HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-29, Page 4fr assifi&d Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: -FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC„ -Par Word; 1 2ndte Week % CCent 8rd Week i Cent Minimum charge, each insertion26Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts asone word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Eveztta-1 cent per word. Mfnineum, 60 cents per week. Enquiries may be'directed to a Box Na, o/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 coma extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads In above elans are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted fro of charge. Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors. Eta.—Rates on andicatioa • Coming Events Wanted THE C.W.L. OF ST. JAMEiS', CHURCH are sponsoring a St. Patrick's supper: on Monday, March 17. Watch for further particulars, 4391-1 TT WILL BE YOUR PLEASURE DANC- ing at the lovely Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. Admission 50c. 4890x2 Help Wanted 'W ANTED. PROTESTANT TEACHES for S.S. No. 6, Fullerton (Mt. Pleas- ant). This school is on 23 Highway, 1'4 miles., from Russeidale. Bus and Mitchell District School bus pass daily. In reply- ing, please state qualifications, experience, references and salary expected, to. the Secretary -Treasurer. Duties to commence September 1. MRS. CATHERINE HOCK ING, Cromarty, Ont. Phone 18-15, Dublin. 4390-3 For Rent FOR RENT—A HEATED APARTMENT with all conveniences. Suitable for couple. Apply Box 115, HURON EXPOSI- TOR.- 4391x1 Lost and Found i "OUN,D—A BROWN AND WHITE FOX Terrier dog. Owner may have same by applying to Box 116, HURON EXPOS- ITOR and paying• charges. i 4391-1 LOST—GIRL'S WRIST WATCH, FON- taine, on Main St. Finder please con• ,tact Box 118, HURON EXPOSITOR. •• 4391-1 LOST—IN JANUARY, 2 BLUE TICK hounds. 1 female. other 9 months -old PUP. Anyone knowing whereabouts of these dogs. please phone MONKTON 663 r 14. 4391x1 Poultry PULLETS FOR SALE 800 Barred Rock X Red pullets, three months old, go&d•-healthy, stropg stock. These pullets . will begin to lay about the time prices of eggs go up early this sum- mer. Mist be sold by March 1st to make room for a new lot of chicks. A bargain at $1.10 each, F. W. ANDREWS, Phone 33 Clinton, Ont. 4390-2 For Sale volt SALE --NAVY BLUE SERGE SUIT size 16, good, as new. Can be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS. 4391x1 WANTED—SOME COWS TO GRASS. Apply A. T1MMERMANS. Phone 657, 13, Seaforth. after • 6 p.m. 4391x1 WANTED Warble Fly Control Inspector Township of Tuckersmith TOWNSHIP OF TUCII37RSMITH IN- vites applications for the position of Warble Fly Control Inspector for 1962. Rate of pay will be 85c per hour with an allowance of 10c per anile for use of car. Applications to be in the Clerk's hands by 3 p.m., March 8, 1952. E. P. CHESrNEY, Clerk. 4890-2 Livestock Wanted LIVE STOCK WANTED — HIGHEST prices paid for sick or crippled ani- mals. VICTOR HARGRAVES, Brucefield. Phone 626 r 23, Clinton. .4384x12 Pt REE THERMOMETER. PLUS CASH. at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, 655 r 2, WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. 4878-tf Personals - SKINNY MEN. WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new healthy flesh; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60e- All drug- gists. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (11 U R B E R Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. (i samples 25c; 24 samples 81.60. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton Ont. Tenders Wanted TENDERS WANTED "pOR WALLPAPERING AND CLEAN- ' ing woodwork in two or three rooms of Nurses' Residence. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted., All applications to be sent to MRS. JAMES A. MecDONALD, Seaforth not later than March 3rd. 4391-1 TENDERS WANTED 4 TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TO March 10th by the undersigned for 12 .VOR SALE -2 ONE -YEAR-OLD HaiF- cords of 12 -inch hardwood, to be delivered ers. HARRY PALIN, Lot 28, Con. 4, to S.S. 3, Hallett- Apply McKillop. '� 4391-1 .� i oR SALE—CALF ONE WEEK OLD. Apply to GORDON ELLIOTT, Bruce - field. Phone 659 r 11, Seaforth. 