HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-12-07, Page 21`.
'1144t TWO
kstablished 18:0
A. Y. McLean, Editor
Published at Seaforth, Ontario, ev-
ery Thursday afternoon by McLean
Member of Canadian
Weekly Newspapers
Subscription rates, $2.50 a year in
advance; foreign $3.00 a year. Single
copies, 5 cents each.
Advertising rates on application.
Author zed as Second Class Mail
Post Office Department, Ottawa
SEAFORTH, Friday, December 7
Latin Up To Date
It is some time since last we were
faced with Latin as a subject in
which one was required to obtain
passing marks, but despite the pass-
age of time we can recall vividly not
only the difficulties the subject pre-
sented, but also the doubt that exist-
ed concerning the practical value of
the language, Time has resolved our
doubts regarding the latter, and we
must admit that what little of the
subject remained with us, has on
more than one occasion proven useful
in ' determinin_a the meaning of a
word, or in helping us understand
sense of a particular phrase.
Now we read that finally the prob-
lem we faced many years ago is re-
alized, and that a new text book is
available for Grade 9 Latin students,
which brings the language back to
life for the students. Emphasis in
the course is on English derivatives,
and some English teachers are even
using the textbook. The textbook is
said to have included in it such tales
as Little Red Riding Hood and the
Three Little Pigs, in Latin. A glos-
sary gives translations of Latin mot-
Any move that will have the result
of injecting some Iife into the lang-
uage, of course, will have the bless-
ing of present-day students, even if
it entails learning Three Little Pigs.
But at the same time, if the interest
of the students can be aroused, the
benefit to be derived by them in their
study of Latin cannot help but be in-
.Don't Like Dirt
Apparently- all these years the hog
has been a much slandered animal.
If you think he would rather be in a
mudhole than in a nice clean stable,
you are mistaken. The expression.
"as dirty as a pig," is not founded on
In any event that's what Animal
. usbandry Professor Hobart Jones,
t .Purdue University "Hogs
don't like to get dirty," he Bald,
"They're among the o 'l4's cleanest
atiifiiais if you give ,them a chance."
said many people have the
wrong idea about hog hygiene. The
only reason a hog is dirty is because
the farmer won't let him keep clean,
Jones said. This is not o ly unfair
to the hog, but unecono ' 1 for the
farmer, because clean hogs make
better pork chops.
What, No Attic?
Modern house plans that make no
provision for an attic arouse the ire
of the Farmer's Advocate when it
notes that youthful journalists, in
magazine and newspaper articles,
are commending house planners and
architects for omitting the attic in
present-day designs. "They are all
wrong," the Advocate claims, and
suggests that they err, perhaps, be-
cause they have never enjoyed the
thrills of snooping around in an old-
fashionet attic where are found the
cast-off raiment, the tools and the
toys of previous generations. "If
the specimens go back to bustles and
hoop skirts so much the better and
nothing makes the exploration more
interesting than a bundle of old love
petters tied up with a ribbon.
"An attic is invaluable, first as a
place to store baby carriages and
cribs, which are often sold or given
lay too soon, and as a place to in-
n•te turbulent boys on a stormy
"This addition to the house is
worth all it costs just to see the pride
and pleasure in which grandmother
brings down the crib and the toys
after 20 years and the first grand-
child arrives for a visit."
What Other Papers Say:
Crown's Value To Canada
(Family Herald & Weekly Star)
All Canadians will be pleased, be-
cause, whatever our differences
among ourselves, we recognize that
the Crown, which binds us all to-
gether, and which is the keystone of
a form of Government which would
be impossible without it, is extreme-
ly valuable to us—and also to the
world at Iarge. For the British Com-
monwealth of Nations, with all its
faults and anachronisms and illogi•
calities, has an influence, both
through the world at large and
through the Commonwealth coun-
tries themselves, which is far more
wholesome and stable than could be
the case if we drifted apart into the
whirlpools and cross currents of in-
ternational politics..
