brief speech- es were made by ,County 'G`Ierk: Treasurer A711. Erskine,, Warden. Iiarvey C. Johnston, and Assistant Clerk John Berry, The ;,.ate Samuel McBride ' Samuel ''McBride, Jr.,, well-known and life-long farmer of Stanley Township, passed away in St. Jos. eph's Hospital, London, Saturday, March 22, :having been a patient there for the past two weeks, in his 74th year. Born ih ' Stanley Township he was the second broth- er of the family to pass away in the past three months, his brother, Robert McBride, of Kippen, having, passed away in December, 1951. He was a member of Blake United Church. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Reta Taylor, Exeter; -ono sou, Lloyd, Detroit; two brothers, John. Zurich and James, Stanley, and three sisters, Mrs. Alvin Nicholson, -Saskatchewan; Mrs. Maud Schnell, Edmonton, and Mrs. C. •Stephen- son, Hensall. The body rested at the Bonthron Funeral Home, Hen- sall. Public funeral services were held from- Goshen United Church on Tuesday, 'March 25,• .at '2 p.m., conducted by Rev. T. H. Pitt, min- ister of Varna United {Aiurch. in- terment was in $ayfield' cemetery. The March meeting of the Woh- .elo Class will be held in the school room of the United Church Monday night, March .31. 'Mrs. J. F. Black- well will give the devotional, and Rev. W. J. Rogers will present films:. Don Orr, who has accepted a position on the Canada Steamship Lines on the rea`t Takes -recent ly visited with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Orr, and Jimmy, "George Bennett, of Watford, was a recent week -end• visitor with M. and- Mrs: Leonard Noakes. T.he many friends of J. L. Scott will regret to learn is confined to the hospital 'at Guelph in the in- terests of his health, His many friends wish him a speedy recov- ery. Mr, and Mrs, George Walker have returned home from a very pleasant vacation spent. in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ted 'Munn and family, of Tuckersrnith, are moving to London early in April, where they intend to take up residence. They will be much missed. by resi- dents' of the village and district; and the best wishes of the people go with them to their new home. Mr. W, G. Parke is confined to his home with illness. -His many riends wisb him a speedy recov- ery. Deaths VARNA The Hoimesville W.A. willeeme- sent their play, "Business, Merely Business;' in the Varna 'Town Hall COOPER -In London, on Wednesday, Mar. 26, Mary Florence Cooper, dear sister of Ida Cooper, John St„ Seaforth, and (Minnie) Mrs. F. A. Hambly, Staffs; KEEGAN--In Scott Memorial Respite] •Seaforth. on Monday, Feb. 4, 111ll, Francis Keegan, Bay field, Ont-, in 'tips 85th Scar.. ... .. _. y on Tuesday evening, April 1 at 8:15. Mrs. Watson Webster and Mrs. -Melvin Webster retu home on Sunday after a few da holidays in Detroit BINGO Sponsored by Exeter Branch Canadian Legion' Exeter Legion' Memorial Hall FRIDAY, MARCH 28th • $450.00 in Cash Prizes - • 15 REGULAR GAMES FOR $10.00 EACH 2 SPECIAL GAMES FOR $25.00 EACH 1 SPECIAL GAME FOR $50.00 AND $200.00 JACKPOT MUST BE WON Featuring the Bingo Blower — $10.00 DOOR PRIZE ADMISSION $1.00 " ' . EXTRA CARDS 25c Doors Open 7:30 - Games` -Start at 9. The Management reserves the right to cancel ,the Bingo • according to weather coiiditions. The: Huron County Federation of Agri- culture is sponsoring 'Two Meetings in Huron County to discuss the • Poultry Marketing Scheme MR.' KEN BETZNER, Chairman of the Ontario Poultry Producers' Association, will be present to explain the plan , to Huron County Producers, All poultry producers are urged to attend and discuss this plan for marketing surplus eggs. HENSALL TOWN HALL AT 2 P.M. On Tuesday, April 1, 1952 .BELGRAVE,FORRESTERS' HALL at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 1, 1952 Every Farm Family invited to the FERGUSON IIENSALL TOWN HALL 8:36 p.m. Sil'onsoreil by B• RUCEFIE,D ) Death of Mrs, 'J, Walker Mrs. nes Walker, who resided with het ..son, .Mr_ .Nonm3u' Walker, at Brucefield; passed away sudden- ly on Thursday last, in her 84th year. She was a native of Stanley Township, but had lived in Tuck- ersmith for many years. Mr. Wal- ker passed away in 1937, and Abe had lived with 'her spn since that time. Surviving are two sons, Nor- man, of Brucedeld, and James, of Brandon, Man, The funereal was held on Saturday afternoon from the home of her son, Norman; -Con.' 2, Tuckersmith, with Rev. W. ''J. Maines, of Brucefield United Church officiating, .interment took' place in Baird's cemetery. Miss Mary Swan and Mrs. Alice Ham have returned' after visiting in Hamilton and spendinga week- end in Buffalo. ' KLIPPEN Mrs- Eldon Kerr, of Winthrop,. visited a few days 'with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ' Dowson. ,Mrs. 