The Huron Expositor, 1952-01-18, Page 4'1 is f,. s Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: E.:WANTE 0 LOST .ANO • FOUND. ET/0,:.•'-Reg Word: First Week .. 1 Cent ' and Week .. 4g Cent 3rd Week 44 Cent Minimum barge. each insertion 25 Oenta -'' Each figure. init,ei and abbreviation counts ae one word. `, Then$5a. In Memoriam Nonoee. Coming Events- t cent per word. Minimum. 4FIa Per weak. IFittgojrler taay be directed to a Sox No.. c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 mina extra. ;r eja rats additional will be charged if ads in above -lass are not paid within 10 dam0r dote, or final insertion. lr'rha, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge ,uebjon„ Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc. -Rates on application. • Coming Events OU WILL ENJOY DANCING AT THE Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, ev- ery Friday night to the music of Don .Robertson and his Ranch Boys. Dancing -9:80 to 12:30. 4386x2 Lost and Found FOUND - PAIR SEMI -DARK SHELL rimmed glasses on North Main Street. Owner may have same by applying to Box 97. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4885-1 Help Wanted WANTED -RELIABLE GIRL FOR GRO- cery store. Apply to Box 99, HUR- ON EXPOSITOR. 4385x1 Wanted 17ANTED - COAL OIL HANGING lamps. BAILEY'S FLORIST, Main St., Exeter. 4384x4 WANTED -YOUNG WOMAN WOULD like position as housekeeper with children. Apply to Box 94, HURON EX= `POSITOR. 4384x2 1 TAN1L -A SECOND HAND VICTRO- la. preferably a portable. Apply Box 98, HIURON EXPOSITOR. 43854 Dealers Wanted DEALERS, RE INDEPENDENT? SELL 225 well-known and guarantedd Jito Products, from door-to-door, Year round business. 518 will hay travelling kit and assortment. Splendid vacant territories. One month trial with absolutely no risks. DETAILS - JITO: 6130 'St. Hubert. Montreal. 4384-4 Livestock Wanted Poultry 5-'-- . t'OR SALE -309 PULLETS 3 MONTHS old, $1.00 each: also 1949 Chev. piok- tip, new 6-p1y tires; good condition. Ap- ply to WILLIAM HENDERSON, Seaforth. 4385x2 For Rent HU OSE FOR RENT -HOUSE ON JAR - vis St. Close to uptown. Modern con- veniences. PHONE 90 r 6, Brussels. 4385-1 AA APARTMENT .FOR RENT - LARGE downtown apartment in Seaforth, 50x 23 feet, two bedrooms, automatic heating, refrigerator, garage. Available Feb. 15th. Apply DR, J. A. MUNN. 4884-tf Personals HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (RU B B E R Goods 1, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c: 14' samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-73, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. Property For Sale , - 1j (IR SALE - 7 -ROOM TWO-STOREY frame house, centrally located ; four - piece bath; built-in cupboards; new fur- nace;hot running water; garage, Apply to Box 96. HURON EXPOSITOR. 4384-3 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE -SEVEN - room frame house, woodshed, asphalt siding, salt wat"r: small barn on lot: double lot, in Egmondville, west of church. former home of late Andrew McL4I1an. Near church and school. Apply on prem- ises. 4384x2 FOR SALE -SOLID RED BRICK HOUSE in Hensall: 4 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, living room, dining room. den and kit- chen: new furnace, full basement. hard - LIVE STOCK WANTED - HIGIiEST I wood fionrs, hot and cold Water on tap, prices raid for si�tk or crippled ani- town water. Extra half lot. ' PHONE 134, Hensall. 4353 2 mals, VICTOR HARGRAVES, Brucefield. Phone 623 r 23, Clinton, 4384x12 FREIE THERMOMETER. PLUS CASH at your farm for dead or disabled cows, Phone collect Wm. Sproat.. Seaforth, 655 r 2. -WILLIAM STONE FOR SALE - A SMALL SNOOK SONS, LLMI'rRD. .tr. ., 4373.tf table. 