HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-28, Page 8ecialize in r?l. ,, AUTOMOBILE, CASUALTY, GUARANTEE BONDS • ArCIDENT AND SICKNESS BURGLARY AND WINDSTORM Representing Companies who give Security with Service. ALSO AGENTS FOR ONTARIO TR NHERMAN'S MUTUAL FIRInformation gladly given. WATSON & REID 'M. A. REID - Proprietor Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 214 SEAFORTH FOR SALE Two Apartment Dwellings on Centre Street, with modern con- veniences. One apartment is vac- ant. Suitable for purchase under V.L.A. Comfortable six -room Dwelling In Winthrop; 1/3 acre land, with small early fruit trees. Several other Choice Dwellings also listed. Modern Cottage with furnace and garage. Early possession. Dwelling, Victoria St. Modern conveniences. Possession arrang- ed" Modern dwelling, Village of Dub- lin. Immediate possession. . Modern Cottage, Goderioh St. East. Close to church and school. Possession arranged. Six -room House, with four acres; suitable for purchase under V.L.A. Early possession. ate NEWS OF TILE TOWN Announcement.—The engagement is announced of Virginia May Me• Clinchey, daughter of Mr. Carl Me- Clinchey, of Kippen, to Mr. Murray Gordon Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalton, Walton, the marriage to take place October 6. M. A. REID 31EAL E84r'ATE PHONE 214 LEMON'S TAXI AU Passengers Insure! PHONES: 1624 or 162-W Announcement. — Mr. and Mrs. W. C. OKE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Representative for Excelsior Life Insurance Co. PHONE 670 r 3 — SEAFORTH !Peter E. Maloney, of McKillop, an- nounce the engagement of their t3augJ ter. Teresa Loretta, Reg.N., to Harold Mederak, of Kitchener, the marriage to take place at 10 am., Saturday, October 6, at St. Columban. RADIO REPAIRS Gordon Wilson Graduct. e1 Radio Colleg..1 Canada PHONE 29 Or leave Radio at Shell j Service Station 1 111111.1111111, Pr Modern Hawaiian GUITAR CLASSES NOW FORMING For Saturday afternoons — 1 to 6 Guitars loaned free of charge. HENRY PULSIFER Instructor ORD ST. - SEAFORTH, ONT. NOTICE Mae Lane Auxiliary Meeta.—The September meeting of the Mae Lane Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening in the school room of Northside 'United Church. Mrs. Snell, first vice-president, opened the meeting with a poem. Hymn 388 was sung and Mrs. E. H. Close led in prayer. A business discus- sion followed. Mrs. A. W. Sillery, captain of Circle 1, conducted the remainder of the meeting, and read the Scripture from the Book of Deuteronomy. Hymn 511 was sung and Psalm LXXII was repeat- ed in unison. Mrs. J. M. Scott led in player. The double quartette of the Glee Club from the High School favored with a delightful number, which was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Kellar very ably introduced the new study book on Home Mis- sions in Canada. Hynin 510 was sung and the meeting closed, with the Mizpah benediction. Store will close every Friday at 6 p.m. Beginning Friday, Sept. 28th BORDEN BROWN CONSTANCE Phone 841 r 2 — Seaforth COAL THE BEST COAL IN TOWN! Direct from the Mines . . SCREENED William M. Hart Office Phone - 784 • • TUE Writ011aPOSITOR • 1 $E1 TEMR.ER IMM, 1951 Wm. Moffatt,Port Colborne. Born in Chatham, Mr. Larkin was, the son of the late Dr. F. H. Larkin and Mrs. Larkin. Dr. Larkin, for near- ly 30 years, was minister of First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth. Mr. Larkin received his education in Seafcrth schools and served four years overseas, as a gunner with the 9th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery in World .War I. He mar- ried shortly after the war and moved to Windsor, where he es- tablished himself in the real es- tate and insurance business. At the time of his death he was pro- prietor of F. R. Larkin Company, Ltd. Funeral services will be from Meeting of First Church W.M.S. --The W.M.S. of First Presbyter- ian Church met on Tuesday with the president, Mrs. D. Glenn Campbell, opening the meeting with a reading and prayer. The hymn, "I Hear Thy Welcome 'Voice," was sung. Mrs. John Mac- Tavish gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Bickell, the treasurer's report. Mrs. Campbell gave a splendid report of the Presbyterial rally held in Knox Church, Auburn. Mrs. Jas_ Kerr's group had charge of the meeting. Psalm 86, "All people that on earth do dwell," was sung. Mrs. Freeman gave the Bible reading. Mrs. Kerr gave the history of the church in Regina where the Missionary Council meeting is being held. Prayer by Mrs. Kerr was followed by the hymn, "For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace." 