HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-22, Page 4ry :as 4 -*fled i.' ,ssIfied Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. --Per Word: First Week 1 Cent Red W� ee Cent H Miedmuim charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation couata as one word. Verde of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events --1 cent per word. 50 cents per week. Enggiriea may be directed to a Boz Na, e/o The Horou Eipositor, 'for 10 cents extra Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above clans are not„paid within 10 deem of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of 'chards, Auction Sales. Notices to Creditors, Etc.-Uaiee on spplfestioa. I!lininium Coming Events • Wanted PLAN TO HEAR _ WALTER (TURK) WANTED TO BUY -A LARGE BOS- Broda at the offiicial opening of the Y' ton Sword Fern, one of the long Mitchell and District Community Memor- Frond type preferred. E. VAN EGMOND. isi Arena, on Friday, Feb. 29, at 8 p.m. Phone 668 - 5. 4890x1 4390-1 TT WILT. BE. YOUR PLEASURE DANC- iag at the lovely Crystal Palace Ball- room, Mitchell, every Friday. Dancing 9:30 to 12:80. Admission 60c. 4390x2 Help Wanted 'WANTED—WAITRESS- FOR TASTY Grill. Apply to A. KARPEN, Sea - forth. 4890x1 WANTED - RELIABLE •HOUSEKEFP- er for one month. Good with chit. dren. Phone 383 after 6 p.m., or write to LEO HAGAN, Box 72, Seaforth. WANTED --GOOD RELIABLE FRAC-' tical nurse for two months, or perman- ent position available if desired. Apply to RIVERSIDE REST HOME. Phone 69, Mit- chell 4388x8 WANTED, .PROTESTANT TEACHER for S.S. No. 5. Fullarton (Mt. Pleas- ant). This school is on 23 Highway, 11/4 miles from Russeldale. Bus and Mitchell ,District School bus pass daily. 'In reply- ing, please state qualifications. experience, references and salary expected, to the SecretaryTreasurer. Duties to commence September 1. MRS. CATHERINE HOCK- ING, Cromarty, Ont. Phone 13-16, Dublin. 4390-8 Poultry VCR SALE - 200 FIVE WEEKS -OLD Barred Reck Capons. MOORE'S POULTRY _FARM. Phone 666 r 3, Sea - forth. , 4390x1 DAY OLD AND STARTED CHICKS available now at Moore's Poultry Farm. A11. breeders Government approv- ed,- accredited and blood tested. Visit, phone or write MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Phone 666 r 3. 4390-1) EARLY CHICKS -FEBRUARY HATCH- II ATCH- pullets make August laying h ens, (Egg prices 1951 were: Aug. 73c, Sept. by 3 pm., March 3, 1952. 76c, Oct. 79e). Order your. Profit Proven Pullets now in Fast -.Feathering Barred Rocks and Red X Rocks, at MOORE'S POULTRY FARM, R.R. 3, Seaforth. Tele- phone 666 r 3. 4389-tf A PPLICATIONS FOR A WARBLE FLY Control Inspector ia. the Township of McKillop are requested, the same to -be in Clerk's Office by March I, 1952. J. M. ECKERT, Seaforth R. 1, Clerk McKillop Twp. 4390-1 'WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE OR 2- " apartment. Apply to Box 113, HURON EXPOSITOR. or write to J. Al MAURICE, Apt. 28, Cleve Court, Lon- don, Ont. - 4889x2 AIR FORCE OFFICER WISHES TO rent a furnished house or apartment (1 child, 18 months), as soon as possible, for about 3% months. Phone or write F/O. N. FLAVIN, Officers' Mess, Clinton Air Force Station. 4390x1 APPLICATIONS Township of Hullett APPLICATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Township of Hullett for an Inspector for Warble Fly Spray. Duties to commence when spraying starts. Wages to be $1.00 per hour with 5 cents per mile. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk on or before Monday, March 3rd, at noon. . GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, Londesboro. 4390-1 WANTED Warble Fly Control Inspector Township of Tuckersmith' TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH IN- vites applications for the position of Warble Fly Control Inspector for 1952. Rate of pay will be 85c per hour with an allowance of l0c per mile for use of ear. Applications to be in the Clerk's hands PULLETS FOR SALE' /500 Barred Rock X Red pullets, three months old, good healtlfy, strong stock. These pullets will begin to lay about the' lime prices of eggs go up early this sum- mer,. Must be sold by March 1st to make room for a new lot of chicks. A bargain at $1.10 each. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk: 4390-2 Tenders Wanted TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned' for 30 cords furnace hardwood, 12 -inch lengths, to be delivered to Schools not later than July 31, 1952. F. W. ANDREWS, Tenders will close 7th March, 1952. Phone 38 Clinton, Ont. 4390-2 W. P. ROBERTS, Sec. -Tress., Tuckersmith Township School Area. R.R. 3, Seaforth. Personals HYGIENIC *SUPPLIES (RUB,$ER TENDERS 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, Township of Hullett NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, TENDERS •WILL BE RECEIVED BY I the Township of Hullett for the spraying of cattle in the Township in the Annual Warble Fly Campaign. Tenders 1, to be on the per head basis. Goods), mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c,; 4890-2 Farms For Sale (� ,ACRES -CHOICE STOCK FARM ; All tenders to be in the hands of the }•'-....one of the best; 80 acres well aleck on or before Monday, March 3rd, 1U at noon. drained and workable; 20 acres virgin bush, all hard maple; large barn in per- Lowest or any tender not necessarily feet shape; house completely modernized accepted. with all city conveniences. F. ADAIR CAMPBELL, Realtor, Mitchell. Phone GEO. W. COWAN, Clerk, '77W. '' 48904 Londeshoro. 4390-1 1 Notices RADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at faetRY'S • RADIO RE -1 PAIR, opposite Dick Hoagie, Seaforth. ENDERS ARE CALLED FOR POWER • Phone 397-R. 436841T sprayer that will davelup 400 pounds pressure, mounted on skids. with 250 gal- lon water tank. Tenders to be in hands of the Clerk by 12, noon, March 4, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. FRED S. WATSON-, Clerk of Stanley Twp., R. R. 3, Bayfield. TENDERS WANTED Township of Stanley Planned Insurance SAVINGS- PRG" ECTION PENSION Consult - KEN McPHERSON Mutual Life of Canada MITCHELL 38R - ,Phone Collect 4390x4 FOR GENERAL INSURANCE Including AUTOMOBILE, WEATHER and FIRE /ee Please consult R. F. McKercher PHONE 849 r 4 SEAFORTH 4388x4 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM PEARSON A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of William Pear- son, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Machinist, de- ceased, who died on the 5th day of Janu- ary, 1952, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of March, 1952, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to Claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 8th day of Fcsbruary, 1952. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Estate. 4389.3 4390-2 TENDERS TENDERS FOR SPRAYING CATTLE by the .head for Warble Fly Control in the Township of McKillop, the same to be in Clerk's. Office March 1, 1952. A marked cheque of $100.00 to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. .9. M. ECKERT, Seaforth, R. 1, ' Clerk McKillop Twp. 4890 - TENDER for SPRAYING For Warble Fly Control Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS ARE. INVITED BY 1HP. Township of Tuckersmith for spray- ing cattle for Warble Fly Control, subject to the Warble Ely Control Act. 1949. Township will auppiy derris powder ra- quired and contractor must furnish all other requirements. Tenders to state a rate per head per spray: work to be commenced April 1st, 1952, and done to the satisfaction of the 'inspector. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by 3 p.m., March 3, 1952. NOTICE to CREDITORS E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. In the Estate of MARY E. SOLGER ' GRAVEL' TENDER 4290-2 A LL PERSONS Ir1AV1NG CLAIMS against the Estate of Mary E. Bolger, late of the Toav of Seaforth, County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the 9th • day of December, 1951, are hereby notified tc send in to the undersigned on or before the )lst day of March, 1952, full iiarticnisrs of 'their claims. Immediately after the said lata men - boiled date, 'the assets of the said estate Will be diatelbnted amongst