HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-22, Page 6r •
Cou.oi1 .
'Oaktet in the Hay ToWnablia
Zurick on Ationda3t, at 1:30i
The following motions were
..• „
, • That.Hy-Law No. 2, 1952, to pro-
•:7,VidevfOr an 'estimated expenditure
06,000.00 for 1952 on Hay T-wp.
''•:':'Xnadfit,be passed, subject to approv-
al of, the Department of Highways.
Tha,t. the 1952 Library grant to
• Vie Zurich Public Library be $25,
•• •
•••,' and to the Dashwood Public •-• •
rary,, $15.00.
That By -Law No. 9, re lawful
fen*, be rescinded and a new by-
law be prepared in order to bring
the by-l.aw up-to-date to conform
with the Line Fences Act,
That the oaretaker, Mrs. Fanny
Bender, be paid her sVary for the
past year and that she be rd -men -
gaged for the year -.Feb. 1, 1952,
to Feb. 1, 1953, salary to be $100.
That we, the Council of 'the Cor-
as Meeting
poration of the Township cf Ha,
petition the Ontario Given' •ent
o retain the area known s t' e
Pinery in the Aux Sauble River
Conservation Authority as a ublic
Park and reforearation • rojec ,;
and.that a copy ot this n -s lut on.
be sent to the Minister o. Plan
ing and IDeve.logreent, the Hon
Wm. GOsinger.
,That we call for 4ravel er
for 1952. same to • e placer i be
Exeter Times -Advocate, Hu' -,11
positor, Zurich Herald and •ncl-i-
Free Press for two issues :.n Fe'
ruary, tenders to call for 8,1 O cub
ic yards of crushed stone approx -
mately. rate to be in ter 's o;
crushing per cubic yard and haul-
ing per cubic yard on a fiat rate
basis; half of this contract to be
completed in May and half in Sep-
tember; gravel to be used from the
McLean pit east of Hensall,• ten -
Attention Farmers!
We are how taking contracts with the
the growers (Seed Supplied)
For the Growing Of
Delivered at Dublin
OW 24v
• ilin".•"
made with
To have big, strong healthy chicks at eight weeks of age,
feed them from the first with a highly fortified, properly -
blended Chick Starter mixed fresh the National way.
Chicks fight for more of this tasty, fresh -mixed feed.
And they grow faster because National Chick Mix
Concentrate is extra fortified with the newest growth
factors, together with valuable meat meal, milk by-
products and vital pasture grass.
During the first 'eight weeks of its life, a normal chick
ilreases its body weight more than 15, times over its
ay -old weight. During those weeks, chicks need a higher
percentage of body-building protein in their diet than at
any other time.
That's why, during those important eight weeks, chicks should
be fed the "National fresh -mix way" on a tasty, all -mash
mixture containing a high percentage of protein and
essential minerals and vitamins.'
See Year NATIONAL Dealer today -
Look far the blight Orange and Black Sign.
NSG -2
ders to ‘PIn the clerk's office by
March ' marked claw:ie" tOlk4200'
to actor -tan)! tender; Township of
Ri" to old's/ one truckfor Unit-
That' .4. order 50.0 baga of ceirn
ent for 'a- dge construction in 1952.
That e call for applications Per
nsnecto. to supervise the spray-
ine ot 1 e cattle sprayer •or brush -
NI Tor ...ble' fly, and also to col-
'ect re ent fot spraying done;
•I -o Fe t enders, to perform the
-ctual raying in the Township
of Hn, cc-ording to the Warble
fly Cor 11 Act, 1949, which is in -
"no( r in the by-law of the
l'hPt accounts for...Hay Twp.
ler, Hav Municipal Tele -
hone 'em and Hay Twp. gen-
r-al ac remts be raid as per vouch-
TI a v " 0 W nship• It oads-AlOhonse
Nasse '1'177.11; Michael Masse,
`54.11; Pennis Charrette, $22.50;
Tn.s. Mas,e. $210.64; Billy Becker,
6 88; SY,eridan Equipment Co.,
$132 88 Datars & O'Brien, 50c;
Zurieh Motors, $9.75; Loins Masse,
$78.62; FT. W. Brokenshire, $5.40;
Klopp's Suner Service, $50.94; Earl
Zimmer $9.40; W. C. Allison,
$60,30; St. Joseph's Service, $12.56;
Mousseau & Parkins, $21.69; Dept.
of Highways, $33.
Relief -Emma Eiassow, $8.90.
Hay Township General Accounts
-Mrs. Fanny Bender, caretaker
and extras, $107.00; .Wm. Elsie $2;
Raymond Kading, $2; Hess Radio
& Electric, $3.39; H. W. Broken -
shire, $186.66; Dashwood Public
Library, $15; Zurich Hydro Elec-
tric, $11.89; Chas. Rau, $2; Datars
& O'Brien, $4.40; City of London,
$65; Wm., Seibert, unemployment
insurance and postage, $100; Zur-
ich Public Library, $25.
Hay Municipal Telephone Sys-
tem -'H. G. Hess, $1.925.61; North-
ern Electric -Co., $25.46; Bernhardt
Insurance Co., $69.56; H. W. Smolt-
enshire, $76.20; Fred Papineau, $6;
Ontario Municipal Board, $5.
. The meeting adjourned to meet
again on Monday, March 3, at 1:30
Mrs. C. L. Smith, vice-president
of Zurich Women's Institute, took
the chair for their monthly meeting
held in the Zurich, Town Hall, and
conducted' the opening exercises
and took charge of the business
period. Many interesting items of
business were discussed. It was
decided to send a donation of $10
for the C.N.I.B. building fund.
Mrs. Elmore Klapp presided for
the program and introduced Earl
Tingley, London Free Press car-
toonist, who outlined cartoon ideas
and presented numerous drawings
which were well received by- the
large group present. A hYinn,
"Abide With Me" was sung in
memory of King George VI, and
Mrs. B.. Mack ,gave a dedication.
Mrs. Klapp gave a poem, "The Im-
nortant Thing in Life." Sheila
Willert and Ronald Howald ten-
dered vocal solos, and piano in:
t-nmenta'F were given by Donna
Oesch,„ Mary Jane Howald and
Mrs. M. Oesch.
Usborne Council
owners Of 'ai netitien to resiond,uk? "tinn, o 4951 taxe ainSe jinx,14 01
aaroe. council prepared to tledett'' $428.58,-lefpving, ?Nii‘Ig-..ag 1,901!
take the 1962 eatnpaiglebyqapaoint- tax accounts still antata114.110,,The
ing V. G. Clarke and Ira Maaeliall. treasurer reported ;Of .p„,
as inspectors in Charge thn,wogi; 049.071
Jan. 14. kel151111G Iza
at the SAM. a rate cit pay and wpm! Waage (132e en the 1 mill aglistidy!,
age allowance as in 1961:'uttniely tom the Department Manieffar
85c per hour and .08e per -Mlle, AiNirs for 1961 to the alnelint of
motion of Hera and 1VIiicheil.
Thl vrAr opy00,40.0* 'POW
514 POO.Skti.,
dittlree. *X0,90Of'fer^l4aHltenkA0
aft4 OgoOtruotl00, of roaclo'OO4'4.10l-
000. ter intibitenance.and ennetiOC-
PQn ot intidge§, laleiting &Joist of,
$45;006, was passed' for submisaian,
to the Department of Highways on
motion of Hera and Jeffery.
invitations from the 'Mayor and
Reeve of the Town of Exeter to
take part in the memorial service
for the late King,George VI, to be
held in Exeter on Feb. 15, were
received with appreciation. The
clerk was instructed to, order a
The clerk was Instructed to ad-
vertise g tender call in the Exeter
'nd St Marys papers for the con-
tract to spray township cattle un-
der the warble fly control program,
In motion of Mitchell and Hern.
The reeve reported that the
county was continuing the payment
Of -fox bounties at the same rates
as last year:. Council voted t�
raise the bounty by making up the
difference from township forida, to
$2.50 for both old and 'young foxes.
on motion of Hern and Smith.
Members of council reported en-
-ouraginz progress is securing
blood donors to replace blood at
Victoria Hospital used by a town-
ship resident, with a full program
lined up to March 14. .Correspond-
ence from K. B. Clydesdale, of St.
Marys, regarding the same matter
was referred to Councillor Hern.
The tax collector reported collec-
0Usborne Council Met in regular
monthly Aession on Monday after-
noon in the Township Hall, Elim-
ville, with Reeve Verne Pincombe
presiding and Councillors Harold
Jeffery, Earl Mitchell, Harold Hern
and Clayton Smith in attendance.
After noting with deep regret the
death of King George VI, the
reeve and members of council took
the oath of allegiance to the new
c.-.:ve:e!gn, Queen Elizabeth II, be-
fore the clerk.
Minutes of the last and inaugural
'meeting, held on Jan, 14, were con -
'firmed as printed with one correc-
t on. the head grader operator's
svry shown as being $195 per
month was corrected to $190 per
luonth, motion adoptink minutes by
Jeffery and Mitchell.
By -Law No, -1, 1952, appointment
of officials and sett'ng •salaries,
wages and rates of charges for ser-
vices for 1952, was given second
and third reading and finally pass-
ed on mot'on of Mitchell and Hern.
The Elimville Women's Institute
represented by Mrs. H. Hunter and
Mrs. K. Johns, interviewed the
council, urging them to make im-
provements to the township hall
building by the addition of kitchen
and toilet facilities to make the
building more useful for Institute
and local group meetings; they
suggested that the Institute would
he willing to help make the tro-
posed impro,,ernertt. Council prom-
ised to look into the matter.
.T. Stephens, renresenting Cana-
dian Industries Ltd., interviewed
council in regard to the purchase
rf warble fly spray material for
the spring cattle spray program.
