HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-01-18, Page 3„.1.1:r,' •
A very elleeeeafP1 Meeting of the,
WoMen'a Institute watibeld
in the Legion H1 'WedneadaY
-night. Mrs.,.. Shirray and MS. G.
Armstrong were •hostesses. ,Liss
Fhyllis,pase, the president, was in
the chair, Roll call was, "Where my
bome needs improving and what I
am going to do about it." The secre-
tary read a letter from the Louden
War Memorial Ohildren's Hoepitel,
referring to the donation of 124.80
received from the •Institute at
Christmas time. The Kippen East
Institute had sent a nice Christmas
card. A New Year's card was view-
triPOteit. T.1* 9
.'er AS 11,441011,.ifit
• eendnektiNe*etikl3'; *1a ltFae
11,,064011; are'
llesteasee, at the, r,Ou'ar)r 4tEtt.?T411g,
Dr. Aloe -win speak, to the group
on "Wonder Drugs." Mrs, J: 0 -
'Goddard will, demonstrate the Orst
aid kit. Roll call Will lle ER*:
stitute for candy for the children."
Extraets of a letter received by
the secretnrY,' Mee- Wady& Luker
from Mrs. Jean S.. Nan, secrel
tarY, War Memorial AdVisory Coun-
cil, were read; "Please convey to
the women of your Institufe our
sincere thanks and aPPreciation for
the generous donation of $24, which
they sent to our hospital. At the
time we received the money the
children were very much in need
of sleighs to use on the roof gar-
den. We haVe a large number of
polio victims this year and we.try
to send them up to the roof, wea-
ther permitting. When your dona-
tion was received we had only one
sleigh and so we purchased two
large sleighs for the older ehildren
and two baby sleighs for those
ed OM the Crefliten:
Highlight' of the eVening was the
insplratlellal =Otte, as giveta. by;
Mrs. E. Geiger. The heauty of the
home is order; the blessing of the
'tome, contentment; glory Of
the home is ,hespitality, mid he
crown of the home Is Godlineas•
Another interesting, feature was the
demonstration in charge of 'Mrs.
Roobal, a native of Holland, who
outlined the preparation of several
buten dishes. One of these dishes
Was sampled during lunch hour.
Miss Beth Goddard gave a violin
Order today from
-MENNO STECKLE, R.R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont.
N. BENNEWIES, R.R. No. 1, B011ihOlin, Ont.
H. PINDER, R.R. No. 1, Munro, Ont.
• Wallpaper
• Painting
Until Fe.ether :Notice
, 8:30 p.m.
• 18 Games
. •
Saturday, January 19th
7:00 p.m.
Seaforth Midgets vs. Dublin Juveniles
9:00 p.m. ,
Godrich vs. Seaforth Jrs.
4ff ge
..This. *ark new 1952 /lodge
Mayfair .model offer* thedis-
stAing of 'Si' eenVergible
coinhined with the convenience,
safety and durability Of,*(Per-
maiserit steel top: Brilliantnew
two-tone colour treatment and
new, richer, interiorappoint-
ments make the 1952- -Mayfair
one of the most eye -appealing
cars on the road to -day.
And now Oriflow shock -
absorbers' contribute new com-
- .• -
fortAtaid'antoethnese to the Dodge
Driving ,OontrOI is greatly.
impro#.*I on bumpy and wash-
The.COMPlete Porlge line for
1952 featuring the. new Dodge
Oriflow. Ride includes the Coro,
net 4 -Door and Club Coupe; the
Regent 4 -Door, c1ut coupe, and
Mayfair the Crusader 4 -Door and
club coupe, and the Kingsway
2 -Door, Suburban and Savoy.
Saturday night's Junior fixture
was a rather one-sided affair as
the local six ran away with the Ex-
eter squad, whitewashing them
"Nig" Muir led the., Seaforth
team to victory with five counters.
younger. We trust this meets with
your approval. We do so appreci-
ate your -continued interest in our
hospital and its little children."
At the week -end shoot at Kippen
Gun Club for, championship crest of
Huron County saw Bill Kyle, of
Kippen, win high honors," nosing
nosing out Thos. Sherritt, of Hen-
sall, by one bird. In third spot four
were tied: Chester Lee, Hensall; A.
Gilbert, Goderich; Jack Gilbert,
Goderich, and Llyod Venner, -Hen-
sall, with fifth , place going to Bill
Lumby, Goderich. Shooting from
20 fards, Hedley Prouse, -Goderich,
22; Chester Lee, 21; T. Sherritt, 21;
Joe McCartney, Seaforth, 21. In the
doubles John Anderson was high
gun. Close to 2,000 targets were
Rev. 3. B. Fox and Mrs. Fox and
family, of Brandon, ,Man., are ex-
pected to arrive in Hentlal the lat-
ter part of January, to take up res:-
dence-here. Rev. Fox recently ac-
cepted the appointment,of minister
of Carmel Presbyterian Church.
