HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-12-07, Page 4ossified Ads.1 Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC.., -Per Word: First Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 91 Cent 3rd Week Ma Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts aa one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices. Coming Eventa-1 cent per word. Minimums, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Na, c/o The Huron Expoaitor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors. Etc.—Rates on application_ Coming Events VOU WILL ENJOY AN EVENING OF 11 fun and dancing every Friday night at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. Admission 50e. 4379x2 • Personals S KINNY MEN, WOMEN i GAIN 5 TO 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results ; new healthy flesh ; new vigor. New "get acquainted" size ONLY 60c. All drug gists. Notices UADIO REPAIRS—FOR ALL KINDS "" of radios, at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 847-R. 4363-tf For Rent FOR RENT—OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply' to the Manager. 4849-4f FOR RENT — 4 -ROOM APARTMENT and bath, 2 rooms downstairs and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Close to up -town. Apply J:1IvIES ELLIOTT, Chalk St. 4379-tf Livestock Wanted FREE THERMOMETER, PLUS CASH, at your farm fur dead or disabled horses or euws. Phone collect Wm. Sproat, Seaforth. 055 r 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, Limited. 4373-tf Wanted HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U BBE R Goods 1 mailed postpaid in plain. sealed envelope with price list. 6 samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Tenders Wanted STIPULATED SUM TENDERS FOR ALL TRADES FOR SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL SEAFORTH. ONTARIO QEALED ']-ENDERS PLAINLY MARKED as to contents, addressed to the Sea - forth Public School Board, will be receiv- ed until 12 o'clock noon, E.S.T., Wednes- day, December 19th, by SHORE & MOFFAT, ARCHITECTS 79 QUEEN STREET EAST, TORONTO WANTED --USED LARGE OIL SPACE heater, capable of heating four or Plans, specifications and tender form five rooms, PHONE 313-54, Seaforth. rutty he obtain, d from the Architects by 4379-1 General Cunt ract-rc „n lr, on deposit of WANTED—SECONDHAND DOLL BUG- $"''t10' which e r,7 con d on rP urn Plans +nr ries suint^� in tend-onditipn. Plans gy, or kindergarten set of tables and will be on display at the Toronto Builder's chairs, or both. PHONE 67-W, after 5 Exchange and the London Builder's Ex - 4379 -1 change. _,..._.-."...._____..... A Hid Bond in the amount of $20.000.00 Help WantedS, aforth Public Fchool Board, must ac- ' made payable to the Secretary -Treasurer, company each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. WANTED Two Boys BETWEEN 18 AND 21 Apply Seaforth Shoes Ltd. 4379-1 DEALERS WANTED FOR LEADING LINE OF DAIRY FARM equipment, to sell direct to farmer; must be financially able to operate small business. Apply to: DAIRY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 2789 St. Clair Ave. E., Toronto, Ont. 4379-2 For Sale OR SALE—SCOTCH COLLIE PHONE 41 r 20, Dublin. M. McKellar, Secretary -Treasurer, Seaforth Public School Board, SE'.FOI7TH, ONTARIO 4379.1 Notices To Creditors NOTICE to CREDITORS IN THE. ESTATE of Oliver Martin Row- eliffe, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron. Yeoman, Deceased. A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of the above de- ceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Es- tate. on or before the 29th day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1951 after which date the assets v. itl be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been Pups. given. DA'l'lcD at Clinton, this 3rd day of De- mber, A.D. 1951. 4379x1 OR SALE—TRAILER FRAME. MAY Se seen at SEAFORTH MACHINE SHOP. 4379x1 FOR SALE — A PAIR OF HOCKEY skates, in new condition ; size 7. PILONE 14, Seaforth. 4379x1 HONEY FOR SALE—OFFERING SAL - fence of crop of white clover No. 1 honey in 4 and 8 -pound pails. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. . 4379-2 FOR SALE—DRESSED TURKEYS. OR - der before December 13th for Christ- mas delivery. PHONE 835 r 2, Seaforth. 4379-1 FOR SALE -1 PURE BRED TAM - worth boar, almost ready for service. Apply to FRANCIS COLEMAN, Jr. Phone 838 r 22, Seaforth. 