4391-1 �'OR. SALE—ADMIRAL RADIO AND record player, nearly new. Apply to GORDON HORNER, Seaforth, Phone 277. T1oR SALE—TWO-WHEELED TRAILER with 16x6,00 tires and stock rack. Ap- ply FRANK REYNOLDS. Phone 33 on 667, Seaforth. 4391x1 FOR SALE—A NUMBER OF COATS, dress -e, skirts, suits, size 14-16, for short person, in good condition. Too small for owner. PHONE 45, Seaforth, or call at Queen's Hotel after 6 p.m. 4891x1 FOR SALE -9 CHUNKS PIGS, 75 LBS.; 2 sows with litters of 8 and 9, two weeks old : also 4 heifers to calve. early in spring. Apply to Box 117, HURON EX- POSITOR. 4391-1 von OR SALE—NEW•SINGER SEWING machines. electric and treadle. Re; pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St.; Stratford, 4223-tf Fos. SALE—MY YOUNG DAIRY HERD of 3 Registered Holsteins, 4 Grade Hol- steins. 1 Jersey, due to freshen soon; also some hardwood tops ; 400 bales mixed hay. Apply to HARRY CALDWELL, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 657 r 14, Seaforth. 4391-1 FOR SALEL SEVERAL PURE BRED Yorkshire gilts and boars, service age (long bacon type); also a 28x47 Case thresher (like new), all steel, roller bear- iengs, on rubber. with Ebersol shredder and Marvel grain thrower, R. E. McMILLAN, R.R. 2, Seaforth. Phone 844 r 4. 4391-1 Recessed. Bathtubs $60 QMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND N Ricbledge stainless three-piece bath- room sets, White $160.00 to $189.00, Col- oured 8274.00, complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furn- aces 5296.00. Special offers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra diecoante off catalogue prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Cata- logue includes litho photos of main fix- tures, .prices and inshallation diagrams,' Select style of sinks, cabinets, laundre tubs, showers, stoves, refrigerators. Pres- sure water systema, oil burners, septic and oil tanks, etc. Visit or write JOHNSON" MAIL ORDER DIVISION, Streehiville Hhrdware, Streetseille - Ontarfo Phone 261; Evenings 51 11 16 Notices R ADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radioe, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. .. 4368-tf Planned Insurance SAVINGS PROTECTION PENSION ,, 'Consult— K.EN McPHERSO'N Mutual' Lite" of Canada MITCHELL 38R - Phone Collect 4890x4. FOR 0$14E%;AL INSURANCE 11hYi141D1ISLEyrOAf i1; and P11tE pies d 46 belt el"eher �� z�Ilf�`(1RTl l ,4308x4 KEN THOInPSON, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 4391.1 TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned" for 80 cords furnace hardwood, 12 -inch length,, to be delivered to Schools not later than July 31, 1952. Tenders will close 7th March, 1952. W. P. ROBERTS, Sec..Treas., Tuckersmith Township School Area, RJR. 3, Seaforth. 4390-2 TENDERS WANTED Township of Stanley TENDERS ARE CALLED FOR POWER sprayer that will develop 400 pounds'. pressure, mounted on skids, with 250 gal- lon water tank. Tenders to be in hands of the Clerk by 12, noon. March 4, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED S. WATSON. Clerk of Stanley Twp., R. ,11. 3, Bayfield- .. 4390-2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR SPRAYING CATTLE by the head for Warble Fiy Control in the Township of McKillop, the same to be in Clerk's Office March 1, 1952. A marked cheque of $100.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. ECKEf1T, Seaforth, R. 1, Clerk McKillop Twp. 4890- 7 FENDER for SPRAYING For Warble Fly Conti -61 Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS ARE. INVITED BY THE Township of Tuelcersmith for spray- ing cattle for Warble Fly Control. subject be the Warble Fly Control Act, 1949. Township will supply derris powder re- quired and contractor must furnish all other requirements. Tenders to state a rate per head per spray; work to he commenced April 1st, 1952, and done to the satisfaction of the inspector. Lowest or any tender, not necessarily ac -opted. Tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by 3 p.m., March 8, 1952. E. P. CH.C$NEY, Clerk. 4390-2 GRAVEL TENDER Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS ARE 1NVrrpt nitre CRU813- ing and hauling approxi 1 tteiy .12 000 yards; of gravel 'to township roads. eon. tractor. to furnish all renuiremente ex- cet gray p g el whi h will be supplied by the Township 'En e-c:uarter inch a uare acreens to be used, work to be completed by Sept. 1, 1952. 