4e x 3"': $40. OKE'S ' BIL- LIARDS, Seaforth. 4385-1 For Sale Tenders Wanted ' TENDERS WANTED TENDERS W1LL BE RECEIVED FOR Caretaker of Hensall United Church, tenders to be, in the hands of P. L. Mc- NAU.GHTON, Hensall, not later than six o'clock, January 26, 1952. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 4385-1 TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned up until ebrnary 16, for New Boiler, completely installed' in Blyth Public School. Tender to be quoted for both blower coal with stoker, or oil, to be completely auto_ uratic. Installation to commence July 2nd and to be+ -completed in July, 19521 Information may be obtained from any member of the Blyth School Board, or the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. BERNARD HALL. Secretary, Blyth, Ont. 4385-1 FOR SALE --18 TAM ANI) YORK PIGS, 8 weeks ol,k W. D. WILSON. Phone 6.58 r 33„ Seaforth. 4385-1 FOR SALE -ONE WOOL SKIRT. LIGHT chest. size 14-16. May be seen at SCOINS CLEANERS. 4385x1 FOR SALE -t1 YEAR OLD YORK HOG: 1 oil brooder, $20; 1 electric brooder, 320. Apply to ROY VODDEN, Seaforth. 4385.1 "EtOR SALE -SECOND LITTER YORK sow with 9 pigs. about three weeks old: disease free. JOE CARLIN, R.R. 4, Seaforth. Phone 661 'r 24. 4385x1 FOR SALE - SPRAYED APPLES - Spies. Kings. Greenings. Russets, etc. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED McCLY- MONT, Varna. 4384x6 Ij'OR SALE -REGISTERED SHORTHORN bull 2 years old, dark red color: also 4 cows carrying second calf. Apply to PAT MURRAY. Phone 852 r 13, Sea - forth, 4385-1 FOR SALE -2 FEMALE PARTI-COLOR. ed Cocker Spaniel pups. 3 months old. A good home wanted at 95.00 each. W. T. 'MALL. Phone 144, Seaforth. 4385-1 FOR SALE -TWO -WHEELED TRAILER e»uipped with tight high rack and -- balloon balloon tires, Apply , to EDGAR Me- '-'""`---' BRIDE, R.R. 2, Kippen. Phone 675 r 25, NoticesHensall. 4384.2 QiLEIGH RIDE ?ARTTES-PLAN YOUR . sleigh ride parties now. Ride behind ( our chuckwagon .horses. Thrills galore. .Half day's notice required. J. R. BURNS. { Phone 69-R. 4386x1 'ADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radios, at PERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting .of. the South Huron Agricultural Society (Hensel] Stock Show) , will be held Saturday, Jan. 19, .P52 at the NEW COMMERCIAL HOTEL HENSALL .All interested parties are invited to be paesent at 1:30 p.m, DICK Er1aRINGTON Secretary.Treasurer, '4384-2 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS in the Estate of FREDERICK WILLIAM WIGG L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Frederick William M.tigg, ' late Of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Commercial 'Traveller, deceased, who died on the 24th day of November, '1951, are hereby noti- fed to send in full particulars of their claims totileundersigned on or before the 25t19 day of. January, 1962, after which date the' assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seafortb, this 3rd day of Jatnaary, 1952. McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. 4383-3 OTICE to CREDITORS' the Estate of LOUISE ESTHER 'GRIEVE 1".L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS , ;against the Estate of Louise Esther zreve, Tate of the Totvn of Seaforth, in qd County of Huron. Widow, de caned, ' J KGG f ,died on the 4th day of December, i 39ai are bereby notified to send in full of artitiilpra of their claims to the nnder- diWtied On or !fefbre the 26th day of'Jana- 't rill{ 19521 atter which date the assets will the xlFatr'ibUta hhuing regard tatty to �eltkrttYtf tliert rettived. x �a IF i± ti t Deafer*, this lard der' of ".,Iufhi&id 9 • FOR SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines. 