HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-11-30, Page 4assified Ads. Classified Ads Inserted At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC --Per Word: First Week 1 Cent 2nd Week % Cent 3rd Week 1,F Cent Minimum charge. each insertion25 Cents Each figure, initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Garda of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 rent per word. Minimum, 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box Na, c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged If ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Eta -Rates on application. • Coining Events YOU TOO WILL ENJOY DANCING AT the Popular Crystal Palace Ballroom. Mitchell, every Friday. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. Admission 50 cents. 4377x2 For Rent FOR RENT -OFFICE SPACE IN THE Dominion Bank Building. Apply to the Manager. 4849-1f FOR RENT - 4 -ROOM APARTMENT and bath. 2 rooms downstairs and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Close to ep-town• PHONE 563. 4378 - Livestock Wanted FREE THERMOMETER. PLUS CASH. at your farm for dead or disabled horses or cows. Phone collect Wm. Sproat. Seaforth. 655 r 2. WILLIAM STONE SONS, Limited. 4373-tf Help Wanted WANTED -SALT -s CLERK ; STEADY employment. Apply Manager, STED- MAN STORES, Seaforth. 4378x1 Notices pa A.010 REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS of radia,, at TERRY'S RADIO R.E. PAIR, opposite Dick House, Seaforth, Phone 347-11. 4368-tf Lost and Found DOST -A RE1) BILLFOLD CONTAIN- ing a sum of money, in vicinity of Supertest Station, Seaforth. Reward. PRONE 362, Seaforth. 4378x1 Cards Of Thanks MRS. W. E. BUTT WISHES TO THANK her friends and relatives for the beau- tiful cards, fruit and flowers sent to her during her recent. illness. 4578x1 Wanted MRS. CHARLES RILEY AND FAMILY wish to express their sincere apprecia_ ion to all friends and neighbours for all WANTED' TO BUY --SECOND HAND t Yy floral tributes. cards and other acts of typewriter. PHONE 362, Seaforth. sympathy expressed in their recent sad 4378x1 l bereavement. 4378x1 WANTED -MEN BOARDERS: HOME 1 T1lFS, JA.MF�S RILEY AND FAMILY cooking ; warm rooms; telephone, etc- .1!'1 wish to 'thank their neighbors and Apply to Box 88, HURON EXPOSITOR. !friends for the kindness shown during 4378x1 'their most sudden bereavement: also Dr. ! McMaster, staff of Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, and those who sent flowers and loaned Personals cars. 4378x1 I WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OP- q-'KINNY MEN, WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO rortunitc of thankin' all friends and 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous relatives who were so kind to me while a Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; r'atient in Scott Memorial Hospital. Sea - new healthy flesh ; new vigor. New "get forth, and since coming home Spe^dal acquainted" size ONLY 60e. All drug_ thanks to Drs. Brady and McMaster, nurs- gists. es and E. llodgert and Miss Hospital. Nurses P. Thamer Mrs. 'W.for HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (R U B B E R 1'`sl' etspf ''fits, cards and flowers sent mo Goods, mailed postpaid in plain, sealed vvhile there. envelope with price lit. 6 samples 25e; 4"^-1 11R5. ARCHIE LAMON'f 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-78, NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton, - Ont In Memoriam -- _-' --- -- HIUSEII- IN LOVING MEMORY OF Passel Motor Cars For Sale d•rar mother and father. who away five years ago this month. A FOR SALE -1936 DE LUXE DODGE Coach in first-class condition ; motor recently overhauled. Apply WM. BOX. Phone 55-W, Seaforth, after 5 p.m. 4378x1 FOR SALE ---PRIVATELY OWNED 1951 Custom Ford Sedan ; well equipped ;.500 very c_ar•eful miles. Would consider good 1947 as part payment Apply to Box 87, HURON EXPOSITOR. 4378-1 For Sale FOR SALE-ROGERS-MAJESTIC PORT_ able radio; runs on batteries or hydro. Reasonable. PHONE 45. 4378x1 FOR SALE -LADY'S WHITE SKATES size s: worn twice, $6.95. PHONE 21 r 3, Dublin. 4378-1 FOR SALE -1 DOZEN BAGS OF CAN- atiian'g'cement. PHONE 1354, Sea - forth. 4378-1 FOR SALE -PAIR OF BLUE BUDGIES, _age and stand, 520-- complete. Makes a nice Christmas gift. PHONE 842 r 14, Seaforth- 4387-1 POR SALE -10 CHOICE YORKSHIRE pigs}l seven weeks old- STAN JACK- SON. Phone 653 r 5, Seaforth. ;4 4878-1 FOR SALE -BLUE SHEER EVENING with gold trim: size 14. Price 8101. Can he seen at SCOINS' CLEAN_ E 4378-1 FOR SALE -WOMAN'S FUR COAT, udson seal: size 14-16: splendid con-` diti n. Priced for quick sale- PHONE 395, Seaford'- 4378-1 TONEY FOR SALE-OrrE1tING BAL_i ance of crop of white clover No. 1 honey in 4 and 8 -pound pails. WALLACE ROSS APIARIES. 