HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1952-01-18, Page 21, 1 " , , , , 7,fl);, ," , �,, ... .... i, - , , I .- .1� - �. � I ....... �'�,, ", ,", N 1,4��'! r , �f' - � -, , � �, �'i' "', ! 1� ;, .. V, � , "� ,1 A." I �, I I . �11 I;i , i,,., . , , ,� pv�'," ,I :. i � ,­, 1,�,: ;"', , �!­ � ; 7_�, '' �""!,� �'�'­ "! , ,, " ,, �� 1-i 1,� � , ­.,,���� , . "�! ,� !"", ,��V', ��, � " �, � .i! , , �� , ,,, ".!;.,;"� � ,��'i�,�!',',,�,��!�:'.',','�,l��,"",,':�����,j�,,,�,,��:����,,'�.'�".,�',,'i ,f,.if,;�.�,,,,. 11 I'�!i��"Iiii:�,�',..,'��i�,�.,,�'.,,�"(,"�.�f�,i�,',:��!��'�",!',i��i�!,, -, . `��,t�'.���Mt;:".�, '�1111 , 7 1,� � � ', jol� , 7 ,1-,�` ,�,�,, !,:�', " 1,, -;��: � � � � 1 1,'� '��' �,��, ��",.;,�: , , ,,',� �;:� '1'1��" .�'�'�, 6. �". 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I THff J1 60. ,A_ X, 08 TV -, I I -1 j""i ­ " !�� _ . � '' , .1% . -­ . 11.�. ,-, " - _;­ �,.�i;�",:�!i�,,,�,;��g',��,,�i��)�!,�,';�'���i�,f,,',���,��-��:,,, i . . . W"t - ""' 11 _..�t_'. I . 11', """ ,',�,,;;.�l��""",:".�,i,�i,�,�',-���''., .- -1 11 . k. I.. � .. * ji,4k 1�:��,,�*. �,:­ ) . . . I " , IT A, 41 . ­, , . T; I , . , " . . � .1 1.11-1 I ... ... � ,,, I ­ _ , A. 1 Wr . . - . I .."'..1-1-1 .1 ...", 11-1 , I ''. __ 'i � � "'' . 04 ......... ,,,,,, ...... ,*,,,& "O""000-1000 . I � ­ 1, , P 11; ; : I'$ ., � '�411,1��,���,,�V'ij�;Ii ­,". .rr.,,.,.,., ",".. ,. �- I- . . 7-1.11 1. ''... . . . SOMM" _� , I '. _11 I .''; I. - i I I " F . * 1.8 . - , I � . , "t'.." — , , ,, — .000 .qp, I ",,.��'��V��!;,��i,.ti '_4.� , � �,, � � I � I . . 1-- 7__ � 1'... . I �, ,, - ­:., - 11'11­1�11.�"L I I'll R ,as enjoyable , , 1, , N;,',qN,J',J,�­P ,!� � , caturs =d haness w . . it . .. I I I � :,i 1. ­ is Ak on", in, t - 0110ty, ��144�ili,��,� �",.;,�z`,�', . ... I . ' AftL_ "� w,4ii� 4,'j',�, ( " 1,;;i� � ` 10 ri. i"", ,. - I ',� � . Arp, � .. -, , ,,, � provide I plo- , .1 ." I � . . . I I . - � , .11, . � � , ably ' 0_1 .. + "W .. . � 'M, , ", � I . �111ft 1�1 ­4��` , - " - c -.� . - - , . � ""' - 4*U� IZ71 I I "."J"..''11"i., , � �, - , R 0 S r ,R 0% AIDS,. ,. , ,,, '114 � i��'."Z 0 �,1�6�1�"`,3, ­` i . I 11, . 01�2�� -----.1 ..... '_ . � I � - lr��4111" I � � . ­ ,­ '' '' � I -.1.1 ­­'. I I - ­,,��,�,�,� ".''', :11.11,111. '�, � , ­­­­ . ­ I Mft .1 �` �� ""W.1,'i'' �-,��. - ­ 1. ;;;;. F � I -,­­ .". - I . � -.1.''. � 1 - , , � , M 1,111.��',�,f',� 1 , ; I ,.,;; wi#01,17%_r�7� � 7 . �, - I ... - , 1 IV., 1 .�_�`.' 11, 11K111,-1,�L,_,,U, " , mt "t - Mql_�,1�1��'= , , � �,� ­ I " , - . ,� t _",_.0 ,,,,,�. �, ." a I' - �. 1. ,... I I 1-�V,�141i,D;,,ij��! . ­­ � 1� 11 , 4 -OWN-7 � �c 1411'11!�",` .� � " prob word#n't- , , , "";,., �� . deny I — �` �"­ .1. 1, ­ . I I .- I ­—, ,. i 1 loyia - 1,�4',�,��-, .. . (By JMe I .11 .._M_!TZ � t cl,madgrator I �­ ,!""",,'(il��11111`�i d the Bali,macia*%Y 91441,4k@ 9 r ,,, V, C � �11 ""I"R-5,", -,T,,`:'-- , , , .. t , IVI R. Abl"OhO Am -sure to -day ., .1 I __.. __ . 11 � ,, bw th� , .__erg c4A,,be no . X-11 , �': ii:�'V,-;�; 5"t i ing that it did thfm. I 8 Scott) - ��_ .. on ibils hand got -Caught In the, Ma- #,�YA �', 0,�JN..��, �, , �� :� . 1�e_ : 01,11, 'i W I .. . Elie e 61 iq"��,����ifl,l"�ll,�,.�"'�,� �, ,,If �­ * I ` I 11 ,, .. �0* "" . J I Rev Richard ,..Stewart, New St, �',�',","4,�."',",�l',�q:""",Jil�'��,��,l�������� , �-qL-ean F, ditor - them miss the I I , - , �: ,,;. , , '.. . I ,, ,j. . "Those- who recall I I ; , . �hine and dragged ixi nis nuge& f _ , , -­ �. I " �', . �, I pUBLISHR46 PER" James., Presbyterian - ak(3n ,to 01futpu 'Public, " . - � �i�,'-.',�"f",i,;�.�'.,��,�,,',�,��i�q�i;���l,�,,'.��. .�i� �', , . Church, lion " j:f�,.�,,�!:,��',:�` I . 6, ev- s time now. There . . r ministgr' of Knox He was t . I . I ,y1,�,�1,%,,-,,.p,'­' " ,'�, , , , ftblished ��64forth, Ontari , leigh bells at winter - . I don, and forme Hospital, where he was atte ,"'q,�C,,%,�,��,,` , at t bells . - . . rich, on . -udpd by . _� ,� .,�,;�:,5,jl..�i� Tuesday was 1111-1111,", ,,.,1-,,-',,7 - swee ,, . in -and In Words . ',Church, Gods � He was, remov- e� �f,�',,,,,,�,,,�,,�l-,�i�l".".�"",L�!, by McLean were the 9 . 'Pros- Dr. J. A. Addison. , � i z,,&,�, -",'q, 1 4 , 1; ,'AM thursday af Wknoon In my time I have met hundreds featured "ung. mati I � London F to ails b9me.wherer-- I ­Qll�,K ­ elected moderator 01 re --- ,,,I, .�­ �,., . �A. od, on Saturdai, - . ' ­ ' � � I . __ fin d._��Ciiuton'-_N �','��L",'� - - an the dee , roa , — I Qkll 148 con e flivs ,� �';,��,'�rg? ,,,, , . : , __ �, 'L___ of the cutter of writers. I know one who told highly Insulting told him'What he . -t r e 13ti IF ­ ,. _�,. - _ Ree(RI. I 'I ,i� �. . " poets . � y �, L � L L B - - ti us yomw I b % �;%��L�',�j I . � A- . the big slei - s. here me not so long ago that he had thought Of bump 0 � �� ... . . q -Star. ­ py of the PresbyteriaL 1- I., � I � � . heavy bells of ... � " _-Goderich Signal � ��: ',',p',',;,! , I. . I made. a million dbliars from his'who thought he had nothing better _14-11, $ - , I'll -1, 11 ,� '.. I., , , '01 were many lindividuals'amo e - bau waste. his Molloy Pub Attending Convention , � I � . books and had gone through four to do t . Midgets Get New Uniforms � clumsy rhymes. I I Wallace left On UU11- -Midgeto 1( �!��,, ,� X 6e,r of CaAadian recog- ked proud and angry. I , I �, K, � ., ,. V , In fact many a'ne 9 ore I wives. As he sat beside me, I got lishing their , Mr. Robert When the Arcade Store �, I , - � i, : il�� . h The; lad 100 - I the National Turkey take to the'lee lanes, what they- � ! ,,, � ly Newspapers the impression that he didn't t ink day' to attend I— . . I ;'­ . nize another"s te by the sound of . ution at St. Louis, lack in exp will be' more # I . : .