HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-02-08, Page 390.1 satyr ;, JarUce.1.1t,t,i,nKp t'r'a' 4 I Zr.an Mrtl, •H00"Q10 •, lE • -w'ha iiaa;been' In CiintflJR A4 pIta1 Once 'her 'birt:, NOV.'1$, 951, 04,14.P. It.., ,orn'Jeesday'.Of this, week, and la in splendid health. 4 10, • • [ E. Y- Y': .r' d - :Y rd's. ;r- • Vet a �:t dse 911=" rst es-, ffia- ils:. res; ety' sh-- ist,. vas in -- of sad Mr. in-. the, ada 'are- [gait are[ght ship He., cut. • land, pays' Labor pro- cent - over .the - t 8ac- austt erager 2 'for • had' ase -- en tta, el. ad by momlc- iaos,'r 3tates capi- Tf mula- whlch' action neater rates - ger to• ;1f the eta of the ;aipital a fur - rates apical? '.or era wager • until lase in: 61P,✓0• dol- ivfiat a' iartingr ,• be la tell me essen." ;. to re- ;oucherf without le ever a • vs. • • rig a• aY 1.4 ,• .Euchre - Don* , In Hensall Town Hall FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 Sponsored by Kipper' East Women's Institute Euchre 8:30, sharp ''Music 'j 'Desjardine's Orchesta ADMISSION 75 CENTS Ladies please bring Lunch. LUCKY LUNCH PRIZE oAP; f4 o ► , 1?9,4114 . *,9,0 g wilt. and sir "r' ,1,T, A01e1W, itto liter's paregtsr• • • At the morning' eervice in Hen- sall United Church, Rev. W. J. Rog- ers, the pastor, -poke on the out,. Jett, "Making the Best Put Qf Mls- fort.uH." The choir 'geared the selectxtrn;."Thanks Be To God," the eelaist :being Mrs. I . NI.gBwan. Reg- ular servioewill: be held neXt Sun- day as• usual. Rev, John B. Fox, who with Mrs. Fox and family, arrived in Hensall Saturday from Brandon, Man„ oc- cupied the pulpit at. ,Cassel Pres- byterian} Chorch Sunday last and expressed deepest thanks ba the congregation for kindness extended to them before and upon their ar- rival here. .3. L. Nicol was at the organ console. The choir offered anthems; and solos were rendered xt_t''e morning service by Mrs. W. We Are Again C rtractina BARLEY FOR CANAT MALTING 'COMPANY Contact Us CONTRACTS CAN BE ARRANGED BY PHONE OR LETTER Phone '103 Nights 133 Geo. T. Mickle and Sons Ltd. HENSALL -- ONT. Good Service — FaEt Unloading Facilities ,Y.. 0 -- • For extra milk produc- tion from your dairy bpift herd, feed them a dairy ration that is palatable. Use either NATIONAL, 24% MILKBILDER (1 Bag of Milkbilder to 2 bags' of grain) or NATIONAL 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE (1 bag of Dairy 32% to 5 bags of grain). Choose the percentage -best suited to your own' needs, or your grain supply. NATIONAL MILKBILDER 24% or NATIONAL DAIRY ,CONCENTRATE 32% properly mixed -with your farm -grown grains, will give you bigger profits. EXTRA TASTY Both National 24% Milkbilder and National 32% Dairy....Con- centrate are high in molasses for that extra palatability. Cows will eat more dairy ration made the NATIONAL WAY —and so produce more milk —and more dollars. FEED YOUR COWS RIGHT - • FOR <BIGGER. MiLK PRODUCTION Humans don't like stale food. Neither do cows. And if a cow doesn't enjoy her feed, she won't eat enough to increase her milk production. So, for top milk production, feed your cows a "freshly -mixed" feed that is not only rich in essential proteins, vitamins, rpinerals, and energy food, but one that is also made more palatable by the presence of 'plenty of molasses. Remember, the "National Fresh Mix Way" is the sure feeding way to top milk production. See your NATIONAL Dealer today-.. -Look for the bright Orange and'Bfack Sign. ?r1'$it I' lend lir iN00, !�4* t , 44,ridal PPIA, °ere R.Teee. visit x p BM 1 o 4e. ton i hl ttl; ` ix -•a r 99600,041P-00-04', ► :1t /411)4 g OT1 friends ,outs 11FdaY ierst lfr6 rev,. is it a foxpper+ do •wi:004, Syir .tlenzf Bell rlx.p received the a lTP(1i`ritlnent' as su.P6r?rltend£nt of ClreAlg PteehYteriag 'GlrurcW San= day S;ehool to replane Mr. G,ee rge Tinnay, Who reeent1y, resigned after five years el! service. Mr, TiliTley and farlaily intendtaking tap resi- dence in Exeter„ Mrs. George opee is leaving ,this week for an extended trip to Vic- toria, 13.