The Huron Expositor, 1952-03-21, Page 7DIIIIIIIIIIIII = fi 0 TWIN 0� "i r N X., 'W Ri '11", who Q `4w I V u 1)11. 100. 0 M W'd I# AM- jr, �Aod .,dqxi .9 .9, 4601 about '4� A r '4P w#At PrOnq*,*7 ioi �ho:"axvo pelf thpAbow fox Aaa, TO U# . I I P, 49wP-Way, w4p Roms,40P ok, 14 A4, 'ollug, to..," h' TPM' W4`14- 101 )d 010#0,. evening go—vw that ALIq err Ag .'.`m.0jjAPT9F.t X111, Ox 1ro*au0A tbls1r11ve%!-" pressed elpse to him, Vtftsl ,.wq,d 4 AI)Iln?IiesStGui Was" quo Of 0.44 loo),in 14P at him with adqp� UrIs to. jtp best 04fiv, ult tilde hio, RnWe�?Z�At, you �1*jid Sally W ed her h0r, the, at. Mike gWly from. the ftesslig- "0 t ji in r told hie It *49� W1 41ma i0* hip.m." Her livii were; full, tWn! 'I- Ing If- 11ed.44d to ]xu .00,o.4 Hij kly.* -psuppose,there e t . rtoo eves. . He. touch ga ,7,,w sweet ..,curve. of guy. ing, ap. -she. ,.del pr# 'swayed to her cheek 'and table,. , 1% . .)P, Aw �Veople who would so the Ivard, him. "AA4---and Sally Allis- laughed. 'Trecqlved y6ar message.,, 4;.1v, e been, �dQlng -some 01U144191 "I -Y T, ',d 41'm not t" me deserves to 1791r,4t� an Tou, don't love, Ulm do gat�,�#X 'he xel*. 'Put look wa tow '(Naturally, other7tse you would X� Is. 14ta Of It, ever *Inge . 0" V 'riN I . - 11,41., - 7. Ti at it-, Another y- lgpd her wondered u6t -be hero. I suppose, Ammy -told Wkfig -backstage and kine wxeas,fspemo, Ilpstt vaAft 044 As e g , 11 "Uttliq Sally," Ats TO106 was 47 ed 104 WE - ". 0 the .worldlong-, for t -y -Y hillap that this IS, the ha ey if.. m Ila You area pp_op, a over ping to'uwr wondered about,. Mike end Helen you about us?" ;�c -A guy like J -my tax my lifei �T6wrrow T. I e -are You.?" n6entaloEce- f4 He bxeaks Wo Mal good-looking, oVaVe; fectIODAW. know all ajoilig thilItleave saph1s, you weren't really'� angry,with me." and Dronda, wondered about jrim- -y 4 RW 111 know, dapilag. I r4puld never my and herself. "And you don't approve, either?" hq answer S, Isn't that ticated guy' "like me As the es, I was rather surprised." n) �4rts, too many nice hearts. Sal- Befoie he got Ais, answer, hill .Hd1ly*nod,:aud .4 care 14 :!F� Up!. "HWA? MIA, to theirt-praker Burke opened the door and, roared, pictures . - is-amething in my favor? I was the be angry with.you." 'Then she stopped wondering, dad stage, Drouda. Knock them fte , smiled 4014111111 �Ow U_44� �,XROPA'Mi-y'#,W4,� He crossed his legs; negligently. ly's, for Instance." Ore; e' 11 h got •to pass. 'kHer heart is eil-right," lie said "On - - I dW,! cheers •to sub RUMN" Alay'torce'of habit,'his. Arms, went extricated herself quite coolly'fropi av(),110, rt !4.10P.415 n • &mam come true for dozens of, wery 2" U who never know au evens around her, and• then she, was his arms. 11dmmy, darling, we'll I On YOU.' stoutly. The "ordinary Orl",becaale, sud- IAad tomorrow I am to be. mar- QPV6*fu,#T,. .3, 5i. hqw� donly, a glittering star She -so, ifed,11 -patted. Mike on the shoulder, and Jimmy stiffened' In, Ins chair, 34 went swaying oat to greet her pub- -Rilt he oigilt be,'i- Helen shot are, also t, t:A v, itipAr" - - ----- lie. out, U44ble 