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The Huron Expositor, 1951-12-07, Page 8
WAGE EIGHT • THE HURON EXPOSITOR '• ,1exrxt.x v19 DECEMBER 7, 19511 We Specialize in FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service. ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TH'Rj 8HERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Information gladly given. WATSON & REID sM'.. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE Brick Dwelling on Goderich St. West. Immediate possession. Two Apartment Dwellings on Centre Stn t with modern con- veniences. One apartment is vac- ant. Suitable for purchase under V.L.A. Comfortable six -room Dwelling in Winthrop; 1/3 acre land, with ema11• early fruit trees. Several other Choice Dwellings also listed. Modern Cottage with furnace and garage. Early possession. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences. Possession arrang- ed. Modern dwelling, Village of Dub. lin. Immediate possession. Modern Cottage, Goderich St. Past. Close to church and school. Pee eea1oii ierrengee, Six -roam House, with four acres; suitable for purchase under V.L.A. Melly possession. 11.. A. REID PEAL ESTATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI All Passengers Insured PHONES: 1624 or 162-W RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduate of Radio College of Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell Service Station NEWS OF THE TOWN Red Cross To Meet—The Red Cross executive will meet Friday, December 7, at 3 p.m., in the work rooms. Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Elligsen, Walton, announce the engagement of their son, Mr. Alvin Rhine Elligsen, to Velma Croucher, Seaforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crouoher, Newfoundland. The marriage will take place December 8. TOYS! DOLLS! GAMES! and GIFTS! That All Will Appreciate — at — DALRYMPLE'S EGMONDVILLE Conte in and see our New Stock. Open each day and evening until Christmas. COAL We have in Stock: . • $TONE COAL , • NUT COAL • BUCKWHEAT COAL T ALBERTA CQ&I. • POCAHONTAS COAL • STOKER COAL • HARD COAL BRIQUETTES William M. Hart PHONE 784 SEAFORTH FOR SALE FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, three:piece bathroom, modern kitchen; excel- lent condition; good barn. George Street. Immediate possession. SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE with 3 - piece Bathroom, in good condition. Two Lots. Fruit trees, raspberry and strawberry plants. Prompt possession can be given. Garage. Also good house on Centre St. ALSO OTHER PROPERTIES E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 Protect Yourself Against High Prices SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE CRISCO—Pound 39c MARGARINE—Pound 39c BUTTER—Pound 69c ROAST BEEF—Pound 89c MAGIC BAKING POWDER—lb.-tin29c KLEENEX -2 Packages 39c Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 , Free Delivery VALUES IN USED CARS '48 OLDS TORPEDO '47 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '46 CHEV. SEDAN '41 CHEV. COACH '40 PONTIAC COACH '40 DODGE SEDAN '39 DODGE SEDAN '39 FORD COACH '38 BUICK SEDAN '38 FORD SEDAN '37 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS '50 G.M.C. 1 -TON PICK-UP '47 FORD 3 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS '47 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE '41 FORD 2 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS We have a number of new Pontiac Cara and G.M.C. Trucks In stock Good delivery on most models OUR REPUTATION 1S YOUR GUARANTEE RICE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH 000000000000000000000 0 0 W. J. CLEARY O 0 J. A. BURKE 0 0 Seaforth, Ont. O 0 Funeral Director 0 0 LICENSED EMBALMER O 0 and Ambulance Service 0 O AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR O 0 DUBLIN - ONT. 0 0 Night or Day Calls — 335 0 0 Night or Day Calls: 0 0 0 0 Phone 43 r 10 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 BOX 0 Junerat'erbice 0 R. 8. BOX O Licensed Embalmer i© AMBULANCE 0 Prompt and careful attention. 0 Hospital Bed 0 FLOWIM FOR ALL 0 (AE/TONS 0 Phones: 0 asks. G962W; Etter' 46 04)000000000 0 O O 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O G. A. WHITNEY 0 Funeral Home 0 O Goderich St. W. - Seaforth 0 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE 0 O Adjustable hospital beds 0 O for rent. O O FLOWERS FOR EVERY 0 O OCCASION O 0 Telephone: Day or Night 119 0 0 Residence 66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 41, .:i' ,�.�:I(�.. e..dh..�d.S,Pzsa t ;-1,,raiii Meeting Of Ministerial Associa- tion. --The Seaforth and District Ministerial Association will meet Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 9:30 a.m., in Northside Usilted Church Parson- age. All members are cordially in- vited. Women's Auxiliary To Meet.