the parties entitled thereto, bdvfng regard only to clause of which the nnderaignel shall then' have notice til the exeluelen of all othdrs Ad .the undersigned Will not be liable, to ani :Pealefit of whose eleiin the inderstgned shall not ,,,01411 hate nottor tiyor tire watts' all dieti+iintt¢d aye shy raft ot'rod¢bi6bi :Ont tie xtll des Township of Tuckersmith TENDERS ARE INVITED FOR CRUSH- ing and hauling approximately 12,000 Yards of gravel to township roads. Con- tractor to furnish all requirements ex- cept gravel which will be supplied by the Township. Three-quarter inch a ,uare screens to he need, work to be completed by Sept. 1, 1952. 'Marked oheque-for 5500 must accompany each tender, or tender will not be consid- ered. Tender to state flat rate per cubic yard laid on rands. Tenders 10 be plainly marked and mail- ed or delivered to reach the Clerk he 2 tem., '1VTareh . 8, 1952, Lowest dr nrfy tender not necessarily accepted., Foi'..jtt*rtlter information ., al:ply. t0. ?tlO>B I r,• nAL1ttwitiGE, hotel Saperite ietl(Ieine E"gsltolidville,. Cent, Jerk., sYZ :48$ , For Salo - �p 4At-F r—A NUI1tt,BER OF DIJiRHAM : L -R cows, due to freshet in. March .sad April AYply to JAMES McINTOSH. Phone 665 r 4, Seaforth. .a -a43904 FOR SALE - NUMBER. OF YORK chunks. Apply to THOMAS J. MUR- RAY, R.R. 5, Seaforth. Phone 64 r 5. Dublin, 4390x1 FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, el'-ctric and treadle. Re• pairs to all makes. SINGER • SEWING CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 42234f FOR SALE -GOOD FINLAY COAL AND wood stove, warming closet, good baker; all in good condition. Apply to MRS, J. A. WES!rCOTT, Seaforth. 4390-1 FOR . SALE --1 FLEURY -BISSELL 4- wheel spreader on rubber, 2 years old; good as new. Save on this one. V. J. LANE, Fleury -Bissell Agent, Seaforth, R.R. 5. Phone 46-12, Dublin. 4390x1 FOR SALE -1 SHORTHORN BULL born April from 1450 cow ; 1 pare bred Shorthorn cow, 7 years old, due in April : some young York sows; 1 service- able age boar. W. C. MONTGOMERY, R.R. 4, Walton, Phone 834 r 4, Sea - forth. 439.0x1 Livestock Wanted LIVE STOOK WANTED.— HIGHEST prices paid for sick or crippled . i - mals. VICTOR HARGRAVES, Brucefield. Phone 625 r 23, Clinton, 4384x12 FREE THERMOMETER, PLUS CASH at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth, 655 r 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED. 4373-tf Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE - hold Effects, in Town of Seaforth, on George Street. on Saturday, February 23, at 1 p.tn.: Quebec heater (new) ; Mc - Clary cook stove with water front; kit- chen table and chairs; day bed (new) ; glass kitchen cupboard ; drop 'leaf table; 2 -burner rangette; 2 -burner gas camp stove; dining room suite, table, buffet, china cabinet and 6 chairs; chesterfield suite; oc6asional chairs; 2 reed chairs to snatch; hall rack: number of rockers and small tables; • Raymond sewing ma- chine; 3 furnished bedrooms, beds, dress- ers, springs and mattresses, 1 spring mat- tress, 54 -inch (new): 1 living room rug; floor lamp; table lamps: 'dishes and kit- chen utensils; sealers; crocks; lawn mower ; garden tools, and other articles. Terms -Cash. ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. AGNES BOYD ; E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; Al- vin W. Sillery, Solicitor for Estate. 4389-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements, at North Half of Lot 27, Con. 9, Morris Township, 21/.