'Mar :ed ebetUe for $500 must accompany each tender, br tender will not be consid- ered- Tender' to state flat rate per cubic yard laid on roada. Tenders to be plainly marked and mail- ed or deftvered• to reach the Cleric by 2 p m" Maircle 3,;,.1962. ail eluent or •5ny tender not neeessa4lg ccepted. For further lnftetnation apply to ROBERT DALIRYMPLE. Road Sttperite tendeut, Eliaitondrille, Ont. E. P:YI)Sritk1'1', rk ...' 48964 In the Way of CATHERINE ANN *URNS A LLA PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Catherine Ann Burns, late of the Township of Ribbert, in the County of Perth, who died on the 27th day of May, 1951, are hereby noti- fied to send in full-particulara of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 2let day of March, 1952, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 22nd day of February, 1962. McCONNELI,, & HAYS, Seaforth, OntarioQ,, Solicitors for the Exebutor. 4891.E NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of MARGARET PURCELL A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Margaret Pur- cell, late of the Village of Dublin, in the County of Perth, Widow,deceased, who died on the lath ,day of November, 1951, are hereby notified to send' in full particu- lars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of March, 1952, after which date the assets win • be dis- tributed, having regard only to claims then received DATED at Seafortb, this 23rd February, 1952 McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors( for the Executor. (Continued from Page 1) :Or the"'A" title of this' group. For Thedford the goal scorers were Carrutlhers, Henderson, Gouging, Brown, and _Jamieson; for Hensall, liuzu'oe and Knight scored' two each: Line-up: Thedford: - Rawl-; ings, Shirrons, Coley, Dunlop, Car- ruthe}}'s, Gooding, Baird, Brown, S•altalski, Hayter, Wanni Amos, In Memoriam ppOWCLiFF•E—IN LOVING MEMORY of a dear mother and grandmother. Perla Rowuliffe, who .passed away one year ago, March 3, 1950. Sweet are the memories, so silently kept; One we loved and never forget. —Ever remembered by Thelma, Carman, Wilma and Wanda and their families. 4391x1 Cards Of Thanks I WISH TO THANK MY 'RELATIVES, friends and neighbors for the lovely Henderson, Jamieson. ;Hensall- Woodcock, Wade, J . Nicholson, Munroe, H. Nicholson, Knight, A. Nicholson, 'Sangster, Hildebrand, Cowan, Adkins, Bra -Me, 1 ariiso t. First 'Period -Goals: Carruthers (Dunlop), -2:54; Henderson (Hay- ter , 7:12; Gooding (Hayter), 8;50; Brown, 11:40; Munroe (A, Nichol- son), 14:03. Penalties -Wade (trip- ping), 14:04. Second Period - Knight .'(Munroe), 10:06; Jamieson (Saltarski and Brown), 17:00. Pen- alties -None. Third Period --Mun- roe (Knight), 2:05; Knight (J. Nicholson, Hildebrand), 18:10. Pen- alties-Knight enalties-Knight (tripping), 8:04. Re- ferees -Stan Smith and Dick Gard- iner, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Detroit, and while there saw the Hollywood Ice Revue, star- ring Miss Barbara Ann Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Po'lilock, .of Saskatoon, are guests• with Mr. and cards and boxes of fruit whichwas sent day of to me while in St. Joseph's Hospital, l London. Thanks to, my teacher anis friends of S.S. No. 10, Hay,-. for the Ateau-i tiful box of treats, also the nice card of good wishes from the United Church, doctors and nurses. 4391-3 DONALD JACKSON, Hensall NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIARt'PEARSON A L L PERSONS HAVINGe( CLAIMS against the Estate of William Pear- son, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Machinist, de- ceased, who died on the 5th day of Janu- ary, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full .particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March. 