HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-01-25, Page 6ill e." `18.52 Municipal Connell of the ewnship of Usborne met pur- s�rent to 'statute at 11 a.m. on Mon- day 4;in the Township Hall, Ellin-. aiiie,'' The meeting was convened bye newly -elected representee tive eeteeve Verne J. Pincombe and CpuftCillars Harold Jeffery, Harold Hark Earl Mitchell and Clayton Smitll taking the oath of office be- Zore"t ie clerk. The reeve and coun- ciilot, were' congratulated on hav- ing 'figon such a large measure -of sem* from the ratepayers • of the township as was demonstrated at the Gcent nomination meeting and follchving election proceedings The gavel of office was handed to the reeve° and in accepting it he stilted the members of council for a full measure of support in carrying on the business of the township during the forthcoming year, and express- ed the wish that all council pro- ceediegs might he carried on har- moniously.' The new member of council, Clayton Smith, was assign- ed his seat. and made welcome. The reeve.. then taI•Ied on Rev. William Mair, to open the meeting proper with prayer. Minutes of the final meeting of the 1951 council were confirmed as Printed on motion of Mitchell and Jeffery. In. business arising out 'of the minutes, the relief officer reported that the Jinkerson case had been brought to a satisfactory conclusion and that he expected .that the town- ship would' be reimbursed in full by the Department of Welfare for the expenses connected therewith. The road superintendent reported and construct the,Hicks drain were that further amount of fire insur- tabled as follows: Gardiner: Aim. ance coverage on the township ma• hull & Son, $3,880; Dunn & M 48tin chinery building had been granted by the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. to a total amount of $6,000 on the building, $1,000 on the contents, and $500: on the tractor. Council approved this amount as being satisfactory on motion of Smith and Hern. Council set the regular monthly certificates of completion on the meeting date to fall on the second I Brock and Earl drains. He report - Monday afternoon . of the month, ed that they were endeavoring to with arrangements for evening complete the Kerslake drain report. meetings during the ' summer Membership was taken in the On - months, to be left to a later time tario Good Roads Association, On- o tario Association of Rural Munici- 1 palities and the Ontario Association e t t d the Assessing Officers. c k a p a s 0 er operators, 90c per hour; othe township labor, •80c per hour; he crawler tractor operator, Rmerso Penhale, $1.24 per hour; weed in epector, N. G. Clarke; inspector in charge of livestock pasturing by- law, W. J. Routly; fenceviewers, W. Kerslake, C. Down, O. Paul, N. Coultis, C. Fletcher; poundkeepers, E. Whitting, R. Jeffery, E. Alexan- der, E. Skinner, H. Shute, J. Bray, T. Yellow, F. Ryckman, J. Ander- son, G. Johns, E. Miller; represent- ative to the Ausable River Censer- Yatton Authority, Wellington R. Brock. The road superintendent was in- structed to charge the following rental rates for township machin- ery per hour: power maintainer, $4 tq ratepayers, $7 for outside work, $6 for the County, with plow for the County $7; crawler tractor, $7 to ratepayers, $9 for outside work; power mower, $2.50 to ratepayers. The foregoing was approved on mo- tion of Jeffery and Mitchell.snd the clerk was instructed to prepare a covering by-law for `7presentation and final passing at the February meeting. The tax collector reported that the 1951 tax arrears had been re- duced to the present total of $4.- 537.87. The road superintendent presented his report with vouchers to the amount of $2,795,82. The re- port was approved on motion of Jeffery and Hern. At 3 p.m. 