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The Huron Expositor, 1951-09-28, Page 6
4 tV Il :If /lc Deaf Orth Fall Fair Winners • (Continued from Page 2) Dairy Cattle Ayrshire --.L L Ballantyne, _At- wood, all c.asses. Jerseys -Bull, two years or over, I, Trewartha, Seaforth; Thomas Rathwell, Clinton; 'bu'll, one year, L Trewartha; bull calf under one year, T. Rathwell, I. Trewarttha; best cow, 1. Trewartha, 1st and 3rd, T. Rathwell; heifer, two years,, I. Trewartha, 1st and 3rd, T. Rath - well; heifer, one year, T, Rathwell, 1st and 2nd, I. Trewartha, 3rd and 4th; heifer calf, senior, 1. Prewar- tha, 1st and 4th, T. Rathwell, 2nd, J. Powell, 3rd; heifer calf, junior, T. Rathwell, lst and 4th, I. Tre- wartha, 2nd and 3rd. Holsteins -Bull, one year old, Simon P. Hallahan„ Belgrave; bull calf, under one year, S. P. Halla- han; best cow, P. Simpson, Sea - forth.. S. P. Hallahan, 2nd and 3rd; heifer, two years old, Wm. L. Boyd, Walton; S. P. Hallahan; heifer calf, senior, Borden Riehl, Walton, 1st and 3rd; W. Boyd, 2nd and 4th. Dairy cattle herd prize -I. Tre- wartha, T. Rathwell, S. P. Halla- han, 3rd and 4th; heifer calf, W. Boyd: William Storey, 2nd and 4th; B. Riehl, 3rd. Sheep Shropshire -A. W. Barrett, of Parkhill, and George H. Arm- strong, St. Pauls, took all prizes: Souihdowns-J. B. Kennedy, II- derton, swept the class. Lincolns -A. W. Barrett took all prizes. Leicester -William R. Pepper, Seaforth, and George H. Arm- strong, St. Pauls, won all prizes, Oxfords -Donald Deering, Exe- ter, won all classes. Any otiher breeds -Murray Shoe - bottom, Denfiield, and Frank Thompson, Wingham, took all the prizes. Pigs Yorkshires -Boar over one year, W. Turnbull & Son, Brussels; R. E. McMillan, Seaforth; boar litter- ed since September, 1950, W. Turn- bull & Son; boar six months and under. W. Turnbull & Son, R. E. Mc:Milian; sow one year and over, W. Turnbull & Son, 1st and 2nd, R. E. McMillan, 3rd; sow, littered since September, 1950, W. Turn- bull & Son, 1st and 2nd; sow, six months and under, W. Turnbull & Son, 1st and 2nd, Arnold Camp- bell. Berkshires -Boar, littered since September, 1950, F. E. Perdue, Brussels. 1st and 2nd, William Flynn, Clinton, 3rd; sow, one year and over, F. E. Perdue, 1st, 2nd and 3rd; sow littered since Sep- tember, 1950, F. E. Perdue, lst and 3rd, William Flynn, 2nd. Tamworth -Geo. Douglas, Mit- chell. winner in all classes. Pen of five shoats, bacon type, under 100 pounds, W. Turnbull & Sons, R. E. McMilIan. Club Results McKillop Grain Club - Arthur Bolton, Mac Bolton, Earl McSpad- den, Neil McGavin, John McGavin, _Murray C. Da}e, Laverne Godkin, Bobby Betties, Arnold Campbell✓, 4i. L. Oliver. Seaforth Baby Beef Calf Club - Senior division: Kenneth Campbell, Arnold Campbell, Catherine Camp- bell, Bob Parsons, Jean Scott, Don- ald Moylan, George Kemp. Junior division: Dorothy Keyes, Allan J. Haugh, John Nigh, Francis Hick- nen, icknell, Neil Haugh. Showmanship - Kenneth Campbell, Arnold 'Camp- bell, George Kemp, Ernie Ander- son., Bob Parsons, Douglas Keyes, Catherine Campbell, Jean Scott, Dorothy Keyes, Allan J. Haugh, Donald Moylan, Francis Hicknell, John Nigh, Neil Haugh. Seaforth Swine Club - Swine placing, Elgin Schade, Dave Hack - well. Douglas Keyes, Ronald Tre- - wartha, Peter Hicknell, Francis Hicknell, Arthur Bolton, Don Dodds, Arnold Campbell, Mac Bol- ton, Kenneth