HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-01-18, Page 5'r • This is t 0,.axst•?spltoxku!xti4' .>,t'Y,e glad to 'dlttottd t'o 'eachanal every ane of you the very! be It imeeese ifori 1952;' toot only! tr. 1Oltr`.a AclAke ;standing,, but it0. eporta. • as WeLi. : Sinee our 'i'tigbjr - beam earHHe'd • :not onl7 the pendant, bUt the ilV,0., tro A phy art Veil, we now have :high expeotatto,he for our basket- bali •platers. far 418- academic standing goes,' act year Waal rather ,.outstanding, and here again we r -must try to Upheld otic record. We arefl1.t off be a 'bad Start as I li 'the fgtflntwliug spear swats MAI MPe1, i 1. The boner =Oak, qtr, : r#tltr),l: 1'We Y. 1lllte magt.vk lAr Awe MACCIfittiQUOtlhets 14een 4Qt cited' two 10 &O , 9 10,1 low a greater xtllmbex tAf .t tiiilemtts whO tleaill * trY, ite.get lar.9.111• tGaade 1944 - Reap QU oe.t $j1 .t n:et 3tt[aeGneggr . al , Oeanpee Beuenmann1U4 .L/g1,S; toet8i3;-:t Lois Aron laias.arv1ile V,7.dt, guile T a,Rkwsell 84..x, Swan en,d, , leite' Diegel 8fl.,0;, Rose •;Mattie D13sihartne� 78.7, .do Anne .fin, Clair 71,7„ , etty^ iCampbell 70.a. • • Electrical Stack C1earane :0o. DISCOUNT .-- on - • THOR ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES • .THOR ELECTRIC GLADIRONS • TIMOR ELECTRIC POLISHERS.: Also USED THOR AUTO MAGIC WASHIR 1/2 Price Seaforth Motors Phone 141 Seaforth �a a: a' *e_ xY► , �k gePOP.,P tills lbekex , 414 WI/ ante 4410 d{• - tankfie .a •'epiexldid. alitinsagt. Ow '+Lff IVO" :tiwsk.ota were Pre- •asallted .t;o.411 a ililaiseits iby its Stu Aftutie $Vellncil (President, Lennaing 11 th, sr1bo ,gn'ibehp.af ,of the al;Ctu'dent ihody 41X(Preasad mix atanneesiatitlii "for .the ;exgelletxt 11'Mb ,cf the cream. 1 lisp 'ocltstis ,are i, 4f : acme 43iuudorety with yelloW ibubtnns,;and red, black and :yellow at Olewaist and touif's, with Abe rohaMpjpu ,cuestm •on the front. They mere tpresented to the ,poach, Mr. DoltSDR, 3Y1, Beek*, It. Johnstwi, J. Dressel, G. Daher, R. Jacobi, R. tenteie,'E. M•ar+Millan, D.: Dale T. Iducharme, M. 'EDYrre, it Stewart, G. Rowland, 43. Sills, J. M9Gavinb..D. McLellan, D. Keyes, J.! :Flannigan, K. Larone, D. Mc/0nd sey, 'R. Scott, R. Mttir, S. IvIcMillan, G. Hubert, C. Riley, R. Henderson D. J3ackwell and D. Morton. Three. chee4:s for the coach, the captain and 'tl'I'e team! Funny what a miraculous recov- ery our...Master of .Ceremonies had when the •presentatigns were made,: when only a •few moments before•it' was announced that the was suffer- ing of a 'heart attack. Well, Bon DANCE WALTON , Community Hall FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 Sponsored by Walton Football Club Music by Ken Wilbee Orchestra ADMISSION -� 50 CENTS January Sale Continue 20% off on SNOW SUITS STATION WAGON COATS COAT SETS DRESSES - JUMPERS • t� WOOL DRESSING GOWNS WINTER UNDERWEAR AND SKIRTS • DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON OTHER ODD LINES ! SALE. ENDS SATURDAY, JANUARY 26th KIDDIES SHOP 'Next Door to the Theatre A Home. Improvement Finance Plan .for Home Owners The -BALL- MACAULAY Yards at Seaforth and Clinton are pleased to announce that through membership in Inter -Provincial Building Credits Ltd., they are now able to offer to HOME OWNERS a low cost Credit Plan, by which repairs, alterations and modernization. of existing homes can be financed. • Who is Eligible? Any home owner of good credit stand- ing who has a reasonab:e equity in bis home. What Improvements Can Be Financed Under the Plan? A repair, alteration or improvement of an existing structure, including a detached