The Huron Expositor, 1951-11-16, Page 4tt R 1 lassified Ads. 1 Classifi:.,l Ads Inserted, At New Low Cash Rates: FOR SALE, WANTED, LOST AND FOUND, ETC. -Per Word; First Week 1 Cent 2nd Week 34 Cent 3rd Week le Cent Minimum charge, each insertion25 Cents Each figure. initial and abbreviation counts as one word. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam Notices, Coming Events -1 cent per word. Minimum. 50 cents per week. Enquiries may be directed to a Box No., c/o The Huron Expositor, for 10 cents extra. Ten cents additional will be charged if ads in above class are not paid within 10 days of date of final insertion. Births, Marriages and Deaths inserted free of charge. Auction Sales, Notices to Creditors, Etc --Rates on application. • Coming Events DAZAAR - DUBLIN PARISH HALL; /� auspices Altar Society, 'i'uesday, Nov. 20th, from 3 to 6 p.m. Bingo, 5:30 p.m. 4376-1 VE GOOD OLDE 'TME BARN DANCE at the Crystal Palace, Mitchell. every Friday night. You too will enjoy dancing at this Popular Ballroom. Dancing 9:30 to 12:30. Admiasion 50 cents. 4375x2 Notices WILL THE PERSON WHO CALLED AT Charles Addicott•s house in answer to his ad, please call again in the morning. 4376x1 NOTICE --ORDERS TAKES! FOR CAP - ons. Will be ready in two weeks. HENRY ENZENSBERGER. Phone 839 r 25. Seaforth. 4376-2 RADIO REPAIRS -FOR ALL KINDS f radios. at TERRY'S RADIO RE- PAIR. opposite Dick House, Seaforth. Phone 347-R. 4363-tf CLERK'S NOTICE Of Fii•st Posting Of Voters' List Town of Seaforth NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have complied with Section 9, of the Voters' Lists Act, and I have posted up in my office. in Seaforth, on the 9th day of November, 1951. the list of all per- sona entitled to vote in said Municipality for' members of parliament and municipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspection.' And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. the last day of appeal being the 23rd day of November, 1951. f). H. WILSON. Clerk of the Town of S.aforth. 4375-3 CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of Voters' List Township of McKillop NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have Complied with Section 9, of The Voters' List Act, and that I have posted at v Office atLot 27,Con. - McKrl- m U e up +,,, _ h dayof ov �1951. ]•�p. the i t N tmtber. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the szrjd. Municipality at Municipal Elec- tions. and that such list remains there for inspection. Lost and Found T OST -A BLACK FOUNTAIN PEN with Old band, Tuesday, in the Post Ullict'. Finder please contact ii. VAN ROOIJEN. c, u Scott Memorial Hospital. 4376x1 Property For Sale roR SALE --A FRAME COTTAGE WITH five rooms. sun porch, back shed and hardwood doors; basement. and a good henhouse. Apply to MRS. DAVID STEPH- ENSON, Egmondville, or Phone 4 - 666. 4376x2 Wanted WANTED -PAIR OF GIRL'S FIGURE skates. size 3. PHONE 839 r 25. Sea - forth. 4376-1 WANTED TO RENT- A 3 or 4 -ROOM apartment. Apply to Box 95. HUR- Kenneth Jones, who passed away UN EXPOSITOR. 4376x1 November 14. 1950, 437651 --Husband and Family. WANTED -200 BALES OF STRAW. Apps: to WILLIAM WELSH. R.F. 2, _ -. Walton. Phone 831 r 11. Seaforth. 