— The Women's Hospital Auxiliary will meet at the nurses' residence on Tuesday, Dec. el, at 8:15 p.m. Will mole member remember to bring a twenty-five cent gift? The draw for a turkey will be held at the Canaidan Legion bingo next week. Tickets are to be turned in to Mrs. H. O. Free by Saturday, Dec. 8. Monthly C. W, L. Meeting.- The monthly meeting of the C.W.L. was held Monday, Dec. 3, in the school. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Wm. Hart, the vice-president was in charge and opened the meet- ing with the League Prayer. 'rhe treasurer reported a very success- ful bazaar. The corresponding sec- retary reported seven cards sent during the month and letters of thanks from Sisters of Service in Winnipeg, Mrs. Hotham and Father McIver were read. Arrangements were made for a treat for school children at Christmas. A motion was moved to donate $100 toward the installation of the church fur- nace. The meeting adjourned and closed with prayer. W. I. To Meet Wednesday.—Sea- forth Women's Institute will hold its Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Harold Hugill, Huron Road West, on Wednesday evening. Dec. 12, at 8:30 p.m., with 'Mrs. J. Dav- idson and Mrs. E. Whitmore in charge. The roll call will be an- swered by bringing a gift for a child. These gifts will be taken to the Children's Shelter at Goderich. One number will be requested from each member in the Institute, and will members please notify Mrs. Whitmore before the meeting con- cerning the program; also all members not contacted, please bring a generous box of sandwich- es. Northside W. A. Elects Officers. —On Tuesday evening Mrs. J. E. Silcox, retired president of Group 1 of the W.A. of Northside United Church, was hostess to the ladies of the group. Mrs. A. W. Wright readthe Christmas story and Mrs. James Breadfoot led in prayer. The devotional Christmas poem, "Ready For Christmas," was read by Mrs.. E. H. Close. Mrs. Silcox conduct- ed the business part of the meet- ing. Mrs. F. S. Harburn reported $177.04 raised by the group. Mrs. J. Kellar, guest speaker, read an interesting story of a teacher's first Christmas on Dolphin Island, among the Indians, supplemented by two poems. Christmas gifts were exchanged among the mem- bers. The hostess was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. B. B. Stephenson and Mrs. Geo. Eaton. Mrs. J. Ellis invited the group to bold the next meeting at her home on January 9. The new officers for 1952 are: Past president, Mrs. J. E. Silcox; president, Mrs. S. Garn- ham; vice-president. Mrs. W. G. Cami.bell; secretary, Mrs. E. H. Close; 'tieesurer, Mrs. F. S. Har- burn; social convener, Mrs. George Eaton : corresponding secretary, Mrs. WI J. I3arron. Ladies" Ald Elects Officers.—The annual meeting of the Ladies' Aid of First Presbyterian Church was held Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. E. Smith presiding. A Christ- mas poem read by Mrs, H. R. Scott I and Hymn 170 opened the meeting. Mrs. W. A, Wright and Mrs. F. Kling sang a duet, accompanied by Mrs, M. R. Rennie. Mrs. Smith read a poem entitled, "Christmas Spirit," after which Rev. D. Glenn Campbell showed two films, "A String of Beads" and "Down By the Sea." Miss Belle Campbell gave • BE PREPARED.FOR HOSPITALITY WITH tea 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT The Color Guarantees the Quality r WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M 1111111t11111111111111I111111111111111111111111 W.G. Simmons &Sons JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE Full Line of John Deere Tractors and Implements — Also — A Full Line of B.A. PRODUCTS Geo. Hildebrand Manager PHONE 246 or 67-M illltllllllllt11111111111111111/Iflilliil''''- FOR SALE FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! 250 Acres in McKillop 100 Acres in Tuckersmith 100 Acres in Grey .93 Acres in Morris 34 Acres in McKiIlop Seaforth 7 -Room Frame on Centre St. 7 -Room Frame on Louisa St. 2 -Family Frame on Jarvis St. 2 -Family Frame on Centre SL 6 -Room Frame on Centre St. The above property is all priced to sell SEE OR PHONE W. C. OKE Phone &70 r 3 - Seaforth TODAY E TI;NSE!;SAVE TRIi Dols! YOI C[IIIST I !IIS I A small "lay -away" deposit holds any gift in our store for Christmas delivery SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SELECTIOiN OF GRUEN %!eeZi4972 WATCHES Dad -Thin "LARK" 10 kt, gold -fined VectainlemGtiUdi NTY BlXtno��hfAln®ifonbreeotEit- �- - .Ie Vert -Thin "SHADOW" —10 kt. gold-filled top, ef.lnlees c;Fundito back . - - $33.75 V•rll-Thin "POWELL FLEX" — 10 kt. gold- filled top stainless back expansion braoelet SA VA UGE'S Jewellery Gifts Fine China SEAFORTH the report of the nominating com- mittee as follows; Honorary presi- dents, Mrs. William Anent and Mrs. H. R. Scott; president, Mrs. H. E. Smith; 1st vice-president, Mrs. W. A. Wright; 2nd vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Robert Dberhart; secre- tary, Mrs. W. E. Butt; treasurer, Mrs. J. B. Russell; group leaders, Mrs. W. Coleman, Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor, Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. F. W. Wigg, Mrs. Reg. Kerslake and Mrs. Syd. Pullman; flower conven- er, Mrs. E. A. McMaster; press secretary, Mrs. E. Geddes; pianist, Mrs. M. R. Rennie; social convener, Miss Jean Scott; hospital repres- entative, Mise Belle Campbell. Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell closed the meet- ing with prayer, after which lunch was served. St. Thomas' W.A, Holds Annual Meeting.—rhe W.A. of St. Thomas' Church held their annual meeting on Tuesday in the Parish Hall with a good attendance. Mrs. G. Mc - Gavin presided. The W.A. hymn was sung and Mrs. W. A. Jones read the Scripture. The Litany, members' and Lord's Prayer fol- lowed. The roll call and minutes were read and the treasurer's re- port given. Correspondence in- cluded 'thank -you' notes from Mrs. T. Dale Jones, London; Mrs. F. Scarlett, Mrs. J. Riley and family, Miss Clara Pinkney and Sally Nott. Mrs. Reid gave the Social Service report. The collection was receiv- ed and dedicated. Rev. W. A. Jones took the chair for the elec- ting o$ officers for 1952, which are as follows: Ildiibrary president, Mrs. M. E. VanEgtnond; honorary vice-presidents, Miss Welly Cre6s- well, Miss Florence Gt'esswell, Mrs. A. Case, -Mrs. R. G. Parke; presi- dent, Mrs. G. McGavin; 1st vice- president, Mrs. A. .Bethune; 2nd vice-president, Miss C. Holmes; secretary, Mrs. Raymond Nott; treasurer, Miss Dorothy Parke; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. W. South- gate; assistant, Mrs. A. W. Moore; quilt convener, Mrs. W. Oldfield; Social Service, Mrs. A. Reid; Liv- ing Message, Mrs. D. Netzke; pian- ist, Mrs. C. Cunningham; auditors, Church Auditors. Mr. Jones gave his blessing on the W.A. members for the coming year and closed the meeting with the benediction. Lunch was served and a social half hour spent. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon text, John 1:14, second in Advent series; 11:30 a.m., Junior Congregation; 7 p.m., Worship; sermon text, Col. 1:5, 6; 8:1.5 p.m., Young People's Union. All cordial- ly welcome. First Presbyterian Churoh.-10 a.m., Bible Class and Sunday School; 11 a.m., "Christmas—and the Emperor"; Junior Congrega- tion; ongrega-tion; 7 p.m., "In the Name of the Lorcl."—Rev. D. Glenn Campbell, Minister. freePMTIMPIL Death of Mrs. John Grieve— Louisa Esther Ferguson, widow of the late John Grieve, passed away shortly after she was admitted to Scott Memorial Hospital on Wed- nesday afternoon, in her 66th year. Mrs. Grieve was born in St. Marys and was the daughter of the late David Ferguson and Hannah Hyde. In 1914 she was married to John Grieve, V.S., of Seaforth, who pre- deceased her in May, 1945. Sur- viving are one son, David, of Lon- don, and one brqther, Thomas Fer- guson, of Hulled; also four grand- children: She was a member of First Presbyterian Church, of which she was a faithful attend- ant. The funeral will take place Friday from the G.- A. Whitney funeral home at 2 p.m., with Rev. D. Glenn Campbell conducting the service. Interment will be in Mait- land -bank cemetery. Brother Dies in Arthur,—'Arthur V. Slnith, of Arthur, died Friday at him home in Arthur. He had been ill six months. Mr. Smith was 58. He was a retired merch- ant. Known by everyone there as "A.V.", he was born February 24, 1893, at Komoka, Ont., a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Archibald Smith. He ems a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and a past member of the Arthur Lions Club, Surviving, besides his wife, the former Ada Maud Baxter, are one son, Arthur, of Detroit; three daughters, -Mrs. Gordon (Marie) Armstrong, of Arthur; Mrs. Hugh (Marion) Shantz, of Kitchener, and Mrs. James, (Alice) Sentes, of Clinton; and four brothers, Peter, Melville and Alex, of Windsor, and Crawford, of Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs. Robert Rider, pf Lon- don. The funeral was held Mon- day at 2 p.m. from St. Andrew's Church, with interment in Green- field cemetery, Arthur. Rev. M. Leggett officiated. Death of William Nelson Keys.— On Monday evening, Dec. 3, Mr. William Nelson Keys, of Egmond- ville, passed away very suddenly. Although he- had been in failing health for some time, he was able to attend to the duties around the home, thus the friends and neigh- bors were surprised to hear of his sudden death. Mr. Keys was in his 87th year. He was born in Stanley Township January 3, 1.865, the youngest son of the late Mr. a,nd Mrs. Andrew Keys. On Dec. 19. 