'Minnie Little, of London, visited over the week -end with friends in Kippen, Hensel! and Zurich, everyone being pleased to see her. " Mr, and Mrs. S. Cudmore had as their guests on Thursday after- uoon, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Per- kins, of Us'borne, and Mr. and Mrs. Adams, of Egmondville, Dinsdale 'returned to her home on F'ri'day- -after -spending- sollie time in Stratford with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr: and Mrs Eddy- Taylor: _ • Mrs. Robert McBride and her daughter, Mrs. Beattie, of Wing - ham, were in the village Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Webber, of: London, also Mrs. Anne Hudson, of Hensall, visited their aunt, Miss Kate Bengough last week. We are sorry to report (Miss Bengough in failing health. On Friday evening a pleasant time was enjoyed by the neighbors of ,School Section No. 14, Stanley Township. Nine tables of euchre were played and the committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Bert Fab- er, Mrs. Wilmer Jones, 'Mrs. Alla Johnson and Mrs, Alex McBeath. Home Baking Sale and Tea Raises Money For College Fund The Rainbow Tea, sponsored by the W.A. of St. Thomas' Church on Wednesday was a gratifying sue - cess, $65.00 being realized. Mrs. George McGavin, president of Mie organization, welcomed the guests, and Mrs. W. A. Jones opened the cooking sale and afternoon tea at three o'clock. The tea was in, c large of Mrs. H: R. 'Colbert, while those serving were Miss Dorothy Parke, Mrs. Alex Bethune acrd-'Mrs:'John Earle: A draw was Made for a cup and saucer, which was ; won- by.. Mrs. Faye. Part of the proceeds are far the Huron College Btrilding Fund. Used Cars When in Town stop and see the„ Guaranteed USED CARS 1951 Dodge Coronet 19.50 Monarch Sedan 1949 De Soto Club Coupe 1949 -. Plymouth 1946 Chevrolet 1946 Dodge tie Hensall'. Motor Sales Phone 31 - Hensall and 'NM f$ 4 tele oP 44.01440f ITkd':Mr and' 111'el 'Gornisnl,' "de" rleb, aISO Tar, and MTP: Sahnelder,, of 'Strat604, 'visited Sundays wit their parents, Mr. and 71s, :Thom s(in. - We ane happy to report 'Mrs. Robert Thomson has improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Green, of Mitehe11, were guests of 'Ills father, Mr. Jonah Green, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore arid -family, of London, -were-,Sun- day g'uests of their parents, Mr. and Mors .Samuel Cudmore. 'Miss Mabel Whiteman was in the village on .Sunday. Mr. Hay, of Cromarty, visited on Tuesday with his sister and broth- er-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomson., Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Torrance, of Mitchell, visited Sunday with Mr, and' Mrs. 'John" Cochrane. 'Mrs, Eddie McBride spent the week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gackstetter and family visited their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ferguson, of hi a;bur$t 4PAI4aT, fiveri iM d r r ,_ )' iii, me, Delta) Ila-eregi froom the18 Gf difjhg+' the Ws. ChagmAR is ' vie4ttig - irk 4aughter and son—in—law, Mr,, .and; .. Mrs. Hobert McGiegOr. Visitors with Mr. a4d• Mrs Hely: ert and ;Meryl this week•,, ineludedi Mr. and Mrd•. Dickert, • of CliffgrcT�. and Mr. Norman, DiCk 's mother... . r WANTED HAND -MADE. NOVELTIES AND NEEDLEWORK, STUFFED TOYS, ETC. To Sell on Commission 'in Summer Gift Shop . Write- ANN'S. GIFT SHOP BAVFIEL~D, ONT,, Farmers .. +s. SAVE DISAPPOINTMENT By Purchasing Your Machine Rlequirements Early t � Full line of New Massey- Harri� Machines NOW ' IN STOCK. ALSO • USED M. -H. 30 R. C. Tractor -2 years, like new - Int.-H:—Reconditioned and new tires; extra gond' W.C. Allis --Excellent condition Cockshutt 70 R.C.—Good condition SEVERAL USED COMBINES All Above Machines Priced To Clear —at— SeaforthMoiors Phone 141 Seaforth. . We Have Everything irn FROM PLYWOOD TO . WOOD FOR A _., - COMPLETE. HOUSE! Why run here, there and everywhere for lumber and building needs? We supply 'everything; yes, EVERYTHING—in the lumber and build- ing needs line. Plywood Wallboard ' . Shingles Roofing Millwork Siding Insulation You name it, we have it —• At Moderate Prices "Where Your Money Buys the Most' Bali Macaulay Seaforth Phone 787 Builders' Sulies Clinton �p Phone 97 Lumber - Lime - Tile - Brick Pr�.mpt Dejiveryon - the New1952 Pontiac,Chevrolet- CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR _ USED. CARS '52 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN -Brand new '52 PONTIAC STYLELINE.SEDAN: Brand new '51 CJ E -V.--3 IyUX.Ii 'STYLEIOLNE•••SF}DAN-- Fully equipped - '51 CHEV. DE LUX FLEETLINE SEDAN '50 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 2-CHEV.'50 CHEW'. DE'f..UXE STYLLLINE CO CHESS '49 DODGE ,SEDAN '49 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLI,NE SEDAN - fully equipped _ SPECIALS -'46 MONARCH SEDAN -3895.00 '49 '49 '4,8- '41 '41- '40 '38 '37 '50 '50 '42 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH METEOR SEDAN CHEV: SEDAN DODGE SEDAN' PONTIAC SEDAN CHEV. COACH FORD COACH OLDS COACH ' 'CHEV. %-TON STARE with rack DODGE ' z -TON ;E' CI Up -$1.095.00 INTERNATIONAL 3,42 N ,PANEL - '36 DODGE SEDAN-417SM A Wr.'itten guarantee for 60 days on all late model oars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM E.l[,1:J k;7SE;..aa. ',PHONE 7'3-X *The Nemo of Better llsb l C rite MOTORS mum OPEN EVEly EVENING 1zliti G.. ti r'. , •