HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1951-09-28, Page 7)' r 4 t SEPTEXT li b?� it Doctor -.('Bark paused just an in- stant to look steadily at Johnny Saxon. "Perhaps," he said softly, "it's just as well. This .cleans things up without a mess of pub- licity for the family,.: iso one need ever know about her and Martin Smith. As for shooting herself, accidentally, we can ail vouch for that. "Yes," said Johnny. He closed the door behind Doctor Clark. He heard the car drive off in the rain, and he realized that he was still holding on to the Great Dane's col- lar. NOTICE TOWN OF SEAFORTI-I All bicycles in the Town of Seaforth are required to be Licensed Licenses may now be obtained at the CLERK'S OFFICE, and must be secured by October 13, 1951. He said, "It's all right, boy. Ev- erything's aB right now." He patted the animal's shoulder. Kay walk. bringing her mother out the library. She said, "She'd better lie down. She's been through so much." Kay's own voice was trembling. Johnny took Irene's arm. "I'll take her upstairs," he said quick- ly. He looked with concern at Kay's young face. "Now step thinking about things. You're the one I'm worried about. Lt'a finish- ed now." He called to Moe, salt in ',the living room. "Fix Kay a drink. I'll be right down." He went to the stairs with Irene Smith. He accompanied her into the blue -and -white bedroom. She was not nervous now. She was calm and thoughtful. In the room, Johnny looked at her and said quietly, "That was about the same way it happened at the gun club that Saturday night, wasn't it?" "Yes." she said. "You remember everything now?" "Everything." She was very calm. The lights were turned off that night. That was so no one would see them. They were arguing. Nancy had the gun. I grabbed he: and westruggled over it, just _Me a moment ago." • Johnny said, "In the darltneae' you shot hint "Yes," said Irene erely, I shit him. I loathed him. Even poor Kay was finding out the horrible thiuga he did. I'd warned him. I couldn't see Kay hurt any more-" Johnny said, "But Nancy's al - always thought she did it?" "I think so," Irene said quietly. "She fainted, that night. Later, I told her to get Martin out of there to make it appear like an acct dent. She had come there with the gun. She intended to kill Martin. She was frantic afterwards and ut- terly helpless." "What did you do?" "I told her to go track to the house through the woods path. Put- ting Martin in the car . . . I don't know how I did it . . I drove down to 25-A. I left him there in the held alongside the road. When I gat back in the car I felt faint. I didn't know what I was doing. I remembered driving off the road. There was a crash. I think my head struck the steering wheel-" "It did," explained Johnny. She made a gesture with cher hands. "After that . . . He nodded. "You didn't remem- ber a thing. Yet, Nancy's never •been sure. She had planned to kill him. There were clues that would point to her. Yet if you never re- gained your memory, she was com- paratively safe." Irene Smith sat down. She look- ed tired. Yet a great burden seem- ed to have been Iifted from her, • • flicruk eovivivtace (Btu:tack/ Keystone of Main Street D. M. Housman, O.S.A • The towns of Canada are friendly places. There's the drug store, the post office ... and your bank, where you meet your friends and exchange a neighbourly word with the people who serve you. Your Commerce manager is a man to know ... a man who wants to know you. You can trust him to keep your confidence. You can trust the men and women who work with him ... they are trained to be discreet. about your business. Yes, our Canadian towns are friendly places ... and the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" 140.50/5 e ews froni C STAND BY FOR BROADCAST! October 28th the first of a new group of young Canadian singers will thrill to these words. It will be "C -I -L Singing Stars of Tomorrow" again, bringing opportunity to future stars, great listening to you. - aia 1NvisIBLE GLOVES. UP -to -dote Iwme-maker son take a tip from puofesaional mechanics cord painters who rub "Protek" on their hands before starting work- This