There Is Lots To Do
(Wingham Advance -Times)
"There are two businesses which
must work all of the time, despite
holidays and emergencies. These are
the railroads and your weekly and
daily newspapers. Railroading is
outside our scope, but the weekly
newspaper is very familiar to us. We
have our problems and we flatter
ourselves that they are not common
to any other business. How many
unionized workers would put up with
the long hours, the rush, the criti-
cism and the -deadlines. Those dead-
lines are always there, hanging over
our heads like the sharp knife of the
guillotine. Some of our friends are
prone to show lack of knowledge of
our business, as, leaning over our of-
fice counter they drawl, "It shouldii't
be hard to put out a paper once t a
week. What do you do with your-
self the rest of the time?" With
some effort we smile, and reply that
we manage to stay busy."
Want Entertainment
(Waterloo Chronicle)
With the ever increasing number
of entertainment houses such as
theatres. arenas. auditoriums, halls,
ete., and as more and more profes-
sional entertainers are being brought
in to the larger centres the art of
creating one's own entertainment is
on the decline. Never before in his-
tory has this been more true than
day. � -
tho present. ay. We are -no longer'
able to keep ourselves amused but
1 require the very expensive services
of people who make fabulous wages
trying to make us laugh, cry, sing,
or "what have You." The results of
Our ineapabilities are becoming more
prevalent as the weeks and years go
by. We are told of the ever-increas-
ing number of juvenile delinquents
caused by homes which were unable
to keep the younger members occu-
pied with things to do.
Grandma Had a System
(Edmonton Journal)
Once upon a time, we are told,
raising children was a fairly`
straightforward business. Today,
"experts" pour out "scientific" advice
from every quarter, and mothers
who listen too closely to the chorus
often find it pretty bewildering.
An American child specialist, per-
haps to the surprise of some of his
colleagues, doesn't think too much
of this chorus of advice. He is Dr.
Herman Little, of the school of medi-
cine at the University of Buffalo.
Quoth he:
"Up to 1900, mothers were doing a
pretty good job of raising their chil-
dren. We knocked the stuffiing out
of them and they began to feel one
had to be a scientist to raise a child."
As a result, he believes many
mothers have lost confidence in their
handling of their children, regard-
less of how they do it, This loss of
confidence Dr. Little considers very
bad for both tchildren and mothers.
(By James Scott)
The trouble with the city is that
nobody knows any stories. Well,
of course I don't mean THOSE
stories, the kind the boys in the
back room know by the hundred;
everybody, even a city slicker,
knows a few of them. What I real-
ly mean are the kind of stories a
fellow is likely to hear as he takes
a stroll along Main Street of a fine
winter afternoon.
You'll be standing in somebody's
store and before you know it two
or three people are standing near
the back thaving a little gossip.
"You know who 1 saw today" one
will ask. The others will say no
they don't know. "Why I saw old
so-and-so," he'll say. Then the
others will ask what's he doing
now, and how does he happen to
be back in the old home town, and
it's no time at all until one of them
will start, "Do you remember the
time when . . -
And the boys are off; one story
leads to another. acid if yon listen
long enough you'll get the idea that
the old town has never had a dull
citizen in it in its entire history;
that every mother's son was an
astonishing character. who spent
all his time thinking up practical
jokes or getting in and out of
scrapes. And it always ended hap-
In the city they don't talk that
way. After all, how could they?
Half the time they don't even
know the name of the man next
door, and by the time they get
around to knowing each' other, one
of them moves to another part of
the town. in my own office almost
every week there is a new face in
the City Room and versa" often it
its gone on to another job before
I get to know the name that goes
with the face. How would I ever
get to know a funny anecdote about
a chap like that? I'm lucky if I
Can get to call him by his first
And that's one of the mato rea-
sons why cities often seem inhu-
man in contrast to Ontario towns
where good stories are carried on
generation to generation. It's one
of the things which makes small
towns so alive and so human.
Of course, there are those who
will say that we haven't got the
tall story -tellers we used to have,
and they may be right at that.
There are still plenty of good ones
here and about, but some of the
best have passed on.
