HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-12-28, Page 8li Right down from the skies comes our little courier bear- ing our many good wishes for a Healthy and Happy New Year! WATSON & REID INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE Phone 214 Seaforth RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio College of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: 182-J or 162-W COAL We have in Stock: le STOVE COAL • NUT COAL • BUCKWHEAT COAL • ALBERTA COAL • POCAHONTAS COAL • STOKER COAL • HARD COAL BRIQUETTES William M. Hart PHONE 784 SEAFORTH MRS. F. NOVAK announces that begin- ning with the New Year she will accept a limited number of vocal and theory pup - lis. Royal Conservatory of Toronto examina- tion if desired. For particulars Please Phone 685-W Seaforth The mighty little Classified Ads. in The Huron Expositor bring best results. Phone 41, Seaforth. First Presbyterian Churoh. — 10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "When the Angels Went Away"; Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., A New Year's Promise."— Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. . A. MacMillan, 'Minister: 10 am., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "Unburned Bridg- es"; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congrega- tion; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon sub- ject, "An Evening With the Bible." All cordially invited. IIIIIIilllIIIIulllllllllllllllllllllllillllllll * Weddings 1111011111IIIIIIIIIIII11111111111I11111111111I11 Klein - McLellan.—A very quiet event took place at the Egmond- ville Church Manse on Christmas morning, when Rev. W. A. Gard- iner united in marriage Lola Grace McLellan, ,Seaforth, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Speare, of Cromarty, and Mr. William Jac- ob Klein, son of Mrs. John Klein and the late Mr. Klein, of Mitchell. The couple was unattended. The bride wore a cocoa brown gabar- dine dress with green acceesories, a corsage of white carnations and a muskrat coat, the gift of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Klein will reside in Mitchelh Death of Wm. A. Palin.—There passed away on Friday, Dec. 21, at the home of his son, Harry Palin, in McKillop, William Arthur Patin, in his 89 year. Mr. Palin was born in England and came to Canada in 1939. He was married in Malps, England, to Miss Florence B. Cooper, who survives him, together n-ith one son, William Henry Palin, with whom he lived; also two grandchildren. While ailing for two years, he was able to be around the house nearly every day. The funeral was held Sunday from the G. A. Whitney funeral home at 1.30 p.m., with Rev. W. A. Jones con- ducting the service. Interment was in Maitiandbank cemetery. Death of Philip H. Petrie.—Philip Henry Petrie died at the Stratford General Hospital Wednesday after- noon. Dec. 19. He had been ill for about a week, following a heart seizure. Born in South E•acthope Township 81 years ago, Mr. Petrie was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Philip Petrie. He farmed for some time in that township. Mr. Petrie n -as well known as a trainer of horses in this district as well as in Western Canada and the United States. Prior to removing to Strat- ford 10 years ago he had been a resident of Seaforth for a number of years. Mr. Petrie was a member of the Church of the Immaculate C44(4".1 jeriZi TRADE MARK PEG. adds zest to the hour VALUES IN USED CARS '48 OLDS TORPEDO '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '46 CHEV. SEDAN- '41 EDAN'41 CHEV. COACH '40 PONTIAC COACH '40 DODGE SEDAN '39 DODGE SEDAN '39 FORD COACH '38 BUICK SEDAN '38 FORD SEDAN '37 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS '50 G.M.C. 1/, -TON PICK-UP '47 FORD 3 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS '47 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE '41 FORD 2 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS We have a number of new Pontiac Cars and G.M.C. Trucks In stock Good delivery on most models OUR REPUTATION 18 YOUR GUARANTEE RICE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH 000000000000 W. J. CLEARY o 4 Seaforth, Ont, O K> LICE$BED EMBALMER 0 