437651 II • 'THE HURON EXPOSITOR • News Items of Hensall and District (Continued from Page 1) Goodwin had ordered the police uniform for E. R. Davis, the same to be delivered as soon as possible. Nomination meeting will be next Friday nigtht from 7 to 8 p.m. Nom -1 inations will be for reeve, four councillors. three public school' trustees a11d one P.U.C. commis -1 sinner. if an election is neces- sary it will be held December 3. Kippen East W.I. are bolding •family night' at the Legion Hall, Friday, Nov. 30. Husbands and chil- dren are to be the special guests. Turkey will be the main course for the banquet, Pte. Tom Peters, Queen's Own Rifles Regiment, 27th Battalion, Val Cartier, Que., is spending his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peters. He expects to leave for overseas shortly for a two-year period. Mr. Frank Wood left this week for the West Coast to spend the winter with his daughter and son- in-law, Mr and Mrs'. Arthur 1 -lard - wick, at Ganges on Salt Spring Is- land. Messrs. Howard Smale, Jack Boa, Roy Smale, Paul Boa and Frank Harburn were at Greenoch Swamp the first part of this week enjoy- - ing a hunting trip. Jack Boa shot a deer on \Monday. Mrs. Geo:ge Hess is visiting with FOR SALE -- 2 PAIRS OF GIRLS'Fuer daughter and son-in-law, Mr. skates with white hoots, size 3 and 6. olid Mrs. J. L. Mc -Cloy and Kathy', PRONE 839 r 25, Seaforth Toronto. 4376.1 • Mr, and Mrs. Robert Reid, Tees - water, spent the week -end with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid, Jerry and Allan. Mrs, F. Manns left Sunday to spend the winter months with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and Donald, Toronto. Mrs. L. Simpson. who has been spending several weeks with mem- bers of her family in Detroit. re- JONES- IN LOVING MEMORY OF MRS. turned home this week. Ed. Dick, Ernie Harburn. Nor- man Harburn and Henry Harhurn. of Cromarty, and Louie Buc'slli. of Detroit, are deer hunting in ii:'uc•e County. Henry Harburn shot a deer the first day. Soldan H. and chil- dren, John dren, Pat and Mike,' are in Toron- to this week. Mr. Wilfred Weido returned Sun- day to his home in Zurich after un- dergoing an operation in Clinton hospital. For Sale MY HAND -MADE HANDLES ARE satisfying the people wherever they go, as they come bask from all directions for another supply. All lengths ane slzes, on hand, for axes and all kinds of ham- mers. Inserted free if wished. From any experience in building and roofing for many years. I know what is required in handles. Since an accident 1 make a hob- by of this kind of work. JOHN ELDER. Hensall. 437651 In Memoriam Cards Of Thanks AN PI 5SIZE. 4 TED-- G ANY _ T ALL WISH THANK ALL THE W _I I H TO KIND times, especially chunks: or, if look friends and neighbors for the lovely ing for pigs, don't forget to phone H. cards. fruit and flowers sent to me while McJLWAIN, 3S9 -W, Seaforth. a patient in Victoria Hospital, and since 1374x1 coming home. 43-651 FLORENCE BEATTIE Help Wanted WANTEP -LADY TO STAY WITH elderly woman st nights. Apply to CHARLES ADDICU'fl', Gederich St. East 5.aforth. 4376-1 TEACHER WANTED ATTRACTIVE, BRIGHT. N E W L Y- e •uippc•d rural school. 3 miles south of Clinton: putils 74: Grade: 1 to 5. will have t. a,:her varaney after Christmas hall. day. Good salary for qualified teacher State experience and references. W. P. ROBERTS. Sec. -Tres. Tuckersrnith School R.R. 3, Seaforth, Ont. • MR. E. C. CHA?MLBERLAIN WISHES TO express his sincere thanks for the many cards and treats sent him while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital. and :retial thanks to the nursing staff of the hospital. 187651 THE F.AM1LY OF THE LATE ROBERT Porterfield wish to thank their rela- tives. neighbours and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy extended to them during their reeent sad bereavement: also `or the beauti`ui floral tributes: special thanks to Rev. D, A. MacMillan, Dr. J. A. Corwin. Whitney Funeral S'r:ice, Mr. and \urs, Jas. A. Stewart. and to all who Moaned their cars. 437651 Births Area' II:UNTIIRON-Mr. and Mrs. Harald Bon- 1,i76thron. Hensall. announce the arrival of their daughter at Clinton Hospital, on Tuesday, No:. 13. 