'electric and treadle. Re pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING CENTILE. 78 Ontario St., Stratford. 4223-tf von SALE-.FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC stove:; nearly new, large size: studio couch, neatly new( 3 -piece furniture suite nearly new; baby's crib. Apply to MRS. GORDON HORNER. Phone 661 r 2. Sea. forth. 4385x1 FOR SALE -3 REGISTERED DUAL. Pur-ose bulls 1-2 Years old, and two of serviceable age. All from good milk- ing cows; 3 Durham heifers, 2 "due in February and 1 in Mar"h : also '37 Ford with 60 H.p. motor. Will sell for parts. Apply HAROLD PRYCE. one mile east o^ Winthrop. 4.384x2 CARHAYES EZE-CHANGE ALL.ALUMINUM COMBINATION STORM WINDOWS AND SCREENS Of Aif-Canadian Better Quality' Materials 12-24 months to pay Two weeks delivery Estimates and Demonstrations given no obligation. ALSO ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS with Write Box 95 HURON EXPOSITOR Recessed . Bathtubs $60 SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND Richiedge stainless three-piece bath- room seta, "White $160.00 to 8189.00, Col- oured $271.00, complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furor aces $295.00. Special oilers to plumbers and builders too. Save many valuable dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer .home, Satlsfaetion guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue' prices if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heatinginstallation. Cata- logue includes litho nhotoo of main fix- tures, prices t, and 'installation diagrams. Select style Of sinke, cabinets, iaundry tate, showers, shoves- refrigerators. Pres- sure water systems, oil burners, septic and all tanks, etc. Visit or write JOHNSON MAIL ORDER DIVISION, Streetsville. Hardware, Streefaviile - Ontario Phone 261; Evenings 61 R 16 Cards Of Thanks iveess. HARTMAN HUISSER AND MRS. who exhtetided Wady/thy arid kinds all stdusr- ing their recent sad bereavement, and to thank those who loaned cars. .4385X1 RS. PATRICK WILLiMai3 AND y`A14I- I A'Jt41, ily desire to thank the ninny friends, iata01:94 said rodghbort, who extended sympathy arta ^r�tieutat , idadneas timing their resent sad bereave. 4308.9' MoineX ext W:. P strigt Mr. and Mrs, Stewart:110Qlieeu' day to take op residence in p•iiik left th',a•-week to .spend Lire remain , ter. der of the winter in Florida, Miss Joyce Weeks, Clinton, has • Mr. end Mrs. W. S. Shepherd are accepted a position as bookkeeper spending two weeks' -holidaying it Cook's Garage. with re I' ' -- n Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle are practise in Hensel], and with his Mr. arfd Mrs. John Farquhar, holidaying for a few days this week wife and two childr.en are getting Graham and .Daryl, left last Thurs• in Detroit. nicely settled in their home they Andrew's cemetery, Shakespeare. ''Opens 'Veterinary Practise Dr. Douglas 'J -.rely e, of-.Strat, • . ford has o enee� u p p a veei.nary Cards Of Thanks Death of Mrs. J..•B.