HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-29, Page 5'11^^1,l 1' ' • VE' These Are the Featur MOK '1. Strong metal top with the trim- mer design that „conceals mech- anism, blocks dust. .2. Precision tilt mechanism oper- • ates easily and smoothly. Self- adjusting tilter. '2. Exclusive "tubular action" tilt - Ing roller for more dependable • operation. • 4. Automatic brake -action cord lock holds blind securely and evenly at any height. s that make AIRLUME the Leader: 5. Easy to install brackets gite se- cure installation to inside or out- • side Of frame. 6. Flexible steel slats have a porce-- laine-like DuPont ,plastics finish. EaSier to clean. 7. One-piece metal tottom rail with detachable clamps. No dust - catching crevices.- 8. Keyhole cord device for easy re- moval of slats at housecleaning time. :NO PRICES CAN COMPARE WITH THESE!. 25 x 64 4.69 27 x 64 4.69 29 x 64 4.69 31 x64 •5.50 33 x 64 5.50 • 35 x 64 a 5.50 37 x 64 5.95 39 x 64 5.95 41 x'64 6.95 43 x 64 6.95 WINDOW' SHADES -Plastic, Paper, Cloth and Oil - ALL SIZES AND COLORS Box Furniture Store Funeral and Ambulance Service PHONE 43 •NIGHTS 595-W SEAFORTH LIONS CLUB RURAL RELATIONS NIGHT • FRIDAY, MARCH28, 7 p.m. SEAFORTH COMMUNITY: CENTRE SPEAKER - HON. MILTON F.. GREGG, V.C. Federal Minister of Labour Tickets $2.00 each, will bp sold in advance to all wishing to attend. Only 200 will be available, and may -be :secured at Baldwin -Hardware,. or through representatives of the four Townships - to be named next week. Tickets must be picked Up by March 22. PROGRAM INCLUDES: Everett Meres and Company - Magicians Lillian Gibbons -rThe Sophie Tucker of Ontario Glenda Jones - - - - Dancer M. Benjamin Accompanist and - Four Outstanding Acts By the Personnel of R:C.A.F. Station, Clinton Seaforth Is Lagging In the Blind Campaign Every Other Town in Huron County Went "Over the Top" in the Campaign To Build a Hone -For the Blind in Western Ontario What's the matter with Seaforth? Are we not as generous a people as our neighbors in other parts of the County? . Are we not as well off and as able to give at others? Surely it's just that we've put it off - We intend to give a few dollars'to help those deprived of vision - But we just haven't got around to it yet . . . The Campaign deadline has been passed - but we're keeping the fund open - until we do reach our objective of $1,200.00. To date $700.00 has been donated and we could easily double that amount If we tried. Out of thefew hundred letters mailed to our rural routes, exactly eleven people have sent in a donation. . . . That's net like us - let's not put it off any longer - Digout that envelope and mail Irt,a donation or leave it at any Bank in town. You'll feel better if you 'HELP DON'T WAIT FOR A CANVASSER ! Bring or Mail your Donation to Any Member of , the Seaforth Lions Club or our Local Banks Seaforth Lions Blind Committee is :Wefr 4t. 'Seaf�l* High School- •(BrfollwOrPRIEDAT) '['hare is a regular hustle and bustl a,bqut the halls as busy -and ccupied students rush to and ro carrying out last-Ininnte, Orders and duties: Yes, the big dance of the year, our annual 4t -Horne, is almost Upon us. It will take place in the school gymnasium Friday evening, Feb. 29, and dancing to music by Lionel Thornton and his Case Royale, commences at 9:30 e.nd ends at, one. ,Some questions 'concerning invitations have arisen:. one invitation entitles the bearer to bring a friend, 'and there will -be •admission by invitation only. We hope now that after al' the trouble of rolling the field flat, it will freeze, at least to the extent that the space may be used as a park- ing lot. If I:don't soon hurry with these honor students, it will be time to print the Easter, -results. Grade 10 -AB: Elsie Siemon 84.9, Barbara Patterson 82.2, James. McIntosh 80.9, Joyce Johnstone 79.6, Marilyn Butt 73.3, Marjorie Miller 73.1, Mar- garet Achilles 72.4, Olive Dundas 71.1, Marie Lydiatt 70.4. 1951 CHEV. SEDAN (New) 1950 CHEV. SEDAN; with Radio 1949 CHEV. SEDAN 1949 PLYMOUTH. SEDAN 1949 CHEV. COACH 1947 GlIEV. COACH 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1941 DODGE COUPE 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1937 OLDS SEDAN Also 1948 CHEV. 1/rTON PICKUP 1948 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE Seaforth Motors, CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Phone 141 Seaforth es on, of, •'Why s, in ; 4%0 $,::#141404. (X.0k#4 - Don'. forget to enjoy yourselT uiid e a wend fol. tina,a*, at the . " (By WALLY) Sea,forth Midgets took their Bud- den -death 0acturas fronk the Exeter LIOW3 11-7 Tuesday night and ad- vanee to .play Kincardine in the W.O,A.A. "C" finals. Ron Muir led the winners, flash- ing he light four times. Wells for the 'losers flipped in three. * * Seater* evened their series with Hanover in the W.O.A.A. grand championship junior playoff Tues- day- night by scoring a 19-3 victory. Seaforth suffered a, 