Mrs.. John Hyde, Sr., recently suf-
fered a severe stroke and is con-
fined to her home here. '
Rev. A. W. Hare, London, was
guest minister at Carmel Presbyter-
ian Church on Sunday last.
Gar Baker, in the winner's net, had
a very easy time of it as few 'pucks
ever came his way. Young, tend-
ing nets for Exeter, was kept busy
throughout the game, especially in
the final period, as seven times tlib
puck got by him.
Muir scored twice in the first
period for the only local goals,
while three of the home squad's
players spent time in the cooler.
Each team had six penalties, all
of the minor variety.
EXETER -Goal, Young; defence,
Wade, Dearing; centre, Tiediman;
wings, Brintnell, McFalls; alter-
nates, Cann, Schraeder, Fuller, Gib-
billan, Coates, Elson, Taylor. • •
SEAFORTH-Goal, Baker; de-
fence, Storey, Aitcheson; centre,
Rennie; wing, Dressel, Butson; al-
ternates, Doig, Broome, 'Muir, Dale,
Hubert, Armstrong, Tiernan.
First Period -Goals, Muir, 19:02;
Muir (Doig, Broome), 19:17. -
penalties -Storey, holding; Arm-
strong, elbowing; Broome, tripping.
Second Period -Goals: Hubert
(Dale, Storey), 1:25; Muir (Doig,
Armstrong), 10:30; Butson (Dres-
sel), 11:50; Dale (Storey), 17:03;
Muir ,Broome), 19:10.
Penalties-Tieman, interference;
Brintnell, tripping; Tiediman, trip-
ping, roughing; ,.McFalls, holding
Third Peri d - Goals: Rennie
(Dressel, Aitcheson), 4:47; Dressel,
(Storey). 6:30; Rennie, 6:49; But-
son (Rennie). 1:05; Dressel (Ren-
nie, Buthon), 5:37; Doig, 17:30;
Muir (Doig), 17:95.
Penalties -Broome, cross check-
ing; Storey. high -sticking; Tiedi-
man, clipping; Coates, boarding,
' Legion -sponsored Duncan Cup
hockey is still going strong, ' Last
Saturday morning Red Wings' de-
feated Bleck. Hawks to the tune bf
Notice to Car Owners
Car owners are requested not to park cars on
roadsides in the Township during the Winter
in order to facilitate snowplowing operations
The Township will not be responsible for
damage to parked cars as a result of such
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk
diut gag,
"AO ,
, .
for tbe Ineers•
- Xn•-tite-•-other•Bant411,44470010 (' •
Leafs &fabled; Ole Peer ,Olfer
opponents, RangerSiby a
Mason scored eix•tintea for the •
Pere, Ron Seane% alld'Pat
Sloan 911Ce. R4PSdr, 14'49rer0. F.ere,
Jim •Scotit, Carter, Stapleton, Rote
Dale and McNairn.
Bruins edgeAtthe Oanadiarta32 n
the Pee -Wee eerica. Reith
the red light twice and Altoreeht got
the other goal Xerl, the_'OdoxillW
squad. Larry pale and Bay SCOW
collected a goal apiece for the Can-
adians two goali.
Maple Leafs and Red Wings Will
hook up in the first game next Sat-
urday morning at 9 o'clock. Black
Hawks and Rangers will meet at 10 j(1000'.'
o'clock, and the Bruins and Cana-
dians will battle it out at 1130. GOODWIN Sr
St. Colurnban
C. W. L. Meets.
The monthly meeting of the C.W.
L.. was held at the home of Mrs.
Maurice M.elady, with the president,
Mrs, Wm. Ryan, opening the meet
Ing with prayer. The minutes as
read were adopted. Boxes of can-
dy and treats were reported as
having been sent to sick and shut-
in 'members at Christmas. Cor -
despondence was then read and the
necessary discussion fdllowed. The
treasurer's report showed a balance
of $59.71. Arrangements were made
for holding a euchre and dance on
[Friday night, Jan. 25. A vote of
thanks was moved to Mrs. 1VIelady
for the use of her home, and the
meeting closed with prayer, after
which luncheon was enjoyed and a
social time spent.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ahrens and
family, Mitchell, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Roney and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Roney on Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Britton and Mrs, Herb
Britton attended the shower at the
home of Mrs. A. Pridharo. Mitchell,
on Friday aft ernoon for Mrs: Hec-
tor IVIelphail (Minnie Yeo).
Mr. and Mrs. Don Graham' and
family, Sarnia, and Mrs. Geo.' Gra-
'ham, Mitchell, visited on Sunday
with Mrs. James Malcolm 'and Mr;
and Mrs. Dalton Malcolm.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Rena
Stacey has been confined to Strat-
ford Hospital for the past • two
weeks:, We all hope she will be
able to return home soon.
