The Huron Expositor, 1952-03-21, Page 1Ss na. • #ety -'iii; ,:YO$u '4.ok1i N' 141 ' §8A `.: RatjR :�- Rest.044 TWO: H:. ..'EACHERS.:•R rG,l,.n'l�e' end Caixipa gn ' he congregation•, of St. Wipes' Anglican-Cleheoh is taut}thing, testoration Fund " campaign, to. raise $.1,0,000:00. .The appeal is he- ing rtsa•,le too take ear of all cur - 1 rent needs and to cemplete the (plans already made for the restora,- 1 he resignations of, two members the • Seaforth 'District.: Ingo fichool staff. ,have -been tendered .to tire board. J.'B+ryeSilcox,'who has been on the retired reserve list of the R.C.N.;' has accepted.an ap- i nintment to teach at the I'I.M.. . Electrical' School, Halifax. He will 'have the rank. of Lieutenant .Cout- nnauder (L). This is a three-year short ;service appointment, which is renewable at the end of that tittle. Bair. Silcox has taught mathematics an. the Seaforth school ,forsthe past: free years. ;Miss Margaret Stewart, who has been on the staff for two years, has accepted• a position on the staff of the new` Bathurst Heights Collegi- ate and Vocational School, which is ' opening in September. 'Miss Stewart is a Home Economies teacher.-- Local Ladies Fracture Hipp in Falls Two Seaforth ladies suffered CA LL P a in RE tion of the ch�ir.ei building. Letters containing• the emplane tion of ttheeamipaign are going for- ward 'phis week to members of the congregation, as well as to for- mer members of the church. This I will be followed by • a personal canvass. • The first two' steps in the res- toration San the church property have been completed.. The reneva- I tion of the Sjunday -School was done at a cost of ,$3,800.00, and the new vestry at a cost of $3,200.00: Work to begin shortly era include the repair of the foundation of the •churoh, painting the exterior and interior, and installing the new organ. It. is •this work that will cost about $15,000.- Canvassers for town will be E. C. 'Bosere11^ JAR ._S•nittel,._ .W,-- •SuuG5g`itte and Gordon Wright; for the country and Egmondville, G. ,Flewitt, R. Archibald and N. IScoins. -fractured his last Thursday :falls which occurred" only a few hours apart. Mrs. Thomas Sharp trip/led on,a bole in the pavement on Ggderioh Mt_ West in front of Rice :Motors, fracturing. her left hip.. ,.The other casualty was :Miss Emily Osmond; who fell as site was leaving a neighbor's house. Both were taken Sett Memorial Hospital. •` W.I. Holds Final kr Euchre in Series The Sinal euchre and dance in a :series sponsored by '•the Seaforth Women's Institute was held in the Cmmn nity Centre on Friday •v - sing, with 28 tables. in play. Mrs. Elmer Cameron' was mis- tress of ceremonies, and .awarded grizes as follows: Ladies, first, Mrs. D. Papple; lone. hands. Mrs. Wm- Pepper; consolation, Mrs. W. We; Wilson; gents, first, Jas. Kerr;.. 9'one -hands, Wes. •'Hoggart; conso- lation, Wilmer Turner; luncy lunch eket, Mrs. William Cameron: Musdoth's_...orchestra-n-fer=nishe =. d titreemnsic--.for_d'aneing..-- --- • C.W.L. Nets $200:00 .From Irish Supper St. Patrick's 'bay was observed ass St. James' Parish Hail Monday ming when the C -WPI.. sponsor- ed a full course dinner;/ The room era$ attrrectively as angel with sspring dowers, and duringthe sup - ,•r hour Mrs. Alice Stiles played Irish airs. Mrs. Fred . Dinwoodie, . presid'emt aaf the 'League, received the guests, *idle Miss Marguerite Dunn and Mrs. John --James Were conveners mf the event. Those serving were Zr.eC. P. Sills, Mrs. P. Sills, egerdon Reynolds, Mrs. Joseph 'Rowe land, Mee Olive McCormick and &I e. W. YVI. Hart. The proceeds amounted toeover , $200. • DUBLIN WHEN IT ,WAS L. His youth, in what was then Car- ronbrook, was: recalled when John Jacob, of 138 Queen St. North, Kit- chener, received a letter on which was a Dublin postmark: In a letter to David :McConnell, Dublin .poste aster, he says: "Since I happen •to be a kind of a displac- ed_person in this city, a recent let- ter with the Dublin postmark and your signature on the P.O. Money Order, ,has produced a sort of a midden pleasant sensation of a kind of home -sickness: "How are you? • It was unknown to me that you are the Postmaster in Dublin. It's my old home, tow it, even at the time it was called Car- ronbrook, and Joseph Kidd & Son and Thomas King were good store- keepers.' Since Jan. 4, I'm 87. Best regards to all my friends, includ- ing Mr. Fred Eckert." Mr: and l rs: O: •Tebbittt Mark 40th Anniversary Mr. and ;Mrs. 