69 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 O Night or Day Calls — 335 0 0' O 00000000000 00000000000 BOX '`ur erat aerbict •O R. Sr BOX LJceneed Embalmer 0 Or AMBULANCE O 0 Prating and careful attention. O Hospital Bed 4 ,r /MOWERS POn. ALL 0 sr.p 0a'Asro s O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 0 Funeral Director 0 0 and Ambulance Service 0 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls: O 0 Phone 43 r 10 O 0 0 O O O O O.O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Home 0 Goderich St. W. - Seaforth O AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 Adjustable hospital beds O for refit. 0 FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 OCCASION O Phoitiee: 4 O T01000116: Day or Night 119 0 R. 596-'W; Stern 411 0 0 Hesidenee 65 O 0 0 ; 'O+ 0 4> 4> 0".4:; 4> 4> 4> 0 4> Conception, Surviving are his wife. the former Emma Wettlaufer; two, brothers, Joseph, Stratford; Wil- liam, London; one sister, Mrs. Wm. Aiken, Stratford. The body rested at the Heinbuck funeral home, and was taken to the C'hu eb. of the Im- maculate Conception for high mass of requiem at 9 o'clock Saturday morning. Interment was in Avon- dale vondale cemetery. 012, 04111110 LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wall have moved into their new ho which they had erected during t past summer. • )Virs. G. V. Patterson, of W lowdale, spent a couple of da tivith ,her grandmother, Mrs. J. Patterson. • Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Medd, f mer residents of McKillop, ha moved iuto their new home North Main St. • Mrs. John McGregor, Victor St., had the misfortune to fall the street Sunday morning as s Was returning from church, a broke 'her hip. She was taken Scott Memorial Hospital by arab lance were she is resting comic ably. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blaney, Waterford, and Miss Joan Gove lock 'were Christmas Day guests the home of Mrs. J. M. Govenloc and Mrs, M. Dorrance. • Miss Shirley Muir and Miss E len Stratmore, of Brantford, ape Christmas at the home of the fo mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joh Muir. • Miss Dorothy Smith of Hami ton, and Mr. Delbert Smith, of th University of Western Ontario, ar Christmas guests of their parent Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Smith. • Miss Louise Allen, of Hami ton, spent Christmas with her br ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mr Edgar Allen, at Brucefield. • Misses Bess Grieve, of Cha ham, and Miss Margaret Grieve, o Dresden, are spending the Chris mas holidays with their parent Mr. and Mrs. Thos. M. Grieve. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford an son, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, ar spending the Christmas holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W A. Wright. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry an Elizabeth Anne, of Toronto, ar guests of Miss Mabel Turnbull fo he Christmas holidays. • Miss Rhia Hills, of Toronto spent Christmas with her mothe Mrs. Geo. Hills. • Miss Mary Dodds, of Toronto s a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray B Holmes. • Mr. Grant McGregor, of Ki pen, spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs, Roy' McGonigle. • Mrs. Hubner, of Rockford, Ill s a guest of her son, Mr. James H Grant, and Mrs. Grant. • Mr. William Stephenson, of th University of Toronto, is spendin the Christmas holidays with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs, Leo Stephen on. • Mrs, Kenneth McCuaig spen Christmas in Toronto with Mr. an Mrs. G. R. Anderson and Miss Jean nette Wilson. • Mrs, M. FI. McKenzie, of Osh awe, and Mr. Jahn Dorrance, o St. Catharines, Spent Christma with their mother, Mrs. M. Dor ranee. • Rev. D. Glenn Campbell and Mrs. Camppbeil spent Christmas in todney with their parents. • ritir and Mrs. Melvin Reid and on, Ronald, of Hamilton, were Christmas guests of Mr. M. A. Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Patrick. of. Ottawa, and Miss Margaret. Patrick, f Toronto, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery Patrick in Tuck- rsmith. • Miss Florence Laidlaw, of To - onto, is spending her Christmas olidays in town. • Miss Ruth Joynt, of Toronto, s speeding the ,Christmas holidays itis her parents, Mr. and Mrs. obert Joynt. • Mr. William Munn, of the Uni- ersity of Western Ontario, is wis- ing his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. Munn. • M. Donald MacTavish, of To - onto, is spending the holidays at e home of his mother, Mrs. John acTavish. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Keating and r. Kenneth Keating, of -Toronto, re spending the holidays in Wind - ✓ with Mr. and .Mrs. David L. oover. • Mr. Donald Scott, of 'Cutouto, id Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and roily, of Welland, are Christmas ests of Mrs. H. R. Scott. • Mr. Donald Hillis, of the Uni- rsity of Toronto, is spending the irlstmas holidays at the home of s aunt, Miss Mabel Turnbull. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert MacKay, of ndon, were Sunday guests of Mr. d Mrs. Robert Smith. • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carpenter id family, of Chatham, are guests ✓ a week with his .parents, Mr. d Mrs, Joseph Carpenter, In Dub - n. • Cpl. Harry Earle, of Matlock each., Mau., paid a short visit his parents last. week. He new wn to Centralia for aeroplane rts. • Mr. Roger McClure. of Rivers, an., is visiting his father, Mr. lin McClure, at Winthrop. • Mr. Ronald MacKay and Miss hel MacKay, of Toronto, spent hristmas with Mrs. J. E. Daley. • Mr, Archie Hubert, of Wal- ceburg, spent Christmas with his rents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hub - t. • Miss Mary Duncan, of London, d Miss Rita Duncan, of Windsor, exit Christmas at their home re. • Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly and mily, of Toronto, and Mr. George ly. of Erin, were Christmas este at the home of their mother, re. J. F. Daly. • Mr, J. C. Spurr, of Brantford, s a holiday visitor with Mr, and rs. A. Y. McLean, • Mists Marjory Bickell, of To- nto, spent Christmas with Miss izabeth Preeman. • Mr. Stanley J. Smith tinder- nt a major apeNlation in Scott mortal Hospitaf'Monday tnori , an,d is progressitig satlsfaetori • en me he f l- ys W, or- ve on is on he nd to u- I't- of r- at k I- nt r- 1- s, - 1 - s, 1- o - s. t - f t - s, d e s d r r, • p- e g s t d f S THE HURON pXPOSITOR • iUy. • Mrs. RobertBoyd is in Scot Memorial Hospital, where she is r ceiving treatment. • Mr. Ronald •ills, of Kingston spent Christmas with his parent Mr. and Mrs. C. 1'. Sills. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hamilton and Mr. Robert Hamilton, of Wing (liana; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Jimmie, of Stratford, and Mrs Isabel Farrell and two sons an Mr. Winston Nicholls were Chris mas guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A Whitney. • Mrs. Taanes Edgar spent Christ mas with London friends. • Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Barber wer in St. Thomas for Christmas, • Mrs. Kenneth Pudney and Mis Jean McMaster, Reg.N., 01 West minister Hospital, were Christi a guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. A. Me Master. ' • Mr, and Mrs. Alex Stornowski of Toronto, spent the Christmas week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Karpen. • Mr. and Mrs. John 1-lotham, Jr. and family were in Galt for Christ- mas. • 'Miss Bella Watson,' of Galt, spent Christmas with her brothers, Messrs. James and Robert Watson, and their families. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore and Nancy, of Wallaceburg, were holiday guests of Miss Hazel Reid and Mr. Dalton Reid. • Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rennie and Miss Alice Dougall, of Toronto, event Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie. • Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Geddes and family, of London, spent Sun- day last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Geddes. • Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bell spent Christmas in St. Marys with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bell. • Mr. R. M. Southgate, of Bramp- ton, spent Friday with his mother, Mrs. W. E. Southgate, Sr. • Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Skinner, of .Detroit, spent