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4 VI
New Truck 17V'11 Carry 500.:
Gallons; Has Auxiliary Pump
To Draw From .Local Sources
With the arrival of its new fire
truck last week, Seaforth Fire Area
No. 2 has now come into existence.
The plan to form this area came
to a head last February 26, with a
meeting of the Councils of Sea -
forth, Hullett, McKillop and Tuck
ersmith. At the meeting, repre-
sentatives of the Ontario Fire Mar-
shal's office and Bickle-Seagrave
Limited explained, the need for es-
tablishing such" an area and the
equipment suitable for it. The area
was formed to co-ordinate the
municipalities bordering Seaforth
into a group, whereby each knew
where it stood as far as fire as-
sistance from the Seaforth Fire
Brigade was concerned.
It bad been feared among the
Town, of Seaforth officials that,'un-
der the set-up at that time, a fire
Seaforth Fire Area No. 2, comprising the Tow.nships of McKillop, Tuckersm'th, ,Hullett and Hib-
bert, and the Town of Seaforth, received delivery of its new $17,000.00 fire truck last week. In the top
picture are seen J. C. Crich (left), Chairman of the -Fire and Water Committee of Seaforth Town Coun-
cil, and J. F. Scott, Fire Chief. Below: D'Orlean Sills tries the ro:e starter on the auxiliary pump
as Clifford Aspden, service eng'neer for the manufacturer, expia:ns'the operation and care of the new
equipment, • ,
might occur in town when the
truck was answering a call in the
'country. A similar situation °pew -
red in Wingham, when a large mill
was razed, and this incident help-
ed to bring the formation of this
area to a head.
J. C. Crich, chairman of the Fire
and Water Committee of the town
council, headed the committee to
iron out all details in -bhe forma-
tion of the area. Other members
were the reeves of the municipali-
ties concerned, which included W.
J. Dale, A. Nicholson, F. Allan and
D. Beuermann.
' Members of thel •S'eaforth Fire
Department, under. the direction of
Fire Chief .J. F. Scott, will operate
the truck. A maximum of only
eight firemen will answer rural
calls, thus ensuring that a suffici-
ent number of the brigade will be
left in town to respond to a local
alarm, if such occurs.
The brigade has recently pur-
chased a resuscitator, which is be-
ing made available "in case of
drowning, electrical shocks asphyxi-
ation, or where artificial breathing
is required. Fire Chief Scott has
stressed the fact that artificial
respiration by the Schaeffer method
should be started immediately the
accident occurs, and continued un-
til the equipment arrives.
The Brigade has also ordered a
new carbon dioxide extinguisher
for use at small fires, which will
eliminate any 'water damage • that
would normally take place.
Fire Area No. 2 includes MoKil-
lop (all of the Township), Huilettt,
southeastern lection of the town-
ship, 2% miles west and 6% miles
north of Seaforth; Hibbert, north-
west section of the township as
far east of Seaforth as Dublin and
south to include Staffa and Crom-
arty; Tuckersmith, northeast part
of the township,. 3?✓.s miles west of
Seaforth, b miles south to the Red
Tavern corner, and 2% miles east
of the main intersection.
Tthe original cost of the truck and
equipment was divided as follows:
McKillop, 40%; Tuckersmith, 25%;
Hullett, 17%%; Hibbert, 171,4%;
Seaforth's share is to supply suit-
able garage accommodation, and to
provide crev0 andmaintenance for
the truck.
Fire Chief Urges. Farmers
Check Own Water Supply
At the meetings of„the committee
which completed all the arrange -1 water table.
ments for the formation of Sea- In the event that a pond is not
•forth Fire Area No. 2, it was evi- feasible, arrangements should be
dent that the co-operation of the made with neighbors to have con-
tainers -of water ready at all times
to bring to a..fire on a minute's
rural citizens was- necessary if the
area was to function properly.
Fire Chief J. F. Scott has point-
ed out that the brigade brings to
a rural fire trained fire-fighters and
modern fire -fighting equipment. But
unless there i5 available in the
immediate area of a •fire an ade-
quate water supply, the equipment
cannot be used to its maximum ef-
ficiency. Even the best of wells
go dry, or drop to a level below
that which can be pumped under
the demands of a modern Dumper.
The answer to this, Mr. Scott
says, is •for every farmer to . pro-
vide a farm pond in the vicinity
of his buildings. The cost need•,not
be great, and while it would pro-
vide a ready -supply of water in
case of fire. it would also do much
`.n • preventing waste of water
through runoff and will assist in
• reventing furtrher lowering of the
For over twenty-five years Sickle -
Seagrave Limited fire -fighting equip-
ment has been protecting Seaforth
property. With the delivery of this
modern truck, Seaforth and district
now have three Sickle -Seagrave fire-
fighting units in use.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge and
Kevin and Dianne visited on Sun-
day' with Mr. Chas. Delbridge.