5-3 loss at/Han- over. Third and deciding game will be played Thursday night Seaforth divided-- their scoring, slipping in three goals each period. qmoommonimamommoommo Industrial League • ST. COLUM13AN "Irishmen" - vs. - • MAIN STREET "Merchants" Hockey FINALS MONDAY NITE MARCH 3rd 7 p.m. • SEE THESE TWO TEAMS FIGHT IT OUT F 0 R THE ' BAKER CUP ! the More You See of Tractors the More You'll See in a CASE 4 Power Groups 20 Great Models • Look past the pretty paint to this real purpose of a tractor - re put power to work and push your farming forward. See how Case tractors in every size have the pull, the right gear speeds, and the sure-footed traction to work more acres for every day of your time. See how their extra comforts, convenience and,easy handling save your strength. See how their con- sistent economy holds down your fuel bills. See how Case ENDUR- ANCE gives extra years of use from your investment, saves money every year on upkeep. WE HAVE NEW MODELS IN STOCK EQUIPPED WITH LIVE POWER -TAKE -OFF, WHICH IS AVAILABLE ON ALL NEW MODELS Rowcliffe Motors PHONE 267 SEAFORTH '311,411., .;,1460 day e;ot reendleb1naeriesfOtBarThf1d c44 nac whacked in three eiPleee Zurieh. • , ':i; Tack Turhheim annentteed.that Zurich will play all their -11030 games on 'Seaforth ice for the bal- ance of the season. 'Legion Hockey • Saturday owning the final VW - off galein the Bautant series Waft played. Red Wings won the chain- - beating the Rangel% 17-5. ,Scott, McFadden and Mur- ray each scored five goals, with McClure and Strong getting one each. Canadians won the Pee -Wee championship, by beating the Bruins 13-0. Dale led the scorers with 7 goals; Pinder, Scoins and Garth Flannigan each getting two, with Willis getting the other mark- er. Next Saturday afternoon there will be aPee-Wee practise, start- ing at 12:45. * * Industrial League• Main St. Merchants and St. Col- umban Iristh will meet in the l3aker pup series as a result of Monday; night's wins at the local arena. St Columban were the 1950-51 champicins Jand will seek to hold the cup for another year. In 12 starts the 'Main St squad have been undefeated, so this final ser- ies should be athriller. Main St. 9, Winthrop 8 With time wearing on in the last period, Main St. Merchants slap- ped in two quick counters, to edge the Winthrop squad 9-8, and take the first round of the semi-finals. "Chip" Woods fired in both the tieing and winning goals of this, fixture. With four markers, be al- so led his team to victory, Dale, of the loser's squad, per-. formed the hat trick. St. Columban 5, Wanderers 1 Taking a first -period lead, St. Columban Irish ousted the Wan- derers from Industrial League play - downs to the tune of 4-1. Malone flashed the red light twice, with Panchuk, scoring the only Wan- derers' goal. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and Paul and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Batten visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. LEGION DANCE WHERE? Seaforth Community Centre WHEN? MARCH 7th WHY? Everyone Wants To Come! WHOSE BAND? Desjardine's Admission 50c TIME - 9 P.M. - 1 a-111. •IVIMPOCRIONOMMO•aMlwal.e..... Namillillinamaingaftneolgammadolis..gig WE HAVE One each of the following a IMPLEMENTS DEARBORN DISC PLOW CORN PLANTER (with fertilizer attachment) SOIL SCOOP HAMMER MILL CROP DUSTER SOIL PULVERIZER FRONT-END LOADER CORDWOOD SAW All -Weather TRACTOR CAB See the new third plow conversion for Ford 2 - furrow plows. ON DISPLAY AT DALY. MOTORS ' Ford - Monarch. SALES & SERVICE Suits are' h ihiaip*ta There are t, ign woratedg that 'are this yh We stock cuits alt garment.ti4i nr*a:n4Ihted -7"Nfl:;:19!' ;" ell"7,11: '1 be Ili 41° the fit. - 0 50 ONLY BOYS' 8- • 0, IF -YOU WOT • °REP SUIT, YOMUST ORDgg FOR , Donit. put off prdera your ' tailored auk any longer'or -you'llbe disappointed for Easter. Come in and choose from the dgirsapnidayarray. of fine suitin9. now on • • MEN'S or LADIES' TAILORED • SUITS AT 49.50 to 79.50 Pullover Sweaters Many of these sold at 2.95; all -are regularly priced from 1.95 up. But they are odds and ends that we must clear out. All colors in , the lot. Sizes mostly 28 to 34 WHILE THEY LAST 1.00 SPECIAL PURCHASE BOYS' SKI AND REINDEER PATTERN Pullover Sweaters You'll see these sweaters in most stores up to 4.95. We picked up, a clearing line at a big saving that we're passing on to you. All col- ors. Alt sizes from 26 to 34. SPECIAL 2.98 STEWART BROS. Guaranteed Used Cars A MODEL TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS FORD 1946 COACH FORD 1938 COACH FORD 1936 SEDAN CHEV. 1940 COACH CHEV. 1940 5 -PASSENGER COUPE CHEV. 1935 COACH CHEV. 1941 COACH - • - • DALY. MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service SEAFORTH RICE LAKE FUR COMPANY'S :SALE ow to at CAR1, $11 P, Seaforth LADIES' AND CHILD -REVS WEAR Prices and terms within the reach of all.- Come and see this beautiful, display. • „ . , 11 11 1