1951, A sister for I'rvan and Bevan. ;CASE -1n Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov, 15. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. FOR RENT -OFFICE SPACE IN THE Case in. Betty Dale). of Streetsville, a Dominion Bank Building. Apply to '!'CHAR\ •he Manager. 4349-11 't'CHAR\IE--At Scott Memorial Gco. 1 tal on Nov. 13, to Mr_ and Mrs. Geo. • 1 Ducharne, R.R. ? Dublin a daughter. FUR RENT --- THREE-ROOM APART- :L,t?R12AY At Scott Memorial Hospital, on merit in Royal Apartment Block. Ap- Nov. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ply at OKE'S BILLIARDS, Seaforth. 4376-1 For Rent And I hereby call upon all voters to : ST.conveniencRENT-HOUSE ON JARVIS T. take immediate proceedings- to have any FOR .rt rooms: modern AF VIS errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the !nom lute possession. Apply to 'f0R- 26th day of November,' 1951. RANC'E DUNDAS. Walton. Phone 90 r 5, Brussels. 4376-1 J. M. ECKERT. Clerk of McKillop Township. 1 • Poultry CLERK'S NOTICE Of First Posting Of FUR SALE --100 PUI-LEI'S, LAYING. MANSEL COOK, R.R. 1, Londeshoro. 4376x1 Voters' List PURCELL-In St. Mary's Hospital. Lon- pULLETS FOR SALE --1.000 PULLETS. ,Ion, on Tuesday. Nov. 13, Margaret VOTERS' LIST, 1901, TOWNSHIP OFP>arred Rusk Purceil, in her 84th ye,ar. X New Hampshire and Clennan. beloved wife of the late James H. TUCKERSMITCOUNTY OF HURON 1o'ivht Sussex X New Hampshire. These re good healthy, strong stock, three NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT I months old. Theymust be sold shortly t have complied with Section 9 of The lnal.e room for new hatch, A rcal bar- Votrrs' Lists Act, I951. and that I have `sin a[ 51.1)0 each. F. W. .ANDREWS, posted up at my office at Tuckersmith, on the f+'h day of November. 1951, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munirirality at municipal elections• and that s ;eh list r,mains there for inspec- tion. !SKINNY MEN. WOMEN! GAIN 5 TO And I hereby call upon all voters to oke !SKINNY I ; Ib'. New pep. too. Try famous imm diate proceedings to have any oafs- Ogre'x Tonic Tablets for double result': sfons or errors corrected according to law, new healthy flesh; new vigor, New "get the last day for appeal being the 23rd I ae' uainted- size ONLY 60c. All, drug- . day of November, 1951. I gists. Murray. R.R. 5. Seaforth. a son. McL,AGHLAN--At Scott Memorial Hospi- tal on Nov. 8. to Mr, and Mrs. R. E. 4lcLachlan. R.R. 3, Kippen, a son. 3.1cNAB-In Stratford General Hospital. on November 11, 1951. to Mr. and Mrs. Ross McNah, of 127 Caledonia St., a dau•^htt•r. i' F•1'PER-At Scott Memorial Hospital, on Nov. 13. to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pep- per. R.R. 5, Clinton. a son. Congratulations are extended to Beth Goddard, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Goddard, of Hensall, who was awarded the Snelgrove trophy for junior piano solo at the Sirith Huron Music Festival, held alt Exe- ter last week. Beth is a pupil o' Miss Greta Laramie of Hensall,- Solves Aumbulance Problem Stratford General Hospital Board made public Friday evening at their meeting that Stratford has. solved their ambulance problem. Mr. William B. Taylor, 23, of Hen- sall, is instituting a private ambul- ance servihe in Stratford and will operate in close co-operation with Stratford General Hospital. He ex- pects to have the ambulance +tiler• ating within the next few days and for the first month will receive the assistance of the hospital staff. Mr. Taylor has purchased a new side loading type ambulance, which when fully equipped, will be valued at $6,500. It will bring to Stratford the most efficient ambulance se: -- Lice the city has ever seen. and will operate on a 24-hour service. Pure wh'te it is fitted with all the late -;t equipment, including oxygen The following taggers report a splendid response when they made - a house-to-house canvass. selling Deaths Clinton, Ont. Phone 33. 