greaseless, odorless cream keeps grime out of skin pores. Wash it off and off cones dirt toot A KEEN CHESS PLAYER is Jack McCallion of West Toronto. Jack retired on a C -I -L Pension recently. Just as the Pension Plan helped solve his retirement problem, other sound Employee Welfare plans offer security to the men and women working with C4 -L today, EVERY PICTURE 44 A CHEMICAL STORY • One tells about X-ray, another is about ammuni- tion, another shows home decoration. Chemistry is becoming so important in our lives that it is hard to find some product or activity that does not owe something to chemistry. "Picture News" itself uses engraving plates and printing inks that have their origin in chemistry. It is the unseen servant of our modern everyday living. Canadian Industries Limited is proud to play a leading part in the development of chemical products in Canada thereby "Serving Canadians Through Chemistry". EACH WINTER more Indoor shooting clubs are being founded as mere and more people get together with a supply of targets and C -1-I, ammunition for fun and friendly rivalry. CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED MONTREAL "SEEING EYE" for_the medical and dental professions is another chemical product -X-ray film. Doctors use X-ray for diagnosis and treatment. And it makes your dentist's lob so much easier. PERFECT HARMONY. Decorating is made easy by new C -I -L Synchronized Colours for walls and woodwork. Harmonizing Colour odd matching finishes help you get lust the effect you went. • ilio Foie Winners., ollowing is a list of the prize-. wiFmmerss Kathryn'Mena; Noreean Dalt9e, zMcGpvin, Iiolg, Drawing --Map of McKillop, T,1!?loiisabeth G Ann Somerville, Agnesrace Hiok- Grades 1 and 2: Jim Melady, Patsy nen; oatmeal cookies, Shirley Hor- Manley, Ann Dalton, Melvin Wal- an, Helen Pryce, Lola Anne 'OMB- ters, Danny O'Connor, Stephen erville,: Margaret Kerr, Elizabeth Cronin; Map of Canada, Grades 3 McGavin; buns,. Jean M, Scott, and 4: Terry Ryan, Mary Melady Nancy ' Kelly, Marian Hunt, Bar - Theo Melady, Marion McLaughlin, bars Boyd; school lunch, Barbara Maureen Melady, Billy Murphy; Boyd, Eileen Smith, Verde Watt - Grades 5 and 6, Map of Ontario, son, Elizabeth McGavin, Joan Hoyd Noreen Dalton, Roy McQuaid, Dorothy Enzensberger; tarts, Joy Mary Cronin, Jean Byers, lose Jantzi, Helen Pryce, Verda Wat- Mary Lane, Solange Van Der son„ Jean M. Scott, Marjorie Boyd Berge; Grades 7 and 8, Map of Dorothy Enzensberger; layer cake North America, .Marlene Scher- Margaret Boyd, Rose Mary Lane barth, Rose Marie Ducharme, Jean Mary- Melady, Barbara Boyd, Eliz - Scott, Robert Kerr, Kathleen Scott, abeth McGavin, Joan Maloney; Dorothy Enzensberger; Grade 8, angel cake, Beatrice Seimon, Mar• colored drawing, Jean Scott, Bob- lene Scherbarth, Jean M. Scott; bie Kerr, Steve Maloney, Jean Me apple pie, Barbara Boyd, Doroth3 Laughlin, Arnold Campbell, Doro- Enzensberger, Mary Melady, Nor thy Enzensberger; Grades 1, 2, 3- eeii• Dalton, Ndney Kelly; lemcn and 4, crayon drawing; Susan En- pie, Barbara Boyd, Dorlene Robin- zensberger, Glen Walters, Alex son, Helen Pryce, Maureen Mel - Glanville, Steve Cronin, Patsy ady, Margaret Boyd., Mary Melady; Manley, Leonard Miller; plan of pumpkin pie, • Barbara Boyd, Jean farm, Marlene Scherbarth, Bobby Scott, 'Nancy Kelly, Helen Pryce; Walters, Jack Melady, Wayne Mc- raisin pie, Billy Murphy, Joy Jant- Michael, Billy Walters, Robert Bet ze,. Barbara Boyd, Nancy Kelly tles. Maureen Melady, Mary Dennis; pie Writing and Printing -Joan Mc- baked by teacher, Margaret Koeh- Laughlin, Rose, Siemon, Joanne ler; Curtin's special, best loaf of Byerman, Rose Marie Ducharme, bread, Billy Murphy; Art Wright's Geraldine Byers, Ronald Davidson; special, best layer cake, Barbara Grade 7, Marlene Scherbarth, Hel Boyd, June Smith; J. C'. Steven's en Connolly, Mary Dennis, He -en are.cial, best dozen tarts, Mar3 Pryce, Jack Melady, Mary Shea; Melady, Barbara Boyd. Grade 6, Audrey Godkin, Vio-ea Givlin, Howard Bernard, Beatrice Selman, George Wilson, Ronald McClure; Grade 5, Grazina Chom- iski, Marjorie Cuthill, Patricia Welsh, Faye Love, Jean McLaugh- lin, Jean Byers; Grade 4, Gloria