'Oscar Tebbutt, residents of Seaforth for the past 18 years, marked their fortieth wed- ding anniversary at their home on Sunday by holding a family din- ner party. Mr. and Mrs. Tebbutt were mar- ried in Ontario Street Church, Clin- ton, and lived there until coming to Seaforth, where Mr. Tebbutt is employed with John Boshart & Sons. Mrs.. Tebbutt was the former Catherine Perdue, of Clinton. They have a family of two sons and one daughter: Kenneth, Seaforth, Reg., London, and Mrs. E. Felkar, Sea - forth.' There are six geandchiidren. Guests at the dinner were Mr: and Mrs, Del ;Gardiner, Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Perdue, Clin- ton, and Mr. Reg Tebbutt, elvin and Gloria, of London. Seafortho �] tel Reports. 1 In -Another Good Year• s I The financial report of Scott,' SPRING i5 HEREr . Memorial Hospital for the year ending Dec, 31, 1951, which was Spring officially arrived on , presented at the hospital's annual Thursday at 11:14 a.m., E.S.T., meeting Thursday night, showed when the sun entered, the Sign an operating -revenue of $76;863.78, of Aries, heralding the -vernal and expenditures of $78,734.37, an equinox. Spring fell on March excess of $1,870,59. Taking into 20th this year because it is 'r consideration non-operating rev - Leap Year, enue of 11,152.61, and a provision for bad debts of $2,390.81, the ex- eese uG expemiiture aver--reveztue for the year was $3,108.79. To off - SCHOOL TRUSTEES :Set this, there is a reserve for con- for of $9,797,65 which in - eludes a federal grant of $7,064,52, TAKE NEW 'OATH Aecarding to Elmer Larotie, chairman of the Hnance committee, uuc 'Tkersrsnith Township 4Schoo1 the increase in expenditdres from the previous year was, due. to -sal- .Area Board - met in ,Egmondville ary increases: He recotrimended ,School on Tuesday, '.March 11. the revision of insurance coverage, Members present were Chairman because "tore $66,000,00 on build - H, Johns,; G,. Bell, N. MacLean, W. Ings and; the $22,000 on ®contents is Coleman and W. Brfiadfoot. Town not nearly -enough." ship Clerk' E. P. 'Chesney received . ;Mr..Larone concluded. -by saying oath of effice-and allegiance to Herf that the financial position of the hospital is the best i;i many years. C. P. Sills, chairman of - the pro - Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, from each trustee. Teachers' reports, Public Health perty committee, reported that "th and Public_ School Inapector'•s re- hospital ,has never. been in better ports were considered and ordered shape and will be much more im- filed. • 'proved when the work of 1952 is, Tenders for furnace wood for the completed." Work completed Slur - schools' were opened. The tender' Mg 1951 included the painting of of V. Sytniek, Tnckersmith, was the exterior, repairs to .the front accepted at $6.00 per cord, delnv- verandath and back porch, painting eyed. the flag pole, removal of back The use of school .properties for fence and. unnecessary old trees social events was discussed. It was and bashes, and repairing eave- decided to • authorize the" nearest troughs. available trustee to grant. permis-mar. .Sills; said: "Repairs .were sion. and to. fix the amount of rent, made to thenurses' 'residence at if any; to be paid for such use of the same time, with the ground the schools. work