I knew one when I was a small
boy, and although I was only six
or seven at the time, 1 can still
remember some of the wild tales
he used to tell Like this one:
"My boy," he said to me one day
when we were driving through the
country, "you don't know you're
living. Why, when 1 was a boy
your age we really had to work.
You ever have to go out in all kinds
of weather to bring in one hundred
and forty-four cows?"
"No, sir," I admitted; "I never
"Well I had to," he said, looking
me straight in the eye. "One hun-
dred and forty-four cows, every sin-
gle day, rain or shine-"
After all, who was 1 to doubt
"And one terrible day," he boom-
ed, "catastrophe struck."
I wasn't sure what "catastrophe"
was, but I gathered it was worse
than being caught giggling in
"I was in the back pasture
rounding the bundred and fory-
four when the most terrible cloud-
burst in the history of Huron
County struck. To get back I had
to ford those cows across a little
stream. but it rained so hard it
had become a raging torrent and
no cow could live in iL What
should I do?"
"What did yon do?" I asked.
"Well, in those days everything
was bug—the trees were big and
there was a fairly large one—dead
and rotten—standing by the bank
of the stream. Well, my boy, I
saw it wouldn't last long in that
gale. so I leaned against her so
she'd fall across the stream, and
soon she did. Then, my boy, I
drove those hundred and forty -foal
cows throu h that old hollow1.1,4.
and trhet 1 got to the other side
1 counted them, and sure enough
a ,hundred and thirty-four had got
across safely."
"A. hundred and thirty-four?" I
said. "You saidt there were a hun-
dred and forty-four."
The story -teller looked at inc and
worked. "I said it was a pretty
big tree, boy. I always figured
those other ten cows got lost in
the branches!"
Well. you see what I mean. May-
be we haven't got story -tellers
quite as good as that one, but we've
got enough to keep laughter and
humanity on Main Street, and
that's good enough for me.
To The Editor
Toronto, Nov. 28. 1951.
Editor, The Huron Expositor:
Dear Sir: Your recent editorial.
"Hens fro Their Part." should be
studied by urban Canadians, and
especially those modern 'wo:kers'
dedicated to the proposition of
working as little as possible for as
many- dollars as possible. It is en-
ceuraging to learn that "Canada's
hens. according to the Bureau of
Statistics. each produced 14.5 eggs
in September. In September of 1950
the hens averaged only 10.6 eggs."
A good deal of unfavorable pub-
licity was directed to the fact that
during the first eight months of
1951. Canada had imported 24.500
cases of eggs from Western Euro-
pean countries. The fact may have
some bearing on -the improvement
to which your editorial points. Be
that as it may, I feel it is import-
ant to keep such figures in some-
thing like fair focus—so that the
final consumers don't beg -in to think
that farmersrnare falling down og
tuctive job. Of too mite
`lions of town and city readers who
would read that "Canada had im-
ported 24,500 Cases of eggse' only
the tiniest fraction would stop to
realize that these 24.500 cases of
foreign eggs—i.e., 8.8 million eggs
—would not supply the egg needs
of the Canadian people for twenty-
four hours. The total disappear-
ance of eggs in the home market
calls for a fraction over 10 million
every day.
r May 1 just add that I was pleas-
ed with that resolution of the Hur-
on Federation of Agriculture, as re-
ported. in your Nov. 23 issue, ask-
ing that farm help corning to Can-
ada "should remain two years in-
stead of one on the farms." This
would certainly be no particular
hardship in the esse Of genuine
"farm help." It is sincerely to be
hoped that the labor needs of the
!agricultural community are remem-
; bered, and spotlighted appropriate
ly in Canada's immigration policies
!and publicity,
Crop Report For Huron
Two hundred and eighty-five per-
sons are enrolled in Rural Com-
munity Night School classes in the
county and about thirty-five more
expected to register Thursday eve-
ning, Dec. 6.
Most of the outside fail work has
now been completed with almost all
cattle stabled for the winter and
the majority are in good condition..
Thereis still considerable husking
corn to be picked Most farmers
appear to have sufficient supplies
of roughage and coarse grains in
storage for the winter mouths.