1952, after which dote the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this "8th day of February, 1952. M,eCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 43894 Auction Sales AUAD CTION SALE OF 65 DURHAM AN Holstein Cattle; 70 York Pigs; Real Estate and Miscellaneous Articles. — The undersigned auctioneers have been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 22, Con. 12, Hay Township, 11/.t miles west of Zurich, and a quarter -mile north, on Wednesday, March 5th, 1952, commencing- at ommencingat 1 o'clock p.m., sharp: LIVE STOCK - 1 Clyde mare, good in every way ; 1 Clyde colt 2 years old; 12 Holstein cowe in calf, 4 to freshen at t:me of. sale; 11 Durham cows, all being heavy with calf ; 4 steers years old; 22 baby beefs; 5 Holstein heifers; 15 Durham yearlings; 1 pure bred Shorthorn bull, 10 months old. All cattle are fully T.B. tested and are in good con- dition. PIGS—Pure bred York hog, one year old ; • 10 York sows due in March and April; 1 York sow with litter at foot; •O stocker pigs, 50 to 80 pounds each_ OTHERARTICLES — Two -wheel trailer with racks; Chatham fanning mill; War- ner electric brooder; McCormick -Deering 1 -foot mower; set of bobsleighs; Renfrew crease separator, used only 3 years; 1200- 16. capacity platform scales; Fleury 8 -inch grinder; clover recleaner for any separa- tor; 12 cords of beech body wood; cedar stakes and kindling wood. REAL ESTATE --Comprising of 105 acres pasture farm, being Lot 7, Concession 12, Hay Township; 1e miles north of Dashwood; 65 acres are tillable and has Leen-freshly seeded; 4 acres bush. 1f not previously sold will be offered subject to a reserved bill. Terms of Real Estate—Ten per cent on day of sale; balance in 30 days. In case of bad weather, sale . will be held under, cover Terms—Cash, DELBERT GEIGER, Pro- prietor ; Stade & Weido, Clerks; Alvin Walper, Dashwood and Jim, McLean, Parkhill, Auctioneers. 4391-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Implements, Feed, Grain and House- hold Effects, at Lot No- 9, Concession 12 Tuckersmith Township, 114 miles south and 2ee miles east of Kippen, on Tues- day, March llth, at 1:30 p.m., sharp, the following: IMPLEMENTS — M. -H, No. 101 Jdnior Tractor, with lights, starter, P.T.O., and wheel weights; tractor scuf- fier and bean puller attachment; 3 -furrow M --H. tractor plow; M. -H. tandem disc; M, -H. 6 -ft. Clipper combine, equipped with a four cylinder Wisconsin auxiliary motor, pick-up, grain bin. and .banger; IC- H, binder 6 -ft. cut; McCormick -Deering l5 -run double disc drill with power lift (nearly new)_ Codkshutt side delivery rake (nearly new) ; Cockshutt manure s',reader ; 'Fleury -Bissell 3 -section spring tooth harrows; Fleury oat roller; Smalley grain blower with pipes ; Frost & Wood 6 -ft. cut mower: Chatham fanning mill with bagger; Viking cream separator; P en flew 2,000-11. truck scales; Moffat electro pail heater; 3drum steel roller; 4 -ft. stiff tooth cultivator; 5 -section drag harrows; rubber tire wagon withgrain box and flat rack ; 2 -wheel trailer with grain box and stock rack ; all -steel stone. boat; walking plow; single row scuffier; 30 feet of blower pipe for threshing ma- chine; 30-f t. extension i>4Tder; '4 H.P. electric motor; lye F)':P. electric motor; electric fencer; Beatty brooder stove;' em- ery: grindstone: bag truck; 12 -ft. steel 'ate; colony house, 10/x125; feed troughs; 180 feet of 4c -inch pipe; forks, shovels, ^hains and numerous other articles. FEED and GRAIN --Approximately 250 bales of timothy hay; approximately 100 bales of clover hay; approximately 400 bushels of Clinton oats (suitable for seed); approxi- mately 400 bushels of Ajax oats; approxi- mately 200 bushels of Montcalm barley; approximately 200 bushels of mixed •grain ; approximately 100 bushels of feed oats, HOUSEHOLD • EFFECTS Numerous household effects, including a Maxwell power lawn mower with 1 H.P. motor, Terms—Cash. No reeerve ae the farm is sold. FRED SLAVIN, .Proprietor; K: W. CoIunhoun, Clerk ; Edwe.d W. Elliott, Auctioneer. 4391-2 INISTR.ATRIX CLEARING '•AUC - A• ijMtion Sale of Farm, Farm Stook, Im- plements Feed Etc., of the Estate of the late William Leonard Youngbint. at Lot, No. 14, llth Concession of Hullett Town- ship, 2 miles writ of Londesbono, on Wednesday. March 12th, at 12:30 'noon, sharp, including : CATTLE -37 bead; cows are Herefords and "u -hams, most all. of which are tresh-n-d recently with calves at foot; 8 head of 2 and 3 year-old fat steers and heifers of good marketable quality; 8 yearling stocker steers and heifers- PIGS—Yorkshire sow due time of sale: Yorkshire sow with, litter; 9 pigs approximately -160 !bre'. POULTRY -150 New Hampshire X- Rock hens 