'Well as.j Then the orolipstra_ gtruok a 11,91j6 ant . . . singing, - Sing- Asbut up!" growled Jdalmy, 'Ask, chord and she was 1 —1-1: Ing the way eke had' th. evening I Yes, ladles and gentlemen, 04, 16p, rie sung by kirs. A. '0110114 'an )IMISS 01i ^ 0. YBrien, with U.M.Mil IM piano; axecitation 'by '40 -VA W ker, 7, a, no W 5, >resident MGus intra. R.OZ, :conduct* i id the business &6$81013, and M, dilton Oesch was program ,en6r. Refreshments were sexoVe., he coldest -laugh Sally had 'ever leard, and a chill ran through her,,.,' -ay -up tne aisle Suddenly all it angerWIVIL -ou�y What a thrilli Bony limbo OR out; Ugly hollows SimIny was haiTw loolL - before he really understood what left suddenly she 'was out of Oil up; vock no longer o0rawny: !oft I— wf ouAsuds of vebo_ue=�= before was as _p_qning. 'He stoppbd. and her seat and rcanning toward g% bj stsr To are now proud at Wha -a-symapathetir---cry Irsting They thank the epocla=�'Leb=,;'�OH.'Zb"uou6dri.-g stared as Bill Bur came Ttsid.r tomo, ostre& Its tonics. t,,uu,brood,p,nv,rrotors, out. onto the stage, stopped and her throat. Ir0�,tVjtaruu` B "t . -more sp t a d d%eZion so food rVes you --qDr.ondal. -Simon 0.. --atrengE"aduourlshruent.'Pugnbe 011 :IESu c4n.'t do t "=NM Don -t t= getting 00 tat. Stop wiles, ,U.V,. li).Oinpeesi his whole .world sliookand.nun.. out. "YOU;=!yO_ his lie s, to. is or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Costa, little. New "got SeQ.&Intd" CenOWY "Dronda!" he shouted hoarsely. Try iambus Ostral Tonlo Tablets 11"ei lied "Ropy sm�kel'l shouted a soldier new A. The Roman -tic Blitzkrieg'loo 106 -HP. V-9 W94 FT, LBS. TORQUE and added podftds. this My day. At Ali drMists. hq_ _11. 1'1'�Nadl Tr WAR "Ira at airplane guy!" I A long, loud hgot swept through. A'a crowd. Jimmy whirled to face . . . . . . . . . ;hem, his face red purple with fury %nd indignation; then, pven as Sal - Y reached him, the face Seemed to ,ave in. Suddenly the was justg.% kid, a frightened, humiliated kid. ,gr .— "'Jimmy, let's get out of hbre!." "Sally, I 'I "Yes, Jimmy, I know." VC 4 ora The hooting became louder and louder as they ran up the aisle . . . . . . Helen, looking at them flee, felt ike crying—while Drenda laughed ),t Bill Burke, happier than he had iibr been in all his life, -keep right in taking bows. But his bowing Stopped when he went backstage to find himself cou7. -ronted by a cold Mike White. The by the burly captain caught him -"N lapels of his coat and -pulled him Abse. "Get out there and say the whole thing is a lie," Mr. Burke." "How dare you!" "Did you have to'twist -a, knife. . . . . . . . ...... LOW-FRICTIUN overseas -,-his th ea A valve "short stroke" design -the Dronda­,:-attracted by --een*ao -that---cuts., 1ptm. traver;WC, tion., came scurrying 'Vae"R ..