Boyd, Theo Melady, Fergus Kelly, Gary Robinson, Nancy Kelly, Hel- en Maloney; Grade 3, Sheila .Ma- lone, Susan Enzensberger, Ken Wilson, Mervin Pepper, Marion McLaughlin, Jean Hillen; Grade 2, James Pfeiffer, Patsy Manley, Hel- en Scott, Joyce Love, And Murray; Grade 1, Elaine Beattie, Kenneth Glanville, Barbara Coleman, Jean- ette Levinski, Irene Shea, Rita Kennedy. Fancy Work -Article in felt, Loretta Connolly, Leslie Campbell, Marjorie Smith, Susan Enzensber- ger, Grace Doig, Edith Boyd; cross- stitch pattern, Loretta Connolly, Marjorie Cuthill, Margaret Alex- ander, Jeanette Buermann, Grazyna Chomicki, Sandra Doig; fancy work on tea towel, Joan Maloney, Shir- %d GETTING U P ley Bosman, Kathryn Ryan, Dor- lone Robinson, Marjorie Cuthill, Jean McLaughlin; pillow slips, Dorlene Robinson, Marion Hunt, Joan Maloney, Jacqueline David- son, Dorothy Regele, Kathryn Moy- lan; cushion top in wool, Helen Pryce, Helen Connolly, Barbara Boyd, Marie O'Connor, Verda Wat- son, Jean M, Scott: best dressed doll, Rosemary Lane. Claire Ma- lone, Grazina Chomicki, Noreen Dalton, Joan Lane,. Doriene Robin- Seaforth Fall (Continued from Page 6) Hampshire, (cr) No. 753; White Leghorn, (cr) No. 16, No. 17, (p) No. 16, No. 17; Wyandotte, (c) Leonard Miller, (h) Leonard Mil- ler; A.V. Bantams,. (c) Jack Broad - foot, John Scott, (h) John Scott, Jack Broadfoot, (cr) Kenneth AI- brecht, Jack Broadfoot, (p) Roht. Broadfoot, Kenneth Albrecht. Rabbits -(Buck and doe) Billie Milison; (young buck), Douglas Scott, James Scott, (young doe) Douglas Scott, James Scott. High School Section Poultry -New Hampshire, (cr) Geo. McLlwain, Ross Milison, (p) Geo. McLlwain. Barred Plymouth Rock, (h) Geo. McLlwain, (cr) son. Sewing and Knitting -Pot hold- er, Shirley Bosman, Betty Murray, Margaret Alexander, Betty Rap- son, Marjorie Smith, Loretta Con- nolly; hand -made tea towels, Rose Murray, Dorothy Regele. Jacque- line Davidson, Mayda Buermann, Agnes Bicknell, Betty Kerr; plain blouse, Helen Connolly; kn [ting. ;cart' with fringe, Grazyna Chom- icki, Helen Pryce, Barbara P,oyd, Marjorie Cuthill; crocheting, doil- 'e, Marlene Scherbarth. Grazyna Chomicki, Helen Connolly, Helen Pryce, Rose Murray, Helen Wal- ters; sweater knit, by teacher, Margaret Koehler. Baking -Fruit los`. Mar'an Hunt Helen Walters, Barbara Boyd, Nancy Kelly; white bre d, pil:y Murphy, Nanay Kelly, Lilly Mur- phy, Marian Hunt, Barb:1ra Bo•:d. Joseph Murphy; barn muffins, and she was calm and relaxed. -She told Johnny. "The whole story of my life with ;Martin -all except the very ending -is written down in my manuscript. Perhaps a jury would believe it. Maybe hey wouldn't. Whatever you want to tell- thein-, " "There's no need for that," Johnny said. Irene looked at him quickly. "They would "free you anyway. Knowing what be had done to ;cu what both Martin and Nancy had done to your life . . cney'd never find you guilty. You've got a new life ahead of you now. You've got Kay, ton. No one knows anything, except you and me. Why not leave it that way and start anew?" "And the manuscript?" asked Irene. "Has been destroy -el," Jounny lied. "I'm the only one who aver read it. So forget about that, too." She stood up again. She shook his hand. "I've never met anyone quite like you," she said warmly. Johnny felt ill at ease. "I . . . think I'll see Kay for a few mom- ents. The kid's all confused, I'll talk to her." "Please do, Johnny Saxon." He went downstairs. In the library, Johnny smiled as he found Kay. She was waiting for him. Her unusual green eyes were troubled. "Hey!" he said brightly. "None of that." He flung open one of the terrace doors. He heard rain pat- tering on the tiles outside. The wind had almost died. "Would you like to walk in the rain?" he asked suddenly. grinning. "I'm-" she hesitated. He took her hand and led her quickly outside. "It makes you feel fresh and alive," he said cheer- fully. Kay caught some of his mood. "Shouldn't you wear a hat, John- ny?" "Darn it, do you have to remind me that my hair is thinning?" "Johnny! You're not old! I think-" He, took her by the arm and they swung down along the drive- way. The rain pelted their faces and ran down