Mr. and M}s. Garnet Johns at-
tended the funeral of the late Mrs.
George Parkinson.
Mrs. W. F. Batten visited with
•Mrs. Datars on Thursday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frayne and
family visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Walters.
Mrs. Gordon Prance had a W.M:
S. tea on Monday night.. '
Mr. and !Mrs. Newton Ciari- e vis-
ited her brother in-law in London
hospital on Tuesday afternoon.
If Fire Should Strike,
This Is WhatTo Do
When fire is discovered, and if _at first glance it
appears to be such that requires help in ex-
tinguishing, call the Seaforth Telephone Opera-
Don't panic! Speak slowly and distinctly, giving
your Name, Township, Lot and Concession, loca-
ocation of fire and best route from Seaforth.
For Example: 21/2 miles east on No. 8 High-
way and 5 miles north. Fire is in barn on
east side of road.
3. Do not leave the telephone until you have given
the Operator all the necessary ;information.
4. Alert your Neighbors, and at the same time re-
quest them to bring water in any•container avail-
able at the time. If possible, stress upon them
the necessity -of keeping roads clear for passage
of truck.
5. Keep all doors and windows closed, to prevent
drafts that might fan fires.
6. Remember that when the Fire Truck arrives at
the scene of the fire, the Fire Chief::•.is in full
.. jYy'/•
The new Bickle-Seagrave Limited fire truck, which isnow in use in Seaforth Fire
Area No. 2, Is modern in every respect. A description of the vehicle is as follows:
CHASSIS is a new 1952 four -ton General Motors, with gross carrying capacity of
ten tons. The total weight of the fire equipment on the chassis will be approximately
9%z tons.
The fire truck is equipped with three (3) Pumps, the first:pump being a 420 gallon,
per minute, known as an Underwriter Pump.
The second pump is the 4 -stage, high pressure pump, which is of particular interest
to the surrounding townships, This pur'np produces high pressure fog, and through its
higlepressure conserves water. It uses only thirty (30) gallons per minute on each high
press'Ctreniine at 800 lbs. pressure., With the 'high pressure fog guns that are used In
eon`jiinetton With this puftp, oi1.,fires, grease and gasoline fires, as well as electrical fires,
n'iay''be `'ilotffht, Atiiother very interesting feature bf the high pressure pump is that the
trtiekniay be Jiiven down the road or across fields and fight grass fires while 'on the
Pictured at left is a truck recently
delivered to the Paris Fire Depart-
Department, and which; is identical in every
detail to the- truck that arrived in
Seaforth last week for Seaforth Fire
Area No. 2_
Bickle-Seagrave Limited fire -fight- ,
ing trucks are protecting property in
the following Municipalities: Wal-
kerton, `'Kincardine, oderich, Clin-
ton, Brumfield, Exeter, Teeswater,
Ripley, Mildmay, Ayton, Drayton,
Wingham, Hanover, St. Marys,
Grand Bend,Blyth, Brussels and
The third pump is a portable relay pump, with its own gasoline engine. This pump
may be carried by two people to creeks and ponds and other out-of-the-way places where
the truck cannot get, and relay water back to the tank en the truck, to supply high
pressure and low pressure lines at the rate of 200 gallons of water per minute. The
water tank on the truck is of 500 .gallon capacity„
THE HOSE is made.up of: 1,200 feet of 2l/s F; 300 feet of 11/2”; 300 feet of 1" High
Pressure; 42 feet Hard Suction Hose.
THE LADDERS are made up of: 1 24 -ft. Extension; 1 14 -ft. Hook Ladder, for use
on roofs.
INCLUDED IN THE NOZZLES are: 1 21/40P Combination Fog Nozzle; 1 21/200
Straight Stream Combination Nozzle for fighting fires that have broken through the roof
where a lot,of water is. needed; , 1yer Combination' Fog Nozzles; 1" High Pressure Fog
NUMEROUS ACCESSORIES are carried IM the unit, including: 3 Fire Eictinguish-
,. -:: ers, for fighting different types of fire; Crowbar; Axe; Electric Hand Lanterns; 4 Spot-
---- Iights4i'Lleetric Siren; Pike Polk; Fieet Aid Kit; hovels; Firemen's Coats, Hats and
Boots;°',Hose and Hydrant W:renohes, and many o' er.-_useful items needed in fighting •-
fires. ,...
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