-:SAVES, ONE GALLON OF --Mike, solidly, on thv­jave , pw_�T__ r I tlouted GAS IN SEVEN: New 5 -bear- ..Town of 'Seaforth "You take your hands off him, Year after year, FO truck -engineers new advancements, cements, ing crankshaft ... new Full- chum! Flow oil filter reduces ring himself new benefits;lkiew savings for truck buyers. And now for'52, Mike. was beside With b to 33%. TAX PRE -PAYMENT RECEIPTS rage. "By heaven, .if weren't wear u Ford Trucks new standards of performance rthe entire a lady! est and for 1952 owerQ, smooth D field., No'*, the west, most p "But, I am a lady; so there, o thriftiest Ford V-8 Truck Engines ever built power the Great 0 you think it I wasn't a lady, I'd Canadian Truck Line'... the line fliat's bAfiltstmnoer &W -4;e? ... . have.. doue that to Jimmy? You bet ........ I wouldn't have. Yd have let him to kst Amger . . . gad cover ALL hauling 284 FT. LBS, TORQUE (Series F-8) annum, get away with it. And all his life. The Town of Seaforth will pay.4% per requirements from 1/2 -ton Pickup The most powerfu . I Ford Track Engine, ever buili for a he'd have gone on breaking peo-, up to August -31, 1952, on all Prepaid T xeg -YOU pie's hearts. WISH, listen t6r'* :ra-Heavy-Daty 5 -ton' through E30 Series F-SBig obs! The new 155 -Hp. V-8 Cargo King. me. Love ain't a game. it's s6r:t. G.C.W.* 41,000 Lbs. Featur; 1-oCompression, LOW -RUCTION "short Certificates -and full particulars may be.ob- IOU' thinks 4 jobs" with of stroke" design, the new 7 to I compression pression ratio gives s. And any guy wh6 it With 3 new higher -power, higher- high compression performance that means faster aecel- tallied at ,the Town Clerk's"Office in the Town is a game deserves to get it in 'the •neck the way Jimmy did. You all 9E torque V�8 Truck Engines ... with 7 eration, more pulling ability,to move heavier ioiil�� Hall. rightj Bill?" faster atJower cost. series ratings -12 wheelbases— 2 all- D. H. WILSON, "You've 'broken him, do you steel, all welded cabs with im-' ••' Treasurer bear?" whispered Mike, horrified ed Power Pilot Economyin "Didn't you see Ws face?" proved SEE...COMPAR-E ... CHECK THESE FEATURES "Yeah, and I also saw Sally lead every model ... this'new 1952 line him out. Tell me, (Mike, what nap-, brings you a Ford Truck that's better0 REVOLUTIONARY HIGH COW • 7 SERIES RATINGS Vi to 5 paned to you?" confounded TONS. • The sudden switch than ever for ,your hauling job7- PRESSION, LOW -FRICTION V-8 him "Tome? I don't count.' What a by becaumiesbuilt to brand-new stand- Engines •for F-7 and F -S 0 12.WHEELBASES. counts is "Big Jobs." 0 IMPROVED C.O.E. -MODELS. Rome Buildiag Repair's "That's where you're wrong, FCMMANCE and ECONOMY! 0 NEW FULL -FLOW OIL FILTERti BdICK STONE Mike. You do count.. You're a hu - In all Cargo King Engines ... FEATURING IMPRO41EI5. STUCCO REPAIRS man being and every Otiman being reduces ring wear 33%. .9 Repaired counts. Why don't you go. after POMER A01,11407"_ X_ 4 ORD TRUCK LINE chimneys Tuckpointed, her?" and Built COMPLETE F "Why?" he asked wearily. Fault Drafts Corrected COVERS ALL HAULING RE 11OZO I ., I "You might be surprised, chum. QUIREMENTS Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Hey, I got a show to do!" C0110MY - 4706 to 22,000 lb,.-c;.C.W: Refaced M-1 P.w., ho� L ... f G.'