��. I I either the Money or the wives had jBefore striding from the door, he .0 I I I., � . - " !stopped, drew a lavish handful Of Federation Couve eriene I � Association. - - bis brother, I ,,.,, ,�-.' his bell& � been worth the trouble. ' . Mo. He. will. also visit I than .Made up -for In Appearance- , . �� to get a book in silver from his pocket, let the man klahomft, �"ivm"'J.,,i,i��, � I "Even the city and town people en- Yet the old race Dick, of Oklahoma City, 0 Their sponsor, Mo. Winebeyg, haw k ,5,�,`,§,,,,,,'�"54.; �- , - Almost every,got a good idea of how Inu * ch he , __;�� expecting to return home in time to out in .... �brarid new , , &dVertising rates on application . print still goes on. . I � 1AV i0e� �. � , I I neve . sweaters-aud soolm He bas gone " 'Ig 4-'�, .; ,, joyed them. Many a man today can - week I talk to some eager -young bad- and strode away. He qjool 6ping held decked, them . 4 �N­ �"",V`A"­j 'L - . PHONE 41 . _Blyth Stan- to the expbuse of purchasing goal '­,�;, ,� 1 , - . n.jilp,�41'1 _�,,, � . . I ��.'.­ � I ". I RA;,-�_ !''." , -for e was ( , ,, remember how one of the truest 'writer who complains bitterly about came 1)#Ok� , Ski 0 s" of bft*ia,st. attend the turkey, 40 "' � _ .1 He didn't ueedAo h if ,�*u want to bopst , in London in January. � 'L - e III . 4* dard. . . pads, goal gloves- an,4- i�best - '' . �;P,�,A; , 1&uthorized as S,4c s . not being able to get aii0ody to , #rotec 11-7,--,,z� ung- Robe# 4ns:. whas' . or, . . I . �, 'jk,�4�,�"',�. L . . . I . . , 'I, P,"";,-,; -� . - Office rjeliaruuez 'first signs, of winter' when he was a, Wilien I � yo 1-t Of . W vifirk gind V1 L '-goaii6f 4nd. we under- ,. �,J' - . Post k Ottawa ly print his Inspired work. 'I'VID . the 'Kilinamock editl� YO ., toast, picitir,es- Draw Crowd ' tor . for- the O. �S­ . , �, ud% llie, )� take CeMal an "_ , .___� boy was the 'a In the talk of Edinburgh andi't ,and will provi " 0'4�,- �,-� — sound of the sleigh bells. tell this to my publisher f i .t, he 9 et - � st de hockey Stick& for . �"'&� l-, K: i hat they can't afford i _a - , - Farmers of the distri filled Exis - L�'A�f 1. � I -11 , S in a few d4s FI%j& -bacon, team. This is indeed a very ,!��,, 1)""�,,­`� -they say t . ..bi.) C4, egg and 4 " , M �Xll 11 i I 18th on juit any young un- le of Scotland. I on Hall to capacity Mon- 'the indi- - ��!.R� �, :,. . ORTH, Fr*day, January lose monev Ige" + , hot boem. ,00. ter Legi lims on farm sportsmanlike gesture for an 3 14K"", .I �1 . 0 ju . day afternoon to see f I .. . he was; back at Creech's shop and . . �� . . . I I known writer who comes along. d the. - V"N',I %,"',� 1 I d like the great poet he truly ual, and it is to be bQpo "! . . rl y tui ev The showing was. vid , f %', 1�1�,,-',�� , . Well, publishing books is a risky treate lr M07:7 machinery. Aeara ho a good yoar�401yj,4 Stan_ ', 1�e,Q,. I I & �Tl . , ��";�4� � has always been. was. I ,VOU'- Sponsored by W, G. Simmons Nk Prejudice business, and so it a ard. ��'11', , ctr, misguided booksel- and Y:M: I I "Pi. �, I . I Take, for example, I .. Sons. - Film , '11� Snowplowfng . how it was in And the PO S, included oddities in d ", 4F,�� ;op to think of the ler and publisher? , f��;,�,, you ever sl burgh iii 1786. ery and an entertain- Pheasants MakesHome in Town .. , 0,,_"." While, January is only hal.f gone, I that Well, Edinburgh was � was esti- -xieckeiff ( 01-1'1�1.�,!�� EdIn D60. of NatiarA Hsmkh and welfare farm machin. R llt not so large Rk X:d al I 1 11 Y, (, 1, e t to which prejudice affects our 40n Monday, November 28. of . ment picture. Attendance There's' an English ring - k" 4k� . I . -shouldered in those days that he had to wait ­Exe- 'somewhere in town whose, m",-R,�` � had a�ot of winter. ,-I!�. %dy we have year a heavy -set. round mated in the evening at 800 pheasant �_'�i , alre-, learned of his mis- , f� �'. as fallen, every -day life? In fact, prejudice is source of 4 , young fellow set his shaggy PonYllong be=eho ter Times -Advocate. activities are a great mz) w that h I * take. is nqo&cord of what , ,%N,�,, 1 le sno ' , to those residing in the - I , �,O­�, yet despite ti . :�,. - our -number one problem in human stumbling down the rough causeway Contract Let For An. t �,-, Were . ket. Glancing I �e said . SchoolAddition pleasure 'Ir � an township roads are open stones of the Grassmar He is - Years Agolie . ,area. she haunts. A dull brown su= he heard the news. JR�11 I relations. lat him casually TOU wouldn't have d to have been Iran I has approv-.rcolor, this bird about the size of a " 01.,,�-":,., as a matter of f act within a day ual about tic hagriu at missing so pro- I . Picked F rom T4e Municipal Boav re issI16 for � ,,, Appen it is prejudice which' colors our "reinarked anything Units . ed the $115,000 d.ebentu - I I", . him unless, it was the pair blisher ever sitor of Twen- the new.Wingliam public school ac tered corner of a family residence,. - , .. -- truth at all I WIft c�ihaum . No doubt he was, interesting Items likghoru heir. has chosen the shel- &i� fitable ,6�..,� - or two following the Storms at Christ- and closes our mind to many another pu The Huron EXPO ,n: , , thinking lof k.sk-in breeches he was wear- -like . yea Ago cording to information received, for hertnest and, about for severaE . , K� ' ing�c� "'. -were brand since who has allowed a profftable -five and Fifty � - 1I �, I ty 11�,, - clearly, from the school �oaTd. 