4379x1 FOR SALE—SOLID 'WALNUT LOVE - seat with needlepoint upholstery ; also spinnet desk in rosewood. EARL VAN EGMOND, Egnsondville. 4379-1 FaR SALE --PRINCESS PAT RANGE, 6 years old. Will sell with or without oil burner. Apply MRS. ED. BOYES, Eg- mondville. Phone 663 r 31, Seaforth. 4979-1 F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton. Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 4379-3 Auction Sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM, Livestock. Hay and Grain. Poultry E,tuipment and Household Effects, on North Half Lot 14. Con. 5. Hay Town- ship, VA.!'miles west and 2 miles south of Hensall, on Tuesday, December 11, 1951, at 1:00 p.m.. the following: STOCK—Red cow due March 11: blue roan cow due March 5: red row, milking: black cow due in April : 1 calf 4 months old ; spot- ted heifer rising 2 years old ; 31 spring calves ; 3 yearlings: ill tattle are T.B. tested. HAY & GRAIN --150 bales of red clover hay; 7 loads of loose hay; 2 loads second -cut clover hay : r.uantit.y of bean straw ; quantity of oat straw : 175 bushels Beaver seed oats: quantity turnips. POUL- TRY EQUIPMENT Colony house 10x12: l turkey run. 14x55 roof over 14 -ft. square: 4 rain shelters: seeders and fountains: 2 rows of hen nests: 20 rods of poultry fence: new oil burner brooder stove: coal I brooder stove. MISCELLANEOUS — Wheelbarrow: electric fencer: water tank; P AYED APPLES FOR SALE — SPY, posts dump rake; 70w Viking cream separator; mail /King. Snows, Tolman Sweet. Russett, box ; 3 -section drag harrows. HOUSE- MacIntosh, etc. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. HOLD EFFECT'S — Beach cook stove; FRED McCLYMONT, Varna. china cabinet: day bed ; 2 beds with 437bx4 springs and mattress; 2 dressers; kitchen FOR SALE—NEW SINGER SEWING chairs ; 3 -burner gas stove; 3 -shelf `2 elf built-in cupupboard: curtains; wardrobe; lin- machines, electric and treadle. Re- oleums, 9x13, 51x9. Al. the same time and pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWING I Mace there will he offered for sale the CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford. farm, consisting of 50 acres, more or less; 4223-4f 2.5 acres tillable, 25 acres pasture includ- ing 10 acres of hush, and running water; poll SALE — COMBINATION RADIO good barn, brick and cement foundation; a a'd record player with 1951 automa- tic three -speed conger: Fawcett nil apace heater. large size, used two months; man- tel radio. PHONE 596-54, Seaforth. 4379-1 FOR SALE -1 SET OF DISHES, SER - vice for 8 ; 1 walnut "finished cabinet of Wm. Rogers & Son flat silverware, Ex- quisite pattern, service for eight, like new ; priced for a quick sale: 1 small table Lamp with shade. Apply to Box 89, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4379x1 FOR SALE—FAIRBANKS-MORSE GEHL and Papec hammer mills. LET grind-, era, water systems, milkers and separa- tors; New Idea and M.M., machinery. new .,nd used machines. NEW IDEA D1S- n•RTPUTORS, Goderich, Ont- Phone, Car - Tow 28-21. 48774 FOR SALE—BOY'S FOUNDRY SET, new, cost $7.50. $2.00; portable reeord player, with automatic shut-off, 310: 3 modern table lamps, $2.50 each ; bathroom �binet, 84.50; 22-piene Eggshell china dishes, $5.00: hand -painted fruit bowl and sandwich plate, $1.00; electric radiator, 820: electric. •heater. 95.50; Panda bear, 91.00: vacuum cleaner, $60; baby baggy, $3.00. Apply t.o ROY VODDEN, Seaforth. 4379-1 Recessed Bathtubs $60 SMART MARTHA WASHINGTON AND dJ Richledge stainless three-piece bath- rrtom sets, White 9160.00 to $189.00. Col- oured 9274.00, complete with beautiful chromed fittings. Air conditioning furn- aces 9295.00. Speeial offers to plumbers end builder's too. Save many v-lu',.ble dollars, buy with confidence and have a nicer home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Extra discounts off catalogue prism if we supply everything you need for complete plumbing or heating installation. Cata- logue incht'das litho °hotels of main fix- tures, prteol and installation diagrams. Select .style of sinks, cabinets, laundry tabs, showers, stoves. refrigerators. Pres- sure water,syatems, oil burners, septic and 011 tanks- etc. Visit or wrri'te .toll;rilt& got', d oDE'E 192tlISI6N, 8thraetspltle I1I d" 8tresisoille PWe tilts liiilb'diij (.a51 n 15 henhouse; 2 -storey frame house, cellar; good well Terms of Real Estate-- 10% the day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to reserve bid. Chattels • Cash. GEORGE TINNEY. Proprietor; Bert Hor- ton, Clerk ; Ed. Corbett, Auctioneer. 