done by' the Ladies' Auxil- iary in the matter of decorating I The board .also decided to pur- chase three new pupils' dfisits for the use of additional pupils ex- pected to attended SS.. 4. School tax- refund was granted ;tel, 1'013 len ln..lieu of tuition paid -to iienns;a'II YitTilic SchooI:." The question of ' teachers' • con- tracts for 1952-53 was discussed. The' secretary was instructed to write to the teachers in this regard. • Receives First -Class eluding the kitchen. It should be noted also that the property to the rear of the hospital has been lev- elled and seeded down. • Jas. Sedtt, i- tlr'e •Protie'c1Y: oomrnittee; deserves introit- credit for' its fine appearance. During last year .an; extra supply of crushed stone was placed on the driveways, and this, while not fully completed, adds to; the general good appearance. "Our project—the elevator. re -1 pairs, --is still unfinished, not alto - Hon• ors in Theo gether through any fault of ,the ry' board or its committees,. but simp-1 Miss Dorothy Enzensbergex, iy by the fact that present condi tions did not allow the elevator daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Henry company, „engaged to do the work, Enzensberger, alfeKillop, received material to complete it, .Meanwhile; first-class onorsrnors in Gr n�artions nn the back 'stairway and laundry firsct the connection, with the Western On- chutes have had the doors fire , proofed,, These will be painted and tario Conservatory of Music, .which was held recently., - SEAFORTH .,ILS T O SING � TORONTO Aerehearsal of secondary school choristers was held in Seaforth Die,t$let High School. Saturday af- ternpon; with forty-five vocalists, and their music director, present Pone,Hanover,- Goderich, Clinton, Mitelteli, Seaforth and ,Simcoe. These students have been chosen to --represent _ -their---Trespeeti-v= schools in the 250 -voice choir which will:present a program in Eaton Auditorium, Toronto, on Wednes- day,:April 16. The choir this year will be directed by Dr. Leslie Bell.. Students are chosen for their vo- cal ability, rehearsed by their local direct tie of music, and have just four rehearsals 4n • Toronto, ag a choir •before presenting their thor- oughly memorized numbers as a massed choir. .Eight students who will go from Seaforth are: Alice Watson,.Nancy .Spittal, Gwen Christie, Rose 1Vlarie Ducharme, Bob Scott, 'Ken Willis, Doug Stewart and Ron Rennie. • Public School Board Appoints New Member The March meeting of the Sea- forth eaforth Public School Board was held on Mondayband accepted with regret Ralph Me'Fadden':s resigna- tion Dain the board. In•accordance ith Dreg 1ations, the board ap- inted John" C. .Stevens to com- plete'Mr, McFadden's term. Routine business was transacted and a special meeting will be call- ed before the end of the month to discuss salaries and special mat- ters concerning the new school. and revenue about the same ,ap_the iireuiotie.. 'peri•. -FIs commended --the 'property committee on a good job dope over the past two years. A 'substantial federal grant has been received to date, and the balance will follow oa the completion of repairs to the elevator system. "Our hospital has made remark- able advancement under the pre- sent board, and the staff headed by Miss Drope," he stated. He com- mended the finance committee on its establishment of a trust fund to care for unforeseen 'major improve- ments. Speaking from experience, having been a hospital patient hiat- self for several weeks last fall, he expressed his ,personal apprecia- tion to the clerical, domestic and nursing staff. He expressed the be- lief 'that the public does appreciate the work of the 'hospital in this community. In speaking of the achieve of the Hospital. Auxiliary hen Mrs. 4. W. Sillery, Mr. Reid it deserved much credit for th it assisted the board by dot the extras the 'board was • no to do. The personnel committee, h by Mrs. A. W. Sillery, re seven meetings held, and t • To a person standing on the moon the earth would appear to shine, as the moon shines to earth Inhabitants. ,�• JUNIOR. finished, when the elevator is com- pleted." l Board ,Chairman 1Vli A. Reid pre- sided at the meeting, and Miss Jean Flynn was secretary. Mr. Reid, in his opening re- marks, said the past year had been one of progress with admissions .O.A.A. CHAMPIONS ,Seaforth Jtliti,tori,' *labia record";this de ch'e til • "n th a n,. a the d as Segforth .squad')}has play'or(8.