2 R ,int
Wheat As a Feed For Livestock
In periods when a e heat •surplus
exists or when the crop has been
damaged by frost- rust or unfavor-
able weather at harvest time, the
importance of giving wheat a place
in farm rations merits considera-
Wheat is fully as palatable as
the coarse grains more commonly
used for feed.
When mixing wheat with other
grains. it should be done by weight
rather than by measure.
Wheat should never he ground
finely for feeding. Medium to
coarse grinding or rolling is pre-
ferable as finely ground wheat may
become pasty wben moistened and
result in digestive disorders.
PiGS — Wheat, like all other
grains, has individual characteris-
tics and limitations in pig feeding,
which require that it be used with
judgment. Though in some cases
a high proportion of this grain has
been used in feed mixtures with
apparent satisfaction. there is some
experimental evidence which sug-
nggests that under certain conditions
hogs so fed may be penalized in
carcass, grade for over-finbsit even
when marketed at 200 Minds live
weight. However, wheal a mixture
of grains is used there should be
no donger of carcass penalty trace-
able to wheat when it constitutes
not -over 60 per cent of the feed
Wheat to be satisfactory for
swine feeding, like the other cereal
grains, requires the addition of pro-
tein, mineral and vitamin supple-
BEEF CATTLE—For fattening
market cattle, it is safer to feed
wheat mixed with grains of a bul-
ky nature. Oats are particularly
suitable for this purpose. It is ad-
visable to include a high percent-
age of oats at the beginning of the
feeding period and gradually in-
crease the proportion and amount
of wheat or other heavy grains as
the period advances- 'Wheat should
be rolled or coarsely ground for
DAIRY CATTLE—Cows in milk
require a generous ration which is
rich in digestible nutrients., and
particularly rich in proteins and
minerals. When legume hays form
all or part of the roughage fed to
dairy cows of average producing
ability, the need for costly, high
protein feeds is reduced and the cer-
eal grains, including wheat., can be
used more widely. Wheat may re-
place the coarse grains and bran
in the ration of the milking cow to
the extent of one-third of the total
grain ration.
SHEEP—Wheat has been fed ex-
tensively to fattening lambs and
wintering ewes. It is frequently
fed in the unground state, although
the hard milling grades should be
coarsely ground or cracked for gen-
eral sbeep feeding. A mixture by
weight of one part wheat and two
parts oats would be suitable for
ewes and for lambs during the ear -
(Continued on Page 7)
Dept el National Health and Wlhr•
Years Agone
Interesting Items Picked From
The Huron Expositor of Twen-
ty-five and Fifty Years Ago
From The Huron Expositor
December 10, 1926
A furnace is being installed in
St. Andrew's Church in Bayfield.
Fire destroyed the large fish
shanty belonging to Wm. Sturgeon,
Bayfield, on Saturday. Mr, Stur-
geon had been mending nets in the
forenoon and was working across
the river all afternoon and when
he went home at supper time there
teemed ho sign of file, but in a
short time the building was 1. mass
of flame, and nothing could be
saved, A small insurance was car-
Real wintry weather struck this
district on Saturday and reports
state that the thermometer was six
below zero.
Mr. Frank Riley, of Constance,
was lucky enough to catch an Are -
tic owl Last week alive. It measur-
ed over five feet from the tips of
its wings.
A. and J. Broadfoot, Alex Sin-
clair and D. Fotheringham & Son,
of Tuckersmith, who exhibited at
the Winter Fair, Guelph, succeeded
in carrying off nine prizes in the
horse classes. Melvin Crich, also of
Tuckersmith, captured two prizes
for his Shorthorn cattle.
Mr. Ma, McMillan, M.P., left
on Wednesday to lttteild the open-
ing of the Dominion Parliament'st
Ottawa, which took place Thurs-
Public interest iii the Edit brth
Collegiate Commencement exercis-
es seem to increase with each
year. It was held in Cardno's Hall
on Friday night and the hall was
filled to capacity. Principal W. G.