4379-1 In Memoriam McKAIG—IN LOVING MEMORY OF Mary 'F. MrKaig, who passed away one year ago, December 5, 1950. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear; Fond memories linger every day. Remembrance keeps her near. —Ever remembered by Sister. Son and Daughter. 4379-1 PASSMORE—IN LOVING MEMORY OF a dear wife and mother, Olive Pearl Passmore, who passed away December 7, 1950. The dearest mother the world would hold The cheeriest smile. a heart of gold ; Always 8t smile inatead of a frown, Always a hand when we were down ; .Always so thoughtful, jolly and kind, What a wonderful memory she left behind, And those who knew her will know What a dear wife and mother we lost a year ago. —Lovingly remembered by Husband and Family. 4379-1 SIMALLDON--iN LOVING MEMORY OF Mrs. William .5. Smalldon (Catherine McDougall), who passed away one year two, December 6th. God knew that she was suffering. That the hills were hard to climb. So He closed her weary eyelids. And whispered. "Peace be thine." Oft and oft our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away, Where we laid our dear Mother Just one year ago today. —Ever remembered by her Daughter (dean). Mra. . sm,.a l4 'e and Famll;. ., News Items of Hensall and District (Continued from Page 1) The local association of Girl Guides held another newspaper drive Saturday last, the Girl Guides collecting half a ton, making over four tons collected this fall. Miss Marjory Russell, of Lis- towel, divisional trainer, visited' the Hensel] Girl Guides Tuesday even- ing and enrolled three new mem- bers. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stokes and family, of London, spent Sunday Too Late To Classify FOR SALE—GOOD USED R.C.A. VIC- tor radio. PHONE 162-W, Seaforth. 4379-1 Cards Of Thanks I WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL KIND neighbors and friends who remember- ed me with treats, flowers. cards, pr in any way, while a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, and since returning home. 4379-1 STEWART McQUEEN Deaths GRIEVE—In Seaforth, on Wednesday, Dec. 5, Louisa Esther Ferguson, widow of the late John Grieve, dear mother of David Grieve, London, in her 66th year. KEYES--In Egmondvillr, on Monday, De- cember 3, Nelson W. Keyes, in his 87th year. Births DINWOODIE--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, on Dec. 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dinwoodie, Seaforth, a daughter. HOEGY--At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Hoegy, R -R. 1, Dublin, a daughter. JEWI'rT--At Scott Memorial Hospital. on Den 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Jew- itt, Mullett, a son. MORDEN—At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mor- den, R.R. 2, Dublin, a daughter. MAPLESDEN --Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Maplesden, Flat Top Ranch. Walnut Springs, Texas, are happy to announce the arrival of a daughter (Mary Jane), on Nov. 27. A sister for Anne and John. ROE-- At Scott Memorial Hospital, on .Dec. 5, to 111r. and Mrs. William Roe, R -R. 1. Walton, a daughter. IntamedIRMitareaselillImmoldlitimermailliftemsall Do Not Fail To Hear THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD BROADCAST Every Friday over CHLO, ST. THOMAS 680 ON YOUR RADIO DIAL from 9:30 to 10 p.m. Rev. A. G. NEWKIRK of Faith Tabernacle, London with the latter's mother, Mrs. Eva Carlile, and family. W. A. Elects Officers The annual meeting of the W.A. of St, Paul's Anglican Church, Hen- sa11, 'was held at the home of Miss Fayme Logan Tuesday afternoon. There was a splendid attendance. President Mrs. R. H. Middleton presided. At the conclusion of the devotional exercises, Mrs. T. Lav- ender summarized "The Log," news of tthe Columbia Coast Mis- sion. Rev. C. L. Langford conduct- ed the election, resulting• as fol- lows: President, Mrs. R. H. Middle- ton; vice-president, Miss Mary Fee; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. W. O. Goodwin; Dorcas secretary, Mrs, R. H. Middleton. Tea was served. Hens'all Women's Institute mem- bers are asked to bring a deck of cards to the euchre and dance in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday eve- ning. Stewart McQueen received word of the sudden death of his cousin, William Sanderson, who passed away following a heart attack in his drug store in Toronto. Miss Minnie Reid has closed her home and gone away for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. E. Fink were in Hanover Saturday, Dec. 1, attend- ing the funeral of Mr. Rueben Litt, of Hanover, an uncle of Mr. Fink. Mr. Litt, who spent last week -end at the Fink residence, apparently in the best of health, died sudden- ly Thursday Last with a heart seiz- ure. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton has re- turned home after spending two weeks with her daughter and Bon- in -law, -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibson, Sudbury, and also with members of her family in Toronto. She visited her little granddaughter, Barbara, three, who is at present recuperat- ing from an attack of chicken Fox. and rneumonia. She has been a patient at the isolation wing of Victoria Hospital, London, for the past eleven weeks with polio. She r•Pnorts her condition as sari. fac- tory. Mrs. James W. Bell left on Mon - For Sale 1,200 NEW'HAMPSHIRE/BARRED ROCK PULLETS FOR SALE 10- 12 weeks old $1.00 Each Money-makers for next Summer K. Vanderburgh CLINTON - PHONE 226W YOUTH for CHRIST Saturday Evening — 8 p.m. CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL HEAR Rev. James N. Bedford President London Bible Institute Music presented by Institute Talent COME AND ENJOY THE PROGRAM THANK YOU Since I have sold my trucking business and license to Mr. Wm. Sauve, Zurich, I wish to thank the people of Hensall and district for their patronage, and at the same time ex- press the wish that they will continue to do business with Mr. Sauve. KEITH McLEAN, Hensall 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH—Good condition 1948 CHEV. SEDAN—Radio, sun visor 1947 FORD DE LUXE COACH 1947 CHEV. COACH 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1938 CHEV. COACH 1933 CHEV. COUPE 1937 DODGE COACH Seaforth Motors Chevrolet • • Oldsmobile Phone 141 ' Seaforth day for Oakland, California, to spend the winter months with members of her family. She made the trip by bus. Mr, George 'Pinney, of Hay, has purchased a home in Exeter, and together with his wife 'and family expect to take up residence there in the near future. I.O.0.F. members and their wives, members of Amber Rebekah Lodge and their husbands, will at- tend a turkey banquet in the Town Hall Friday, Dec. 14. Kippen East Women's Institute will cater for the affair. Ladies' Aid To Hold Sale Mrs. W. R. Bell was hostess for the December meeting of the Lad- ies' Aid of Carmel Presbyterian Church Monday evening, Dec. 3. There was a large attendance, and the chair was taken by the presi- dent, Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mrs. Roy Bell and Mrs, A. W. Kerslake con- tributed Christmas poems. The group decided to hold a home cook- ing sale, farm produce and tea in the schoolroom of the church Sat- urday, Dec. 15, at 3 'p.m. It was disclosed at the meeting that at their recent bazaar and home cook- ing sale, $18'6.0'0 was cleared' Mrs. Alex McGregor was the winner in a contest. Luncheon was served. Holds Christmas Party The monthly meeting of the Wohelo Class, in the form of a Christmas party, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Black- well. Mr. Blackwell presided for the opening exercises, followed by Scripture reading by Miss Mary Goodwin; devotional, Miss Dorothy McNaughton; prayer, Miss Shirley Flynn; Miss Winnifred Gray con- tributed a reading; Mr. Dave Kyle favored with violin solos, accom- panied by Mrs. George Hess; Mrs. Mess and Mrs. M. Hedden present- ed vocal duets; Mr. Kyle gave vio- lin accori.pan'ment, and Mi's Gladys Luker was at the piano. During the business session it was decided to give as their white gift offering, for Korean relief, $10.00, also to donate $40.00 to the church funds. Mr. Blackwell, Mr. -J. Cor- bett, Mrs. D. Kyle and Mrs. L. Hyde were named a nominating committee to form a new slate of officers. Mr. S. Ronnie directed a sing -song, also Christmas carol singing. Mrs. R. J. Drysdale con- ducted entertaining garnes and contests. The home was tastily decorated, including a beautiful lighted tree. The exchange of gifts was a pleasing feature, The hostess and her assistants served delicious refreshments. The affair was largely attended. Miss W. Gray proposed the vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell. Breaks