Campbell. Jack Croz- ier, John McGavin. Swine show- manship -Francis Hicknell 90, Ken- neth Campbell 85, Dave Backwell 85. Elgin Schade 94, Peter Hick- nell 80, Douglas Keyes 79. Don Dodds 78, Arthur Bolton 74, Mac Bolton 73, Arnold Campbell 72, Jack Crozier 71, John McGavin 70, Ronald Trewartha 59. Roots and Vegetables Tomatoes, red, Mrs. W. Haug;, Wm. Bradshaw; collection of tom• atoes, M. E. Hopper & Son; onions from seed, Spanish, Mrs. William Holland, Mrs. W. Haugh; onions from Dutch sets, Mrs. Bert Thomp- son., Mrs, Jas. Carter; quart onion sets, M. E. Hooper & Son', Mrs. W. Haugh; cucumbers, pickling. Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. W. A, Glazier; butter beans, Kenneth Stewart, M. E Hooper & Son; white means, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Andrew Turnbull; pickling beets, William Bradshaw, Mrs. W. Haugh; turnip blood beets, F. McClymont, Mrs. W. Haugh; cucumbers, ripe or green, Mrs. W. A. Glazier, F. Mc- Clymont; table parsnips, Thomas Aldington, Thomas Oliver; best peppers, Mrs. W. Haugh; sweet table corn, M. E. Hooper & Son, Andrew Turnbull; field corn. M. E. Hooper & Son, Richard Proc- tor; winter .radish, M. E. Hooper & 'Son, F. McClymont; sunflower heads, M. E. Hooper & Son, An- drew Turnbull; best novelty in vegetables, Thos. Aidington, - Mrs. Wth, Holland; cauliflower, Wm. Bradshaw, Mrs. W. A. Glazier; red cabbage, Mrs. W. Haugh; fall cab- batge, Mrs. W. A. Glazier; winter Cabbage, Wm. Bradshaw, Thomas Oliver red onions, Mrs. W. Haugh; 'Witte, or yellow onions Thomas Aldington; mltsk'melons Mrs. W. *OM citrons (Wiped), M E: *Of d'e Solt , M :W Haugh; *at 016,1,001, Etooper & Son, MGlcCIymont; Vegetable warrow, l I Boper & Son, P. Madly - '4 pie pumpkiii.e, M. t . Hooper Mdilt Aitdretw ¶Ur'nbull; table 'tt're0 ,Vit et1e , M. i"l+. k''Soft, 'tit It Nott; Rub - M. : toopet & Son, gin Nott, Mrs. W. A. Glazier; field carrots, M. E. Hooper & Son, F. McClymont; Swede turnips, table, Mrs. Bert Thompson, M. E. Hoop- er & Son; sugar mangolds, Mrs. B. Thompson; long red marigolds, Richard Proctor; intermediate man - golds, Mrs. B. Thompson; celery, white, Elgin Nott; Irish Cobbler early potatoes, Elgin Nott, Mrs. B. Thompson; any other variety early potatoes, M. E. Hooper, Thos. Oli- ver; any other variety late pota- toes, Elgin Nott, Andrew Turn- bull; fodder corn, Ken Stewart, Wilfred Coleman; collection of garden produce, M. E. Hooper, El- gin Nott. Judge -Norman L. Carter. Canned Fruits and Vegetables Preserved strawberries, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Richard Proctor; canned cherries, red, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrg, Elgin Nott; canned peaches, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. Bert Thompson; canned pears, Ethel Dennis, Richard Proctor, Mrs. Jas, Carter; canned plums, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Richard Proctor, i Mrs. Jas. Carter; canned pineapple, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Ethel Den- nis, Mrs. Jas. Carter; canned rasp- berries, red, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. Jas. Carter; grape juice, Richard Proctor, Mrs. Jas. Carter; tomato juice, Mrs. Sam McClure, Mrs. Bert Thomp- son, Ethel Dennis; chili sauce. Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Ethel Dennis; pickled cher- ries, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Elgin Nott; canned tomatoes, whole,' Richard Proctor. Mrs. Jas, Carter, Mrs. W. A. Jones; cucumber pick- les, sweet, Andrew Turnbull, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Elgin Nott; pickled beets, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Sam McClure, Mrs. Elgin Nott; relish, Richard Proctor, Ethel Den- nis, Mrs. Jas. Carter; salad dress- ing, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Merton Keyes, Ethel Dennis; canned chick- en, Mrs. Jas. Carter; canned beef, F. McClymont, Mrs. Jas. Carter; bottle tomata catsup. Richard Richard Proctor. Mrs. Jas. Carter, Andrew Turnbull; black current jam. Mrs. Elgin Non. Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. T. W. McMillan; strawberry jam, Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Richard Proctor; raspberry jam, Ethel Dennis, Rich- ard Proctor. Mrs. 'r, W. McMillan; apple jelly, Richard Proctor. Mrs. Jas. Carter. Ethel Dennis; red cur- rant. ,jelly,. Mrs. Elgin Nott, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs. Jas. Carter; any other variety jam, Mrs. Jas. Car- ter. Mrs. Bert Thompson., Mrs. Arnold Jamieson; collection can- ned corn, canned peas and canned beans. Richard Proctor, Mrs, Jas. Carter. Dairy Products Butter, crock, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Ethel Dennis, F. McClymont; but- ter. pound prints, Mrs. J. Carter, No Name, F. McClymont; butter, individual servings, fancy, Mrs. J. Carter, Ethel Dennis; maple syrup, F. McClymont, Richard Proctor, Ethel Dennis; six bars home-made can, F. McClymont, Mrs. J. Car- er; home-made cottage oheese, F. McClymont. Mrs. J. Carter; home- made lard, F. McClyiiont, Mrs. J. Carter. Domestic Science Bread -Loaf white bread, entire crust, Richard Proctor, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Mrs. W. Holland; loaf brown bread, Richard Proctor, Mrs, 3. Carter, Mrs, T. W. McMil- lan; loaf fruit bread, yeast, Mrs. J. Carter, Richard Proctor, W. S. , 13. Storey. fauns--Plaiir white, yeast, Rich - t •trd Proctor, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. T. W. McMillan; buns, fancy, yeast, Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Richard Proctor; cover leaf rolls, Mrs. T. W, McMillan, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Ethel Dennis. Cakes -Angel cake, not iced, Mrs. Thos. Barton, Mrs. W. A. Glazier. Mrs. Wilfred Coleman; chocolate layer cake. Mrs. ,Tames Carter, Mrs. T. Barton, Mrs. T. W. McMillan; white 'layer cake, Mrs. ▪ r T -TWIT - Highest Cash Prices for DEAD STOCK HORSES... .$2.50 each CATTLE.. , .$2.50 each HOGS... .50c per cwt. According to SL,.c alit Cond ition Call Collect SEAFORTH 15 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED ' Thos. Barton, Mrs. Jas. Carter; dark fruit cake, Mrs. Jas. Garter, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Richard Proctor; light fruit cake, Mrs. J. Carter, Mrs. T. W. McMillan, Rich- ard Proctor. Candy -Half pound maple cream candy, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Mrs, Mae Dorrance, Mrs. Bert Thomp- son; chocolate fudge, Mrs. Mae Dorranee, W. S. D. Storey, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson; pound assot•ted candy, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, Mrs. Bert Thompson, W. S. D. Storey. Cookies --Plain white, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Rich- ard Proctor; cookies, ginger, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Richard Proctor; co- coanut macaroons, Mrs. Bill Hol- land, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs, Jas. Carter; six varieties cookies, Mrs. W. A. Jones, Mrs. T. Barton, Mrs. Jas. Carter. Pies-Applie pie, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Ethel Dennis, Margaret F. Platt; cherry pie, Richard Proc- tor, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Jas. Carter; lemon pie, Mrs. Jas. Car- ter, Ethel Dennis, Richard Proc- tor; raisin pie, Mrs. Arnold Jamie- son, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Jas. Car- ter. Tarts -Butter tarts, Mrs. James Carter, Richard Proctor, Ethel Dennis; jam tarts, Mrs. T. W. Mc- Millan, Richard Proctor, Mrs. Bert 1lh om psou, Miscellaneous -Tea biscuits, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Sam McClure, Mrs. T. W. McMillan; biscuits, whole wheat, Richard Proctor, Mrs. Bert Proctor, W. S. D. Storey; scones, griddle, Mrs. Bert Thomp- son, Mrs. Jas. Carter; doughnuts, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Richard Proc- tor, Mrs. 3. Carter; meat pie, Mrs. .1. Carter, Richard Proctor, Mrs. Bert 'Thompson; plate shortbread, Mrs. W. A. Jones. Mrs. Jas. Carter. Mrs, Vert Thompson; three ways of serving apples, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Richard Proctor, Mrs. T. W. McMillan; child's birthday cake, Mrs. Wilfred Coleman, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Bert Thompson; plate of sandwiches, Mrs. Bert Thompson; best salad plate, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Bert Thompson; muffins. whole wheat, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Arnold Jamieson, Mrs. .las. Carter. Specials -'Blue Ribbon special, half dozen plain tea biscuits, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. Sam McClure; Canada Pack - "Domestic" pie, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Peebles. W, S. D. Storey; Canada Packers, "Domestic" layer cake, Ethel Dennis, Mrs. Jas. Car- ter, Mrs. Bert Thompson; Club House Spice special. chili sauce, Mrs. Jas. Carter, Ethel Dennis, Richard Proctor; Club House Spice special, spice cake, Mrs. Carter, Ethel Dennis, Richard Proctor. Judge -Jean Beggs, Linwood. Public School Section Vegetables -Table turnips, Con- nie Eckert, Melva Boyce, Ronnie Powell, John Etue, Gordon Dale; garden carrots, short, Lloyd Peth- tek, Clayton Connell, Karen .tones, Suane Haugh. Sandra Savauge; Carden carrots, long, Robt. Massey, Mary Allan Marjorie Petbick, Bil- lie Millson, Margaret Reeves; long a® ,TRE"` U.RA!-.Cr EXPQSFrOR • red marigold, Billie Millson, Gor- don Dale; yellow intermediate man - golds, Shirley Horan, Billie Mill - son; parsnips, Keith Pethick, Joan Charters, Marjorie Pethick, Lloyd Pethick, Billie 'Roberton; garden beets, short, Keith Pethick, Suane Haugh, Marjorie Pethick, Lloyd Pethick, Alice Christie; onions, any variety, Dorothy Ross, John Etue, Theresa Etue, Lloyd Pethick, Tom- my Whyte; tomatoes, ripe, Jack Broadfoot, Suane Haugh, Larry Beuerman, Bonnie McLeod, Connie Treffera; citrons, Billie Millson, Sally Nott, Suane Haugh, Jack Broadfoot, Jean Broadfoot; cab- bage, any variety, Paul McMaster, Beatrice Siemon, Dorothy Ross, John .Scott; potatoes, any variety, girl exhibitors, Marjorie