•C., ,to . visit her mother, Mrs. Pettigrew, who is in poor health. M'r. William Fairbairn has accept- ed a poaition an. bookkeeper with Mr. Lorne .Eller. Miss Audrey Walsh, of Go.derich, apexit the week -end at her home here. "! In the financial statement of Hen- sall United Church we notice that a gift of $1,000 was given to the church by Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Row- cliffe, of London, in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Rowcliffe. ,Miss W. Gray and Miss R. Avery Will be' hostesses for the February meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the United Church. Monday, Feb. 11. The devotional will be led by- Mrs. yMrs. P. McNaughton, and Mrs: Howard Scane will present the study. The regular monthly meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute takes place in the • Legion Hall op. Wednesday night, Feb. 13. Mrs. H. Faber and Mrs. H. Horton are host- esses. ostesses. Guest speaker will be Dr.. R. M. Aldis, Clinton, of the Huron County Health League. Mrs. J. C. Goddard will provide the demon- stration. Plan to attend. Members of Zurich Women's In- stitute entertained their husbands to a -banquet in the Town Hall, Zur- ich. The tables looked' very smart decorated in color schemes of yel- low and blue—institute colors. A recreational period was enjoyed, the winners in the various games and contests being Mrs. Mary Man- son, Mrs. Leonard Erb, Philip Hart- man and Elmore Klopp. C. L. Smith, editor of the Zurich Her- :ld, tendered avote of thanks, sec- onded by E. F. Klopp. At, the week -end trap shoot, held at Kippers Gun Club, Hal Kemp and Lorne Smith, of St. Thomas, were high in the two-man team shoot, with 90; George McCateer, of St. Thomas, and Charles Parkinson, Ist PF 0 �• attt Il, sticPet 104041ire,00; $11.+a * 41.049.• and rvcore P, 444100%0 bItt et 91,0, 1 Prop ' wt Pt i`, i'nl;isaft;%ix rosea iN VP'eeltAlahe of leu Pi heli Sd tare s e Miierican Beauty X0,60 . 'the iron* was •attended t iKeita�� • London, 88; William Kyle and Wil- liam Venner, Kippen, 83; Chester Lee and Thomas Sherritt„81; Wil - ram , Lumby and Hedley Prouse, Goderioh 80; Lloyd Venner and Jack Anderson, Kippen, 78; Hanni- gan and Tinsley, R.C.A.F., Centra- lia, 77; McLeod and Passmore, Exe- ter, 71; Cliff Watson, Exeter, and A. Gilbert, Goderich, 70; 'Kercher and Ayres, R.C.A.F., Centralia, 67. In the 25 -bird handicap, Hal Kemp and Lloyd Venner were tied with 23; Lorne Smith, 18; George Me- Cateer, 18; H. Prouse, 17; John An- derson, 19; T. Sherritt, 20; L. Lum- by, 21; Roy 1VlcLeod, 22; C. Lee, 19; C. Parkinson, 17; E. Passmore, 19; Cliff Watson, 18. In the dou- bles, Hal Kemp was high, with Charlie Parkinson. runner-up. • 'Hensall 6, Zurich 5 Hockey fans were treated to a 'food brand of hockey at the local rena Thursday night,' when Hen- sall Midgets defeated Zurich by a score of 6-5. This was the last game in the schedule for Hensall, which gained them top place in the playoffs. Lorne E. 'Hal is manager, and Howard Scane, coach, of the Midget team, which is sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Lne-up: HENSALL—•Goat, Gerald Smith; 1.d., Bill Fink; r.d., George Parker; centre, Kenneth. Parker; r.w., Ger- ald Bell; l.w., Gerry Rannie; alter- nates, Wayne, Welsh, Jack Hender- WILLIAM,:STONg. SONS; LIMITED 6, INGERSOLL, CSEIr1ARIKi Fediilizp Your Crops with NATIONfU. Weil -Cured, Properly -Blended FERRTILfZE' Attention Farmers! We are now taking contracts with the the growers (Seed Supplied) For the Growing Of MALTING BARLEY Delivered at Dublin WM. STAPLETON & SON DUBLIN — ONTARIO At the inaugural session of Huron County Council at which Reeve H. Johnston of Morris Township was named Warden for 1952,•a by-law was passed confirming the appointment of Peter Patterson, B.Sc., (centre) as the new County Engineer and Road Superintendent. A recent graduate of the University of TorQnt-o, Mr. Patterson succeeds both his father and grandfather as ad- ministrators in turn, of Huron County's road system, In 1917, the late Donald Patterson, grandfather (left)' was. appointed Huron. County's first road superintendef t. He resigned three years later when his son, the late Roy Patterson (right)' ,graduate of Queen's ' University, Kingston, was ready for the post to which he was nam- ed by Council by-law in February, 1920, and to which he gave 31 years of outstanding service. Congratuling the new County En- gineer, Warden Johnston