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS ---A. full line of farm bre rTemente including a Fordaon tractor with lights, starter and P.T.O.; also a 'Mow and cultivator attachment; McCor- mick-De"ring 15 -disc power drill. FEED ANI) GRAIN -12 tons of hay; 250 bashers of Clinton oats- (suitable for seed) ; 500 bushels of mixed grain. FARM—At the name time and place there will be offered for sale,` subject to reserve bid, if not 'nld previo:,s to sale date, the farm (Lot 34, Con. 11, Hullett Twp,), eonsistiiig of '00 acres, more or less, of choice clay loan in an excellent state of cultivation, on which is situated a 11,4 storey solid brisk house; an "L" -shaped barn, being 40ex721 and 30rx30r; an implement shed, 'tprx40'. The farm is equipped with hydro 'throughout the Fdildinge. There le an ample water 'supply. consisting of a aprjng `reek and it never -failing, artesian well from which water is pipfd to hbuse and %nen, The farm is well located on a County Highway, and is Well fenced and drained. Terme—Cash Terms on Farm -- 10% of the purchgse price down on ditto of sale and the bnthnce in 30 days. Other •onditions of ssle will be read on Bele date, or they be obtained from 'the under- •ienod Sniicitor "rior to the date of sale. i L IZAB> IPH 4SABL"L YOIINGBLUT Ad. iniriistfratrix ; IF. Fingland,Clinfon, Ont., Solieit5r for the Adn-iinistrat'rix; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer;. it. W. Oo14tMhoun, Clerk 4390-2 T WISH TO EXPRESS MY SINCERE thanks and appreciation to all the kind friends who came to see me while I was a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, and . since coming home, and those who sent me lettere, cards or treats, and to the nurses and staff for their kindness. 4891x1 JENNIE ALEXANDER Births DALE—.In Clinton Community Hospital, on Feb. 24, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Dale, Hullette a son. A brother for Elaine and Douglas, MoCLURE—At Dr. Meyer's Nursing Home in Brussels, on Feb. 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McClure, a son—Robert NeiL Deaths `)ANTZER—In London, on Sunday, Feb. 24. Frank J. Dantzer, in his 49th year. SORRENTI—Its Windsor, on February 14, Robert Louis, infant son of Mr- and Mrs. L, Sorrenti. BRUCEFIELD The World Day of Prayer ser- vice will be held in the schoolroom of the' United Church on Fr!day afternoon of this week at 3 p.m. All ladies of the community are asked to attend this service, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill; Stratford, visited Mrs. W. Hill during the week -end. , Mr. and• Ml's. J. Fotheringham, Hamilton, were recent visitors with Mrs. D. Fotheringham. Misses Margie and Blanche Zapfe accompanied by 'Misses Ruth Scott and Betty Parker, were in Detroit recently. iMr, and Mrs. Orland Johnston were in London Saturday. Mr. and MI's. P. T. Cameron, of Kindersley. Sask., visited last.,.week with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Aikenhead, - Miss Marjorie Mustard spent a few days with her parents, Mr, and ?Mrs, A. Mustard. .SERVICE SCHOOL on COCKSHUTT TRACTORS and TILLAGE EQUIPMENT will be held FRIDAY AFTERNNON, FEBRUARY 29th ' - at GORDON- McGAVIN'S Farm Equipment Sales & Service , WALTON ONTARIO OF INTEREST TO 'WESTERN ONTARIO Middlesex Seed Fair and Food Show WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS, LONDON MARCH 4, 5 and 6, 1952 OPEN 9:00 a.m. -' 10:30 p.m. -Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m—Thursday The Largest Seed Fair and Display of Machinery and Farm Supplies and Agricultural Features of General Interest in Ontario. - , YOUTH for CHRIST SATURDAY NIGHT — MARCH 1st 5-:00 p.m. Brings REV. RALPH HORNBY, London Pastor R. A. H. WEINER, Converted Jew, Pianist Meet Us At the CLINTON -COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM And I3ring Your Friends and Neighbors • mfmalleam 'he New Ford FOR 1952 ow on Display AT LY MOTORS FORD - MONAIICIL DEALER Phone i02 Seaforth th Death of Frank J. Dantzer • Tike death occurred on Sunday, Feb. 24, in. London of Frank J. Dantzer, wha was the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dantzer, in his 49th year. 11r1r. • Dantzer had not been in the best of health, but his sudden death was a shock to his many friends: A mechanic by trade, he operated a garage in ,Brodhagen for 18 years, Mrs.. Emmerson Kyle, of Kippen. Mr. •and Mrs. Pollock are cousins of M,r:, Kyle. Miss Betty ,Mickle, nurse -in -train- ing" at Victoria .Hospital- London, spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. John McGregor, who under- went a major operation in •St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, Friday last isimproving .nicely. 