Pethick, Theresa Etue, Merle Cooper, Joan Charters, Suane Haugth; potatoes, any variety, boy exhibitors, Doug- las onglas Jamieson, Lloyd Pethick, Keith Pethick, Glen Nott, Beverley Nott; potatoes chosen from above class- es, Douglas Jamieson, Lloyd Peth- ick, Marjorie Pethick, James Col- lins, Merle Cooper; summer sgash (pepper), Glen Nott, Beverley Nott, Douglas Beale, Billie Mill - son, Suane Haugh; cucumber slic- ing (medium size), Lorna Din- woodie, Grace Handy, Joan Bach, Glen Nott, Dorothy Enzensberger; sweet corn, table variety, Mary Me- Intosh, Suane Haugh, Joan Bach, Mary Scott, John Scott; collection of vegetables, Dorothy Ross, Pen- ny James. Flowers -Pansies, Karen Butt, Number 405, Susan Enzens- .berger, Bobbie Mennell, Douglas Praiser; gladioli, Paul McMaster, Kenne',h McNairn, Mary Broad• foot;. D.thlias, Melva Boyce, Almr Fowler, Paul McMaster. Gerald Horner, Joan Bach; Cosmos, open, Suane Haugh, Lorna Dinwoodie, Beverley Nott, Doris King, Frani Ring; assorted variety, Melva Boyce, Peggy McLeod, Glen Nott, Lorna Dinwoodie, Suane Haugh; dining table centre, No. X-2, Penny James, Barbara Jones, Andrew Todd. Theresa Etue. Tea biscuits. Merle Cooper, Pearn McLean. 'Mary F)Catherine Nigh, :Marjorie Pethick, Lloyd Pethick; tarts (butter), No. 409, Merle Coop- er, Keith Pethick, Linda. Sims, Mary Catherine Nigh; chocola e layer cake. iced, Annette 'Towns- end, Pearn McLean, Mavis' Benne Weis, Mary Broadfoot, Betty Ross; drop cookies, Catherine Eck ert. Lloyd Pethick, Susan Enzens berger; white layer cake, iced, Nora Reynolds, Alma Fowler, Pen ny James. No. -109; candy, Maple Cream, Linda Sims, Jack Broad - foot, fenny James, No. 409, Laurel Dale; ap;ite pie, Theresa E'ue, Lorna Dinwoodie. Elizabeth Hab. kirk, Marjorie Pethick, Merle Coop er; candy chocolate fudge, Ruth Albrecht, Mary Broadfoot. Crafts and Hobbies -Model aero plane, ship. car, Kenneth McNairn. George Ross,. No. 111-22, Charlie Dungey. Keith Eaton; cardboard model, Eric Eaton. No. III -22; any piece of woodwork, Bobby Murray, Paul Murray, Eric McIntosh, Bob- by Murray, Paul Murray; an - garment of sewing, Ruth Sills, !Margo Etue. Jeannine Bedard;, Huron & Erie Debentures "A Time -Tested Trustee Investment" 1 and 2 Years 3 to 10 Years l 3zI • Interest payable half -yearly • $100 or more accepted Hu ron & E rte MORTGAGE CORPORATION LONDON, ONT. DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES: WATSON '& REID, Seaforth, Ont. F. ,,. BONTHRON, HensalI, Ont. quilt block, Peggy McLeod, Ther- esa Etue, Mavis BenneWels, Mary Broadfoot; pair of oven mitts, Lorna Dinwoodie; knitted or crocheted article, Mavis Benne- weis, Marlene Scherbarth, Sally Nott, Laurel Dale, Connie Treffers; any, woven article, Mary Broad - foot, Betty Ross, Dorothy Enzens- berger; best comic photograph, Dorothy Enzensberger, Susan En- zensberger' collection of leaves, Marlene Scherbarth, Bonnie Mc. Leod, Buhl) Sills, Raymond Horan. Writing -Grade 1, print with pencil, Louis Devereaux, Tommy Dick, Gerald Horner, Mary Eakt- man, Bobby Muegge; Grade ' 2, print with pencil, Janet Rowcliffe, Pearn McLean, Victor Forler, Car- ol Ann Flannery, Dorothy Rosa; Grade 4, write with pencil, Marie Rowland, Wilhelmus' De Jong, Vir- ginia Gardner, Joan Boyce, Made - Ion Townsend; Grade 5, write with pen, Mary Kehn, No. 1117, Joan Charters, Georgene McCartney, Jean