-Hyde Mrs, John Barbour Hyde passed l away at the home of her son, Jack Hyde, Hensall, Tuesday morning, in RAY cONSITT WISi1Fs TO EXPRESS- her 82nd year, death being attri- his sincere than $$ and .apprtelation for buted to a severe stroke she suf- the many acts of kion .nem extended to hire while a patient in (Clinton Hospital and fered the latter part of last week. since returning home, for cards, letters, The former Louisa Herold, she was treats and visits from friends and rela- born in South Easthope, and resid- tives. Thanks to the Nurses in Clinton ed in Stanley Township and also the Hensall hockey y for . many Club. 4385x8 years before coming to Hensall to reside. Surviving are three sons, Births Alex, Kippers; Jack, Hensall, a d Laurie, London; one daughter, Mrs. Gordon Herdman, Buffalo, N.Y.; one brother, Rev. Jacob Herold, Ohio, and, thirteen grafi dohildren: The body rested at the family home, Hensall, where public funeral ser- vices were held Thursday at 1:30 p,m., conducted by Rev. A. E. Hin- ton, of St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen. Burial took place in St, WALTERS-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on January 12, to Mr. and Mre. Brace Walters, Seaforth, a daughter. Deaths QUINLAN-In Clinton, on Friday, Janu- ary 11. Daniel Quinlan; of Egmondville, in his 91st year. W.O.A.A. Intermediate "A" HOCKEY ZURICI3 vs. HENSALL HENSALL COMMUNITY ARENA FRIDAY NIGHT, JAN. 18th Game called at 8:30 p.m. Admission - 35 cents and 15 cents Good Equlprnent MAKES .A GOOD ..FARMER BETTER ! BUY NOW FOR LESS AT OUR STOCK -REDUCING SALE OF NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT, 1 P.T.O. DRIVE BALER -With wagon hitch and chute 1 8 -FOOT POWER BINDER 3 ENSILAGE AND FORAGE HARVESTafS 4 TRACTOR MOUNTED CULTIVATORS 3 SEVEN --FOOT TRACTOR FIELD 'CULTIVATORS 3 81,4 -FOOT TRACTOR FIELD CULTIVATORS• 3 ONE-HORSE SCUFFLERS 4 15-DIS'C FERTILIZER DRILLS 40 SECTIONS SMOOTHING HARROWS 1 MILKING MACHINE 70 SECTIONS SPRING TOOTH HARROWS 7 HAMMER MILLS 3 HORSE-DRAWN MOWERS ' 10 SEVEN-FO,OT POWER MOWERS 3 TWO -FURROW TRACTOR PLOWS 1 FERTILIZER AND LIME SOWER 18 TRACTOR MANURE SPREADERS 4 ELECTRIC WASHERS 5 REFRIGERATORS• 12 60 -CYCLE MOTORS TIRES, TUBES, PAINTS AND OILS, 3 BEAN HARVESTERS 2 TWO -HORSE CORN CULTIVATORS 1 SIX-FOOT McCORMI'CK MOWER 1 COGKS•HUTT MANURE SPREADER 1 OLIVER TRACTOR ON RUBBER 2 W30 TRACTORS ON RUBBER 1 10-20 TRACTOR ON RUBBER 1 SIX-FO'OT McCORMICK-DEERING BINDER 1 SEVEN -FOOT MASSEY-HARRIS BINDER 1 HOME FREEZER ETC. JOHN" BACH, Seaforth Announcement Mr. Thomas Coates wishes to announce. -that Mr. Roy Cambell has joined Hensall Motor Sales as a full partner. Mr.. Cambell has had six years' experience with Exeter Motor Sales, part of which he- served as service manager. LIr. Cambell is a native of, Hry, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cambell, and served four 'years in th.e Canadian Army during .the' last war. , He is well-equipped to give Expert Ateomohile Service to residents of the district. • • USED CARS FOR SALE 1951 DODGE CORONET DEMONSTRATOR - Low mileage . ---' " 1941 DODGE SEDAN' ' 1941 CHEV. COACH 1938 PLYMOUTH COACH 1935 CHEV. SEDAN 1937 FORD COACH 1938 FORD COACH -Mechanic Special 1949 FORD 3 -TON -In Top Condition HENSALL MOTOR SALES DODGE and DeSOTO , Phone 31 - Mensa l • DAY AND NIGHT WRECKING" SER,YIGE Phone 76 or 98 After 9 'p.m. 1 purchased from Mr. John Farqu- har. rr, Mp1 elvie, be'ore coming to Hensall, was veterinary Inspec- tor with the Health of Animals. Branch in Stratford dor three years. He graduated from the O.A.C., Guelph, with three years with the R.C.A.Ii,'., and served overseas one year. He is a native of Shelbourne. CROMARTY meaeaseeameee Stagg - Pridham At the Cromarty Presbyterian manse, the Rev. R. Duncanson unit- ed in marriage Verna Marie Prid- ham of Russeldale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pridham, and Reginald Arthur Stagg, son of Mr. Frank Stagg andthe late Mrs: Stagg. The .bride wore a suit of blue wool gabardine and a cor't»age of red roses. The couple were un- attended. They will ••reside near Russeldale. KIPPEN Mr, Robert Cooper has left for a vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs.-Roohus Faber en- tertained a number of friends and neighbors on Friday evening to a game of progressive euchre. A most pleasant evening was enjoy- ed by .all. . -t' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph,' spent last week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Dr. James Jarrott returned to his home in New York from hospital on Christmas Day and is slowly gain- ing strength. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs, Alice Cook and Mrs. Schil- be visited their mother, Mrs. Me- Clymont, one day, this week. Mrs. Belle Kennard, of Bruce= field, visited all last week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott. Mr. and Mrs. E. Morton, of Win- nipeg, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood. We are sorry to report that Mrs. McClymont has been in poor health, Mrs, Thomson is Visiting for a WALTON Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and Carol; of Sarnia, and Mrs. William Wilbee and Teddy, Seaforth, were week -end' guests 41f .-Mr. and Mrs. James Coutts. McKILLOP S.S. No. 2 .McKillop Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. -and -Mrs. T. W. McMillan on Monday even- ing, when J. R. Spittal, manager of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth, was the guest speaker. His • subject Farm Credits," *as ably dealt with. Mr. Spittal also contributed a solo to the evening's prcgram. A social hour was spent' -following the program, when refreshments were served: • CONSTANCE T,he annual tneet'ng of Constance United Church' was held Monday afternoon in the basement of the church. Rev. S. Brenton was in the char and opened --the meeting with Hymn 166, followed by prayer. The. Scripture Lesson was taken from 1 Cor. 12. Mr. Brenton then declar- ed the meeting ready for business. The minutes of the previous meete ing were read and adopted. It was decidedto close the church books each year at the end of December. W. R. Jewitt, church treasurer, pre- sented an excellent financial report of the year's work, showing all ob- ligations met and a satisfactory bal. ance on hand. In the absence of the Sunday School treasurer, Miss Nor- ma Dexter, Mr. Jewitt gave that re: port. Mrs. Ross MacGregor gave the W.M.S. report; Mrs. Earl Law- son, the W.A.; Mrs, _Earl Lawson the Mission Band report in the ab-. Bence of the' leader, ' Mrs,' Riley; Chas. Dexter, the Bible Society re- port. Mr. Brenton gave a general and statistical report of the year. All reports were adopted with thanks, Mrs. Geo. Addison was ap- pointed organist; Alvin Doods and Geo. Addison re-elected to the Board of Managers, find Chas. Dex- ter to the Session. A feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a beautiful table lamp to W. R. Jew- itt, church treasurer, expressing in a small way the appreciation of his services to the 'church. Mr, Addison moved the adjournment of 'the meeting, and Mr. Brenton closed with prayer. Twenty-three members and a number of children - were present at the Friendly Few Farm Forum meeting Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jew- itt. The topic of discussion was, "Is There Enough Farm Credit?" The findings of the group were given by Grace Riley Slid Muriel Dale. The remainder of the evening was srent in playing euchre. Prize winners included Frank Riley and Miss Grace Riley; consolation, Mur'el Dale and Doug Riley. Luneh was served at the end of the .evening. The next meeting will be held at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Dale, Sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchanan 'n the passing of . Mrs. Bliehanan's