1893, he was united in marriage to Minerva M. Kennedy, of Stanley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy, and they farmed on bbe Babylon Line, Stanley, un- til 1935, when they left the farm and retired to Egmondville. He is survived by his wife, also five sons, Sherlock, of Varna; (George Rus- kin, of Windsor; Wilbur, of Tuck- ersmith; Stuart N., of Ortille., and Elmore, of the Babylon Line, Stan- ley; also by a number of grandohii.- dren. Mr. Keys was a man highly esteemed by all who knew him. In- dustrious in his' habits and. strict -1 ly honest in his dealings, he was always interested in every ,good and moral enterprise. From his early life he was a faithful mem- ber of the Methodist Church, later of the United Church, in which church he held the office of Elder. In the passing of Mr. Keys, one of the oldest members of the Keys family has gone. In the pioneer days an older generation of. the Keys' settled in Stanley, a family of six brothers and one siker. Most of those brothers lived on the Babylon Line and attended the Methodist Church, hence it went by the name 'Keys' Chapel'. Though through the years those families have been widely scattered, still many of their descendants are liv- ing in the same community. The funeral service was held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home, with interment in Bayfield cemetery. Rev. A. W. Gardiner was in charge of the ser- vice. The pallbearers were Donald Keys, §eorge Keys, Merton Keys, Stuart Keys, Clifford 'Keys and George E. Johnson. ACK LOCAL BRIEFS • Mr. Ronald MacKay, of Toron- to, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. J. E. Daley. • Miss Rhia .Hills and Miss Mar- jorie Bickell, of Toronto, spent the week -end With Mrs. George Hills in Egmondville. • Mrs, Roes Hamilton, of Wing- hain, spent Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. 0, A. Whitney. • Mr. and Mrs. Mouton Clarke and son, Brian, of Kitchener, were week -end guests of Misses Wilma and A•bbie Seip. • Mr. William Kelley, of Leaside, Toronto, spent the week -end at his house here. • Dr. and Mrs. Win. Aberhart, of London, visited Mrs. J. C. Laing on Sunday. •. Miss Lenore Habkirk spent the week -end in Toronto. • Mr-. Donald Smith, of London, spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith. • Mise Yvonn Bolton, of Hamil- ton, spent the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bolton. • Messrs. John Laudenbach, Michael Bechely and Don Dale were in Sarnia on Saturday. • Miss Mary Duncan and Miss RegentTheatre�� DEC. 6-7-8 TECHNICOLOR " I'D CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN " SUSAN HAYWARD WILLIAM LUNDIGAN The Circuit Riding Minister takes his bride to the Hills of Georgia where strangers are unwelcome. This story will touch the hearts of everyone. - DEC. 10- 11 -12 TECHNICOLOR "PAGAN LOVE SONGS " ESTHER WILLIAMS HOWARD KEEL A Musical Comedy filled with Tropical Romance. It will lift you out of this world and make you forget your troubles! DEC. 13 - 14 - 15 TECHNICOLOR "SUGARFOOT" RANDOLPH SCOTT ADELE JERGENS The fast -shooting Confederate Officerarrives in Arizona to start life anew. He finds himself in the midst of a battle when he falls in love with the wrong girl. Coming — "A LADY WITHOUT PASSPORT" .811, 1111111111111.11111111111MMINIIMinimp The Reason Why This Store Is Busy! With the high cost of living, we are satisfied With a smaller margin of profit. OUR PRICES ARE HIGHER OUR PROFITS ARE LES'S IN STOCK— MEN'S BOWLING SHOES By "Daoust" WILLIS' SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the Big Values" — SEAFORTH Anna Ryhdean, of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Duncan. (Additional Local on Page 5) TAXI GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH C. W. L. XMAS DANCE, ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, DEC. 28th' HARBURN'S ORCHESTRA. Lunch EVERYONE WELCOME y . ,.,..., ..,, . ,,... w. w . ' . a. w. • . k ON CHRISTMAS For A Gift That's Different Be Sure To Choose From Our Wide Selection • Novel Pottery • Like Real Giant Candy Ganes • Modernistic Table- 'Centres abi9'Centres • Cyclamen • Poinsettas • Mixed Pats COME IN AND BROWSE FLOWERS WIRED ANYWHERE • Prompt Delivery Seaforth and District Phone Night and Day — 393 Artistic Floral Creations Seaforth Filth Anniversary of Our Furniture Store For Your Xmas Shopping Take Advantage of our Special Anniversary Discounts - EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR LARGE STOCK ON SALE • G. A. WHITNEY Furniture Funeral and Ambulance Service Telephone: Day or Night 119; Residence 65 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO 1 4