'Me depart ';;,��_�, : Wilas ' .. ment of. Education has already giv- da-ks, ftE proven by her tamer.es% � 11, �, The storins at the year's end will and knowledge. A prevents us too p through his fingers, . , .. , - 1,isw ,,, be walked along �the street writer to an to do bet- � . I ave been accustomed to asiroct­ , ,,,'� - d like any other young lad But this� one resolved � n its approval. The lowest tender, to b - I ers the condi- often from Working together in un lie IocAe I - recall for many farm _ ion ation with farmyard fowl. Perhaps lil�4� I a derstanding, ixom voting intelligent- I,U. pLo.b.at1r1,y for the first time, from ter the next time. The very, next From, The Huron Expositor ' e hat of the Mowbray ConstA�uct ...,:,�-,, - - stray versifier who came along and . t she,11 go back there someday, but ( " th . e contract ii" ' . of only Jght or tell gO . to wonder at the civil January 2i, 1927 e . - f �J tions of local, national - - at present She r apparently bidg, I ..., ,;",:. I � y ads ly, and is the root . publisher under- Among those - er liking. - Mitchell! , , -, Rt,��; -Men by this time cou i kzte delights of Edinburgh, the happened in his shop was *elcom taking first-class signed, Work if, to commence im town life to h ..... ".4 �, �1 , i ternational disputes. . h� ens of he North. ed warmly. The e at mediatelY, weather permitting. Advocate. . ".-,��41�., I' � .struck You took to print all his poem I _. have been 11snodwe in" - -, n -Times. � I'll would pd in today is I Peyhalps it would have 6-whi6b honors at Seaforth Collegiat in 1, Wingham AdvanCL � �;. as he did. the Christmas e . , , ��­.; � 'as a�g,e L the spring break -Up. The f armer and Behaviour Us we know it xams, wore: F or tt , that bis first Stop w Yes. he published them all in a j A.rchibald, H. Ament,.I. Wankel, Foot Family Gather To Greet Vem� Year- ��l , I .0 at t ' The . family 4 ; . - handsome than ateman, N. Beat- spending two '1� - - B lan Rin ,�v': his family ill Ina y cases then would based on practises of many years. f� a ,avern, but a bookshop. A Little.Lad Fractures � Turnbull I of whom" k , 11. tises frowned,".6n today L, ", bookshop, belonging to the volume far more M. Cariano, M lott Bi toul is 1,1.;� abitious Creech who had taken ov- an I., I have been dependent Pntirely oil Many prac aroo .3 ything ever brought out for tie, C. Dickson; Form 2, G. Sc , , ,in bed- with a fractured foot.. t4!�Ke are fifty-eight.members, gath-.- I . . er from the Scottish lioet, Allan Burns. A. Hanna, J. Pinder; Form 3, N. weeks, n -annually at the New Year, usu:-- . "' �� ! . A.". 'horse and cutter, or team and sleigh, - were at One time acceptable to W, but f Cameron Rintoul, Mr and Mrs e �; Hogg, D. Hudson; The little lad, son of . - farm boy stopped And he lost all his money, and Jefferson, F. town, fell down-lally at one of the large comfort- , ' able homes common to 1110 t 0 ',j�"L � . . through ate years have fallen"illtO Ramsay. The three months later -was bankrupt. Form 4. C. McLean, A. Archibald, t but did s; f the ) t to get into town. , . outside, apparently did not dare go No, all is not cakes and ale v(he, a Rankin; Form 5. T. Medd, G. stairs on Christmas nighl, ' ,,�, Yet to others, such prac- hat out of re- . B. M not suffer any consequent pain.! seniormembers. This year Mr. antR � disgrace. in, but removed his rs. Atewart Webb were hosts and. 0 1 .. . �'.., Yet despite, or perhaps because of, spect, and moved on till he found a you're a publisher. And Nyhat made White, T. Ritchie, R. Willi , . However, later on his foot s-Larted M ". . �ontinue to be regarded as prb- ! , , difficult is A. engaged the dining room of the,, ,'.. , which all dis- tises . ade it all, the more .berhart. ken to 1, �Nq . to bother him and be was ta 'House. 'the staff catdred- .1 snowplow service I re modest and less hi&toric shop In Brenner !��, the _ - "I I per. A respect for such traditions Of " - . that there never was and there . . . r6 at the progressive r, who had an X-ray, re- , farther away. ,, I I Prize winne . the docto ol ��� I, . I I I trict, townships now provide, it is win be another , Robert vealing that a fractured bone in his and a delicious dinner was serve,l.. � A0�� I 0 foot ihad set itself. But, tc - e,�, 21nazing the extent to which rural others will lead to understanding � Inside he told the proprietor that. never euchre on Friday niElJlt in Dublin rogram of game�,; ,, ' -ed thim if he Burns. .. Mrs�- Wm- J. O'Rourke, f � mend An impromptu P ,',,, ": p 'noon Supper v I �111 , ere -Mitchell* Advocate. e'- resideTxts have forgotten the condi- and avoid prejudice,. The hurtful pre� he was a poetand ask were: 'Kx- rovided amusement for the after - would be interested in publishing a the vinag6,aud Albert amers, of roperly, it meant that he must P 'u . , ; consolation prizes w sta - , ." I jh.�; guests locally Settled. Guests , . 1. . i.rs ago and the judices are the mental fixations of the sma�ll volume of his work. (In those . . McKillop y in bed. was later ser e.d .q ;,.. . tious of Such a few ye� , Wolft days booksellers were usually pufi- (The first of two articles on lit- given to Miss Margaret Byrne and . -rk.- ' . ,,�":" , . -,centers, people who Master Edmund., O'Hearn, both of Bridge is Scene Of Accident . 