'Mrs. Robert Eberhart took the topic, "Formosa." The meet- ing closed with prayer and "God Save the King." Practise Economy SHOP IN EGMONDVILLE ! GREB WORK SHOES HAUGHS' WORK SHIRTS, PANTS AND OVERA?_LS MEN'S AND BOYS' MINER RUBBER BOOTS SPECIALS ROLLED ROAST BEEF lb. 79c FIRST -GRADE BUTTER lb. 66c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP. • .Bottle 25c Clair Haney - Egmondville Phone 72 • Free Delivery '50 _PONTIAC COACH '49 CHEV. COACH '46 CHEV. SEDAN '40 PONTIAC COACH '40 BUICK 5 -PASS. COUPE '39 FORD, COACH '38 FORD SEDAN '36 FORD SEDAN '40 DODGE SEDAN USED TRUCKS '47 FORD 3 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS '41 FORD 2 -TON STAKE WITH RACKS '46 DODGE 3 -TON STAKE—Short wheelbase '47 DODGE 2 -TON STAKE We have a number of new Pontiac Cars and G.M.C. Trucks in stock Good delivery on most models OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE RICE MOTORS General and Dominion Royal Tires Pontiac - Buick - G.M.C. Trucks PHONE 799 SEAFORTH 13R1B4L WRE1 Til 5, TUDOR* PLATE w.'°7 (by Oneida • Community Silversmiths) Weare offering FREE a beautiful Silverplated Steak Platter with.a 44 -piece Service for 8, in the handsome anti -famish Embassy Chest. Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary Meets. About 42 members or the Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary of First Pres- byterian Church met in the school room for the September meeting on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jas. F. Scott offered prayer on behalf of the King in his illness and also for others who were ill or in distress. It was decided to ask Mrs. D. J. Lane, of Clinton, to be the speak- er at the October meeting. Mrs. Jas. Hogg and Mrs. Ed. Andrews received the collection. The devo- tional part of the meeting was in charge of Mrs. Andrews, when Mrs. Keith Sharp led in prayer and Mrs. Robt. J. Charters read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. H. R, Scott gave the highlights of the Presby- terian rally held in Auburn, when she quoted from the addresses of Mrs. Erskine, Miss Lily McArthur and Miss Toll. Mrs. J. E. Daley and Miss Maud Laidlaw gave the topic on British Guiana and India, and both offered a short prayer for the countries in que tion at the cls e of their addresses. Mrs. Jas. F. Scott. Mrs. N. R. Dorrance and Mrs. Jas. Keys, of the McKillo Branch of the W.M.S„ gave a skit entitled, "The Vision." which por- trayed a Socialite and a mission - minded woman in conversation. Mrs. Andrews closed with prayer. 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 rp O O 0 O 0 0 a' J. A. BURKE ® Funeral Director O and Ambulance Service O DUBLIN - ONT. 4 4O00 0!00000 Night or Day Calls: Phone 43 r 10 O O O O O O *0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. G. AO WHITNEY 0 • Funeral Home a' iQitidertch St. W.I. Seaforth tfeliabi hospital beds 5 7 fatlent. yit torr"1wt11a te11 Nuratery b o'Worl , :SAO iia. et Night 119 Seilee '99 O 0 O 0 0 0 O O O O O W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ont. O LICENSED EMBALMER 0 AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR 0 Night or Day Calls — 336 0 O First Presbyterian Church -10:30 a.m., Sunday Schcol; 11 a m., Ralf Day of Sunday School and congre gation. Evening service withdrawn for St. Thomas' Church Harvest Home.—.Rev. D. Glenn Campbell. Minister. Northside United Church.—Rev. D. A. MacMillan, Minister: 10 a.m.. Sunday School; 11 a.m., Worship; sermon subject, "The Lord's Day"; 11:30 a.m., junior congregation. All cordially invited. Evening 'service withdrawn. Salvation Army.—Sunday, Sept 30: Harvest Festival: Major and Mrs. Frank Moulton, of London, Ont.; Directory Class, 2:45 p.m.; Company Meeting (Sunday School), 3 p.m.; Salvation Meeting, 7 p.m. Everyone cordially welcome. Wed- nesday: Hobby -Craft Class (for school children). 