Arm in Fall Miss Hattie Sutherland had the misfortune to fall in' her home on Wednesday evening and break her right arm at the elbow. She w<.s removed to Clinton Public Hospi- tal, where it will be set. The many friend's of Miss Sutherland will re- gret to learn of this unfortunate accident. Second Concert of Series At High School An average turnout was present to hear an excellent concert given by talented artists Tuesday even- ing in the auditorium of Seaforth District, High School. The program was varied and well received by the audience. The artists were Fionia .Skakum, soprano; Robert Foster, baritone; Thelma Johannes, pianist, and Mary Kay Schliahting, pianist. All of the artists delighted the audi- ence with their well -selected num- bers. The next concert will be Tues- day, Jan. 22. These concerts are part of a ser'es,being sponsored by the Ontario Department of Educa- tion. A Smile Or Two Teacher: "Jimmy, your essay on milk is only half a page. The oth- ers wrote six or seven pages." Jimmy: "I wrote about condens- ed milk, ma'am." • Joe: 'rI hear you have a new job." Moe: "Yeah." Joe: "From all I hear aboutit, you should be Bred with enthusi- asm." Moe: "I was." • A preacher whose congregation regularly spurned esats in the front of the church, was surprised to see one man, a stranger, in the very first row. After the sermon, the pastor asked the man why he sat down in front. The man replied: "I'm a bus driver, sir, and I just wanted to see how you got people to move to the rear." STAFFA The Staffa. `Women's Institute held their annual At Home in Staf- fa Hall. A pot -luck supper was en joyed by a number of people, in- cluding the reeve, councillors and their wives. A program was pre- sented after the supper. Rev. A. H. Daynard gave a selection on the mouth organ, with Mrs. Day- nard accompanying him. Mil,. Robert. Sadler and Cathy Harburn sang solos, with Mrs. Henry Har- burn accompanying them. Mar- garet Walker gave a reading; Nor- ara I arburlt played a piano solo, and Mrs. T. L. Scott sang. Rev. Mr. Duncanson wits chairman for the evening. Mr. Webber, a mem- ber of the Hydro staff, showed pic- tures on the 60 -cycle chang'L•over. The even'ng was closed with the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Walter O'Brien is visiting relatives in Flint, (Mich, CROMARTY A pot -luck supper and bazaar were held in the basement of the church with a very good turnout. The Ladies' AW, Marion Ritchie Auxiliary and Mission Band had booths. The Mission Band had a fish pond and candy booth. After the bazaar there was a program. Rev. A. Duncanson was chairman. The Mission Band in charge of Mrs. Lloyd Sorsdahl sang a chorus. Shirley Wallace and Caroline Wal- ker sang a duet. Margaret Cole- man gave a selection on the piano. Mrs. Calder McKaig g9.ve a reading on S't. Andrew. Ernie Templeman sang a solo, and the men's quart- ette sang a number. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leslie, Seaforth, and 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Allen, Mitchell, attended the pot -luck supper; John Robinson and his mother visited Mrs. Fred Mills, Granton; Robert Hamilton and his mother, also Peter M-- Pthail, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- Lachlan in Seaforth; Mr, and Mrs. William Stinson, 'Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norris, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Norris with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Norris, Ailsa 'Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burns, London; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Scholes, Kincardine, with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey; Miss 011ie Speare in Mit- chell. KIPPEN Mr. Lorne McBride returned to his home in Windsor after spend- ing a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. Mrs. Dinsdale has returned home after visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Taylor, of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Smith, of Guelph, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J'arrott. Mr. Robert Cooper, who has been visiting his daughter and son-in- law in Cairo, Micli., returned home a few days ago. Mrs. Robert Dalrymple was u1 London one day last week. Mrs. Rochus Faber entertained some of the Kippen ladies at a demonstration, conducted by Mrs. Cora Campbell, of