Spencer presided. Several dances
were executed by the girls of the
different forms. The oratorical con-
tests showed marked ability in
those taking part, namely, Miss El-
va Wheatley, Basil Duncan, Elean-
or Burrows, Murray Savauge, and
Miss M. Armstrong, who won the
contest. Beatrice and Robert Eber-
hart danced the Highland Fling.
The play, "The Tempest in the Tea-
pot," was also a feature. Taking
part were Andrew McLean, Elroy
Brownlee, L. Talbot, Robert W'llltte
Bertha Grieve, Laura McMillan,
Margaret Ferguson and Margaret
Leading in the Shetland pony
contest, which closes Saturday,
Dec. 11, is Miss Jean Dungrey.
From The Huron Expositor
December 6, 1901
Miller J. White, editor of the Ex-
eter Times, met with an unfortun-
ate_accident on Sunday evening.
While on his way to church he slip-
ped and fell, breaking hfs leg be-
tween the knee and thigh.
Gordon 'McDonald, Leo Flannery
and Moody Holland, of Walton,
hare gone to Sault Ste. Marie,
where they will be employed in the
lumber woods during the winter
Mrs. David Clark, of Hensel', had
the misfortune on Monday to slip
on the doorstep and break her arm
between the wrist and elbow.
Messrs. Archibald and Cudmore,
Seaforth, shipped two carloads of
horses to Listowel on Tuesday.
They are for South Africa and will
be inspected before being shipped
Mr. John G. Wilson. Seaforth, has
secured a good position in a hard-
ware store in Wolesley. Sask.. and
intends leaving here shortly for
that place.
A meeting for the purpose of
reorganizing Seaforth Collegiate
Hockey Club was held Tuesday eve-
ning, when the following officers
were elected: President, Mr. Coi-
ling; vice-president, Mr. Brown;
secretary -treasurer, E. Murray;
manager, F. Broadfoot; captain, C.
P. Sills; managing committee, A.
Waugh, L. McDonald, H. Bright, A.
Miss H. I. Graham, Seafortb, has
a poem of her own composition in
the Scottish American Journal of
New York. It is well written and
is alike creditable to the head and
heart of the accomplished author-
Mr. J. G. Crich. who thas been
exploring in the Temiskaming dis-
trict„ New Ontario, has returned
home. He says there is very good
farming land and an abundance of
good timber.
Mr. G. F. Rogers bas established
two reading rooms in connection
with the Institute, one for the boys
and one for the girls. Daily papers
and leading magazines will be fur-
nished to the puede for reading
out of school.
DECEMBER 7, 1951
Seen in the County Papers
Suffer Minot' Injurlea
Mr. and Mrs. 13. M. Francis suf-
fered minor injuries when their car
was in collision with another ve-
hicle while they were on their way
to Florida The accident happened
at Bowling Green, Kentucky, . on
Saturday. Damage to the Francis
car was about $500.—Exeter Times.
Firemen's Ball Largely Attended
A targe crowd was present for
the firemen's ball held in the Mem-
orial Hall on Friday night. The
firemen always get a good crowd
at this annual event. Mr. Archie
Young won the door prize, which
was a turkey, and the firemen re-
alized a tidy net profit for their ee
forts.—Blyth Standard.
Plaque Unveiled By Assessor
A special feature of the nomina-
tion meeting for Grey Township, in
Ethel on Monday was the unveiling
of a plaque on which are inscribed
the names of all the reeves and
clerks of Grey Township since 1856.
The unveiling was performed by
Alex Alexander, of Goderich, coun-
ty assessor, a former reeve of Grey
::nd Warden of Huron County in
1945. A packed hall witnessed the
ceremony.—Goderich Signal -Star.