4376x2 Personals DATED this 9th day of Novemuet, 1931. HYGIENIC SUPPLIES IR UBBER G• -"ds1mailed p.etpaid 'n plain. sealed E. P. CHESNEY, envelope with price list 6 samples 25e: Clerk of Tuckcrsmith. 24 samples 51.00 Mail -Order Dent T-78 4375-22 NOVA -RUBBER CO., Box 91, Hamilton Ont.. Notices To Creditors Livestock Wanted NOTICE to CREDITORS FREE ^tfERMOM lPLTS at ` farm for ea disabled horses or c,w•s. Phone collect Wm. Sproat. .Sea'nrth r 2. W!LI-IAM S'rt.•NE SONS. Limit'd. 4373-t' In the Estate of HENRY KOEHLER A LL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of Henry Koehler, late of the Township of McKillop. in the County of Huron. Retired Farmer. deceas- ed. who died on the 11th day of Septem- ber. 1901are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the andersi•mrd on or before the 23rd day of November. 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. DAD to'D at Seaforth, this 30th day of October, 1951. McCONNELL Bt HAYS. Seaforth. Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. NOTICE HORSES WANTED. O.LD OR yo:.n,g: highest pric<s Haid. Also soars and any disabled cattle, such as !Whining nr chokes not suitable for ship- : itt" for mink feed. Will pay more thar i-rtilizer pries. Call H. McILWAIN Phone 389-W Seaforth. 437454 Auction Sales 'C'OMMUNITY AUCTION SALE IN THE Dick House Barns, Seaforth, on Sat- lurdnt'. November 10th. at 1:30 p.m.. con- i. -ting of livestn-k. implements furniture. 43744 etc. Anyone wishing to put stock in this sale may do so. FRANK 711A1.ONEY, Manager. George St.. Seaforth: Harold NOTICE to CREDITORS 'lankeon. Auctioneer. 4375-1 In the Estate of JAMES O'REILLY A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the Estate of James O'Reilly, FOR SALE -1 PAIR OF TUBE SKATES late of the Town of Seaforth, in the with white boots, size 1: good condi- County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- tion. PHONE 93. 4376-1 ceased. who died on the 6th day of ' October, 1901, are hereby notified to send FOR SALE -A COOK STOVE. PRIN. in full particulars of their claims to the cons Fat. 920.00. PLIONE 651 r 24, undersigned on or before the 23rd day of Seaforth. 4376x1 November, 1901. after which date the assets will be distributed. having regard FOR SALE --TABLE TURNIPS AT 50c only to claims then received. 11 a hag, BASIL PURCELL.. Market DATED at Seaforth, this 29th day of SL 4376x1 October, 1951. For Sale McCONNELL & HAYS, Seaforth, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. 4:374-8 NOTICE to CREDITORS 'FOR SALE 60 YORKSHIRE PIGS. lust weaned. THOMAS P. MORRIS. Sta Ira. 43761 Ij'OR SALE -- ELECTRIC WASHING machine. in good shape C. H ADD1- COTT, Goderich St. East. Seaforth. 4376-1 FOR SALE -1 WINGHA.M COOK STOVE in the Estate of GEORGE WOSZCZFNSKI with pipes noel water front, in good rondition. Apply MRS. J. C. OR1011. A L L PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS 4376x1 against the Estate of George Woszczynski. late of the Township of QTRAYED APPLES FOR SALE - SPY. Grey. in the County of Huron, Farmer, King. Snows Tillman Sweet Russett deceased, who died on the 16th dos of Maclntosh, etc. Phone Clinton 613 r 24. October, 1951, are hereby notified to Fiend FRED McCLYMONT. Varna_ in full particulars of their olairna to the 487654 undersigned on or before the 23rd day of November, 1951, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only 10 elating then received. DATED at Seaforth, this Stith dao` Of October, . 