father, Mr. Harry Doilimore Toron- to, and to Mr. Clifford Jamieson and family, Kitchener, in the passing cif his wife. Clifford was a former resident of the community. Mr', and t friss' etso Adams and Son Gefald, Exeter, were gpeats Wednesday of. Mr, And M're. Pi Ad-, ams, ' i.w d�,yrl wait bat• ,lebter.4 Scbne der, 4''Atrato Katgpen must in the xe inn rooms, BeRa'ail, ott Wednesai: and Snisbed ,flour gl#ilta toy tie Sick qi 1 enla I3'oaplital, X4011404. . A lu nuber of ,ppieeaa of used clothing were also lbroiight 1,11. Apt tr ouck dinner was served at nook, when there were 15 present, with Ave more ladies coming in the after- noon to sew. „ cogaompegrovio 'BRUC1FIE14P ,S,. S. 'Holds Annual Meeting The annual/meeting of the Bruce - field United Church .;Sunday School was held. Thursday evening, Jan. 10, in the session room of the church with a good attendance. of teachers and officers .present. The school was open Sfty-two Sundays with an average attendance of sixty-six, and 111 enrolment of eighty-five. Mis- sionary and temperance instruction were given and Mother's Day, Rally Day and White Gift Sunday. were; observed. Nine from the Sunday School united with the church dur- ing the year. Eighty-five dollars was given to the M.M. Fund during the year. At the •Christmas concert the award 'for church attendance and memory work were presented, After a discussion -of Sunday School matters, the following offi- cers were elected for 1952: Supt., Norman Walker; assistant supt., -Archie Mustard; treasurer, Bob Al- lan; pianist, Margaret McQueen; assistant pianist, Marion Ross; Mis- sionary secretaries, Ann Haugh, Shirley . Mafnea; temperance sec., John A. McEwen; lantern opera- tors, Don Ross, Bruce Walker;. cradle roll, Mrs. L. Wilson, Mrs. A. McQueen; memory work, Mrs. W. Haugh; S. S. teachers, Rev, Mr. Maines, Mrs. R. Allan, Robt. Wat- son, Mrs. W. Maines, Mrs. F. Boyce, John A. McEwen, Mrs. A. Zaphe, Mrs. W. Haugh, Mrs. N. Walker; supply teachers, Mrs. C. Christie, Mrs. C. Hain, Ann Haugh, Fred oyce. It is hoped the year 1952 will see a larger Sunday School, intent on studying God's Word. Will you be present? rairfheVrraggrilifica1102111Mfa• 41.1•••••6110•1 13 ELIMVILLE The Euchre Club met Friday eve- ning with 'Mr. and Mrs. Alan Johns as hosts. There were ten tallies in play of progressive euchre, The winners were: Mrs. H. Bell for lad- ies and Mr. W. Bell for men. The hostess served a dainty Iunch. Mrs. W. Horn spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. E. McFalls, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skinner and family visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Cornish, near London. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Griffen, of Manitoba, wh$ have been visiting With their cousin, Mrs. E. Skinner, returned to their home on Thurs- day, tdustrial hurs- day.- industrial League Hockey TUESDAY, JAN. 22nd Seaforth Community 'Centre - 3 BIG GAMES - 7:00 P.M. EGMONDVILLE vs. WINTROP 8:30 P.M. MAIN ST vs. WANDERERS 10:00 P.m. FOUNDRY vs. ST. COLUMBAN Admission 25c FERTILIZER - LET US, HAVE YOUR ORDER THiS MONTH! It is definitely going to be higher next month, SOME ANALYSIS MAY BE IN SHORT SUPPLY We will store it for you until seeding time. SEAFORTH FARMERS CO-OP. Phone 9 •'Mr La11r1 S he14 eP rat 11}st week With his. 'arents;''t`• and Mrs ailarlea 4 tcit11011, 0:'X.404404` Tim e W.T.llel+I their +?il leeting the 'hail on WedneadadvAkter4000, The •preeklent,' irs. H. HunteraLWeiZI in ellarge of fibs businesp, Mlles Ruth,' Sidneer and Mrs. C{ Stephen are to be in charge of .preparations for the short course in February. Roll call was answered by an art- icle rticle for the Tweedsmuir .book,. Mrs. Theron Creepy was in charge of the 'program. Rev, Griffin, of, K;irk- tan. , pun,'`. l? k1C a on 'Votary 'of Ot iedl�04.