garage, e.g., finishing attic rooms, addi g rooms, re -roofing, new flooring, modernizing kitehens, bathrooms, making basement room, etc. Where Do I Apply For Advice? Go to BALL - MACAULAY. They will give you expert advice. examine your home if you so desire, help you to determine your exaot requ•rements, give, you a quotat'on, or find a satisfactory contractor. If you' wish you can do the job yourself. How Do I Arrange For Credit? Fill : out a simple confidential applica- tion in • BAL'L- MACAULAY Office. Are There Limits As to Amount and Time Allowed' For Payment? Yes. The minimum credit is $100 and the maximum $2,000. The repayment plan provides for equal monthly instalments in round figures over periods of six, twelve, eighteen or twenty-four months, as you may select. You say how much you can afford to pay each month and a satisfactory plan will be selected. What is the Down Payment .Be- fore I Can Get the Job Started? No down payment is necessary on build, ing material. What is the Carrying Charge or Cost of This Credit? One+haif of one per cent per month on the total credit arranged. Thus a $300.00 • credit to be repaid in 12 monthly il stal- ments would cost $6 per $100, or $18 in all. There is no other charge except in the case of small Credits of $250 or less,'for which an additional. service charge of $1 hi masse. We have a good stock of Steel and Aluminum Roofing and Canadian Cement on hand BALL - MACAULAY LUMBER - LIME - CEMENT - TILE . SE A F O R'T' H'I Phone 787 BRICK C L I N'' {O N Phone.97 sw n 444 AOG We3rtoa vis the scope w,,, 49t44ge wactory dor : ;oatort9i 244. 47. alight as itlie. Bantauns edged olid 416llb,seepton '44-4. ore Midgets to* a;. `TLS 4.001$107a.. ' ' • [both. games the youngster came Cup with a good Fast brand of Awoke". May was fairly even, but, In the Midget encounter Seafo tt'b,' 3rnys took better advantage ea tiheir I Ilneeals. T tatre. led the "Miidgets, performs! dug the • 'hat trick ;in their game;' while the Bantat O scorbtg was di- vided up. • Bantams .StLrLP'ORTvH - Goal, McGonigle; defence., Mason, dlhomrpson; centre, Dale; wings, McFadden, Robertson; alternates, Matthews, Scoine, Stap- 1leton, Wright, Carter; McMaster, Williams, Murray, Scoit, •Winters. 111ThveR.TGN-Goal., Mohr; de fence, • Stone„Saville ; :centre, •Sharpe; wings, Kerr, Timm:; alter- nates, Guenther, . Westman, Hoff - mag, man; Coak, Denstedt, Hyde, Mogk, Schenck,. Melrose. First Period -Goals: Milverton, Sharpe (roman, Kerr), 11:40. Pen- aNies-Mogk. ,• Second, Period •- Goals: Seaforth, Scott, 3:001; Seaforth, .,Robertson (Dale, McFadden), 10:40; Seaforth, Scoins (Mason), 18:01_ Penalties - Murray. Third Period -Goals: Milverton, Taman (Stone), .5:00; Milverton, Denstedt, 7:13; 'Seaforth, Murray (Dale), 17:40.. Penalties -Murray, Dale. Midgets ' SEAFORTH-Goad, Crozier;_ de- fence, Pullman, McMillan; centre, Muir; wings, Rowland; Lane; al- ternates; McIlwain, Taylor, McCita-' chey, Horton, rGeddes, Murray, Hen- derson. MILVER'PON - Goal, Knecitel; defence, Jacobs, Krotz; centre, Mueller; wings, Boshart, Ropp; al- ternates, Chalmers, Yost, Oesch, Mayberry, Henry, Brydone, West - man. • First Period -Goals: Milverton, Chalmers (Yost), 7:20; Milverton, Yost. (Oesch), 7:55. No penalties. Second Period -Goals: Seaforth, McMillan (Muir), 5:20; Sea.forth, Lane, 13:30; Seaforth, Mcllwntn, 14:25. No penalties. Third period --Goals: Seafdrth, Muir (Lane), 2:08; Seaforth, Row- ' land (Muir). 