� 1 She turned and dashed back on - 24,000 to 41,000 lbs, Fire Walls Built and Repaired to the stage. Bill BUrke, forgive Stone wills Tuckpolnted arid,,., in& patted Mike's -shoulder cons See your - Repaired dentially. 'Mronda sees a lot, Mike. •Maybe you will be surpris- RURAL WORK A SPECIALTY FORD for'52 cost still less to run! Have that stable wall repaired "Maybe not," he growled, DEALER Ford Trucks' and eliminate these drafts that * 4: * affect the health of your stook. "Sally," he whispered finally, "I • PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL was wrong about you. You're CALLS swell." "Yes, Jimmy, I'm swe,11. Y04 MONARCH MASON SERVICE should have known that -a long time ago." Seaforth Phone 386 Write P.O. Box 69 III-1twasn't myself, I guess. never. could resist a pretty face. -no 102- Pho You know, it's like the other Ifas- always. being -greener, But I liking you, Sally, stopped liking you -very never stopped, never A do= -By Roe Farms Service Dept "My pat, do you remember a vLp. is certain conversation we had at -p @flhs M0010150sisd N Irb@ Q& your room one day?" EXACTLY, FRED. ROE TELL ME AN EASY WAY TO FEED ROE PELLETS, DOC W114 041 EMA MASH N He iaught her to him, the moon- IVS SIMPLE, FRED. YOU MEAN WHEN I WANT TO 6ET My BIRDS TO light causing the remains of 4hig VITA -LAY E66 PELLETS 0#811A MR, 0# /5 #E4 66 0 N5 ARE "IN -EA 6 ASH I SHOULD USE VITA -LAY PELLETS? SER MEAN PELLETS tears to glisten, "Sally, I'm not I'm POULEDi CHICKENS TIN 9T WIZE M THE SAME ARIE A COMPRESSED FORM ALWAYS FEED ACCORQIN6 TO EGro foot any more. , Your IoYalty. SERVE 9S AND IN OF VITA -LAY MASH MADE PPODdCrION, FRED. YOUCANFiGURE brought me to my senses. Yod 066, CANYOU CREA"R k16HT, FAED- YOU'LL IFINID ROE PEI I FTC PURPOSE AS WET .AI60TEMME BITE FORM ts JUST LIKE WONDERFUL IN 1'H I E S EVAYS MASH AND SAVETHE TO ATTRACT A elpe6 EYE were the only one to come running QUICKLY AT I LB.OF PELLETS PER 100 BIRDS � j 1 41V 61THEM THAT'Sto help me. They were all h6ot- Ootof4pELLET 6RAINT t WEIGHT, PIZIO�VUCTIOMAND CONDITIOk EXTRA HANDLING? AND PLEASE HER FOR EACH 10 74 EGG PRODUCTION. Ing and laughing, but not you. S -al - 0 TO 0006 FEEDING 4 FAT PELLETS S Of FLOCK THAT 15 is EATING ENOUGH At PRESENT. APPETITE. 'AT NOON, Y00 CAN FEED WHAT BIRD6WILLCLEAN ly, I, know this, Sounds awful,, 'but 5 sgith: 11 1 UP IN to OR 15 MINUTES, THEN could we start 01 over. 1 VREyA1Tf141V_Z jo pRovIDE EXTRA MASH CONSUt4klom IN COLD -lay 0ould we, Sally? I swear I %yon!t YOU CAN HOLD BALANCE let You down.." 2- WINTER DAYS. HED PULLETS 1100 LAY fA4TER UNTIL AFTEP EVENING "X_know you wouldn't,. •J1jbbW.­ 3. To BRING LATE HATCHED -3500644. (t1a1­a;,1,v,�. GRAIN FEEDING. Yotl'ft, Ord to. To Boog C66 PRODUCTION AT END OF LAYING YEAR. good job. You 'It b4, lAt 4 XIIET t -4 ff n g, OL 4,9.- DiRDS ARE "galfy, lees talk "64t, 4 FORCED TO FAT ENTIRE MASH INCLUDING Z •ALL FINE CONCENTRATE MATERIAL. To hell Vith d3rond4. . TO&M111 hef 1 ill W. R. Kerstoke, Sedath "Sti-ch la-aga4gs, by ipbt�if 7 mb afilileawdit. veelrU ;ru b re Hoyj "wisaA JM906fid, 'Jr A ShAW tk6"d, 6 46" h,bildi Vi6 ,gr .— VC 4 ora M N, WON. N Of PAN 'Z��'. 19: PA1. Sol