HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-08, Page 74 t it Ji ft, CHAPTER 'VI AIth h $rally ,:,pllirtl;ofj, air. line stew ardesa, kniowe;. that Jimmy Kenllsedy iiee'llIreat'fiirt, she f itds, preeI succumb to • his chari+tseSaly,s mcoor. t eoth ee er for thene,off' J ,vupr Oita: ; urges $ally` 'WOW 4.her cap", for Phi ip J'etht'tlp ' i hlte dining With. Phtilip, Cath- arine Wingate,., helreso,, a stops beol4ie their, table and; informs Saily that she is engaged to Philip. •Salty departs iaVonce. Helen Stafford •asks:; Ji'rgn"iy -.,.< 11(ennedy'to 9o.,to a party. He sur iii .greatly prised to' see Dris'ponaa arty; Mooire, aF,age stars at thi?n prbvious e,�aa sion Jtniniy.had ktsisecl i?ron.da, had gotten slapped,, and suffer- ed' the au penslen of hi ° job because of his act, eraeasi are many, hings in her favor; and in SallYte a'roF A,'sPlen- piid girl young Sally: If you were not a .Iethine' I would promptly gide your marriage to her my`bless- ing. But you are eejethrup. "' "Grandfather, you're out of date. The world is changing And for the. 'better; it you ask me. ;There IS no' Tenger °su'eh" a thing- as high society, or best people. Hasn't the SPECIAL LADIES' AND:MEN'S SUITS CLEANED' AND PRESSED FOR. 88z CENTS FROM FEBRURAY 7th FEBRUARY 14th ONLY Our Agents in this territory are as follows: ANDY CALDER -- Seaforth Phone 230' for Pickup LOCKER SERVICE STORE — Londesboro COSTELLO'S BARBER SHOP — Dublin IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR - Clinton NEEDLECRAFT STORE -- Blyth MONTGOMERY'S STORE Winthrop PICKUP AND DELIVERY DAYS EVERY MONDAY & THURSDAY 'Mone Up At Tones" ATTENTION Rural Hydro Users If you are considering the use of electricity for space -heating, please contact your local Hydro Office before taking any action. It is in your interest to discuss this matter with your Hydro Area Manager,' particularly the rate applicable to this type of service and the special conditions that apply,to wiring your premises for the use of space heaters. THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO altar taq.gitt' 'Yon 440, 13 , 4. tliera' be eledtes' in 4.09P'' natio ,^ he e1tiyo. eue riiih ox . / irking ill's 1#fe ansa Ms' .treat er for' the •tt, a• •olio way then •the o fi� '; P Nov6 RAS an' the Exna side, but it will not remain t e.• Why?• Because certain Pe, are shrewder.: more:. talented an , others. And then what w • . ! � happen,, if you married Sally? on Infer in •our eociet Fliili . ' our ,friends ere.. all in your rldly ,posseehione are; all in it. know p'erfectly we)1', that Sally euid not be happy living'in, a world she did not belong in. Can you do that to her? Do you find' it withinryodreclf to ,give her a life- time of. unbappinoss?• Eali!" No answer to that •question thee, no answer to it now:, and con9e- quently no peace. He scowled; as he stood up. Of course he didn't ever •want to make Sally unhappy. He Loved 'her too deeply for that, had loved her too deeply from child- hood days ever to want to do• any- thing to take the joy light from her eyes. Beautiful eyes, deep purple eyes that made him thrill , with pleasure every time he saw. them that made his heart beat faster, that made his senses swim. An idea occurred to him, and he turned and made his way toward the park exit, just as one of the little girls playing„with the rag bah came down hard on her panties again. . * * * "Sally!” Mike caught her arm as she, ,swung past him without see- ing him.' "Sally, you cant leave the field angry. 'Please, let's talk a minute." '" "I'm not angry, Mike. Just sorry. I had to hurt you and I didn't want to. Mike, why couldn't y u have been content with what had." "I can't control my heart, Sally; no man can." "But at least you could control your tongue, and use your eyes." "I'm sorry, Sally. BARI wanted to tell you that I love you, I wanted to tell you that very •much." "But I don't love you, Mike.• 1 couldn't." She took a deep breath. "You see . . . there's someone else." "Sally"" • But his face was no whiter than her own! Common' ;good'?" "Tfie 1petiditluni Your Business Director LEGAL A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phones: Office 173, Residence 781 SEAFORTH ONTARIO 'McCONNELL & HAYS Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PATRICK D. McCONNELL H. GLENN HAYS, K.C. County Crown Attorney - SEAPORTH, ONT. Telephone 174 OPTOMETRIST JOHN E. LONGSTAFF Optometrist Eyes examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 7G1� MAIN ST. : • SEAFORTH Hours: 9 - Wed. 9=19.30; Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, CHIROPRACTIC D. H. MCINNES , Chiropractic - Foot Qorrectlon COMMERCIAL HOTEL iit[ondaY, Thursday — 1 to 8 p.m. AUCTIONEERS MEDICAL DR. M. W. STAPLETON Physician and Surgeon Phone 90 Seaforth urn 41st• da 46 JOHN C. GODDARD, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 110 Hensail JOHN A. GOGr1WILL, B.A., M.D. Physician"'and Surgeon Phones: Office 5-W; Res. 5-J Seaforth EDWARD' W.• ELLIOTT Licensed AuctIoiteerr OorresPondente j romptlj"ansvier- i nmedlate ar pngements^ Can +bs **de ler gale dates •' by phoning 466-J, Ciliritin. Charges moderato nn6 taiifi'e�fMtlpn guaranteed JOSEPH L {R`Y•�AN dist 14 i' * * * Jimmy looked at Helen Stafford and smiled. Again he had gone to see her at the apartment, which was rather odd, considering that he had once told her he never want- ed to see her again. That had been four years ago, when Helen, ca_tch- ing him dancing withanother girl when he was supposed to have tak- en her to a party, had thrown her glass of wine roll in his face. He had said he did not like hot-tem- pered women, and their little ro- mance, the romance which Helen had hoped would lead to marriage, had come to a decided end. But there was a quality of good- ness to Helen which Jimmy liked, and could not resist. All he knew was that the goodness appealed to him, 'and drew him to her, even when she was angry with him. He dropped to the sofa beside her and snaked his arm around her shoul- ders. "Good, cherub, you can't stay an- gry with me." "Jimmy ..'." she breathed in an excess of emotion. • He, caught the little sigh; were his tars always so sensitively at tuned? "Awfully soft, cherub." "Am 1, Jimmy?" She closed her eyes as an old emotion flared up inside her. Hi lips coming down were met by her halfway. "Silly," he muttered "very silly." Then he caught her tight' against him and rained littl kisses on her cheeks, her fore- head, the soft hollow of her throat sang, coming in quietly throng the door, 'looked and gasped, the moaned: "Jimmy! Helen!" "Sally!" Helen sprang to he feet and darted after the girl. Sh caught her near the door and grip ped her arm with trembling fingers "Sally, listen to me!" "My own friends. What a laugh! "Sally, you must listen to m You must!" "Listen to you!" The- girl's bo om heaved with the depth of be fury, . "No, you listen to me, Hele Stafford. AO you, too, Jimmy I'm finished with you both. Ye and that -goes for Mike, too. You' all contemptible. You hear, I' through!" A sob broke from her throat' she turned and stumbled into th bedroom and over to the close Helen, about to dash after her, w brought tom, halt by a ring of th doorbell. Philip Jethrup. A. Philip Set rup who was still looking peace. A half-hour later, while Hele Jimmy, mute and white -face looked on, he carried 'Sally's su eases out of the 'apartment. girl, stony -faced, gave them one di gusted glance, then passed quic through the door. SEAFORTH CLINIC E. A. McMASTER, B.A., M.D. Internist P. L. BRADY, M.D. Surgeon Office Hours: 1 p.m, to 5 p.m., daily, except Wednesday and Sun- day. EVENINGS; Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only, 7-9 p.m. Appointments made In advance are desirable., Auk: alis' m? 01*t•si >tind-�lflili>�i hard •efTeCts sit leictiohr ggaranteea,, Licensed �° Ru and..1 ex 'COUntiosr { 8 For particula and .open d. � , >riite ldi liba�rf,.Jii l T+ • I#�! AN►. Phone 40• r1 5, Illalrtln.!, 4217752 HAROLD JACK at 1 pecislist in Farm. and Bouse- lud blit - I d' In Pluton and Peitht i901ntii+A. Prices reasonable; sat 6staotion guaranteed. ihor Information, rte., write br. *bona 1OLD J:ACCSSON, 661 r 94, Seaferth,", R.R. 4, Seaforth. ACCOUNTING RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON ONTARIO Office: Phones: Royal Bank .. Office 661, Res. 465 VETERINARY For the first time since the commencement of the N.A.T.O. air training scheme whereby aircrew students of other countries are trained by the R.C.AF., trainees from Denmark have joined those of Belgium, France, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands at R.C.A.F. training schools. Here, at R.C.A.F. Station, London, Ont., two Danish students receive an introduction in arming an R.C. A.F. Mustang from Corporal R. T. •Moyes, left, of Vancouver. The students are Flight Cadet T. 0. Smidt, of. Copenhagen, centre, and F/C. W. Werther, of Lundtoft, right. you would have any objections.' "You mean you did not believe I would offer them, eh? You are a pathetic creature, Mrs. Alliston. You don't• own half the cleverness you credit yourself with. I know why the •girl is here, as does Cath- erine." "I'm sorry, sir, I'don't know what you mean." "Now you add lies to make tile matter worse. Do you know one good reason why T should not dis- charge you, Mrs. Alliston?" "If you are displeased with ;me you would be very foolish. not ,to,. Grandfather Jethrup. .I have done my best for you for twenty years, but don't consider_ that. No, judge. me -from day'to day." Tut, the words do. not deceive me. Well, on your way. A schem- ing, traitorous servant has never been tolerated in this house, and one never will be." - "I have done no scheming," she denied loudly "All I have done is offer my daughter a refuge when things became too difficult for her to bear!" "You will make it quite clear to your daughter that 'Philip is en- gaged to marry Miss' Wingate, and that I intend to see -.that. he .keeps that pledge?" "But he doesn't love her," she said frantically. 'You can't expect him to marry a woman he doesn't 11 love. That would be indecent!" "You will tell your daughter that, or clear out." "But " He cut her short with a curt ges- ture of his hand. "Yes or no, Mrs. Alliston?" The color gleamed in her high head. "I am a good servant, Mr. Jethrup. I shall tell her." • Her step was the step of 'an old, defeated woman as she returned to the hall. The thought that Sally and Philip were out on a picnic to- gether .wasn't' -enough to restore the confidence of a moment. before, either. . .It was true that 'Sally and Philip had started out for a good, old- fashioned picnic. But as they roll- ed down the ,highway, the drone of an airpiane.motor reminded her of something she had .planned to do, and she asked Philip to take her to New York instead. She walked slowly into the of- fice of Mr. Perkin, appearing just as Mike was wheeling around to leave. He stopped dead still and looked at her with his pleading blue eyes. "Sally—" "Hello, Mike. May' I introduce Mike White, ,Philip?" Philip bowed and extended a hand. "I've heard about you, Mike. You seem to be one of Sally's fav- orite people." "Am I?" Mike asked it directly and received a Little self-conscious nod .for 'au answer, which brought the old gayety -to his face. "Swell!" "I'm leaving the company, Mike," she vouchsafed after an embarrass- ing pause. "Fenny, don't you .think? Once I thought being a stewardess, was the grandest career in the world." "Hey, are you or some- thing?" "But 'after all," she continued, lightly, ,,"there are more important things. Such as marriage, Mike." "Jimmy!" His face worked. "Hel- en told 'me about the scene at the apartment. But you shouldn't have walked out on her, Sally"" "What wonderful friends I have!" she said sarcasticafy. Miss Hanscomb interrupted at this point. "Do you wish to see Mr. Perkin or don't you, Mies Alliston?" Philip caught her arm as she started for the inner office. "Sally,• you should at least think. .a.ini"npte. You spent a Pot of time learning your business." "There are other professions, Philip." 'Besides," shouted. Mike, "Jimmy has quit. You won't have to worry about him any more." (Continued Nett 'Cheek) TURNBULL & BRYANS Veterinary Clinic '1. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M. W. R. Bryan, D.V.M. ' Phone.105 Seaforth D: J. McKELVIB, D.V.M. Vetei lnary Surgeon BENSALL, ONT.. — . PHONE 99 ,PEROV''C.'WRIGHT ' Liceriued Auotloneer , CromartY ,Uvestock and Pare flake a Specialty 'i be Stetter auction sale, call th. ! 1 toir Auction eT. halal ' HOD? U. 6 a s y e • 11 THE McKILLOP _MUTUAL ?ME INSURANCE COT,. 'HEAD OFFICE- SkAFOR'PH, Ont. r e e. s- r n ! s, re OFFICERS : pr4lsildent '- E J. Trewartha, Clinton Vice -Pros. - J. L. Malone, Seaforth Manager and Sec.-Treas. - WC A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS:. E. 3. Trewartha, Clinton;J., L Malone, Seaforth; S, W. Whit More, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt Bornholm; Robert Archibald, Sea- WO; eaEdith; John H. McEwing, Blyth, *min McGregor, Clinton; Wm. S #Aleitallltder, Walton; 'Harvey Hiller dollerlc'h. AGENTS: E. Popper, Brueefleld•; R. V, M,Ke la1ier, Dublin; Wm. Leiper, Jr.,. Londesboro; 3, P. Prue tenaiteigeiij ,,SelWyit; Baker, 6 e t. as e for The Question Box Mrs. K. C. asks: How to prevent apple pie filling from turning a. brown. color? Answer: Sprinkle peeled apples with lemon juice or hall cup of water to which one teaspoon vine- gar has been added. Use nutmeg or lemon in place of cinnamon or • lspice which tend to darken ap- ples. Mrs, M. R. asks: Aro all cur- rants, cleaned and should we wash poppy seed? Answers• Some currants are es- pecially prepared and labelled as "cleaned." These, may be served among table raisins and nuts. Pack- ages that are not labelled as "clean- ed" are all inspected •andrbady for food mixtures which will be baked. Poppy seed is an air -cleaned pro- duct and requires no washing. Mrs. J. W. asks: How can we prevent peanut butter from drying out? Should it be refrigerated?' Answer: Stir in a little peanut en d, it- 71iie s- ly * * * Mary Alliston's philosophy was not in the least bit 'complex. She believed that things had a way of working out well for a person if only that persoii.•were sensible en- ough to be patient. - "Ah, here you are madam," growl- ed Grandfather Jethrup, "Pleate sit down." "Grandfather Jethrup," shue mur- mured, "I have so many things to do. I hope this won't 'take long•" "Bah! Don't try your tricks on me, woman. I can detect Mee meekness, false flattery, false eV- erything even, with one eye, and that a peer one.. Now then, what is this nonsense about young Saila? Why Is she Here?'`. , `,the , wished : to 'bo With; ref', 2 raldd>ather Jethrup.' 1 didn't tliinl# crazy ATTENTION! HYDRO CONSUMERS Under orders from . the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario, your Com - .mission must now employ the most stringent - method of collection — By this we mean DISCONNECTION of service for overdue accounts. Your account is due WHEN RENDER- ED; prior to the twenty-third of the month you receive a TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT. After the twenty-third you will receive dis- connect notices which are- effective `five days hence. Your co-operation in paying your ac- count before the twenty-third will save YOU - money and the inconvenience of DISCON- NECTION. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION "Papa, whittt is a kAltbrow?" "A low brow, my son, is a person who likes the funny Opera, snappy stories, girl. Shows and the like', and doesn't. mind saying en.," '"And what isa highbrow, paps.?", "A high -brow, ittagotlt ie" Su' 10 dy brow wio won't admit it." 144 GRIMIEST SHOW ON EARTH The greatest show on earth just now is the industrial production of the Western nations. Canada has a big role in the show. And Canada's primary, textile Indus- try, with the largest manufacturing employment, the largest payroll, and with f at t o r i e s well diversified throughout the smaller communities, Cr' is a star player in the Canadian show. Dominion Textile has an important part in all this. U'onrinion Textile Company Limited MUNUPACTUlllili OF IANADI ' Your enquiries are soli+ WRITE ` OR'' PION ivt9.9XiNLEY'a.. RECAR"DI CHICKS FOR -.1952 UCKERELS, PULLETS and 697 r 11, Hensalt R R.. NOTIC Hca uric, RE TELEPHONE TOLL CHARGES NOTICE is hereby given that application has been made to the Ontario Municipal Board: for authority to put into effect as from February 15, 1952, the following toll charges, which are in conformity with standard rates already in effect for similar distances elsewhere: Station- Station - To -Station 0, To -Station BETWEEN: 5 Minutes Overtime Person - To -Person 3 Minutes Person- To -Person Overtime Dublin and Seaforth 10c 5c for each 20+5 5c for each addle 3 mins. addit. minute Dublin and Mitchell 10c ". 20+5 Should -you wish to present -any substantial argument in favor of or opposed to this applica- tion, you may do so by addressing a letter to Miss,'" M. B. Sanderson, Secretary, The Ontario Muni.. cipal Board, Parliament Buildings,Toronto. To receive attention, your letter should be mailed not. later than the 9th day of February, 1952, and the, Exchange and Number of your telephone should' be clearly stated therein. If you desire further information in referlr- ence to the need for increasing the telephone rates,you may apply to the undersigned, either personally, by telephone, or by letter. McKILLOP, LOGAN AND HIBBERT TELEPHONE CO. LTD. MATT MURRAY President JAS. E. McQUAID Sec.-Treas. NOTICE Telephone Toll Charges Notice is hereby given that application has been made to the Ontario Municipal Board for authority to put into effect as from February 21, 1952, the following toll charges which are in con- formity `with standard rates already in effect for similar distances elsewhere: FROM Station • To -Station Person Overtime To -Person Overtime Dashwood & Zurioh TO - Exeter, Hensel! and Crediton 5 mins. 10c 3 mins. 5c 3 mins. 20c 1 min. 5c Grand Bend TO Exeter & Crediton 3 mins. 15c 1 min. 5c 3 mins. 30c 1 min. 50 Grand Bend TO IHensall 3 mins. 20c 1 min. 5c 3 mins. 35c 1 min. 50 A surcharge applies on all calls over 15c, e.g., calls over 15c and under $1.50, the surcharge is 5 cents. Should you wish to present any substantial argument in favour of or opposed • to this. applX cation, you may do so by addressing a letter to ..Miss M. B. Sanderson, Secretary, The Ontario Municipal. Board, Parliament Buildings, ,To4anto, Ont. To receive attention, your letter should be mailed not later than the eleventh day.of I+'ebrlf' ary, 1952, and the exchange and number of your telephone should be clearly stated. therein. If you desire further information, in ,Otey- ence to the need for increasing the ,telephone. rates, you may apply to the undersigned 'either personally, by telephone, or by letter. THE r f rrrr. c HAY MtJNICIPAL TRLRPH S S. Earl Campbell r, aG tai i?• iY lit '.i