-' y'leitrnni de1'o'ndc; tit�jii�ii ,`lif thele W O,A,.A, /group, have'n an e.. 't tared 1 straight gappeer . . f,.. tri . °it'll b�!u' cap.,., 7 ght g s' tfu ' [TdVll,.eLrefeirig <9;.H+A. Ju;Mior D't htin'drgr The' ti d °cIlm) fated: Grimsby Peaciihatla.. fr'tlhi ; he Ron -, right, a , ,fee a. t.: • W left its r t .ii n [) le ce f Cif ie ' r y r 1� i c i ai ias8 t;''J " t- K <;: ' ` 'l is 5 o n 'm a r,^, , lid , El a d N �b f�r`t ft r 4a0lsrg 41, ti `.at'' Hilbert; forward, tr • ' e t. ` �oisr f6rW d, gitf t, Oen re row, left to right, 1<en. beth Artrtetreng+, detente; John A, •Raidwin, president of the club':.EL, r n eJim Murray! rS riser ' Lai'o e, manager; M ay, seoretarjr_treaeurer; Bill O SHaa, coiah; Kennet •Powell, trainer. Caek row, left to eight, Jerry Deere .� h r Y g tel, wing; S'tev'e $tiil'ejr, defence; Ron Rennie, eentree Douala& AIfeh« toot', defen4e; Bob• field °entree; Rob Cr"bo n'e., Whrgl Jack Muir, Whig • R w achievements led by a said e way ng all t able • ceded ported old of gifts bought for the staff at Christ- mas. She said' the work was made easier by the co-operation of the nursing staff. She also commended bliss Drope on the excellent care patients received' at the hospital. -The superintehdent's report re- vealed that 1,000 patients bad been admitted; •there were 350 surgical cases; 146 out-patients; 159 'births, and 858 X-rays, She expressed her appreciation to the auxiliary, Re- bekahs, Lions Club and others for gifts to the institution. New business included the elec- tion of four new directors, M. A. Reid, M. M. McKellar, Gordon. Mc- Gonigle and 11, S. +McKereher were re-elected. • GIVE. THANKS AND gIVE We seethe days grow longer, hour by hour, What joy to feel the sun's increas- ing power; The silent dews distil the welcome rain— Here is the musical of Spring again. The grass; the grain, the flower, the shrub, ,the tree, Will e'otite in all their beauty -wait and see; New life is stirring in the earth below; Give thanks, the Great Provider • willed it so. He also wilts that with our thanks we give ' More of ourselves that other men MUSA live; thrtr gh your gift or mine, nor e6lY 1 , Ls ni' it os `,he'll :give a hand to Canada's Red Carta, SOHN lih"•A. Tit' OVER THE TOP The building` •campaigii' of the Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind hap gone ov- er, the top, according to James K. Stewart, chairman. The quota of $1,20q.00 was reached • last week. Mr. Stewart, in a statement, expressed his thanks for the co-operation and re- sponse of the public in the cam- paign. HAIR, GIVEN 0R. G. PARKE The congregation of St. Thomas' 'Anglican Church presented R: G. Parke with a rest -rocker chair and wallet at a social gathering Wed- nesday .evening, in,.bh-e. Parish Nall. The honoring of Mr. Parke was in recognition of 30 years' service aa an official of the church, During' this period of years he has served' as people's warden, rector's war- den and treasurer. The presentation was made by Robert Archibald and T. T. Jack'. son, on behalf of the congregation. Following is the address which was read by John Earle: Dear Mr. Parke: After so many years • of service as warden and treasurer of St. Thomas' Church, your resignation has affected the members of the congregation very deeply. Each one frpm his own ex- perience can recall many kindly acts of courtesy which -have placed you'high, and rightly so, in the re- spect and esteem of our member. And also, everyone is aware of the fact that the care and preservation of the- chureh :property has always been foremost in your thoughts and the first charge upon your free time. • Certainly; the hours, spent in service., over these many years could 'bet be counted, but we know th .t, they -have- ee a ..been . fr_eely.