noted that 'three generations of County Engineers is perhaps without precedent in Canada. He declared that the high' esteem in which, the Patterson family has long been held marks common heritage of sound character, ability and zeal in .public service. sou,- Ron Passmore„Keith Love, Jack Bell, Eric .Smale, Gerald Flynn_ ZURICH—Goal, Bob Orr; 1.d., Ken Poollick; r.d., Gerry Clarke; centre, Gascho; r.w., Gordon,Hay; I.w., H. Armstrong; alternates, Bob Parker, O'Brien, McKinley, Regier, G. Telruch, Willard, Miller. Referees—Donald h'lear, Gerald Moir. ed two and Tiedman one. Both goal tenders played a good game witch, some great saves. The line-ups were.: HENSALL—Goal, Woodcock; de- fence, A. Nicholson and J. Nichol- son; centre. Munroe; wings, Sang- ster and Knight; alternates, Hilde- brand. Broome, Mousseau, Clure, Cowan. EXETER—Goal, Sthroeder; de- fence, Wade, Needham; centre, Wagner; wings,. Tiedman, Wag - horn; alternates, D. Brintnell, Musser, Taivilette, Penhale, Presz- cator, Scwaab, Cooper, H. Brintnell, 13, Tuckey. First Period Wagner (Waghorn, Tiedman), 7:35; Cowan, Broome, Hildebrand), 9:45; Knight (J. Nich- olson),'17:45. Penalty—A. Nichol- son (trip), 19:04. Second Period=Wagner (Wag - born), 6:35; Mousseau (Hildebrand, Cowan), 8:15; Mousseau, (Clure, Cowan), 18:55. Penalties—Mous- seau (charge), 5:57; Tiedman (trip) 18:35). Third Period—Munroe (Knight, A. Nicholson), 6:40 ; Tiedman (Wagner, Waghorn), 15:38.• Penal- Ities—Sangster (interference), 9:11; J. Nicholson (high -sticking), 10:25. Choir Entertained Following choir practise Thurs- day evening, some thirty members of the choir of the United Church were pleasantly entertained at the home of their choir director and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rannie. 1 A social time was spent by all and a recreational period enjoyed. A delicious lunch wars served by Mr. and Mrs. Rannie and members of their family. Rev. W. J. Rog-' ers on behalf of the choir, extend- ed sincere thanks to the host and hostess for their hospitality. A St. Valentine home baking sale and afternoon tea will be held in the United Church Saturday after- noon, Feb. 16, commencing at four o'clock, under the auspices of the Evening Auxiliary. Mr. George Ibbotson and Mr, Rod. McLeod, of Kincardine, visited re- cently 'with Mr. and Mrs. William Pepper. Mrs. Farrell. of Ripley. is confin- -d to her rc•om• with illness at the ho?'e of her daughter and "son in- l::w,' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison, In a, W,O O.A. Intermediate "A" game pia• ed here Wednesday night, Jan. 30. Hensall defeated Exeter by the score of 5,3. Mousseau led the Hensall attack with two goals, and single tallies by Cowan, Knight and Munroe. For Exeter. Wagner scor- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t•, • • /• , Model "B” • • • • • • • • • • • • •'• • •,• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Model "MT" Model "MT," with single front wheel. Model "AW" Model. "MT," with wide front wheels. Model "MC" Meet today's John Deere Tractor Family —18 great models—a type and power size for every farming need. One. of these John Deere Tractors fits your farm. The more you know about it, the _more convinced you'll be it's the best farm power investment you can make. Arrange with us to see it and drive it. We feel sure you'll never be completely satisfied until you own a John Deere Tractor. 1 CHISELHURST The annual meeting of . Chisel - !burst United Church, was held Wed- nesday evening, Jan. 30. Harold Parker, Joe Ferguson and Earl Treffrey were elected to the Board hof Managers; J. M. Glenn, Benson Stoneman and T. Brintnell were elected to the board of trustees; Angus Robertson, secretary -treasur- er. Harold Parker was appointed superintendent of the Sunday School to replace J. Ferguson, wbo retired owing to ill health. Wil- bert Parker was appointed caretak- er. During the year $2,400.00 was raised for all purposes, and there are 67 fa•milies...on the toll. A mo- tion was made to send letters to the shut-ins of the church. The ex- terior of the church was redecorat- ed and further improvements will be made this year. Rev. W. J. Rog- ers ooers is the minister. 