1951. McCONTi1 `1'' 1* 1d113fg, Solo,t�, 11111" 5o'licito a or ,the tate. 411$44 '1'On SALE -41 PiGS SEVEN WEEKS old; 1 Tartivrorth boar, serviceable one. Apply LESLIE PEPPER. R.R. 4, Walton. Phone 848 r 2+2, Seaforth. 4815-1 Bi elft SMISI-.2311W SINGER SEWING maeltletet, electric and treadle. no, crfJin c'> 'C1;'h , 8 Ontarioo Al S� brrd SEWINGOlgt 1 11 1111 111 1111 11111 1111111,,116111111,111:111 .JUNIOR FARMERS' DANCE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, Nov. 23 • Desjardine's Orchestra tl� 1 t �6rl�l�l!�9�11!ml�lf�'�,�(I(�I(�lllllt�➢ 11,11111111111111R1111111 poppies 011 Saturday last: Mrs, Byran Kyle, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. .1. Drysdale. Mrs. E. Dick, Miss Elaine Beer, Miss Judy Shaddirk and F. J. Appleby. Following were the prize winners at the monster bingo held in the Legion Hall. Exeter, Friday, Spon• sored by the Exeter branch of ,he Canadian Legion. The $5110 jack- pot was not won in fifty numbers. but a consolation of $200 was sou by Pete Leppart. Mitchell; $1(10.00. Mrs. Jack Bourn. Mitchell; $50, Len McKnight, Exeter; $50 was sha,'e1 by Mrs. Norman Norry, Gairnet Shipman and Eric Heywood, Exe- ter. Of interest to local people to know is that the co -designer and builder of the first Cobalt bomb in- stalled at Victoria Hospital. Lon - 'on. for the treatment of cancer, is Roy Errington, of Ottawa, atomi9 specialist_ and a former Goderieh boy, where his parents still reside. Evening Auxiliary Meets Mrs. B. Kyle and Mrs. R. Mock were hostesses for the monthly meeting of the Evening Aubiliary which place in took othe United liberal Meeting Community Hall ZURICH Wed., Nov. 21st 8:30 p.m. In the interests of JOHN W. ARMSTRONG WITH AL CADEAU President Central Ontario Liberal Association A. E. NELSON, Stratford and Senator W. H. Golding A. Y. McLean, M.P. Margaret McMillan Whyte F. Fingland, K.C. AND THE CANDIDATE DENNIS P. BEDARD, Chairman (Published by the•Huron L:b'ere] Association) IVAN KALBFLEISCH, Zurich W. G. COCHRANE, Exeter President Secretary "GOD SAVE •THE KING" 0. -4111110, Church on Monday night. Mrs. J. Blackwell, president, opened the meeting with the theme song and the hymn, "Lord Of the Lands," An inspiring worship service was led by Mrs. J. -Drysdale, assisted by the following. who read Scrip- ture passages: Mrs. Scone, Mrs. J. Simmons and Mrs. L. Hay. The Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni- son. The hymn, "O Holy City, Seen Of John," followed. The minutes were read, followed by roll call and collection. During the business session Mrs. Blackwell reported on the Presbyterial meeting at Thames Road. The treasurer, Mrs. P. McNaughtop, read the financial report. It was disclosed that the results of operating booth at the Rowcliffe sale were encouraging. The next meeting will take the form of a Christmas party. Mrs. Scane and Mrs. Rogers are hostess- es. A film will be shown. Members favor the exchange of gifts, valued at 50 or 75 cents. Mrs, H. McEw- en, Mrs. S. Rannie, Mrs. L. Chap- man and Mrs. J. Drysdale were ap- pointed a nominating committee to prepare a new slate of officers, same to be presented at tthe next meeting. Layette articles were received from the members. It was decided to have these items sent with the W.M.S. bale for shipment to Korea. The Evening Auxiliary voted to pay all freight charges in this connection. Mrs. L. Chapman. in charge of the study review, very capably dealt with the assigned chapters. Her assistants were Mrs. S. Ronnie and Mrs. H. McEwen. The meeting concluded with the v Dominion less' hymn. "Our Loved m mon B Do and the Mizpah benediction. Mrs. J. Corbett conducted two contests. Delicious refreshments brought the largely attended meeting to a close. Hunters Have Their Troubles