4378-1 SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE - SPY, Kin:. Snows. Tatman Sweet, Russett, Macintosh, etc. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. FRED McCLYMONT, Varna 4376x4 Fort SALE -NEW SINGER SEWING machines, electric and treadle. Re- pairs to all makes. SINGER SEWrNG CENTRE, 78 Ontario St., Stratford- 4223-tf FOR SALE -FAIRBANKS -MORSE GEHL and Papec hammer mills, LETZ grind- e-.,, water systems, milkers and separe- tnra : New Idea and M.M. machinery, new .,reel" used machines. NEW IDEA DIS.. T11IBU7.ORS. Goderich, Ont. Phone, Car- low 28.21. 4877-8 Expositor Want Ads Bring Results. This month we do remember, A loving thought we give, To those no longer with us But in our hearts still live. -Ever remembered by daughter Mary 1578-1 and family. Births CRONIN-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov, 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Cronin. St. Columban, a son, 1)ARLING-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 23, to Mr, and Mrs. John Dar- ling, Dublin, a son. HENDERSON-At Stratford General Hos- rital. on Nov. 10. to Mr, and Mrs. John Hend•rson, 'nee Pearl Vock), RR • THE HURON EXPOSITOR IP - NOVEMBER 38195!' News Items of Hensall and District Mr. and Mrs. William Alexander, Miss Ruth Alexander, Mr, and Mrs. N. E. Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Alexander attended. the Alex- ander -Castle nuptials in London on Saturday, Nov. 17. The Town Hall was filled to ca- pacity Wednesday evening for a reception for 'Mr. and Mrs. Glen Weide (former Elaine Carlile), and a recent bridal couple. During the evening they were presented with a chesterfield suite, Ed. Corbett do- ing the honors. Desjardine orches- tra furnished the music for the dance. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Freeman, of Clinton; Mrs. William Smale, of Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs, Milton Willert, Hensall, motored to Toron- to over the week -end to visit with Mrs. Alfred Pearson, who is a patient at East Toronto General Hospital, and who underwent a critical operation last week. Al- though she is still very ill, she is doing as well as can be expected. C.:50g4r:VVe& TRADE MARK REG. adds life and, sparkle to any occasion TOYS! DOLLS! GAMES! and GIFTS! That All Will Appreciate - at - DALRM'PLE'S EGMONDVILLE Come in and see our New Stock. Open each day and evening until Christmas. EBERSOL Hammer Mill Embodies many special features, quiver screen. new type hammers of special tem- pered steel, with four different working corners on each hammer -less power re- noired. Specially designed hammers reduce friction, delivering chop to bin at lower temperature -three screens, easily changed for fine, medium, or coarse chop --sturdy rotor, mounted on a high carbon shaft with self ali,.ning ball bearings -the biggest lit- tle Electric hammer mill offered for sale. R. M. PECK Kippen PHONE: HENSALL 681 r 23 Seaforth, a son. CMr'rH-.Ar Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, R.R. 3, KiP.Pfn, a son. TROYER---At Clinton Community Hoapi- tal. on Friday, Nov, 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Troyer, R.R. 2, Hensall, a daugh- ter. A sister for Sandra and George. VIVIAN-At Scott Memorial Hospital- on Nov. 24, to Mr. and Mrs- Cameron Viv- ian, Staffa, a daughter. Deaths LF,THERLAND--In Toronto, on Thursday, Nov. 22, Julia Townsend Letherland, formerly of Tuekersmith, in her 88th Year. MALONE-In Hibbert on Tuesday. Nov. 27, Emily Armstrong, beloved wile of the late John Malone, McKillop, in her 85th year. Ford Tractor Owners YOU COULDN'T CHOOSE A BETTER TIME TO HAVE YOUR TRACTOR OVERHAULED and RECONDITIONED Telephone for Appointment DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Sales & Service Phone 102 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! - Any Style! - Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All at Regular List Price - Approximately 24 -Hour Service - GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS Brand New De Luxe Stylel'ne Sedan BRAND NF.W CHEV STYI,ELiNE '51 CHEV. DE LTTXE COACH - 8 000 iniles-$300 00 be'ow list '50 CHEV, DE LUXE ST1 LELINE SEDAN '50 METEOR COACH '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN 2-'49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS '49 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN SS tha '11 CHEV. COACH-Comp'etely reconditioned '49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH --$1,295.00 '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH - Custom radio 7 CHEV. SEDAN 41 'a; T14C SEDAN '10 PLYMOUTH COACH -Completely recon- ditioned '40 HUDSON COACH SPECIAL -'49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH - $1295.00 BRAND NEW CHEV. e'2 -TON PICK-UP A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. MANY OTHER MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73.X BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -- ONTARIO aThe'Horte of Better used Caren OPEN EVERY EVENING Mrs. Pearson is the former Edna Saundercock. Rev. John L. Fox, of Brandon, Man., was guest minister at Carmel Presbyterian Church Sunday last, and was a house guest with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bell. Mrs. Alfred Pearson, of Toronto, (nee Edna Saundercock, Hensall), underwent a serious operation in East Toronto General Hospital on Thursday last, and at date of writ- ing is doing as well as can be ex- pected. Mr. Ronald Mock, of the Huron - dale Dairy, who has been confined to his home through illness, is able to be out again, feeling much im- proved in health, this many friends will be pleased to Learn. Messrs, Bill Mickle, Norman El- liott and Roland Hughes, of the OA C, Guelph, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Laird Mickle and family. K1PPEN Mr, Lorne 'McBride, of Windsor, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McBride.. Mr. and Mrs, William Ferguson, of Thames Road, were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones. Mr. Alex McMurtrie spent sev- eral days last week in Chicago. where he attended the funeral of this uncle, the late Robert Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gackstetter attended the funeral of the latter's aunt, the late Mrs. Ethel Wilson, in Sarnia last week. Mr, and Mrs. H. Jones, Grant and Kenneth, visited on Sunday w'ibh relatives at Crediton. Jarrott Bros, held a successful auction sale of their Holstein cat- tle on Monday. The W.A. of St. Andrew's United Church served !fight lunches during the day. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sprung, of Londesboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt, ac companied by _Mr. and Mrs. Nor- :nan Dickert and Meryl, spent Sun - :'ay in Clifford. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Donaldson and their two sons. of Cargill, visited in Euchre - Dance Town Hall, Hensall FRIDAY NIGHT DECEMBER 7, 1951 Good Orchestra Good Prizes - BOOTH IN HALL Sponsored by Hensall Women's institute Admission 50c the village on a'Conday. Miss Etta Jarrett, of Toronto, has been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Catharine JarrotL Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Wren spent Sunday in London with their daughter -and son-in-law! Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith. Mr. Coleman has purchased Mr. Thonlras Butt's farm at Kippen_ Mr, and Mrs, John Woods and family and Mrs. Wm. Irvine visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. A. G. White, in Kingsville, over the week -end. CROMARTY A reception was held at Staffa in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie, who were recently married. Lloyd Sol•sdahl read an address and James Scott presented the guests of honor with a sum of money. Music for dancing was pro- vided by local talent. Lunch was served. Personals: Mr, and Mrs. John Wallace in St. Thomas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caddick; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Binning, Mitchell, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKellar; Mrs. Don Wallace, Seaforth, with Mrs. L. McKellar. The Young People's Society met The Friendly Few Farm Forum in the basement of the church on met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday evening with Mrs. R. Sad- John McDougall Monday evening ,er preby. The Scripture lesson with 24 present. After the discus - was pra readad by Margaret Walker and Sion period on "Culture Living in Prayer by Rev, R. Duncanson. Canada," progressive eucbre was Caroline Walker read a missionary played. First prize went to Frank story. Mrs. Duncanson gave an ac- 1 Riley and John McDougall; conso- count of Mr. Vinet's address. A lation to Mrs. Frank Riley and social evening was planned for the Fred Buchanan. Tile next meeting first Tuesday in December. will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Storey has returned • Mrs. Borden Brown. home accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Seboler, of Kincardine. Mr, Ted Storey spent the week- end at his home here. Miss Sarah McKellar is visiting in Detroit with Rev. R. H. W 1 - lianas and Mrs. Williams, also with Itoder:ck Park. Miss Dianne Houghton and Linda Jean Houghton spent the week -end in Mitchell with Irene and Audrey Kemp. with a short guessing contest. The minutes were read and 11 girls an- swered the roll call lay naming one accessory her bedroom needs. Bet- ty etty and Catherine Campbell showed how to make a record 'book. Mrs. Pryrce gave a short talk on how to place bedroom furniture, and Bet- ty Campbell gave a demonstration on 'bias binding. The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 10, at the home of Barbara Trewartha, The meeting closed with "God Save the King." Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dennis, of North Bay, are guests at their home in McKillop. The W.A. of Bethel Church will hold a social evening in S.S. No. 9 schoolhouse on Friday, Nov. 30, when Dr. E. A. McMaster will show flims on Mexico- CONSTANCE Mrs. Wilber Jewitt, who has been a patient in Scott Memorial Hospi- tal for some time, was able to re- turn to her home on Saturday. Mrs. Lavina Lawson, while visit- ing at the home of her son, Mr. Roy Lawson, Seaforth, had the mis- fortune to fall and fracture her hip. Mrs. Lawson was removed by am- bulance to Clinton Public Hospital. At the time of writing she is as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacDonald, of Staffa, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams. WINTHROP The Sunday School of Cavan Church will hold its annual Christ - max c;•nc rt in the church on Tues- day, Dec. 18. W;11 the Ladies please bl-ing candy? The W.M.S. and W.A. of Cavan Church will meet for their regular rose:ing on Wednesday, Dec. 5, at 2 p.m. The roll call will be a dona- tion of children's and babies' cloth- ing. soap, etc., to be sent to Korea. Circle 1 will have charge of the Program, and Circle 4 the lunch, McKILLOP The club girls met Monday eve- ning at trhe home of Catherine Campbell, The meeting opened NE W Hammer Mills In Stock And will Demonstrate at your Farm • Rowcliffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth CHRYCO CAR RADIO Give dad (and the entire family) hours of extra driving pleasure all year 'round. Installed quick- ly. Price? - well within your Christmas budget. CHRYCO SUN VISOR Add to dad's driving comfort with a custom-built Chryco sun visor: Smartly styled. Helps eli- minate road -glare. No drilling required. CHRYCO SEAT COVERS Dad will appreciate a set of these attractive, long lasting Chryco seat covers. They're easily installed, fit per- fectly, are easily cleaned- Budget priced! 'Chryco is a trademark of the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. Rowcliffe Motors Phone 147 Seaforth EGMONDVILLE Mrs. Ed. Brown was a recent hos- tess in honor of Miss Ruth Vincent, bride -elect of last week, when those who were present presented her with a tri -light lamp. Follow- ing a social hour, lunch was serv- ed. The regular November meet'ng of the W.A. and W.M.S. of Etrmond- ville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Elmer Stephen- son with 30 members present and three visitors, Mrs, W. A. Gard- iner had charge of the meeting and opened with a poem and pray- er. Hymn ,No. 252 was sung and No. 729 read responsively. Mrs. Gardiner read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. A. C. Routledge led in prayer. 'Ilhe roll call was answer- ed by subscr'.bing to the Mission- ary monthly, A bale of clothing is to be packed for Korea and all ex- penses for same to be taken out of the W.A. funds. A special col- lection was taken for the purpose of ordering and putting a copy of World Friends in each home. The treasurer's report showed the sum of $68 made at the bazaar. Mrs. E. Durst sang a very pleasing solo. This being the W.M.S. thankof- fering meeting, Mrs. (Rev.) Living- stone, of Winthrop, was the guest speaker, delivering a very interest- ing address. Mrs. D. Stephenson moved a vote of thanks to the speaker. A chorus entitled, "If Jesus Goes With Me, Pll Go Any- where," was sung by Mrs. Ivy Hen- derson, Mrs. J. Hay, Mrs. Forbes, Mrs. G. McGonigle, Mrs. E. Durst and Mrs. E. Stephenson, The tem- perance report was given by Mrs. E. Boyce and Mrs. J. Watson gave the report on Christian Steward- ship. It was decided that everyone would make candy for the Christ- mas tree bags. The December meeting is to be heeld at the home of Mrs. Roy McGonigle on Wednes- day. Dec, 