Connell authorized a preliminary
order of 510 pounds of Warbicide.
Mr. Campbell, representing the
Shell Co., interviewed the council
4e, roadside weed spraying, refer-
ring the council to their local ag-
ent, Jas. Taylor. for spray supplies.
._.„The 'road superintendent submit-
ted his monthly rerort along with
vouchers totalling 81,252.04 for
payment, the report and vouchers
being rassed on motion of Jeffery
and Henri.
The reeve and clerk were auth-
orized by resolution of council tO
sign, the annual petition for the
statutory grant under the Highway
Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1951 to a to-
tal of $39,248.14, on motion of M't-
chell and Jeffery.,
On motion of Mitchell and Smith
the road superintendent was auth-
orized to issue a tender call for
the contract to construct the cul-
vert over the Gardiner drain at
Lot 18, Con. 12 arid 13, tenders to
close at 2:30 p.m. Mai'ch 10, next
wand' meeting day. Council in-
strected the clerk to issue a ten-
der call for the 1952 road gravel-
ling contract, tenders td close on
Meech 10, oa motion of Smith and
*Older fly' -Law NO, L 1(950, blade
Se the 'riots of the Warbi
ijetbi061, 19411,:. and having
't.rOnt .rittapaltr -Oktde
Skinny men, women
an 5,10, 15 lbs.
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
What a thrill. BOTI.V Umbo MI out: WY hollews
1111 up; neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-
starved, sickly "bean -pole" look. Thousands of
girls, women, men,. Who never Could galo before.
are now proud of shapely, healthygooUng bodies.
They thank the special vlsor-buildim, ilesh-buildhst
tonic, Ostre.... Its tonics, stimulants, invinotators,
iron, vitamin Bi, calcium, enrich blood, Improve
appetite and digestion so toed gives you more
strength and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones.
Don't tear getting too fat. Stop when you've gained
tile 5. 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight.
Costs. little. New "get acquainted" else only 80e.
Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for new vigor
and added pounds, this very day. At all druggists
$1,71,1.63; cash balance, 4083.78.
The clerk was instructed to can-
cei the fire ineurance on the crawl-
er tractor with the Usborne &
bert Fire Insurance Co., as the
same coverage was held .with the
Gore District Co: under a general
property floater policy, on motion
of Hern and Jeffery.
Canadian Cement
Seaforth Lumber
Phone 47
Monday to Saturday
p "41" OM
'91.0fotPi4 cit'#(41/1'444040:it.V..
844 . eouueU.amouroodr...to Bet
ogoin,..00 Monday aft/age
Namf,!,;; frOttY4 7.*
11,y11. I've got elestriolty int MY pow
41.40 Grandma: OA ;PP #31 i4er einiar
Eth ts,ged aix combiug a9„it"
We are. contracting Malting Barley for the
Canada Malting Company on the same basis
as last year
We supply the seed and deduct bushel for bushel In the Fall.
Malting Barley was one of the best paying crops last year.
Our New Elevator, which is now_completed, has
four Cleaners and unloading ramps, which makes
for quick unloading and avoids long delays.
Remember, you can deliver the Barley whenthreshed and get
Free storage up toDecember15, with option of selling on the
market any time up until that date. Hence, we suggest that
farmers wishing contracts Please get in'touch withous by tele-
Office 32; Ilensall, Night' Calls, 2 .or 194, Ilensall
We are buying Seed Oats and Feed Grain
Contact us before selling. Tbe best price will be paid.
Above, Oldsmobile Ninety -Eight 4 -Door Sedan. Ielow, Oldsmobile Super "88" 4 -Door Sedan. *Hydra -Matic Super Drive optional at extra cost on both series.
*GM flydra'Ulic Steering optional at extra cost on Ninety -Eight series. Equipment, accessories and trim subject to change without notice.
Now Hydra-1414We ,l'adds A new
range -"Super"' Range for
super peciermance-ithtilling action!
Optional at extra cost on Ninetr•Eight and
• "88" seriea.
rti 1N09 This newest de,
fl veto/molt in power-
assiated steering takes out the effort,
leaves in the "feel"! Optional at
extra cost on Ninety -Eight aeries.
ENGINE! 160 horse-
power Inc*, Quadri-Jet
Carburetor - new bigh-lift'valvea
- now more thrilling than ever
Meet the most powerful h'Rocket" Oldstatoldie ever built!
the all-new Ninety -Eight — a triumph of fine -car design -
a classic! The sensational .new action -star - Oldainobilc's
Super "88" for 1952! Both bring you the new 160 horse-
power "Rocket"! Both feature 01dentobile's new Hydra -
Matic Super DriVe* - and an even smoother "Rocket Ride"!
And., in the magnificent Ninety -Eight, Oldsmobile achieves
a new high in fine -car design! There's new GM Hydraulic
Steering*. A sweeping new "long look" outside! "Cut3tern-
Lounge" interiors - the fittest you've ever *wen! Conte ink
and see them today!