-. miles northwest of Walton, and 4 miles southwest of Brussels, on Wednesday, February 27th, at 1 p.m. HORSES- Brown Clyde team rising 11 years old ; grey Clyde mare rising 10 years old. CATTLE -White face cow rising 6 years old, due March ; red cow rising 6 years old, due March ; roan cow rising 8 years old, . due April; red cow rising 9 years, due March; red roan cow rising 5 years old. due March; roan cow 10 years old, due March; roan cow 4 years old, milking; white face cow 3 years old. milking; Shorthorn bull, resistered, 2 years old, from G. Adams' herd -of Mitchell, Ont.: ;+ steers 2 years .old : , 1 steer 11,1 years old; 3• heifers 2 years i old; 6 heifers ria- ing 1 year old ; 2 bull, calves 21/2 months; 15 year-old hens. MACHINERY - De Laval cream separator, 800 lbs. (nearly new) • Massey -Harris 14 -plate disc; 7 -ft. cut M'cCo'rmick -Deering binder ; 6 -ft. cut Massey -Harris mower ; Massey -Harris man - 'n: ;, ,, spread r: M Cormick -Deering •hay loader 5-5Pction diamond harrows; Mas- sey-Harr)s hay rake: wagon and hay rack 2 000-th. scales; McCormick-Deerin't ridin - plow; walking plow; cultivator; sce ier; pig crate; set sleighs: steel land roller; wheelbarrow ; cutter; M. -H. cylin- de- .root ruiner; fanning mill : 6 chick feeders ; Jam,sway 5 -gallon fountain: 5 - gallon coal oil can ; 1 set single harness; 3 sets heavy harness; horse collars; lever power wire stretchers; scythe; block and tackle; hay knife; hoof trimmers: 32 -ft. ':tension ladder; logging chains; forks; 4 bins Galore barley and Peaver oats ;mix- ed; 25 tons hay. HODUSEHOLD EF- FECTS -Master Climax range; Quebec heater, large; bedroom furniture; 'kitchen table .and chairs. No reserve; farm is sold. Terms -Cash. I.E.STER BEGAN, Proprietor; E. P. Chesney, Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. . 4390-1 ADMINISTRATRIX CLEARING AUC - tion Sale of Fal -w. Farm Stock, Ttet- lements. Feed. Etc., of the Estate of the late William Leonard Youngblut. at Lot ':n. 34, 11th Concession of Hullett Town- ship, 2 miles weat of Londesboro. on Wednesday, March 12th, at 12:30 noon, sharp, including: CATTLE -37 head; 'mvs are Her ,fords and Durhams, most all of which are freshened recently with calves at foot; 8 head of 2 and 3 year-old fat steers and heifers of good marketable •'uality ; 8 yearling stocker steers and heifers. PIGS -Yorkshire sow due time of sale; Yorkshire sow with litter; 9 .pigs epproximatsly 160 lbs. POULTRY -150 New Hampshire X Posit hens 1 year old. IMPLEMENTS ---A full line of farm im- plements including a Fordson tractor with lights, starter and P.T.O.; also a plow and cultivator attachment; McCor- ,rrick-Deerin" 15 -disc power drill. NEPA ANA GRAIN --12 tons of hay; 250 bushels of Clinton oats (suitable for seed) ; 600 bushels of_ mixed- grain. FARM—At the .ams time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid, if not Void nrevioos to sale date. the farm (Lot 34. Con. 11, Hullett Twp.), consisting of '00 acres, more or less. of choice clay loam in an excellent state of cultivation, on which is situated a 11, storey solid ' ri k house; an "L".shaprd barn, being 401x72, and 30rx5Q/?_„an implement shed, 30'x40'. The farm is equipped with hydro throughout the hui:dings. There is an ample water supply, consisting of a aprine •r••ek and a neverfailing artesian w 11 from which water is pip d to ho•:se and `nrn. The farm is well located on a County Highway, and is Well fenced and drained. Terms -Cash. Terms on Farm - 10e/, of the purchase trice down on date of sale and the balance in 30 days. Other ^onditions of sale will be read on sale (late, or may he obtained from the under- -('. ed Soli-itor t rior to the dater of sale. ELIZABETH ISABEL YOUNGIILUT, Ad- miniatratrix ; F. Fingland, Q.C,. Clinton. Ont., Solicitor for the Administratrix; Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer; K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk 4390-2 Cards Of Thanks MR. MILTON LOVE AND FAMILY wish to thank !heir many friends and neighbors for kindness and symrathy shown them during their recent sad be- reavement. 4390-1 MISS JE.SSIE BROWN DESIRES TO thank her many • fri nth for the cnrds and treats. also th"tlee who called on her : special thanks to the hospital staff, Drs. Brady and M•cMaater, 4390-1 MRS. W. W. COOPER WISHES TO express her sincere thanks amt ap- preciation to her many friends• relatives and neighbors for the treats, flowers and gifts; also to Dr. McMaster and Dr. Brady and the nursing staff. , 4390-1 MR. AND 81815. ARCHTE PARSONS and Donald wish to thank their many friends and relatives for earth and treats, and special thanks to those . who visited Donald while a patient in War Memorial Sick Children's Hospital in London. 4890-1 IIS SIt'SLAIR FAMILY WISH TO �• express their sincere' appreciation to the fenny .,4'rl la and neighbors far their eineve$sio fe erTinentinthr in their recent bereaVemeitt; also to thank Dr, ,p. L. Brads+ 'Alfd'.NOt..d2. A. Meltle5ter ate the horsing al4if e/ the IleenitaL• ,µµ 4 ggyLyy News . tes o . (Continued from Page 1) Mrs. J. F. Blackwell, 'Mrs. P. Mc* Naughton and Mrs. W. Richardson, Mr. Jarvis Horton, who has been seriously ill with a heart condition, 's improving in health, his many friends will be pleased to learn. Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzio and family and Mrs. Don Perdue and Danny spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hanson and family in Stratford. Mr. Ed. Berry and daughter, of Windsor, visited their aunts, Mrs. J. Bolton and Mrs, A. J. Hummel, during the week. Mr. James Hoggarth, who has been in poor health for some time, was taken this week to the River- side Nursing Home, Mitchell, in the interests of his health. Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Cook returned home Sunday following a week's visit in Chicago with Mr. Cook's brothers, Charles H. and William E. Cook, and families. Mrs. George Gassman and. Mrs. Leo Gibson and daughter, of Dash- wood, visited Mrs. C. H, Hedden and Herb on Sunday. • Mr. Vernon Spray, of Edmonton, Alta., has returned home after spending a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Geiger. Mr. and Mrs. G. Voth, Gwen and Jimmy, of Birmingham, Mich., vis- ited over the week -end with Mrs. L. Simpson. Reeve A. W. Kerslake is in To- ronto this week attending;•,. the Good Roads Convention. Mrs. Kers lake accompanied him. Mr. Casey Hudson, Goderich, vis- ited on Sunday with his mother. Death of Cornelius Cook Death claimed Cornelius E. Cook at .his home in Hensall on Thurs- day, Feb. 21. Born in Ellice Town- ship, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry 'Cook, who started the Cook Milling Co. in Hensall. When he was 14 years of age, Mr. Cook started in the bicycle business and on the death of his father in 1906 went into partner- ship with his brother, Mr. Nor- man Cook, in •the Cook Bros. mill- ing business. ,He carried on the garage business for many years, retiring a year ago. Deceased was t prominent • member of the Unit- ed Church, also a member of the board of trustees, and was treas- urer of the choir, of which he was a .member for over 40 years. Sur- viving are his wife, the former Minnie Hemphill; one son, Harry, of Windsor, - and one daughter tOla), Mrs. Chellew, of Los An- geles, Calif., and three brothers, Norman E. .,Cook, Hensall, and Charles H. and W. E. Cook, of Chicago. Funeral arrangeinents ,have not yet been completed. Death of Mrs. Arvin Wurm Mrs. Alvin Wurm passed away in Exeter on Wednesday afternoon. Mary was the former M ry Clark daughter of Matthew Clark, , and was . born in Usborne Township. Mr. and Mrs. ' Wurm farmed on Highway No. 4, south of Hensall, retiring a year ago to Exeter. Sur- •ring are four daughters and five sons, also one brother, Louis Clark, Jr., of Hensall, and one sis- ter, Mrs. R. D. Bell, London. Mr. Jack Pfaff is confined to his home with an injured knee, which ;ie received when die fell on the ice. The W.O.A.A. hockey game be- tween Hensall and Zurich on, 'Thursday Feb. 14, resulted in a score of 4 for Hensall. Hensall 6, Thedford 4 Hensall defeated Thedford 6 to 4 'in a W.O.A.A. game Tuesday night at the Community Arena in '-Iensall. Line-up: Hensall: Goal, r. Mitkle; l.d.. Wade; d , J. Nichol - on; centre, Harrison; r.w., Sang- ster; l.w., Knight; alternates,' A. Nicholson, H. Nicholson, Munroe, H ldebrand, Broome, Cowan, Mou• seau, Kruse; extra goalie, Wood- cock. Thedford: Goal, Rawlings; 1. d., Hayter; r.d„ Caly; centre, Salt- ersi:i; r.w., Walker; l.w., C. Baird; lltelnates, 13, Baird, Jameson, Dun- lop, Wann, Shinan, Amos, Brown, Gooding; extra goalie, S, Gibb. • First Period -Goals, Hildebrand (Broom, A. Nicholson), 3:23; Har- rison (Knight), 7:35; Cowan (A. Nicholson, J. Nicholson), 18:55. Second Period: Harrison (Sang- -ter), 9:44. Third Period: Broome (3. Nicholson), 32:05; Harrison (A. Mousseau, Knight), 19:59. Penal- ties: Mousseau (trip), 12:24; '=night (fighting), 16:29; Hilde- 'Irand (slashing), 19:06; Harrison (hnldtng puck), 19:45, Visiting Team: First pe iod: C. Baird (Brown), 5:10; Amos •,(Shin- n). 15:29: Dunlop (Wann), 17:25. Second Period: No score. Third Period: Walker (Saltarski), 1:10. Penalties: First period, None; 2nd period, Caly (roughing), 3:30; Dun- lop (lighting), 16:29; Carly( hook- ing);`17:26. Third period: Wann 'minor misconduct), 6:26; Hayter (hooking), 11:26. Referees: Russ Evan and, Wally Woods, London. Births CAMPPELL-Alt Clinton Hospital, Tues- day, Feb. 19, 1952, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Campbell Kippen, a son. A broth- er for Donald and a grandson for Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, Windsor. HAGAN--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Feb..18 to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hagan, Seaforth, a daughter. - KIPPER -•Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Kil fer, Hen- sall. are happy to announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Hospital on Friday, .Feb, 15, 1952. A sister for Danny and Linda Jane. McNICHOL-At Scott Memorial /Hospital, on Feb. 16, to Mr. and ,Mrs, Aubrey M'4Nichol. , R.R. 2, Blyth,, a daughter. • „„. Deaths CARTER -In Seaforth, a Tuesday, Feb. 19. Fmmie Dernbow, widow of the Irate Samuel Carter, Beat mother o£ Myrtle Carter. in her 81st year. DALTON --in' MCKillep, on Monday, Feb: 18 Mary Cronin, beloved wife of the late John Dalton, lit her 886th year, '.VOLFE-••'n Seaforth, on Thursday. Feb. /4 Pa :eel Eisler;, Wider/. of ^the late Charles Wales dear uthavet 6 Mfg, :Htn-tin 1lttitely teStiilisd, ,_Js;'delta PO' t'0ltI I.steepie' S' tYi ;rh8d Nellfeed f.cg dtI 10 hell •7800 ik '✓•tg” ,.: , ,+'. and District VARNA The February meeting of the W,M:S. was held at the home of Mrs. Wat: Webster with 16 mem- bers and three visitors in attend- ance. 'Mrs. B,obt: Taylor• opened the meeting by reading from the missionary sheet, "How To Use:". Hymn 252 was sung, followed by the Scripture lesson, Ephesians 2: 11-22, read by Mrs. Moyer. Mrs. Taylor led in prayer and Hymn 526 was sung. The program continued with Mrs. Taylor's group in charge. 'Mrs. Pitt and Mrs. Mervyn Hayter took the part of two Jap- anese la$iies and Mrs. W. McAsh and Mrs. Robt. Sterling taking the part of two Chinese ladle*. Hymn 513 was sung and prayer was giv- en by Mrs. Robt. Taylor. Mrs, Glen' Reid took charge of the •business. The minutes were read and adopt- ed. Three new members were wel- comed into the society. The roll calf for March will be answered by the Saint, and the meeting will take the form of a birthday party M the church. One minute's sil- ence was observed in memory of the King. The meeting closed with the benediction, and lunch was served. • ZURICH Death of Mrs. Anna L. Siebert Mrs. Anna L. Siebert, 85, widow of William L. Siebert, who died at her home in Zurich on Sunday, Feb. 17, was a native of Waterloo Coun- ty, and came to Zurich 30 years 'Igo. She is survived b three sons, Edgar R. and Franklin L., Detroit; William A., ' Zurich, 'and three daughters, Mrs. W. R. Major, To- -onto; Nora, Lansing, Mich.. and Mrs. Clare Hoffman, Galt. Another son. the famous hockey player, Babe Siebert, was droit' ned at Bay- field. The funeral was held Wed- ees'!ay afternoon at the Westlake funeral home, conducted by Rev. H. E. Rop(lell, and interment made in the Lingelbach cemetery. • Death of E. C. Gabel ' Emerson C. Gabel, 68, who died suddenly at his home in Zurich on Sunday, Feb. 17, farmed most of his life in Hay Twp. He retired and rame here to reside 18 months ago. Surviving besides his wife are one son, .Eldon A., London, and two daughters, Mrs. Ted Deichert, To- ronto, and Ethel, Zurich. The fun- eral was held from . the Westlake funeral home ,Wednesday at 1 p.m. with Rev. H. E. Roppel officiating, v th interment in the Evangelical Bronson Line cemetery, CROMARTY A community memorial service or the late King George VI was leld in Cromarty Church on Fri- day afternoon. Mr. Frank , Allen, reeve of the Township of Hibbert, read the Scripture lesson; Rev. R. Duncanson led in prayer and Rev. A. Daynard had charge of the ser- mon, Mrs. Ross SmaIe sang a solo, "Crossing the Bar," The meeting dlosed with singing "God Save the Queen," Mrs. Otto Walker had the mis• fortune to cut her hand, requiring 12 stitches to close the wound. Mr. and 'Mrs. Eldon Allen were n Stratford on Sunday.' Rev. R. Duncanson and Calder McKaig atte.nded the Presbytery meeting in Knox Presbyterian 'Church in Mitchell on Tuesday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick and i 1 ills daughter, Sharon, S r and Bar- bara Bloomfield and Murray Cos - ens, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott. The Young People's Society held their meeting in the basement of 'he church on Sunday evening with, Philip ,Fames presiding. The Scrlp- 'ure lesson was read by Arnold Storey, Robert Laing read a poem and Rev.• A, Daynard -had charge of the topic. A duet was sung by Mrs. Hugh Currie and Mrs. R. D. Sadler. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wacker ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Donald Parker to visit Mrs. S .A. Miller ':nd Mr. John Scott, who are resid- :ng in Stratford. Mrs, Mervin Dow is a patient in Stratford General Hospital, having undergone an operation for appen- dicitis, KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney and fam- ily, of Toronto, visited over the 'veek-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cudmore. Mr. and' Mrs. Jack Dietz and Mr. ENJOY DANCING This SATURDAY NIGHT and Every Saturday Night EXETER LEGION HALL Benny Goodfellow And 'His Lonconaires Admiss on 75c DANCING '0.12 and Mrs. • Tilos. Munroe, have re- turned home from their trip youth. `Mr. and Mrs. Adam Black have left the village and take i up resi- dence in Exeter. ' Mr. and -Mrs. Dickert and Merle visited friends in "Melbourne on Sunday. Sympathy is extended to the Sinclair ,family in their bereave- ment. Mrs. Long returned home after spending a week in Toronto.- Congratulations oronto.Congratulations are extended to Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Consitt in the gift of a son. Mr, Emerson Kyle was in Toron- to over the week -end: There was a good attendance 'at St. Andrew's Church on Friday morning at the memorial services for the late King George VI. Rev. E. A. Hinton spoke words of re- gret at the passing of the best monarch in history. We 'shall al- ways remember !him as the Great King. Services concluded by sing- ing inging the national anthem. We are pleased to report •Don- ald Parson has been able to return to his home after being a patient for a week and a half in London War Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren vis- ited 'Sunday at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Cornish and family of Goderich, visited her father, Mr. Robert Thomson, then drove to visit. their mother, Mrs. Thomson, 'n Stratford, on Sunday. Mrs. Sproat of Hensall has been visiting a few days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. We are happy 'to report that Mrs. Hinton is able to be up and around again. Mr. Fred Slavin, of Tuckersmith Township, has sold • his farm to Mr. Frank Plumb, of Petrolia, and will take possession on April 1. Mr. Slavin is holding an auction sale on March 11. CLINTON A lovely Valentine tea was serv- ed at the conclusion of the regular meeting of the W.M.S. of Ontario St. Church on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at the parsonage. Mrs. N. Carter, Miss E. Wiiitse and^ Mrs.. J. John- ston were conveners for the tea, at which Mrs. McMurray and Miss S. Courtice poured. The president, Mrs. A. J. McMurray, presided for.. the sleeting, during which Mrs. i#.:` Ball took the study book, chapter 1, pn "Our Church's Work With, Non -Anglo Saxons in 'Canada," of which there are 21/2 million, includ- ing 70 nationalities with 52 centres of work. Mrs. Ball chose an Uk- ralnlan settlement at Smoky Lake, Alta., as a sample and explained !`e work in that centre. Mrs. E. Radfordveryablygave the tem - r nerance talk for the month. The president announced the World D'1•v of Prayer on Feb: -29•- and the March meeting at Mrs'.•'IC Holmes'. Rev. G. Eagle closed with prayer. The World Day of Prayer will be held in Ontario St. United Church this year with Miss 'Sybil Courtice as guest speaker. About 150 children of Ontario St. ,Churoh Sunday School enjoyed their annual sleighride and supper Monday evening. The social com- mittee, consisting of Mrs. Shob- brook, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs. Sly,. were responsible for the supper, and Mr. C. Martin showed two films of pictures after the supper. hour. QUICK CANADIAN QUiZ 1. Where is Cabot Strait? 2. What wasQ ueen Elizabeth's birth date? • 3. Wihat agency has exclusive right to bring 13.S. network broad- casts into Canada? 4: Is Ottawa's current surplus of FOR SALE One 1951 Ford %-Ton. Pickup with Heavy Duty Tires; only 7,000 miles, A dandy job. One '47 Chevrolet Coach, in beau- tiful shape. One '51 Nash Sedan, demonstra- tor; new car guarantee. Would exchange on livestock, or can give terms to right party. JONATHAN E. 'HUGILL PHONE 667 r .6 SEAFORTH tax revelsUe Over oxpenditilr'eo 1(111, million, $240' millfon,: 4721 Million? 5. In• 1939 it took 12 minutes for -average Canadian fpetory.:17 er to earn price of a km qt bread. How long does he ork for it today? ANSWll.RS; 5, 8 minutes. 3. The C.B.C. 1. It separates Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. 4. $721 million at Jan. lst. 2. April 26, 1926. -• A Smlile Or Two Pastor: "The need of our church for money is very great. We have made a genuinely honest effort to raise it and have failed. Now our ladies are going to hold a bazaar." • He: "You say I remind you of Don Juan, the, great lover? Why?" She: "Well, for one thing - he's Ueell 000. for eye l�ec .:,A.1'a'yeu"krrfe,� � 1(uetlt� lrii monkey Put of m$m� She: "VilkY.'(3ho>#Ida Z ta49"411.440 credit"' le will he held in the Town Hall, Hensall FRIDAYB. 29th for Mr. and Mrs, Aldan C. Van- stone, (formerly M a r g a r et Brown, EgmondV,lllq.):: , (ROLAND SMITH) Good Music Ladies please provide Lluach EVERYONE WELCOME • AD -117 MyBank' i Canada's First Bank MY HAW" 19 A IIUION CANADIANS BANK OF MONTREAL WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK Of LIFE SINCE 1817 Hensall Branch: WALTER JARRETT, Manager If Your Car, Truck or Tractor Need 1. RADIATOR CLEANING 2. STEAM CLEANING 3. FENDER or BODY REPAIRS 4. WHEELS BALANCED 5. UNDERCOATING 6. ' DISTRIBUTOR CHECK 7. GLASS REPLACED , CALL AT DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales -& Service •- SEAFORTH OLD KIPPEN GANG Reunion D EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL •:HALL Wed. March 5th Clayton Steeper's New and Old -Time Band DANCING '9:30 to 1 A.M. Cliff Watson Officiating General Admission - 75 Cents — Refreshments — EVERYBODY WELCOME ! Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR -USED CARS '52 CHEV. STYLELINE S'EDAN-Brand New '52 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN: Brand new '51 CHEV- DE LUXE STYLELINE COACH - Less then 8,000 miles -4300.00 below list '50 CHEV, DE 'LUXE. COACH '50 'PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN '50 CI-IEV. DE LUXE FLFETLINE SEDAN '49 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH '49 OLDSMOBILE FLEETLbNE SEDAN- '48-CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH - Customs radio '42 CHEV. SEDAN '42 PONTIAC FLEETLINE '41 DODGE SEDAN '40 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '38 FORD COACH '37 FORD COACH$150.00 '36 ,CHEW. COACFl-!F:xecllent Condition fully equipped SPECIAL='50 CHEV. 3/4 -TON STAKE with racks SPECIAL -'39 Dodge, rebuilt motor, $300.00 '44 CHEV. 1 -TON' STAKE, $200.01) A written guarantee for 60 days on all late' model care. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM COACH PHONE 13-X ,tette, eibiete. 8f. ELS ONTa e'tfeit.•''-ieed °Oare'i EVERY 'OPEN EVEfJINl , ! 5 el