'Mr.' and Mrs. W. 13. Simpson, Billy and Bobby, of Birmingham, Mich., were week -end visitors with Mrs. L. Simpson. Mr. Jack Bell, of Wallaceburg, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell, of Hensel'l, has taken over the Sup- ertest gas station, Highway No. 4, formerly conducted by Mr. William Fairbairn. A PLAY 'Calm Yourself' will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall MONDAY, MARCH 10th 8:30 p.m. Presented by Cavan Church Young People's Union of ` Winthrop Sponsored by Hensall. Rebekah Lodge ADULTS 50c - CHILDREN 23e MOORE'S OFFER DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS In Pure Rocks and Med- Rock Cross CAPONS ORDERED IN ADVANCE All Chick Requirements FREE DELIVERY ON ALL STARTED CJiIC'KS MOORE'S POULTRY FARM , SEAFORTH PHONE 666 r 3 moving to London a year ago. Sur- viving are tons brothers, Joeeplii, Kitchener; Harvey, Windsor; An- drew Dublin; William, 'McKillop, and one sister, Mrs, John Nagle, McKillop. The funeral was held' .on Thursday from the residence aids brother, William, MGKillop, to St. Patrick's Church, Dublin, where Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Dr. Flounces, followed by in- terment in St. Patrick's cemetery. Pallbearers were P. Woods, J. Ry- an,' A. Hinz, J. Eckert, M, Rock and J. Regan. ST. C. ratl M oloth. A00hes Willowgrove Serenaders Orchestra A *NEW LOW PRICE ON VENETIAN BLINDS Now everyone can afford the luxury of a Venetian Blind, Prices will truly amaze you! Steel Slats, Baked Plastic Finish -can't chip or crack; White or Eggshell. - COMPARE 36 x 641 -Regular Blind 12.00 THE PRICES! 36 x 62-Airlunie 6.50 $6.50 Inquire today. Bring your window measurements. Hensall ' TUDOR'S-- Phone 70 LADIES' WEAR - DRY GOODS Unheard of Savings! We have received a special quantity discount on a large shipment of Refrigerators, and we are passing this Tremendous Saving on to you! KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS • 12.2 Cubic -Foot Capacity • 16.9 Square,,Foot Shelf Area i 60 -Pound Frozen Flood Chest SEALED UNIT ELECTRIC BUTTER CONDITIONER EGG TRAY and CRISPER AT A NEW LOW PRICE You Won't Believe This Bargain Until You See It and Discover the Price! • CROCKER REFRIGERATION PHONE '59 EXETER "We Service Everything We Sell" Fifth Annual Seed Fair Sponsored by the HURON CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION to be held in the CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE CLINTON,.. FRIDAY and SAT"IRDAY MARCH 7th and 8th, 1952 $500.00 in Prizes Special Educational Displays on Reforestation Special Programmes Friday Evening and Saturday Afternoon Auction Sale of Ten. -Bushel Lots Saturday Afternoon Junior Seed Judging Competition Saturday Morning All Entries' to be.Made at the Agricultural Office, Clinton, before . Tuesday, March 4th, 1952 EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION_l Prompt Delivery on the New 19:52 Pontiac, Chevrolet Pe CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED CARS '52 PONTIAC 4TYLELINE SEDAN: Brand new '49'O'LDSMOBILE FLEETLLNE SEDAN - '51 CHEV. DE LTIXE •STYLELINE SEDAN- fully equipped Fully equipped 1 '46 MONARCH SEDAN ' '42 CHEV, SEDAN '40 PLYMOUTH :SEDANI"Reconditioned '38 'FORDmotor; COACHgood condition '37 FORD COACH -4150.00 $150.00 '41 DODGE SEDAN '41 PONTIAC SEDAN '38 PLYMOUTH .COACH '51 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE COAOH- Less than 8,000 .miles -$300.00 below list '50 PON IA:G-DE LUXE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE FLEETLINE SEDAN '50 CHEV, DE LUXE S YLELINE COACH 49 STYLELINFe. COACH t49i METEOR SEDAN $PE'Ci"AL--50 CiiEN. 3j -TON STAKE with racks A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model ears. MAN'i`- OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Tr)”' _Heron Efp'fisitor' Want Adis,. Phone 41, Seaforth. RRiitSSELS. PHONE 73•X "The'Home of Bi tett'„Uls'ed Cat'$ ONTAII1O )