11 e ' 100 -per lishers and printers too). The pro- tie known sidelights on the career � came from Detroit, L,Dndon,Ya ,�, � extent to which they d mand even yy- 'of Robert Burns). - hill and Crediton as well as; Gl,and,' � - admit you have a side to your case, prietor took one look at the hea Logan. driven by Joseph Simmons, �;, � I � . I I - A car Bend. Forty attended the dimuku. .,�� I better service. During recent days . I- - - - - - - . e young people of Carmel Pres - hkrl, � . , � __ --1.W___ - - - - - Th of Wroxeter, north bound on No. 4 It �;, . . . - -0 a thirty remained for supper-Exe- I �, I . king to Several I and demand that you either agree . byterian Church, Hensall, held Highway, was in collision with a 114'. . we have been U- . . or, dis- - — Skating party 'at -the rink Monday ter Times -Advocate. ,� 11.W us , wholly with their, opinions, . car driven by Edwin Victor FiMr, .�,� I ery case� tliey�t6ld - judges. were Mr. Flem- . �'. reeves, and in ev night. The of R,R. 5, Brussels, which was south i Birthday Greetings . 1. - '. i i .:::� ly Stopped ringing' agree, the inolithly letter of the Roy- ') . I Lareu and Ivan Me-, ' ame highway. The . I ,,,, - . theii phones hard . . . 1iound on -the S I Mrs. Peter Deiehert, Zurich, rE�- �:,�' I . , . � -_ �� lAughi4n. PrIz6s Wefd Won by: , .,K� . I I throUkhOldt' the most recent storm. al Band points out. . . I- 0.1 , l,adie-s skating alone, Mrs. James accident occurred on the south ceived a very pleasant sUTWst- ,,�. I . I L , - 1- . Ratepayers wanted, and in fact de- "The difficulty is that you " ot ' - bridge at 5:35 p.m. Thursday eve- phone call fTom her secoud.altl�st.� . - ,,- Sangster; gents alone, James Sang . . a done to whu -K- I 11--� I . ... eT I . . 'Ray Welsh-, ning Some damage ws, I L ,P�. 1. 'rejudiced people at ' brother, Mr. Adam Thiel, v I. manded ad be plo-,�ved prove to really . ster; boys under 14, the left front of both cars. No I ­­ that every ro; . p ice McDonald; pressed his birthday greetings tor . - - - 1111� � � not true- Most of . - - - - - -_ - M.P 0N.0 VA.0 0-%.O� girls, under 14. FloreE I ­ every day, or as many times each clay their beliefs, are boys over 14, Ray Pfa:ff; girls over charges have been laid.-Wingham his sister, for her birthday, Dec. 2R. I ,,, I - - . ' kdvance-Times. - �,;,.. I ese data are arried women, - 11: n. the time they repster triumph over I.P,vement Cuttin I However, when th' * She heard him distitictly from Ry I Z:. gs)and - 14. Hazel Hudson; in 'Nk" . W miAt be necessary to keep it ope Your Winter Firewood ire -examined. It is seen that while Mrs. ,Is& Sangster; married men, . G ' e crost, Alberta, in the Rainy River I I ' 1,,,,,�. I eeve said, it is all a ques- your arguments by pointing to some . . Injured in Hockey am tstrict., Adam left, thisk;C011111111r, "I ��, . As one'r . Unfortunately. most of the tie-Ithe return for tb,6 first 12 tons ap- Lee Redden. ' An unfortunate accident occur- " 1 14'S; . xes are at an particular case where their beliefs wood cut in Canada is taken Out in'P"ed bas been .n.334 per ton- the M� Walter Murray has leased his red last Friday afternoon during a8ity about 40 years ago, and wok' UP I . . . . . . . ,,�,,�j��,, , tion of money. Farm ta- four n North Main farming of -25D acrems of land, �,ome - , J%,, I . * - g operation. ,returns from an additional large* brih garage o hockey game at -the Blyth, arena, I of jt he couldn't harvest this vear .44�1 Th I ;�,, � ".1" t they would be Illuch have beell successful. . ey seem un a clear cuttin, . I I ­�.',`11��` an -time high, bu 'tocs St. to Mr. E. Fawm, 1when Allen Shaddick. of Loudes- , - - M rs 1. I . . and laws," Clear cul.ting one rat �o4;-,. have on- --�`(16 tons raie). has been 67 of Mitchell, _', . "k. . . -bigher, he Sal , age - I , I � d if the. Couticil bought I able ti) grasp principles I ly one adVant, all, tj�; material cents per ton. and from a further who has the Chevrolet agency, and lboro. sustained a dislocated :�houl. on account of had weather. , ?"', I ad(Ilition of 4 tons (20 tons nite). who will use it for a service sta-1 Deichert is unable to expres� ihe . ! � . p hired enou-h I the letter States. or. an area is removed aX one time; I der whe.n he fell to the ice. He - ,.! ., .Aough equipment and .1-1 . I ; 50 cenM per ton. tion. . ! joy, she received to 6ear her broiln �,, � , I . - I Nias rushed to L "Many such people go through a zliisz keews hauling disiine& to a Clinton, where X- er's voice and so far awa.y. He I . , I men� to keep every road open ever, , . minimum. I It. is certain then thaL. as far. as -John McLariEm, C. Eckert and Jas.. s were taken and h.e was attend. . � il: ' I - ,ray -:� . I . -:these experiments go, the 12 tpn., wished to be remembered to ail bi , 1:'. '' es of clear . -will I , ., ,...., storin. U'llat I process they call 'making up their The disxdvautag cut Rivers, who are stockholders in �he .. i rate of RD lica.tion has b Hibb � ed by Dr. Addison. The injury d friends in Zurich and I . day throughout every p eell- by --- Ear 1.NlcKi1l,oV. Logan & ert Tele-, relatives. an . I � . .. � ii 4 dug are serious and far-reaching. , I . . . ,� close their minds, * blin on Mon- impair his working ability for some. , especially to his uncle, �J �. - ­ ' , - v_j,tij- - - - _t1w_ _.: - .nlin -,' and thefi The game was being plaved community ��z,�.7 we. do is'to co1lIPr0In­l,-'e--­ . . ­ ,%. productive stand is cha-aged ,o,.tbe most - profitable per ton Of na'sn' phon� Co.. ,were in Du Mr.,_-�jidrew Thiel. -Zurich Herald "'..- . . able � -with a one�-way Zipper. That process ,n unpro,ductive,aree-i se�cond only­-Ure used. day attending the annual meetingjtime- - . "i . equipment we can, afford -we are � I e-st The comP , , * ; ry ', N,, -ill be avoided by persons seeking or I - Jc,In the light of these results, it is between the 13th and 10th cone -es-, W,1- , ,:o sel-erely burned land. For 'fixed and usually any has a strong financial isious of Hullett, the former beni.-i Showered With Gifts ; ,�,�,,,� to keq the roads open. so that eve I,.- spheftles gror, so , ear that 'with a standing and declared a 10 per cent 11 - � �"".�. , , I . , They luet-_� and wild it I 2.4 tbaL, limited supply of manure. the diridende for the vear. , the winner. -Blyth Standard. Mrs.,�. Willis entertained at her, 0 , . I me n 1.4 I . farmer can gret out at least everv, � bui ppy philosophy. . '4ders-e,ly in V -'e clit over ar'E I I ", , .1 I catibn of 12 tons per I-i,,t Thursday ' da 1110 Frida'y evening in ho,�or I 11 - ,. . � whoip mar � e to ol'6-mi, ore. up : 'will ward off dogniatiim, srnugneKs, , new g-,-owt-b has diifficulu geWng Smaller appli . evening the mem-1 Residents Hie to Sunny Flori I . other day. If *ewer *-f f it wrl be ot, t.h, -re spread over a larger area will bers of the Lious club met in the How- would you like to be sun-,, of .MiS.S Donelda Willis, 11". I it 1, riage is to take place soon. Aoou� � bias. and close-mindedness. Th�y re- '-sr�'�-d-NI` 0 1 give .greater returns for the man- Conimer ial.-H6eel with John Hug-, I �,,;ii,.;,�, * - . d aro the taxes. It's a funliv ' ' . 'comiice type which is crowded. in.re t.ban the larger rates Of 16 and .f . gUE'st speak- ning yourself in Florida-' It just forty guests were present. Tbert, . _ this w, est. and also i 4,�o � crooked 4nd very susce,Ptible to, gard in the chair. The I -,. � �' - -e a t ! . i 20 tons spread on smaller. areas. , as a flower cout . �� but thos th alim that the fullness of living can be icould be that six r4sidents of ',�,. I thing, he went oil. . -ot Advanc-ed growth (,-wall Sap- i I ers of,,the evening were John Ma- . doing that, right now. �, . .t�, ' -ittained only by understai - , st Ion . ' "llemi-niscenses ,, district are - Imock wedding, in which Mis-z Ge! - I iding. Lie I Undoubteoly� however, tie mo e ,ihose 0 1 1 .1 i S - , Mr and Mrs. Joseph Becker. Clin-aldine Streeton played 'the rol- of . !M"'.. .. phone me most often about, SIION�- . . I �1,iiz growimgf, in the shisde of L', , ,!,�� � L. ; ' ' tabld"U�e of manure is the Beephwocid,­ left nothing to be de- ,* ' ... � 1. . .. -) 11sx,ger trees) is sud�4ezl_v plunged PrW . ton left by. motor Friday: Mr. and. ,L;",'' I � - i Mzuiv of our prejudices are due t -t - ra. llan. bride, Miss Madelon Ryan ue, . ; ;1.1 �. plowing are the same one,-- who eq.m I I.t ­ . . full su-Ii-lit and is de_-.troTed,U,-bter te in combination with sired. and Mr. Thos, McMi � Mrs', Lorne J. Brown and Mr. and:, * b " I rJain about high ' � uniquez - acceptance of th-e be- -'- dinf L'ren if regen,,,_ ico merdal ferWizer. '*Canada" was' I _ nson. fatber , 41 -axes. I stionin", b3, sit. _%,:��, sl�, I M.P., whose su N-Irli. J. Zapfe, Clinton.'left. Sunday - - ' ary Lol I 1,14" � , � - 11 . =le I morning, a9A on the same day Mr. of �he bride. and -Miss M �� . % .T. the stand is ewemejy well -d% � . �­ I lb . e Ree,%T, � I liefs commonly lwl,d by members of - .0 _P --facta:r = * * 1'� , I McFarlane, the minister, A mi�- . ' n is � -ti ,i,,,� was right. There.iS no . 'kept tn 1he young age clazss uh-F-re - . 0 1 Ice . --11. . I 'l-.1- . : others may t I llaneous shower followed. AliiM ­ ipal ; our gToup be tr9ced to land Mrs. -Lloyd Batkin, Clinton. and I �.1 lindt to the services a munic I � wood PW.Uction is low , . ,Some Suitable Shrubs For . . � 'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mack, Baypeld. 11 I I clocks wcre hidden in variour pla- �-%, . f res. f ,�� r I , . -�ayer,_;-,. : . I ���,� �. , council can pro-6de itz, la te I. the )�a�- in whi'hwe make Snap judg- The woodlex o�wmer- vi -:10 re4r' Southwestern Ontario From The 'Huron Expositor left -for the south. They will be es. and when each larm _,o . c - absent from the ":�novbeit­ for ,pn.z ' -J ,i�'11 . . . . still tithers7 can be blamed on firewood for his own uqe� is in an I The climate of southwestern On January i7, 1902 1 tbe bride-to-be would have to 5rd I I " verv- merease ili service � ments -. eni"able potsition� He c_�ii take hi�� lian far6rs, the growth of many varying periods. -Clinton News-Re- 5�,�� But for e ' I . , - the clock, and with ir-'of cour�r�. v .1 - I in who has' . I 1.1, I � I there must be a ctorre�szpvonding in- I our wishful thinkdng� 1,,u,e1wcK)d out in an improvement ik ds Of Shrubs -which are not bar- Mr. Robert Armstrong, , cord some gifts. By following a'ribb'o i .4 , Cut- charging all costs to tba� pr -o- J . �,;:,. , i dy -in o4hei parts cif'Eastern Cam- .been a clerk in 'Mr. Gunn*s store, -he found many more gifts. Lur,cl-, . ",_ . crease in taxes. it is the duty of the ), **Envy is the cause of much pre- '. . Arena a Busy Spot , .� , . I .. Iduct- and ?iare the advantages �Of SL&L Not, all of these varbE�iies are here for a good many years, left on I was served by the hostess.-13r�z- V:­;� who can- enT I gue (new- , . RL.I. comeil) to degide the extent of the i judiceol'thinking.' The man this. henelici-al treatm , 11 ',desirable Or superior to those Friday, to push his fortune in tbe' If the Rural Hockey� Lea, ,z I I � :j,,'�',.7 _ , I Mention is made great West- He went to Seattle,' )Y -for -ed) continues. �o bi� a five- Se _ Post, � I ,,, _ grown elsewhere- I �5'i�,!. they ro-ads 1 not mend'his own case is tempted to id -re"' p"'t- . . 41!�-� services 0 be provided. be i . . ; Im-.,rovc_mem.t curting� hare none of a few v,arietles becsuse of their Washington Territory. ,team Idop, the Blyth Community �1'p. . ' another's. iof ,*be disadvints-g-t-S o4 clear c-ut- I ot. acti Mr. M Arena will certainly be a ��,',� . . � ar ssmowpl,Gwing, or schools, bearin : do what he can to impair g - � I tr veness r,athiar than because _ cKay. of Tuckersmith. who! Centre . . ' londyReihive of industry . ' ' A"', , 1. tiag-s., The grawth on ,,be remaim- of iheir raTity. E I for the next six 1 5�,,,, ations�hlp of the ser- 1 In fact� Some who would gro to arreat .UE BsrberrF (Ber- returned borne from the K " 1A,.S.13ifle or Twa 1_� ; ik'mind the rel .1-1) ir_L, tree,--. ,whic.1i win be the beUer s, No less than eight 4!1',; I beril- thunbeirgi minor)., Rocie, a few months ago. left this week weeks or so. ,�,".""', ,help someone formed individuals Of ibe more de- Daphne alatihne cneoram), Creep. -for Dawson. He likes the country hockey teams 9 .,� I andi� good leligths W will be playin' ' at �. ,�,�,�i' viiws tio the tax rate. _ ��'.. - . 0 an ,4, 1 ". � I I . . '1;1,., I who fell on evil days, will become an- simble smpecies,-vill 'be acceleMted_ ipx H011Tgrape (Mabonia repe4s), and thinks he can do better there th arena, d public skating will lf,n�, Re--_emer�00n will be Of se!!F"land numeTous others am sniublo Man here. be saindwicbed in on Tuesday, A man finalljr bought a parrot at !��i�� 0 should ited bid- I 1".., .. noyed'' if that -same person origin and ad� gro --th wM dL� forr planting in the rock gardem- At , Mr. George Murdie. who has been Thursday and Saturday nights. The an auction after some spir ��',11��, , 1,eiop rsTdeiy .d,e, ,be vi,se crov, t,,e other oxtx-eme there are the al- treasurer of Dull's Church, MI-Kil- Arcade Store Midge have not an- ding, � 1111 I - , I �. - �,,,I.,. n I The - I have good fortune- I of. the rema-aang tree -51 RePeated most tree -Me Shrubs White Fringe lop for the lengthy period 'of 18 nounced a schedule - yet, but their "I suppose the " . . t% . Good Old Days. bird talks. be- - ,.�:"�,,�,. ­ - . "None of us knows e-rioup-h- We jmproveme�at cuts will produce KWonanthus virginica). Rwaian years, has resigned his position on game% will also .have to be sand- Said to the auctioneer. I '' � 1 ,� .1, . .. . . `,�,�', The "good old daye' of not so many — =o�e firswood than clear iraittim-Z Olive t,Maeagnus augaUffolia), ut of expecting to sever his wiched in some wbere,-Bl.vtb S u. "Talk?" was the reply. , ,;�, . can keep On,, with profit, hearing accou ta -He's been I. 1, t, .. 1; � sts ago when snowplOwino, of di�s- azd evem-litally von will rec*ive & Flowiming Crab (,.%aius in variety)- connection with the congregation dard. bidding against you for the Ps' -t 1.��, I'm 'be said about a subject by ,,,b r .r. from the _-.-Je, ol logz- I bour." . . . . . 1�111 � ye 1) . what can 't _Run&�e& a shrub variedes. am and coming to Seaforth to reside. - . half I �, . �1,�",.'. . Ukt roads was not the practise it is .. I d Tr6uble Did Not Come Singly . . 0 �,�� . peftons of every-variet� of opinion, Alth--"� - 1-9-- — is --or'ked , included in these and intermediate Mr. Geo. Turnbull bas purchase 11� ,:�, I I . Colemaj, A rather unusual course of sick- - - ' " .,,r", taiday, is recalled by the Owen Sound ' out to cut, -a given amoitnt, of ma: I s-?� -net,- are varieties suitable the remainder of , the . - which reqUir A small boy, wia a penny clutcb � - . . I I he town. We 1W ed hospital I zation, , , I . qim,c,e ,�, . zfnd by stud);ringer all the waYs in which te,rw, it is ziot in—etii-t ' 1 for foundaticim - planting, hedges and tomestead adjoining t - v;." ,4.��r ", '1� . . ed tightiv in his hand, entered ,­ I I �V�.:%p ,�� �, � - in Seaforth during the holiday sea- . � �' l, _.. Sull-Tim1p* it can be looked at by every character lbe -same mmd sysem is ItSed in- S�� -,-me are smited to wet presume he intends using It in con toy shtrp. After a few minutes the V��I��',�,_ , ,�'gi��!.��.�,,'�--�, definitely. ljocwtions. otbem do V,en'in -dry nection with bis stock buying busi- son, were four patients, all re!a. 1�,ip� �;;�,�,�, �. , "The d7ifference f rom then -tA) now of mind. Howfar removed that is CAmL,dder the advanmees aBd\d1s-JW.e.: soane . ad-Pted to S -11Y Ties- - tives, Kenneth McKellAr, who wai; Proprietor, driven to distraction af- �1�1,,�,�-',�t,!,,��,ti, . ter showing him most of the stack ,!,. �1, 4 1 , � ju-dg- - 10,�", 4. ,� MW that then most farmers kept a A choices and adirasitages of thes-e metbods of cut .Joeatio=-, OtbeV$ do best 111 Shade. Mr. Thps. Levy bas purchased the seriously ill. Douglas McKellar, . �i,�_,,, `10 -from arriving s,aid: 1, t� ,.,i,��!�.�` driving,,- ting fimmxxyd, and if yim ,Wan an Mazty vanetlei,, mv grown because old foundry or creamery pioperty suffering from blood poisoning in . ;�'j"�-,'.,; f1iiiAi fwt borse for winter "Look bere, my boy. what do yoIx ��,,�!�, � . I meniz on the basis of sheer gue&qe& taking SIOMie 0ML conta" Your local I of tieir attractive Rowers, wtne an Main St., and the lot behind it. his hand-,, Margaret Jean Russell, woTld . , I . wail , ,,V,'�,, ­�, , !Me SAn-Times. sRVIS, , "Now very few vrho underwent an appendix ou� t to -buy foia penny the ,, ?�-',,'.!, 1 ­. I supersfitions, and'folkway halAts of =me lester azia ask In= abomt Others 3LtTv the a.ffdffloiW attrac- from the Coleman E,,-tste. is. Wilbur Miller ' -ra- with a fence around it'�' � � ;; !��..._'� ,, ftme-r$ keepa `6iver' and aky horse tho�t , I improrement eattings- tion of cohire�d frufts fello-trig the Mr. Wilfred 'Morrow, of North tion. and Mi , a t on- Boy----"L-_t's seeAt- ", �� " - , , . I IiWerlug Period. AM 4Ttidle -of - thW Main St_ ,brought, f , load from Wal- '11 Operation. Mrs. Miller's and - . �a­, trimisportation , s.1 ,,, " � - must be done by * * = otice. It Douglas McKellar's recovery have 0 � ". smpe evInId not Possibly CoTer 411 ton 'which is deser�lng of n I 11',j� "Bemuse we cannot,in many.ms- / es vaitaNe for this see- consisted of 140 fimt-clas; nd A traveller Kayifig for a -week- !,�,.,, . 1T'.4i Lq_ of slow, h�avy horses, usuOyy . green allowed them to return h me. a I ,�:� j,�,� , AWW W%at is the Value Of Manure? the Tarieti 1P . ;,I, , ,,.,,,:.; slow es,,see the picture wh(de in this s, 8 d 9 feet Ion . This iRve wish K speedy recovery to Ken- end in a little village in the South � ;,. :', I ,,4, , _ Wkv I Imf*rmnlion on, strubs for cedar post an 9 � ..": t) �. Msle*hs. Thm too, cam were JU, tibe &q�menitai F'== Za tiOn. �, �,,� "; ,, why don"t we say that so-aAd-so be- Xapp,M Y -S_ 41n experiment has SzP� PurPORes 3s avanable on load was'draiwm� by a team weigh, neth and Margaret Jea.n.-4MItMell was telling the oldes-St. inhabitant I I �',!�� , . fi-��,�,, er lmd not so smooth of operation. haved in a cerWn situation, at a cer- bee- ---aer %,� for 2S yeaj_� in reVest to the Dominion 1DKperj_ ing not niare than 2500 pobuds The AdvWat6. Chat he could not Imagine bdw PeO- I � ' ,��,.,,i�',�, Mr. A. Pie managed to live It snob a dull ( �,,, �',,, ,,,, , Norses, espeday agood driv—erss, didn't mental Stati&L Harrow, OPt posts iwieie delivered to � Wayp instead (kf w�cb mamre has been applied fbr Leaves C. N. R. Office "P�'�L`,, . Z2. . . tain time� in a entain sv,edes in a fcnm--.1Fesr. In must1keases lowering bs s YwA Ifi Searorth. Place- . lj��,,,��;_­ (.. . 760tvajoa Of sb .. per- Mee I , .'L" """ .� AftIft so slow, si mode of trms�qrta- _!11'Za;1-:t, tilt, 1,.��"i,'�,',, , 3vars ,of bay v* aftracbve for GMIF R g of §esforth publid X & "Bud" ,Sturdy, who his been '*.-wen.- said the natiM "YOW .., ,;�I�,.�'. 4 . I& I posffiwly tbat. he is wch-dnd- is­e&--_ eats =d two .N.R. telegrapher and elPTeSS &$� should Stay here untlil next, w k, : . , - and their grem for -46 school ,;�','�,,�- ` The say I - . ,q� 1. board We&eidiay eitening. C, ee " , 'Awn as they do now, as a res -milt ftVe US at tbree rates. _ ,I,S .=.d �; M of tb,,t .;�'�7.1,� �, 1, w Vh ,� , I 11� , . � such? That approach woWd - tons W acm oamptred vM a x,r,,_ em beeme m2anotmbus'in IaM Mr� J*bn Ralikin was %pp6inted ent On the SqUare for the Wt go and then yaWd see the V We COM-- , - . ;,, "PaqM1. public wakft �o speed cou- � it has alwaYss... seemed chairman, W. Ballantyne, sftv�,, YftM realigned from that post lasit ttyside stirred up.- � .,: ,_ , both heartacles a-Tul haula&mr tatiom that C'ad zzt rVoesve4 mariure. pU=Umgr ... I )" I - , , . . - In Ufm experlme= thL. 1,,? Ums that in _§Mm--estem ontsew .-M tary W W. Hartry, Collegiate In. Week� Mr. Sturdy (,&tried on on , "What Is gaigg to happen nest: ' 11 106OU& I - ,- - aid Mr. JaXdw I� 00tumisalon. basis in the p,%" ei tm :: �,;, " OwAaft , greater s3itate trustm St while WOW` taked th V*Uer. I . I'� . fta, -- - %w- to , ambmtim bas retarEvAl $&Z4 per "Is long gra-tog Season, ,,,;,� �, ,,, - I I 4,11XC&,M=y farmers would W=t to . We Sh&ild U =ade Ot shrobs Vitb Mnoran are reprt,sentatives on the under the UeIV set -Up the new aV- -Plolwlng.� ww§ the reply. ;,,,;, - ,, ;be 16 t6ms $UT, =d the N 1 ; ,'' . o'n' fto.-e %Wch p-Offic IftiWr-board. POlUtMenU are 0111PIOTees,of,the, �,;,�,� �, � cWored feftm Aniong 0 1 , _ "I , Lai 1 , xik to Qit� fgood old day&". But Wl�at Offier Papers Say: IOUs sVPt=b= $2-n per� tco, or i" ,.,� � � , �,.,, , 1"'� 1. C�a be d"*Mded Q& t.0 Vr40VJde col- Mr� Charles Mann% of Mensall, ".Ri Mr, William Skinner, for' An old Texar4aUeudlnk an an,f- �, 11 ,11t,�� ,, � . . "I",. to L �, , 1, in those . 11! . sm sterago raup dr =15 per ta3i. , ��i� � �, . Vgs PkaSIL-4Te ano, fto The jfil& amd value 8X ZlMent Or far -s`Bv'er32 � �; V� ., , = trips .- - - ­ - I -­ - - I mmuM_4 would be left recettly to make his home In mer caabler of C,M.& e�%,prer_g ,tt Iv,r,s bamquet in Calitorn1% , 9 I I, , 1. " . . _ . ;),,,� , . 1. I - - I Otd- Walton. Kirkland towke, Out,, will now be in sifghtly It,ked ;� ��' 1,�� I -welre .JaZ"es,e 31*;Ae, in red ar _g , , , �'1�11�. , 4 �byltisoe and eutter, pardaulw- market V"CW In ea& ,%exaM as speaker aftbr. ­a�:',.*,)��,�,!�:,� � , 1, al, ­ � . . Town - alf "3.- paWe &4nmess, 8arbm-ry, ,qHver The ramilly of Mr. John 'Bell Of chftr.ge�,of the C'N'F I'dr,iR , was not vslimfm Oats . mllcaWed and cowlMe& Alt " - empress, white 06%ker told tall ftle.� of West' . !';';­,,��.�,_ ": : 11y, - tftr the rung f 0&- . t .1 I !a exve7�i 1,e2d MKggwcod. PbrAe I-ey Fobib", ,Sea1brtb^hsd an unpleasr�,t ex. Carl Anderson, wilo prevl,,,Iy rim ,,�:,�,' �o:� . � , _ � taubw *em treatbil ill ., . , '11, . - I", � , - `�!,�J.�;',:. -11 11 I � it W&-, tuft to * I Staidilrd) . antlar VarlegkUkl v,nileace re�tly and one whieh Worked with Mr. Sturdy, is ill cosat ffsh, - Finalls, the tOr ftu � �, ��'�,,,,�' , - ,,� .1� 0#0W40 Ulm foa. CA-tkairmies � *'4W etetq% fbir 0* =Minntl tr"t- Kerr* tn� Wdh I the 'Lone tber St�te WAS R -,k- � , '06 I l 11 . I VOL' - to9t them theIr RV69. Dull ch4rg`0 Of thO ttlep'sktsh and tiOkOt,'�, 04 for a few remnrks. --Well, wO 11, ,, �,"'­. , I �. . � 41 1�1 %� it i,s q6t,g reg*wabje to ,de. 16rrvq�, Galfien LW Maebb'Ttlim, Mearly �i�Y�1'-',�.6,�;�­;� ,� ' WN16S, . I , I 11 . . oTes� to g*t to the Sgzd CV&Ty, GWeji Elftxr, ing the night g" escaped ftqM & -iGodorlob alglIsil-Sta-r, 4 1 . . , ��I"�'KL,1�,'� �!'�L, " , � 7 1 _. . Ile o4y problem now rem;dning aw* that tbz ralag ca wii appr"- pmve I 6011't hare any fish In Te=8 vrorth ,41.1 ";;. �' I , I d VtMoriii tettedtv4e*"�Inditth6lkOrftt'A,#'MtM- .". I ,4. ,­ I �1, one evWd meet tift a =a1gure IS LU 4Utonrftce to. TWalf 'VOETi vz� SUftre N bt_a"-JW*- sibout," b4 6i�-= butnt'- - il�� ,��aa,����,�,'�'I",,,',,,'t,i,�:.�,�,�4"� 110.111M�'!� ��'. �� �,,,�),��q�__,c4� � 11 �,; ". �. ,� � ,,, , L for Cmusd%ns to go south for,, the -A 'Weft_as� Tze&IART abm F*10e. beT9 of the flu'lls were untons'doua , . I �Sty Accident " I"f:.' , �;�� .. -, I , ; � ��,., � 11 ... . 'ere, WA§ even a 11 4 I t�l I '. �Vrtft st Tiof� bvft as ratano ,, ,,I,he ' ',,.'�i7;u'.­`, ".. Th te � i 11 I ' - 0; Wding �btq hands abo"t ' ,��,,��.,��,�,�4Y,,�,,���"'�L,!.I �'i .� *%tat is ,not *,a , ft4 n - it0d*ft f3MAM *3�a tbt fte 'diat' lell'PhM;L� abaffea TaAetgMA"094� *24 Me $Ad bt'A d"t0t VW UeOW P'070,6 & 'NIA"014, 'PltrtbOr in �,�I!i't%""­­ . apsrt, q. noveT saw any I ..'��,i�:::�,,�',�["�"1;'I.'��'�";;'I�'��,L�"�'L �� . 4 -1.1 .' .. _ ' I I � ,,,; " �� , , ,A i, _�, J, �, , :�,7,.� � I I tine . _Ag J IS a fake meffi , I ft� , � -a-am *UZI 190&A4ff*d Skllift4 U6%_ ig�y, to, tetog,th 9411M*Auhs, bulldvW sulp 11,08" 1 "�,�,�.�;, : 1, _ ,ft mot 1006 111y, 7��,;'.,,,���i'�,�i,',',I��"',��,,.�",�; �, " i I jr�, igt bt fte�* ttdjo", kat * I ' ILI *t,& "11 VlJo. 7111,�, , " Tupped, "I swoond. � ,,,�L' ��'��6i,�;;M �,:P I I Itsaff * , rd, bfttr than that," � t, � ;, ,,,,, -IR..: ��,, ,, No".. I'll - Z :� k �, . I I— 4 . P I— 0--ftwo I 11 J��,40V'W` &"_ -O't eettffiftte 16 im- " 'the dbiAl* but '6 '6 b$ 1ho 'apo,=, �' 4t . I i-�Adv, ofi tuawnw $k patnhil skmm(sut 1AN, I ''L�,,11,:"�,".,:'��,��',��i�,,,�;�,i��,:, ,,, I I . � 1, ,, , " 06604& �91 ,lim tbo ta 10,19 &U1, 4ft, 1P ,1,"'."�,'�,�:�,I� ,,,�� * � 110C i , , I . , _ b _ ,,, — �:,I�� , , Wb'tk �b " _ , itt ist,�� tlu �� , ". , . " Pe, qtopped britoy, V.Urgeyied the .: 11 I �. � I tM�b bt' L ,W," 1, I ... i A&L gttwturm to . Z ��,,,,,x�,,',�:,��",�,�,;����j,I �. 0,6 ,.. ? , 1. - late , 1;1 .. .11 ,�"i�,,�"''�;,("�",�,",��,,',4�',.,, , W44 t Mt4'$ it"'tt *'hofi he �ntbtyrlug in - ,��."�,!,"�:�", � . ,am ,,`�, 0, � I � I to i 'IftIt"Itw I le maht, li . ,t��,'�,,,�,O,.,� , ,%� t&- g0ft'dl# vionty ift *e, firap , to " ,11,�,,' "Mm Its AN ,r ihe �66, vab Ab';ZN , bUMdJr,. ata, Cote ded: V,,�I�:��T'q: ,..'ail . & ft ft %*.,L k*JJ0JtJ6":!L, tbo 641ft* t& ii %I" Vh.* hal ISU .14, � 11 kti 61aft bt t1ko th"6 1111dalt -0 ­ , , , . __ km, I , �', ,,,,, I I ",ft , , " I I 6 that V N,�',,i�v '�,�',!� � ''. " �!. , 4 , , " 1, , tibtl 46*01� %04 I b"Kk ASW 4krtr4 At a f , rt ot hi's f muno yoll ,hgVe to ra�ember � � I � tbV` wiud 40 bAV6,"'Obi 1�* I , I , bu Jr. I %ft Waa dowa t1b th , � we VW* 00, , , �_ I bt * ifiW6tbk1t4A1 I* ilifthcu .W,ii� , , 1 , 7,0-�,.', , '11-.; , I 16. 10vg� W#AgV* oir fabi, " "I L ,�, I I � �, : 11� . �, I �, , ,. %40,Ap, Z"', t., & toft, !&, -idufi , Am 1.6 .1 � ",� , , ". 11 , ,,�: . � . , ,: ... � ,� .� - . . - I ­ L 11�11 I , Omit . .1 I I : "; �11! ., , . V .. --;:'.1 - � . % rthq ia6z 1: , , , 61, , "' L. ' ,, " I I .. L I I I -1 1, I �Q� , I �,­­,, , � ,, . 1, ": , � 4. ��'�:; , ��' � �� � "' ", ,; L �, , '"' ' - �1 � � I W T , ab"att L, , �, 40. � !'' ,�, � !­�j�; � . '�`� " �j ,�4 , , , 'M 1,�,, w t . " .�, ;� 11 I , I *4 ow. , ; I ,. 14,� ,1,�,'�',!�,��, "�.. , ,I I , , � :", � - !�1,� - . ,�, , ", � ­, ­­,"�� ��)�:.. �;J'�­:";l - . .11 �­­j,�l "j'"'.110. :; , ,,� � I I I � ­�.Ifi,l�­� "�,.,. ': � . ",,",I L�', - - , I'll �, I `i,�?.'� , � 11, .l . � ,� , I L, ��. .��! . � �, _ �;�; " �'� � " "'4 . � � , , '­ I '��' '�­,,.:, 1�­, ­.%­ " '-1 -��:;�,,��;i '! I Z � . . , , '' ; , , ;,!17.� e . , ,��� �� �;� ��;�,,�,�� t: ", '-Z", ! " ';��,,,Z�,�'�� �, ,, ,�N�,t,,,;!�.­il , I jj'�, n,,,' J", _­" L'1�,,,� 1, '�j't ,,_ ,'�,�,j� i, I'�L. . " . I I "i", : �, ,; ­ . .. ''�, , . "I , ,,,,t.�,� !�� 11 �1��11'1 ��; �. ,.I " ' ' ', �L; .�, ,,, il i ­� I ,,�4,�,�,,���'j�, _ 1, _ �� 1) . . . '.1, 1 , 1 r ,:, ''!"'I: 1 , '�� ,��' , , , " I, � , , I I .�' , , � , '; ,." 'N " �'', 1. L . '', 1. 4 � I ,�'��;�,�, ­��: �, 4,�,, � - , ��,,��, � .. .... � .. .... I '� : , � I" " "� ,, r 1, ,, � ,, . -, -, -P 'L'.' N,A,m a , I I � ":, :, , ,� , ", ,� 1 1 1 �, ,,,�, �, �1� , " , , - , i,'� ,,��,,�.��,,��",'���.�.;�,�'t��, �`��!� � , V, 1". I. F I �, I ,),�', i,,jj� ;�', �, _ �,"j� � � I � ,; ,� , " , ��, �1 , '' , , - . , I - I . : ,.L,. ��. ", ,�!,;, il ,�,�,�)�:!,�;�,,Y�� ':,W�,,,���.,���:1141 . I -1, .11 ,,� I ,�,:, �� !III, �,`,j',�L, N,i"J,j,; _ � ,� �,,��,; "L.-,:�.''�,"". ,,�,, ��_I::;..,- 1". I ,:. �­­ , ��', ,�,, , ;��,:,2`,�'i""': ;��"'��!`!L:�` 1, ',,���', �!;", : ��",! " i: `,,,� .... .. .... 1,4', I ��I�i��;,�;�1�1; ", I , -,�:, I � � " , 4',i.'�,,�L' ,�,'..,,Z�,,� � ,. , ! : - ' �'ii��,,�,,,I?-���,',i,'�:�.���, _; , ". , � - .1 �� . �s "'I. , .��, , � ,",N�,,�;;�,,10�'; :�;".­ ,'�' -1 1- I ��­,:,"�,.:, �� ! � , 111111,�� I , �.� 2'.. -1,111�,A�� , ,.' ',.' , f ,��;�,��)�','i, ,� ,� , �;."""'A' " ­ . , 1,, , ',�,�*."L."��,',�,,��,,���4'����,,,(:,.�?'.�,'.4;,I�',"L ��'�,�', , 7,%� ­ �1��,,�:��,, t�,.!� ,,��; L'�':,,.,,,,!­­ "' , , , .��.'�1,11,�l;,�',�.iL'l�i�"l�"";, �IL, , �f; ,,�.�;,:, ,�, , � ,; . 'I', , , ?,�,_�� `�:�� I " �,��,I,�,�,�"J� "o'k,"c' _11��, �: � 11,��­' ."'. ,� � �, � � , , , � ,� I 1 '. , � lei � A , ,:�; w .;, , , �,.� �.,I,' , "� �.,L� ��;�, ��,; , ,;� �!'�,��,'��.� : , 4� �' 11� 1,1­�'%,�'J� , , , ", , " I il I ,, �� 1, i � "! � , - , , ,, " "L", .�, ; ,�':; !,.��t'! � 1. ", 11 I ,"I", - -.41 , - " �, �. U -,,�,I�,o- , �. I , ", , W, !,�: ,� _, ,1�. ''. li 1'1,� ,�, I �L,_�z, iiiii"'i'll' 11 '