12- Hymn No. 400 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer. A social half-hour was spent and lunch served by Group No. 3. BRODHAGEN Personals: Larry Nichol, of near Atwood, with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Art Nichol; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt in Detroit with Mr. and Mrs, Burnett; Miss Ordelia Wolfe has left for Detroit after visiting her mother, Mrs. Charles Wolfe; she was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Martin Diegel, who will visit in De:roit for a few days; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith with Mr. and Mrs..Jor'eph Klein, Detroit; Dalton. Hinz has returned home Irom Strat- ord Hospital after an operation; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hinz with the forrner's parents, Mr. and Mrs Dalton Hinz; Mr. and Mrs. William Querengesser with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Querengesser, Waterloo: Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice and family in Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. William Harloff, Doris and Rose Marie, Wartbirg. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harloff; Mr, and Mrs. John G. Hinz, Maureen and Winnifred in Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. John Arbuckle and Robby in Tor- onto, and Billy Arbuckle returned home with them after being a pa- tient in the Siclt Ohildren's Hospi- tal for almost a week; Mrs. Fred Querengesser, Toronto, with rela- t.ves here; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey' Koehler and sons, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kleber, Sr. A Smile Or Two What is now known as a high standard of living is a way of life in which you have enough gadgets to do away with the necessity for using either your band's or your brainst • Eloper (tapping on second -floor window): "Are you ready?" Other Eloper: Sh-sh! Not so loud or father'll hear you." Eloper: "That's O.K. He's down below holding the ladder," • A small boy with a penny clutch- ed tightly in his hand, entered a 1 toy shop. After a few minutes the proprietor, driven to distraction, after showing him most of the stock said: "Look here, my boy, what do you want to ibuy for a penny, the world with a fence around it?" Boy; "Let's see it." • "Why the coat collar turned up, old man? It isn't cold." TUPPERWARE Unbreakable Plastics ,have Pres- ents for Everyone, from Babies to Grandma! We have 50 -oz. juice eannisters, bread servers, ennniater sets, baby dish sets and lovely 6 -gauge plastic tablecloths. Look for the Tupper -Seal. It is the seal of quality. Please call collect, or come and see our display. MRS. F. L. MILLER PHONE 33-W - CLINTON 4878-4 "To bide the home knitted scan that hides the 7tollne-1lnjtted pun. over that hides the home knitted tie." Saccharin is derived from coat. tar. onewomimgmmummmimps CKNX BARN DANCE HENSALL TOWN HALL Sponsored by the Kippen East W. I. SATURDAY, DEC. 8th Doors open at 7:15 p.m. Program starts at 8 p.m., sharp. ADMISSION - 75c and 50e 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH -Good condition 1948 CHEV. SEDAN -Radio, sur, visor 1947 FORD DE LUXE COACH 1947 CHEV. COACH 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1938 CHEV. COACH 1933 CHEV. COUPE Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Phone 141 Seaforth CHRISTMAS BI Go Auspices Seaforth Branch Canadian Legion LOADS OF TURKEYS Get your Christmas Dinner and Spending Money at this Seasonal Bingo! Admission 1& Games 18 TURKEYS FOR REGULAR GAMES • THREE SPECIAL GAMES • 35-1b. Turkey, $50.00 and $25.00 Tuesday, Dec. iith SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Doors open 8 p.m. - ,,First Game 9 p.m. The Women's Auxiliary to Scott Memorial Hospital will make its Draw for a 20 -pound Turkey Findlay Table Top Range, Electric Slashed Prices for Christmas Regular SALE Moffat Range 264.00 238.00 Crossley Shelvador Refrigerator, 71/2 cu. ft-.--, 399.75 359.95 Norge Refrigerator with Defroster, 9 cu. ft., , . - 419.95 378.95 262.00 236.00 Norge Electric Range, Table Top 349.95 300.00 Findlay Combination Cook and Electric Range-- 353.00 300.00 All these Models have the Heavy Insulation and Enamel. Not the new thin-wall competitive types, CASH •lr'R.ICES. ■ G -I -F -T -S SUNBEAM MIXMASTER 59.95 POP-UP TOASTER 2195 PRESSURE COOKER 19.95 ELECTRIC DRILL, 1/2r 44.95 .50 SHEFFIELD TABLE KNIVES -6 for16.50 ELECTRIC TEA KETTLES 16.50 "A STORE FULL OF PRESENTS" Quality Goods With Quality Service CARVING SET -Stag Handi Geo. A. Sills St Sons Plumbing Hardware Heating