Mr. and Mrs: Norman Stanlake
and family, Exeter, and Mrs. H.
Workman, Hensall, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, .
Life Memberships
Presented at Hensall
The •Women's Missionary Society
of Hensall United Church convened
in the C•burc-b schoolroom Thursday
afternoon. Jan. 10, at 3 p.m. for
their January meeting. Presideift
Mrs. W. B. Cross took the chair,
and the devotional was, in charge
of Mrs. N. E. Cook and'Ilts. F. J.
Appleby. Yearly reports of the var-
ious auxiliaries, Baby Band, Mission
Band, Evening Auxiliary and W.M.
S. were presented by Miss K. Scott,
secretary; Mrs. J. Horton gave the
Missionary•Monthly report; Mrs. N.
Cook, Aesociate • Helpers: Airs.
Cross, treasurer's report, which was
very 'encouraging, disclosing a
splendid financial year. Miss M.
The new 1952 Dodge Coronet (shown at right) is the biggest,
most luxurious car in the Dodge line. It's designed for those
,of you who iivant to drive a big car but didn't know you ,could
afford it. You'll find the Dodge Coronet a luxury car in every
• way - in size (wheelbase, for example, is 1231/2"),
- appointments, engineering and performance with its
105 horsepower engine - yet it is the lowest -priced car
equipped with Fluid Dri4e.
.for the ultimate in driving and riding comfort, the Dodge Coronet
is available with Gyro-Mofic transmission at extra cost.
.With it you can drive all day without shifting gears.
• •
• • •
Brilliant new two-tone colour treatment and new, richer,
interior appointments, make the 1952 Dodge Mayfair (shown
at left) one of the most eye -appealing carron the road today.
This smart, colourful model gives you the distinctive styling
of a convertible combined with the convenience, safety and
durability of a permanent steel top. The Dodge Mayfair,
Crusader and Regent" models are all powered by the
dependable Dodge 97 h.p. engine, famous for economy and
tong life. The wheelbase for each is 1181/2".
trbitesnatt tires optional, at extra cost.
See the new Dodge cars1 They're OD display to -day at your
,Dodge -DeSoto dealer's.
Drive the model of your choice - on the highway .. . then
,over the roughest stretch of road you can find. You'll quickly
realize that for 1952 Dodge sets a new standard of smoothness
and safety. This unbelievably smoother ride is mode possible
by -the new Oriflow Shock tsbsorbers scientifically designed
to automatically give complete ride control on any kind of road. _
Test this amazing new kind of ride to -day. You have to
experience it to believe it.
With a new 1952 Dodge you'll enjoy greater all-round visibi-
lity, extra roominess, outstanding performance ... and the pride
and satisfaction df having spent your money wisely and well.
No matter which model you select, you are assured of famous
"Dodge Dependability". No other car gives so much in quality
- yet demands Mt little In upkeep. As g any Dodge Owner.
Men's Winter Overcoats, Price All Snow Suits, pa% 9fr
111/en's Ties, 20% Off
- Men's Sweaters and Pullovers, 1O% Off, Ladies too
BedSpreeds and Quilts, 20% Off Bath Sets, 20% Off'
7i:40 FLANNELETTE BLANKETS -Reg. 6.95, for 5.95
Guelph Rayofleece Wools, 33c per halt
SpeciarGuelph 90% wool, 10% Nylon --39c hall
1/211b. Skeins Wheeling Yarn, Red and Black, $1.00
Ladies' Blouses, long and short sleeves, I/2 price
Heavy Doeskin Shirts, regular.4.50, for 3.5.0!
Other Doeskin Shirts, 10% Off
Men's Dress and Work Gloves (lined), 20% Off
All Curtains and Drapery Materials, 10% Off
Also Note That Our Nylon Hose is Reduced!
Hensall Council Inugura1
Meeting Held Monday
The inaugural meeting of Hensall
Council took place Monday morning
at 11 a.m., inthe council chambers
with all members of the council pre-
sent, along with Rev. W. Rogers,
who was asked to be present by
the Reeve. All' members of the
council had taken their declaration
of office before James A. Paterson,
Justice of the Peace,
Reeve A. W. Kerslake asked Rev.
-W.- Rogers to say a few words of
guidance to the council for 1952.
Rev. Mr. Rogers read a few verses
of Scripture and offered a prayer,
asking for guidance for the council
in the new/Year and wished them
the best of luck in the coming year.
Reeve Kerslake thenaddressed
the council, asking for their co-op-
eration and stated it was. very good
last year and hoped it would he the
ame this year. He also stated it
was this wish that the expenditures
be carefully considered and stat d
that as far as he knew .the county
rate would be practically the same
as last year, and that the addition
to be built at the County : Home
would not make any noticeable in
?re”se in the county I•ate.
