HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-11-23, Page 3`f r i sl; ry '•y tnflm ds. y;. NOV1MBER 23, 1951 Weekly News of Hensall • :At the monthly meeting of the - H , W .'l . held in the Legion rooms .on Wednesday night, Nov. 14, grandmothers were the ,guests of Honor. Mrs. G. Walker and Mrs. Stephenson were capable hostesses, ANDY CALDER Sole Agent for TONE CLEANERS AND DYERS • Laundry Service • Hat Blocking • Rug Shampooing ?Modern Cold Fur Storage WILL PICK UP EVERY DAY -Thursday pickups delivered Monday Monday pickups delivered Thursday PHONE 230 The president, Miss Phyllis Case, opened the meeting with words of welcome, after which the Ode, the Creed, and the Lord's Prayer were repeated. "When You and I Were Young, Maggie," followed. The min- utes were read, collection taken, and the roll call followed, "The best book I've read this year." "Mrs. W. B. Cross gave a most original motto, "The only old per- son is he who no longer desires to learn," which was thoroughly en- joyed by all. Many items of busi- Decorating • Wallpaper and • Painting ROBERT FINLAY PHONE 492 - SEAFORTH Office Girl EXPERIENCED WANTED IMMEDIATELY Shorthand Typing and Bookkeeping Necessary UP-TO-DATE OFFICE Apply Cook Bros. Milling Co. HENSALL Phone Day" 54 Night 63 FOR depend on afresh -mix" laying mash made with 'alientle EGBILDER o/p AIgilitiara.,, 4,0, IA ifillep..ao tow/ tl. i40Witei'g yin i,, 10 a' \/. 1 .1 1 1 1 GOOD EGG'PRODUCERS plus WELL-BALANCED FEED always bring top results. For a steady flow of egg money, feed your flock a "fresh -mixed" mash made at your local National Feed Dealer's from National Egbilder Concentrate, a carefully blended "Feed Mix" of 'Animal proteins, vitamins and minerals. This will keep your birds healthy, sleady producers of firm -shelled, top -grade eggs. KICK OUT THE IDLERS - KEEP ONLY THE BUSY BIRDS! Constantly cull out the poor layers -keep only the good producers. To choose the good layers among mature birds, look for these points: (I) HEAD -Clean-cut, lean; eyes bright; intelligent appearance. (2) ABDOMEN -Deep, soft, pliable with pubic bones thin, flexible, wide apart. (3) FEATHERING -Worn, broken, faded, dose feathered. (4) SHANKS -White, flat, thin. (5) BACK AND HEART GIRTH -Best layers are large birds with broad, long backs and bodies deep at heart and width carried well back. COUNT ON 1 See your NATIONAL Deafer today - Look for the bright Orange and Black sign. 9 J 'WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED INGERSOLL, ONTARIO ,Fertilize Your Crops with NATIONAL Well -Cured, Properly -Blended FERTI,U7 f ness were 'brought up. The secre- tary read a letter from J. A. Pat- erson, secretary -treasurer of Hen salt School Fair Board, eutpress1ng thanks, for donation of $50.00 re- ceived from the H.W.I., to aid the school fair prize fund- Thank -you letters from Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. M. Harvey and Mrs. A. Logan were read. No delegate represented H.W.I. at the London Area Convention, Oct. 23, 24 and: 25. At the last meet- ing eeting it was suggested that Mrs. Blackwell attend this gathering. In case this was impossible, it was voted that Mrs. J. McEwen be dele- gate. Both ladies were unable to attend. As our last minutes reported, the group was invited to the social evening in Seaforth on Friday night, Oct. 19, sponsored by the Seaforth W.I. Those who attend. ed had a royal time. We are in- debted to Miss Laramie and Mrs. Forrest for their work, also to Mrs. Appleby and Mrs. Anna Walker, who so kindly provided numbers. The subject of catering was dis- cussed. Owing to lack of equip- ment and facilities, it was decided to dispense with this idea. The ladies favor holding a euchre and dance in the near future. The following were named to complete arrangements: Set date, etc., Mrs. Bei Mrs. G. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Mousseau and Mrs. H. Horton. Miss Lammie and Mrs. Blackwell are in charge of arrangements for the December meeting. As former- ly, the roll call will feature a spe- cial collection from all members in aid of the London War Memorial Children's Hospital funds. Mrs. R. J. Paterson will provide a demon- stration. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren will bring the message, and Mrs. Sher- ritt will conduct Christmas carol singing, Mrs. J. A. Paterson, Miss Mary Ann and Miss Dianne Rannie ap- peared in costume and acceptably sang, "I'll Take Care of Your Grandma" and "Silver Threads Among the Gold." Miss M. Ellis favored with a humorous reading. The ladies were most fortunate in having as guest speaker on this occasion Mr. Gardiner, of Goderich, School Inspector of South Huron, who gave a stimulating address, choosing as his subject, "What We Are Doing in Schools in Education Today." Mrs. Anna Walker, in a pleasing manner, proposed a vote of thanks to all responsible for the excellent program. Mrs. C, Forrest express- ed thanks for the bank book re - TRADEMARK Rie. TRAVEL REFRESHED • ME HURON EXposrroR • Hay Council Has Meeting Hay Township Council meeting was held in the Tay Township Hall, Zurich, on Nov. 5, at 1:30 p.m., with all member present. The following motion's were pass- ed: That the minutes of the Get. 1 and Oct. 15 meetings be adopted as read. That we re -insure the Township Hall, Zurich, with J. W. Haberer for $2,000 and with E. F. Klopp for $2,000. That the cor- respondence from tffe Mills Control Board of Ontario, dated Oct. 29, re insertion of an ad in. the local paper, be filed. That Mrs. Carl Decker be charged $3.50 for hall rental on Saturdays for hours 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., and $2.50 fpr Tues- days, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., and if hall is used only once a week the charge to be $3.50. That Alphonse Masse be guaranteed $175.00 per month for the months of Decem- ber, January, February and March. In compliance with a request made by Fred Regier to have the, open portion of the Haberer Drain clean- ed' out, we hire a contractor to complete the work. In compliance with a request made by Lloyd Mc- Donald to have the McDonald drain cleaned out, we hire Lee Turnbull to complete bhe cleanout. The clerk was authorized to col- ceived by Sandra Joyce, also to the- members who had forwarded cards, etc. "Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem followed. The .hostesses and the committee in charge served delicious refresh- ments at the close. During the so- cial hour Mrs, A. Mousseau was awarded the prize for the grand- ma having the youngest grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kerr and Miss Betty Kerr, of Iron Bridge, spent the week -end with the for- mer's mother, Mrs, 3. L. Kerr, Sea - forth. Funeral of the Late Mrs. Fuss Private funeral services for the late Mrs, Caroline Fuss were held from the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adkins, of Hay Township, followed by a public service in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zurich. Inter- ment followed in St. Peter's Luth- eran cemetery, Rev. E. W. Heim - rich officiating. In her 93rdyear, Mrs. Fuss was the former Caroline Pfaff, being born and living all her life in the Zurich district, and was ill only one day, having been up helping with the housework. Mr. Fuss died some years ago. Sur- viving are five sons and two daughters: Mrs. Alfred Reickert, Hay Township; Mrs. W. Reickert, Zurich; Mrs. John Baker, Hay Township; Mrs. Henry Adkins, Hay Township: Mrs. Albert Hese, Zur- ich; Henry and .David Fuss, of Hay Township. Perfect tea is so easy to make with "SALADA" TEA SAGS Home & Building Repairs BRICK STONE STUCCO REPAIRS Chimneys Tuckpointed, Repaired and Built • Faulty Drafts Corrected Brick Walls Tuckpointed, Repaired, Refaced Fire Walls Built and Repaired Stone Walls Tuckpointed and , Repaired • RUP,AL WORK A SPECIALTY Have that stable wall repaired and eliminate these drafts that affect the health of your stock. • PROMPT ATTENTION TO ALL CALLS MONARCH MASON SERVICE Seaforth -Phone 386 Write P.O. Box 69 •• 4 l , I 0.1 Iect the Dennis Charrette weed cut- ting account from lots in Plan 19 as ordered by the Weed Inspector, W. R. Dougall, these accounts to be colleeted on the 1951 collectors' roll. The correspondence received from Blake Anglin, Osler and Cas- sels, solicitors for Wm. Proudfoot and Mrs. Isabel H. Jordan, regard- ing the St. Joseph property, be re- ferred to the township solicitor, F. Donnelly, K.C., for investigation and advice. Accounts for Hay Township roads, relief, Hay Municipal Tele- phone System, and Hay Township general accounts were ordered paid as per voucher. Township Roads -Peter Masse, 544.85; Alex Denomme, $57.85; Jas. Masse, $226.55; Alphonse Masse, $191.67; Frank Wildfong, 53.85; Gordon Beiber, $4.20; Ellis North- cott, 54.20; Don Mitton, $4.20; L. E. Turnbull, 5175.75; Drysdale Hardware, 54; Klopp's Hardware, 544.98; Fred C. Kalbfleisch, $103.52; Thief's Transport, 558; Sheridan Equipment, $47.78; Hess Radio Electric, 588.80; Stade & Weide), $6.25; Brenner's Garage, $2; Larry Snider Motors, $10.50; Ed.'s