Fall Results in Dislocation
Mrs. Walter Edwards, town, sus-
tained a nasty injury on Monday
evening in her home. She was
standing on a chair, in the act of
removing some dining room decora-
tions when the chair gave way,
thrusting her against a table as she
fell. As a result, her left shoulder
bone was thrown out of joint. Im-
mediate medical attention was re-
ceived, but she will be incapacitat-
ed for a few weeks.—Mitchell Advo-
Recital At Collegiate
Miss Marjorie Hays, Goderich,
gave a recital in costume, under
the auspices of the Huron branch
Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Association in the Clinton Collegi-
ate auditorium. Alex Clark, (lode -
rich, was her accompanist. Miss
Hays, wtho has a beautifully clear
and well-trained soprano voice,
with rich depth, in almost the en-
tire range, showed her versatility
in the wide choice of her numbers.
All groups of songs were done in
appropriate costume and cleverly
acted. Selections from Jerome
Kern's "Show Boat" had the most
popular audience reaction.—Clinton
Citizen's News.
In Money At Winter Fair
Among those from this district
who took prizes at the Royal Win-
ter Fair was Mr. Warren Brock, of
Zion, wtho showed nine market cat -
ale and was in the money with.
them all. Among his prizes hes
claimed 'one first, .two seconds and
a third. Three of his cattle were -
among 34 chosen to compete for
the grand champion steer. Besides
Bob Bern and Bob Kinsmen, who
placed first and second in the
King's Guineas, two others of the
Exeter Calf Club made a good
showing. They were Torn Easton
and Murray Dawson, both of w-thom
were awarded blue ribbons. Their
beasts sold for 40 ys cents a pound*
at the fair auction.—Exeter Times -
Celebrates 84th Birthday
Mrs. Annie Brown, Albert St.,..
Clinton, celebrated her 89th birth-
day Friday, Nov. 23, at her home.
A daughter of the late'Jos'hph and
Annie Nott Stevens, she *as borm
in Hullett Township in 1862, and
attended S.S. 6, Hariock school in.
Hullett. In 1888 she was married
to Ephriam Brown and they farmed
a 150 -acre farm on the 8th and 9th-:
concessions south of Londesboro..
On her husband's retirement they
came to Clinton, where Mr. Browe
died in 1935. Mrs. Brown is a.
member of Ontario Street United
Church. She is in very good health.
and is able to do a considerable
amount of her housework. Early in'
October her four daughters held at
family reunion for her and cele-•
brated the birthday then. Her fam-
ily includes Mrs. William Hoggarth,
Clinton, with whom she lives; Mrs,
Edward Youngblut, Londesboro;
Mrs. Gordon Curts, Arkona, and'
Mrs. Wes. Hoggarth, Base Line. --
Clinton Citizen's News.
Prompt Action Saves House
Prompt action on the part of
LAC. Gerald Lamirandi, who is oc-
cupying J. E. Howard's house on
Louisa Street, Bayfield, possibly
saved the house from being gutted
by fire on Sunday morning. Ars
overheated stovepipe in, the Tieing:
room was the cause of the fire,
which broke out about a quarter -
past eight when beaverhoard in be
tween wooden lath anvil gyproc ig:
nited from the reel Hot pipe. Mre.
Lamirandi managers' to throw" some
water ep around the pipe hole
which went through the ceiling and
temporarily dampened the blanc,:
then he pulled some of the gyproc-
off the ceiling with a poker and
extinguished it with a pail of wa-
ter. Mrs. Lamirandi was upstairs.
dressing their four children to get
them out of the house while her
husband battled the fire. An alarms
was turned in to Bayfield fire brie
gade but before the engine had ar-
rived, Mr. Lamirandi reported to
the gathering firemen that the fire,
was out.—Clinton News -Record..
The Suez Canal
(By Lewis Milliganl
The Suez Canal has been very
much in the news of late, and its
geographical location should be
well known to every school boy, but
how many adults know anything
about its history? Even for those
whe think they know all about it,
a brief review of the facts should
be of interest at the present time
when so much seems to depend up-
on what is happening or may yet
happen in that strip of territory.