-,giKen without hope or expectatlan-of-tee ward or recompense. Such service should never be per- mitted to be brought to an end without appreciation or acknowl- edgment. Indeed. this was the thought and feeling of the entire membership when you resigned. And so this gathering of the chlrch members has been brought togeth- er for the sole purpose of express- ing to you, in some manner our very strong and sincere apprecia- tion of your unselfish work and ef- forts on our behalf for such a long period of tithe.; And as a tangible token of the high regard in which you are held we ask you to accept this gift, and with it our best wishes for your continued health to enjoy it. On behalf of the officers and members of St. Thomas Church, Seaforth. Yours most sincerely: H. G. Metre Vestry Clerk; T. T, Jack- son, Warden; . Robert Archibald, Warden; William A. Jones, Rector. • ,Letter Recalls First Town Clerk Mrs. Joseph Grummett, as a re- sult of an article by her -in the London Free Press, on the "Look- ing Over Western Ontario" page, received a letter from 'Miss Grace Elliott, Owen Sound, . granddaugh- ter of the late William Elliott, who was town clerk' of 'Seaforth for ov- er 30 years. Miss ,Elliott recalled in her letter the services of her father as first town clerk from 1874 until after the turn of the cemtury. • L.O.L. EUCHRE The euchre sponsored be the L. O.L. on Tuesday evening in their lodge rooms Was a success in every way. Ed. Boyes was plaster of ceremonies and 'presen'ted the priz- ee +, o the following: ',Ladies, first, Miss Phoemie 'Gordon; lone hands, Mrs. A. Bethune; consolation, Mrs. A. C. Routledge; men, first, Percy Little; lone hands, A. C. Routledge; consolation, Wm. Kelley, • Easter Seal Campaign Now Under Way The Easter Seal campaign which is carried out annually by bhe On- tario Society for 'Crippled Children in affiliation with the Seaforth Lions Club, has been started. Mem- bers of the club have mailed about 1,600 letters to Seaforth and dis- trict residents deseribing the ap- peal. ,. The committee in charge in - eludes L. P. Plumsteel, chairman; J. 0, Longstaff, ,publicity; 5, R. Spittal, treasurer, and H.G. Metre secretary, .Half the •proceeds are for tat �tario' .Society .for Crip' pled Children, ands' the other thanf Ionia for 1d service Work a� the Liens .Reeve F. S. Si33s presided ALA* regular ,meeting of Seaforth Coon- ell on Monday evening,. in the aeb, 'sence of Mayor E.. A. "McMaster.,. 'Ail councillors were present. A request was receivedfroni the Sehool Board to (1)- extend: --the water service on 'Market,St.; (2) provide electrical service'. for the new school; (3) resurface Market St. and bailee a new eidewelk on the north side from the corner at Sperling St. to the .school proper- ty, repair and 'widen the sidewalk' on the south side. Council was of • the opinion that the water service, as n ' ried in (1) should not be extended, as it is now at the school property, and--thatels-as-far-es-fi town• is committed to put it; the wiring is a P.U.C. matter, and the resurfac- ing of Market St. and new' side - walkers in (3) is being held over for further' consideration. The question of "who pays for it?"' was raised in the discussion on a new sidewalk. for Market St., since new walks are only put in by a petition of the ratepayers con- cerned. I•t was also felt that exist- ing hydrants in the school• area would be sufficient to