Hunters from Hensall and dis- trict who left Monday for Green- och Swamp, report good success. On their first day of hunting two hunters shot a deer each. One ex- citable hunter from Hensall bor- rowed a gun and purchased his shells, and when he arrived in the bush he discovered to his dismay' that the shells were not the right gauge for his gun. so he had to play caddy all day, with deer very close to him at times, One hunter from Cromarty, who wife had gone to the trouble of dressing and roasting a. 20 pound turkey, went away without it. and some of the hunters forgot their shaving kits. Some of the local hunter's have to sleep in the'r cars in the bush. rooms being not available owing to the influx. ---of hunters. The Women's Missionary Society of Carmel Presbyterian Church convened 'n the schoolroom of the church Thursday afternoon for their November meeting. The pro - _lam and meeting were arranged by Mrs, Malcolm Dougall. Mrs. J. Forrest read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. B. Edwards offered pray - r. Miss Dora Alar real the story of the hymn, "Blest Be the re That, Binds." after which the hymn was sung. President Mrs. C. S. Hudson- i'lesided for the busi- ness meeting and gave an account of the executive meeting held in Clinton. Plans were made for the Christmas meeting at which meet- ing the election of officers will be held and tea served. Mrs, M. Dou- I gall presented the topic from the study book and read a letter fr-,n1 a missionary in FormoFa. The meet- ing concluded with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer, CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Howard Eves left on Wednesday for their home at Moose Jaw after visiting for two weeks with Mrs. Eves' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing, and with her brother, Bob. Mr. and Mrs, Calder McKaig vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hocking in Mitchell. Mrs. Ted Storey is holidaying at the home of her parents in Kin- ,•aidine, while Mr. Storey is taking .n electric welding course in To Tonto. Miss Sarah McKellar is visiting th Mr. and Mrs.t M 1 im co McKel- lar '.n Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Scott, Mrs. Grace Scott and Shirley visited on Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank Carnet; in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kemp and Audrey. of Mitchell. visited Mrs. Houghton on Sunday. The Marion Ritchie meeting was held on Thursday in the basement of the church, with Mrs. Lloyd Mil- ler presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Andrew McLach- lin. followed with prayer by Mrs. Milier. The topic on Remembrance Day. "How We Remember. in Can- ada," was given by Mrs. Calder Mc Kaig. Plans were made for the bazaar and other business items were also discussed. The meeting closed by re-ieating the Lord's Prayer in unison. WINCHELSEA .- Mrs. Walters, of London, spent the week -end wttb Mr. and Mrs Fred Walters. A number of relatives and friends of the late Luther Oake at tended his funeral at Exeter on Monday. Mrs. W. F. Batten s'pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, Exeter. Mr. Eltwyn Kerslake is all smiles these days -it's a boy. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten, of Exeter. visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Batten. We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. Charles Upshall, of Gran - Mother (horrified) : "Good Heav- ens! Kissing a man. You never saw me do a thing like that!" Daughter: "No, but I'll bet grandma did!" Wu, who passed away in St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London, on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clarke spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Wright, of Crediton. TUCKERSMITH Mrs. Harry :(I. Chesney and Mrs. Alex Chesney and daughter, Mar- garet, were in Toronto attending the Ice Capades and Royal Winter Fair this week. Observe Fiftieth Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alex Souter, well- known residents of the Mill Road, marked the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on Monday, Nov. 12. Mrs. Souter was the former Janet Ramsay, of Walton. They were married by Rev. McNab. of Wal- ton, and lived in McKillop follow- ing their marriage. They came to the Mill Road thirty-five years ago. Mr, and Mrs_ Souter have a fam- ily of two sons, William, of Van- couver, B.C., and James, at home, and two daughters, (Isabel) Mrs. Alex York, of Perth, and (Flora) Mrs. Orrin Howson, of Varna. One son, Jack, died in 1931_ During the day they were pres- ented with beautiful flowers and other suitable gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Souter are not enjoying the best of health. STANLEY The annual meeting of Stanley Township Federation of Agricul- ture was held in the Township Hall, Varna, on Thursday, Nov 8 The evening commenced with a turkey supper, served by the lad- ies of the W.A. of the United Church to about 200 guests. Mr, Alvin Rau, president of tdle Federa- tion, took charge of the meeting Minutes of the last annual meeting were read and adopted and finan- cial report given. Mr. Delbert Geiger, president of the Hay Township Federation, con- ducted the election of officers, which resulted as follows: Presi- dent, Alvin Rau; vice-president, Anson McKinley; Leo Bedard, No. 1, Sep.; Jack Scotchmer, No. 4 W.; Birt Dunn, Jr., No. 4 E.; Elgin Porter, No. 3; Floyd Armstrong, No. 3; Clarence Parke, No. 9; El- mer Hayter, No. 13; Gordon John- ston, No. 7; Harvey Hayter, No. 6; Alex McBeath, No. 14; Jack Taylor, No. 16; Vic Taylor, No. 1. The guest speaker, Mr. Cameron McTaggart, of Glencoe, introduced by Anson McKinley, gave a very fine and inspiring address on 4 C's Cottage or Castle (Homes), corn- munity, church and country. The program also included several num- bers by the Paul Bros., of Kirkton; Misses, Denomme, Laporte and F. Overholt. The meeting wag brought to a. close by singing the national an- them, and all those present felt that it had been a very enjoyable and successful evening. KIPPEN Mr. and Mrs, Pat Curran, of Lon- don, were week -end guests of their grandmother, Mrs. McClymont, who returned home with them, having been away for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cudmore and family, of London, visited bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Cud - more. on Sunday. We are pleased to report Mr. Sinclair is able to be out again. having not been well of late. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hutchin- son, of St. Thomas, spent the week end with their brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mel - lis. Mr. Emerson Kyle, Bill Belt, Campbell Eyre, Lloyd McLean and Elzar Mousseau are spending a FOR SALE FIVE -ROOM HOUSE, three-p'ece bathroommodern kitchen; excel-. lent condition; good barn. George Street. Immediate possession. SEVEN -ROOM HOUSE with' a- piece Bathroom in good condition, Two Lots. Fruit trees, raspberry and strawberry plants. Prompt possession can be given. Gal -,I&2. Alsohousee 1 good on Centre St. ALSO OTHER PROPERTIES E. C. CHAMBERLAIN Insurance & Real Estate SEAFORTH : ONT. PHONES: Res. 220, Office 334 week in the north, deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butt at- tended the wedding of a niece in Flint, Michigan, on Saturday after- noon. fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McConachie and family