the week -end with Mrs. R. S. Hays. • Miss Rena Fennell spent Christmas with friends in Galt. • Mrs: J. C. Greig was in Sarnia for the Christmas ,holiday. • Miss Mary Hagan, of Essex, 's spending the Christmas holida.vo with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagan. • Miss Gladys Thompson, of Niagara Falls, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. J. B. Thomp- son. • Mrs, J, J. Pollard and Mis,. ,Harriet Murray spent Christmas rn Stratford. • Mr, James Coutts, of Western Canada, was a -Christmas guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Wilbee, in town, and Messrs. James and An- drew Coutts, in McKillop. and Floyd, of Almonte. Two older t 4rothers, George and John, were e- killed in a runaway accident in 1927. Interment was in Auld Kirk , Cemetery, Almonte, Out. s, d t• - e s WINTHROP esee The W.A. and W.M.S. of Cavan Church will meet on Thursday, Jan. 3, at 2 p.m. The roll call will be a New Year's thought. Circle 3 will have charge of the program and Circle 2 the lunch. The executive of these two organizations will meet at 1:30 p.m, on Jan. 3. McKILLOP Gordon, fourth son of David G. and Mrs. McFarlane, of Almonte, formerly of McKillop, met death when the car on which he was working, collapsed on top of him, crushing his chest. Born in Mc Killop 25 years ago, he was eun- ployed at a garage at King, Ont. On October 3rd this year, he mar- ried Miss Ruth Bau, Reg.N,, of Al- monte, who survives, also two sis- ters (Elizabeth) Mrs. Allan Thomp- son, Carleton, Pierce, and Jean, of Peterboro; two brothers, Robert 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL. FOR SOLID COMFORT. The Color Guarantees the Quality WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M DANCE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE FRIDAY, DEC. 28th Auspices of the Seaforth Agri- cultural Society Building Fund E. Desjardine and his Orchestra Admission — 50 cents FOR SALE 6 -ROOM HOUSE on Centre St. Newly decorated. DOUBLE HOUSE on Jarvis Si. One side rented; the other side will be vacant in thirty days. 5 -ROOM FRAME in Egmondville on to -acre of ground. Vacant. 100 -ACRE FARM in Tuckersmith. First-class buildings. The above property Is all priced to 'sell SEE Op PHONE W. C. OEE Phone 670 r 3 - Sea#orth TODAY WINTHROP Mr. Robert MacFarlane spent Christmas week with his brother, David MacFarlane, at Almonte. Mr. slid Mrs. Earl Nott and fam- ily spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haase. I Mr. Ralph Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ralph Dav- id. on t.nd Tamil : Mr. tics er McC ure, Shilo, Man., is t se. ng his .ather, Mr. John Mc- Clure. Mr. and arra Norman Dodds, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Riley, of Kitchener spent Christ- mas w'th Mr. rn: Mrs. R. C. Do 'di. Mr nd Mrs Wilson Campbell wCre C' ri t- s r`a-' hosts to their tr mi'y: Mr - and Mrs. James Mc - Cure,, 7'r elle Mrs Alex herr and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr and fam- ilies i' LIB LIN The pupils of St. Petrick's School held the.r rnn;'al Christmas con- cert in the ; ar'sh hall with a large crowd in attendance, Choruses, dia- logues, dances and playettes, with the music being supplied by Mrs. Looby completed the program. A decorated tree was loaded with gifts for all the children. The following tea:hers are spend- ing holidays at their homes here: Miss Phonsine Meagher, Markdale; Miss Margaret Flanagan, Ingersoll; Miss Mary Stapleton, Logan; Miss Beatrice Murray, Kitchener; Miss Mary Kennedy, Kingsbridge; Miss Geraldine Ryan, Kitchener; Joseph Malone, Kitchener. Personals: Mss Barbara Holland of Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, George Holland; Miss Loraine Maloney, nurse -in -training, St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, with her mother, Mrs. Nora Malon- ey; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Nichol- son, London, w-ibh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Krauskopf, WALTON Personals: Mr, and Mrs. Don Grey, Stratford, with Joseph Hack - well; Mr. and Mrs. John Nott, of Londes'boro, with Mr. and Mrs. Ern- est Stevens; Frank Marshall, North Bay, with his mother, Mrs. J. Mar- shall; Grant