provide pro- per fire protection. Reeve F. IS, ;Sills, at a previous meeting of council, gave a notice of .motion to ;bring in a by-law on store closing. He raised the mat- ter •for discussion, and Councillors Crich and Sharp were of the opin ion that such a move should come direct from the merchants. Count - lor Daly said "that council ahead ..not instigate restri€tionn�s,,�.a� et .:the policy of store closingeeneeve Sills pointed out that since the latest by-law on closing had been repeal- ed-, there -'Ives no authority in force • w to regulate busines hours, Councillor Sharp , advisedb'utcil that recent petitions- cireadated by the Chamber 'of•-''Commetce indicat- ed no desire on behalf of the mer- eleants to have a byelaw. Council was informed ina letter from the headquarters of the 'On- tario Provincial Police of the new rates for policing, to be effective January_d., 3953- eThe selare sa constables was increased from $2 590.00 to $3,300.00. It was point- ed out , that in spite. of the' new irk creased rates, the net cost to the town would be no more than under the previous, system, • where the town hired.its own constables. The town receives a rebate of 25 per cent of the cost •of policing when the services of the Ontario Provin- cial Police are utilized. A letter from"•t'he district•'veter- Icarian stated that' a number of pigs were eating refuse from the town dump, and as this might re- sult` in food_ contamination, the practice must stop. The matter of the town's responsibility was rais- ed, and it was decided to refer it to the town solicitor. In the mean.- time ean-time the gates to the dump are to be kept closed, and the ew .;:,-of the pigs advised di the tre. An invitation to join tr Federa- tion of Mayors was filed. Fire ,chief J. F. Scott informed council• that the Fire :Marshal',s of- fice had called a regional school for the near future. Mr. Scott request- ed council to invite it to be held in Seaforth. The' only facilities in- volved would be to provide a vac- ant lot and ler?ture rooms. Coun- cil agreed to Mr. Scott's request. The new carbon dioxide fire extin- guisher has been delivered, and the siren is working satisfactorily,' said Councillor Crieh, e'hairman of the fire ane water committee. In his property report, Council- lor Christie inquired as to the feas- ibility of putting steel culverts in, the road leading to the town dump, as bridge timbers seemed so hard to obtain.. He also said that the town scales need overhauling and the building repaired. Councillor Daly stated that little snow -plowing and drain wont had been done during the past month; 1,000 bags of cement have been bought to begin the spring work With. Mr. Daly said that the snow plowing account was more than it should be. He intimated an over- charge en the bill, but as it was First Church Choir Elects Officers The anuua.l meeting of First Presbyterian Church choir was held after regular choir practice Thurs- day evening, with James T; Scott in the chair, Officers elected were:" President, Mrs. K. I. McLean; vice-president, F. E. Willie: . secretary-treamtrer, Peggy Willis; social convener, Mrs, F. Kling; gown convexuer, Mrs. W:' E. Butt; librarian, Robt. Scott; gift committee, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Miss Lenore Habkirk was pre- sented with an aluminum tray in appreciation of her services in the choir prior to her approaehin.g marriage, Rev. D. Glenn Catrupbell and Jas.l T. Scott 'spoke ,words of appreciation to Miss •Habkirk and 1". E, W1llls made tile pivdeettatiolu. Litlnoh• wasserved ata Isr'ettil"y orated !;able. - ' , Winning all of i l ,etr the ;Seaforth •Mann :•5 wan, the Induystrial ;'S.et trophy, this `-weaK T.bey cess to the'eup the 'St ,Columban' `?r straight in .a, ;heekilVilee .'serge, with Thursday's night's xthre lib deeiding"ga e, as they fttook, . 