190111149900041.9049 ELIMVILLE Pref errs Cana quality an A; At the morning service in the church here, flowers were placed there by the family of Mrs, J. Kel- • let, and two pulpit chairs were don- e ated by Mrs. Dickenson•Ree•1 in memory of her parents. Mr. and • Mrs. John Pym. Mrs. Reed and her * son, H. Dickenson. of St. Marys, • were present, the latter taking; part • In the service. Dedication was by the pastor, Rev. Wm. Mair. Mrs. • Hubert Heywood sang a solo dun • ' ing the service: • Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner • 1. visited on Sundily with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, of Stephen Town- • ship. • I Mr. and Mrs. Austin Diking, Ross 411. and Hazel, of London, attended the rune al • of their accident victim • ' friend, Mr. Waiter McEwen, Bruce- • field, on Tuesday of lastweek. Miss Shirley Johns is under the • Idoctor's care with strep throat. Well, swell! Several children • have the mumps in this school sec- • tion, - ENJOY Dancing THIS SaturdayNight and Every Sat. Night EXETER LEGION HALL Benny Goodfellow AND HIS LONDONAIRES Admission 75c 411_1, Dancing 9 -12 Model "GN" Model "BN" Model "BW" Model "GW" Model "AO" rag AFORTH: :O'H.N BLUE Phone 246 .A. ,Service Station Model "D" Model "il" W. G. Simmons & Sons Model "AR" • :' , District tia • ' • • • • • • • • • • • • EXETER: Phone 115 MAIN STREET t mow JOHN DEERE T -c ,z TRII,CTORSe o411 Weddings ContractBarley We are contracting Malting Barley for the Canada Malting Company on the same basis . as last year We supply the seed and deduct bushel for bushel's the Fall. Mating Barley was one of the best paying c1, last year. Our New Elevator, which is now completed, has four Cleaners and unloading ramps, which makes for quick unloading and avoids long delays. Remember, you can deliver the Barley when threshed and get Free storage up to December 15, with option of selling on the market any time up until that date. Hence, we suggest that farmers wishing contracts please get in touch with us by tele- phone: Office 32, Hensall; Night Calls, 2 or 194, Hensall We are buying Seed Oats and, Feed Grain Contact us before selling. The best price will be paid. W. G. THOMPSON & SONS LTD. HENSALL Pepper - Walsh At the United Church parsonage, Blyth, Edna Walsh, of Hensall, be- came the." bride of Norman Pepper, Hensel], in a ceremony solemnized by Rev. C. Scott. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh, Blyth, and the groom is the ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper. Hensall. Fof her wedding the bride chose an electric blue velvet suit with black acce sories and red rose corsage. Miss Gladys Pepper was the hridt's on'y attendant, dr'e°sed in green crere with black.,acces- so:ies and corsage of yellow roses. Lloyd Walsh was groomsman. At. a teeeption at the Brunswick Hotel, Blyth. the bride's ••motherwore a teal blue enier:ble with a corsage of pink roses. The groom's mo he, was dressed in i'ght brown crepe with a corsage of pinit roses. They will reside' in Hensall. Vanstone - Brown !. ( A pretty wedding was solemnized / d' Tractors and Trucks Farm Equipment IA Refrigerators BUY NOW FOR LESS AT OUR STOCK -REDUCING SALE OF N5EW AND USED EQUIPMENT 1 P.T.O. DRIVE BALER—With wagon hitch and chute 1 8 -FOOT POWER BINDER 3 ENSILAGE AND FORAGE BLOWERS 2 TRACTOR 'MOUNTED CULTIVATORS -- 2 SEVEN -FOOT TRACTOR FIELD CULTIVATORS 3 81/2 -FT. TRACTOR FIELD CULTIVATORS ON STEEL 10 81/2 -FT. TRACTOR FIELD CULTIVATORS ON RUBBER 1 ONE-HORSE SCUFFLER 6 15 -DISC FERTILIZER DRILLS 40 SECTIONS SMOOTHING HARROWS 1 MILKING MACHINE 110 SECTIONS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS 7 HAMMER MILLS 3 HORSE-DRAWN MOWERS 10 SEVEN -FOOT POWER MOWERS 3 TWO -FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS 1 FERTILIZER AND LIME SOWER 20 -TRACTOR MAN1•RE SPREADERS 4 ELECTRIC WASHERS 4 REFRIOIDRATS /' 1 HOME FREEZER 12 60 -CYCLE MOTORS TIRES, TUBES, PAINTS AND OILS, ETC. USED EQUIPMENT 3 BEAN HARVESTERS - 1 TWO -HORSE CORN CULTIVATOR 1 SIX-FOOT McCORMICK MOWER 1 COOKSHUTT MANURE S'P'READER 1 OLIVER TRACTOR ON RUBBER. 1 W30 TRACTOR ON .RUBBER 2 W30 TRACTORS ON STEEL 1 10-20" TRACTOR QN RUBBER 1 SEVEN -FOOD MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER JOIN 440111, Seaford".