Seaforth, on Fri- day evening. A pleasant time was spent and a delicious lunch served later. Mr. and Mrs. Dowson, accompan- ied by Mrs. Thomson, spent a day in Goderich last week. Mrs. Joon Cooper and son, Rob- ert, visited her sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, of Flint, Mich., last week -end, her sis- ter irter returning with her for a few days. Mrs. Margaret Johnson, of To- ronto, visited her mother, Mrs. W. W. Cooper, over the week -end. Mr. Ivan Wren, of Waterloo, spent the week -end with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren. Mr. Don Bell, of the O.A.C., Guelph, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Bell, over the week- end. Messrs. Jack and Irvine Dickert, of Clifford, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert. Mr. McDougall, of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott, also Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Love, of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and Lorne were Sunday guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore. Mr. Jack Whiteman, of Suther- land, Sask., spent the week -end with his cousin, Miss Whiteman, A RECEPTION for Mr, and Mrs. Howard Dayman, of Kippen (nee Mar_ garet Walters), will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall WED., DEC. 12th Disjardine Orchestra Ladies please provide Lunch • EVERYBODY WELCOME' and Mrs. Dinsdale. Many from here attended- the barn dance in the Exeter arena on Saturday night last. 'Miss Hannah Pepper, of the Lon- don Normal School, was practice teaching at S.S•. No. 12, Tucker - smith, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Wil. Horney, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Gackstetter. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones, Grant and Kenneth were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake, of Bayfield. The teacher, Miss Helen Turner, and pupils of S.S. No. 2, Tucker - smith, are bolding their Christmas concert on Monday evening, Dee. 17, at 8:30 p.m. Santa will be pre - The The Christmas meeting of KIP - pen East Women's Institute 'will 1 be held at the home of MPs. Rebt. Gemmell on Wednesday, Dec. 12, at 2 p.m., with Mrs. John Sinclair Ias co -hostess. The roll call will be my favorite piece of Christmas 'music. There will be an exchange DECEMBER 7, 1951 of giftsamong the Members, and a 'Ohristmas demonstration, gives . by Mrs. Robert Dalrymple. Lunch) conveners will be: . sandwit lies. Mrs. Arthur J. Finlayson; cookiee, Mrs. F. Whitehouse; ice cream, Mrs. Joseph McLellan. Xmas Concert St. Andrew's Church Kippen MONDAY, DEC. 10th 8 p.m. Featuring a Play "Chintz Cottage" Numbers between Acts by Sunday School Pupils ADMISSION 50 CENTS Sunday School Children, Free MONSTER Christmas Stocking" R E E ONE TICKET ON DRAW WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF si100 OR MORE KEcldies Shop Next Door to the Theatre Euchre and Dance in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL FR/DAY, DEC. 7th, 1951 CARDS, 8:30 SHARP Music by the Syncopators Sponsored by Ilensall Women's 'Institute ® BOOTH IN HALL • GOOD PRIZES General Admission — 50 Cents Ford Tractor Owners YOU COULDN'T CHOOSE A BETTER TIME TO HAVE YOUR TRACTOR OVERHAULED and RECONDITIONED Telephone for Appointment DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service Phone 102 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! — Any Style! — Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All at Regular List Price — Approximately 24 -Hour Service — GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS BRAND NEW CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. DE LUXE COACH — Less than 8,000 miles -2300.00 below list '50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN - '50 METEOR COACH' '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN 2—'49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SPECIAL.—'50 CHEV. 34 -TON STAKE A written guarantee for 60 PHONE 73-X '41 CHEV. COACH—Completely reconditioned '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH — Custom radio '47 PONTIAC SEDAN '40 PLYMOUTH COACH --Completely recon- ditioned '40 HUDSON COACH BRAND NEW CHEV. o1 -TON PICK-UP days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM BRUSSELS MOTO'RS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO "The 'Home of Better Used Cara" OPEN EVERY EVEWNO