6:45: Seaforth, Lane (Muir); 9:57; Milverton, Bosh art, (Muir), 9:57; Milverton. Boshart., 10:30; Milverton, Henry (Oesch), 11:06; Seaforth, Lane (Pullman), 12:50; Milverton, Krotz (Mueller, Ropp): 14:37, Penalties - Muir, Mueller. and Ken got along quite well with- out him as they both did a splendid job. Ken, accompanied by Ron, sang two popular songs, "And So To Sleep-e.gain" and "Deep Pur-' pie.." a disp ay of real talent. Question of the week: Who are the participants of that dashing ro- mance that takes place .beside the girls' fountain each noon hoar? , eSa iY ON MADE` 0 -ME. ' i .' Fi $ J JT , TOP- COATS, OP- COA 'OVERCOATS AND LADIES' ., , ' T,. 1 I RED SUI • THREE DAYS ONLY JANUARY 17 - 18-19 • • For the first time in their history, Tip Top Tailors offer you this grand discount on alt their Made-to.Measure garments during January 17-18-19. . . . It's their nor- mal slack period, but this big sale wiil stow delivery to six weeks - so you'd better be thinking about Easter on these sale days and get 'your order in now. LADIES! Here's your chance to get that tailored suit you've want- ed at a great big discount. No cloths are reserved - the complete range goes on sale for three days only. Pick from Gabardines, Serges, FlannelWorsteds, English Worsteds, Tropicals, Eta . . . and what's more . . . WE GUARANTEE A FIT! • HERE ARE THE SALE PRICES ! Men's Suits or Coats Men's Suits, 2 Pants Ladies' Suits Coats _ Trousers, Skirts or Slacks - - . . CLUB TIPTOP 39.60 45.20 50.95 58.70 37.40 42.80 11.55 13.70 FLEET ST. 54.80 70.65 51.60 16.00 STEWART BROS. Anttnninalentuatnalnintir sS„ its, 11:$:11 �' ; i b.349C!s, in lu'ktly ween iIE.ZTp's a e dna until; <lf�!Es gfsh Noo.ler-ts sof. all toes .Slut ton re 7+eserveti, Every cloth in. t e. range goes into!this wile. .. i ve your 'suit :tail- ,) oredin the style of yowr• Choice with Extra Pants Free, 57.50. 67.50 69.50 77.50 For Coat, Vest and Two Pants • If you -don't want two trousers, wen reduce the above prices by industrial League • The second half of the double schedule got under way on Tues- day night with all six teams in ac - Von. As usual. a large crowd was on hand to see the usual line of entertainment which varies at times from boxing matches to mild- er forms of acrobatics . the greatest show on earth . . for the money. This week Hiram Shannon and Doc Cameron did the whistle work. and there was plenty of it on the new iding rules. St. Columban 5, Egmondville 3 ST. COLUIIIBANThe River Rat; took it again ! from St. Columban to the tune of Largely attended funeral services were held on Thursday morning, Jan. 10, for Patrick Williams. who passed away on January 7, in his 82nd year. Father J. McQowell. of St. ,Columban- Church, sang Re- gnierp High Mass. and Mrs. Vincent. Lane presided at the organ. The nallbearers were his six sons: John. Joseph, Daniel,. Michael, Frank and Thomas. Interment was in St. Columban cemetery. 'III I Ili I Illi II III!tili i'llli ilio: iidll dll4li'Idlf(i • ,111 , 1 i II ii ' ;illi i Euchre - Dance 1 SPONSORED BY Seaforth W. I. SEAFORTH, 1 COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 8:30 p.m-. sharp Admission 50c Ladies please bring Sandwiches Music by Murdoch's Orchestra 'fit rrno hiss EllwamiiimllllilplgJmlilllmoimmir;: 5 to 3, although this is a big im- provement over the -first affair the Villagers are still lacking some- thing . . . maybe hockey players! Costello led the Irish marksmen with two goals; Butters. Horan and Jordan each -beat Rice for singles, three of these -came in the last period. St. Columban spent 16 min- utes in the cooler; two minutes to Ron Butters. and four to Jordan, Costello and Steve Maloney. John Flannery. Doig and Bill Brown were the scorers for the Villagers. Pen- alties went to McNairn, N. 