'tenders received in re- sponse to a tender call for the con- tract to repair the Gardiner drain -chapter No: 2 -'of- the study boo 1.21104 le the 1•.1151 . We Serve," w%s Oren by Mrs. 'Ujl; .Alexander; - piano inetrtl)nentai was given rby Mrs.. Ross Broadfoot. The 'el Bing ad hymn war 376. The. benediction was pronounced by M. Siaielair. Lunch was served be Circle No, 3. A contest in -charge of Mrs. T. Kay was much enjoyed. • The slate of officers for 1952 are as follows: President, Mrs. J. Sin- clair; 1st vice-presielent, Mrs. J. McLellan; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. E. Kyle; 3rd vice-president, Mrs, W. Alexander; 4th vice-president, Mrs. R Peck; secretary, Mrs, H. Caldwell; 'treasurer, Mrs, R. Elgie; press secretary, 'Mrs. A. Gackatet- ter; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. A. Parsons; Mission Band sec- retary, Mona Caldwell; assistant, Mos. W. Workman; Community Friendship secretary, Mrs. A. Mc- Murtrie; Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs. A. Hinton; supply secretary, Mrs. Herbert Jones; sup- ply committee, Mrs. T. W. McLean, Mrs. A. Parsons, Mrs, A. Gackstet- ter; pianists, Mrs. Harold Jones, Mrs. Ross Broadfoot; Sunshine cammittee, Ml's`", E. Jarrett, Mrs. E. Kyle; Associate Members' secre- tary, Mrs. John Anderson. Officers for the W.A. are: Presi- dent, Mrs. E. McBride; tat vice- president, Mrs. Alan Johnson; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. W. Workman; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. Harold Jones; 4th vice-president, Mrs. A. McMurtrie; secretary, Mrs. Allan Johnson; treasurer, Mrs. E. Mc- Bride; finance committee, Mrs. Em- erson Kyle, Mrs, W. Bell, Mrs, Jos, McLellan, Mrs. Robert MacGregor, $4,784; Hicks: Turnbull &{ Son, 1 $860; Dunn & Merkin, $886. On motion of Mitchell and Jeffery, both contracts were awarded to L. H. Turnbull & Son, of Grand Bend. J. A. McKay, representing S. W. Archibald, tabled bridge plans for bridges over the Brock Creek drain,) n motion of Jeffery and Hern. During the noon recess the reeve n er aine t e members of coma- e and township officials to a tur- The following grants were made: ey dinner at Rether's Coffee Shap Salvation Army. $20; War Memor. t Exeter. ial Children's Hospital, $10; Beck With -township officials and em- Memorial Sanatorium, $10; Hume ]oyees in attendance; the council County Crop linprovement Asso:ia- onfirmed or made the following tion, 825. ppointnrents and confirmed former; Current accounts Were passed on' alary agreements and wage rates i motion of Jeffery and Mitchell. and r made new ones in agreement council adjourned to meet again lei those concerned as follows: on Monday afternoon, Feb. 11 next. Reeve's allowance, $150 and coup eillor'S allowance, $125 for the year; clerk -assessor, H. H. G. Strang, $150` per month and; fees and allowances ,pertaining to the office; treasurer and relief officer, N. G. Clarke,:- $350 for the year and $2 per family per month on relief and mileage and fees and allow- ances pertaining to the office; tax collector and: school attendance of- ficer, William Johns, $125 for the year and postage and fees pertain- ing to the office; auditor, T. A. Wiseman, $150 for the year; solici- tor, W. G. Cochrane, fees as per services, rendered; caretaker of Hall, John Kellett, $30 for the year and a110 vances for other :meetings; livestock valuator, T. A. Wiseman, $3 per trip and mileage; road sup- erintendent, W. J. Routly, $200 per month; head grader and snowplow operator, Harry .