6 victory. -• 6't. ,Cotutghan captured the.Ba e r ill cup in the 1959-51:•#;e4,, on t)hie • season take eller was put ip dot+ competition, 'bar Ab,':B,aker,;.;t'Wieer'. President of tete/ assgelation., Don '10hip" Woods was the lead,; ing star of this final affair as he. hammered in four 'goals, , Frank '; "Banana" Phillips and Dave "Reck.' et" -.Stewart' each counted twice. John O'Connor and A. Butters hashed the red light .twice for the 'Irishmen, while John Malone flip- ped p -ped in one. Other teams entered . in this 4 a this; a eagu 3Fe /-were-the•-Weeder-- ers and Winthrop, eliminated in tl e semi-finals, and 'Robert Bell Indue,- tries and Egmondviile, who both failed to reach the play-downe., , Industrial League All -Stars help- ed to keep the Seaforth Junior "p" squad in shape, as they played an exhibition game' with them Tuesday - - night, being edged out 9-8. • Donald Munn Will Interne At Van • er • Donald Munn, son J. A. [Munn, Sea ber of the 19 the .Univ' MedicsIi r.. and Mrs. , and a them - graduating class of y of Western Ontario 0.11001, will- interne at St. Pprrrrs Hospital, Vancouver, B.C. *lie will begin July 1. • Entertain For Bride -Elect. i!. 1Vlra Ross Hamilton, of Windham and Mrs. Frank Pearce entertained Wednesday night at the halite of - Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney In holier of Miss Lenore Habkirk, bride -elect of this week. During the evening' the guests , made a recipe book and also en joyed community singing with 14>;rp. James A. Ste'wart •'-an`d' dolts A1* the.< lana...._ it - tfi� #lerr-,.at..p �..,,ga y,..,-cteco��.,�.:; ated basket of miscellaneous gifts, which included 'an electric tea kettle, was presented to the .bride- to -be, :who was assisted in opening the presents by Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Pearce. , Miss Habkirk ex- pressed her •thanks,after 'which dainty refreshments were served. • HURON WHOLSALE BUSINESS SIN SS SOLD John G. Wallace announced' •this, week the sale of his business, Huron Wholesale, to W. O. John- ston, Brucefield. Mr. Johnston will' take over April 1. Mr. Wallace has conducted .his wholesale confectionery and tobac- co business in Seaforth for about three years from his home on Sperling St. He intends moving to London, where his son, , John, is attending the University of West- ern estern Ontario. Mr. Wallace has se- cured a position with the Vi -Tone Co., Hamilton. Mr. Johnston has operated a gen- eral eneral store in Brucefleld for many years. He sold the business last November. • It would take 53 years for an air- plane, travelling 200 miles per hour to go from the earth to the sun. so difficult to check on hours, noth- ing definite could be proved. Mr. Daly also reported that a road machinery company had avail- able small road maintainers at a cost of about $1,000 -$1,200, whiGlt included scarifier, cab and snowe plow. As the town had 'consider- able use for a grader, council thought it worthwhile to investi- gate the matter 'further. Reeve F. S. Sills predicted an in- crease in relief because of heel - nese conditions. He alto reminded councillors of the estimates to be brought in next month. The reeve suggested an increase in the clerk's salary of $475.00•per annum, but the matter was left over until the next meeting to be voted upon. Permission was granted the Wo - Men's Hospital Auxiliary -to hold their annual penny sale. A • ha'wker's and peddler's license to the ,Ohild's ,Studio; ,Wiind•sor, 'was not granted. Daylight :S'avi'ng .Tillie *ass . set to begin' Sunday, April.,27 at' 2'. and to end 'Sulydayy, scat., Lin tali. 2 a.Yn, •Council endorsed a resolution. Of Goderich council, requestijng;,:ihe t`rI+ surfacing of No. 8 Highiraj. �. tweet). Seaforth and dodel,tt;fi'( ,, • '. The annual' Meeting ot "set rigs '; Ment en offleers is to I5e 0ield''dh i<,i towelon, 411141 a0lt an v asar wvV . torl7 ait' o:al 9 a± desired/