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000000 O 0 BOX 0 Jutterat giotrbfct O R. 8. BOX 0 0 Licensed Embalmer 0 0 AMBULANCE 0 0 prompt and careful attention. O 0 Hospital Bed 0 0 F'LOWILMS FOIL ALL 0 0 OCCASIONS 0 0 Phones: 0 0 Bea. 696* Or 18; Store 48 00 * • !TRADE MARKS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Windsor, on Friday afternoon. • Death of Mrs. Noble T. Cluff.—A well-known .and highly respected resident of Fort Erie for the past 16 years and formerly of"Seaforth, in the person of Mrs. Mary Han- nah Cluff, passed• away in Douglas Memorial Hospital, Fort Erie, on Friday, Sept. 21, 1951. Mrs. Cliff was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Wortley, of Grey Township, and was born March 8, 1875. She, was married to the late Noble T. Cluff in 1892, who prede- ceased her in. 1926. Mrs. Cluff had been in poor health for the past year, and on Saturday suffered a heart attack, and was rushed to hospital, where she passed away Friday morning. . She leaves to mourn her loss, three daughters: Mrs. Edmond Pelton (Rosabelle), and Mrs. Charles Petrie (Irene), both of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mrs. Garnet Barron (Margaret), of Van- couver, B.C., and two sons, Albert Earl, of North Tonawanda, N.Y., and John Noble,. of Columbiana, Ohio; also six grandchildren and two sisters, Mrs. Jimmie Long- worth, Sarnia, and Mrs. Rachel Mc- Iver, of Skanee, Mich.., and one brother, Benjamin: Wortley,. Wood- stock. oodstock, She was buried Monday afternopn front the Atwood Funer- al Home, with interment in Green- wood cemetery, Fort Erie, with Rev. Shank, pastor of Calvary Tabernacle, officiating. Her floral pieces were many and beautiful, and the funeral was largely attend- ed. Former Resident Dies in Welland —There passed away on Sunday morning at Welland County Mem- orial Hospital, in Welland, Frank Baxter, a former resident of Sea - forth. He came to Canada from Yorkshire, England, in 1904 and farmed at Cromarty for a few years before coming to Seaforth, where he was engineer at the Can- ada Furniture Co. for 20 years..In 1935 he went to Fenwick, where he resided until his death. Surviv- ing are his wife and one daughter, Mrs. R. L. Thompson, of St. Wil- liams; one granddaughter, ..Mrs. Robert Barnes, Delhi, and three great-grandchildren. The .funeral was held from the Lampman fun- eral home, Fenwick, Tuesday af- ternoon, with interment in Hillside cemetery, Ridgeville. ItI111111111111111111111t1111U11111111111111111 r+worreirrwnanelor This Service for 8 with Steak platter only $49.50 PENNY SALE PARISH HALL ST. COLUMBAN FRIDAY, SEPT. 28th Auspices of the C. W. L. THE WINNERS! of three "Hawaiian Flowers' Bone China Cup, Saucer and Plate.Sets at our Fair Day Booth: MR. LESLIE DOLMAGE R. R. 1, Seaforth MISS PEARN McLEAN Seaforth MRS. N. SCOINS Seaforth Dies in London.—Former minis- ter of Hyatt Avenue Methodist (now United) Church, London, the Rev. Gerorge McKinley, B.D., died suddenly on Friday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Ball, 214 Ridout St. South, London. He was in his 86th year. Born in Huron County, he went to London in 1918. Mr. McKinley retired fromthe pas- toral charge of wha.t is now Hyatt Ave. United Church in 1921. Be- fore going to London he served at MacKellar, Penetang, Barrie, Bol- ton, Thornhill, Lucknow and Sea - forth. Surviving are a son, Harold, of London; a daughter, Mrs. Frank (Clara) Ball, London; two sisters, Mrs. A. D. Armstrong, of Luck - now, and Miss •Clara B. McKinley, Toronto, and four grandchildren. His wife, the former Ella Runkle, died in 1940. The body rested in the James E. Gordanier funeral home, London, where a funeral service was conducted Saturday at. 2 p.m. by the Rev. F. H. Joblin, of Wesley United Church. Burial was in Maitlandbank cemetery, Sea - forth. - Winning names were drawn by Miss Joan Hunter and Miss Carol Chesney. Savauge's Jewellery - Gifts - Fine China SEAFORTH 'blue coal' SOLID FUEL FOR SOLID COMFORT Guarantees the Quality The Color WILLIS DUNDAS Phone 363-J Res. 192-M TAXI. GORDON WILSON ALL PASSENGERS INSURED PHONES 29 or 567 SEAFORTH * Weddings * 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Reynolds - Nutson White chrys- anthemenia In standards and bast Rets of white gladioli formed the background in St. Monica's Roman Catholic Church for the marriage of Dorothy Irene, daughter of Mrs. Nutson and the late T G Nutson to Mr. Patrick Gilbert Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rey- nolds, and a grandson of the late Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. ,Sills, of Seaforth. Rev. Father Clement Schwalm officiated. Mr. Wm. T. Nutson gave his sister in marriage. The bride's gown, Elizabethan in style, was of blush slipper satin, with lily -tipped collar and short train. A satin cap held her finger- tip veil, and she carried a- white prayer book with cascade of steph- anotis and gardenias. Her maid of honor, Miss Eileen Woodbyrne, chose a period gown of turquoise velvet, with shoulder cape, and Miss Marjory Nutson and Mrs. Frank Nutson were in gold- velvet.: All wore caps with gold feathers, and ,carried cascades of yellow and bronze and pom-pom chrysanthe- mums. Mr. Robt. G. Pendrith was best man, and the ushers were Mr. Jack Howley and Mr. Bernard Rey- nolds. A reception followed at Prince Arthur House. The couple will live in Toronto. 1 IMMINNNNlINNIINNINNNNINN@1NIMMNNNNNNMMINI NIM Harvest Home Services St. Thomas' Anglican Church SUNDAY, SEPT. 30th 8 a,m.—Holy Communion 1 a.m. and 7 p.m.—Rev. Reginald Appleyard, Preston, guest speaker. -I- S.ERVIGES ON STANDARD TIME -i- Everyone Welcome IVIIiIII1111UIIVII m., Dies Suddenly.—Fred R..Larkin, 59, of Riverside, one of the best- known real estate and insurance men of Windsor district, died shortly before noon Wednesday in Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, af- ter being found beside his auto. He had been in i1I health for some time, and had suffered a stroke reeently. Mr. Larkin had beep in business in Windsor since 1920. He is survived by his wife, the former Ruth Hamilton, and two sons, Rich- ard and James. Be is also surviv- ed bp three sisters, Miss Helen Larkin, British Columbia; Mrs. Howard Kerr, Toronto, and Mr's. NOTICE TOWN of SEAFORTH Daylight Saving Time will endin. this Municipality at 12 Midnight Saturday, September 29th, 1951 D. H. WILSON; Clerk. r Good Used Cars AND. TRUCKS ,'50 Plymouth 4 -Door Sedan—Blue '49 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan—Blue '49 Dodge 2 -Door Sedan—Maroon '47 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan '41 Dodge 2 -Door Sedan '39 Chev. Sedan '39 Plymouth Sedan '35 Dodge 4 -Door Sedan '31 Ford, Model 'A' '41 Chev. Truck—Stake body '46 Ford Truck RowcIiffe Motors Phone 267 Seaforth McKILLOP RegentTh eatre EA!9w1! NOW PLAYING "GENE AUTRY AND THE MOUNTIES " GENE AUTRY PAT fIUTTRAM Gene and Chamipion aid the Mounties in capturing a gang of bandits in the Canadian Northwest. See Autry reform the vicious renegade. ItlEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY — TECHNICOLOR " LULLABY OF BROADWAY " • DORIS DAY GENE NELSON A Romantic Comedy packed with songs—old and new. NEXT THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY — TECHNICOLOR ".LORNA DOON " BARBARA HALE'. RICHARD GREENE The outlaw family defying the King fight a feud to the death. The costume and, drama, make this an outstanding picture. Coming; "TOAST OF NEW ORLEANS" Kathryn Grayson Mario Lanza Mrs. Robert McClure was hostess Monday evening when about thirty- five relatives and. friends of Miss Ethel Wilson, bride -elect, assemb- led to honor her and enjoy a soc- iable game of cards. Eight tables were in play, the winners; being: Ladies' first, Mrs. A. C. Routledge; lone hands, Mrs. Chas. Merrill; consolation, Mrs. Ray Mason; gen- tlemen, Elgin Dale; lone hands, Lorne Wilson; consolation, Robt. McGregor. Later in the evening Mrs. Robt. McClure read a suitable address and Mrs. Robt. McGregor presented the bride-to-be with a hostess chair. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. LOCAL BRIEFS Our Eight Sales Racks Are Filled With Shoes at WE WILL GIVE $ ,, $ $ ,.