$Marling, $195 per month; other grader 'plow opera- tors, $1 per ihour; grader plow helpers, 90c per hour; tractor mow- I`� KIPPEN I W. M. S. Elects Officers The W.M.S. met on. Wednesday ;afternoon last at the home of Mrs. J. W, McLean with twenty mem- bers present. The new president, Mrs. John Sinclair, presided and 'opened the meeting with the hymn, the new version of "O Canada," Taken from the Miss'on ar v ._i1.onth- y. A reading on New Year's Reso- utions was given by Mrs. Sinclair. Hymn 579. was sung, and Mrs. Her- 'yet t ,Tones was in charge of the worship period, The minutes and roll call were taken and a thank - you card was read from the Mc- Bride family. Mrs. Emerson Kyle reported she and Mrs. Dinsdale had 'ailed, on six shut-ins last month. Mrs. C.' McBride and Mrs. W. Alex- •nder are the visiting committee for January. The World Day of ''raver will be observed Feb. 29 in If no "flower preservative" came the church, A year's report of the with your gift of cut flowers, try a Mission Band was given by "Mrs. dash of vinegar in the water in - Thos. Kay. The study, which was stead—but don't overdo it Weekly News (Continued frem Page 3) Knight, A. Nicholson, H, Nichol- son, Hildebrand, Moore, Cowan, Jim Sangster, Little, Munroe. ZURICH — Merner, McKinley, Stade, Gignac, Barash, O'Brien, °} Baird, Frawley, •Hess, Weide, Cole- man. First Period — Scoring, none. Penalties—J. Nipiiolson, A. Nichol- son, O'Brien, Barash. Second Per'od—Zurich, Gienac (Barash), 9:50; Hensel), Hilde- brand (Wade), 10:15; Zurich, Bar- a.slie (McKinley), 16:01; Hensel), Hildebrand, 19:10, Penalties--Har- ri` iseh, Stade 2,.Frawley, McKinley. Third Period—Scoring, none. Pen - overtime —ZuriCh, en- overtime—Zurich, Baird (Cole. man), 4:25; Zurich. O'Brien (Wei - do), 9.37. Penalties—Munroe, Cole- man (minor misconduct), Barash. Referees—Bousseyand MacLean, Lodge Holds Social Evening The regular meeting of Amber Rebekah Lodge was 'held in the lodge hall Wednesday evening with Mrs. Beatrice Richardson, Noble Grand, in the chair. Many import- ant Items of business were discuss- ed. Following the meeting a social was held by the members and,..in- vtted guests. Fourteen tables were irr play for progressive euchre and two tables of crokinole. Winners in euchre were: Ladies, Mrs. Chas. Farquhar, Mrs, Inez McEwan. Mrs. Clarence Volland; gents, Byran Kyle, George Glenn, Sam Rennie; eroftinole, Harold Bell, Mrs. G. Broderick, Mrs. Byran Kyle. • W. 1. Holds Sewing Bee The January meeting of Kippen East Women' Institute took the Perin of a sing bee .held in the Legion 'Hall, Flensall, Wednesday, come:wi Ging at 10:30 am, A •pot- ltieltedinnei and afternoon tea were served. Twenty members were pre- sent and made five crib quilts, a yard and a quarter by tivo yar e, of P11 ,gird blue fioivered flannelette, wh!t 1 will be ferwarde#,t, the War etYt"Dila) Oiltdrelifir Eospit'(i, ten= toil 1 'i?dekt`ent Miss. Grace 11're- inneep*ided let a Short buefness ess ii; �oixenSionittdili item" arere gis ; 6.0,10r"4.0giug ut lti.omt6s tD' heh sit i e ioii e bet`s Bled Wett Ytf good 46 i{e ir' d 'red td n §l eller, 'tiodetrie ' A.. e MO i,ddi ,be hsfd iii ralitlaia�.' WINCHELSEA Mrs. Newton Clarke and Mrs, Harold Clarke spent Monday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Kerslake and baby spent Monday in London. Miss Kathleen Hey, of Exeter, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Prance. Mr. and Mrs. William Walters visited on Monday last with Mr. and Mrs, .W, Glanville, of Staffa. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cann, of Exeter. spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarke. ZURICH Zur•oh Women's Institute conven- ed in the Town Hall, Zurich, for their January meeting with Mrs. Newell Ge'ger in charge of the pro g"'am. The guest speaker, M:•. Reg- inald Illsley. oho e for his then e, "Community Activities and Public Relations," rointing out the fine spirt of fellowship in the smal'er towns and villages, as well as the community in general, where a friendly atmosphere exists. The W. I. and church groups are likened to the theart of a community, the speaker said. the heart being the engine of humanity which supplies the motive force, whereby many projects are created