Dennis, London, with Mr. and Mrs. Don Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. George Dundas with friends in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shannon, Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Shannon; Mr. and Mrs. P. Flan- nigan, Hamilton, with Mrs. R. W. Hoy; R. W. Hoy, who has been sick for several weeks, has been taken to Clinton Hospital for treat - anent; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Way and son, Douglas, in Seaforth; Wil- lie Dundas, Seaforth, with friends here; .Murray Mills, O.A.C., Guelph, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills. Wes. Roe, concession 12, Mullett Township, cut his left hand while putting a new handle in an axe and had to have several stitches to close the wound. BAYFIELD Miss Ethel Blair, of Goderich, spent the holiday with her parents, I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair. Mr. and Mrs. White Weston and Judy, of London, were guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Weston. 'Mr. and Mrs. Beverley McClin- chey, of Barrie, are spending Christmas week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter West- lake. Miss Betty Lou Larson, of Lon- don, is spending her Christmas. va- cation with 'her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reheny Larson. Mr. Harry Baker, of London, is spending a few days this week with his father, Mr, Fred Baker. TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH Orice4n-a-Dille-moon Wue iikikiDubbQrd Ayer CREAM low SOSO (33p°mud featviagd tont McKindsey's Mr. Fred Turner, of Goderich, was ,the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Turner over Christmas. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Mac- Leod over the holiday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod, of Gode• rich, and John MacLeod, of Port Dover, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner left last week for Chicago where she will visit her sisters for the next two months. Mrs. N, W. Woods and Miss Lucy Woods left on Sunday to spend the next month in Hensall, M'ss Lola Elliott, of Detroit, is srending Christmas week with her mother, Mrs. M. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. William Stothers and Kathy, of Embro, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Mack., Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruse, of London, were guests of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fetherston, of London, spent Christmas with t' -e latter's mother, Mrs. Charles Parker. Mr. John MacKenzie, of Toronto, spent Christmas with his parent Mr. and Mrs. J. MacKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine and Mary Elizabeth spent Christmas in Southampton. Mr. William Murray, of Detroit, spent the week -end with his moth- er, Mrs, Agnes Murray, who re- turned with him to Detroit on Mon- day where she will spend Christ- mas week. STANLEY The Late John B. Etue The death of John Baptiste Etue, in his 88th year, occurred at his home in Stanley Township on Tuesday, Dec. 18, where he had farmed all his life, except for fif- een years which he spent in the luni,bcring industry in Northern Micaig'in, A councillor for fourteen years, he was alma. s interested in the affairs of the district. Born in Stanley Township, he was m•trried to Anna Denome, of Drysdale, in 1897, who survives, together with four sons and three daughters: Levi, Detroit; Maurice, Seaforth; Elmer, Toronto; Leonard, at home; Mrs. A. Q. Perkins, Detroit; Mrs. P. Tanquay, Royal Oak, Mich., and Mrs. G. Levelle, Detroit, Mr. Etue was a devout members of St. Pet- er's Roman Catholic Church, from where the funeral was held on Fri- day, Dec. 21, witrh interment in the adjoining cemetery. The pallbear- ers were Lloyd Etue, Kenneth Etue, Alvin Rau, Leonard Rau, Gordon Corriveau and George Bedard. WINCHELSEA Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bailey, who celebrated their 63rd wedding an- niversary on Dec. 23; Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock and Tom, of Zion; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwarden and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Penwarden, of