• tand;,;,'hi�' reeerrt bame. XUp'ggye' d P�$trn TM s win;;~ a, llrillt holt a tll+e Mlrt_. 4re.erge Kellet gave the:1400o 9Cto, °` ,40 ,Icor walk tllrougl} Alis, Area' iln ha* Year'*_ rut" A, d>Idnhy 1w c11 was. served, by the 'teethe* *re. He Kerslake and her Ccer atttee, Mr. and Mrs..Hubert ubeit Hunter havers moved jntj.. Oe _home -vacated--ire rMr. and hire. Clift Brock and farms ANNOUNCEMENT -- DRY CLEANING We have been appointed Agents for Goderlch French Dry Cleaner* Twice Weekly Service' • • Articles picked up Monday morning delivered Thursday morning • Articles picked up Thursday morning delivered Monday morning FOR SUPERIOR DRY CLEANING TRY FRENCH DRY CLEANERS ry T U D 0 R'5S►,.. Phone 70 LADIES' WEAR • - MIRY GOODS Hensall allimmeW January Specials • ' 10% OFF ON ALL HOUSE DRESSES • 15% OFF ON ALL SKIRTS and. BLOUSES • 25% OFF ON ALL SNOW SUITS Station Wagon Coats ' , 21.95 - 22.50 Pure Linen Tea Towels 49c Each First Quality Nylons, 42 and 45 gauge • • • • 1.19 36 'nch Cretonne 1.00 Yard VENETIAN BLINDS MADE -TO -MEASURE ..,...59e Square Foot Ladies' Wear__ Dry Goods HENSALL PHONE 70 NOTICE - VILLAGE OF HENSALL PARKIN -G By Order of the Council To facilitate snow remov-a1, no parking on the Streets of this Municipality will be allowed. between the hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. This order •will be strictly enforced in accordance with the Highway Traffic Act - Section 43, Sub -section g. t e. NOTICE is hereby given that the, said Municipality will - not be responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles ' as the result of snow removal operations. ContractBarley We are contracting Malting Barley for the Canada Malting Company on the same basis as last year - We supply the seed and deduct bushel for bushel in the Fall. Mating Barley was one of the best paying , crops last year. Our New Elevator, which is now completed; has four Cleaners and unloading ramps, which makes for quick unloading and avoids long- delays. Remember: you c.1n deliver the .Barley when threshed and get Free storage up to December 15, with option of selling on the market any time up until that date. Hence, we suggest that farmers wishing contracts please get in° touch with us by 'tele- phone: Office 32, Hensall; Night Calls, 2 or 194, Hensall We are buying Seed Oats And Feed Grain, Contact us, before selling. The best price will be paid. W. G THOMPSON & SONS LTD HENSALL Prompt Delivery on the New 1952 Pontiac, Chevrolet CHOICE OF MODEL AND COLOUR USED. CARS '52 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN '52 CHEV. STYLELINE COA:IGH" '51 CHEV, DE LUXE COACH - Less than 8,000 miles -$309.00 below list '50 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELINE .SEDAN '49 CHEV, DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '49 OLDSMOIIILE F'LEETLINE SEDAN - fully equipped '49 METEOR SEDAN ' SPECIAL- -FSO CHEV. TON STAKE with racks A 60 days on all late model cars, MANit OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM written guarantee for '49 CHEV, STYLELINE SEDAN '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH - Custom radio '47 PONTIAC SEDAN '40 DeSOTO SEDAN '39 PLYMOUTH COACH --Completely recon- ditioned '39 PONTIAC SEDAN '37 CHEV. COAOH '37 CHEV. COUPE) BRAND NEW CHEV, t/% -TON PICK-UP FIRUS$ELS, ORS r 'BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO PHONE 73-X aT'1te'Uome of Bittap Ueed Caere OPEN EVENY EVRl6llldd at • 6 a t 6 •