$ $ $ DOLLAR$ AWAY! oil FRI., SEPT. 28th, and SAT., SEPT. 29th • LESS THAN COST PRICE ! ` Incing "SAVludAGE— "—Black Calf and Black Kid, Arch Support Pumps, at $3.95 a Pair • Also "CHATELAINE" Pumps, in Black and Brown Calf Leathers, with Cuban Heels. $4.95 a Pair • BURGANDY KfP,. GILLIE TIEOXFORDS, with Low Heels, at $3.95 a Pair • LOAFERS AND BABY DOLL PUMPS—Low and Wedge Heels, at $2.95 a Pair OTHER RACKS AT $2.69, $2.45 and $1.95 a Pair • ON FRIDAY, SEPT. 28th, and SATURDAY, SEPT. 29th We will cut another DOLLAR off these prices, which makes these Sale Prices for TWO DAYS ONLY 95c to $3.95 a Pair BUT YOU MUST SERVE YOURSELF ! We will wrap them up for you WILLIS° SHOE STORE "The Little Store With the Big. Values" SEAFORTH • Miss Mary Camilla Ryan left on Monday to attend the Ontario College of Education at the Uni- versity of Toronto. • Mrs. Barbara Martin and Mr. and Mrs, Davis, of Ottawa, were guests of Mr. Rufus Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament last week. • Mr. Ray McKay, -'of Seattle, Wash„ was a guest of his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills, last week.. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd, of Galt, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hudson. • Mrs. Ross Hamilton, of Wing - ham, spent Friday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Whitney. • Mrs. F. N. Pearce, of Bayfield, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McMillan. • Mrs. Charles Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Murray, Greens - vale, S.C., ate visiting Miss Edith Davidson. • Mr. Earl Dickson, of Delhi, was in town Friday on business. • Mr. James J. Bryant, of Lon- don, visited friends in Roxboro this week. • Mrs. L. R. Thompson, of Lan- sing, Mich., is visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. W.m. Charters, Mill Road. • Mrs, Allen Stone, of Norwich, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Hudson on Fair Day. o • Mrs. M. McCauley and Mrs. ,Jerry Ryan, of Stratford, visited friends and relatives on Wednes- day. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Case, of Streetsville, spent•the week -end with relatives and friends in town. • Mrs. Percy Spencer, of De- troit, attended the Seaforth Fall Fair on Friday. • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ament and daughters, Janet and Cather- ine, and Mrs. E. H. Hodgins, of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ament. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Sproat have returned to . Detroit after spending the summer at their Thome here. • Mrs.' "(Dr.) Reid, of Port Row- an and Miss Minnie Reid, of Hen - sail, visited with Seaforth friends last week. • Sgt. Frank Golding spent a couple of days with his parents, Senator and Mrs. W. H. Golding this week. • Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills and Mrs. F. S. Sills attended the Rey- nolds - Nutson wedding In Toron- to Nast Saturday. • Mr. David Lemon and Mr. Wnn. MacKay are spending a week in the Burks• Fall district, • Mrs. J. W. Thompson and Jno. Thompson have returned after ' a ten-day ' motor trip to the New England States. Her nieces;, the (Additlohat Local on POO 6) HARDY STOCK! Plant them now for best results. Congratulations, Jim O'Leary, R.R. 4, Seaforth, winner of the Floral Basket at Seaforth Fair! QUALITY S - CIJLB HILLSIDE FLORIST FLOWERS WIRED ANYWHERE Corsages Weddings Funeral Designs Pottery Novelties: PHONE DAY OR NIGHT — 393, SEAFORTH` Results of Draw. AT SEAFORTH FALL FAIR - O 1st Prize—Radiator serviced with Perma Fell Anti -Freeze I. D. WADE, Seaforth ° 2nd Prize—Radiator serviced with Alcohol Anti -Freeze. ELAINE M!ERNER, Zurich Third Prize -2 -Gallon Can Moto- Master Oil HAROLD DALRYMPLE, Seafbrttih 4th Prize—Set Moto -Master Spark Plugs LOUIS O'REILLY, R.R. 2, Dahlia O Canadian Tire Corporation ASSOCIATE STORE Main Street Seaforth BRIGHTEN YOUR HOME with NEW FLOOR COVERINGS • Battleship; Wald and Canvas Back Linoleum: I P Battleship; Inlaid and Canvas Linoleum., Congoleum, Rexoleum & Marboleum, with many Patterns tkr choose' from' 0 Congoleum a n d Rex-- oleum Rugs, in all sizes 0 Rubber Tile, Marboleum Tile, Jaspe Tile O Let us measure and quote a price' on your room! G. A. WHITNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL & AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone: Day or Nigibt.119; Residenmee 66 SEAFORTH — ONTARIO 7c: r a et