McLaughlin; Grade 6, write with pen, Beatrice Siemon, Lorna Dinwoodie, Theresa Etue, Mary Ann Reynolds, Kenneth Dupee; Grade 7, write with pen, Marlene Scherbarth, No. 11-1, No. 11-18, Ruth Sills, No. 11-25; Grade 8, write with pen, No, 1-4, Joseph Williams, Rose Siemon, Joanne Beu'erman, Sheila McFadden. Art -Grades 4, 5, 6, subject mat- ter atter as decided by hhe child, Betty Jean Andrews, Madelon Townsend, Kathryn Boshart, John Scott, Gene Nixon; Grades 7 and 8, painting or other flat composition, Neil Broad - Decorating • Wallpaper and • Painting ROBERT FINLAY PHONE 92-J - SEAFORTH ANDY CALDER Sole Agent for TONE CLEANERS AND DYERS • Laundry Service • Hat Blocking • Rug Shampooing Modern Cold Fur Storage WILL PICK UP EVERY DAY Thursday pick-ups Delivered Monday Monday pick-ups Delivered ,Thursday PHONE 230 8EPTE'MBER :22$,,.1951 foot, .Larry Eaton, No. 139; Mar -1 James, Ruth Sills, Dougins alley, I Xutos1, Leonard' ,,.ildpier; lene Scherbarth, Dorothy Enzens- Pahl Stapleton, r' in Public and WA. Ste Berger; printing of "Children's Ex Ii'q)liltfiy :y rred P1 x quth :hook Dogs, ppli pt, gnblie. SRboo ibibit", Luke Sutherland, Penny (cr), Leonard :Miller, (p) ;Mary Mc-' (Conga led en Pape F Driving is a privilege, not a right. Last year 16,000 drivers lost this prililege because they violated lazes designed for the protection of all citizens. II/ Violating traffic laws - taking ), chances - may mean the loss of your license or your life! r Drive carefully. Obey trczf is laws. Don't risk losing your license! ORD //NT/L YOU mate oNF FARM BUILDINGS • .. NEED MORE PROTECTION Good farm buildings need attention. Buildings in good repair improve herd health, help increase production, save time and labour. A FARM IMPROVEMENT LOAN may be obtained for repairs and alterations -and for many other purposes. You do not need to be a regular customer in order to secure a loan. • Call in and see our manager. ;,. .,; „ ,.,:"s:•i5: r• ri , ;` ..cit,': f 2'it 1 THE DOMINION BANK Established 1871 SEAFORTH BRANCH -J. R. M. SPITTAL, MGR. GORRIE BRANCH -C. D. WALMSLEV, MGR. WINGHAM BRANCH -G. C. GAMMAGE, MGR. Uhc cam raG' Ro2 R©2r@@61 By Roe Farms Service D r r 1' IF YOU WANT YOUR H065 TO GROW AND GROW -AND GROW-ANDI IF YOU WANT YOUR MILK PRODUCERS TO YOU CAN'T 6ET EGGS UNLESS YOU BUILD THEM �!yCG-2f LOOK TO ROE POULTRY, HO6S AND DAIRY CATTLE ALL WILL THRIVE ON ROE; WITH THIS WHOLESOME FEED (FARM -PROVEN) WATCH YOUR PROFITS GROW ! GROW FEED THEM WITH Ay PROVEN FEED --GIVE MAINTAIN A' STEADY FLOW THEM WHAT ALL CATTLE THRIVE ON IN THE BIRDS MOST FIT TO LAY ROE WILL KEEP YOUR BIRDS PRODUC I,N6 T \� ;- ; THE FEED THAT'S KNOWN AS ROE THAT'S THE FEED YOU -KNOW AS ROE IN A MONEY -MAKING WAY.I /�/ '' I[(!// , �O'ery ,4 lam" w, �'�y I �a % - ROI..�.+,1 - -. ,r it % 1 D ;, J '►�� y: 111111 ti ��, �,,ir �, x w.� eh VA •, or • Ai _ ... .. //%7- `.�' ROE YOUR / t!,ro a .i / � c Cs 7 ' . � _ J) �a t �ti IA�'•.. _-y alggi POU RYFEEDS RA NOG FEEDS ®Q/� / rt I `S, lawn, �lG�'� .:._..,- ....w.�! .= .�..-� - �-' 'tik.,:.4--; j / `��� d . - , ,.cv ` i, i � ,,.� r 1 ,18 \ 111 w ! / _ ROE COW FEEDS MINERALS ( GDW f f ads re tr w ■ a n ___.-'-- f - �% /� y '� 4r \ :1:g �,i, //� / 'I ,�� � y �. /� ��\ rill I f�.1� sus $�'\ Il 4 t -- 1 ---_._ W. R. Keeslake, Seaforth Hay, Heasall A. J Mustard, rucefleta J. A. Sadler, Staila R, 5hou ' y ldBrodhead' �' ; '