'Smith, Barry and a pair to Carter. Wanderers 8. Winthrop 1 This game started off fairly ev- en: the Wanderers were leading 3-1 at the end of the second, but the last period -was too much for the 1v"ortiiern entry. This was a fast and furious game at time. both sides getting their share of penal- ties. In the first period Allie Hilde- brand and Ken Larone beat, Haase. Larone getting a pair. The only goal in the second was by Glen McClure. Fay Chanters was help- ed off the ice after his crash with Tanchuk, Glen Reist set a new sort of a record in this league, at least. by scoring three goals in the first DA minutes of play. and got him- self another later in the reriod. Allie Hildebrand scored again in the third. Tanchuk and Eisler we's the bad men for the Wanderers, and Winthrop penalties were taken by Glen McClure. Cuthill. Ray Chambers. Don McClure. Scott, Strong and Betties. Man Street/i. Foundry 7 Bell'Foundry almost succeeded in Changes in Long Distance Rates from SEAFORTH Lo DUBLIN and BRUSSELS For many years Long Distance rates on messages from Seaforth to Dublin and from Seaforth to Brussels have been someWhat less than those charged for calls between other points of corfipar- able distances. Effective January 21, I952, the charges for messages to the above- named places will be increased to &inform with our standard schedule of Long Distance rates. Additional "Information may be obtained' from our local office. C. B: SYMOND*; Manager I1* Bell Telephone Co. of Canada stopping the unbeaten Main Street- ers in the last and best game of the evening. This was a cleanly played game. The Foundry took three penalties and Main. St: four. Goals for Bell's were scored by Broome, Maloney, Broome and Eis- ler one each and a tripleby-Ross. Bili Smith couldn't seem to miss the Foundry net, picking it for five goals -maybe this new rule has something to do with his accur- acy. Chip Woods, Phillips and Patterson each scored once, This was a close game all the way but even pulling the goalies in the last minute was not enough for Bell's to win. Penalties were'`gtl n to Maloney and Broome for Bell's, and Albrecht, Sills and Wood for the Merchants. - Contract Barley We are again contracting acre- age for the Canada Malting Co. SEED WILL BE AVAIL_AB14E • AT OT.'R WAREHOUSE SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Phone 9 Regular 11.95 to 14.95 TAKE 'EM AWAY AT r r` We don't want to pack these away for next year, so come and get them at this bar- gain price. _ • All -wool coat, leggings and cap sets in 1 to 4 years sizes, in fawn, blue, brown and green. - TO CLEAR AT STEWART EROS. Car, TractorOwners •• THIS IS THE BEST TIME OF YEAR TO HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRACTOR REPAIRED ! • • Anti a New Paint Job will make a sin -prising difference! TELEPHONE 102 FOR APPOINTMENT DALY MOTORS Ford Monarch Sales and Service SEAFORTH J_.--- •>p yrs yrs.... ",.,..-. .. iuJ � PRE - SEASON SALE No. 27 -12 -FT. SELF-PROPELLED COMBINES -In perfect condition; flax rolls and pickup; lights and rotary screen NO. 26 -10 -Ft. SELF-PROPELLED COMBINES -Like new, lights and rotary screen MODEL H-LItC.'TRACTOR-Like new MODEL "D" CASE TRACTOR -Excellent. condition "101" JR. MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR - Completely hauled 70 RC COCKSHUTT TRACTOR -Completely overhauled ALSO - Why not guarantee yourself a Neiv Machine at present prices on our prepayment plan? over- Seaforth Motors MASSEY-EARRIS SALES & SERVICE Seaforth 141. Brussels' 05