Imper- ial Sales & Service, 533; Supertest Corp., 565.40; Dept, of Highways, $33; Zurich Motors, $1.04). Relief -$8.90 Hay Telephone System - H. G. Hess, $2,107.0•; H. W. Brokenshire, 542.30; F. W. Morlock, 545; Treas- urer Township of Bosanquet, $30; F. Watson, 55; Automatic Electric Co., 5114.34; Northern Electric Co. $941,06; 3. • W. Haberer, $80; Bell Telephone Co., $1,487.22; Strom - ,berg -Carlson Ltd., 5464.41; Wes. Hugill, $20; Bruce Eagleson, $2.00; 11. W. Brokenshire, 5136.96; Bruce J. K1opp, $1.35; Hay Municipal Telephone System. $18; Treasurer Exeter District High School Board, 53,088.22; J. W. Haberer, 520; H. W. Broken=.hire, oil, 526.29; Mun- icipality of the City of London, $147.86; Bert Klopp, 52; Charles Rau, 510; Dennis Charrette, $42.50; Chas. Meyers, 52; L. H. Turnbull, 5133; W. Siebert, postage, $50.00; Douglas Dick, $2; Melvin Schlundt, 52; J. Brenner Estate, 53; Dr. T. P. Keast, 52; Ed.. Zimmerman, 52; Norman Gascho. 52; Gascho & Witmer, 52; Bedard ei Miller, 52; Fred Regier, 52; Hy. Eickmeier, 53; Con. Siemon. 55; Zurich Agricul- tural Society. 55; H. Neeb Estate, $5; Elroy Ds sjardine, $6; D. Fuss, 59; It. Fisher. $12; W. 'Grenier, $15; T. Steinbach, $20; Wm. Fores- ter, $17; J. De'chert, $13; J. Beech - ler, $12; Milne Rader drain deben- ture, 5191.96; Ed. Reichert drain debenture, 1521.82; Frieda M. Deichert drainsdebenture, $246.58; 3, W. Haberer drain debenture, 5294.08; Wm. Lawrence drain de- benture, $164.98; Hy. Steinbach, telephone debenture, 54; Geo. Arm- strong, $6; Earl Campbell. $6; Hay Stationery Co.. 522.32; Hay Munici- 'uQ Tele -phone System, 55,500.00. Special Meeting The Council of the Township of Hay held a special meeting Tues- day, Nov. 6, in the clerk's office. This meeting was held at the con- clusion of an inspection visit to Lee Jennison. Grand Bend, who had a snowplow for sale. The following motion was pass- ed: That we purchase a used Dominion Road Machine Co, snow- plow, 10 foot with wing and full hydraulic, equipment from Lee Jen- nison, Grand Pend, for 52,21)4), less 5500 trade-in allowance for the present plow and wing subject to ap- proval of the Departmelnt of High- ways. BRUCEFIELD 0 GOOD IL?Per.44%,;74,‘‘tkorlibP'H.--4-..=LHAP,i 1. e5 ',lr. and l.ii•s. Ross Scott spent the week -end in London. Mr, and Mrs. C. Christie attend- ed the wedding of their niece, Miss Dorothy Dodds, who was married The sympathy of the communLy extended to the fancily of the late Sant Thompson, who ;cased away in London on Monday of I.`Ws,t week. The ;tnnual autumn thankoffer,r.,; service of the W.M.S. was held on Sunday evening with Mrs. Grier -1 son, or Lonctesboro, as guest speak- er, whose address was on Korea. 'felling of the simple Korean peo- ple, she gave a graphic and inter- ( sting picture of their needs l.nd the conditions under which 'hey live. There was a very generous offering. J. • i Series F-IPickup G.V.W. 4700 lbs. ARE AN CK Series F-1 Noel G.V.W. 4700 Ib 0.1 1 trtlRarSTROMER••• /dt4groy Take your pick of this pair of husky, hustling Ford Trucks . . the strong, rugged F-1 Pickup -or the long, hand- some F-1 Panel ... and you've got your- self a truck you can depend on for years of outstanding trucking economy and durability. And these F- 1 Ford Trucks offer you the finest in driving ease with such outstanding features as the steering column gear shift. From these nimble half -tons... to massive 5 ton "Big jobs", every. Ford Truck in this year's thriftiest, most complete line in Ford 'rru'cking history has been truck -engineered for steady dependable performance - built stronger to hist longer. Drop into your nearby Ford Truck Dealer's soon and get all the facts on the Ford Truck to fit your hauling needs. FORD THEATRE...radio listening you'll enjoy , , , every Fnidoy night ... Dominion Network See yz -, Q WICK Dealer PO. *rie MOT ECONOMY Ford's famous Power Pilot is a fully: proved method of getting the most power from the least gas. It automatically meters and fires the right amount of gas at exactly the right instant to match constantly changing speed, load and power requirements. Cormpare these scrapes! 7 Series Ratings 12 Wheelbases -1;• Cab-Over-Engiate , 3 Great Ford "11 Mo2sfs < V-8 Engines S Ci.cke e:2 Cubs 'i . Most Complete _Sremenrd or Ford Truck line Deluxe Ever Offered iYayi.'6: er4nake;. DALY MOT RS Phone 102 - - - Seaforth, Ont. Mr. Adam Brown of the RICE LAKE FURS WILL BE AT THE Carol Lyn Shop Thursday, Friday and Saturday OF THIS WEEK WITH A BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF FUR COATS