Parke and Jones: That the meet.
ng be now open for the transac.
tion of business for the year 1952.
Parke and ,Jones: That we ap-
Ellis gave the visiting committee
-eport, and roll call was marked by
trytnent of fees. Following a solo
hy Mrs. A. Clark, Miss Ellis re
viewed a portion of the study book
in an interesting manner. The high-
light of the meeting was the pres-
entation of life membership certi-
ficates and pins to Mrs. E. Geiger
:rl Mrs. T. J. Sherritt. a complete
surprise. Tea was served. '
point L. Luker and H. Hoy as re-
presentatives of the council for the
year 1952 of the Park Board, and
S. Dougall, B. Koehler, H.'Keys, C.
Armstrong and C. Eyre for two
years, and the clerk to .prepaie a
by-law confirming the same.
' Hoy and Luker: That we appoint
Rev, W. Rogers a member. of the
Library Board for the years 1952-
53-54 and the clerk prepare .a by-
law confirming , he same.
Luker an'id oy: That the PTO-
erty committee be Jones and Hoy,„
and the roads and street committee
be Parke and Luker, with the
reeve as the third member of both
Jones and Parke; That the aerie
prepare a by-law changing the.
il.ites of council meetings. to the ,
first -Monday-evening-of the -month. --
Parke and Luker: That the -cleric
ad ertise in The Expositor and the
Exeter Times -Advocate re no park-
inz on the streets between the
hours of 2 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Meet Wednesday Evening
The regular meeting of Hensel!
Cmincil was held Wednesday eve.
ning with all members present. E.
R. Davis, utility man, reported ask-
ing about the new parking regule..
t ions, and the police worti, that.had
been done recently as regards air
rifles; also stealing that had been
aoing on, stating there was a po-
flee court case coming up. and the
worle-64 the snow removal front
King St.
J. A. Paterson reported $1,095.042
pi epayments so far this year, and
the tax arrears' of 1951 as being
(Continued on Page 6) ,
Hensall Outscores
Thedford 14 - 1
Hensall ran rough shod over the
Thedford-Parklfill Combines in a
W.O.A.A. Intermediate 'A' contest
played at Parkhill Friday. Harri
-son. Hildebrand and H. Nicholson
-ach rerformed the hat trick f(,r
t4fe winners, as they mounted the
-,core to 14-1. Hensall's next gm -
will be with Zurich in the Hensall
Community Arena on Friday, Jan.
18. )ne-up:
HENSALL-WoodeAck, wade. J.
Nicholson, Harrison. Moore. Knight.
11. Nicholson, A. ,Nicholson, Little,
Adkins, Hildebrand. Cov,a1T.
THEDEOR.D-Gibbs. Caley. Shar-
ron, Dunlop,, Carrothers, Gooding.
Hayter, Kasham, C. Baird. B. Baird,
Saltarske, 'Amos, McLaughlin.
First Period - Hensall, Hilde-
brand, 4:32;.' Hensel]. Harrison
(Knight, Modre), 4:44; Thedford,
Saltarske (Caley, BRIO), 5 : 55
Hensall, Hildebrand (Cowan. Lit-
tle). 9:10; Hensall, Wade, 10;54;
Heniall, Harrison (J. Nicholson).
16:40. Penalties -J. Nicholson.
Second Period-Hensall, Knight
(Harrison), 2:15; Hensall, H, Nich-
olson (Hildebrand, A. Nicholson),
4:20; Hensall, Harrison (Knight, J.
Nicholson), 4:30; Hensall. H. Nich-
olson (A. Nicholson). 8:06. Penal-
ties -Brown.
Third Beriod-Hensall, J. Nichol
son (Harrison, Moore), 2:45; Hen-
sall, Hildebrand (H. Ni oh ol son ) .
3:04; Hensel', Cowan (Moore. H.
Nicholson), 7:23; Hensel', Knight
(Harrison), 9:43; Hensall, H. Nich-
olson (Wedel, 17:12. Penalties -
Dunlop, Kashan 2. Knight 2.
Referees - Galbraith and Holt,
S troth roy: •
Big genie of the season coming
up this Friday night, Jan. 18, at
8:30 p.m., is Zurich, • vs. Hensall,
when two old rivals meet at the
HenSall Comrnuni‘ty Arena in a
W.O.A.A. Interrnediate gatie.
For a genie of thrills and spills,
peke, it a date for Friday. Both
teams hre playing hard for the
;Ton]) vain of till* district.
• •
Open Bowling Nightly
Except Monday and Thursday
Afternoon Bowling. Daily;
2 - 5 p.m.
Phone Clinton 799
For Party ,Reservations
We can take your order
this month at $1.25 per
ton less than list price.
Pay May lst •
Don't say I didn't ware yoni
• ,