their cheeks. it was cool and refreshing. "No kidding," Johnny said seri- ously, "do you really think I still look young?" THE END / 9ettia, rue Douce ,? If morning fords you only half nested, still weary -if your sleep is broken by fitful tossing and turning -your kidneys may be to blame. When your kidneys get out of order, your sleep usually suffers- To help your kidneys regain a normal condition, use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd'a help the kidneys get rid of poisons and excess acids in your . system. Then your uneasiness disappears -you can enjoy restful unbroken sleep - and awake refreshed and ready for work or play. Get Dodd'a Kidney Pills today- 147 Dodds Kidney Pills GUARANTY TRUST Company of Lun:,da 65th CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND NOTICE is hereby given that a dividend of thirteen and three-quarter cents per share, being at the rate of 5i/2 P per annum, has been declared on the paid-up capital stock of the Company, for the quarter year ending September 30th, 1951, payable October 15th, 1951, to shareholders of record at the close of busi- ness September 30th, 1951. By order of the Board. J. WILSON BERRY President & General Manager rio ultra -Modern robins Our people at the Kingston plant enjoyed watching a cou- ple of robins build a nest with shreds of aluminum foil. The robins seemed delighted to find their new building mate- rial so easy on the wings. so soft, so cosy. But . , . A wind arose. The nest was so light that it blew away. The robins rebuilt with the same material; but more firmly anchored. While we have no ambition to supply the world's robins with nesting material, we are eager to provide aluminum for home-building humans - and for the thousand other uses of this modern metal. Therefore, our huge expansion pro- gramme in Quebec and British Columbia. Aluminum Conn pany of Canada, Ltd. (Alcan). e - a 11 ►e#lr4 rgt e4 a ux nice[ PR4 hV R1411.0,4e t pt' , hops lit) Beth,ytTr Rut i (or) 13414;ti 011141Z:01;,' Llwaln A.Y Bauta;ns; (e'1 180, B;1S Trlwaiz,. (10.47104.i' bu11r Bosa it na (cr) BOfirst, son, G. Metilwaiu, (ll) (X: Liwain, Ross MUU1son. 4.2V... I'he s ants, (cr) Jee, Me.Freir, :(,p> 40' Murray, New lIampghiro •pen, females, Ross Milison,• Geo Mc Llwain. Barred Plytonontlit Rook° pen, 3 females, Geo. McLlwaln, Jitg. Nielntosh. White Leghorzt pens ,0, females, ?leo. McLlwain. (7res§ t. NOTICE! Town of Seaf�rth All persons in the Municipality owning or harboring dogs must purchase 1951 License for same on or before Sept. 30, 1951. Licenses will be issued from the Treas- urer's Office in the Town Hall, or by° the Tax Collector, J. Cummings. After that date summonses through the court will be issued to the owners or harborers of dogs not having licenses. ALL DOGS MUST WEAR TAGS u9 FOR ORE depend on `fresh -mix" laying mash made with EIVIONErsur edionag EGBILDER 11/ r GOOD EGG PRODUCERS plus WELL-BALANCED FEED always bring top results. For a steady flow of egg money, feed your flock a "fresh -mixed" mash made at your local National Feed Dealer's from National Egbilder Concentrate, a carefully blended "Feed Mix" of animal proteins, vitamins alnd minerals. This will keep your birds healthy, steady producers of firm -shelled, top -grade eggs. 1/ KICK OUT THE IDLERS - KEEP ONLY THE BUSY BIRDS! Constantly cull out the poor layers -keep only the good producers. To choose the good layers among mature birds, look for these points: (1) HEAD -Clean-cut, lean; eyes bright; intelligent appearance. (2) ABDOMEN -Deep, soft, pliable with pubic bones thin, flexible, wide apart. (3) FEATHERING -Worn, broken, faded, close -feathered. (4) SHANKS -White, flat, thin. (5) BACK AND HEART GIRTH -Best layers are large birds with broad, long backs and bodies deep at heart and width carried well back. See your NATIONAL Dealer today - Look for tits bright Orange and Black sign. 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ss1 FEED MIX FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS' and CATT WILLIAM SIGNE SONS, LIMITED a INGERSOLL! 61010O' Fertilise Your craps with NATIONAL Well -cured, Properly=lllsndetl.kAlifiLl lE"' yf 5 ti l�I S3: