HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-08, Page 4,�,�)I, �`, �,,,,.,6 4'.� 1,11�1:j��,T�;�,�)t,',�: . .... . ,�� � ,""J,�, � ... ... �'- " ­',� 17; , ,,;-,,il,�,i;�,;, -R�,�,� T �� I!, T7 I �.�.�"11�1� "Z�,�" I, � 'I, '4 , � , � �, , ,� . " , i � .1". -I.11 --i . � ", � .11 11,?ql"".�1111N�` 5?'�i7'1'�P;T � ;,'P"`��;�,�;r W, � " -,j l���,,i,�,��,�i,�,�!"�,,,;��,,��,���(:�!�,4,; ,�,K,;;1111�wl�#"��j `q,�',":,�I;"',,-,�;� : , , 11, � � "� -,��& , I ,-,t�l , 'R I , ,,�i I � I ; , oj,�],� �'��?�,",.,,'���,,,��"""�,,��i �,�,`, , � ." 11 �, , I I.i �:� . . . 1. klt,�! "',: , , -Ili, q� . , ; � i�f4.,,111�r,'��!,�� , "t I I.., : i "I '�* , , F IT ... t , `,, , �­,, 0"I", �� 'J­,� " �p, � I -, �', � �, t , , , "�:­ ­:�: �,, . , �� I � 11 .1; 1. 'i� ,­�l : ,'O�, : �". 0, � � I 11-- "I �1 — , ,�.:"�:� 11 ..''.. .. �, . I ! ��,I!�,`,!�I� � v; ` i '.1 : 1 I I � �, I ,� 11 ',',:� q � �,Ir , i, , I 11 ," �, jtk�,:', . .-�, I'll , 'S I - ,; 1. �',','�,��,`­ . '� ",.� , , 1. ­ 1, , . 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I...., I'll ­­­­ �, �,§��`,V.�-,��'j "��,q ..-4-111.'r, , 11.11�:­' � I I . ­­ 11� ­�­­:,; 1-11-1i.1- ��'ll�ill�l-",-"!.,���I.",�,,�,�F..,. I . .. -L ; , �,�. , - �, ,a� , , i� i,,�, i � ,6� L.X?;,� "`�� �,t" �"' �� �',) . .. . .. p� ,7;' L: 'Ll,,, .11111� 'i I oft wi � .-i— f, ' - I I , . . ­ L , - 1. � ­ .� � ­ ' L ­, ­ ' " �, - - . . . . . . . , I .� " "' L ' .t,�O� � illll;�M` "", 11 11�1 ; ,; ��-A��� ' - ­ . . ". ­ . ­'. ' �— ' ­ ,� F 1� � �;PLI " I j!qP1 ,;11 , ., . I . 1� e . �".L.�,�4"� I'll, I ; I L ' , It I I . . , q .," ­ 'I � . I I � �� ; 4 . . 00" ,:�­;, "'!!1 . . . . """' 'l" I "I 1, � � , , � '41 .: - `�' R'�Fq 7 ) lr�yvan �, Z ;;I -r64�`111 I. , 4 � I .0# , ,I , L l�, jj�','J, 0 k, I � " L "!W " L' I I ' ' I I . L L ..... I'll, ..... I I � . I'll '­­ -111.1. I I � 11"�'�"",�j"� LL —­ I LL 77"� 4 � , 44(t L " , . "', . V �.11� � � . . ��141,.,: , �,% ". L. .A. 4 ,ftlax h..'. "' ..j, $. "� 4, I L L _ ,, , .�� ";r!T I . � "'�,,,, " I �il ", �, F ,,�� .. ! ,�L � �,,a 4 k1ft 'Ne - i � � � ­­`�­ ".1'. � ,a, 4 .W Ailt 14W "'�p �� . �'t' '�%,��' !;"', � ". ,, ... I 1: ,4 - , . , I, 11 -111� � , , -, of� 1401P00, dow Nf.A�IOIIP ,. 4;Fjkj ,,,.VL�.o 9 -T 4 F"� A 01 A,,�,�',�, , , 1, , ­ L " ,"', I 11, ,,, 4 1 b; i - - ,�. i ­ " ­�", � � � . 0 4 RP ': 11 rl '�i,�,'�';,:,!�,,,�,!,� - LAP, .#ge- VAA, r#1­#PLVXoP ", ­il 11 i f L �0 4� : 1 -4 1 " ,"# 110N . .,,04 V,�tA`=­ ��­*, , L'_, _y , 11 , , WS :T!1`­-�­..­11­ :­,­;. 1-1 .� . L�: " , ', , ,F �� i� �'r L I I , e�`�',`,",�'�',',,, 4 L",' _6naS of H - I . ,T. I r- durlA L''X-j .I �- ': , L' ,,T;W�q E t!L D %T, - i I MA 'Awe'00 11 l-Wti Im , , L , 4 ..�-11.11,11�",�.�.,�"",..'�i'""',,�,- ,, � � � , _ '' - I d , 1;1� � ,�t I , I � . ., all' 4, h 4 I .0 ,,` . I I f] d, � w" W,w--I�x , '', q - . �� S 0" I IF,e l; *ty,&,.,- J, 'P. A;i '4 , , ", mpp.%1A, . :i .. I I . , � , 't 1, ,�I,x ... � , 0 . 1- ,J , ,�L""L").'�q,:'j ,, . ,, & - . � , ,* - 3 '' ., - % -­� .1 L I , ,.. I i, " .1 ­ 1. , _�rK 1 -0 11.4$ 1 -, "O .� 0. AR, " , .., IN , -A ... ),­",,'­­", I ft"--ft--"------­-��" I � . Ippe.nette . , L ­ ,, M Wa$'",q qjOY, AIP04 , I . PC -49M " 4, X, I 1.11 ,ii "I'L, ­� I!, �;, � , AQ, ,, 1. - ,�� ""L��'�' 0 11 �� � ��� , , L ' ' j� " V , � A � ii .... ;, or. " ii, 1�6� �4�, WL,#� Ur "atid- 7 . I P'l , "',4'.�;"lL ` 11 .. - 1, . 1� i �,­ �, Ift ; " � IT, 4 _ j� L "'""""", ,-'-j,- page 1) ­ Ka I , ' pen , d a native of owen S 4'"' 1 - , ': � , ,up , ,��4,41� 'NXA�l Itome of Mrs; J.,`l XpT.,relAn. ,L4.. r6j9denco- It . . I .111, ... "J'!,.;�L!,�,,T- '�"'��""��,����,"! . "D, 4T L , Mr, Long was for"m 004 - , I 11 W I , , a of the, n6* succew . ... r I'll ... I � ­j�j,�­41 rue . . ,., � ,";­ 1� jy­.,�­�,, � I , .ww1ttZ , � F ALE, WANTED, L"T AND FOU 'C'Per Wor( . Ing co lected $3,000.00 in prepay. - �� %'j'U, 1. .�.L .... ... . .. .,,I I IN, . 11b, P", � , I w 114#4ar,eftg, b'I'rg's � , !., ippen - iden't 9't tlle�', El Qfa4th- ' � ' ' ' .. M Ads - New_ . "Cash R I . � -9 , " 1, .�� I I � 11 Inserted ates-.. .. M ? atinued from Ttiere!s ,% lx�ooly­ j.4mg, 'aQW11", LL , '1.�� 1'�,, I 7%, � ., ' - L, � , Formexr . -R.es a , . I . � �,�,�.,:"!�,�,,�".,�"L�����'�,'�'�,,��$,�",,i',,�!',,,�, - "", "'' First Week . ....................... I I Cent ments to date and the tax arrears . I I Were rea Oted',- , The roll and- building dep r-tmenitj .po*te& , , ,g�,g4-,�;,,- . , d. aiiii- ., — - , , . I -L I .. � �,,�m. I 1, ,.L ;1 I �.'O 11:�e��'�:'�!,,j 'Week ...................... P� '4 PA Cent as being $752.85 Still outstanding, call was ap,wered' Lb](� I . 1�, i., l, �t� P"A , ,�, "j,;41. 2nd I w . . 11 . ��lli�.�,:,��,',-�,'��'g""��,i��,',.L,,.;,,��,,,, -, ard Week ........... . It'44.Laiiii; cue . . ­ N"', , ­ . amt IL O!, 1111, j'k,`I,'��,�,,� ,',���i�;(,�l,�l�,"��,,"I'..L,���,,�, � minimum ch.=., "*ik;�­,"", A also Of the convention to be- held %allalllei$ tha I A .1 �, ".. 4 cruou .. Ocato Honored in Yorkton t were' ,� nighed. Ili � , . "'."I � ,g,',',j-'g 4q�,�,,Ik,,"""-"�,,""��i",'ArL ' in Toronto. Ho.yLan(l Jones. . I I ­ . , , 11RI�A1,11N,*�"I"O, , �41j!;'L��, Each figure, initial and abb . . That . ­ . �amplv Was done to, q4� how to ', - !,A �01; reviatIou counts an ong Wer* . . .. 9mr ;.�� '11, * t -- . I I . '11, # �L 41, i�'p't,,Thanka, In Memoriam N ,en- 'The Yorkt6n (Sazk.) Enterp run A -,Vora- 14.�­a Qe46pr0aq,, then ;-q ' L 1. , as * many as can. attend the conv. . .. - - �. - - , . 1 """at" oftt per wor& Klintmum' tioxi 'in Toronto, Fle,b. 1.8 and. 19 rise I I .�,g­ . otises' ev'"Ing L - 1. : � � . . Correspondence was react as rol d omas this the man we all know. worked oa,a, dresior g;Oarf; " m -tor , 0 . ,.- I . way be directed to a Box wo., clo The nurou Ea"Itor, for 16 offate extra. . de Icated a recent issue -to Th Issue to, - wer.6 given, - � y . i � I . I - H. earry, who all January 28 cele, so affectionately as 11 the home assignments . -1 I I M A1104 �l I .1 � Z a ditional will be charged If.pda in above clain to'm" Garry, Mrs, J. Metellantreav . 'i j . I I a of final insertion. aw'"ilot paid within 10 dwn lOws: Department Of Planing and brated ..�ijs 90th birthday. Mr. Tom,GArry was born on Jan. g8, I I tq�'Iaw to gin- 0..- I , . , * I I r.i.".. ­ ,; ger ale and dielicloua gookies. , �..,...i� M, 1� .11 � -1 Devii1opment, T. Pryd% M-L.A.- 'Garry Was born in 6kqrsmitb,, 1862, in 'the Township of Tucker, -­ I . I 'u 11 4 Marriages and Deaths hisertea,free of chwale. I Tu IAVIC I I . Tasty -Nu Bakery, Canada 'Bread�, near MAppen, and moved wewt in Smith', ,near Kipp Mr- and Mrs, Elstd­n70o4VsOu view � �;,' o on Saleso Nritices to Creditors, Etc,-aste, on appIlimtimu . I Dept. on Mu en, Out. - A,t -the. ited: On TbursdaY at the home of .. .. 1�',I. �, I -----* . nielp.al Agairs, Tra(Ee 1883. 1 age of 10 he went to - K Lo a iu* 041POiter, 0 � . ­ .tin-ued on with t1lis - �. L' , Events � I . I .Wunthr _,, 1 -14,1-114 � -.1. �,­,jo)"'?""�,��"L'. Coming' I & Indust" Branch Dept. of Plan. In -a front ppLge editorial, The 'farmer and con wor r , Mr . 1�jon Kerr, of .. � , . 1.1, C M" �i;i�,,,�,-,',2'��,i�!,t;"�i'�", Wanted Ing & D'dVeICIPment, 'Monteith & Enterprise says; � . family for seven years, I OP, " , ��v-,'%u"''N' "" ''.. , a "11" �4,! �', "'; �,r� - Monteith, WorkmeWs Compensa- With unusual Pleasure today we It was In 1883 \that Tom Garry ' Xrq�' ,04tharbite . JariA,`ott, ac�om- I 11, — . - I I ri�',�l,w.,',�!l�,ii,,�i�';'�'.4- . it ENJOYABLE ,DANCING IN THE WANT= -ONE, ROOMER. 57PLY tiOn Board, Department, of Irigh. I I'd by liter son, D.r. Gilbert 40. � . . 'kA�;q 'r F. ­­ -ace Ballroom, Mitchell, ev- devote our entire column to our responded to the call of the West .)anle, I .. . ­­ ery Friday night with Don Robertson and or Toronto, . , , RV.� � I " lk - ,TI",' I to Box Ill. HURON EXPOSITOR. ways, DepLk.,,Of Health, Provincial Jarrott, , left 'Sunday � i, rust �%Jlik , "'L, ��q , Lr 1 gilt-edged pioneer citizen, Thomas- and Set out for "Manitoba. On. April. X 11 4388x Treasurer, re rail to layi,- with her ' /­ �x- 1� , bils Ranch Boys, Jerry Rennie and his [I I'lie landed at Highblut speni'd"! 4 cw� '4 -Xd ; 11 . 'Ili -Rhythm. Jesters, 4387x2 WANTED - To Engineer, C.XR., ff- "The day dau - ., "', .. . I ;, 442�`,. ...-.%,� :. I , or way tax, GOuuty H Garry, who on'Monday next wi i'..'Pl. �41` 1, �1. Rr.NT OR BUY A Milk Control gliler, L 'M'Se "I�IW j,# .; , � , .. L attain the grand old age of go didn't seem to make any differ- . "Trott' " . , . .---. . .1 I - '%�;:��, i��­ :: �.: ii. �f,:,­ good Pasture farm, well fenced and Board, Lavis Contracting Co., ino. "Mr. und Mrs. Jack 1,�etz- and My. ,", 4 " 11'1'1�:-.,,'ill:�r. ; I a , .1 I , "' * , � , I., ­ .1.��; . I .' �:,iiti:.-,i �.�. ", ­ ..-,��,,�!.;-:,,��, ::. . year o one and Mrs.'ToW Mlpnrq !�it!.. , - . - . . adequate supply of water. Write Portion- A Bell,same considered and filed. s. We call say Ili all sincerity ence," Mr. Garry told me. "N i �.. ­,'I,�:,.,��i. ; � I , � I - !-�. , nt 11, Luker and Roy: That pernil sio, that we have known Mr. Garry in- -4s,given much to trying to fool I have gone . . , , An6ur lurs, including pri4e and amount of l9r 6 11 f 1K . ! , . . .11 For Re taxes, to Box 108, HURON EXPOSITOR. S U by motor on a trip to �',#x ­` - � I I �W ,,,,, I be granted John A, Bell to Oper- timately for nearly a quarter cen. anyoEe about then." Mr. Garry's hope to be-avay,,,4 few ,Izona, and ,,, "'I., ..... , . I , " ; � . i --- -;;;;; � , I �,l - . ­ � I I : father and older brother, Dan, thad , *eeks. .. 0.1-4 'N I L , � . L' . "I ". ROOM APAJITMENTS, -- tury and, have found him not'only . "'. .. � - , , " �' - 4 . 11 XM, �. , US&I Shut- . I ­1�', ., . i ,�. . St. and the London Road. I , ­ . .. � I . I �-, of The Enterprise, -been here, be set Out 'for Yorkton,. They pro- � � I V BAN. I I Personals at -the southwest corner of Queen friend. Had Mr. Wynn, the editor June decided to leave Manitobaand in. - . I '. , !, ate a service station and garage a Superlative character but a warm come out -together and .early In W rkman. on t . sI4 �bix#.g a - I I FOR RMT -2-3 We are pleaae I � Apply to ORVILLE ORE. Seararth. 4D -&Ato Pe6� MTs. T. .. ' - � � I Mr. and Mrs. Rdotus Faber en- I I . r� SKINNY MEN, W03LW I GAIN s To Bills and a:ccounts approved for doubtless would have written a ceeded las far as WhItewood by . W If #/11/0# MONA#$ - .,----.. 15 lbsi. tertained a numbei�q ' ',.,�, �. . Notices , I New Pop. too- Try famous payment included: Iffensall P -U- more ' worthy tribut rail and walked the remainder of .'_ t, friends and g.;" ! ­�� I Ostrvx Tonic Tablets bor double results; C hydro, Hall, �$19.63; Bell' Tele- Wyn e: l For Mf. . neighbors to a gaj'.'e-�,4 'euchre on ,,;�. - . new healthy flesh-: new vwor. Now "got -, ' " ' ' BANK 01F MONTRE-41L - L , .. R", RADIO REPMRS-r-OR ALLL KINDS acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All dW. phone, service, $10,55; J, A.. k could also truthfully say the' the. way, 80 miles, to Yorkton, _p - 0 . ". Friday evening. L atbi' 2� 'delicious : I . T ' Pater- had not oilly'known Mr.'Garry �for: Mr. Garry recalls th . I . . I I I 1�i . I , . ,� I of radioa. at TERRY -S R"10 RV_ gists. son, express," Fire Dept., 80e; 4 25 years, but for all but half' a tdie afternoon of the at. It w a's lunch was served by: the hostess, . . 11 ��. . opposite Dick House� Seaforth. . 11, "'. PM. . Eiler, coal, Hall, $81.05; Brown'9 I fou"b day 'A pleasant evening w4 '�, P 847-R. 4%fi-tf HYGIENIC SUPR=S (RUBBER century. We know bow highly Mr. when they reached th � s enjoyedby WOR 4'i�j * ardware, .. �r destina- a,,. , I KING W17wil CANADIANS 'I I N EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1817 .1 � I . i �'L Goods), 011fied Postpaid in plain, sealed supplies,' Hall, $41.05; Wynn regards, 'Mr. Garry and .we tiOn. They were greetee'd b,y Joel - Mrs. ­ ' on- . . .1 I I I . .. 1. � L BUSINES93MN-TYPING envelope with price list. 6 samples 26e; C. Ki,pfer, postage, 15;,.F. R. Davis, york- Reaman, whom Mr. Garry still day visitor of 'Mr. and Mrs. nsall Branch:'W,kLTM JARMTT, Maaaau ' , r- �� , � AT"E`�TION, Love, of Varna, was a S I .... � � �.. L efficient se ice by -RUBBER 1 $161.52; Public School Bd., t,,,s ,, grand Old Man" would have holds as one of the briest men he old Jones. , �11 H -Ar- - - - .1 l . done at. home. Speedy. accurate and 24 samples SI -00. Mail-order Dept. T-73, salary know his ability to praise He �.", . I , ry experienced atenegra. NOVA CO., Box 91, Hamilton, I ��Ijl , Pher. All business transactions strictly Ont. current expenses, $1,000.00; J- been m'ch better than ours How- ever met. He assured- the Garrys I �, , u r � . . . Mr.- and Mrs, Garnet V9ters , 1. Y -x 100, HURON I Clark,,, installing water service, ever in Mr, Wynn's absence we that they 'would get homesteads I , � , ,X! ��'.'. iaFum;R. , I*" . 439" — Hall, $7.50; Helasall PAJ.C., Water- are, I proud of 'the Opportunity ta and he quickly fulfilled that pledge. . near Zurich, visited `�gciintly ' (a)tf I � i'll . NOTICF-WiLL TBE PARTY PLEASE' Livestock Wanted mr.orks, -installing water Service, dedicate not alone this cOlumn but :r,heY then lost little time in erect- the home of Mr. and, MTs. John . R. return the afticles as follow. which -Hall; 'Municipal World, supplies, ,- � Cochrane. ,.�� I �. . -ere stolen from my car at Gen. Flewitt's LIVE STOCK WANTED - HIGHEST $20.44;� J. A, Paterson, Insurance, . . Ing homes for themselves. -s. Hnym �aldwell I., farm on Saturday, January 26: M ' r. and Mir . and family and Miss .. eryl Dick- �,I, - Hall, $64; Ilyde Bros., loader and' accessories, tractor,' $3,80,; C. E. (Continued on Page 5) . ert were in London on , Monday. , ;,n h" I motor . Prices paid -for sick or crippled ani According..to Mr. Garry all went Bruce I .. . rug; 2 gallons cider; half -gallon anti- mals. VICTOR HARGRAVES, .field. . 11�,,.1,11­ . frew. and a business letter. and gave fur. Phone 625 r 23, Clinton. - . M, ". . I 4384xl2 us, supplies, Fire De- I , �- ther action. WILL BROADFOOT. l Hickey & SID I I 1. - -- — I Mr. and Mis. Robert Hubbard, �� ­. I 4388xl F THERMOMETER, PLUS CASH . Partment, labor, streets, $3.50. To- I -g�uests of ,. ­ ,,,,,,,,, , . at ­. farm for For Sa tal, $1,893.59, . of Hanover, were'Sun&& I I dead or disabled . le ., - I . ZION Mr. and Mrs. Dickert. il horses or cows. Phone collect Wm. Sprout, - - By -Law No. 5, appointing clerk- . gi;�fi FOR , .-i, , Senforth, 655 r 2. WILLIAM STONE POR SALF-RANGET'TE, A-1 SHAPE, treasurer and tax collector and set-. Mr. and, Mrs. Elgin Thompson, of . i'�,`,, GENERAL INSURANCE SONS, LIMITED- 437,34f - Sfi.00. Apply LOU ,BAILEY. Phone ti *�,16- ng Salary of Same, and lly-Law BrUCefleld, visited Mr. and MIrs. ��,, 4 1 300-J. 4388-1 , , 9"', ll. Including ­ -.— — — ... No. 6 providing for expenditures on Herb Britton Friday evening. �11 � . . .. i�,;.'�, AUTOXOBILE, WEATHER and FIRE ,For Sale ---.------ -� streets -were given several 1-ead- Dr. and Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie, , M" �, Please consult —z . Help Wanted , ings and finally PaSsed. Stratford; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ross Gor� '7;"�:,, . I FOR SALR-7-PIF,CE DixETTE SUITE. � �11�. .1 � �,,., ! Mr. Earl 'ParlmLr, of Toronto, don and Donna, and Mr. and Mrs. Aj>ply to KENNETH CAMPBELL. WANTED -WAITRESS WANTED. -AP- visited with h -is mother, Mrs. T. Ross Murdie spent Sunday with 1. �1:1f! , R. Y. McKercher . Phone 566, Seaforth. 4388-1 " ";42, . . ,,, — -- Parlmer, who has been very Ill for Mrs. James 'Malcolm. I " �. - ply to Box 1109, HURON EXPOSI- :�,,, � PHONE 849 r 4 : SKAFORTH TOR. . . i�,,��: I - FOR SALE -ABOUT. 400 BUSHELS 4388xl the past few weeks at Mrs. Saun- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gibb and I �,,,� 4M6.4 _OF 4' 1 mixed grain. JOHN TREMEER. Sea- WANTED-SALESMAN� WITH K140W- �Ier ock's nursing home. 1�, ,, � " , forth- I c Sharon, of Chatharn, and Mr. Ron- ,�r4,,,�, 4'388xi lrd-e of Ford Products. Apply in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love vis- ald Gibb and Miss Elaine Shackel- . �1�1�1. � - Person at DALY MOTORS, Seaforth. ited over the week -end With the ton, of Stratford, visited Mr. and I 'P� . SAI,]�­TWO QUARTERS OF GOOD * ,%�. Property For Sale FOR 4US-1 �61 I — beef. APPLY to ROY LAWSON. Phone former's parents, Mr, and Mr.. Mrs. Dalton Malcolm on Sunday. p' ; " "PLY 667 r 16. . 438SxI WANTED - GO61) RELIAB PRAC'. -dilton Love, Mrs. Love having , Mr. and Mrs. .J. W. Britton. en- I.. I R,�i FOR SALF-BULL"'N" LOTS- fl,'�� - to Box IID, HURON EXPOSITOR. — ical nurse for tv;6 months. or permdhL ince passed .awa,y. , ."'7 FOR SALE -LIGHT PLAID SKIRT, ,,, t tertained Mr. and,Mrs. Geo. Robin- . . I - -, 4SS8xl nosition available if desired. Apply to �., -I size 14-16. ,toy be seen - at SCOINS rTVERSIDE REST HOME. Phone 69. Mi+- Mrs. Harry Smith and Miss son and family Monday evening. . I f, X. - CLEANERS. � ,V, FOR:SALU-FRAXE HOUSE 0 4388xl obell. 4389,,3 Eleanor Venner were in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes and �. "i ". I I N WEST I �� I. ALE -2 -;iiR—RIERPUPS, - -- ­—­ -.-- — "', William Street. ' Three bedrooms, over the week -end attending the family spent Sunday evening with J.t�14` I bathr FOR S ;TOY -­ . ".3 furnace, garage. Apply at hause-ioroken also'HaPrT Thought b 1 11,11 DA-Lyoom.',T,,,. Ice Follies at Maple. Leaf Gardens, Mr. and Mrs, Herb Britton. .. t ?. I �', , . - -- 4388-1 stove, large size. Apply to FRED HURSOT�c Tenders Wainted Toronto. I ­ , -- R.R. 2, Seaforth. , 1. �Z , " - ROOM 110 Mr. arid Mrs, Geo. Robinson and ?�­., FOR , SALE -EIGHT- USE IN 4a88xl -Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Mc�Clinchey family visited Friday evning with -1 EgmondvWe, newly decorated interior; FOR I . �� I , SALE - KITCI-W,N d Mr. and Mrs; E. Litt, e.. Spent her mother at the home of Mr. and I k,. � three-room apartment upstairs; woodshed. CA B"'N", SEALED TENDERS' " -Mfdh. M 'e . � dern. new �,,'�,, . garage, stable and six lots; also house, 10 R NO condition. Reii��nable. the week -end in Port Huron, I rs.,Jack Stacey. , I . �,,�g OBERT WATSON, Seaforth. � �, acres, on Highway 21, one mile south of � Mrs. A. J. Hummel, of Blooms- Mr. and Mrs. Daltoa Malcol . . . ".4"; Bayfleld; full plumbing; good repair. . . . 4388.0 FOR SUPPLYING 75 CORDS OF 12- bui- Pa is ­­­ U In ljft� !" �,�,,X�,;,;, .) ,'�, 1 :�`�,��4�� �', I � I 4�. , ., I . �� 11 sl- .� i � i I I " I � . � . 11.1 4 � ,., I . . . i I I %, . . 4 . . . . 41 A . I . 0 � .� # I I 11I I � I , � . . � -i �.­ I . I 0 .1 . I i . * , I � V. .1. I . f , # I - 11 " .k( ^ ? � 4 t , � I f .� , I I 01 i . . 1 4 . I , I ill 0 . . P I I . 1 . . I .. . � f .... I " 4L I 1k ­ . �! , CALL 56 r 12, Barfield. I I .1 ng er Sister, anu sons, arid Mrs. J� Malcolm . 4 I . 4387x2 - inch (Maple or Beech) wood. suitable 14W . ­ - -M%W0-%ft0" -- ------- - ,f ', SALE - SPRAYED APPLES- for furnace requirements, delivered to the r cousin, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert I - -0-ft.wo-ft. "­ �.. FOR,P. Mrs. J. Bolton, and he' I ­­. . ,�,,: I FOR SALE - TWO,�TOREY F _P,...,e,,, Rings, Greenings, Russets, etc, s-eral Schools. on or before Jule 1. 19,1,e. Mrs. J. She'lherd. . I" �)�.I. RAME .. Keyes Monday evening. . I I . ..". , hdrise� N6rth Main St., Four bed- MONT. Clinton 613 r 24. FRED McCLY- will be. received up until March 1, 1952. Amber Rebekah Lodge has po�t� I " '� rooms. three-piece bath, living room, den. __ 4384xg . � *": 4 � . I kitchen. built-in cupboards, hardwood . Varna. I . . T. B. BAIRD I , 'Itioned its regular meeting.- fiohl I I . I .,-- , 4 ftors iV and down stairs, full basement, FOR SALF-PURE-BRED POM PUP- . Secretary -Treasurer. Wednesday, - Feb. 6, to Tuesday, I ?07% i -­� Pr-- Apply to MRS. W. It. WATSON, . I I Stanley Township School Area . hot air furnace. Apply Box 104. HURON at home of Mr, Norman Williahson, R. I Feb. 12, because of ' the Xing"s. I .1 a �f,�, EXPOSITOR. . R. Stanley Twp. School Area death. '. . ""I 4387x2 3, Walton. Phone 37 r k Brussels The Firenien held a very suc- , � � . - I I. I � .. .1 D., . . - I . . 48Mxl 4888-2 Mr. Jarvis Horton suffered a sev- cessful euchre Ili the Odd Fellows' . I I No. 1 . . , "I . 1. , , r , .. � '� I . ere heart attack on Wednesday, Hall . I ' � V Notices To, Creditors -2 PURE -BRED AYRSHTRE . Tuesday evening of this,week. ---h � I T- S. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer, BrucefieI4 Ontitrid , ]FOR SALE ', I � cows due in March and April. Bali..- GRAVELTENDER and is very Ill, � ,..,.. . Prize winners were: Ladies, first, -1. tYne strain, Apply to NORMAN SCHADE. Mrs. Lorhe Wilson; 2nd, Mrs, A. Z.�- , I , I r . -, RS R.R. 4. Walton. Phone $42 r.3,.Seaforth. Legion Auxiliary Meets ­,, . ; . , . ­.� NOTICE. to CREDITO . I . . 4328xi Township of Hay . Hohner; men, ist, w. 1). Wilson; I !1 - . - The Ladies' Auxiliary ta, -thtr;,ond ; j. -R.- Murdo I I .. VOR SALE SINGER.. SEWING -r �t , jilt c7r.' 'Lunch ­1� . ­ . � I -NEW , ,AI,ED WNDERS Hensall Canadian, Lekion me ' was " Year 9nding Decembir,:AASA, ,1951 z- ,,,, i�! �. In the Estate of MARY.& BOLGER . WILL BE RECEIV *91;ed by the e6mrnittee In charge. . . �� . � � I - � "': I machines, ef,etric 'and ' tfeadle. Re- Z) ed by the undersigmed up to 6:00 V. ' the Legion Hall Tuesday ni@�ht witl� . V&PP I " . . . . ���..., - I , CLAIMS "airs to all makes. SINGER SEWING 1aro -1.4t, I%j2, M. I I I Mr. Alex Mustard I.,; iniproving I NIZF . , 17.1 A LL ,PERSONS HAVING , CENTRE, 78'Onti�rio St for crushing and hauling a splendid, attend;ince.i The 00F slowly after his recent " I '11 " 1 �;,�4.- against the Estate of Mary R Bolger, , Stratford.. rtppro�dmately 8,000 cubic yards of crush- Was & fall when I . . .. ,-.. SUMMARY OF PXCEIPTS � �'.I. late of the Town of Senforth, County of I . 4228-tf �d stone. %fl. screen size. Material to be aken bi the pre�ldent, 'Mrs'. he had the misfortune to break . I �1- ,� Huron, deceased, who died on or about the — t3sed will be from the McLean pit, north- A. 'Clark. At the! eonclu�jou of., t,ho' WMe ribis. . I %,�Z SALE -PIECE I . I L Balance on hand, Decena-ber 31, lg5g . . ­"' "* * ...... $ 2,359-25 , , I . X11 . Sth, day of December, 1051, are hereby FOR -MODERN 4 BED- -ast oI Hensall, Ont. Tenders to state opening exercises Mrs. F. -Beer in- Mr. and- Mrs. Pete Camerbn, of . - ,�� 1, . 2. Grants from Provincial Government --" 71767-30 . , notified to send in to the undersigned o rn-n suite. ,$50; al�o vacuum cleaner, *,rice per cubic Yard for crushing and &1- stalled MrS. E. Dick a�' I , � ' : - , or before the Ist day of Marck 1952, full, table lamps. small tables. drain boards so flat."rate price -per cubic yard for haul. . past presi- Kindersley, Sask.j spent several . . t . . 3. Township on Teachers' Salaries .............. "" , "t .. particulars of their claims. cabinet radio. Apply to ROY VODDEN: ing anywhere irr Hay Township. Con. clent. Mrs. CNrk installed Mrs, d ' I ; .......... 31000.00 �'1'11 . . ,. 4. Section Tax Levy ............ r Ys w!fb their niece and family, � ........ �',4, - - -.-1 -.W., - 11,42&60 f�,'�� � , I R.R. 2, Senforth. 4,388xt 'tractor to,supply crusher and trucks: Hoy Beer .on the executive commItte'e, a 5. Tuition Fees from other Sections ,-.,.: : . 0, , . i,- Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zalifle, I , Lumediately after the said last Iften .--.Ply one truck, # Thank -you notes were., read from " �!­ .... - ��:� . .� - .1� 126-00 tioned date. the assets of th.� said est.;; FOR SALE -1 FOUR -BAG CAPACITY .1 - Mrs. W, 0. Johnston entertain- ­­ - ­-, & Receipts from other sources .... I L' , mixer id�al for mixing famn feedr - 'S . � . ;1 ........ . will be distributed amongaf,.;the parties . en Ill. � , I " .. � 30.27 " - (" I a , One-lialf -of contract to be completed in 2nembers who tba.d ,be A let- ed at a birthday dinner party o 7. Temporary Loans ........... I I ...... , I I " entitled thereto, having regard only to auantity of long strap Pang. make ideal �Iay. and onehalf in September. All ter -from Was D . orotby Hoyle., of S,tur n , I � - I � � ; ...... . 00.00 ,1;3 ...... ... �-, ..­;,� 4,500.00 Q . . 1. . I - "' ,or '. . i Q claitns -which the undersigned shall chic�en feeders: 1 small Taylor safe, and V ,of day evening for her son, Wil- l .. . " - I L k to be ,'under the supervision of the Strafford, z6ne�'conjmander, , wa . . . '. " , 11 other useful artie.les for sale cheap. AV Road Superintendent. s Mer. � � .. I : - I 1, 11 . TOTAL RE4DEIPTS ......... - $"29,20U2 . 4 . then have notice, to the' exclusion of all - I I . .. P 1. others, and the undersigned will not be Ply CARDNO BROS. Phone ?2. Seaforth. . read. 'Mrs. Don'Perditio, Mrs. Robt. . .. . I I . Z �. liable to any ,person of whose claim the I , 4389.1 Murkied che�jue for t2OO.00 to actota. McKenzie', and Mrs. ''Ed, Little. wer . � .. , I I . ,any tender. � ". ,q . .Church Holds Annual Meeting I I .. I undlersigned shall not then have notice I . .ecelved into Meroberghip, Mrs. D. The annu I � ,� iA for the assets so distributed or any part --- - I - al meeting of Brucefield r thereof. . Lowest qr any tender riot necessarily McKelvie submitted her name for United Church was heW recently. SUMMARY OF EXPENDIT 111 Auction Sales I 11ccepted. . membe�shil) into the group. Mrs. Rev. W. J. Maines acted as chair- � I �: � . I - Uf4j�g, . I 1� - - DATED at Seaforth. OnL, this 4th day - Brrtha Moir won erY man' and A. J. Mustard' as secre- I I .1. I . L Instruction .......... . . I . I 4.10457.90 : �37.. of' February, 52, Contract to be signed as soon as tender . the Myst ' . � I Machinery. at Lot 9, Con. 1. Townshi . 5 . 1-1, � I - 2. Instructional Li and -.. . "I ..� 1,5�, I . r . A UCM0N SALE, OF CATTLE AND is let. prize. ' Mrs. W. Venner reported Lary. Reports were',given by the , . -- brary� ... ­ - -­ 431.53 : I I -Ir. - . :.*�. 1, v For the sick committee. 'S. Ross various organizations ; of the 1� S.' Instructional Supplies ....... � .- .... I ............ 849.39 I & , I ALVIN W. SILLERY, of Tuckerarnith. 1/4 mile east of Se-f.rth. JAMES MASSE, Road Superintendent, , Ml . , �:, I . � . I Seaforth, Ontario, No. 8 Highway, on Wednesday. Feb. 13th, 7,46ch, R.R. No, 2 Dick and; Mr -s. P. Be'er were namiad. Church., T�ppolnted for three years ., . . . . . . . 1, 4. Administration . ......... 4 ........ ' <- 11 I . Solicitor for the Estate. at I o'clock, sharp: CATTLE -5 Je Y ,�iuditors I for 195?. 1 ,. ............ �­ 844.99 ... . ".. . 4388-2 cows six Years old; 9 Jersey coj�s tr H N. BROKENSHIRE. Clerk Mrs. Jack Drys7 on the managing board were J. . , S. Plant Gperation ................................... I h8reee -Treasurer, d,,Ile Was presented with a smart Broadfoot,, A. 1 1,296.96 11 years .old.,, some fresh, balance due in �. Zurich, Ont. Jr Mustard and V. & Plant Maintenance ......................... I ... ­.- 202.50 1 !2. .� Febru ry nd March; these cows from. 4388-2 kitchen Stool in recognition of her Taylor. Other members are W. D. "11111 1, . 7. Auxiliary Serv-1ces ........ 129..OT' I , � , .. 8. Transportation ........ , NOTICE to CREDITORS choice Registered stock � 14 stockers, Dur. - efficlent ser4jees as secretary- -Wilson, E. Allen, W. BUrdge, Rus- I .... * ... * * ' ' * '' * � ham and Hereford good condition. 6.io - -------- I.- ........ �: , , , , - ... � 381.00 .11, k 700 rounds: 7 be;fe,s: 3 steers. 400.4-50 — ,'reagUrer during the -vast * 9 Capital Outlays Nil . . . � - �, In' the Estate of, Jean Sterlinx Murray. pounds; 2 Jersey, heifd . year,' Aell Dallas, Jim McDonald. j�. W. . . . Ing; 5 Young calves, Cards Of -Tharii; Mrs. 'S. Rannie making the prps- S-tRCkhOUse is treasurer. Auditors I . - . 10. Extraneous Payments . ............. I , . . ," We of the Village of Henean, in the pj t 175 lbs. MACHIN- - ontation. Goderich an d Exiefer are, T. B.,Bafrd and A. J. Mustard. .......... - I 7.00 I 1 2 double units, nearly . new; Woods electric ... 11. Repaid, Loans with Interest : ............. � ........ 4,600.23 M . County of Huron, Spinster, Deceased. Ed1V-idcCorrnick-Deermg milker, PiDeline., MRS- CRAWFORD-SIMPSON. DESIRES Auxiliaries are etPected to be the 'Members of, bo I 12. Balance On hand, December Met, 1.4151 ....... 1,4, C�&EDITGRS aird of'trustees are �� _: l I AND OTHERS HAVING - to thank her many friends -for the special guests at the March meet- John A, . � I ... ­ 9,113.65 � ,� grain grinder. Practically new; Corksbutt cards, treats and letters sent her while a M03wan, Ross, 'Scott and — � I - I claims against the above estate are dropbead bay loader, ,new; McCormick- Patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. also ing, bingo to te the 1110light of Alton Johnston. . �1� I . . required to send full particulars Of such Deering side rake;. robber tired wairon; to thank the Senforth W.I. and the nurs- the ur I . $ 29-207.22 ", Mrs. J. R. VT 1, claims to the undersigned Executor an or hay evening,- with 'Mrs. R. Mock clock is organist and No ' an Wal. .. .11 I . . before the First day ' rack and ensilagg box; Masiey-Harris ing .qtaff of the hospital. 4388xl and Mi Tin . . 11 11 ,,, I - 11 .. '! of March- 1952, after 7 -ft. binder; 10 tons mixed bay; Renfrew - -s. .B. Kyle, the social com- ker is Superintendent of Sunday - AT " ' . I �, .Which date the estate's assets will be die- 60c.lb. - . 4 . tribut�cd, having regard only.to claims that I� Power separator, used two rnonths: MR. AND MRS. F. J. A-PpLEBy, H.EN, mititpe. MTS, Win., Brown present- School. . - , I I I g .)51 Willys Jeep, lr;lf-tan pickun. 6,600 SaM wish to thank their many f !ends ed the fln4.ncial statement to ,the NJ rs. w. j.'M . Audited and found Correct, J,ajafinry,29t:�, 1952.' 1 �,� have then been received. rnileg.-'Prigidaire electric stove- 4-ly6rner; and neighbors who sent,ards, etc., q`rr the meeting. A recreation period of aines was appolt,,- , - �` larre size g - C G011"ON otcasion of their 45th wedding annivers- ed representative from the coilgre- , '' .1 rietor: E. P. Chesney. ,,ry,,.also to CKNX for the must I selec- bingo was enjoyed, the winners be-' I " �, , Executor, - . GRANT, municipal Auffitor . JAMES MURRAY SMILLIE, To ash. 11 HORVER, I�roprm S"forth Motors W. A."' . Chudleigh Avenue, Toronto. Clerk; Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. , gatiOn to work wItN. r'epresenEa, . Z;l '- I at . t1un that Was sent out over the nein waves, in F. J.' Appleby, 'Mrs. E. tives the Chevrotet - Olaghiablie 'N . �, DI%Mrs. . from W.A. � and W.M.S. ". t � 231 RIDOUT ST., LONDO,T, ONT I ". � 4386-8 4387.2 - 488&1 Mrs. T, Kyle, Mrs, R. Smale, to determine ways and means of PHONE�1411 _ �r,,. I . -- I , 'r I , " MRS. CARL M.CLINCHEY. KIPPEN, Mrs. D. M'cKelvie, Mrs. T. Butt, raising the allocation set for bu'ld- . Im, �, � I "LEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM. wishes , to expr-�s her sinlom th-nl,a Mr3, W. Scriale and Mrs. R. Taylor. iDg fund foil a new training school - - M"N - - ,- ....,11 , NOTICE to CREDITORS %-j 'Stock and Machinery., at Lot 10. Con, nnd aVDI-eciat -- - i ,�, I , 12, Hullett Township, neighbors and ion to ber many friends, Luncheon wan served. � . for women. The congregation (!e- — -10.- -- — - -- - I ll 11A miles north of relatives for cards, treats, - - - I �'i! " In the Estate of JOUN SHOLDICE Londealsorp 2% miles cast, on Wedn-aday. letters and flowers while a Patient in St. I 'cided on'an increase 1 -salary for I . - - - �111 I L, , , February . toth, at I O'clock. sharp: HORS- Joseph's Hospital, London, and also spe. . liderton 8, Hensall I I -n I I I I � .1 , , I LL PERSONS HAVING their minister, Rev. Maines. A so- . . . , A CLAIMS Eg-�Grey gelding 10 Years old; roan mare cild thanks to Rev. A. Hincoin and others Ili a W.O,A.A� gi "eayed here cial half-bour was enjoyed at the I . k 10 years old. CATTL" Holstein 'cows who called on me� 4"8,1 Monday night on slow Ice, Ildert , I agaiftst the Estate of John Sholdieg, � - �" i, Ours bred; Durham heifer, Pasture � -- I I �11A , . Polled Angus heifer posture bred -, - t Deliver " n the L �.. ;� �,,,�,� late of the TowTiahlk of Tuckersimith, in due thus of sale to April 1; Holstein hei ----, - 11 I f- � the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- er, pa On close of the meeting. I . . � . . �� l ceased, who died on the 2nd day of 3ep- bred: detepted Helisall 8-1. Evans, Lort The annual, meeting of the choir Promp y 0 6', . 1� tember 1951, are hereby notified to ,end Polled Angus cow, br d Aug. 18; Guernsey and McNair scored 6vo goals a- was held recently wben,tbe foll iii , . I � , I , in fuli Particulars of their claims to the low 9 yen . ra old, pasteu(Ire bred; 6 Durham In Memoriam piece -rdr Ilderton, singles I I ow- ' ' '�,, I ' -- A. Scott and D. Scott. Ing officers were elected: Hoi,,o,- ' , 1 undersigned on or before the 22nd day of "Ows, Pasture bred; Ro.-Risteret) Pvrhim IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. ary president, Rev. Maines; pres! . Febru&W�� 1952, niter which date the asseta bull 3 years old; 6 enlv 1 v GlLL­ 9?1 10 , ;,; � . ea . e 4120. gp� ,;,'; )JI'); old (1101. Z f?�' will 'be distributed, having regard only to gfkin rind Durham) -, 2 Pol ed A*nXUS 11 lorg I . 0 -president, - �� - . Ida . Gili, who Visaged away February i�C-Ored blie ]One Heniall tally. Line dent, J. X. Cornigh; vie New '1952 Pcintiac Ch let , . I I claims then reielvod. calves; 8 Durbain calves. These cal lips: I � I it evro 111,�;;: I 1, 'es Ma Zapfe; secretary-treasur- I .r I . � ­ I 13ATED AT SEAFORTH, this 31at day could be finished as babl�s: Parham beif- Nor ever will ,yow-be, Tamblinj; do- er, "I a Dirintir; gowns com it- , . You are not forgotten, sister, ILDEItTON-Go4l­ rg r ',,'-`,� er, '100 lba. (fat). PIGS-Tain sow; 2 WIN, ,,,[ , of Jantrary, lorm As, long as life and memory lasts . fEn,ce, W I CHOICE,OF MODEL AND COLOUR 7. �;� 'L 'r . Carmichael; cen- fee *'Mt.�. Walter McBeath and Mrs. . rTg", Berk and York gown carrYinsr third litter; .,ard and I�T I -�- -­ . ", . ��1111 "') , 7 Tam chunks: 10 wenned Pigs. HENI-� . We wflr remember tbee. ire, O*NT411; wings, Li)ffiiiil Evans; Alton johrittofi; cards and flowers, , % � . ;i ,, I MCCONNELL & RAYS 11%, ,; Scaforth. Onbi . 1 275 New Hampshire an-d'Lewhorn hens. :!--Ever remembered by her'sleter. alternstes, Charlton, MrPherSOII, Eva Stackhouse, Verna E-yre', Ruth I 1. , I 9 . rio MACHTNERY-Geo. White No. 6 thresher igS8XI McNair, A. Sc . lk" , . Solicitors for the Rotate. . " ­-­.. � 'new 1951). 24x42; Rart-Parr 8 -plow trne� Ott, D. Scott, � Urb- Snellizig; music, Mrs. Murdoeb, . I �,,� "', A ' 411q�, '­ 1 4387'8 i;r on rubber. recently overhauled efid in . �.a.`-,­,. excellent --shape: Massey -Harris � &bott,, Le-Iteb, Bloxson, I Mrs. Johnston, Eva 9taclubouse. I . '..il" 1,bottom I HENSALL­-Goall, Munrqv, de- � . . 1�4, — T%.0P#S4j%kED, CARS' , �,�, � low (new); 10 -ft, cultivator. nearly new: Olson; - IIIIIIIIIIIII ;; , 9.,k�' �,�', , I NOTICE to CREDITORS T1)Trr^rmlmk.Deerlrw. 7 -ft. binder; McCor- Bid Fence, A, N'cholson, J. � Nich .I-,. I I I , . . . I�;�,"" "I . . mick-Deerin,z mower� Mamey-lithrrig si-I centre,, Harrisonj 1-ifigs, Moore. I I 11 I '51, � ill ,;'�, RROOVE-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on S,iug�ter;. .alternates , , I . . - . ' , I In the Estate of AGNES BOYD ralce; Frost & Wood dump ralce; Mas -y February 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cowan, , Hildebrand, '52 C,KEW. STYLELINE SEDAN- '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN ,��,,,,,. ',.-,P,. I .1 Harris- bay loader: Oliver 2 -row rorn*i,u1% 52 PONTIAC 8TYLELINE SEDAN,. Brandnew '48 CHEV. F%UETLINE COACH - Custow . 11�"� I I I I I Broome Senforth, a son. Broome, Mousseau. A,',�� ,� kAVjiT0 CLAIMS (ter: Massay-Harris 11�dise f-rtiilT;6r drill- 51 CHEV. DE ,LUXE STYLELM, COACH- radio �4 �.. 0" A]" PERS01"s COULSO'K-4At Scott Memorial Hospital, 'First Period - Goals, Evans '.1 ,., ageirfat-the1state of Agnes BOYA late M-10sesr-Harrts manure spreader: 9 s-,ctirm on Fehfu�ry 2. to Mr. and Mrs. Gor. (01 ell), 1:15; than 9,090 ilulle,3-000.00 below list ' '46 C&I-W, FLEMMASTER. SEDAN 0 , �, - 41 ,"?, *, ,." �?',�j I I � of the Town of 90aforth, County of'yj harrows: 10-inA, grain A -Ander and speed dem Coulson. Cromarty.%u son. N McNair (McPher- Wa..n t e d , ... : Less I .� 1�., �� .. I , of JRIK; woods milking 'matt%tind" 2 unit,, WDI[ArX-At, Scott Memorial Hospital an Son), 4': 35, Evans (LOft), 8: 45- D ..... . - . I , . I I '50 PONT I �",!, ,,, , ­ :�, llb -M LUXt SE'DAN '41 DODGE SEDAN . . �� . ow -'reased. wild died an at, about - L d, ging! plow: 1364t. drive -b-It (n4w): , I . 97 � of January, I 952, art hereby "' I : ,,� ,;".7', ". 11 A . i � , , ��, I � to Mr. and Mrs. JdWEdlor, Scott (A. Scott), 19:32"' Peiii.altitg- - - SEDAN '41 MERCURY SE DAN t� r" ,'' all e t6 send in to the Undersigned on rwbbpr tired wa-hu n -d gliding rnelc; set I I "I ,.�, I I , ,�, r,,.� � = 1801e, ghs; I 0004b. a also; colony a Ann. . 1 NicbOl , I I t I ,�, ': I q rind Lorne Bid son I ." r, rt i�r6nWhIlfg) �' " , I " . 0 the lath day of flebrdaryj 1952, xI rllea!!�iwd'yr er f tire Ukbghott . ,, .,10: 4$; . � I 1 40 PLYMOUTH SEDAN , - , � 1,�­� It I'diftlArs of their clalmi%6 . �, �4 1; 'Hildi. I DAN- , '40 DeSOT SEDAV . 2 ; 8 rain shelters, new Puet-ye har,31V to an"ounee the' arrival 0 a � (T145 ,�`11 I . . .. � oil brooder: 2 coal brooders; electric Me. - . , � - 0 �"., 11,11, . 1. . ,, ,l, ,, Fit ly idbee the salki last h2cu- Cormick-0eering cream Armighter..'Katherine Ann, on FeDrurtry brand (misconduct), 18:30;'A. Nich- - ,­­ I 1 9"arrltbt! not 5th, In, Mount Hamilton Hmpitil. D, - '37 CHJ@V. COACH . ", �s ��il.; 'Ill,,, � �, # 1i , the­aagets bf the haild atate, Ste*art clippera (new): Net jh,7,echjn*,,har- -A OISOIL (boarding), IS:45. . oth, estic � , "; , i .1 . 1, I -� -,� I ,­ .. . ,, , ". V, '. Keniny and Jean. I , sister 11 . � . M �p';�`(!�. .'' I'll d tributed gmcmigk� the! plW691' roos";,gintle hgrntAg� fotk,g , I , I . I I- . . 4 13vela; hoes. . 11 ,I, , SPVCIA�110,-�760 C14 . 3/4 -TON 6YAKE - .." ,, �',, �'4", , , , ; I . - ,1� . I , - I 11 l t retn' havift' i iA 601ji to Anins and nume . Second Period - Loft (Evans). 110 I 1, ,- ''. 19V It racks SPECIAL -rag Dodge, rebuilt rn. � I i -about 10 tong; e�t 2r " , , I ", - I �. otar. $SMOO f *h1eh the' unddraigned shall City m,x.d grain,rous small items, onan- 1:40; Aarkison (Sangster), 7:57; . � t . I I . . . . . . . . . - "I!, �,� I , . , � I I I I L ... -W1. -I 1 1 4 i1wkift for � " .� � *cRuAlft Of All tons out bay. Torms-cash. PROPPUTY leAtiq McNair (Carmichael), g:lo; Loft I , &`Mll� t W 11 I a ft�l k*W'fflft.j8I eg;#., ­ 11� ',�,, I 1. 1�'. I ' .1 it 'Pi ,� I ,;,f I F..(Irl , -�,­- ­ . I " .�'o I ", . -- I 1. , I i. ;, I i "') 11. , I �i , , �; , , ,'I Of-:, L. �'Ij "�I­ :"l' - WOOb&-4II'St- Joneph's Hospital. L.nd , Third. F'-e�lad-'X. Scott (.BIOXSojj) . I r , . I ;­ 1�, I a 'T �, I 11 . k - I ' ­ft6ft Of *11600 tIAIM t1ko Township of Am , l -'r , 'I'e, 1% r" P-0 i P I -1-&A*Y-bfft I g h the uAd6rsi"ed will ddt W -100 serps NJ Lots 0 and 10, Cbrf, 12, (Evans), 17:30. Penalties -None. I 11 � 0 , '. , , � � I * I L1 I ;i, , I ; H" I -1 I i �. ��nr, .. , , , I'll . d 0&aIl 16dil th ;pIllett, brialc hvuAd� bik I ." I I .., �.,, ',1,11.;,�11' 11. On havt ndtke born 4ryxoo With dement ndditid# *6rlk. on " � .. ... " - 0. I �, I .11�;, ,,, 18%40, ct) Thursday, January 31, jag I X I � . , " ,4,'�­ 0, ' I . o0h K. 3:10. Penalties - 8jokjqfi ' APply to the I I lrz . UOM 66 'dift4bu" dir'Ahk Vhft Airdro�. furnned. house insulated; All 1. . . ,,­,�,� i�,` .,." ­ I I . Ifthli land; sPrinig oteek.. S-14 Lot li;"C Woods. hot of Patrick Wooft, Dublin, lh sticking), 12,S4 ; Y4 , Mich (high 11 ! . r 1�., .., I , . I . . , . . � , I . 11 I ��,- ,1,�­­,"��,� -,,,,I � 1 611' his 4.16 year. .1 '. �';,� ��;�",,� , , I,— I . k, I . 1;�,�' ,,Q.,� - '. " I . t, I 'got, " &Y of 19, ToWnAhip of 11till4tt, 50 adkoll, 411 ­ 6 . 4 . 4 �� �, l : . . I I . ., ,at AvAfoith., tht frehirly seeded- ---.401— (boarding), 13:10 ; "I' ", SUPERINTENDENT ' - - , I - I M ; , �` jl,�, 'l - t, '. , - , � 1%(-11 ", 10W - I 1: ; - ,. , 4 I About 80 acres WOAA11ble I . I I I I 4 I I ., , .. 11 �. 'l �."� ,, ,�,A,';T311'7'­1,-,7-'?�,, ,,,, . I I land � votft6 imal - � . sotlog af,bbIt , Pji4), '05; �, 4 . I I I � ". , ... � .11 I I . t1i*b, (eabargftig), 14. A. j'Mbhoijw�rk. . 4 I I I F. I I .", ,`,'­,dJ1 ,. * , P - 111. , , �'. S . I I . .41 "It, , �� .1 I I I " ,1gj ��4 �W,�1�11' , , , !"", I , 4�, ", , 1, � I . I .. �'­,�,�,',',e K�, � ". I - 1� I '­ regi I SC � I , - , , X". � t- . ., � . , , �,,rpr,' L k-�'l,,,,J,�,� ,-j LTA , ChOT10jr, i " I I OMONe, '1��k ,� I ?1� . I �,, ""'i I ftd d� f nft� h;Dld­Vr&1dh9k; WX - , , 01, 11180 the M968ifle'd Coll- ing, 16:10; r BRU I — ,��"i'l�,,�"i'�'��;�,",,-�,'�)',"",��� - fw. I Cie, pir 104ir 1, E. P. I C�I�Ichael (,Int.rf . . . . . . � , . I I.. ., ., . , 4,11 ,, -��R`Ikw7z"A " l , . . , UWXO��, ,'Ohtine 41, The Huron 10`i� . I I i6w� of 06ttdr . . , . "' " 'ONTA1110 '' r,4"J,,�, �k�',2,�,�,,. !,�� ��,'. ".4 � ',-& , �', - 1151 ,tw 41, 00.10 M t to Thrl 110 � I . � " '. W lilk, 11 ek Deople-wise people (roughing) 10�10 McN,Mir (board. TT -1 . $$i 11E, ! S " , � OW, -- , it - ' �1� 1�1 "'��, - %" �'j'�""� V, , , I " W � A flj�-Altldti*tkOOr�, ence), 17 - 10; 1. I ., , A " t - , t4i'ORIAL . �.�, U864 Caret � HE t I - L L �!t ��,��, �l"el�,�-,�,��,,�,,;;-����,�,,,I '�'�,;;i,"qvi�" "I � #064 ."; , . I . � . WArd (tripping),. . �, I 11 , �L., !Lj� � , I k., �r I 11 , PE I 11 ",'I'L" - 1�!;:, �Ii � � I id � - ,06#461', 8600tth. 19:00. I , , � - "Ill,, � : - "I 1, .... I 11 �� I" I � " - ,; ��"' 1, �b 14 ; Evd,0, �evemoa ,lfo.0�� , . �, �­:" # I � ,,�;�',,,,'j��,,�.,,!',,�U , ,, � .6 ,, ZO , � r1- - I � �, , I � :.,,, '460. ­ - , ., ... � ; . 1 ... ., ., ��"I'�",,'�R��,�;,'�'� �' .,,­ . ­ '­ , . . � . , . . . ., I ,. '. , � � , , I 1 I I - ", ��': , , : �, . �, j e4� I i , - N k�.i . . I . I '' , . I I'll - , .Y.11.�-Ilv� . ,,, , � . ("; 1, IN 11�. �?'Ie­ , , ­,� " . i . , 11.1.11 -. :,. ­46i�,-- :1, I "I I I " , 'N" ,., ,�, ... I I . I I I ; . . - - . I � I , — - _ 11 ­ . — I , ��,',,'�.�,W, 4�,i`�,' �.,f, :�:�: , � " �', , � " �.-, ,.,�':, .. Ill: , I I - . "", , j ' 1� ,L'1'4 ' I � I .. . 1� I"' � , "� �V -- I j -- .. I , J'� � 1. I � I I - , . ,�,4�L , .1 I . I .. . —, — ­ ,. . I , . ", , . � I . �. I . I � j., , , , . 11 — 7—I - —" . — 3 "I'll � , . ,, ,,, ,,, . ,,�.;�t� i".1. � 0� , , , 1. ­�­o'­ ,.,I,,' '"" �� ', lj.�qr(4,*4 �4" , 4,�; L I., - � � " , V�, 1: . " .'�',�"". � .�W �,�I,!, ,5.j,,;il��lt�,,,,�,, 7� 1. �� -,,,�Z �. ­,­ .11 . � . ''. '.�­ ";�',' 0 \ , I. � , � 141 �, . . � , � �, �, ,, �",� , � 'l I , " � ., . I � . " ­.�,, � 1�11�,,�, 1",I.t I ,'?..�,� �:, t , , ', , 1. , ", I 1 '.,��,-.,llp�, 1 11 , . . I . . I -'LjA­"�,1X1,­4i1�11f �,,, ,�, 1;��- , - , - . , I '�. ,,$�11; 1 �, I", ,� �. �', ­,­�14, .. 111­''� �,,­ ' ' " . ,: � ­- .1� , �� . , � , ;�, , � , , ' ,,.k'k�,t' ,��,,­*��'11'�',, I " " I . ,� ­ �111 . 11 , I . `�". , � , I I I , , I'll il "I, .11 . .4 : � , ,�' � l . � � . I I . � %­ - I I I I �.. , I - ,; L,� , , , '? ", L' I - �` , � -, , - I . , . . . � .L . -!., . �', � .1, I I ': , I 111� I � � � I , . - "I � I , � I I ­, 1. � , . I � � .,,� ", �­; ." I , . . I "i", � "''" . % . " � . �F,�! .1 � 41-?�4.%TWI , ,:% ,, ��, �,,�: . � . It I .11 i I I , , 11 , , �.' I' l " L q I" . ' . ,� � -­ ; " . I .. "I %.' - ,,�­ �,­,­,j �;;";L,�,:�� ":' ' , I I .. I':, 111, " ,s�,, . . �. I . 1. . ; � 4'. 1, 'It . I . I ., I . ! I I . �. ­- � , :, " , � � . . .­'�J, 1111".4"', '�,,', - , .. . . ", I � , , "i'�,":,",t, ';,�,��`�,;�, ., , .�; :d�, ;� ,',%�' , I . � , , � , , 1 ,4.�, :�': �,;,�,�, � " ,. I I .. 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" " 0, I ,­ , , ,'.;�,.,���ill�i��.,T,�',I'��,dl,,��,,,,�,, 'Pe i 1� � -�, , 11;. """I'l �%�,�jk,`: 4 , � P "I'll I �r', I , - (,. " , L 1'Ml1111`11L2-&d d4 ,o al �'. I ." �Z 1 16 ­ ".�:",�i��'�:�",'i����,��'i�i',,I,9�,'.7i'�����;-, ­�,.,11 � � . . . . I �, ; I 11 I L- 11 '2 ML��" "', - . " - ��.,, h1i � �, 1�'� � �, , j,�,t,',Yf PM11.11.11 "I ­7;� , .11,11, . I', I . . 4 1 I Ili, . 1, I 1. I ;,""'g,, ��'L"�,,P�l,"�,,'7,���il�'��,11�'�'LLI�,it'.�l�4���I � ;,I�!.W�,��";,,�,�'�"4'��.',.,t�",,�'*�V"'�l,,i4;r';'��: " �j 16 %�,� " L iii'm � -�11,,N,`�"!, � I , - . - . -1 I "', "I'll ....... ­'­ . .... .. .. .. . 1. 11-1 - 141k,�','!Iii !1�11�1.`��,�'�, , ­�, "'.""', I f � I i , � I 10 " , I t � f I i V ) � e , , I 11 � , f: * � 4 4 . , .. . . I 0 . . � - " . I. . .. .1.�� ., 'I I � , .