To begin with; The l thinus of
Suez is a desert with salt lakes anti
marshes which joins Africa to Asia
and is 75 miles wide from Port
Said on the Mediterranean to Port
Tewfik On the Gulf of Suez, an arm
of the Red Sea, e -
The first canal was built over
4,000 years ago to one of the lakes
in the centre of the Isthmus. About
1.500 years later it was extended
via the salt lakes to the Gulf of
Suez. But it repeatedly fell into
disrepair and was last restored in
640 A.D., after the Arab conquest,
and continued to be used for 200
years. In 1859 the plans of Ferdi-
nand de Lesseps, a Frenchman,
were followed for the construction
of the present canal, which was
completed in 1869. A controlling
interest in the canal was obtained
by Britain in 1875. 'Phe breadth of
the canal is 196 feet, the depth
about 42 feet, and the length about
100 miles. It is a sea -level canal
without locks, and is navigated in
16 to 20 hours. The annual ton-
nage through the canal before the
second World War amounted to ov-
er 30 million tons, carried in more
than 5,500 vessels.
The recent blocking of the Suez
Canal to British tankers by the
Egyptian government, which has
led to the present situation, was
an infringement of an internation-
al convention. The Suez Canal
Convention was signed on October
29. 1888, by Great Britain, France,
Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
Russia, Spain, Turkey and Austria-
Hungary. The Convention provid-
ed as follows:
Article 1. The Maritime Canal
of Suez shall always be free and
open in time of war as in time of
peace, to every ship of trade or
war, without distinction of flag. In
consequence the High Contracting
Parties agree to make no attack
upon the free usage of the Canal
in time of war as in time of peace.
The Canal shall never be subject-
ed to the menace of blockade.
Article Iv laid down that no right
of war, no act of hostility, nor any
act having as its object hindering
the free navigation of the Canal
can be committed in the Canal or
its port of access.
Thus it will be seen that the
Egyptian government has not on-
ly broken its agreement by which
the British occupy the Canal zone
for protection and upkeep purpos-
es, but ,has ,flouted an internation-
al agreement that provided for the
free use of the great waterway
link between the East and Weat
by all nations in peace or War.
That Convention in itself was an
invaluable insurance of protect iota
for Egypt. But the present gov-
ernment at Cairo, like that of Iran..
is crazily Mind to its own nation-
al interests,
The Egyptians have nothing td
gain, but might lose everything by
the withdrawal of the British and
the abandonment of the Cnnrt-rr
tion. They could not defend the--
canal, and the Suez Isthmus would'
be an open highway for the march--
of an army from the .East: into'
orthere Africa, It is for that ceee
son that the British government,
backed by the Atlantic powers, is
determined to bold the Suez Can-
al, and the Egyptians should ee-.
!grateful. But there is another and'
more important reason; the Canal
is the only short route for ships-.
between the East and West. and
if it were destroyed, maritime
trade and traffic between the two
hemispheres would be cut off. The
Suez Canala used to be called'.
"The Highway to India"; without
it that and other free countries in
the East would be isolated and at
the mercy of the new Genghis
A Smile Or Two
"Any big men born around here?'''
a tourist asked in a condescending'
"Nope." responded the native.
"Best we can do is babies. Differ-
ent fee the city, I suppose?"
The wife was learning to drive.
A neighbor, interested in the pro-
cess, asked the husband how she•
was getting along.
"Not too well." he sighed. "She
took a turn for the worse last.
said the exasperated father, "batt
make itthe last one."
"Well,.' said his small son, "when
a doctor gets sick and another doc-
tor doctors him, does the doctor
doing the doctoring have to doctor
the doctor, the way the doctor be-
ing doetored wants to be doctored,
or does the doctor do the doctor-
ing of the doctor his own way?"
"Well, Mary, now that we've•
struck oil, I• want you to have some
decent clothes," said Farmer Jones
handing this wife a big roll of :bills.
"13111 Jones! I'll have you know
that I've worn decent clothes all
my life," Mrs. Jones replied. "Now
I'm going to dress like other wo-
A dear old lady once went to
hear n lecture on astronomy. in
the enacting discusion she got up
and wilted anxioufy, "When die
you say that the syn will lose its
.heat and we shall all freeze to
"In about four billion years," wan
the reply.
Her tension subsided. "Thank
the Lopd," she sighed. "I thought
yeti said four million years!!"