Sarnia, spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns. Mr, and Mrs. William Brock and family, of London, spent 'Chris'tm'as with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dayman, of Kippen, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Carty, London, are spending the Christmas holi- days with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Prance. Mrs. Eunice Dobbs, of Crediton, is spending the, week with her daughter, Mrs. Ivan Brock. ®o HIBBERT Conversion to 60 -cycle hydro sup- ply in the north ends of Hibbert andFullerton 'Townships is to be- gin Thursday, Jan. 3, it was an- nounced Thursday by frequency conversion area headquarters. k The cut -over to be shade Jan. 3 will be in a rural neighborhood, just south of Munro, including lots 1 to 6 in the 8th and 9th conces- sions of Hibbert, lots 22 to 30 in the 8th and 9th concessions of Ful- arton, and lots 24, 25 and 26 in tee 7th concession of Fullerton. On Friday, Jan. 4, the cut -over to 60 -cycle is to be made along the concession road running east -west through Munro. The area concern- ed includes lots 1 to 10 in the Lyth and 7th concessions of Hibbert, and lots 26 to 30 in the 6th and 7th concessions of Fullerton. On Monday, Jan. 7, the conver- sion cut -over will bring 60 -cycle supply to an area east and north of Munro, including lots 11 to 21 in the 6th 'and 7th concessions of Ful- lerton; lots 26 to 30 in the 4th an•d 5th concessions of Fullerton; lots 1 to 9 on the Mitchell Road conces- sion of Fullerton; lots 1 to 10 in the 4th and 5th concession of Hib- bert. ms,11sem KIPPEN Death of Robert McBride Robert .McBride, 82, for many years one of the best known farm- ers of Stanley Township, died Sun- day night in Clinton Haspitai, fol- lowing a fall down the basement steps, at his home in Kippen one week ago, in which he fractured hie .nip. After farming on the Goshen Line in Stanley most of his life, he retired and came to Kippen to live 10 years ago. He was a member of St. Andrew's United Church. Sur- viving, besides hie wife, formerly Emma Willert, are seven sons, Wil- ,burt, Kitchener; Leonard and Lorne, Windsor; Alvin and Edgar, Kippen; Elmore and Walter, Exe- ter; two daughters, Mrs. Edgar Snell, Camrose, Alta,; Mrs. Stew- art Beattie, Wingham; three broth- ers, John, Zurich; James. and Sam- uel, Stanley Township; and three sisters, Mrs. C. 'Stephenson, Hen- sel]; Mrs. Alvin Nicholson, In Sas- kriiebewa.n, and Mrs. Maud Schnell, Edmonton, The body rested at the Bonthron funeral home, Mensal!, when uiervices were conducted Wednesday at 2 p.m. by the Rev. A. E. Hinton, In St. Andrew's Unit- ed Oihlird'h, ltippen. Interment tonic place in Baytleid cemetery. RegentTheatre�— NOW PLAYING " WATCH THE BIRDII RED SKELTON ARLENE DAHL A Comedy Caper that ;brings one long roar of laughter, when on the verge of bankruptcy Red is befriended by art Heiress. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — TECHNICOLOR '" RICH, YOUNG AND PRETTY" JANE POWELL WENDELL COREY A story of young love in the Springtime. Paris is the setting for this Musical which everyone will" enjoy. Matinee January lst NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — TECHNICOLOR " I'LL GET BY " JUNE HAVER WiLLIAM LUNDIGAN You'll sing and laugh throufeh this Musical Romance with th Marines in the South Pacific. Don't miss this comedy! "The THE SEASON'S GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES FOR HAPPINESS AND PROSPERITY IN THE NEW YEAR WILLIS' SHOE STORE Little Store With the Big Values" — SEAFORTH DANCE NEW YEAR'S EVE Monday, December 31 COMMUNITY CENTRE SEAFORTH New and Oldtime Music Sponsored by the Junior Farmers and Junior institute Admission 50 cents C. W. L. XMAS DANCE ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, DEC. 28th; HARBURN'S ORCHESTRA Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME eeieeirseiei YOUR DODGE AND DE SOTO DEALER WISHES YOU A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ! Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth ltt'v'`t{ y' NEW YEAR GREE TINGS A HI 9 G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE : FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residende 65 •$EAFORTH -- ONTARIO V•