and completed. President Mrs. Gus Roche took charge of the business meeting. Greet -nm: cards were received and' read from surround'ng branches. Roll call was; "How we can improve our community." Mrs. Geiger read several poems; a group of pupils of ) rs. •Ruth Decker favored with tap dancing numbers, with Miss Mar- lene Wagner as accompanist, and Wayne Clausius sang. ,Mrs. Ed Stelck presided at the piano for community singing. Luncheon was seed by Mrs. William Forrester, Mrs. Newels, Geiger and Mrs. M. Manson. Bus Depot The West* Ontario Motorways Ltd. are pleased to announce the appoint- ment ppointment of RICE MOTORS AS YOUR TRAVEL AGENT For Tickets and Information PHONE 799 THE WESTERN ONTARIO MOTORWAYS -- Ltd. Kitchener Ontario. 1q THE 1 : +, ` " i'°t'N dh O it do rathe Area e Ch TuckAr n. Howard Johns was elected chair- man and Glenn Bell viceehairman of the Tuckersmith School Area Board, at the annual meeting of the board held in Seaforth Town Hall Thursday last. The board renewed the accident and general liability insurance pol- icies- , The following accounts were or- dered paid: Miss Helen Turner,, $7.50; Baldwins, $3.50; E. P. 'Ches- ney, $12'; Waterloo Music Co., $22.0'8; Municipal World, $3.20; Hydro acct., $61.69. The Tuckersmith Ladies' Club proposal to build storage cupboards in basement of S.S. 4 was given ap- proval. The 1952 School Area Board Con- sists of: Chairman, H. Johns; vice chairman, G. Bell; Trustees, N. MacLean, W. Coleman and Wilmer Braadfoot. The next meeting will be beld in S.S. 9 on Tuesday, February 12. Hcwick Council Howick Council met in the' clerk's office, Gorrie, according to statute, the members -elect being all present and took the necessary declaration of office as follows: E. H. Strong reeve; Harold Gowdy, deputy -reeve; Edward Newton, Emmerson Har grave and Arthur Gibson, council- lors. Rev. Watt and Rev. Vogan were present and addressed the council and led in prayer for their succe 1952 ss n The business of the council pro- ceeded with Reeve E .H, Strong in the •chair. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and on motion of Hargrave and Newton were adopted as read. Moved by Gowdy and Gibson: That we, the municipality of the Township of Howick, join the Good Roads As- soc'ation, Carried. Moved by Gib• son and Hargrave: That we auth 'prize the clerk to outer nine srb- scriptions to the Municipal World. 'Carried. Moved by Gowdy and Gibson: That we instruct the tax collector to return the collector's roll on February 5, 1952, Carried. Moved by Gibson and Newton: That we appoint Reeve E. H. Strong and Councillor E. Hargrave to the Fordwieh Community Hall Board, and Reeve E. H. Strong and Deputy Reeve Harold Gowdy to the •Gorr'e Community Hall Board and Deputy Reeve .Harold Gowdy and Counc 1 for Edward Newton to the Belmore:. Community Centre Board. Carried: Moved by Hargrave and Newton: That we give a grant of $10 to the Huron Crop Imrrovement Associa- tion. Carried. Moved by Hargrave and Gow•dv: That the road accounts as approved to paid. Moved by Newton and Hargrave: That the following accounts be paid: Relief, $175.62; Gorrie Com- munity Hall Board,. rent of hall. $45; Bob Hastie, fox bounty, $2.00; Ontario Good Roads Association, membership fee, $5; Association o; Assessing Officers; membership fee, • $ Cir h'il't -taunt tro imrv,.. � y-" eP' l lett. ":A430$194 trton� '-grant,, SW Ole tarr•10 M1A4s904104 * Rural Mudie)• Panties; ineMber-*i'p fee, $5; P. Durst, postage, $5, TetaI, $257.62. Moved by •fi4pwdy, and Hargrave: That we do now adjourn to meet again Feb. 5 in the Clerk's office, or at the call of the reeve. Carried_ HENSALL Hensel! Midgets Stop Exeter Friday night the Hensel) Midgets put a stop to the winning streak of the Exeter Midgets, in a free scor- ing match, with each- team match- ing the other goal for goal through- out the 60 minutes of afast and interesting hockey game. If fans FERTILIZER LET US HAVE YOUR ORDER THIS MONTH! • It is definitely going to be higher next month. SOME ANALYSIS MAY BE IN SHORT SUPPI1Y We will store it for you until sending time. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Phone 9 Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile PHONE 141 SEAFORTH 1 Mil® cm® oq the Anxi DON'T PUT ALL THE BLAME ON ME FOR POOR HATCHES, B055. YOU KNOW THAT FLOCKS LAYI NG E'6S FOR HATCHING NEED A SPECIAL FEED. NOTICE TOWNSHIP of McKILLOP ALL CAR OWNERS IN THE TOWN- SHIP OF MCKILLOP ARE REQUEST- ED NOT TO PARK THEIR CARS ON THE ROADS OF THE TOWNSHIP DURING THE WINTER Cars that are Ieft on the roads are con- trary to the Highway Traffic Act, and are a detriment to operation of snow- plows. AFTER JANUARY 1, 1952, PLEASE NOTE THAT PROVINCIAL POLICE WILL TAKE THE NECESSARY AC- TION TO SEE THAT CARS ARE NOT LEFT ON ROADS, AND PROSECU- TION MAY FOLLOW. W. J. MANLEY Road Superintendent WHE-E-W ! AM I GLADTO SEE YOU,DOC. YOU'VE SAVED MY NECK. PLEASE TELLTHE BOSS ABOUT YOUR GOLDEN E66 BREEDEReMASM WORRIED ABOUT LOW HATOES, EH4,,,BILL? IT ISN'T ALWAYS THE ROOFER'S FAULT. A FERTILIZED EGG MUSTCONTAIN STORED.UP VITAMINS, EXTRA ANIMAL. PROTEIN AND THE LATEST GROWTH FACTORS TO HATCH A B16 HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT GROWiNG. 1 taltnk-the-Midgett> vara- plartartibt big hgckey that:is North eeeln elle a4mieelon fee meeme .an *tee ?the .-e ,. next h oma game at ilensall• ,with the Zurich'•' Midgets. You were, a: boy yourself;. land 'see if you Were as good as the boys are nowadays, Hensen 'line -nye Smith, Parkelr, Fink, Bell, Parker, Rennie, Welsh. HendersoneePas es. Bel ; , ssauare; Belt err; arnele, Lavery Conci I i r Lewis '9#" eJdFI$ a , )app � i 'l' M trceburge..W4esl ee edr lPr130.1ent) the Kezip Pall4eei..eiksegc, on.e $ , seeding Sgt. Arthur McCtlllurr , aloo of Wallaceburg, who held, the post= mwx.mx r,, cert rl1eetedit,th 1952 ,,Wiz st Harold Heddemart .J31 ,, viofliPent,ndI Un, it 1• PAW latekF soo1a r. r.. ate t�,?y o e the, sots' of Mss. C IlL He eu sit H'ensall, and is a native of this vile, tion for several years. Other offs- lege. ELECTRIC REGULATOR and GENERATOR Servicer Installed to H -E -L -P U -S to H -E -L -P Y -O -U KEEP YOUR ELECTRIC SYSTEM ON YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR TRACTOR In Peak Efficient Operating Condition • TRACTOR OWNERS ! .Bring in your Generator and Voltage Regulator for Free Check To Seaforth Motors CHEV. - OLDS. MASSEY-HARRIS SALES AND SERVICE Phone 141 — Seaforth fne IMPORTANT NOTICE! The Hydro Area Office (F.SIID.) IN SEAFORTH Cardno Bros. Building will be closed down after JANUARY 25th NOTE ! After that date all enquiries regarding . 25-60 cycle change -over should be addressed to THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION PERTH MUTUAL BUILDING • Cor. Ontario St. and South Waterloo St. STRATFORD, ONTARIO P. 0. Box 85 ' Telephone 3980 THE , HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO LOOK AT: THIS FERTILE EGG, BILL. IT 15 MADE VP OF THE SHELL -ALBUMEN AND YOLK•.'SCIENCE PROVES THAT THE HEN CONVERTS THE EXTRA VITAMINS, PROTEIN AND GROWTH FACTORS INTO THE E66 BEFORE SHE SEALS IT IN THE SHELL. IN 2I DAYS THE STORED UP FOOD MUST GROW A Bib HEALTHY CHICK AND KEEP IT 601 N6 FOR NEARLY 10 DAYS AFTER HATCHING. TNATSA BIG JOB AND IT NEEDS A SPECIAL MASH. By Roe Farms Service Dept - COME AND GET 1T, GIRLS ! ROE GOLOEN 666 FOR GOLDEN EGGS. T THERE'S SURE SENSE IN WHAT YOU SAY, DOG. ROE GOLDEN E66 MASH PUT5 EXTRA MONEY IN MY POCKET AND IT'S ONLYA FEW CENTS 'EXTRA'FORTHI5 SPECIALLY MADE ,BREEt1ERs' MAS FOR 8166ER HA1CHEs OF STRONG CHICKS THAT LIVE — — PROT NOW /N W. R. Kerslake, 'Seaforth Lorne Hay, Mensal! A. 1 Mustard, Brumfield J. A. Seder, Staffa R. Shauldiae,iradhagein 11