have moved to Centra- lia. Mr. and Mrs. Dickert and Meryl spent Sunday in Clifford with rela- tives, Mrs. Dickert remaining for a few days. We are sorry to Learn of Mrs. Harvey Damm, formerly of Kippen, is ill at present, and trust for an early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Johnson and family spent Sunday with the Tat- ter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dayman. We are indeed sorry to hear of Mrs. Edgar Butt's illness and hope her health may be restored soon. eel 111: Si • NOVEMBER 16 1951 The Late Samuel Thom.;Cal Mr. Samuel Thomson, of neat Brucefield, died in --Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Monday, Nov, 12„ in his 78th year. He was born is Hay Township, a mile south of Kippen, on the old Thomson hopae- stead. His wife, the late Susan, Taylor Thomson, predeceased biota some four years ago. He is surviv- ed by three sons and one daugh- ter: Sydney, of Parkhill; Elgin, of Brucefield; Lloyd on the home- stead, and Edna (Mrs. Manson),_ of London; also one brother, Robert_ of Kippen, and a sister, Mrs. Work- man, of Hensall. The funeral was held from Bonthron's funeral hom6, on Wewnesday at 2 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Maine, of Brucefield United Church, of which Mr. Thomson was a member, conducted the service. Interment was in Baird's cemetery_ MONSTER BINGO TOWN HALL, HENSALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th 9 'p.m., sharp $500.00 1N CASH Jackpot--$150.00-Must Go That Night! Three Specials - $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 15 ROUNDS AT $15.00 EACH Admission $1.00 - Extra Cards and Specials, 25c SPONSORED BY LEGION AND LADIES' AUXILIARY Used Cars 1949 CHEV. FLEETLINE DE LUXE COACH -Good condition 1947 FORD DE LUXE COACH: 1947 CHE'V. COACH 1947 CHEV. SEDAN 1946 CHEV. SEDAN 1939 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 1938 CHEV. COACH 1933 CHEV. COUPE USED TRUCKS 1948 CHEV. 1/2 -TON TRUCK 1948 CHEV. 2 -TON STAKE Seaforth Motors Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Phone 141 Seaforth Let Us Prepare Your CarNOW t FOR COLD WEATHER Prestone, Ford and White Rose PERMANENT ANTI -FREEZE Pyro and Hot Shot Alcohol Ford and Williard Batteries Firestone and Dunlop Tires COMPLETE GREASING SERVICE We'll change your oil and grease to correct Winter Grade while you wait. A good stock of Heaters, Defrosters, Steer- ing Wheel Covers, Snow Tires and Chains NOW IN STOCK DALY MOTORS Ford - Monarch Dealer Phone 102 Seaforth BRAND NEW CARS Any Make! - Any Style! - Any Color! FORD CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE BUICK PONTIAC METEOR All at Regular List Price - Approximately 24 -Hour Service - GUARANTEED SERVICE ALSO G.M.C. CHEVROLET FORD MERCURY TRUCKS USED CARS Brand New De Luxe Styleline Sedan BRAND NEW CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN '51 CHEV. STYLF.LINE SEDAN '50 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDAN '50 METEOR COACH '50 PONTIAC DE LUXE SEDAN 2-'49 CHEV. DE LUXE STYLELINE SEDANS '49 CHEV. STYLELiNE SEDAN '41 CHEV. COACH '49 CHEV, STYLELINE COACH -$1,295.00 '48 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH - Custom radio '47 CHEV. SEDAN '47 PONTiAC SEDAN '40 PLYMOUTH COACH '37 CHEV. COUPE SPECIAL -'49 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH - $1295.00 BRAND NEW CHEV. %-TON PICK-UP A written guarantee for 60 days on all late model cars. Someof these Cars are on display at the SUPERTEST SERVICE STATION, SEAFORTH. For further information, contact the lessees. MANY OTHER MODELS 740 CHOOSE FROM PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS MOTORS BRUSSELS -.--- "The Home of Better Used Corsi r6 ONTARIO OPEN EVERY EVENING 1